This README file was created by [Full name of the README file creator] on [YYYY-MM-DD] # GENERAL INFORMATION ## Title: [The title of the dataset, as listed in the repository.] ## Author(s): [First name 1,][Last name 1] [Affiliation 1] [Email address 1] [Correspondence address 1] [ORCID1] [First name 2,][Last name 2] [Affiliation 2] [Email address 2] [Correspondence address 2] [ORCID2] [...] ## Dataset Contact: [First name,][Last name] [Affiliation] [Email address] [Correspondence address] [ORCID] ## Description: [A summary describing the purpose, nature, and scope of the dataset.] ## Datasets cited: [Full citation 1] [Full citation 2] [...] ## Data collection [date/range]: [YYYY-MM-DD][-][YYYY-MM-DD] ## Data collection geographic location: [The latitude and longitude, or city/region, province/state, and country where the data was collected.] ## Language: [Language 1];[Language 2][...] ## Dataset contributors: [First name 1,][Last name 1];[First name 2,][Last name 2][...] ## Funding: [Information about the funding sources supporting the creation of this dataset.] ## Keyword(s): [Keyword 1],[Keyword 2][...] # SHARING AND ACCESS INFORMATION ## Licenses: [The license applied to this dataset.] ## Suggested dataset citation: [The preferred citation that others should use when citing the dataset.] ## Terms of access: [Any information about the access conditions associated with the dataset.] # FILE INFORMATION ## File name(s) and extension(s): [Parent Folder/][File name1.extension:][Description] [File name2.extension:][Description][...] ## File naming conventions: [The file naming conventions used to name your files.] # METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ## Methods used to collect or generate data: [A brief description of methods used for collecting or generating data. Include links to relevant publications or documentation with experimental design or protocols used in data collection.] ## Methods used for data processing: [Information about any software or instruments used to process the data. This may include the software name, version, system requirements and developer.] ## Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: [Description of any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data. ] # VERSIONING ## Version number: [The version number of the dataset.] ## Version updates: 1. [V2.0: Indication of changes/updates] 2. [V1.1: Indication of changes/updates] 3. [V1.0: Description of original version] # ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ## Data documentation: [Any additional information required to understand, interpret, and reuse your data.] ## Related publications: [Full citation 1] [Full citation 2] [...] ## Related datasets: [Full citation 1] [Full citation 2] [...] ## Notes: 1. [Notes1] 2. [Notes2] [...]