Editions 2.1

The English School-maister

by Edmund Coote (1596)

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Electronic transcription © Ian Lancashire 1997.

[IMAGE of A1r]

[1.1]   THE
[1.3]   MAISTER,
[1.4]   Teaching all his Scholers, of what age
[1.5]   |soeuer,the mo{st} ea{|si}e, {|sh}ort, and perfe{ct} order of
[1.6]   di{st}in{ct} reading,and true writing our Engli{|sh} tongue
[1.7]   that hath euer yet been knowne and
[1.8]   publi{|sh}ed by any.
[1.9]   And further al|so teacheth a dire{ct} cour|se,how any vnskilfull
[1.10]   per|son may ea{|si}ly both vnder{|st}and any hard engli{|sh} words, which they
[1.11]   {|sh}all in the Scriptures , Sermons, or el|sewhere heare or reade : and al|so bee
[1.12]   made able to v|se the |same aptly them|selues. And generally what|soeuer is nece|s­
[1.13]   |sary to be knowne for Engli{|sh} |speech: |so that he which hath this booke on­
[1.14]   ly,needeth buy no other to make him {fi}t, from his letters, vnto the
[1.15]   Grammar |schoole, for an apprenti|se, or any other his owne pri­
[1.16]   uate v|se, |so farre as concerneth Engli{|sh}. And therefore
[1.17]   is made not onely for children, (though the {fi}r{|st}
[1.18]   booke be meere childi{|sh} for them)but
[1.19]   al|so for all other e|specially that
[1.20]   are ignorant in the La­
[1.21]   tine tongue.

[1.22]   In the next page the Schoole-mai{|st}er hangeth forth his table, to the
[1.23]   view of all beholders, |setting forth |some of the chiefe
[1.24]   commodities of his profe{|ss}ion.

[1.25]   Deui|sed for thy |sake that wante{|st} any part of this skill,by Edmond Coote
[1.26]   Mai{|st}er of the Free-|schoole in Bury S.Edmond.

[1.27]   Peru|sed and approued by publike authoritie.

[1.28]   AT LONDON
[1.29]   Printed by the Widow Orwin, for Ralph Iack|son and
[1.30]   Robert Dexter. 1596.

[A1v; page 2]

[IMAGE of A2r]

The Schoole-mai{st}er his


[2.1]     I Profe{|s|s}e to teach thee, that art vtterly
[2.2]     ignorant, to reade perfe{ct}ly, to write
[2.3]     truly, and with iudgement to vnder­
[2.4]     {|st}and the rea|son of our Engli{|sh} tongue
[2.5]     with great expedition, ea|se , and plea­
[2.6]     |sure.


[2.7]     I will teach thee that art vnperfe{ct}
[2.8]     in either of them, to perfe{ct} thy skill in
[2.9]     few dayes with great ea|se.


[2.10]   I vndertake to teach all my |scholers, that |shall be trayned vp for
[2.11]   any grammar |schoole,that they {|sh}all neuer erre in writing the true
[2.12]   orthography of any word truly pronounced: which what ea|se and
[2.13]   bene{fi}te it will bring vnto Scholemai{|st}ers, they be{|st} know : and the
[2.14]   |same pro{fi}t doe I o{ff}er vnto all other both men & women, that now
[2.15]   for want hereof are a{|sh}amed to write vnto their be{|st} friends : for
[2.16]   which I haue heard many gentlewomen o{ff}er much.

The preface
will {|sh}ew you
how this may
certainely and
ea|sely be done.

[2.17]   I a{|s|s}ure all Schoolemai{st}ers of the Engli{|sh} tongue,that they {|sh}all
[2.18]   not onely teach their |scholers with greater perfe{ct}ion : but al|so they
[2.19]   {|sh}al with more ea|se and pro{fi}t,and in {|sh}orter time teach a hundreth
[2.20]   |scholers,then before they could teach forty.


[2.21]   I hope by this plaine and {|sh}ort kinde of teaching to encourage
[2.22]   many to read,that neuer otherwi|se would haue learned. And |so
[2.23]   more knowledge will be brought into this Land, and moe bookes
[2.24]   bought, then otherwi|se would haue been.


[2.25]   I |shall ea|se the poorer |sort,of much charge that they haue been at
[2.26]   in maintayning their children long at Schoole and in buying many
[2.27]   Bookes.


[2.28]   Strangers that now blame our tongue of di{ff}icultie and vncer­
[2.29]   taintie, {|sh}all by me plainly |see and vnder{|st}and tho|se thinges which
[2.30]   they haue thought hard.

[IMAGE of A2v]


[2.31]   I doe teach thee,the {fi}r{|st} part of Arithmeticke,to know or write
[2.32]   any nomber.


[2.33]   By the pra{ct}i|se thereunto adioyned all learners {|sh}all |so frame &
[2.34]   tune their voyce, as that they {|sh}all truely and naturally pronounce
[2.35]   any kind of {st}ile eyther in pro|se or ver|se.


[2.36]   By the |same pra{ct}i|se Children {|sh}all learne in a Catechi|sme the
[2.37]   knowledge of the principles of true Religion, with precepts of ver­
[2.38]   tue and ciuill behauiour.


[2.39]   I haue made a part of a briefe Chronologie for pra{ct}i|se of rea­
[2.40]   ding hard words,wherein al|so thou {|sh}alt be much helped for the un­
[2.41]   der{|st}anding of the Bible, and other hi{|st}ories : and a grammar
[2.42]   Scholer learne to knowe when his authors both Greeke and Latine
[2.43]   liued, and when the principall Hi{|st}ories in them were done.


[2.44]   I haue |set downe a Table conteining and teaching the true wri­
[2.45]   ting and vnder{|st}anding of any hard engli{|sh} word, borrowed from
[2.46]   the Greeke, Latine, or French, and how to know the one from the
[2.47]   other, with the interpretation thereof by a plaine Engli{|sh} word:
[2.48]   whereby Children {|sh}all be prepared for the vnder{|st}anding of thou­
[2.49]   |sands of Latine words before they enter the grammar Schole, which
[2.50]   al|so will bring much delight and iudgement to others. Therefore
[2.51]   if thou vnder{|st}ande{|st} not any word in this Booke, not before ex­
[2.52]   pounded, |seeke the Table.


[2.53]   If I may be generally receyued, I {|sh}all cau|se one vniforme maner
[2.54]   of teaching: a thing which as it hath brought much pro{fi}te vnto
[2.55]   the Latine Tongue,|so would it doe to all other languages,if the like
[2.56]   were pra{ct}i|sed.


[2.57]   Finally,I haue giuen thee |such examples for fayre writing,wher­
[2.58]   by in euery |schoole all bad hands may bee abandoned, that if thou
[2.59]   {|sh}oulde{|st} buy the like of any other (which thou {|sh}all |seldome {fi}nd in
[2.60]   England) they alone would co{st} thee much more money then I aske
[2.61]   thee for my whole profe{|s|s}ion.

[2.62]   If thou de|sire{|st} to bee further |satis{fi}ed, for the performance of
[2.63]      the|se things; reade the preface where thou {|sh}alt al|so |see the
[2.64]      rea|son of |some things in the {fi}r{|st} booke; which thou mighte{|st}
[2.65]      otherwi|se di|slike.

[IMAGE of A3r]

The Preface for dire{ct}ion to
the Reader.

[3.1]     OTher men in their writings (gentle Reader) may
[3.2]     iu{|st}ly v|se |such {|st}ile,as may declare learning or elo­
[3.3]     quence {fi}t for a |scholer : but I am enforced of ne­
[3.4]     ce|ssitie to a{ff}e{ct} that plaine rudenes, which may
[3.5]     be{|st} {fi}t the capacitie of tho|se per|sons, with whom I
[3.6]     haue to deale. The learneder |sort are able to vn­
[3.7]     der{|st}and my purpo|se , and to teach this treati|se
[3.8]     without further dire{ct}ion , I am now therefore to
[3.9]     dire{ct} my |speech vnto the vnskilfull, which de{|si}re
[3.10]   to make v|se of it for their owne priuate bene{fi}t : And vnto |such men and
[3.11]   women of trades (as Taylors, Weauers, Shop-keepers, Seam{|st}ers,and |such
[3.12]   other) as haue vndertaken the charge of teaching others. Giue me leaue
[3.13]   therefore (I be|seech thee) to |speake plainly and familiarly vnto thee, yea
[3.14]   let me intreate thee to giue diligent regard to tho|se things which I {|sh}all de­
[3.15]   liuer vnto thee, I |seeke nothing by thee,but thine owne plea|sure, ea|se and
[3.16]   pro{fi}t,and the good of thy |scholers. If peraduenture for two or three dayes
[3.17]   at the {fi}r{|st},it may |seeme |somewhat hard or {|st}range vnto thee, yet be not di|s­
[3.18]   couraged,neither ca{|st} it from thee :for if thou take diligent paines in it but
[3.19]   foure dayes,thou {|sh}alt learne many very pro{fi}table things that thou neuer
[3.20]   knewe{|st},yea thou {|sh}alt know more for the Engli{|sh} tongue, then any man of
[3.21]   thy calling(not being a Grammarian)in England knoweth:thou {|sh}alt teach
[3.22]   thy |scholers with better commendation and pro{fi}t then any other,not fol­
[3.23]   lowing this order,teacheth : And thou maie{|st} {|si}t on thy {|sh}op-bord,at thy
[3.24]   loomes,or at thy needle,and neuer hinder thy worke,to heare thy |scholers,
[3.25]   after thou ha{|st} once made this little booke familiar vnto thee. The pra{ct}i|se
[3.26]   and order of {|st}udie I know is a {|st}ranger vnto thee : yet mu{|st} thou now bee
[3.27]   |sure that thou pa{|s|s}e not ouer any one word, before thou well vnder{|st}ande{|st}
[3.28]   it.If thou can{|st} not {fi}nde out the meaning and true v|se of any rule or word,
[3.29]   and hauing none pre|sent to helpe thee,
make a marke thereat with a pen or
[3.30]   pin,vntill thou meete{|st} with your Mini{|st}er, or other learned |scholer of whom
[3.31]   thou mai{|st} enquire: and do not think it any di|scredite to declare thy want,
[3.32]   being in a matter pertayning to Grammar,or other |such things,as tho|se of
[3.33]   thy condition,are v|sually vnacquainted with : rather a{|s|s}ure thy |selfe,that al
[3.34]   wi|se men will commend thee, that de{|si}re{|st} knowledge, which may reie{ct}:

Thus mu{|st} I
li|spe, and poynt
with the {fi}nger,
or not to be vn­

[IMAGE of A3v]

[3.35]   and they which refu|se to be dire{ct}ed,I know are |such as delight in their |sot­
[3.36]   ti{|sh} ignorance,like Scoggens prie{|st}, who becau|se he had v|sed his old annuni­
[3.37]   |simus for the|se dozen yeres,would not for|sake it,for the others new a{|s|s}ump­
[3.38]   |simus, though it were neuer |so good. Two things generally you mu|st marke
[3.39]   for the v|se of this booke : {fi}r{|st},the true vnder{|st}anding of it for the matter:
[3.40]   |secondly,the manner of learning it,if thou be onely a |scholer,then the or­
[3.41]   der of teaching it,if thou bee al|so a teacher. And for the {fi}r{|st},where I pro­
[3.42]   fe{|s|s}e to teach with farre more ea|se and plea|sure to the learner,and therfore
[3.43]   with greater |speede then other : vnder{|st}and the rea|son. Thou ha{|st} but two
[3.44]   principall things to learne,to |spell truly any word of one |syllable,and to di­
[3.45]   uide truly any word of many. For the {fi}r{|st} I haue di|spo|sed |syllables |so in the
[3.46]   {fi}r{|st} booke (how|soeuer at the {fi}r{|st} {|si}ght they may |seeme common) as that
[3.47]   thou can{|st} meete none but either thou ha{|st} it there |set downe,or at lea{|st} |so
[3.48]   many like both for beginning or end,as that none can be propounded vnto
[3.49]   thee,which thou {|sh}alt not be skilful in. And I haue |so begun with the ea{|si}e{|st},
[3.50]   proceeding by degrees vnto harder, that the {fi}r{|st} learned,all the other will
[3.51]   follow with very little labour. The|se |syllables knowne,becau|se al words be
[3.52]   they neuer |so long or hard be made of them, thou ha{|st} nothing to learne
[3.53]   but to diuide them : for which I haue layd downe |so ea|sie & certaine rules,
[3.54]   (beleeue me that haue tried)as that thou {|sh}alt neuer erre in any hard word:
[3.55]   I doubt not, but thine owne experience {|sh}al {fi}nde this true, and |so my pro­
[3.56]   mi|se in that point performed to the full. Maruaile not why in this {fi}r{|st} book
[3.57]   I haue di{ff}ered in writing many |syllables from the v|suall manner, yea from
[3.58]   my |selfe in the re{|st} of the worke: as templ without (e),tun with one (n) and
[3.59]   plums,not plummes,&c. my rea|son is, I haue there put no moe letters then
[3.60]   are ab|solute nece|ssitie, when in the re{|st} I haue followed cu{|st}ome : yea,
[3.61]   often I write the |same word diuer{|sl}y (if it be vsed indi{ff}erently) the better
[3.62]   to acquaint thee with any kinde of writing. Touching the |speeches at the
[3.63]   end of the 1. 2. 4. 7. and 8. chapters,regard not the matter (being vaine)but
[3.64]   my purpo|se, which is to bring thee to pre|sent v|se of reading words of one
[3.65]   |syllable, which thou ha{|st} learned to |spell, and |so thou maie{|st} haue nothing
[3.66]   in the |second booke to learne,but only diui{|si}on of words, and other harder
[3.67]   ob|seruations. The titles of the chapters and notes in the margent (which I
[3.68]   would alwayes haue thee diligently read and marke)will make the|se things
[3.69]   more plaine vnto thee.

[3.70]   Al|so, where I vndertake to make thee to write the true Orthographie of
[3.71]   any word truly pronounced, I mu{|st} meane it of tho|se words, who|se writing
[3.72]   is determined : for there are many wherein the be{|st} Engli{|sh} men in this
[3.73]   land are not agreed.As |some write malicious, deriuing it from malice.Other
[3.74]   write malitious, as from the Latine malitio|sus. So |some write German from
[3.75]   the Latine,|some Germain from the French. Neither do I deale with proper
[3.76]   names,{|st}range words of arte in |seuerall |sciences,nor the vnknowne termes
[3.77]   of peculiar countries, (if they di{ff}er from ordinary rules) vnles |sometime
[3.78]   vpon |some |speciall occa{|si}on. I know ere this , thou thir{|st}e{|st} that art a tea­
[3.79]   cher,to heare how thou maie{|st} with more ea|se and pro{fi}t teach a hundreth
[3.80]   |scholers then before fortie : follow mine adui|se, and I warrant the |succe{|s|s}e.

[IMAGE of A4r]

[3.81]   Let euery one of thy |scholers (for the be{|st} thou ha{|st} {|sh}all learne that here
[3.82]   which he neuer knew, neither needeth he any other for Engli{|sh}) prouide
[3.83]   and v|se this booke : then diuide thy |scholers into 2. 3. or 4 |sorts,as thy num­
[3.84]   ber is (for moe thou neede{|st} not, although thou ha{|st} a hundreth |scholers)
[3.85]   and place |so many of them as are neere{|st} of like forwardnes,in one le{|s|s}on
[3.86]   or forme, as in Grammar |schooles, and |so go through thy whole number,
[3.87]   not making aboue foure companies at the mo{|st} : |so that thou {|sh}alt haue but
[3.88]   foure le{ct}ures to heare,though thou ha{|st} an hundreth |scholers,whereas be­
[3.89]   fore thou hadde{|st} fortie le{ct}ures, though but fortie |scholers. Then when
[3.90]   thou woulde{|st} heare any forme,call them forth all,bee they ten,twentie, or
[3.91]   moe together : heare two or three that thou mo{|st} |su|spe{ct}e{|st} to be mo{|st} neg­
[3.92]   ligent,or of dulle{|st} conceit,and let all the other attend : or let one read one
[3.93]   line,|sentence or part,another the next,and |so through : |so that all do |some­
[3.94]   what,and none know,when or what {|sh}all be required of him,encourage the
[3.95]   mo{|st} diligent and tendere{|st} natures. And thus doubt not but thou {|sh}alt doe
[3.96]   more good vnto twentie in one houre, then before vnto foure in |seuerall
[3.97]   le{|s|s}ons : for the appo|sing each other, as I haue dire{ct}ed in the end of the |se­
[3.98]   cond booke, emulation, and feare of di|scredite, will make them enuie who
[3.99]   {|sh}all excell. By this meanes al|so euery one in a higher forme |shall be well
[3.100]   able to helpe tho|se vnder him, and that without lo{|s|s}e of time, |seeing there­
[3.101]   by he repeateth that which he lately learned. Now touching the framing
[3.102]   and |sweete tuning of thy voyce, I haue giuen thee this helpe, I haue added
[3.103]   for pro|se al |sorts of {|st}ile both dialogue and other:and for ver|se, P|salmes and
[3.104]   other ver|ses of all the |seuerall |sorts v|suall,which being well taught,wil frame
[3.105]   thee to the naturall reading of any Engli{|sh}. But here I mu{|st} make earne{|st}
[3.106]   reque{|st} vnto all carefull Mini{|st}ers, that as they tender the good education
[3.107]   of the youth in their pari{|sh}es , they would |sometimes repayre vnto the
[3.108]   |schooles of |such teachers as are not Grammarians, to heare their children
[3.109]   pronounce , and to helpe |such with their dire{ct}ion, that de{|si}re to v|se this
[3.110]   booke in their |schooles: for it is lamentable to |see into what ignorant hand­
[3.111]   ling {|si}llie little children chaunce, which {|sh}ould at the {fi}r{|st} bee mo{|st} skilfully
[3.112]   grounded,which is the only cau|se of |such wofull ignorance in |so many men
[3.113]   and women, that cannot write without great error one |sentence of true
[3.114]   Engli{|sh} : therefore let parents now bee wi|se vnto whom they commit their
[3.115]   children.

[3.116]   But to returne vnto my teaching trades-man, if thou de{|si}re{|st} to be enfor­
[3.117]   med how to teach this treati|se, marke diligently the dire{ct}ions giuen in all
[3.118]   places of the booke : and as thy |scholer is in |saying his le{|s|s}on,marke what
[3.119]   words he mi{|s|s}eth,and them note with a penne or pinne,and let him repeate
[3.120]   them at the next le{ct}ure, and |so vntill he bee perfe{ct},not regarding tho|se
[3.121]   where he is skilfull.And let his fellowes al|so remember them to appo|se him
[3.122]   in them in their appo{|si}tions. But me thought I heard thee |say that my
[3.123]   rea|sons haue per|swaded thee to be willing to teach this : but thou can{|st} not
[3.124]   moue all their parents to bee willing to be{|st}ow |so much money on a booke
[3.125]   at the {fi}r{|st}: Tell them from me that they need buy no moe, and then they
[3.126]   {|sh}all |saue much by the bargaine. But they will reply, that his little yong

[IMAGE of A4v]

[3.127]   child will haue torne it before it be halfe learned. Then an|swer him, that a
[3.128]   remedie is prouided for that al|so, which is this : {fi}r{|st}, the Printer vpon the
[3.129]   {|si}ght hereof, hath framed his horne bookes, according to the order of
[3.130]   this booke, making the mo{|st} part of my |second page the matter thereof:
[3.131]   which in mine opinion he did with good rea|son: for a child may by this trea­
[3.132]   ti|se almo{|st} learne to |spell perfe{ct}ly in as little time, as learne well the other
[3.133]   horne-booke. But this latter being {fi}r{|st} learned, being the ground-worke of
[3.134]   |spelling,all the re{|st} of this worke will be gotten with |small labour.Secondly,
[3.135]   I haue |so di|spo|sed the placing of my {fi}r{|st} booke,that if the child {|sh}ould teare
[3.136]   out euery leafe as fa{|st} as he learneth it, yet it {|sh}all not bee greatly hurtfull,
[3.137]   for euery new following chapter repeateth and teacheth againe all that
[3.138]   went before. I hope if he bee a rea|sonable man that this an|swer will |su{ffi}ce.
[3.139]   Touching my Chronologie and table,I haue before the entrance into them
[3.140]   pre{fi}xed the manner how to vnder{|st}and the v|se of them, whereunto I re­
[3.141]   ferre thee,hauing been alreadie ouer tedious. For the particular ordinary
[3.142]   |sounding of the letters, I wholly omit, leauing it to the ordering of the tea­
[3.143]   cher, e|specially it being before |su{ffi}ciently and learnedly handled by ano­
[3.144]   ther. Thus haue I |so plainly pratled and li|sped vnto thee, as that I hope
[3.145]   thou vnder{|st}ande{|st} my purpo|se, and {|si}ngle heart for thy good: which if I
[3.146]   {fi}nde thou accepte{|st}, I may peraduenture hereafter proceede in my cour|se
[3.147]       for the ea{|si}e and |speedie attayning the learned languages, an argu­
[3.148]           ment which as it is more pertinent to my profe|ssion, |so might it
[3.149]               rather be expe{ct}ed from me then this poore pamphlet.
[3.150]                   But in the meane time, if in this thou {fi}nde my
[3.151]                       words true, accept my good will, and
[3.152]                           giue glorie to God.

[IMAGE of B1r; quarto page 1]

[4.1]   A. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. {r}.|s.
[4.2]     s. t. v. u. w. x. y. z. &.

[4.3]   A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M. N. O.
[4.4]     P. Q. R. S. T. V. W. X. Y. Z.

[4.5]   A.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.|s.s.t.u.w.
[4.6]     x.y.z.&.

[4.7]   A. B. C. D.E.F.G.H.I.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.
[4.8]     S.T.V.W.X.Y.Z.

[4.9]   A.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r.|s.s.t.v.u.w.
[4.10]   x.y.z.&.

[4.11] A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.K.L.M.N.O.P.Q.R.S.
[4.12]   T.V.VV.X.Y.Z.

[4.13]         {ff}. {fl}.{ffl}.{|sh}.{|sl}.{|st}.{|s|s}.{ct}.

The {fi}r{|st} Booke of the Engli{|sh}


[]   TEaching all |syllables of two letters,beginning with the ea­
[]   {|si}e{st},and ioyning them together that are of like |sound, as
[]   you may perceiue by placing(c)betwixt (k and s)& coupling
[]   them as you |see : and then teaching to read words of two let­
[]   ters.

  The titles of the
Chapters mu{|st} not be
taught the |scholers:but
onely dire{ct} the tea­


[]  a  e  i  o  u.
[] Ba be bi bo bu.
[] Da de di do du.
[] Fa fe {fi} fo fu.
[] Ga ge gi go gu.
[] Ha he hi ho hu.
[] La le li lo lu.
[] Ma me mi mo mu.
[] Na ne ni no nu.
[] Pa pe pi po pu.
[] Ra re ri ro ru.
[] Ta te ti to tu.
[] { Ka* ke ki { ko { ku.
[] { Ca { ce { ci { co { cu.
[] Sa { |se { {|si} |so |su.
[] Za ze zi zo zu.
[] Ia ie ii io iu.
[] Ya ye ** yo **.
[] Va ve vi vo vu.
[] Wa we wi wo **.
[] Qua que qui quo **.

[]   a  e  i  o  u
[] Ab eb ib ob ub.
[] Ad ed id od ud.
[] Af ef if of uf.
[] Ag eg ig og ug.
[] Ah eh ** oh **.
[] Al el il ol ul.
[] Am em im om um
[] An en in on un.
[] Ap ep ip op up.
[] Ar er ir or ur.
[] At et it ot ut.
[] { Ak { ek { ik { ok { uk.
[] { Ac { ec { ic { oc { uc.
[] As es is os us.
[] Az ez iz oz uz.
[] { Ai { ei ** { oi **.
[] { Ay { ey ** { oy **.
[] { Au { eu ** { ou **.
[] { Aw { ew ** { ow **.
[] Ax ex ix ox ux.


  When your Scholer
hath perfe{ct}ly learned
his letters, teach him
to knowe his vowels :
And after two or three
daies, when he is skil­
full in them, teach him
to call al the other let­
ters,con|sonants:and |so
proceede with the o­
ther wordes of art, as
they {|st}and in the mar­
gent, neuer troubling
his memory with a new
word,before he be per­
fe{ct} in the old.
  *c.Before a.o.u. like
(k) but before e. or i.
like |s. if no other letter
come betweene.
  Now you may teach
your Scholer, that he
can |spell nothing with­
out a vowell.


[] If we do ill : fy on vs all:
[] Ah is it |so: is he my fo?
[] Wo be to me,if I do |so.

[] Vp go on : lo I |see a py,
[] So it is,if I do ly
[] Wo is me,oh I dy
[] Ye |see in me,no ly to be.

  Teach him that (y)
is put for (i) the vowel,
and make him reade
the|se lines di{|st}in{ct}ly.

CHAP. 2.

[]   TEacheth to ioyne the two former |sorts of |syllables together,I
[]   meane (ba : and ab :) and |so the re{|st} : with pra{ct}i|se of rea­
[]   ding the |same |sortes of words of three letters : And heere you
[]   |see that this,and euery new Chapter, doth |so repeate all that
[]   went before,that your |scholer can forget nothing.

[]   Ba bab ba bad ba bag bar ba bat bay.
[]   Be bed be beg be bet.
[]   Bi bid bi big bill bi bit.
[]   Bo bob bo bon bos bo box boy.
[] Bu bud buf bug bu bul bur bu but buz.
[] Da dad dag da dam daw day.
[] De den det de dew.
[] Di did dig di dim din dip.
[] Do dog dol do dop dor dot dow.
[] Du dug dul du dun.
[] Fa fal fan far fa fat.
[] Fe fed fel fe fen few.
[] Fi {fi}l {fi} {fi}r {fi}t.
[] Fo fog fop for fo fox. Fu full fur.
[] Ga gag gad ga gap gad gay. Ge ges get.
[] Gi gib gig gil. Go gob god got.
[] Gu gub gug gul gu gum gun gup gut.
[] Ha had hag hap ha hat haw hay.
[] He hed hel hem hen hew.
[] Hi hid hil him hi hip his hit.
[] Ho hog hod ho hom hot hop.
[] Hu huf hug hul hu hum hur.
[] La lad lag lap la las law lay.
[] Le led leg le les let.
[] Li lib lig lim li lip.
[] Lo lob log lo lol lop los lot low.
[] Lu lug lu lul.
[] Ma mad mam man ma map mas mat maw may

  Here you may teach
your Scholer , to call
the|se wordes |syllabls,
and that |so many let­
ters, as we |spell toge­
ther, we call a |syllable.
And you may repeate
the {fi}r{|st} two letters,as
o{ft}en as the capaci­
tie of the child {|sh}all re­
quire it : And for the
more plea|sure of the
child, I haue v|sed |such
|syllabls as are v|sed for
Engli{|sh} words.


  If now your Scholer
be ready in the former
termes of a vowell, con­
|sonant, and a |syllable,
you may now teach
him what a diphthong
is, e|specially tho|se in
the former Chapter :
ai. ei. oi.au. eu. ou.


[] Me meg men mes. Mi mil mis.
[] Mo mop mos mow. Mu mul mum mur.
[] Na nag nam nan nay. Ne nel net ne new.
[] Ni nib nil ni nip nit. No nod nor not now.
[] Nu num nun nu nut.
[] Pa pan pas pa pat paw pax pay.
[] Pe ped peg pen. Pi pig pil pir.
[] Po pod pot. Pu pul pur pus put.
[] Ra rag ram ran ra rap rat raw ray.
[] Re red rew. Ri rib rig rim rip.
[] Ro rob rod ros rot. Ru rub ruf rug run.
[] Ta tap tar tax. Te teg tel ten tew.
[] Ti tib til tin tip tit. To tog tom top tos tow toy.
[] Tu tub tug tun tut.
[] *Ca cal cam can ca cap cat.
[] Ke ket key. Ki kid kis kit.
[] Co cob cod cog co com cow coy.
[] Cu cud cuf cul cu cup cur cut.
[] Sa |sad |sag |sam |sa |saw. Se |sel |set.
[] Si |sip |sir |sit. So |sob |som |sop |sot |sow.
[] Su |sum |su |sup.
[] Ia iag iar iaw. Ie iet iew. Io iob. Iu iud.
[] Ye yel yes yet.
[] Va van vat. Ve vex.
[] Wa wag wan wat was wax way.
[] We web wel wet.
[] Wi wig wil win. Wo wol wot.
[] Qua quaf quat. Qui quil quip quit.

  *In the|se kinde of
wordes of one |syllable,
we v|se only(e)before (a.
o. u.) and (k) before (e)
and (i) and not other­
wi|se, except in feyned
words,as Cis for Cicely:
Kate for Katherine,or in
|some proper names, as
Cis the Father of Saule.
But we v|se |s. before any
vowels, therefore haue
I placed them as you |see.

[]   *Boy,go thy way vp to the top of the hill, and get me home
[] the bay nag, {fi}ll him well,and |see he be fat, and I will rid me of
[] him;for he will be but dull,as his dam,yet if a man bid well for
[] him,I wil tel him of it : if not I do but rob him : And |so God
[] will vex me,and may let me go to hel, if I get but a iaw-bone
[] of him ill:

  *This |speech is made
onely of the wordes
taught before, where
you are not to regarde
the |sence, being friuo­
lous,but onely to teach
di{|st}in{ct} reading : And
this ob|serue in the
re{|st}, making your |scho­
ler to reade them per­
fe{ct}ly, but not the titles
of the Chapters,nor the
notes in the margent.

CHAP. 3.

[]   SEtting downe onely all tho|se |syllables, that are of three let­
[]   ters beginning with two con|sonants.

[]   Bla ble bli blo blu.
[]   Bra bre bri bro bru.
[]   Cha che chi cho chu.
[]   Cla cle cli clo clu.
[]   Cra cre cri cro cru.
[]   Dra dre dri dro dru.
[]   Dwa dwe dwi dwo *.
[] Fla {fl}e {fl}i {fl}o {fl}u.
[] Fra fre fri fro fru.
[] Gla gle gli glo glu.
[] Gna gne gni gno gnu.
[] Gra gre gri gro gru
[] Kna kne kni kno knu.
[] Pla ple pli plo plu.
[] Pra pre pri pro pru.

[]   { Sca { |sce { |sci { |sco { |scu.
[]   { Ska { |ske { |ski { |sko { |sku.
[]   Sha {|sh}e {|sh}i {|sh}o {|sh}u.
[]   Sla {|sl}e {|sl}i {|sl}o {|sl}u.
[]   Sma |sme |smi |smo |smu.
[]   Sna |sne |sni |sno |snu.
[]   Spa |spe |spi |spo |spu.
[] Sta {|st}e {|st}i {|st}o {|st}u.
[] Swa |swe |swi |swo *.
[] Tha the thi tho thu.
[] Tra tre tri tro tru.
[] Twa twe twi two *.
[] Wha whe whi who whu.
[] Wra wre wri wro wru.
[] Squa |sque |squi |squo |squu.

  Here examine your
Scholer , what con|so­
nants wil follow (b)and
let him an|swer (l. or r.)
and |so pra{ct}i|se him in al
the re{|st}. For the more
perfe{ct} he is in them,the
more ea|se and bene{fi}te
you {|sh}all {fi}nde , when
you come to the rules
of diui{|si}on , in the |se­
cond Booke.
  I call(h) a con|sonant
here, and els where for
examples |sake , which
properly is not |so, to a­
uoide multitude of


CHAP. 4.

[]   HEre are adioyned the {|si}llables of the former Chapter, with
[]   the |second |sort of tho|se in the {fi}r{|st} Chapter,beginning with
[]   (ab.) And then teach to read words made of tho|se {|si}llables.

  Although I haue |so
di|spo|sed the|se words,as
that the latter Chapters
are a repetition of the
former, yet wold I haue
Scholers in euery forme
|say ouer in part,|some of
that hee hath learned,
& appo|se one another
as I haue taught in the
la{|st} Chapter of the |se­
cond Booke.


[]   Bla blab. Ble bled bles blew.Bli blis.Blo blot.Blu blur
[]   Bra brag bran bra bras brat bray.
[]   Bre bred bret brew. Bri brim. Bro brow.
[]   Cha chas cham chap chat. Che chew.
[]   Chi chil chip. Cho chod chop. Chu chub.
[]   Cra crab crag cram. Cre crew.
[] Cri crib. Cro crop cros crow. Cru crum.
[] Dra drab draf drag dram draw dray.

[IMAGE of B3v; quarto page 6] -->

[] Dre dreg dri drip. Dro drop dru drum.
[] Dwe dwel.
[] Fla {fl}ag {fl}ap {fl}at {fl}a {fl}aw {fl}ax. Fle {fl}ed.
[] Fli {fl}it. Flo {fl}ot {fl}ow {fl}ox. Flu {fl}ux.
[] Fra fray. Fre fret fri frig. Fro frog from frow.
[] Gla glad glas. Gle glew. Gli glid.
[] Glo glos glow. Glu glum glut.
[] Gna gnat gnaw.
[] Gra graf gras gray. Gri grig grip. Gro gros.
[] Kna knap knaw. Kni knit.
[] Kno knop knot know. Knu knub knug.
[] Pla plat play. Plo plod plot plow. Plu plum.
[] Pra prat pray. Pre pres. Pri prig.
[] *Sca |scab |scan |scar.
[] Ske |skeg |skep |skew. Ski |skil |skin |skip.
[] Sco |scof |scot |scul |scum.
[] Sha {|sh}ed {|sh}ag {|sh}al. Shed {|sh}el {|sh}ew.
[] Shi {|sh}ip. Sho {|sh}od {|sh}op {|sh}ot. Shu {|sh}un {|sh}ut.
[] Sla {|sl}ab {|sl}ay {|sl}e {|sl}ew.
[] Sli {|sl}id {|sl}im {|sl}ip {|sl}it. Slo {|sl}op {|sl}ow. Slu {|sl}ut.
[] Sme mel.Smi |smit.Smo |smot. Smu |smut.
[] Sna |snag |snap |snat.Sni |snip. Sno |snow.Snu |snuf.
[] Spa |span |spar. Spe |sped |spel |spew.
[] Spi |spil |spin |spit. Spo |spot. Spu |spur.
[] Sta {|st}af {|st}ag {|st}ar {|st}ay. Ste {|st}em.
[] Sti {|st}if {|st}il {|st}ir. Sto {|st}od {|st}ow. Stu {|st}ub {|st}uf {|st}ur.
[] Swa |swad |swag |swan |swap |sway. Swe |swell.
[] Swi |swig |swil |swim.
[] Tha than that thaw. The them then they.
[] Thi thin this.Tho thou. Thu thus.
[] Tra trap tray. Tre trey. Tri trim trip.
[] Tro trot trow troy. Tru trub trus.
[] Twi twig.                                               (whom.
[] Wha what. Whe when whey. Whi whip. Who whol
[] Wra wrap. Wre wren. Wri wrig writ. Wro wrot.
[] Squa |squab |squad |squat. Squi |squib.

  *I haue placed(c. &
k.) all as in the |second
Chapter,although you
{|sh}all {fi}nde (k) written
before (a) and(u) as in
skarlet, skull, yet doe
the mo{|st} exa{ct} writers
|say |scarlet,|scull:but ka­


[IMAGE of B4r; quarto page 7] -->

[]     I met a man by the way this day, who when he |saw me, hit
[] me a blow,that it did |swell:for that I did not {|st}ir my cap when
[] I met him. But I {fl}ed from him, and ran my way : Then did he
[] fret and out-ran me,and drew out his {|st}af , that had a knot on
[] the end, and hit me a clap on the |scul, and a cro|s-blow on the
[] leg,|so that I did skip at it : yet was I glad to know and to |see as
[] in a glas my bad |spot: And I will pray him, that if he {|sh}all |see
[] me |so gros,and |so far out of the way,that he will whip me wel,
[] that |so I may know, what I am to do.

CHAP. 5.

[]   SEtteth downe all |syllables of fower letters beginning with
[]   three con|sonants : Secondly ioyneth them like the former
[]   Chapter, with like pra{ct}i|se of reading:La{|st}ly teacheth |syllables
[]   made of diphthongs.

[]   { Scra { |scre { |scri { |scro |scru.
[]   { Skra { |skre { |skri { |skro |skru.
[]   { Scla { |scle { |scli { |sclo |sclu.
[]   { Skla { |skle { |skli { |sklo |sklu.
[]   Shla {|sh}le {|sh}li {|sh}lo {|sh}lu.
[] Shra {|sh}re {|sh}ri {|sh}ro {|sh}ru.

[]   Stra {|st}re {|st}ri {|st}ro {|st}ru.
[]   Spla |sple |spli |splo |splu.
[]   Spra |spre |spri |spro |spru.
[]   Thra thre thri thro thru.
[]   Thwa thwe thwi thwo.

  Appo|se your Scho­
ler in the|se,as I willed
you in the third Chap­
ter for the |same pur­
po|se : the {fi}r{|st} of the|se
is euer (|s, or th.)


[] Scra |scrap |scrat.Skre |skrew. Scru |scrub.       ({|sh}rub {|sh}rug.
[] Shra {|sh}rap. Shre {|sh}red {|sh}rew. Shri {|sh}rig {|sh}ril. Shru
[] Stra {|st}rag {|st}raw {|st}ray.Stre {|st}res.Strip.Strop.Strut.
[] Spla |splay. Spli |split.
[] Spra |sprat. Spre |spred. Spri |sprig.
[] Thra thral.Thro throt.Thru thrum.

[] Ai ail fail quail {|st}ai {|st}aid brai brain twain way wait.
[] Bra brau braul |scraul lau laud.
[] Toi toil boil |spoil. Ioi ioin coin hoi hois.
[] Ou our your out {|st}out fou foul |soul cloud hou hous.

  Make your Scholer
knowe perfe{ct}ly the|se
diphthongs : And v|se
him to |spel the two la{|st}
by their |sound, and not


call them double ee. or
double oo.


[] F{'ee} f{'ee}d bl{'ee}d {|sh}{'ee} {|sh}{'ee}p f{'ee}t f{'ee}l h{'ee}l qu{'ee}n.
[] Bo b{oo} b{oo}k h{oo}k l{oo}k h{oo}d {|st}{oo}d g{oo}d f{oo}l {|st}{oo}l h{oo}f.

CHAP. 6.
[]   TEaching all |syllables of three letters,that can end any word
[]   with two con|sonants.

[]   Abl ebl ibl obl ubl.
[]   Abs ebs ibs obs ubs.
[]   Ach ech ich och uch.
[]   { Acl { ecl { icl { ocl { ucl.
[]   { Akl { ekl { ikl { okl { ukl.
[]   Adg edg idg odg udg.
[]   Ads eds ids ods uds.
[] Alf elf ilf olf ulf.
[] Ald eld ild old uld.
[] Alf elf ilf olf ulf.
[] Alk elk ilk olk ulk.
[] Alm elm ilm olm ulm.
[] Aln eln iln oln uln.
[] Alp elp ilp olp ulp.
[] Als els ils ols uls.
[] Alt elt ilt olt ult.
[] Amb emb imb omb umb.
[] Amp emp imp omp ump.
[] Ams ems ims oms ums.
[] And end ind ond und.
[] Ang eng ing ong ung.
[] Ank enk ink onk unk.

[]   Ans ens ins ons vns.
[]   Ant ent int ont unt.
[]   Apl epl ipl opl upl.
[]   Aps eps ips ops ups.
[]   Apt ept ipt opt upt.
[]   Arb erb irb orb urb.
[]   Ard erd ird ord urd.
[] Arf erf irf orf urf.
[] Arg erg irg org urg.
[] Ark erk irk ork urk.
[] Arm erm irm orm urm.
[] Arn ern irn orn urn.
[] Arp erp irp orp urp.
[] Ars ers irs ors urs.
[] Art ert irt ort urt.
[] A{|sh} e{|sh} i{|sh} o{|sh} u{|sh}.
[] A|sk e|sk i|sk o|sk u|sk.
[] A{|sl} e{|sl} i{|sl} o{|sl} u{|sl}.
[] A|sp e|sp i|sp o|sp u|sp.
[] A{|st} e{|st} i{|st} o{|st} u{|st}.
[] Ath eth ith oth uth.
[] Atl etl itl otl utl.

  The former Chapters
doe fully teach to begin
any word : the|se are for
endings, which we call
terminations, therefore
here I am enforced to
v|se |syllables that are not




CHAP. 7.

[]   ADioyneth the |syllables of the former Chapter, with the {fi}r{|st}
[]   of the {fi}r{|st} Chapter, and others that begin |syllables, with
[]   |such pra{ct}i|se of reading as before.

[]   Ba bab babl ga gab gabl rabl wrab wrabl scrabl.

[C1r; page 16]

[]   Pe peb pebl. Bi bib bibl nibl dri dribl |scri |scribl.
[]   Co cob cobl go gob gobl hob hobl.
[]   Hu hub hubl {|st}u {|st}ub {|st}ubl.
[]   Cra crab crabs dra drab drabs {|st}ab {|st}abs.
[]   We web webs. Ri rib ribs.
[] Lo lob lobs |so |sob |sobs. Tu tub tubs {|st}ubs.
[] *Ri ich rich whi which. Mu uch much |su |such.
[] La lad lads {|sh}ad {|sh}ads. Squa |squads. Be bed beds peds.
[] Li lid lids. Go god gods rods.
[] Ba baf ba{fl} |sna{fl}. Mu mu{fl} {|sh}u{fl} ru{fl}.
[] Ha haf haft craft. De def cleft.
[] Gi gif gift lift rift {|si} {|si}ft clift.
[] Lo lof loft |soft. Hu huf huft tuft.       (throug.
[] La lau laugh. Hi high nigh. Plo plou plough through
[] Da dag dagl gagl pagl wagl dragl {|st}ragl.
[] Gi gig gigl higl wri wrig wrigl.
[] Go gog gogl.Stru {|st}rug {|st}rugl.
[] Ba bal bald |sca |scau |scaul |scauld.He hel held geld.
[] Gi gil gild mil mild pild child wi wild.
[] Bo bou boul bould cold gold hould would {|sh}ould. Cu culd.
[] Ca cal calf half. Ralf.
[] Pe pel pelf |self {|sh}elf twel twelf. Gu gul gulf.
[] Ba bal balk chalk walk {|st}alk.
[] Mi mil milk {|si}lk. Yo yol yolk. Hu hul hulk.
[] Ba bal balm calm palm. He hel helm. Fil {fi}lm. Hol holm.
[] Fa fal faln. Sto {|st}ol {|st}oln |swo |swol |swoln.
[] Sca |scal |scalp. He hel help whe whelp. Gu gul gulp.
[] Fa fal fals. Pu pul puls.
[] Fa fal falt {|sh}a {|sh}alt. Be beb belt felt melt |smelt.
[] Gi gil gilt hilt milt tilt wilt |spilt.
[] *La lam lamb kem kemb. Com comb.Du dumb thumb.
[] Cam camp damp lamp cramp {|st}amp. Shri {|sh}rim {|sh}rimp.
[] Po pom pomp. Du dum dump. Iu iump lump cump {|st}ump.
[] Da dam dams hams. Ste {|st}em {|st}ems. Plu plum plums.
[] Da dau daun daunc fraunc iaunc launc chaunc.
[] Fe fen fenc penc henc qui quinc {|si}nc. Ou oun ounc.
[] Ba ban band hand land |sand wand. Ben bend lend |spend |send

*You may
|sometime |spell
this way,if the
word will be
more ea{|si}e,
which is e|speci­
ally when the
word endeth in
(ch.gh. or {|sh}.)
for then they
cannot well be


*After (m) we
v|se to giue lit­
tle or no |sound
to (b.)


[C1v; page 17]

[] Fi {fi}n {fi}nd blind wind. Bon bond ho hou hound round.
[] Ha han hang. Si {|si}n {|si}ng thing {|st}ring.
[] Yo you yong {|st}rong wrong. Du dun dung.
[] Ba ban bank rank blank {fl}ank frank {|sh}ank.
[] Li lin link brink pink drink {|sh}rink. Mon monk.
[] Pa pan pant plant gra graunt haunt.
[] Be ben bent lent ment rent went {|sh}ent |spent.
[] Di din dint mint {fl}int |splint.
[] Fo fon font wont. Hu hunt lunt blunt.
[] Da dap dapl grapl. Ni nip nipl gripl.
[] Co cou coup coupl.
[] Ca cap caps raps traps chaps. Hip hips lips quips.
[] So |sop |sops tops chops drops {|st}rops.
[] Ca cap capt grapt lapt chapt {|sh}rapt. Ke kep kept.
[] Di dip dipt ript tipt {|sl}ipt |skipt tript {|st}ript.
[] Do dop dopt |sopt topt cropt. Su |sup |supt.
[] He her herb. Cu cur curb.
[] Ca car card gard lard quard ward yard.
[] Be ber berd. Gi gir gird. Lor lord word. Cu cur curd.
[] Ca car carf dwarf |scarf wharf. Tu tur turf |scurf.
[] Ba bar barg larg charg. Ve ver verg.
[] Di dir dirg. Go gor gorg forg. Su |sur |surg |spurg.
[] Ba bar bark dark hark mark park clark |spark.
[] Wo wor work. Lu lur lurk.
[] Ba bar barm farm harm warm charm |swarm.
[] Te ter term. Fi {fi}r {fi}rm. Wo wor worm {|st}orm.
[] Ba bar barn warn yarn. Fer fern quern {|st}ern.
[] Bo bor born corn torn. Bu bur burn turn |spurn.
[] Ca car carp harp warp {|sh}arp.
[] Ver vers wor wors. Cu cur curs purs.
[] Car cart dart hart part quart wart |smart |swart.
[] Di dir dirt. For fort |sort, {|sh}ort. Hu hur hurt.
[] Da da{|sh} da* a{|sh} da{|sh} la{|sh} ra ra{|sh} gna gna{|sh}.
[] Fre fre{|sh}. Fi i{|sh} {fi}{|sh}.
[] Gu u{|sh} gu{|sh} pu{|sh} ru{|sh} tu{|sh} blu{|sh} bru{|sh} chru{|sh}.
[] Ca cas ca|sk ma|sk ta|sk. Des de|sk. Hu hus hu|sk mu|sk.
[] Fri fris fri{|sl} wri{|sl}. Mu mus mu{|sl} ru{|sl}.

*The rea|son of
this di{ff}erence
I {|sh}ewed be­


[C2r; page 18]

[] Ga gas ga|sp ha|sp ra|sp wa|sp. Ri ris ri|sp wi|sp cri|sp.
[] Cas ca{|st} fa{|st} ha{|st} la{|st} ta{|st} va{|st} wa{|st} cha{|st}.
[] Be bes be{|st} ie ie{|st} ne{|st} re{|st} we{|st} ye{|st} che{|st} wre{|st}.
[] Fi {fi}s {fi}{|st} li{|st} wi{|st}. Co cos co{|st} ho{|st} lo{|st} mo{|st} po{|st}.
[] Du dus du{|st} lu{|st} mu{|st} ru{|st}.
[] Ra rat ratl pratl. Ke ket ketl. Ti titl |spitl. Ru rut rutl.
[] Ba ath bath fay fayth hath lath path |sayth wrath.
[] Wi ith with {|si}th. Do oth doth moth mouth |south {|sl}outh.
[] Thru thru{|st}. Thre thre{|sh}. Thro throng.
[] Thwa thwai thwait thwaits.

[] Tell me now in truth,how rich art thou?
[] What ha{|st} thou that is thine own.
[] A cloth for my table,a hor|se in my {|st}able:
[] Both bridle and |sadle,and a child in the cradle
[] But no bag of gold,hous or free-hold.
[] My coyn is but |small,{fi}nd it who {|sh}all:
[] For I know this my |self ; it is all but pelf.
[] Both cow and calf; you know not yet half,
[] She doth yeeld me milk,her skin |so{ft} as {|si}lk.
[] I got with-out help,a cat and a whelp.
[] A cap and a belt with a hog that is gelt :
[] With a pot of good drink,full vp to the brink.
[] And I had a lark,and a faune from the park.
[] Thus much in ha{|st},may be for a ta{|st} :
[] And |so mu{|st} I end,no vayn word to |spend.

CHAP. 8.

[]   Teacheth words ending {fi}r{|st} in three,then in fower con|sonants,
[] containing the harde{|st} |syllables of all |sorts,with pra{ct}i|se of reading
[] the |same.

[] Ca cau caugh caught naught taught.
[] Ey eyght. Hei height weight. Si {|si}ght bright.
[] Bou bought ought fought wrought |sought.
[] Ru rug rugl rugls.

[C2v; page 19]

[] Bel belch welch. Fi {fi}l {fi}lch milch pilch.
[] Am amb ambl brambl.Scra |scrambl.Ni nimbl wimbl.
[] Fu fum fumbl mumbl {|st}umbl. Ni nim nimph.
[] Am amp ampl |sampl trampl. Tem templ. Pim pimpl.
[] Pu pum pump pumpl crumpl. Pomp pomps. Pumps.
[] Ba *blanch branch panch. Ben bench wench wri wrinch.
[] Can cand candl handl. Spren |sprendl.
[] Ma man mantl |spra |spran |sprantl. Grun gruntl.
[] Ten tenth.Ni nin ninth.De dep depth.
[] Ca cam camp campt {|st}ampt. Tem tempt. Stum {|st}umpt.
[] Ki kind kindl |spindl. Bu bun bundl.
[] An* ankl. Wri wrinkl |sprinkl. Vn vncl
[] Man mangl tangl {|st}rangl wrangl. Min mingl {|si}ngl.
[] Ga gar garb garbl marbl warbl.Cur curb curbl.
[] Ci cir circ circl.
[] Far fard fardl. Gird girdl. Hu hur hurdl. (turtl.
[] Gar gargl. Pu pur purp purpl. Ki kir kirt kirtl mirtl. Tur
[] Wo wor world. Cu cur curl curld.
[] Bu bur bur{|st} cur{|st} dur{|st}.
[] Ca ca{|st} ca{|st}l wra wra{|st}l. Thi thi{|st} thi{|st}l. Iu{|st} iu{|st}l.
[] Da da{|sh} da{|sh}t la{|sh}t |swa{|sh}t. Pu pu{|sh} pu{|sh}t ru{|sh}t.
[] As a|sk a|skt. Cla clas cla|sp cla|spt.
[] Ca cat catch watch |scratch. It itch witch.

[] Leng length {|st}rength. Eyghth weigh weights. (Worlds.
[] Hand handl handls. Spin |spindls hardls girdls. Turtls.

[] As I went through the ca{|st}l yard, I did chaunce to {|st}umbl in a
[] queach of brambls, |so as I did |scratch my heels and feet, and my
[] gay girdl of gold and purpl: then I |sought how I might wra{|st}l out,
[] but I da{|sh}t my hands into a bundl of thi{|st}ls, till at length by the
[] {|st}rength of mine arms, and legs, I wrought my |self out, but did
[] catch a cough,and caught a wrinch in myn ankl, and a |scratch on
[] my mouth : but now am I taught whil{|st} I am in this world, how
[] to wrangl with |such as ar too {|st}rong and full of might for me.

*For (a) here
many put(au.)

*We may put
(c)before (k )
not pronoun-


Words ending
in fower con­
|sonants mo{|st}
of them being
the plurall



The |second Booke of the Engli{|sh}

[] Wherein are taught plaine and ea{|si}e rules , how to deuide truly
[]  and certainly any long and hard word of many |syllables, with
[]  rules of the true writing of any word.

CHAP. 1.

[]   In this Chapter are |set downe the words of art v|sed in this trea­
[] ti|se, with other nece{|s|s}ary rules, and ob|seruations , e|specially for
[] words of one |syllable,both for true writing and reading.

[] Mai-{st}er.
[] DOe you think your |selfe |so |suf-{fi}-ci-ent-ly in-{|st}ruc­
[] ted,to |spell & read di-{|st}in{ct}-ly any word of one |syl­
[] lable,that now we may pro-c{'ee}d,to teach rules for
[] the true and ea-|sy di-ui-{|si}-on of a-ny word of ma­
[] ny |syl-labls?

[] Scho-ler.
[] Sir: I do not well vn-der-{|st}and what you meane by a |syl­
[] lable.

[] Mai. A |syl-lable is a per-fe{ct} |sound, made of |so ma-ny let­
[] ters,as we |spell to-ge-ther: as in di-ui-{|si}-on you |s{'ee} are fow­
[] er |syl-lables.

[] Scho. How ma-ny let-ters may be in a |syl-lable?

[] Mai. A-ny nom-ber vn-der nine,as: I do |say that welch knight
[] brought {|st}rength.

[] Scho. What let-ters may make a |syl-lable a-lone?

I deuide your
|syllables for
you, vntill you
haue rules of
then I leaue
you to your

Looke not for
any exa{ct} de{fi}-
nitions,but for
|such de|scripti­
ons as are {fi}t
for children.

I make (h) a
letter for plain­
nes,which ex­
a{ct}ly is none
but a note of

[] Mai. A-ny of the {fi}ue vo-wels : a.e.i.o.u. as a-ny e-uill I­
[] doll o-uer tur-neth v-ni-ty.

[] Scho. But Sir, I |som-time {fi}nd two vo-wels to-ge-ther
[] in one |syl-lable: what {|sh}all I do with them?


[] Mai. You mu{|st} then call them a * Diph-thong, which is
[] no-thing els, but a |sound made of two vo-wels.

*Teach that a-
ny two vowels
that will make
a per{fi}t |sound,
is called a


[] Scho. Will a-ny two vo-wels make a diph-thong?

[] Mai. No: *none that are ful-ly |soun-ded but the|se : ai,ei,
[] oi, au, eu, ou, oo, ee: as in |say, ei-ther, coin , taught , eu-nuch,
[] ought, good, feed. Which when you {fi}nd you mu{|st} ioyn to­
[] ge-ther, ex-cept in |some pro-per names , as in Be-er-{|sh}e-ba,
[] Na-tha-ne-ell:|so in |se-eth, a-gree-ing, & in |such words,where a
[] |syl-labl be-gin-ning with (e or i) is ad-ded to a per-fe{ct} word
[] en-ding in (e) as |see, a-gree, de-cree. But aa, ao, oe, and |such
[] like make no diph-thongs, and there-fore may not b{'ee} ioy­
[] ned.

For when one
is little |soun­
ded, I call them
(ae and œ) in
latine words
make a diph­


[] Scho. Yet do I {fi}nd ja,je,jo,ju, and va,ve,vi,vo, ioy-ned to­
[] ge-ther, as in Iames, Ie-|sus, ioyn, Iu-das, va-lew, ve-ri-ly, vi-{|si}t,
[] vow. I pray you, are they then no diph-thongs?

[] Mai. No: for j , and v, ioy-ned with a vo-well in the be-
[] gin-ning of a |syl-labl, are tur-ned from vo-wels in-to con­
[] so-nants, as in A-hi-jah.

[] Scho. What mean you by a Con-|so-nant?


[] Mai. I mean all the o-ther let-ters ex-cept the vo­
[] wels which can |spell no-thing with-out one of the vo­
[] wels, as take, e, out of {|st}rength, and {|st}rngth will |spell no­
[] thing.

[] Scho. Why Sir (by) did e-uen now |spell a word, yet is
[] there in it non of the {fi}ue vo-wels.

[] Mai. Ind{'ee}d (y) is of-ten v-|sed for (i) when it is a vo-well :
[] but when they be con-|so-nants they dif-fer, for (y) is al-|so a
[] con-|so-nant, when it is ioy-ned in the be-gin-ning of a |syl­
[] lable with a vo-well, as in yes,you:|so jet, dif-fe-reth from yet :
[] and |such like.

[] Scho. I pray {|sh}ew me the rea-|son, why in (like) which
[] was the la{|st} word you v-|sed, and in ma-ny o-ther be-fore,

[] you put (e) in the end, which is not |soun-ded?

[] Mai. This letter (e) in the end of a word not |soun-ded
[] hath two prin-ci-pall v-|ses. The {fi}r{|st} and chie-fe{|st} is to draw
[] the |syl-lable long, as he is made mad
[] A mill dam : A {|sh}rewd dame.
[] My man hath cut my hor|se mane.
[] A great gap : gape wide.
[] Spare this |spar . Be-ware of war.
[] *Feed vntil thou ha{|st} well fed.
[] You feele not my paine. A wa|sp is fell.
[] He hid the oxe hide.
[] It is a mile to the mill.
[] A little pin: my {fl}e{|sh} doth pine.
[] A branch of {fi}r, g{oo}d for the {fi}re.
[] A dor {|si}tteth on the dore.
[] Tos the ball: To|se the w{oo}ll.
[] You haue a Dot on the no|se: and you dote.
[] Rud is not rude.
[] A tun of wine: the tune of a |song.

(e) Not |soun­


*In this |sound
when (e) is
long, it is com­
monly doub­
led and made
a diphthong.


Make your
Scholers very
perfe{ct}in the|se,
therefore you
may try them
in other like.


[] Scho. What is the |se-cond v|se?

[] Mai. It chan-geth the |sound of |some let-ters : but this v|se
[] with the fur-ther de-cla-ra-ti-on of this let-ter, be-cau|se it
[] is har-der, then you will at the {fi}r{|st} ea-{|si}-ly con-ceiue, I will
[] re-ferre vn-to a-no-ther place.

[] Scho. Are no o-ther let-ters not at all, or but lit-tle pro­
[] noun-ced?

[] Mai. Yes , Very ma-ny:as(a)is not pro-noun-ced in earth,
[] goat : nor (e) in Georg : nor (i) in briefe : nor (o) in people:
[] nei-ther is (u) pro-noun-ced in guide : all which words
[] of all |sorts , I will |set downe af-ter-ward, when I haue gi­
[] uen you more ne-ce|s-|sary rules in the|se three {fi}r{|st} chapters,
[] and you bet-ter able to v|se them.

Letters not


CHAP. 2.

[]     By this Chapter you {|sh}all ea|sylie and plainly know, how many
[] |syllabls are in euery word.

[] Mai. IF you di-li-gent-ly ob|serue the|se things, you can-not
[] erre in a-ny word of one |syl-lable : There-fore I will
[] pro-c{'ee}d in the di-ui-{|si}-on of |syl-lables,which if you wil care­
[] ful-ly marke, you {|sh}al ne-uer fayle in di-ui-ding the lon-ge{|st}
[] or har-de{|st} word,that e-uer you {|sh}all read.

[] Scho. That will a|s-|su-red-ly bring me great pro-{fi}t and
[] plea-|sure; for when I m{'ee}t with a long hard word, I {|st}icke |so
[] fa{|st} in the mire, that I can nei-ther goe for-ward nor backe­
[] ward. And I ne-uer yet hard that a-ny |such rules haue b{'ee}n
[] e-uer yet taught by a-ny : I pray there-fore tell me what is
[] the {fi}r{|st} ge-ne-rall rule,the chie-fe{|st} ground of this worke.

[] Mai. Brief-lie it is this:Marke how ma-ny vo-wels you
[] haue in a word,and in-to |so ma-ny |syl-labls mu{|st} you di-uide
[] that word,as in {|st}rength,ti-ed, e-|spi-ed, |sub-mi|s-{|si}-on, |sa-lu-ta­
[] ti-on, re-ge-ne-ra-ti-on, ex-tra-or-di-na-ri-ly, in which |sea-uen
[] words, you haue as ma-nie |syl-labls as vo-wels, and a-boue
[] |sea-uen |syl-labls, I re-mem-ber no word.

[] Scho. But I {fi}nde the con-tra-rie,e-uen in this rule, for in
[] the|se words, you.haue.briefe. are mo vo-wels then |syl-labls.

[] Mai. It is well ob-|ser-ued : there-fore, you mu{|st} know,
[] that you can hard-lie {fi}nde a ge-ne-rall rule with-out |some
[] ex-cep-ti-ons.

[] Scho. How ma-ny ex-cep-ti-ons hath it?

[] Mai. Thr{'ee}. The {fi}r{|st} is, when there is (e) in the end of a
[] word,or a-ny o-ther vo-wel not at all, or but litle pro-noun­
[] ced, as in chiefe.haue.thwite. where-in wee |sound not (i) in
[] chiefe,nor the la{|st} (e) in a-ny of them.

[] Scho. What is the |se-cond ex-cep-ti-on ?

[] Mai. The |se-cond is,if there be a diph-thong, as in may.
[] your. then haue you two vo-wels in one |sy-lable.

[] Scho. Are there not thr{'ee} vo-wels in your?

[] Mai. No, for I tould you be-fore, that (y) be-fore a vo­
[] well in the |same |syl-lable is a con-|so-nant.

[] Sch. What is the third ex-cep-ti-on?

[] Mai. Words en-ding in (es) haue a-boue one vo-well, as
[] Iames.pre-|serues.al-waies.names.hides.bones. But of the|se
[] more {|sh}all-be |said here-af-ter.

[] Sch. Shall I ne-uer els {fi}nde two vo-wels in one |syl­
[] lable?

[] Mai. Yes, af-ter (q) al-way is (u) with a-no-ther vo-
[] well,as in qua{ff}e.queen.quick. and |some-time af-ter (g) as in
[] Gual-ter.lan-guage. o-ther-wise ne-uer,vn-le|s|se w{'ee} |say that
[] words en-ding in (ven) as Hea-uen. e-uen. are of one |syl-lable,
[] becau|se we com-mon-ly |so pro-nounce them.

CHAP. 3.

[]     This Chapter teacheth plaine rules, how to diuide truely the
[] longe{|st} and harde{|st} Engli{|sh} word that you {|sh}all {fi}nde.

[] Sch. I Haue al-rea-dy with ea|se and cer-tain-ty lear-ned
[] to know how ma-ny |syl-labls are in a-ny word, |so
[] |s{oo}ne as I |s{'ee} it, yet know I not how to di-uide them tru-ly.

[] Mai. Marke then the|se few rules fol-lo-wing, and you
[] {|sh}all ne-uer fayle : The {fi}r{|st} is , if you haue two vo-wels
[] come to-ge-ther both ful-ly pro-nounced, and no diph-thong
[] you mu{|st} put the*for-mer of them in the for-mer |syl-lable and
[] the lat-ter of them to the |syl-lable fol-lo-wing, as in tri-all.
[] mu-tu-all.|say-ing.tri-umph. E-phra-im. Like-wi|se when the
[] |same con-|so-nant is dou-bled , they mu{|st} be di-ui-ded in like
[] man-ner , as, ab-bot. ac-cord. ad-der. let-ter, dif-fer. com­
[] mon, ne-ce|s-{|si}-tie,&c. ex-cept when they be neede-le|s-ly dou­
[] bled in words of the plu-rall nomber,as in plummes,whippes,
[] hilles,cragges, for plums,whips,hils,crags.

[] Sch. What mean you by the *plu-rall nom-ber?

[] Mai. When na-ming a thing, we |speake of mo then one,
[] as one whip, we call the {|si}n-gu-ler nom-ber, be-cau|se it |spea­

*For the latter
|syllable mu{|st}
not begin with
a vowell, ex­
cept the former
end in a vo­


Double con|so­


*The Plurall


I will now
leaue diuiding
tho|se |syllabls
which I haue
taught by rule,
the better to
bring the |scho­
ler to pre|sent


[] keth but of one, and whips, we call the plu-rall nom-ber, be­
[] cau|se it |spea-keth of mo then one.

[] Scho. But What {|sh}all I d{oo}, when I {fi}nde but one con-|so­
[] nant be-twixt two vo-wels?

One con|so­


[] Mai. aYou mu{|st} put the con-|so-nant vn-to the vo-well
[] follo-wing him, as in e-uer, i-nough, v-|sed, be-cau|se,re-port,
[] de-li-uer,re-ioy-ced, di-li-gent,re-ge-ne-ra-ting,ex-cept in |some
[] com-pound words.

a Becau|se the
former |syllable
cannot end
with a con|so­
the |syllable
following be­
gin with a


[] Sch.What kind of words be they?

[] Mai. When two |seuerall words , which we call |simple
[] words are ioyned toge-ther, as in |saue-gard, two |syllables,
[] not |sa-ue-gard, thr{'ee} |syllables, b becau|se it is made or com­
[] poun-ded of two |seuerall words, |saue and gard, |so where-of,
[] there-in, here-out, vn-euen, lame-nes, wi|se-ly, where you mu{|st}
[] note , that if the la{|st} part be an addition one-ly, and |sig-ni{fi}e
[] no-thing as (nes) in lame-nes, w{'ee} call that a deriuatiue
[] word,and not a word compounded.c

b We call that
|simple that is
not compoun­


c The |syllable
will keepe the
|same letters, as
when he was


[] Mai. Al|so (x) is put to the vo-well before him, as in ox­
[] en,ex-er-ci|se, ex-or-ci{|st}s, the rea|son is, becau|se (x)d hath the
[] |sound of two con|sonants, (c. and s. ) and (cs.) cannot begin a
[] |syllable.

d Therefore(x)
is called a dou­
ble con|sonant.


[] Sch. What if there come two diuers con-|sonants, be­
[] twixt two vowels?

Two con|so­


[] Mai. Then, if they be |such as may, they mu{|st} be ioyned,
[] for tho|se that can begin a word, mu{|st} begin a |syllable, in any
[] part of the word.

[] Sch. How then {|sh}all I know which con-|sonants may be­
[] gin a word,and therefore mu{|st} be ioyned ?

[] Mai. If you turne back vnto the third Chap-ter of the
[] {fi}r{|st} b{oo}ke , they are all |set down toge-ther: but becau|se I
[] would haue you very per-fe{ct} in the|se letters,I wil giue you
[] of euery one an example: as ble{|s|s}e,brew,child,clap,creep,draw,
[] dwell,{fl}ame,fret,gla{|s|s}e,gnat,grace, know,play,prai|se,|scab, {|sh}all,
[] skip,{|sl}ow,|smart,|snuf, |spend, |squib, {|st}and, |sway, that, trap, twain,
[] when,wrought.

[] Sch. I pray now giue examples, how the|se mu{|st} be ioy­

[] ned in words of mo |syllabls?

[] Mai. Marke then diligent-ly the|se: re-{|st}ore, not thus re|s­
[] tore, because if ({|st}) may begin a |syllable, it mu{|st} : nor thus, re{|st}­
[] ore. becau|se a con|sonant, (if there be any) mu{|st} begin the |syl­
[] able: |so in re-frain,ex-e-crable. and |such like : But in god-ly,
[] |sel-dom, trum-pet,lod-ged, mor-ning,&c. the midl con|sonants
[] mu{|st} be diuided,becau|se none of the|se: (dl.ld.mp.dg.rn.) can
[] begin a word. Therefore can they not begin a |syllable. A­
[] gaine you may not |spell thus, lodg-ed, becau|se (ge) may be­
[] gin a word.

[] Scho. Is then the |same rea|son to b{'ee} ob|serued, if there
[] come thr{'ee} or moe con|sonants together in the midde{|st} of a
[] word?

Three or moe


[] Mai. Yea, altogether, for as many con|sonants as can,
[] mu{|st} be ioyned,and the re{|st} diuided.

[] Scho. How many con|sonants may come in the beginning
[] of a word?

[] Mai. Thr{'ee}, and no moe: Therefore, if in the midde{|st}
[] there come fower or moe, they mu{|st} bee diuided , although
[] fower may end a |syllable, as in worlds.

[] Scho. How {|sh}all I be |sure, which thr{'ee} may be ioyned ?

[] Mai. They are all |set downe in the beginning of the {fi}ft
[] Chapter of the {fi}r{|st} b{oo}ke. But for more plainnes |sake, I
[] will giue of euery one of them an example, whereof we haue
[] any ordinary Engli{|sh} word, as |scrape, skrew, {|sh}rink, {|st}roke,
[] |split, |spring, thrale, thwite.

[] Scho. Giue an example for diuiding of tho|se words, where­
[] in many con|sonants come together?

[] Mai. One or two may |serue, if you remember what hath
[] b{'ee}n taught. As in this word con{|st}raine, you may not |say
[] co-n{|st}raine, nor con|s-traine, nor con{|st}-raine, nor con{|st}r-aine,
[] but con-{|st}rain, because (n|s) cannot begin a |syllable, and ({|st}r)
[] can,therefore it mu{|st} begin it, |so im-ploy, king-dom, de-{|st}ruc­
[] ti-on,ac-know-ledg, tran|s-gre{|s|s}e, &c. And this rule mu{|st} you
[] carefully {|st}ill pra{ct}i|se, that you may readily giue the rea|son
[] in all |such words, why euery con|sonant mu{|st} goe to this |syl­
[] lable,rather then to that. But {|st}ill l{oo}ke as before, that |some

[] compound words mu{|st} be marked,as mi|s-take. di|s-like. tran|s­
[] po|se. with-out. through-out. &c. Which if they had b{'ee}n |sim­
[] ple words, we mu{|st} haue |spelled them thus, mi-|stake. di-|slike.
[] tran-|spo|se. as you haue learned, becau|se in compo|sition euery
[] word mu{|st} haue his own letters not mingled with other.

[] Scho. But Sir, |some men |spell deriuatiue words thus,
[] |speak-eth. {|st}rength-en-ing. otherwi|se then you haue taught.

[] Mai. I know it well, yet becau|se if |such like words
[] |should be |so |spelled, we mu{|st} for them frame new rules
[] (which were to bring a n{'ee}dle{|s|s}e oppre{|s|s}ion vpon childrens
[] memory.) And that the former rules can bring no inconue­
[] nience in any word : therfore follow them without feare or
[] doubt . And thus may you by this that you haue learned,|spell
[] truly,certainly,and with iudgement,any Engli{|sh} word that
[] can be laid before you.

[] Scho. Although all men will grant, that the|se rules mu{|st}
[] of nece{|s|s}ity bring a |sp{'ee}die cour|se of reading to as many as
[] are of y{'ee}res able to di|scerne : yet many will not ea|sily be­
[] leeue, that litle children can conceiue them, and make v|se of
[] them: And then will they rather bring confu{|si}on then pro{fi}t.


[] Mai. But experience hath taught the contrary , for a
[] child of an ordinary capacity will and hath ea{|si}ly conceiued
[] the|se rules, being orderly taught . But di|scretion mu{|st} be
[] vsed, not to trouble them with any new rule before they be
[] perfe{ct} in the old: The words of art here v|sed are not aboue
[] eyght in all, the mo{|st} of them I would haue the child learne
[] while he is learning to |spell , in the {fi}r{|st} b{oo}ke, as I haue gi­
[] uen dire{ct}ion there in the beginning, which words there,and
[] rules here, being orderly taught as is pre|scribed, neuer doubt
[] by the ble{|s|si}ng of God of a comfortable |succe{|s|s}e: Therefore
[] I wi{|sh} that no man with a preiudicat opinion do reie{ct} them:
[] before he hath made diligent triall vpon |some ordinary wits,
[] But would haue all |such as teach to reade, that they would
[] make their Scholers as perfe{ct} in the rules of the|se thr{'ee}
[] Chapters as may be, being of the chiefe{|st} nece{|s|si}tie and v|se :
[] the other that follow becau|se |some of them b{'ee} more hard,
[] containing onely di{ff}erences of |sounds of our Engli{|sh} let­


[] ters,and other ob|seruations for true writing, if your child be
[] very yong or dull, trouble him with vnder{|st}anding no moe
[] of them, then he is {fi}t to conceiue and v|se, yet let him learne
[] to read them all, for if it were graunted that he could vnder­
[] {|st}and none of them, no nor yet |some of the former,yet while{|st}
[] he readeth them, he learneth as much, and goeth on as fa{|st},as
[] by reading any other matter : For I demaund what he vn­
[] der{|st}andeth, when h{'ee} readeth a Chapter in the Bible, yet
[] will no man deny him pro{fi}te by reading: And this hath made
[] me longer by the one halfe for plainnes |sake, then otherwi|se
[] I might,knowing that in pra{ct}i|sing to read,he lo|seth not his
[] labour.


CHAP. 4.

[] This Chapter layeth forth a more full declaration of certaine
[] rules mentioned before,as of (e) in the end of a word:of tho|se let­
[] ters which are not pronounced: and for writing words of the plu­
[] rall number.

[] Scho. I Remember you told me that (e) in the end of a word
[] not pronounced , be{|si}de that it draweth the |syllable
[] long, it al|so changeth the |sound of letters, I pray which are
[] they?

Of (e) in the
end of a word.


[] Mai. It changeth the |sound of the|se letters, u. c. g. when
[] any of the|se vowels go before, as inau. eu. iu.ou. ac. ic. uc. ag.
[] ug. so in ng. rg. as in hau*. haue. leu. leue. lou.loue. |so caue. |saue.
[] |salue. hiue. thriue. |so ac. without (e) is |sounded like (ak) but ace.
[] with (e) like a|se. as in ac-cord but place. race. |so lic. lice truc,
[] truce.Likewi|se ag. age. as {|st}ag {|st}age. |so cag. cage. |so hug. huge.
[] deluge. |so hang. {|st}range.{|st}ring. fringe. |so larg. large. in mo{|st} of
[] which (e) doth al|so draw the |syllable long, as you |saw in ag.
[] age. hug. huge. Where you mu{|st} marke that the |sound which
[] (g) hath in age and huge being long:in {|sh}ort |syllables is made
[] by putting (d) before (g) as in badg. trudg. So is it al|so when
[] (e.i.) or (o) come before (g) as in leg. ledg. rig. ridg. log. lodg.
[] which vowels before (g) are neuer long except in lieg. {|si}eg.
[] which is by putting in (i)

*Here u) with
(e) hath the
|sound of a
And (ce) is as
(|se) And when
a {|sh}ort word
end in (c) we
v|se to ad (k.)


[] Scho. But Sir, you haue v|sed(e) in the end of many words
[] not |sounded, when neither it changeth |sound, nor maketh the
[] |syllable long : why is that?

[] Mai. We v|se it in d{'ee}d often, but rather of cu{|st}ome, (as
[] they |say) for * beauty then of nece|s{|si}tie , as after (i) but not
[] after (y) as in bie. by. and after two con|sonants, or a con­
[] |sonant doubled , as in article , angle, barre, chaffe , |sonne,
[] whereas the learned languages , neither double the con|so­
[] nant,nor v|se |such (e):as the Latines |say, mel.a{|ss}e. ros. we mell.
[] a{|s|s}e. ro{|s|s}e. And |sometime, we v|se not (e) when the word is
[] long, as after (ll) as in all, fall, {|sh}all : yea wee v|se (as) longer
[] without (e) then a{|s|s}e with it. Yet |sometime we v|se (e) after
[] two con|sonants, to draw the |syllable long , for di{ff}erence
[] |sake,principally if the one of them be (l) as in cradle,ladle,lea{|st}
[] they {|sh}ould b{'ee} pronounced {|sh}ort, like |sadl, radl, which |some
[] men would di{|st}ingui{|sh} by doubling (dd) as |saddle. But it is
[] both vnu|suall and n{'ee}dle{|s|s}e to write bibbl and chilld, to make
[] them differ from bible and childe. Al|so |some pronounce the|se
[] words: blind, {fi}nd, behind, {|sh}ort, other blinde, {fi}nde, behinde,
[] with (e) long. Which (e) if wee {|sh}ould write after |some
[] words,it would vtterly ouerthrow the naturall |sound, as if
[] wee {|sh}ould write hang with (e) thus hange , wee mu{|st} pro­
[] nounce it like {|st}range. And hence ari|seth the di{ff}erence of the
[] la{|st} |syllable in hanger and {|st}ranger. So words |sounding as
[] long, |song, and ending in ing, as in reading , writing, if they
[] {|sh}ould haue (e) would |sound like fringe,hinge as |swing him in
[] a rope: |swinge him with a rod: which mu{|st} not be written
[] with (dg) frindg, (as |some think)) as the former examples
[] {|sh}ew, and the|se words, fringed, hinged, where (d) is neuer
[] written.

*E|specially af­
ter (i) and (u)
as in e|spie, ar


Whereas |some
would make
|such words as
able two |syl­
lables, and that
(c) in the end
make (bl) to
be as it were a
|syllable, I can
|see no rea|son
for it.


[] Scho. If this b{'ee} cu{|st}om without rea|son, what certainty
[] {|sh}all I hold?

[] Mai. Although it were g{oo}d and ea|sy, both for our own
[] country learners and for {|st}rangers, that certaine rules were
[] known and pra{ct}i|sed, (which thing might ea|sily be done) yet
[] becau|se it lieth not in vs to reforme, I wi{|sh} you rather to ob­
[] |serue the be{|st}, and follow that which we haue, then to labour

[] for innouation which we cannot e{ff}ect. And let this admoni­
[] tion |serue for all cu{|st}oms in the re{|st}.

[] Scho. I remember you promi|sed me to |set down tho|se words
[] which haue other letters be{|si}des this (e) either not at all, or
[] but litle pronounced.

[] Mai. I will either |set you them down,or els giue you rules
[] to know them,marke them therefore,as they follow.

A letter not


[] (a) Is not pronounced when (ea or oa) come together, as
[] in earth, wealth,beauty,abroad,roar,boat. where (a) doth draw
[] the |syllable long, like (e) in the end , as appeareth by the|se
[] words, bea{|st}, be{|st} bread, bred, goad, god, coa{|st}, co{|st}. as if you
[] wrot, brede, gode, &c. And hereupon this word yeare. yeere.
[] yere. is diuer{|sl}y written:yet we |say be-atitude.cre-at.cre-ator,
[] &c. but crea-ture. And in forraine proper names wee com­
[] monly pronounce both, as in Ieho{|sh}abe-ath. Gile-ad. Teko-a.
[] Bo-az.

The ioyning
of the|se kind
of vowels may
be called im­
proper diph­
thongs, be­
cau|se one of
them is litle


[] (e) Not pronounced in Georg. trueth.


[] (i) In {|sh}ield. {fi}eld. prie{|st}. chief. brief. {|sh}riefe. griece {|si}eg. Mai­
[] {|st}er. their. view. mi|schiefe. {fi}erce. frie|se. atchieue. marueil.reliefe.
[] griefe. biere. adiew. inter{fi}er. kerchiefe. lieuetenant. fruit. |suit.
[] brui|se. bruit.


[] (o) In people. {fl}oud. bloud. yeoman. ieoperdy.


[] (u) In gue{|st}. gui|se. buy. guid. prologue. build. tongue. guile.
[] guilty. conduit. league. dialogue. plague. epilogue. |synagogue.


[] (b) In lamb. comb. thumb. debt. doubt. bdelium.


[] (c) In backe. packe. decke. pecke. licke. {|st}icke. rocke. knocke.
[] bucke. lucke. and all like, for we v|se no {|sh}ort words ending
[] in (c) without (k) |so in tho|se that end in ackle.eckle.ickle.ockle.
[] vckle.


[] Scho. Why may w{'ee} not |say that (k) is not pronounced in
[] the|se, as well as (c.)

[] Mai. It di{ff}ereth not much which, for although that (k)
[] doth end our Engli{|sh} words, when they be long : as in bake.
[] cake. |seeke. |speake. like. loke. duke : yet the|se that w{'ee} make
[] {|sh}ort, the Latines make the |same |sound in (c) as lac. nec. dic.
[] |sic. hoc. duc. when we |say lacke.necke. dicke.|sicke.hocke ducke.


[] (g) In {|si}gne. re{|si}gne. en{|si}gne. flewgme. reigne, |souereigne.
[] Ga|scoigne.


[] (h) In Chri{|st}. mirrh. Gho{|st}. Iohn. whole |scholer. eunuch.
[] chronicles. authoritie. anchor. choller. chri{|st}all. Rhene. Rheni{|sh}.
[] rhetorike. abhominable. melancholy. So in forraine proper
[] names, as Thomas Achaia. Cheaanah. Zacharias. Zichri. Chi­
[] os. Ari{|st}archus: So tho|se that end in arch. as Monarche : but in
[] the beginning |seldome , as Archangell, therefore commonly
[] written Arkangell.


[] (gh) Comming together, (except in Ghost) are of mo{|st}
[] men but little |sounded, as might, {|si}ght: pronounced as mite,
[] {|si}te: but in the end of a word, |some countries |sound them ful­
[] ly,other not at all, as |some |say plough, bough, {|sl}ough, other
[] plow, bou, {|sl}ou : Thereupon |some write burrough, |some bor­
[] row: but the true{|st} is both to write and pronounce them.


[] (n) In |solemne, hymne.


[] (p) In P|salme. receit. accompt.


[] (|s) In I|sle.


[] (t) Is alwaies written , but little |sounded before (ch)
[] when the |syllable is {|sh}ort , not hauing another con|sonant
[] next before,as in Catch. {|st}retch. ditch botch. |smatch. except in
[] rich. which. much. |such. in which cu{|st}ome hath preuayled a­
[] gain{|st} rule : But if the |syllable be long, or hath another con­
[] |sonant with (ch) then (t) is not written,as in attach. reproch.
[] couch. belch. bench.&c.

In |such rules
of writing you
mu{st} not only
vnder{|st}and the
{fi}r{|st} originall
word, but all
deriuatiues ri­
{|si}ng from them.
Note that (e)
long |sounded
as in |sea,not as
|see: is alwaies
written with


[] Here againe ob|serue, that cu{|st}ome hath preuailed again{|st}
[] rea|son,els why {|sh}ould(a) be written in boar,boat:rather then
[] in dore, dote: or (i) in fruite, rather then brute : But to know
[] when to write them, and when not, you {|sh}all {fi}nde all that
[] may br{'ee}d doubt,|set down in the table,at the end of the b{oo}ke,
[] where you may a|ske coun|saile , as your doubtes {|sh}all ari|se,
[] and not for the|se |sorts onely,but for any other hard or doubt­
[] full word,e|specially not mentioned before in this b{oo}ke.

[] Scho. You tould m{'ee} you would ob|serue |some thing more,
[] in words ending in (es) I pray what is it ?

Words of the
plurall nomber.


[] Mai. Well remembred : It is this, words ending in (es)

[] are mo{|st} of the plurall nomber, & are made of the {|si}ngular by
[] adding(s): for where it is not n{'ee}dfull to v|se (e) in the end of
[] the {|si}ngular nomber, it {|sh}all not be n{'ee}dfull to v|se (es) in the
[] Plurall, as in iewels, ingins : except the {|si}ngular end in a vo­
[] well,or in (w) put for (u) as in {fl}ies, pies,toes, crowes. There­
[] fore {|sh}all you {fi}nde, hands, things, words: more v|suall in the
[] exa{ct}e{|st} writers, then handes, thinges, wordes with (e), al­
[] though both wayes be common: and this maketh the di{ff}e­
[] rence betwixt mils and miles : tuns and tunes : curs and cures,
[] and not by writing them being {|sh}ort with the con|sonant dou­
[] bled,as milles,tunnes,curres: which is n{'ee}dle{|s|s}e though v|suall:
[] vnle{|s|s}e it b{'ee} |sometimes for di{ff}erence of words , as to make
[] |sonnes di{ff}er from the |sound of the Latine word |sons.

[] Scho. Are there then neuer moe |syllables in the plurall
[] nomber,then in the {|si}ngular?

[] Mai. Yes |sometime, as when the {|si}ngular nomber en­
[] deth in ce. ch. ge. gd. s. or {|sh}. as in graces. places. churches. ca­
[] ges. hedges. no|ses. {fi}{|sh}es. And this maketh the di{ff}erence be­
[] twixt gags for the mouth, and gages for a ve{|s|s}ell. Note al|so
[] that if the {|si}ngular nomber end in (f) it is turned in the plu­
[] rall into (v) as wife, knife, calfe, who|se plurals are wiues,
[] kniues, calues.

[] Scho. Do all words of the plurall nomber end in (s) ?

[] Mai. No : for we |say, lice, mice, men, brethren, oxen, teeth,
[] feet,kine, and many other. And |sometime the {|si}ngular & plu­
[] rall are both one:as {|sh}eepe,tenne {|sh}eepe, one mile, twen­ [] tie mile or miles.

CHAP. 5.

[] This Chapter teacheth all other ob|seruations that are nece{|s|s}ary
[] for the perfe{ct}ing of a Scholer.

[] Scho. WHat is the {fi}r{|st} thing next to be learned?

[] Mai. You {|sh}all {fi}nd |some words written with (e & o)
[] {|si}ngle, when they {|sh}ould be written with the diphthongs, ee
[] eo as be, he, {|sh}e, me, we, do, mother, for bee, hee, doo &c. but

(e and o)

[] *thee, when we |speake vnto one, and the, otherwi|se, and |so
[] mu{|st} their pronounciation di{ff}er,as I wil tell thee, the matter.

* Which Gram­
marians call
the |second


[] Secondly that ph, is as much as (f) and is v|sed onely in
[] words borrowed from the Greeke tongue. As in phy{|si}cke,
[] prophet, Phillip, Phenice: for the re{|st} l{oo}ke the Table.


[] Thirdly |some letters be{|si}de those before mentioned , haue
[] not alwayes one and the |same |sound. As, th. is commonly
[] |sounded, as in the|se words: * thanke,theefe,third,throt, thumpe:
[] except in the|se words following: that, fatham, the, them, then,
[] there,their, the|se, brothell, furthe{|st}, thine,this,thither, worthy,thou,
[] though, thus, and in words of mo then one |syllable, ending in
[] ther, thed, theth, the{|st}, thing, as father, breathed , breathe{|st}, ba­
[] theth |seething.

* Like (&thgr;,) the
Greeke (th.)
which onely
Scholers vn­


[] Al|so (g)when(e or i) follow, bringeth great hardnes to our
[] learners and {|st}rangers, being diuer{|sl}y |sounded : (ge) mo{|st} of­
[] ten |soundeth as(ie)as in *agent, gorget,gentle,Gentile. except
[] in the|se words, together get, bragget, target burgen, ge{|s|s}e, geld,
[] gewgawes, vineger, anger, {fi}nger, hanger, hunger, eager,suger.
[] And (gi) as (ji) as in giant, ginger, Clergie, imagin. &c. except
[] in begin, biggin, giddy, gift, gig, giglet, gild, gill, guiltie,gimlet,
[] ginnie hen,gird, girdle, girle, girth,gittron, giue,giues, Gibbon.
[] And deriuatiues ending in ger, ged, geth, ge{|st}, ging , which
[] follow the |sound of the words whereof they be made , as in
[] hanger, hanged, hangeth, hange{|st}, hanging : Some men thinke
[] that the|se words might be thus di{ff}erently written, a childs
[] gig, and a Scotti{|sh} jig : the gil of a {fi}{|sh}, and a jill of wine. But
[] our English tongue will hardly beare (ji) in one |syllable :
[] Therefore to be |sure when to write (g,) and when (i,) know
[] that the |sound (gi) is alwaies written with (g): And write
[] (ie) alwaies with (i,) |sauing in tho|se words that you {|sh}all
[] {fi}nde written with (g) in the table. But our Engli{|sh} proper
[] names are written as it plea|seth the printer or as men haue
[] receiued them by tradition, otherwi|se why {|sh}ould Iermin be
[] written otherwi|se then the {fi}r{|st} |syllable in German or Ie{ff}e
[] rather then Ge{ff}e. And this I take to be the rea|son, when Gif­
[] ford is diuer{|sl}y pronounced, and made two di{ff}erent names,
[] which is mo{|st} like to b{'ee} at the {fi}r{|st}, but one : yea, I haue

*The {fi}r{|st} |sort
are |sounded
like the latine
(g): the other
like the greeke


[] known two naturall brethren, both learned, to write their
[] own names di{ff}erently.

(ge) and (gi)

[] Moreouer (ti) before (on) is pronounced as({|si})as in redemp­
[] tion, (exccept (|s, or x.) goe before, as que{|st}ion, adu{|st}ion, mixti­
[] on) and commonly before other vowels, as in patience , Æ­
[] gyptian, except when a |syllable beginning with a vowell is
[] added to a perfect word ending in (ti) as if (ing) bee added to
[] pitty or (e{|st}) to lofty, it is pittying, loftie{|st}.


[] But the harde{|st} thing in our Engli{|sh} tongue, for true
[] writing, is to di|scerne when to writ (ce or |se,) (ci or {|si},) or
[] both, as|science: therfore many words that are meerely Eng­
[] li{|sh}, are almo{|st} left indi{ff}erent, As |some write fau{|s|s}et |some
[] fau|set, other faucet, |so pincers or pin|sers;bullace bulla|se,some bul­
[] leis:|so Si{|s|s}ers,|some Ci|sers, but exa{ct}ly it is |sci{|s|s}ers. But becau|se
[] the mo{|st} are written with,|s. as |seat,|serue,{|si}de,{|si}cke, &c.Ther­
[] fore you may writ (|s) before (e and i,) except in tho|se words
[] that are written with (c) in the table, or any other made of
[] them by * deriuation or compo{|si}tion, as if you know how to
[] write Cite, you mu{|st} |so write incite, Citation, incitation, and
[] |so in other: Note that ance, ence,ince, once, ounce, ancy,ency,
[] are v|sually written with (c,) |so is it after (a) in the end, as
[] temperance, prudence, excellency,grace, &c. except in ca|se,ba|se,
[] cha|se, or when (|s) is |sounded like (z) * as ama|se:words begin­
[] ning with trans be alwaies written with(|s,)and with circum
[] with (c)as transferre,circum{|st}ance, for other exceptions |see the
[] table.


* That is by
adding |some
thing to the
beginning or


*(|s,) Often
like (z) as
bra{|si}er, like


[] But to know when to write ci. {|si}. ti. xi. before (on) ob|serue
[] that(ci)and(xi)are |seldome,as |su|spicion, complexion: ({|si})more
[] often, as in tho|se that end in ca{|si}on, ce{|s|si}on, ci{|si}on, cur{|si}on, fe|s­
[] {|si}on,fu{|si}on,gre{|s|si}on,hen{|si}on,lu{|si}on,mi{|s|si}on, pa{|s|si}on, pre{|s|si}on,pul­
[] {|si}on,ri{|si}on,|se{|s|s}ion,|swa{|si}on, ver{|si}on, vi{|si}on,as occa{|si}on, confe{|s|si}on,
[] conuer{|si}on,&c. but mo{|st} v|suall is (ti) as redemption, &c.but for
[] the particulars if you doubt view the table.

Ci. {|si}. ti. xi.

[] Scho. What els is to be ob|serued?

[] Mai. That diuers other words of the |same pronounciation
[] by changing their {|si}gni{fi}cation, change al|so their writing, as
[] the reigne of a Prince, the reine of a bridle, & the raine falleth.

Diuers writing
of the |same


[] Two men came to me. Their minds are there.
[] Wait on me, and I will |sell it by weight.
[] Nay, not |so, the hor|se doth neigh.
[] The Sunne {|sh}ineth, my |sonne cryeth.
[] Stand {|st}ill here, that you may heare.
[] A true Prophet, bringeth much pro{fi}te.
[] I heard that which is hard.
[] This Mille wright cannot write.
[] Some men haue a great |summe of money.

(m) or (n).


[] Sometime we pronounce (o) before (m) or (n) as (u) as in
[] come,nomber,cu{|st}ome,*|some,|sonne,&c.

*The proper
name is writ­
ten Some or


[] Sometimes the |same writing is diuer{|sl}y |sounded, as (s)
[] |sometimes like (z) , as wee v|se this v|se : And when (i) doth |so
[] come betwixt two vowels,as that it may be taken for a diph­
[] thong, or a con|sonant,as Iehoi-adah,or Ieho-jadah.

The |same wri­
ting of diuers


[] Sometimes we {|sh}all haue a word diuer{|sl}y written in the
[] |same |sen|se,as (w) is written for (u),as in (browne, broune)but
[] e|specially in the ende of a word. Yet doe now, how, di{ff}er in
[] |sound from know, blow. And therefore I |see no rea|son why
[] now, and how, might not be written as thou and you, thus :
[] nou,hou : that |so to make a di{ff}erence betw{'ee}ne the|se words,
[] to bow a bow : to |sow for the |sow : we might write to bou a
[] bow, to |sow for the |sou : And |so out,and ought,and |such like.

[] Sometimes we v|se the |same writing and |sound,in words
[] di{ff}ering in {|si}gnification, as the *hart of the hart panteth.

The |same wri­
ting in a diuers


*Which |some
write heart.


[] A foule can {fl}ye ouer a foule way.
[] Thou art |skilfull in the art of Grammar.
[] The right eare. Eare thy land,for an eare of corne.
[] My brother May,may liue till may.

[] Sometimes a word is diuer{|sl}y written and |sounded in the
[] |same |sen|se, as many beginning with (in), as intent,informe, or
[] entent,enforme : |so bottell, botle,yerk, or ierk, Iayle or Gaole. So
[] words ending in (i) as monie, iornie, tan{|si}e, or money, iorney,
[] tan|sey. So words ending in (or) {|sh}ort may bee indi{ff}erently
[] written with (or) and (our) as honor, fauor, or honour, fauour,
[] except for,dor,nor,abhor.

Diuers |sound
and writing in
the |same |sen|se.



[] Further,you mu{|st} marke that words of moe then one |syl­

[] lable,ending in this |sound (us) are written with (ous) as glo­
[] rious,friuolous. But words of one |syllable(thus)us, tru{|s|s}e.

[] But to know when a word endeth in (ike) as publike, when
[] in (que) as oblique, being both of one |sound, is hard, without
[] the Latine tongue, from whence mo{|st} of them be borowed.
[] The be{|st} help is deriuation, for we write publike becau|se we
[] |say publication,(for (c) and (k) here be both one) |so Rhetorike,
[] becau|se we |say Rhetorician.

(ike que)

Write tho|se
that end in
(c{us}) in latine
as public{us}
with (k) pub­
like,and tho|se
that end in (qu{us})
as obli­
with (que
oblique, but
cau|se it is



[] The la{|st} thing I would haue you to marke, touching this
[] part of true writing, is to know when to write (y) for (i) the
[] vowell wherein almo{|st} |so many men, |so many minds : |some
[] will haue it before certayne letters, other when it commeth
[] in a diphthong, but more rea|son they haue which write it
[] when another (i) followeth as in |say{.}ing, or in the end of a
[] word |sounded {|sh}arpe, as in deny. But I thinke naturally
[] and truely it ought not to be written but in words borrowed
[] of the Gr{'ee}ke,as hypocrite,myrrhe, my{|st}icall,all which words
[] you {|sh}all {fi}nde in the table, where you {|sh}all {fi}nde no other
[] written with (y) for di{ff}erence |sake, although other where I
[] haue written (y) for (i) without regard, following the v|suall
[] cu{|st}ome.

[] Scho. But Sir, I reade a little before P|salme, and you did
[] not teach me,that P|s. may begin a word.

[] Mai. Well remembred, |such diligent marking what you
[] reade, will |s{oo}ne make you a |scholer: the an|swer is this: That
[] word is borowed from the Grecians, & they d{oo} ioyne con|so­
[] nants that our Engli{|sh} tongue d{oo} not, as Mna|son,Ptolemais,
[] Rhodes : {ct}enes , {|si}gnifying the fower fore teeth: pneuma a |spirit, or
[] breth, cnicus ba{|st}ard |sa{ff}ron. But the|se are very rare, |so we haue
[] many terminations in proper names , and Latine words,
[] which are not v|suall in Engli{|sh}, as fons, aruns, falx, arx. in
[] proper names, alz,anz, arz. &c. Thus alb, is of the Latines :
[] we v|se al|so in Latine {|st}lata, not v|sed in Engli{|sh} : we v|se al|so
[] contra{ct} words in Engli{|sh}, as hangd,for hanged.

[] Scho. Haue I now no more to ob|serue for di{|st}in{ct} reading ?

[] Mai. That which the Gramarians call accent, which is
[] the lifting vp of the voyce higher in one |syllable then in ano­

Accent v|sually
omitted in our
Engli{|sh} printe.


[] ther, which |sometime di{ff}ereth in a word written with the
[] |same letters, as an íncen|se, to incén|se, where (in) in the for­
[] mer word,and cen|se in the latter is lifted vp more.

[] You mu{|st} ob|serue al|so tho|se which w{'ee} call *poynts or
[] {|st}aies in writing:as this marke (,) like a |small halfe M{oo}ne,
[] noteth a |small {|st}ay: two prickes thus (:) maketh a longer
[] {|st}ay,and one pricke thus (.) is put for a full {|st}ay, as if we had
[] ended.

The points
are thus called:
(,) a comma.
(:) a colon.
(.) a period.


[] When a que{|st}ion is a|sked, we marke it thus (?)

(?) an interro­


[] When |some words may b{'ee} left out, and yet the |sentence
[] perfe{ct}, it is noted thus (     ) as teach me (I pray you) to reade,
[] but for the true framing of your voyce in all the|se, you mu{|st}
[] craue the help of your Mai{|st}er.

(     ) a paren­


*Called abbre­


[] You mu{|st} al|so know the {|sh}ort kinde of writing v|sed in
[] |some words:as a {|st}rike ouer any vowel for m,or n. as man, for
[] man, con for con, ye, for the, yt, for that, |yu,for thou, wt, for with. &c.
[] for and |so forth. In written hand there be many other. And |so
[] a word ending in a vowell, doth lo|se it |sometime, when the
[] next word beginneth with a vowel, as thintent, for the intent,
[] which exa{ct}ly {|sh}ould be written thus, * th'intent.

Called apo­


[] La{|st}ly, you mu{|st} write the {fi}r{|st} letter of euery proper
[] name, and of the {fi}r{|st} word of euery |sentence, and ver|se, with
[] tho|se that w{'ee} call great or capitall letters, as Robert, Anne,
[] England,Cambridge: As al|so when we put a letter for a nom­
[] ber,as V. for {fi}ue, X. for ten. L. for {fi}ftie. C. for a hundreth.D.
[] for {fi}ue hundreth. M. for a thou|sand. La{|st}ly, when we put a let­
[] ter for a word, as L. for Lord. LL. for Lords. B. for Bi{|sh}op.
[] BB. for Bi{|sh}ops.

Capital le{tt}ers.

[] Scho. Now am I |sure, that I can neuer mi{|s|s}e in |spelling,
[] or reading : nor (as I thinke) in writing.

Corrupt pro­
and writing.


[] Mai. I know not what can ea{|si}ly deceiue you in wri­
[] ting, vnle{|s|s}e it be by imitating the barbarous |speech of your
[] countrie people, whereof I will giue you a ta{|st}e, thereby to
[] o{ff}er you an occa{|si}on to take h{'ee}d, not of the|se onely, but of a­
[] ny like: Some people |speake thus:

[] The mell {|st}andeth on the hell for

[] The mill {|st}andeth on the hill :|so

[] knet for knit : bredg for bridg : knaw for gnaw : knat for gnat :
[] belk for belch : yerb for herb : gri{ff}e for gra{ff}e : yelk for yolk :
[] ream for realm : aferd for afraid : durt for dirt : gurt for girth :
[] {|st}omp for {|st}amp:{|sh}ip for {|sh}eep: hafe for halfe:|sample for example:
[] par{fi}t for perfe{ct} : dauter for daughter : carten for certaine : car­
[] char for carcheife : lea|se for lea{|sh} : hur for hir : |sur and |su{|st}er for
[] {|si}r and {|si}{|st}er,to |spat for to |spit. &c.
[] So doe they commonly put (v) for (f) as feale for veale.

[] And a nox, a na{|s|s}e,my naunt, thy nuncle, for an ox, an a{|s|s}e, mine
[] aunt,thine vncle,&c.

We v|se to put
(n)to the words
(a, my or thy)
when the next
word begin­
neth with a
vowel,to a­
uoyde a ga­
ping ill |sound.


[] Take heed al|so you put not (e) for (i) in the end of a word,
[] as vnitee for vnitie, nor (id) for (ed)as vnitid for vnited,which is
[] Scotti{|sh} : And |some ignorantly write a cup a wine for a cup
[] of wine : and other like ab|surdities.

[] Scho. How {|sh}all I auoyd the|se dangers?

[] Mai. By diligent marking, how you reade them written.

[] Scho. May I then neuer v|se my proper country termes, in [] writing?

[] Mai. Yes : if they be peculiar termes,and not corrupting
[] of words:As the Northren man writing to his priuat neigh­
[] bour may |say : My lathe {|st}andeth n{'ee}re the kirke garth, for My
[] barne {st}andeth n{'ee}re the Churchyard. But if he {|sh}ould write
[] publikely,it is {fi}tte{|st} to v|se the mo{|st} knowne words.

[] Scho. What can now hinder me, why I {|sh}ould not readily
[] and di{|st}in{ct}ly reade any engli{|sh} ?

[] Mai. Nothing at all, (if you throughly be perfe{ct} in this
[] that I haue taught you) vnle{|s|s}e it be want of more pra{ct}i|se,
[] which (although this you haue learned, will |so |su{ff}iciently
[] teach you, that you cannot faile in any word, though you
[] haue neuer any other teacher) yet for your more chearefull
[] proc{'ee}ding, I would wi{|sh} you (if you can conueniently) not
[] to for|sake your mai{|st}er, vntill you haue gone through the|se
[] exerci|ses following, of which I haue made choi|se of all |sorts,
[] both of pro|se and ver|se, that you may not be wanting in any
[] thing.



[] Scho. Sir, I will follow your adui|se, thanke you for your
[] paynes, and craue the Lord his ble{|s|s}ing. And now will I ap­

[] po|se |some of my fellowes,to |see how we can remember |some
[] of the|se things taught.

CHAP. 6.

[] Here is |set downe an order, how the teacher {|sh}all dire{ct} his
[] |schollers to oppo|se one another.

[] Iohn. WHo will aduenture his credite with me in op­
[] po{|si}ng for the vi{ct}orie ?

When your
Scholers {fi}r{|st}
learne this
one read the
another the

[] Robert. I will neither refu|se you nor any in our forme,in
[] any thing we haue learned : begin what you will.

[] Iohn. How |spell you lo?

When your
Scholers op­
po|se one the
other,let the
an|swerer an­
|swer without


[] Robert. l,o.

[] Iohn. Spell of?

[] Robert. o,f.

[] Iohn. Spell from?

[] Robert. f,r,o,m.

[] Iohn. How write you people?

[] Robert. I cannot write.

[] Iohn. I meane not |so,but when I |say write, I meane |spell:
[] for in my meaning they are both one.

[] Robert. Then I an|swer you,that p,e,o,p,l,e.

[] Iohn. What v|se hath (o) for you giue it no |sound?

[] Robert. True : yet we mu{|st} write it, becau|se it is one of
[] the words we learned, wherein (o) is not pronounced.

[] Iohn. Are there any moe of them ?

[] Robert. Yea many, I will repeat them,if you will.

[] Iohn. No,that would be ouer long. But tell me,why pro­
[] nounce you not (e) in the end of people?

[] Robert. It is not pronounced in the end,if there be another
[] vowell in that |syllable.

[] Iohn. To what end then |serueth it ?

[] Robert. We haue learned two principall v|ses: one is, it
[] draweth the |syllable long,as h,a,t. |spelleth hat : but h,a,t,e. is
[] hate.

[] Iohn. How |spell you Ie|sus?

[] Robert. I,e,|s,u,s.

[] Iohn. How know you that it is not written with g.e?

[] Robert. Becau|se it is not in the table at the end of my
[] b{oo}ke : for all that be written with ge, be there, and our mai­
[] {|st}er taught vs that all other of that |sound mu{|st} bee written
[] with Ie.

[] Iohn. How write you Circle ?

[] Robert. S,i,r,c,l,e.

[] Iohn Nay, now you mi{|s|s}e: for if you l{oo}ke in the table,you
[] {|sh}all {fi}nd it Circle. Therefore now you mu{|st} appo|se me.

[] Robert. I confe{|s|s}e mine error,therefore I will try if I can
[] requite it : What |spell b,r,a,n,c,h?

[] Iohn. branch.

[] Robert. Nay,but you {|sh}ould put in (u)
[] Iohn. That |skilleth not,for both waies be vsuall.

[] Robert. How spell you might?
[] Iohn. m,i,g,h,t.

[] Robert. Why put you in (gh) for m,i,t,e. |spelleth mite?

[] Iohn. Truth, but with (gh) is the truer writing , and it
[] {|sh}ould haue a little |sound.

[] Robert. If your |syllable beginneth with (b) what con|so­
[] nants may follow?

[] Iohn. Onely (l) or (r).

[] Robert. Where learne you that ?

[] Iohn. In the third chapter of the {fi}r{|st} b{oo}ke.

[] Robert. And which will follow (g)?

[] Iohn. (l,n,or r)

[] Robert. How proue you it?

[] Iohn. Because g.l.a. |spell gla, and g.n.a. gna, and g.r.a. |spell [] gra.

[] Robert. When thr{'ee} con|sonants begin a |syllable , how
[] {|sh}all I know which they be?

[] Iohn. We haue them before twi|se |set downe, be{|si}des put a
[] vowell vnto them, and |s{'ee} whether they then will |spell any
[] thing,as to str put a,and it |spelleth {|st}ra: but btra will |spell no­
[] thing : therefore they cannot begin a |syllable.

[] Robert. Do not {|st}r |spell {|st}ar?

[] Iohn. It |spelleth nothing without a vowell.

[] Robert. How many |syllables are in this word rewarded?

[] Iohn. Thr{'ee}.

Make your
|scholer reade
ouer this dia­
logue |so often,
vntill he can
do it as readily
& pronounce
it as naturally,
as if he |spake
without book.


[] Robert. How proue you that?

[] Iohn. Becau|se it hath thr{'ee} vowels , without any of the
[] thr{'ee} exceptions.

[] Robert. How diuide you them?

[] Iohn. Re-war-ded.

[] Robert. Why put you w to a?

[] Iohn. Becau|se it is one con|sonant betw{'ee}ne two vowels.

[] Robert. And why diuide you r, and d?

[] Iohn. Becau|se they cannot begin a |syllable.

[] Robert. What is the be{|st} way to |spell a long word, as
[] this, admonition?

[] Iohn. I mu{|st} marke how many |syllables it hath, which I
[] {fi}nd to be {fi}ue, then take the {fi}r{st}, a, d, ad, then take the next,
[] m, o, mo, then put them together, admo, |so |spell and put to
[] the third, admoni,and |so vntill you come vnto the end.

[] Robert. What if a man {|sh}ould bid you write this word ?

[] Iohn. I mu{|st} follow the |same order: {fi}r{|st} write downe ad,
[] then write vnto it mo, admo, then ioyne vnto that ni, admoni,
[] |so the re{|st} admoniti admonition.

[] Robert. What is the be{|st} way to make vs perfe{ct} in |spel­
[] ling hard |syllables ?

[] Iohn. My mai{|st}er doth |sometime pra{ct}i|se vs,in har{sh} coun­
[] terfeit |syllables, through all the {fi}ue vowels, as in thraugh,
[] threugh, thriugh, through, thruugh. Wra{|sh}t, wre{|sh}t, wri{|sh}t,
[] wro{|sh}t, wru{|sh}t. Yarmble, yermble, yirmble, yormble, yurmble.
[] Whaights, wheights, &c. vaigh, veigh, &c. ianch, iench, jinch,
[] ionch, iunch.

[] Robert. What if you cannot tell what vowell to |spell the
[] |syllable with, how will you do to finde it? as if you {|sh}ould
[] write from, and know not whither you {|sh}ould write it with
[] a or o.

[] Iohn. I would trie it with all the vowels thus, fram,frem,
[] frim,from : now I haue it.

[] Robert. But g{oo}d man Taylor our Clarke when I went

[] to |sch{oo}le with him, taught me to |sound the|se vowels other­
[] wi|se then (me thinks) you do.

[] Iohn. How was that?

[] Robert. I remember he taught me the|se |syllables thus: for
[] bad, bed, bid, bod, bud, I learned to |say, bad, bid, bide, bod,
[] bude, |sounding a bed to lye vpon, as to bid, or command, and
[] bid, as bide, long, as in abide : bud of a tr{'ee}, as bude, long, like
[] rude : for the|se thr{'ee} vowels e, i, u, are very corruptly and ig­
[] norantly taught by many vnskilfull teachers, which is the
[] cau|se of |so great ignorance in true writing in tho|se that want
[] the Latine tongue.

Let the vnskil­
full teachers
take great heed
of this fault,
and let |some
good |scholers
heare their
children pro­
nounce the|se


[] Iohn. You |say true : for |so did my Dame teach me to pro­
[] nounce, for |sa, |se, |si, |so, |su, to |say, |sa, |see, |si, |so, |sou : as if {|sh}e had
[] |sent me to |see her |sow, when as(|se){|sh}ould be |sounded like the
[] (|sea) and (|su) as to (|sue) one at the law.

[] Robert. But let me returne to appo|se you : How were we
[] taught to {fi}nd out the naturall |sound of con|sonants ?

[] Iohn. By the |sp{'ee}ch of a {|st}utter or {|st}ammerer,as to marke
[] how he laboureth to* |sound the {fi}r{|st} letter of a word : as if
[] the {st}ammerer would pronounce Lord, before he can bring it
[] f{oo}rth, he expre{|s|s}eth the |sound of (l) which is the {fi}r{|st} letter,
[] and |so of all the other con|sonants.

*For letters
were {fi}r{|st} de­
ui|sed accor­
ding to |sounds


[] Robert. How many waies may you expre{|s|s}e this |sound(|si)?

[] Iohn. Onely thr{'ee} : |si, ci, and |sci, or (xi) which is (c|si)

[] Robert. Now you haue erred as well as I : for (ti) before a
[] vowell doth commonly |sound (|si) , and now I will giue you
[] ouer for this time : but I will challenge you againe to mor­
[] row,both in |some new que{|st}ions, in |some part of that which
[] we haue learned, and al|so after euery le{|s|s}on : and as you are
[] in |saying, I will marke where you mi{|s|s}e, and therein will I
[] deale with you.

[] Iohn. Do your wor{|st}, I wil prouide likewi|se for you:and
[] neuer giue you ouer, untill I haue gotten the vi{ct}orie : for I
[] take not |so much plea|sure in any thing els all day.

[] Robert. I am of your mind : for I haue heard our mai{|st}er
[] |say, that this appo{|si}ng doth very much {|sh}arpen our wits,

[] helpe our memorie, and many other commodities. But now
[] let vs l{oo}ke vnto our Catechi|sme, for our mai{|st}er will exa­
[] mine vs next in that.

[] Iohn. Nay, by your leaue we {|sh}all {fi}r{|st} reade ouer againe
[] all that we haue learned, with the preface, titles of the chap­
[] ters,and notes in the margent of our b{oo}kes, which we omit­
[] ted before, becau|se they were t{oo} hard: for we {|sh}all go no fur­
[] ther before we be perfe{ct} in this.

The end of the |second Booke.


A {|sh}ort Catechi|sme.

[6.1] VV Hat Religion doe you profe{|s|s}e?

[6.2] Chri{|st}ian Religion.


[6.3] What is Chri{st}ian Religion ?

[6.4] It is the true profe{|s|s}ion, beleeuing, and following of tho|se things,
[6.5] which are commanded and taught vs by God in the holy Scrip­
[6.6] tures.



[6.7] What call you the holy Scriptures ?

[6.8] The word of God contained in the bookes of the old and new te­
[6.9] {|st}ament.


[6.10] Doth this Scripture or word of God containe in it all poynts of
[6.11] true Religion,and euery thing nece{|ss}arie for the |saluation of a
[6.12] Chri{st}ian?

[6.13] Yea.

[6.14] Tell me then from this Scripture, how many Gods be there?



[6.15] One.

[6.16] What is God ?

Deut. 4.35.&


[6.17] An euerla{|st}ing Spirite, immortall, inui{|si}ble, mo{|st} {|st}rong, onely
[6.18] wi|se.

Iohn 4.24.
1.Iohn 5.7.


[6.19] How many per|sons are there?

[6.20] Three.

[6.21] Which be they?

[6.22] The Father,the Sonne,and the holy Gho{|st}.

Matth. 28. 19.
1.Iohn 5.7.
P|sal.19.1.7. &
Rom. 1. 19. &


[6.23] How is God knowne?

[6.24] By his workes, word and |spirite.

[6.25] Who created the world ?

[6.26] *God.



[6.27] Whereof did he create it ?

[6.28] Of nothing,and that by his word.

[6.29] Who made you ?

[6.30] God the Father.

1.Cor.8 6.


[6.31] How did he create you ?

[6.32] In holine{|s|s}e and righteou|sne{|s|s}e.

[6.33] Why were you thus created ?

[6.34] To glori{fi}e him.



[6.35] Are you able to doe this of your |selfe ?

[6.36] No.



[6.37] Why |so ?

[6.38] Becau|se I am a |sinner.



[6.39] How come you to be a |sinner, |seeing you were |so perfe{ct}ly created?

[6.40] By the fall of Adam.



[6.41] What was his sinne?

[6.42] Di|sobedience again{|st} God, in eating of the forbidden fruite.



[6.43] How commeth it to pa{|s|s}e, that you are become a {|si}nner in A­
[6.44] dam?

[6.45] Becau|se he was the Father of all mankinde.


[6.46] How doe you proue that you are a {|si}nner?

[6.47] By the te{|st}imonie of mine owne con|science, and by the lawe of
[6.48] God.



[6.49] What is the lawe of God?

[6.50] A perfe{ct} rule of righteou|snes commaunding good, and forbid­
[6.51] ding euill : the |summe whereof is contained in the commaunde­
[6.52] ments.


[6.53] How many be there ?

[6.54] Tenne.


[6.55] Rehear|se them ?

[6.56] 1   Then God |spake all the|se words and |said: I am the Lord thy
[6.57] God, which haue brought thee out of the land of AEgypt, out
[6.58] of the hou|se of bondage, thou {|sh}alt haue none other Gods but
[6.59] me.


[6.60] 2    Thou |shalt not make to thy |selfe any grauen Image, nor the
[6.61] likenes of any thing that is in Heauen aboue, nor in the earth be­
[6.62] neath nor in the water vnder the earth, thou {|sh}alt not bow down
[6.63] to them,nor wor{|sh}ip them, for I the Lord thy God, am a iealous
[6.64] God,and vi{|si}t the {|si}nnes of the Fathers vpon the Children,vnto the
[6.65] third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and {|sh}ew mer­

[6.66] cie vnto thou|sands,to them that loue me,and keepe my comman­
[6.67] dements.
[6.68] 3    Thou {|sh}alt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine,
[6.69] for the Lorde will not holde him guiltles that taketh his name in
[6.70] vaine.
[6.71] 4    Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabboth day,{|si}xe daies
[6.72] {|sh}alt thou labour and doe all that thou ha{|st} to doe, but the |sea­
[6.73] uenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou {|sh}alt doe
[6.74] no manner of worke, thou, and thy Sonne, and thy Daughter, thy
[6.75] man|seruant, and thy maid|seruant , thy cattell , and the {|st}ranger
[6.76] that are within thy gates, for in {|si}xe dayes the Lorde made hea­
[6.77] uen and earth, the |sea, and all that in them is, and re{|st}ed the |sea­
[6.78] uenth daye, wherefore the Lord ble{|s|s}ed the |seauenth day,and hal­
[6.79] lowed it.
[6.80] 5    Honour thy Father, and thy Mother,that thy dayes may bee
[6.81] long in the land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee.
[6.82] 6    Thou {|sh}alt doe no murder.
[6.83] 7    Thou {|sh}alt not commit adulterie.
[6.84] 8    Thou {|sh}alt not {st}eale.
[6.85] 9    Thou {|sh}alt not beare fal|se witnes again{|st} thy neighbour.
[6.86] 10   Thou {|sh}alt not couet thy neighbours hou|se, thou {|sh}alt not
[6.87] couet thy neighbours Wife,nor his Seruant, nor his Maide, nor his
[6.88] Oxe,nor his A{|s|s}e,nor any thing that is his.

[6.89] Are the|se words,I am the Lord thy God,&c. A commandement
[6.90] or preface ?

[6.91] A preface to the whole law.


[6.92] How be the commandements deuided?

[6.93] Into two tables or parts.

& 34.26.


[6.94] How many be there of the {fi}r|{|st} table?

[6.95] Foure.

[6.96] How many of the |second?

[6.97] Sixe.

[6.98] What doe the commaundements of the {fi}r{st} table teach you?

[6.99] My dutie towards God.


[6.100] What doe the commaundements of the |second table teach you?

[6.101] My duetie towards my neighbour.


[6.102] Are you to v|se the commaundements as prayers?

[6.103] No,becau|se they be no petitions but commandements.

[6.104] Are you able to keep them, without breaking any one of them, in
[6.105] thought,word,or deede?

[6.106] No.

[6.107] Why?

[6.108] Becau|se I am readie and di|sposed by nature, to offend both God
[6.109] and my neighbour.



[6.110] To what end then |serueth the lawe?

[6.111] To {|sh}ew vs our mi|serie, and so leade vs to Chri{|st} : and to bee a rule
[6.112] euer a{ft}er for the well ordering of our liues.



[6.113] What is the puni{|sh}ment for the breach of the lawe?

[6.114] Eternall de{|st}ru{ct}ion of both body and |soule.

[6.115] Is there no way to e|scape it,and be |saued?

[6.116] Yes.

[6.117] How?

[6.118] By Ie|sus Chri{|st}.

Act 4.12.

[6.119] Who is this Chri{|st}?

[6.120] The |sonne of God, perfe{ct} God and perfe{ct} man.

Mat 3.17.
E|sai.9 6.


[6.121] Could there no other meane, nor per|son bee found in Heauen or
[6.122] Earth to |saue you, but the |sonne of God mu{|st} doe it?

[6.123] No verely.

[6.124] Mu{|st} he needes be God and man?

[6.125] Yea.

[6.126] Why ?

[6.127] Fir{|st},becau|se he mu{|st} dye for vs,and God cannot dye,therefore he
[6.128] mu{|st} be man.
[6.129] Secondly, he mu{|st} ouercome death, which being onely man,he
[6.130] could not, therefore he mu|st al|so be God.


Heb.2. 14.

[6.131] How did he |saue you ?

[6.132] As he was man * perfe{ct}ly righteous, he performed the perfe{ct} o­
[6.133] bedience of the law,and |satis{fi}ed the *iu{|st}ice of God for me. And
[6.134] as hee was God, hee ouercame death, and ray|sed vp his bodie the
[6.135] third day.

& 2.22.


& 4.1.


[6.136] Are all men partakers of this bene{fi}t of redemption purcha|sed
[6.137] by Christ?

[6.138] No,there are a number that {|sh}all haue their part in hell with the
[6.139] diuell and his Angels.

& 7.23.
Reuel. 22.15.


[6.140] Who are they that haue their part in the death of Chri{|st}?

[6.141] Onely |such as truly beleeue.

[6.142] What is faith ?

[6.143] Faith,is* a full a{|ss}urance of* my |saluation in Ie|sus Chri{|st}*alone.

Iohn 3.16.
*Iohn 1.12.


[6.144] Hath euery man this faith in him|selfe ?

[6.145] No,for it is the * gift of God,and not of *nature.



[6.146] How is faith gotten?

[6.147] By the outward hearing of the worde of God preached,and the in­
[6.148] ward working of the Spirite.


[6.149] How is it {|st}rengthned and increa|sed in you ?

[6.150] By the |same preaching of the word,and the v|se of the Sacraments,
[6.151] and prayer.

A{ct}s 2.41.
A{ct}s 16.14.


[6.152] How {|sh}all a man knowe whether hee haue this true and |sauing
[6.153] faith,or no?

[6.154] By the fruites and markes thereof.

[6.155] What be the fruites of faith?

[6.156] A hatred of all {|si}nne, a continuall care to plea|se GOD in the
[6.157] dueties commaunded,an vnfained loue to Gods word and to his
[6.158] people.

A{ct}s 2.37.
1.Iohn 3.14.


[6.159] Rehear|se the |summe of your Faith ?

[6.160] I beleeue in God the Father almightie, maker of heauen and
[6.161] earth, and in Ie|sus Chri{|st} his onely Sonne our Lord : which was
[6.162] conceiued by the holy Gho{|st},borne of the Virgin Marie, |suf­
[6.163] fered vnder Ponce Pilate, was crucified,dead,and buried, hee de|s­
[6.164] cended into hell, the third day he ro|se againe from the dead, he a|s­
[6.165] cended into heauen,and {|si}tteth on the right hand of God the Fa­
[6.166] ther almightie,from thence hee {|sh}all come to iudge the quicke
[6.167] and the dead. I beleeue in the holy Gho{|st}, the holy Catholique
[6.168] Church,the communion of Saints,the forgiuenes of |sinnes, the re­
[6.169] |surre{ct}ion of the bodie, and the life euerla{|st}ing.Amen.

[6.170] How many parts be there of this Creede?

[6.171] Two.

[6.172] Which be they?

[6.173] The {fi}r{|st} is of God,the |second is of the Church.
[6.174] Let vs now come to the meanes of {|st}rengthning our faith, as
[6.175] of the Sacraments and prayer : and {fi}r{st} what is a Sacra­
[6.176] ment ?

[6.177] A Sacrament is a |seale and pledge of tho|se bene{fi}ts of my |salua­
[6.178] tion, which I receiue by Chri{|st}.

[6.179]   How many Sacraments be there in the Church of God?

[6.180] Two.

[6.181]   Which be they ?

[6.182] Bapti|sme,and the Supper of the Lord.

[6.183]   Who ordained them ?

[6.184] The Lord Ie|sus.

[6.185]   To what end?

[6.186] To {|st}rengthen our faith,and to further our repentance.

[6.187]   How many things are to be con{|si}dered in a Sacrament ?

[6.188] Two.

[6.189]   Which be they ?

[6.190] The {|si}gne, and the thing {|si}gni{fi}ed.

[6.191]   In Bapti|sme,which is the {|si}gne that may be |seene?

[6.192] Water.

[6.193]   What is the thing {|si}gni{fi}ed?

[6.194] The wa{|sh}ing away of my {|si}nnes by the blood of Chri{|st}.

[6.195]   How is your Faith {|st}rengthened by Bapti|sme?

[6.196] By Bapti|sme I am receiued into the familie and congregation of
[6.197] the Lord,and am thereby fully a{|s|s}ured,that both my {|si}nnes are for­
[6.198] giuen me,and the puni{|sh}ment due to the |same.

[6.199]   What do you profe{|s|s}e in Bapti|sme ?

[6.200] To dye vnto {|si}nne,and to liue vnto righteou|sne{|s|s}e.

[6.201]   In the Supper of the Lord, which bee the Signes that may bee
[6.202] |seene?

[6.203] Bread and Wine.

[6.204]   What do they {|si}gni{fi}e?

[6.205] The bodie and blood of Chri{|st}.

[6.206]   How is your Faith {|st}rengthned by the Supper of the Lord?

[6.207] By the Supper of the Lord my Faith is {|st}rengthned, that as I re­
[6.208] ceiue the bread and wine into my body to become mine : |so doth
[6.209] my |soule receiue withall Ie|sus Chri{|st}, with all the bene{fi}ts of his
[6.210] death to be wholy mine.

[6.211]   Is the bread and wine turned into the naturall bodie and blood of
[6.212] Chri{|st}, {fl}e{|sh}, blood,and bone?

[6.213] No,the bread and wine of their owne nature are not changed,but

Rom. 4.11.

Matth. 28.19
& 26 26.


1. Cor.11.23.

Matth. 26 26.
1. Cor.11.23.


Rom. 4.11.


A{ct}s 8.36.

Ioha 3.5.

Mark. 16.16.
A{ct}s 2.38.



24 25.


[6.214] in v|se they di{ff}er from other common bread and wine, becau|se
[6.215] they be appoynted of God to be {|si}gnes of the bodie and blood of
[6.216] Chri{|st}.

[6.217]   Why then doth Chri{|st} |say ; This is my body?

[6.218] It is a {fi}guratiue |speech v|suall in the Scripture , as circumci{|si}on is
[6.219] called the couenant, the Lambe is called the pa{|s|s}eouer: and yet it
[6.220] is not the couenant,nor the pa{|s|s}eouer,but a {|si}gne of it.

[6.221]   How do you eate Chri{|st}s bodie,and drinke his blood?

[6.222] Spiritually, and by Faith.

[6.223]   Are all per|sons without exception to be admitted to the Supper
[6.224] of the Lord?

[6.225] No.

[6.226]   Who are not to be admitted?

[6.227] Children,Fooles, Mad-men, Ignorant per|sons, knowne heretikes,
[6.228] open and notorious {|si}nners not repenting.

[6.229]   What mu{|st} he doe that will come worthily to the Supper of the
[6.230] Lord?

[6.231] He mu{|st} proue and examine him|selfe.

[6.232]   Wherein mu{|st} he examine him|selfe ?

[6.233] Fir{|st}, what knowledge he hath in the principles of Religion,and
[6.234] e|specially in the matter of the Sacrament.

[6.235]   Secondly, whether he hath true faith in Ie|sus Chri{|st},or no.

[6.236]   Thirdly, whether he bee penitent and |sorie for his {|si}nnes pa{|st},
[6.237] purpo{|si}ng to leaue them,and to liue godlie,endeuouring him|selfe
[6.238] to be in brotherly loue and charitie with all men.

[6.239]   Then it |seemeth there be |some, who albeit they come, yet they
[6.240]    lo|se the bene{fi}t of this communion in them|selues?

[6.241] Yea.

[6.242]   Who be they ?

[6.243] Such as come not in faith, and are not grieued for their {|si}nnes pa{|st},
[6.244] as hypocrites,vnciuill men, Church Papi{|st}s,priuie enemies to Gods
[6.245] word,and |so many of the godlie as come not |su{ffi}ciently prepa­
[6.246] red,procure a puni{|sh}ment.

[6.247]   What is the other helpe you haue to increa|se Faith ?

[6.248] Prayer.

[6.249]   What is prayer ?

[6.250] Prayer,is a |spirituall a{ct}ion of Faith wherein we require of God



Iohn 6.63.










[6.251] in the name of Chri{|st},all things nece{|s|s}arie,his glorie and our com­
[6.252] fort.

[6.253]   To whom mu{|st} you pray ?

[6.254] To God only.

[6.255]   In who|se name ?

[6.256] In the name of Chri{|st}.

[6.257]   Then you may not pray to Saints,or Angels, or to God in the
[6.258] name of a Saint or Angell ?

[6.259] No.

[6.260]   Why ?

[6.261] Becau|se there is neither commandement,promi|se,nor example in
[6.262] the Scripture for it.

[6.263]   How mu{|st} you pray ?

[6.264] As Chri{|st} hath taught me,|saying:

[6.265]   Our Father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name. Thy
[6.266] kingdome come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen. Giue
[6.267] vs this day our daily bread. And forgiue vs our tre|spa{|s|s}es. As we
[6.268] forgiue them that tre|spa{|s|s}e again{|st} vs. And lead vs not into temp­
[6.269] tation. But deliuer vs from all euill : for thine is the kingdome, the
[6.270] power and glorie,for euer. Amen.

[6.271]   How many petitions be there in this prayer ?

[6.272] Sixe,three concerning the glorie of God, and three our owne ne­
[6.273] ce{|s|si}ties.

[6.274]   What are the|se words; Our Father which art in heauen ?

[6.275] A preface or introdu{ct}ion to the prayer.

[6.276]   What are the|se words : For thine is the kingdome , the power and
[6.277] glorie for euer ?

[6.278] The conclu{|si}on of the prayer.

[6.279]   What do you owe to God for all his bene{fi}ts ?

[6.280] Thank|sgiuing.

[6.281]   Is it enough that you thanke him with your lips alone ?

[6.282] No,but I mu{|st} bee obedient to his lawes and commaundements :
[6.283] which grace the Lord graunt. Amen.

1 Iohn.5.14.









Sundry nece{|s|s}arie ob|seruations for
a Chri{st}ian.

[7.1] 1. THat we keepe a narrow a watch ouer our hearts, words,and
[7.2] deedes continually.

a 1.Pet.1.15.

[7.3]  2. That with all care the b time bee redeemed, which hath been
[7.4] idly,carele{|sl}y,and vnpro{fi}tably |spent.

b Ephe|s.5.16.
Col.4 5.


[7.5]  3. That once in the day at the lea{|st} priuate c prayer and medita­
[7.6] tion be v|sed.

c Col.4.2.

[7.7]  4. That care be had d to do,and receiue good in companie.

d Luk.14.15,


[7.8]  5. That our familie bee with diligence and regard e in{|st}ru{ct}ed,
[7.9] f watched ouer and gouerned.

e Deut.4.9. &
Gen.18 19.


f Pro.31.27.


[7.10]  6. That no more time or care be be{|st}owed in g matters of the
[7.11] world,then mu{|st} needes.

g Col.3.2.

[7.12]  7. That we {|st}irre vp our |selues to h liberalitie to Gods Saints.

h Heb.13.16.


[7.13]  8. That we giue not the lea{|st} bridle to wandring i lu{|st}s and af­
[7.14] fe{ct}ions.

i Col.3.5.
Ephe.5.3, 4.


[7.15]  9. That wee prepare our |selues to k beare the cro{|s|s}e, by what
[7.16] meanes it {|sh}all plea|se God to exerci|se vs.

k Matth.16.24

[7.17]  10. That wee be{|st}ow |sometime not onely in l mourning for
[7.18] our owne {|si}nnes,but al|so for the {|si}nnes of the time and age where­ [7.19] in we liue.

l Dan.9.3, 4.


[7.20]  11. That we m looke daily for the comming of our Lord Ie|sus
[7.21] Chri{|st},for our full deliuerance out of this life.

m 1.Cor.1.7.


[7.22]  12. That we v|se (as we {|sh}all haue opportunitie, at lea{|st} as we
[7.23] {|sh}all haue nece{|s|si}tie) to n acquaint our |selues with |some godly
[7.24] and faithfull per|son, with whom we may conferre of our chri{|st}ian
[7.25] e{|st}ate, and open our doubts, to the quickning vp of Gods graces
[7.26] in vs.

n Iam.5.16.

[7.27]  13. That wee o ob|serue the departure of men out of this life,
[7.28] their mortalitie, the vanitie and alteration of things belowe, the
[7.29] more to contemne the world, & to continue our longing a{ft}er the
[7.30] life to come. And that wee meditate and mu|se o{ft}en of our owne
[7.31] death,and going out of this life, how we mu{|st} lie in the graue, all
[7.32] our glorie put o{ff}, which will |serue to beate downe the pride of life
[7.33] that is in vs.

o Eccle|s.7.4.


[7.34]  14. That we p reade somewhat daily of the holy Scriptures, for
[7.35] the further increa|se of our knowledge.

p Deut.17.19.
Io{|sh}.1 8.
Dan.9 2.


[7.36]  15. That wee q enter into couenant with the Lord to {|st}riue a­
[7.37] gain{|st} all {|si}nne,and e|specially again{|st} the |speciall {|si}nnes and cor­
[7.38] ruptions of our hearts and liues, wherein we haue mo{|st} di{|sh}onou­
[7.39] red the Lord,and haue rai|sed vp mo{|st} guiltines to our owne con­
[7.40] |sciences,and that we carefully |see our couenant bee kept and con­
[7.41] tinued.

q Nehem.9.38.


[7.42]  16. That wee r marke how {|si}nne dyeth and is weakened in vs,
[7.43] and that we turne not to our old {|si}nnes againe,but wi|sely |s auoide
[7.44] all occa{|si}ons to {|si}nne.

r 1.Pet.1.14.


|s Matth.18.8.


[7.45]  17. That we t fall not from our {fi}r{|st} loue,but continue {|st}ill our
[7.46] a{ff}e{ct}ions to the liking of Gods word,and all the holy exerci|ses of
[7.47] religion, u diligently hearing it, and w faithfully pra{ct}i{|si}ng the |same
[7.48] in our liues and conuer|sations : that wee x prepare our |selues be­
[7.49] fore we come, and meditate and conferre of that wee heare, either
[7.50] by our |selues, or with other : and |so marke our daily pro{fi}ting in
[7.51] religion.

t Reuel.2.4.

u Iam.1.19.

w Iam.1.22.


x Eccl.4.17.

[7.52]  18. That we be o{ft}en occupied in y meditating on Gods bene­
[7.53] {fi}ts and workes,and |sound forth his prai|ses for the |same.

y Ephe.5.20.
& 118.15.


[7.54]  19. That we z exerci|se our faith by taking comfort and delight
[7.55] in the great bene{fi}t of our redemption by Chri{|st}, and the fruition
[7.56] of Gods pre|sence, in his glorious and ble{|s|s}ed kingdome.

z Phil 1.23.


[7.57]  20. La{|st}ly,that we make not the|se holy pra{ct}i|ses of repentance
[7.58] common in time,nor v|se them for cour|se.

A Prayer framed according to this

[8.1] ALmightie God and mo{|st} mercifull father in Ie|sus Chri{|st}, as
[8.2] thou ha{|st} plainly |set before vs our cur|sed e{|st}ate,in the cleare
[8.3] gla{|s|s}e of thy heauenly word,|so we be|seech thee to open our
[8.4] eyes to |see it,and pierce our hearts to feele it, by the inward wor­
[8.5] king of the holy |spirit. For wee O Lorde,are mo{|st} vaine and vile
[8.6] creatures,iu{|st}ly tainted with the rebellion of our {fi}r{|st} parents,con­
[8.7] ceiued in {|si}nne,bond{|sl}aues of |satan, nece{|s|s}arily, and yet willingly
[8.8] |seruing diuers lu{|st}s,and committing innumerable {|si}ns again{|st} thy


[8.9] Maie{|st}ie, whereby we de|serue mo{|st} iu{|st}ly to endure all mi|series in
[8.10] this life, and to be tormented in hell for euer. But ble{|s|s}ed bee thy
[8.11] name O Lord our God, who when there was no power in vs, no,
[8.12] not |so much as any de{|si}re or endeuor to get out of this wofull e­
[8.13] {|st}ate,ha{|st} made vs |see and feele, in what ca|se wee were, and proui­
[8.14] ded a mo{|st} |soueraigne remedie for vs, euen thy deare and onely
[8.15] begotten Sonne,whome thou ha{|st} freely o{ff}ered vnto vs,not onely
[8.16] kindling in vs a de{|si}re to enioy him, but enabling vs by a true and
[8.17] liuely faith,to lay hold vpon him, and to be partakers of all his be­
[8.18] ne{fi}ts, to the |saluation of our |soules. And now O Lorde, that it
[8.19] hath plea|sed thee, by faith to ioyne vs to thy |sonne Ie|sus Chri{|st},
[8.20] and by thy |spirit, to make vs members of his body : wee humbly
[8.21] be|seech thee,by the |same |spirite, to renewe vs daily according to
[8.22] thine owne image. Worke in our hearts a daily increa|se of true
[8.23] faith, and repentance, and in our liues a holy and comfortable
[8.24] change. O Lord enable vs in |some good mea|sure, to walke wor­
[8.25] thie of all thy mercies , and to |serue thee , who ha{|st} created and
[8.26] cho|sen vs,and thy Sonne, who hath redeemed vs from death, and
[8.27] made vs heires of glorie,and thy ble{|s|s}ed |spirit, who doth continu­
[8.28] ally |san{ct}i{fi}e and keepe vs, with faith, feare, and zeale, in true holi­
[8.29] ne{|s|s}e,and righteou|sne{|s|s}e all the dayes of our life. Finally,|seeing of
[8.30] thine in{fi}nite goodne{|s|s}e and mercie, thou ha{|st} appoynted diuers
[8.31] excellent and holy meanes for the daily encrea|se of thy graces in
[8.32] vs,and for the con{fi}rming and quickning of vs in a Chri{|st}ian con­
[8.33] uer|sation, we humbly be|seech thee,to grant al tho|se good meanes
[8.34] vnto vs,and to continue them among{|st} vs, giuing vs grace to v|se
[8.35] them purely, con{|st}antly and zealou{|sl}y, to the glorie of thy name,
[8.36] pro{fi}t of our brethren, and |saluation of our |soules, through Ie|sus
[8.37] Chri{|st},to whom with thee O Father,and the holy Gho{|st}, be giuen
[8.38] all honor and glory for euer, Amen.



A thanke|sgiuing before meate.

[9.1] O My heauenly Father, I thank thee through Ie|sus Chri{|st} for ma­
[9.2] king the|se creatures to |serue mee, and for giuing mee leaue to
[9.3] feede on them: now I humbly pray thee to giue mee grace mode­
[9.4] rately and |soberly to v|se them,that my bodily health may bee {|st}ill

[9.5] continued to thy glorie,the good of others,and mine owne com­
[9.6] fort in Chri{|st} Ie|sus, Amen.

A thanke|sgiuing a{ft}er meate.

[10.1] O Lord,feeling my bodie to be refre{|sh}ed with meate and drink,
[10.2] and my minde al|so {fi}tter to doe tho|se things which thou re­
[10.3] quire{|st} of me:let it now bee my meate to doe thy will, and tho|se
[10.4] workes which belong to my dutie with all cheerefulnes and good
[10.5] con|science, that for the|se and all other thy mercies, my thankful­
[10.6] ne{|s|s}e in heart, word and deede, may bee acceptable in thy {|si}ght to
[10.7] the ende of my life, through Ie|sus Chri{|st},to whom with thee and
[10.8] the holy Gho{|st} be all honour,glorie, and thank|sgiuing now and
[10.9] for euer, Amen.

A Prayer for the Morning.

[11.1] O Lord God our heauenly father , wee thy poore and wretched
[11.2] creatures, giue thee mo{|st} humble and heartie thanks for our
[11.3] quiet and |safe {|sl}eepe, and for rai{|si}ng vs vp from the |same. We be­
[11.4] |seech thee for Ie|sus Chri{|st}es |sake, to pro|sper vs this daye in our la­
[11.5] bour and trauell,that it may be to the di|scharging of our dutie in
[11.6] our vocations, principally to thy glorie, next to the pro{fi}t of this
[11.7] Church and common-weale, and la{|st} of all to the bene{fi}te and
[11.8] content of our Mai{|st}ers. Graunt deare Father, that we may chere­
[11.9] fully and con|scionably doe our bu{|si}ne{|s|s}e and labours , not as
[11.10] men-plea|sers, but as |seruing thee our God, knowing thee to bee
[11.11] the chiefe mai{|st}er of vs,and that thou |see{|st} and beholde{|st} vs with
[11.12] thy fatherly eyes, who ha{|st} promi|sed reward to them that faithful-
[11.13] ly and truely walke in their vocation, and threatned euerla{|st}ing
[11.14] death and damnation to them that deceitfully and wickedly doe
[11.15] their workes and labours. We be|seech thee O heauenly father, to
[11.16] giue vs the {|st}rength of thy |spirit, that godly and gladly we may o­
[11.17] uercome our labours,and that the tediou|sne{|s|s}e of this irk|some, la­
[11.18] bour which thou for our {|si}nnes ha{|st} powred vpon all mankinde,
[11.19] may |seeme to vs dele{ct}able and |sweete. Ful{fi}ll now O Lord the|se
[11.20] our reque{|st}s,for thy |sonne our Sauiours |sake, in who|se name wee
[11.21] pray as he him|selfe hath taught vs. Our Father,&c.

A Prayer for the Euening.

[12.1] MO{|st} mercifull God and tender Father, which be{|si}des thine in­
[12.2] e{|st}imable mercies declared and giuen vnto vs in the making
[12.3] of the world for our |sakes, in the redeeming of vs by the death of
[12.4] thy deare Sonne Ie|sus Chri{|st},in the calling of vs to the knowledge
[12.5] of thy ble{|s|s}ed worde,in keeping of vs hitherto in thy holy Church,
[12.6] and in thy mo{|st} gratious gouerning of vs, and all things hitherto
[12.7] for our {|si}ngular wealth and commoditie, ha{|st} al|so mo{|st} fatherly
[12.8] cared for vs,and kept vs this day from all daungers both of |soule
[12.9] and body, giuing vs health, foode, apparell, and all other things
[12.10] nece{|s|s}ary for the comfort and |succour of this poore and mi|serable
[12.11] life, which many other doe want:for the|se and all other thy good
[12.12] gi{ft}es and gracious bene{fi}tes, which thou of thine owne goodnes
[12.13] onely and fatherly prouidence, ha{|st} hitherto powred vpon vs,and
[12.14] doe{|st} pre|sently powre vpon vs and many other, we mo{|st} humbly
[12.15] thanke thee and prai|se thy holy name , be|seeching thee, that as
[12.16] all things are now hidden by meanes of the darkene{|s|s}e which thou
[12.17] ha{|st} |sent ouer the earth, |so thou woulde{|st} vouch|safe to hide and
[12.18] burie all our {|si}nnes, which this day or at any time heretofore wee
[12.19] haue committed again{|st} thy holy commaundements: and as now
[12.20] we purpo|se to lay our bodies to re{|st}, |so graunt the garde of thy
[12.21] good Angels to keepe the |same this night and for euermore : and
[12.22] when|soeuer our la{|st} {|sl}eepe of death {|sh}all come,graunt that it may
[12.23] be in thee good Father, |so that our bodies may re{|st} both tempo-
[12.24] rally and eternally, to thy glorie and our ioy through Ie|sus Chri{|st}
[12.25] our Lorde. So be it.

P|salme 119. The {fi}r{st} part.

[13.1] 1. BLe{|s|s}ed are tho|se that are vnde{fi}led in the way : and walke in
[13.2] the way of the Lord.
[13.3]  2 Ble{|s|s}ed are they that keepe his te{|st}imonies : and |seeke him
[13.4] with their whole heart.

[13.5]  3 For they which doe no wickednes : walke in his waies.

[13.6]  4 Thou ha{|st} charged: that we {|sh}all diligently keepe thy com­
[13.7] mandements.

[13.1]    5     O that my waies were made |so dire{ct} : that I might keepe
[13.2] thy {|st}atutes.

[13.3]    6     So {|sh}all I not be confounded : while I haue re|spe{ct} vnto all
[13.4] thy commandements.

[13.5]    7     I will thanke thee with an vnfained heart : when I {|sh}all haue
[13.6] learned the iudgements of thy righteou|snes.

[13.7]    8     I will keepe thy Ceremonies : O for|sake me not vtterly.

The |second part.

[13.8]    1     WHere withall {|sh}all a young man clen|se his way? euen by
[13.9] ruling him|selfe after thy word.

[13.10]    2     With my whole heart haue I |sought thee : O let me not goe
[13.11] wrong out of thy commandements.

[13.12]    3     Thy words haue I hid within my heart:that I {|sh}ould not {|si}nne
[13.13] again{|st} thee.

[13.14]    4     Ble{|s|s}ed art thou(O Lord)O teach me thy {|st}atutes.

[13.15]    5     With my lips haue I been telling of all the iudgements of
[13.16] thy mouth.

[13.17]    6     I haue had great delight in the way of thy te{|st}imonies : as in
[13.18] all manner of riches.

[13.19]    7     I will talke of thy commandements, and haue re|spe{ct} vnto
[13.20] thy waies.

[13.21]    8     My delight {|sh}all be in thy {|st}atutes, and I will not forget thy
[13.22] word.

Prouerbs Chapter 4.

[14.1]    1     HEare, O yee children, the in{|st}ru{ct}ion of a father,and giue
[14.2] eare to learne vnder{|st}anding.

[14.3]    2     For I doe giue you a good do{ct}rine : therefore for|sake ye not
[14.4] my law.

[14.5]    3     For I was my fathers |sonne, tender and deare in the {|si}ght of
[14.6] my mother.

[14.7]    4     When he taught me , and |said vnto me, Let thine heart hold
[14.8] fa{|st} my words:keep my commaundements,and thou {|sh}alt liue.

[14.9]    5     Get wi|sdome:get vnder{|st}anding : forget not,neither decline
[14.10] from the words of my mouth.

[14.11]    6     For|sake her not, and {|sh}e {|sh}all keepe thee : loue her, and {|sh}ee
[14.12] {|sh}all pre|serue thee.

[14.13]    7     Wi|sedome is the beginning: get wi|sedome therefore : and a­

[14.14] boue all thy po{|s|s}e{|s|s}ion get vnder{|st}anding.

[14.15]    8     Exalt her,and {|sh}e {|sh}all exalt thee:{|sh}e {|sh}all bring thee to ho­
[14.16] nor,if thou embrace her.

[14.17]    9     Shee {|sh}all giue a comely ornament vnto thine head, yea, {|sh}e
[14.18] {|sh}all giue thee a crowne of glory.

[14.19]    10     Heare my |sonne, and receiue my words, and the yeares of
[14.20] thy life {|sh}all be many.

[14.21]    11     I haue taught thee in the way of wi|sdome,and led thee in the
[14.22] paths of righteou|snes.

[14.23]    12     When thou goe{|st},thy gate {|sh}all not be {|st}raight, and when
[14.24] thou runne{|st} thou {|sh}alt not fall.

[14.25]    13     Take hold of in{|st}ru{|ct}ion, and leaue not : keepe her, for {|sh}e
[14.26] is thy life.

[14.27]    14     Enter not into the way of the wicked, and walke not in the
[14.28] way of euill men.

[14.29]    15     Auoyde it,and goe not by it:turne from it,and pa{|s|s}e by.

[14.30]    16     For they cannot {|sl}eepe,except they haue done euill,& their
[14.31] {|sl}eepe departeth,except they cau|se |some to fall.

[14.32]    17     For they eate the bread of wickednes, and drinke the wine
[14.33] of violence.

[14.34]    18     But the way of the righteous {|sh}ineth as the light that {|sh}i­
[14.35] neth more and more vnto the per{fi}te day.

[14.36]    19     The way of the wicked is as the darknes : they knowe not
[14.37] wherein they {|sh}all fall.

[14.38]    20     My sonne,hearken vnto my words, incline thine eare vnto
[14.39] my |sayings.

[14.40]    21     Let them not depart from thine eyes,but keepe them in the
[14.41] midde{|st} of thine heart.

[14.42]    22     For they are life vnto tho|se that {fi}nde them,and health vnto
[14.43] all their fle{|sh}.

[14.44]    23     Keepe thy heart with all diligence:for thereout commeth life.

[14.45]    24     Put away from thee a froward mouth, and put wicked lips
[14.46] farre from thee.

[14.47]    25     Let thine eyes beholde the right,and let thine ey-lids dire{ct}
[14.48] the way before thee.

[14.49]    26     Ponder the path of thy feete,and let all thy waies be ordered
[14.50] aright.

[14.51]    27 Turne not to the right hand, nor to the left,but remoue thy
foote from euill.

The {fi}r{st} P|salme.

[15.1] THe man is ble{|st} that hath not bent,
[15.2]    to wicked rede his eare :
[15.3] Nor led his life as {|si}nners doe,
[15.4]    nor |sat in |scorners chayre.
[15.5] 2     But in the law of God the Lord,
[15.6]    doth |set his whole delight:
[15.7] And in that law doth exerci|se
[15.8]    him|selfe both day and night.

[15.9] 3     He {|sh}all be like the tree that groweth,
[15.10]    fa{|st} by the water {|si}de :
[15.11] Which bringeth forth mo{|st} plea|sant fruite
[15.12]    in her due time and tide.
[15.13] 4     Who|se leafe {|sh}all neuer fade nor fall,
[15.14]    but {fl}ouri|sh {|st}ill and {|st}and :
[15.15] Euen |so all things {|sh}all pro|sper well,
[15.16]    that this man takes in hand.

[15.17] 5     So {|sh}all not the vngodly men,
[15.18]    they {|sh}all be nothing |so :
[15.19] But as the du{|st} which from the earth,
[15.20]    the windes driue to and fro.
[15.21] 6     Therefore {|sh}all not the wicked men,
[15.22]    in iudgement {|st}and vpright :
[15.23] Nor yet the {|si}nners with the iu{|st},
[15.24]    {|sh}all come in place or {|si}ght.

[15.25] 7     For why? the way of godly men,
[15.26]    vnto the Lord is knowne :
[15.27] And eke the way of wicked men,
[15.28]    {|sh}all quite be ouerthrowne.

The 4. P|salme.

[16.1] O God that art my righteou|sne{|s|s}e,
[16.2]    Lord heare me when I call :
[16.3] Thou ha{|st} |set me at libertie,
[16.4]    when I was bound and thrall.
[16.5] 2     Haue mercie Lord therefore on me,
[16.6]    and grant me my reque{|st} :
[16.7] For vnto thee vnce{|s|s}antly
[16.8]    to crie I will not re{|st}.

[16.9] 3     O mortall men how long will ye
[16.10]    my glorie thus de|spi|se ?
[16.11] Why wander ye in vanitie,
[16.12]    and follow after lyes?
[16.13] 4     Know ye that good and godly men,
[16.14]    the Lord doth take and chu|se :
[16.15] And when to him I make my plaint,
[16.16]    he doth me not refu|se.

[16.17] 5     Sinne not but {|st}and in awe therefore,
[16.18]    examine well your heart :
[16.19] And in your chamber quietly,
[16.20]    |see you your |selues conuert.
[16.21] 6     O{ff}er to God the |sacri{fi}ce
[16.22]    of righteou|sne{|s|s}e I |say :
[16.23] And looke that in the liuing Lord,
[16.24]    you put your tru{|st} alway.

[16.25] 7     The greater |sort craue worldly goods,
[16.26]    and riches do embrace :
[16.27] But Lord grant vs thy countenance,
[16.28]    thy fauour and thy grace.
[16.29] 8     For thou thereby {|sh}alt make my heart
[16.30]    more ioyfull and more glad,
[16.31] Then they that of their corne and wine
[16.32]    full great increa|se haue had.

[16.33] 9     In peace therefore lie downe will I,
[16.34]    taking my re{|st} and {|sl}eepe :
[16.35] For thou onely wilt me O Lord
[16.36]    alone in |safetie keepe.

The 50. P|salme.

[17.1] THe mightie God,
[17.2]    th'eternall hath thus |spoke:
[17.3] And all the world
[17.4]    he will call and prouoke:
[17.5] Euen from the Ea{|st},
[17.6]    and |so foorth to the We{|st}.
[17.7] 2     From toward Sion
[17.8]    which place him liketh be{|st}:
[17.9] God will appeare
[17.10]    in beautie mo{|st} excellent :
[17.11] 3     Our God will come
[17.12]    before that long time be |spent.

[17.13] Deuouring {fi}re
[17.14]    {|sh}all goe before his face :
[17.15] A great tempe{|st}
[17.16]    {|sh}all round about him trace.
[17.17] 4     Then {|sh}all he call
[17.18]    the earth and heauens bright :
[17.19] To iudge his folke,
[17.20]    with equitie and right.
[17.21] 5     Saying go to,
[17.22]    and now my Saints a{|s|s}emble :
[17.23] My peace they keepe,
[17.24]    their gifts do not di{|s|s}emble.

[17.25] 6     The heauens {|sh}all
[17.26]    declare his righteousne{|s|s}e :
[17.27] For God is iudge
[17.28]    of all things more or le{|s|s}e.

[17.29] 7     Heare my people,
[17.30]    for I will now reueale :
[17.31] Li{|st} I|srael,
[17.32]    I will thee nought conceale :
[17.33] Thy God,thy God
[17.34]    am I,and will not blame thee :
[17.35] 8     For giuing not
[17.36]    all manner o{ff}rings to me.

[17.37] 9     I haue no neede
[17.38]    to take of thee at all,
[17.39] Goates of thy fold,
[17.40]    or calfe out of thy {|st}all.
[17.41] 10     For all the bea{|st}s
[17.42]    are mine within the woods:
[17.43] On thou|sand hils,
[17.44]    cattell are mine owne goods.
[17.45] 11     I know for mine,
[17.46]    all birds that are on mountaines:
[17.47] All bea{|st}s are mine,
[17.48]    which haunt the {fi}elds and fountaines.

The 51. P|salme,the fir{|st} part.

[18.1] O Lord con{|si}der my di{|st}re{|s|s}e,
[18.2]    and now with |speed |some pitie take:
[18.3] My {|si}nnes deface, my faultes redre{|s|s}e,
[18.4]    good Lord for thy great mercies |sake.
[18.5] 2     Wa{|sh} me(O Lord)and make me cleane,
[18.6]    from this vniu{|st} and {|si}nfull a{ct}:
[18.7] And puri{fi}e yet once againe,
[18.8]    my hainous crime and bloody fa{|ct}.

[18.9] 3     Remor|se and |sorow doth con{|st}raine
[18.10]    me to acknowledge mine exce{|s|s}e :
[18.11] My {|si}nnes alas do {|st}ill remaine
[18.12]    before my face without relea|se.

[18.13] 4     For thee alone I haue o{ff}ended,
[18.14]    committing euill in thy {|si}ght:
[18.15] And if I were therefore condemned,
[18.16]    yet were thy iudgements iu{|st} and right.

[18.17] 5     It is too manife{|st} alas,
[18.18]    that fir{|st} I was conceiued in {|si}nne:
[18.19] Yea of my mother |so borne was,
[18.20]    and yet vile wretch remaine therein.
[18.21] 6     Al|so behold Lord thou doe{|st} loue
[18.22]    the inward truth of a pure heart :
[18.23] Therefore thy wi|sedome from aboue
[18.24]    thou ha{|st} reuealed me to conuert.

[18.25] 7     If thou with I|sope purge this blot,
[18.26]    I {|sh}all be cleaner then the gla{|s|s}e:
[18.27] And if thou wa{|sh} away my |spot,
[18.28]    the |snow in whitene{|s|s}e {|sh}all I pa{|s|s}e.
[18.29] 8     Therefore O Lord |such ioy me |send,
[18.30]    that inwardly I may {fi}nd grace:
[18.31] And that my |strength may now amend,
[18.32]    which thou ha{|st} |swagde for my tre|spa{|s|s}e.

[18.33] 9     Turne backe thy face and frowning ire,
[18.34]    for I haue felt enough thy hand:
[18.35] And purge my {|si}nnes I thee de{|si}re,
[18.36]    which do in number pa{|s|s}e the |sand.
[18.37] 10     Make new my heart within my bre{|st},
[18.38]    and frame it to thy holy will :
[18.39] Thy con{|st}ant |spirit in me let re{|st},
[18.40]    which may the|se raging enemies kill.

The 67. P|salme.

[19.1] HAue mercie on vs Lord,
[19.2]    and graunt to vs thy grace :
[19.3] To {|sh}ew to vs do thou accord,
[19.4]    the brightnes of thy face.

[19.5] 2     That all the earth may know
[19.6]    the way to godly wealth :
[19.7] And all the nations on a row
[19.8]    may |see thy |sauing health.

[19.9] 3     Let all the world O God,
[19.10]    giue prai|se vnto thy name :
[19.11] O let the people all abroad,
[19.12]    extoll and laud the |same.
[19.13] 4     Throughout the world |so wide,
[19.14]    let all reioyce with mirth :
[19.15] For thou with trueth and right doe{|st} guide
[19.16]    the nations of the earth.

[19.17] 5     Let all the world O God,
[19.18]    giue prai|se vnto thy name :
[19.19] O let the people all abroad,
[19.20]    extoll and laud the |same.
[19.21] 6     Then {|sh}all the earth encrea|se,
[19.22]    great {|st}ore of fruit {|sh}all fall :
[19.23] And then our God the God of peace,
[19.24]    {|sh}all ble{|s|s}e vs eke withall.

[19.25] 7     God {|sh}all vs ble{|s|s}e I |say,
[19.26]    and then both farre and neare,
[19.27] The folke throughout the earth alway,
[19.28]    of him {|sh}all {|st}and in feare.

The 104. P|salme,the {fi}r{|st} part.

[20.1] MY Soule prai|se the Lord,
[20.2]    |speake good of his name :
[20.3] O Lord our great God,
[20.4]    how doe{|st} thou appeare?
[20.5] So pa|ssing in glorie,
[20.6]    that great is thy fame ?
[20.7] Honour and maie{|st}ie
[20.8]    in thee {|sh}ine mo{|st} cleare.

[20.1] With light as a robe,
[20.2]     thou ha{|st} thee be clad,
[20.3] Whereby all the earth
[20.4]     thy greatnes may |see.
[20.5] The Heauens in |such |sort,
[20.6]     thou al|so ha{|st} |spread,
[20.7] That it to a curtaine,
[20.8]     compared may be.

[20.9] 3     His chamber beames lye
[20.10]     in the clowdes full |sure,
[20.11] Which as his Chariots
[20.12]     are made him to beare :
[20.13] And there with much |swiftne{|s|s}e,
[20.14]     his cour|se doth endure,
[20.15] Vpon the wings riding
[20.16]     of winde in the ayre.
[20.17] 4     He maketh his |spirits,
[20.18]     as Heralds to go,
[20.19] And lightnings to |serue,
[20.20]     we |see al|so pre{|st} :
[20.21] His will to accompli{|sh},
[20.22]     they runne to and fro,
[20.23] To |saue or con|sume things,
[20.24]     as |seemeth him be{|st}.

[20.25] 5     He grounded the earth
[20.26]     |so {fi}rmely and fa{|st},
[20.27] That it once to moue,
[20.28]     none {|sh}all haue |such powers.
[20.29] 6     The deepe a faire couering
[20.30]     for it made thou ha{|st} :
[20.31] Which by his owne nature,
[20.32]     the hils would deuoure.
[20.33] 7     But at thy rebuke,
[20.34]     the waters do {fl}y,
[20.35] And |so giue due place,

[20.36]     thy word to obey :
[20.37] At thy voyce of thunder,
[20.38]     |so fearefull they be,
[20.39] That in their great raging,
[20.40]     they ha{|st} |soone away.

[20.41] 8     The mountaines full hye,
[20.42]     they then vp a|scend,
[20.43] If thou do but |speake,
[20.44]     thy word they ful{fi}ll:
[20.45] So likewi|se the vallyes,
[20.46]     mo{|st} quickly de|scend,
[20.47] Where thou them appoynte{|st}
[20.48]     remaine they do {|st}ill.
[20.49] 9     Their bounds thou ha{|st} |set,
[20.50]     how farre they {|sh}all run,
[20.51] So as in their rage,
[20.52]     not that pa{|s|s}e they can :
[20.53] For God hath appoynted,
[20.54]     they |shall not returne
[20.55] The earth to de{|st}roy more,
[20.56]     which made was for man.

The 112. P|salme.

[21.57] THe man is ble{|st} that God doth feare,
[21.58]     And that his lawes doth loue indeed :
[21.59] 2     His |seede on earth God will vpreare,
[21.60] And ble{|s|s}e |such as from him proceed.
[21.61] 3     His hou|se with good he will ful{fi}ll,
[21.62] His righteou|sne{|s|s}e endure {|sh}all {|st}ill.

[21.63] 4     Vnto the righteous doth ari|se,
[21.64] In trouble ioy,in darknes light,
[21.65] Compa{|s|si}on is in his eyes,
[21.66] And mercie alwaies in his {|si}ght :
[21.67] 5     Yea pitie moueth |such to lend,
[21.68] He doth by iudgement things expend.

[21.69] 6     And |surely |such {|sh}all neuer faile,
[21.70] For in remembrance had is he.
[21.71] 7     No tydings ill can make him quaile,
[21.72] Who in the Lord |sure hope doth |see.
[21.73] 8     His heart is {fi}rme,his feare is pa{|st},
[21.74] For he {|sh}all |see his foes downe ca{|st}.

[21.75] 9     He did well for the poore to prouide,
[21.76] His righteou|sne{|s|s}e {|sh}all {|st}ill remaine :
[21.77] And his e{|st}ate with prai|se abide,
[21.78] Though that the wicked man di|sdaine.
[21.79] 10     Yea gna{|sh} his teeth thereat {|sh}all he,
[21.80] And |so con|sume his {|st}ate to |see.

The 113. P|salme.

[22.1] YE children which doe |serue the Lord,
[22.2]     Prai|se ye his name with one accord,
[22.3] Yea ble{|s|s}ed be alwayes his name.
[22.4] 3     Who from the ri{|si}ng of the Sun,
[22.5] Till it returne where it begun,
[22.6]     Is to be prai|sed with great fame.

[22.7] 4     The Lord all people doth |surmount,
[22.8] As for his glorie we may count,
[22.9]     Aboue the heauens high to be.
[22.10] 5     With God the Lord who may compare,
[22.11] Who|se dwellings in the heauens are?
[22.12]     Of |such great power and force is he.

[22.13] 6     He doth aba|se him|selfe we know,
[22.14] Things to behold both here below,
[22.15]     And al|so in heauen aboue.
[22.16] 7     The needy out of du{|st} to draw,
[22.17] And eke the poore which helpe none |saw,
[22.18]     His only mercie did him moue.
[22.19] 8     And |so him |set in high degree,
[22.20] With Princes of great dignitie,
[22.21]     That rule his people with great fame.

[22.22] 9     The barren he doth make to beare,
[22.23] And with great ioy her fruit to reare,
[22.24]     Therefore prai|se ye his holy name.

The 120. P|salme.

[23.1] IN trouble and in thrall,
[23.2]     Vnto the Lord I call,
[23.3]      And he doth me comfort.
[23.4] 2     Deliuer me I |say,
[23.5] From lyers lips alway,
[23.6]     And tongues of fal|se report.

[23.7] 3     What vauntage or what thing,
[23.8] Gets thou thus for to {|st}ing,
[23.9]     Thou fal|se and {fl}attering lyer?
[23.10] 4     Thy tongue doth hurt I weene,
[23.11] No le{|s|s}e then arrowes keene,
[23.12]     Of hote con|suming {fi}re.

[23.13] 5     Alas too long I |slack,
[23.14] Within the|se tents |so black,
[23.15]     Which Kedars are by name:
[23.16] By whom the {fl}ock ele{ct},
[23.17] And all of I|saacks |se{ct},
[23.18]     Are put to open {|sh}ame.

[23.19] 6     With them that peace did hate,
[23.20] I came a peace to make,
[23.21]     And |set a quiet life :
[23.22] 7     But when my word was told,
[23.23] Cau|seles I was controld,
[23.24]     By them that would haue {|s}trife.

The 126. P|salme.

[24.1] VVHen that the Lord
[24.2]     againe his Sion had forth brought,

[24.3] From bondage great
[24.4]     and al|so |seruitude extreame:
[24.5] His workes was |such,
[24.6]     as did |surmount mans heart and thought,
[24.7] So that we were
[24.8]     much like to them that dreame :
[24.9] Our mouthes were with
[24.10]     laughter {fi}lled then,
[24.11] And eke our tongues
[24.12]     did {|sh}ew vs ioyfull men.

[24.13] 2     The Heathen folke,
[24.14]     were forced then this to confe{|s|s}e,
[24.15] How that the Lord
[24.16]     for them al|so great things had done.
[24.17] 3     But much more we,
[24.18]     and therefore can confe{|s|s}e no le{|s|s}e,
[24.19] Wherefore to ioy
[24.20]     we haue good cau|se as we begun.
[24.21] 4     O Lord go forth,
[24.22]     thou can{|st} our bondage end :
[24.23] As to de|serts
[24.24]     the {fl}owing riuers |send.

[24.25] 5     Full true it is
[24.26]     that they which |sow in teares indeed,
[24.27] A time will come
[24.28]     when they {|sh}all reape in mirth and ioy:
[24.29] 6     They went and wept
[24.30]     in bearing of their precious |seede:
[24.31] For that their foes,
[24.32]     full oftentimes did them annoy.
[24.33] But their returne
[24.34]     with ioy they {|sh}all |sure |see :
[24.35] Their {|sh}eaues home bring,
[24.36]     and not impayred be.


[25.1] GIue laud vnto the Lord,
[25.2]     From heauen that is |so hye :
[25.3] Prai|se him indeed and word,
[25.4] Aboue the {|st}arrie skie.

[25.5]      2 And al|so yee,
[25.6] His Angels all,
[25.7] Armies royall,
[25.8]      Prai|se him with glee.

[25.9] 3     Prai|se him both Sunne and Moone,
[25.10] Which are |so cleere and bright :
[25.11] The |same of you be done,
[25.12] Ye gli{|st}ring {|st}ars of light.

[25.13]      4 And eke no le{|s|s}e
[25.14] Ye heauens faire,
[25.15] And clowdes of the aire,
[25.16]      His laud expre{|s|s}e.

[25.17] 5         For at his word they were
[25.18] All formed as we |see :
[25.19] At his voyce did appeare
[25.20] All things in their degree.

[25.21]      6 Which he |set fa{|st},
[25.22] To them he made
[25.23] A law and trade,
[25.24]      For aye to la{|st}.

The Schoole-mai{st}er to his Scholers.

[26.1] MY child and |scholer,take good heed,
[26.2]      vnto the words which here are |set :
[26.3] And |see you do accordingly,
[26.4]     or els be |sure you {|sh}all be beat.

[26.5] Fir{|st}, I commaund thee God to |serue,
[26.6]     then to thy parents dutie yeeld:

[26.7] Vnto all men be curteous,
[26.8]     and mannerly in towne and {fi}eld.

[26.9] Your cloathes vnbuttoned do not v|se,
[26.10]     let not your ho|se vngartered be:
[26.11] Haue handkerchiefe in readines,
[26.12]     wa{|sh} hands and face,or |see not me.

[26.13] Lo|se not your bookes,inkhorne nor pen,
[26.14]     nor girdle,garters,hat nor band :
[26.15] Let {|sh}oes be tied,pin {|sh}irtband clo|se,
[26.16]     keepe well your poynts at any hand.

[26.17] If broken ho|sed or {|sh}ooed you goe,
[26.18]     or {|sl}ouenly in your array:
[26.19] Without a girdle,or vntru{|st},
[26.20]     then you and I mu{|st} make a fray.

[26.21] If that you crie,or talke aloud,
[26.22]     or bookes do rend,or {|st}rike with knife,
[26.23] Or laugh, or play vnlawfully,
[26.24]     then you and I mu{|st} be at {|st}rife.

[26.25] If that you cur|se,mi|scall,or |sweare,
[26.26]     if that you pick,{fi}lch,{|st}eale or lie :
[26.27] If you forget a |scholers part,
[26.28]     then mu{|st} you |sure your poynts vntie.

[26.29] If to the |schoole you do not goe,
[26.30]     when time doth call you to the |same :
[26.31] Or if you loyter in the {|st}reetes,
[26.32]  when we do meet,then look for blame.

[26.33] Wherefore (my child) behaue thy |selfe
[26.34]     |so decently at all a{|s|s}aies,
[26.35] That thou mai{|st} purcha|se parents loue,
[26.36]     and eke obtaine thy mai{|st}ers prai|se.

The {fi}r{|st} part of Arithmeticke

[27.1]       ALl nombers are made by the diuer|se placing of the|se nine Fi­
[27.2]       gures. 1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   and this circle
[27.3]      (o)called a cypher. Now looke howe many of the|se {|st}ande toge­
[27.4]       ther, in |so many |seuerall places they mu{|st} needs {|st}and. But marke
[27.5]       that thou call that which is next the right hand, the {fi}r{|st} place, and
[27.6]       |so goe (as it were) backeward, calling the next vnto him, toward
[27.7]       the left hand, the |second place, the next, the third place. And |so
[27.8]       forth, as farre as thou wilt. Secondly, the further any Figure {|st}an­
[27.9]       deth from the {fi}r{|st} place, the greater he is : euery following place
[27.10]     being greater by tenne times, then that next before, as (5) in the
[27.11]     {fi}r{|st} place is but {fi}ue, but in the seconde place , tenne times {fi}ue,
[27.12]     that is, {fi}ue times tenne, which is {fi}ftie. In the third place, {fi}ue hun­
[27.13]     dreth. In the fourth place, {fi}ue thou|sand. And in the {fi}{ft} place,
[27.14]     {fi}fty thou|sand. And |so thou maye{|st} proceed. As for example:this
[27.15]     nomber thus placed: 1596. beeing this pre|sent yeere from the
[27.16]     birth of Chri{|st}, is one thou|sand, {fi}ue hundreth, ninetie, {|si}x. And
[27.17]     this nomber 5524. being this pre|sent yeere from the Creation
[27.18]     (though otherwi|se commonly taken) is {fi}ue thou|sande, {fi}ue hun­
[27.19]     dreth, twenty foure. But my booke growing greater then I pur­
[27.20]     po|sed : pardon me (I pray thee) though I breake o{ff} this matter,
[27.21]     |sooner then (peraduenture thou maye{|st} thinke) I promi|sed.

Dire{ct}ions to the Ignorant.

[28.1]       FOr thy better vnder{|st}anding this briefe Chronologie following,
[28.2]       I thought expedient to aduerti|se thee thus much. Thou mu{|st}
[28.3]       {fi}r{|st} be perfe{ct} in the nombers aboue, |so farre as concerneth the
[28.4]       fourth place. Then marke how I haue diuided the yeares of the
[28.5]       world into {fi}ue parts, called {fi}ue periods,which I for plainne{|s|s}e |sake
[28.6]       {|st}icke not to call Chapters, therefore I beginne mine accompt {fi}ue
[28.7]       times,be{|st} an|swering ( as I thinke ) thy demaunds, when |such
[28.8]       one liued, or |such a thing done: for thou commonly moue{|st} thy
[28.9]       que{|st}ion one of the|se {fi}ue wayes, eyther how long was it after the
[28.10]     Creation? or howe long after the Floud? howe long a{ft}er the de­

[28.11]     parture out of Ægypt and the Lawe giuen ? How long before
[28.12]     Chri{|st}? or how long after Chri{|st}? as thou thinke{|st} it neare{|st} one of
[28.13]     the|se times. If then thou {fi}nde{|st} the name thou |seeke{|st}, and the
[28.14]     yeare |set by it, looke vpward from thence to the beginning of that
[28.15]     Chapter, and thou {|sh}alt |see how long that thing thou |seeke{|st}, was
[28.16]     from the time mentioned in the Title of that Chapter. Further I
[28.17]     haue |set it downe (as thou |see{|st} ) in a diuer|se letter, according to
[28.18]     the diuer{|si}tie of the matter. If then thou |seeke{|st} for any thing pro­
[28.19]     per to the Bible, or eccle{|si}a{|st}icall {|st}ory, |seeke it in the Romaine &
[28.20]     Italica letters : which thou v|se{|st} to call the Latine letter, and pa{|s|s}e
[28.21]     ouer the|se in the Engli{|sh} letter, for they concerne not thy purpo|se.
[28.22]     Againe, if thou be a Grammar Scholer, or other that woulde{|st}
[28.23]     {fi}nd |some thing onely concerning any prophane Authour , |seeke
[28.24]     onely in the Engli{|sh} letter, pa{|s|si}ng ouer the other. And becau|se I
[28.25]     de{|si}re breuitie, I haue omitted the Kings of I|srael, Ægypt, A{|s|s}y­
[28.26]     ria, &c. & the Prophets which wrote not, who|se times thou may{|st}
[28.27]     ea{|si}ly {fi}nde, by conference with the Iudges, and Kinges of Iudah.
[28.28]     And note that ( y ) alone {|st}anding by any nomber, {|si}gni{fi}eth
[28.29]    ( yeare ). Finally my {fi}r{|st} purpo|se in making it , was for thy |sake
[28.30]     that learne{|st} reading. Therefore reade them |so often, vntill thou
[28.31]     can{|st} runne them ouer as fa{|st} as any other Engli{|sh}.

CHAP. 1.
After the Creation.


[28.1.1]       God hauing made the world
[28.1.2]       and created Adam & Heuah.
[28.1.3]       Their po{|st}eritie was borne in
[28.1.4]       the|se yeers after as followeth.

[28.1.5]       130. Sheth.

[28.1.6]       235. Eno{|sh}.

[28.1.7]       325. Kenan.

[28.1.8]       395. Mahaliel.

[28.1.9]       460. Iared.

[28.1.10]     522. Enoch.

[28.1.11]     687. Methu{|sh}alah.


[28.1.12]     874. Lamech.

[28.1.13]     1056. Noah.

[28.1.14]     1556. Iaphet.

[28.1.15]     1558. Shem.

[28.1.16]     1656. The vniuer|sall Floud after
[28.1.17]     which followeth the gene­
[28.1.18]     ration of Shem.

CHAP. 2.
After the Floud.

[28.2.1]       2. Arpach{|sh}ad.

[28.2.2]       37. Shelah.

[28.2.3]       67. Eber.


[28.2.4 ]       101. Peleg.

[28.2.5 ]       101. Tower of Babel built.

[28.2.6]       131. Reu.

[28.2.7 ]       163. Serug.

[28.2.8 ]       192. Nahor.

[28.2.9]       222. Terah.

[28.2.10]     292. Haran.

[28.2.11]     352. Abraham.

[28.2.12]     436. I{|sh}mael.

[28.2.13]     452. Sodom de{|st}royed.

[28.2.14]     452. I|saac.

[28.2.15]     512. Iacob.

[28.2.16]     587. Ruben.

[28.2.17]     588. Simeon.

[28.2.18]     589. Leui.

[28.2.19]     599. Iudah.

[28.2.20]     600. Dan.

[28.2.21]     601. Naphtali.

[28.2.22]     601. A{|sh}er.

[28.2.23]     602. I{|s|s}achar.

[28.2.24]     602. Gad.

[28.2.25]     602. Zebulon.

[28.2.26]     604. Io|seph.

[28.2.27]     619. Beniamin.
[28.2.28]     The|se12.were the Sonnes
[28.2.29]     of Iacob called the12. Pa­
[28.2.30]     triarches, of whom came the
[28.2.31]     12. Tribes of I|srael.
[28.2.32]     Minerua.

[28.2.33]     629. Phares.

[28.2.34]     642. Hezron.

[28.2.35]     643. Iacob went into Aegypt,
[28.2.36]     where they were 215.yeere.
[28.2.37]     Hercules. Lyb.
[28.2.38]     Aram.
[28.2.39]     Prometheus.


[28.2.40]     Atlas.
[28.2.41]     Aminadab.

[28.2.42]     778. Aaron.

[28.2.43]     781. Mo|ses.
[28.2.44]     Iob.
[28.2.45]     Naa{|s|s}on.
[28.2.46]     Salmon.

[28.2.47]     858. Mo|ses deliuered the chil­
[28.2.48]     dren of I|srael out of Aegipt,
[28.2.49]     then was the law giuen.

CHAP. 3.
After the law giuen.

[28.3.1]     Phaeton burnt.

[28.3.2]     40. Io|sua brought the people
[28.3.3]     out of the wilderne{|s|s}e into
[28.3.4]     the land of Canaan, and
[28.3.5]     reigned 18.yeares.

[28.3.6]     48. Iubilies began.

[28.3.7]     58. Othoniel iudged I|srael 40.
[28.3.8]     yeares , whereof Chu{|sh}am
[28.3.9]     the Aramite oppre{|s|s}ed them
[28.3.10]     8.yeares.
[28.3.11]     Radamanthus.

[28.3.12]     80. Boaz of Rahab.

[28.3.13]     98. Ehud and Shamgar iudged
[28.3.14]     80. yeare , whereof Eglon
[28.3.15]     the Moabite oppre{|s|s}ed 18.y.
[28.3.16]     Tros ruled in Dardania
[28.3.17]     and called it Troy.
[28.3.18]     Pega|sus.
[28.3.19]     Orpheus.

[28.3.20]     178. Debora and Baruk iudged
[28.3.21]     40. y. whereof Iabin and
[28.3.22]     Si|sera oppre{|ss}ed 20.y.


[28.3.23]     198. Obed borne of Ruth.

[28.3.24]     218. Gedeon iudged 40. y. wher­
[28.3.25]     of the Midianites oppre|s­
[28.3.26]     |sed 7.y.
[28.3.27]     The|seus.

[28.3.28]     358. Abimelech. 3. y.

[28.3.29]     261. Tholay. 23. y.

[28.3.35]     306. Iephte. 6. y.

[28.3.36]     306. Ie{|s|s}e father of Dauid by O­
[28.3.37]     bed.

[28.3.38]     311. Ibzan iudged 7.y.

[28.3.39]     318. Elon 10. y.
[28.3.40]     Troy de{|st}royed.

[28.3.41]     329. Abdon the Piranothite. 8. y.

[28.3.42]     336. Sam|son 20 y.
[28.3.43]     In the time of the|se 6.Iud­
[28.3.44]     ges the Phili{|st}ims oppre|s­
[28.3.45]     |sed.

[28.3.46]     356. Ely the Prie{|st}. 40.y.

[28.3.47]     397. Samuel and Saul. 40. y.

[28.3.48]     432. Brutus came into Eng­
[28.3.49]     lande, if the {|st}orie bee
[28.3.50]     true.

[28.3.51]     437. Dauid reigned 40. y.
[28.3.52]     Nathan, A|saph, Heman,
[28.3.53]     and Ieduthun Prophets.

[28.3.54]     477. Salomon reigned 40. y. &

[28.3.55]     481. in his fourth yere built the
[28.3.56]     Temple before the birth of
[28.3.57]     Chri{|st} about 936.y.

CHAP. 4.
Before Chri{|st}.


[28.4.1]     936. Temple built.

[28.4.2]     900. He{|si}od.

[28.4.3]     899. Rehoboam reigned ouer
[28.4.4]     Iudah 17.y.

[28.4.5]     882. Abijam. 3.y.

[28.4.6]     879. A|sa. 41.y.

[28.4.7]     838. Ieho{|sh}aphat. 25. y.

[28.4.8]     813. Iehoram. 8.y.

[28.4.9]     805. Ahaziah. 1.y.

[28.4.10]     804. Athaliah. 6 y.

[28.4.11]     798. Ioa{|sh}. 40. y.

[28.4.12]     758. Amaziah. 29. y.
[28.4.13]     Ionah prophe{|si}eth.

[28.4.14]     743. Rome built by Romulus
[28.4.15]     vpon 4. hils, which are
[28.4.16]     Palatinus, Capitolinus,
[28.4.17]     Exquilinus, Auentinus,
[28.4.18]     & after enlarged by Ser­
[28.4.19]     uius Tullus within the
[28.4.20]     walles with other thr{'ee}
[28.4.21]     hils, Coelius, Viminalis
[28.4.22]     and Quirinalis.

[28.4.23]     729. Kingdome of Iudah voyd
[28.4.24]     11.y.

[28.4.25]     725. Sardanapalus.

[28.4.26]     718. Azariah. 52.y.
[28.4.27]     Kingdome of I|srael voyde
[28.4.28]     22.y.

[28.4.29]     700. Numa Pompilius the 2.
[28.4.30]     Romane King.

[28.4.31]     685. Lycurgus the Lacede­
[28.4.32]     monian.


[28.4.33]     Ioel, Ho|sea, Amos, and
[28.4.34]     |saiah prophe{|si}e.
[28.4.35]     Tullus Ho{|st}ilius the 3.
[28.4.36]     Romane King.

[28.4.37]     677. Iotham ouer Iudah. 15.y.
[28.4.38]     Michaiah also prophe{|si}eth.

[28.4.39]     662. Ahaz. 16.y.

[28.4.40]     646. Ezechiah. 29.y.

[28.4.41]     628. Salmana|sar carried the 10.
[28.4.42]     tribes of I|srael captiue to
[28.4.43]     Babel , from whence they
[28.4.44]     neuer returned. And here
[28.4.45]     the race of the Kings of I|s­
[28.4.46]     rael cea|sed.
[28.4.47]     Merodachbaladan began to
[28.4.48]     bring the Empire from
[28.4.49]     {|sh}ur to Babel.

[28.4.50]     628. Simonides.
[28.4.51]     Ari{|st}oxenes.
[28.4.52]     Ancus Martius ye 4. Ro­
[28.4.53]     mane King.
[28.4.54]     Archilocus: Zaleucus:
[28.4.55]     Homer : Phararis.

[28.4.56]     617. Mana{|s|s}eh. 55.y.
[28.4.57]     Ieremiah prophe{|si}eth.

[28.4.58]     610. Sappho: Milo: Ste{|si}co­
[28.4.59]     rus: Epimenides.

[28.4.60]     564. Nebuchadnezzar.

[28.4.61]     562. Amon. 2.y.

[28.4.62]     560. Io{|si}ah. 31.y.
[28.4.63]     Zephaniah and Habakuk
[28.4.64]     prophe{|si}eth.

[28.4.65]     529. Iehoakim 11.y.

[28.4.66]     526. Captiuitie, wherein Nebu­
[28.4.67]     chadnezzar carried cap­
[28.4.68]     tiues Daniel, and many o­


[28.4.69]     ther into Babylon , began
[28.4.70]     the 3.y. of Iehoakim.
[28.4.71]     Ieremiah continueth his
[28.4.72]     prophe{|si}e in Iudah.
[28.4.73]     Daniel prophe{|si}eth in Ba­
[28.4.74]     bel.

[28.4.75]     518. Zedekiah. 11. y.
[28.4.76]     Ezekiel prophe{|si}eth.

[28.4.77]     507. Ieru|salem de{st}royed , and
[28.4.78]     Ieremiah with the remnant
[28.4.79]     of Iudah, carried into AE­
[28.4.80]     gypt, where Ieremiah pro­
[28.4.81]     phe{|si}eth.
[28.4.82]     Ezekiel continueth his pro­
[28.4.83]     phe{|si}e in Babel.

[28.4.84]     501. Con|suls 2.yearely began
[28.4.85]     in Rome.

[28.4.86]     495. Horatius Cocles.

[28.4.87]     494. Salathiel.

[28.4.88]     493. Di{ct}ators in Rome.

[28.4.89]     487. Tribunes of the people
[28.4.90]     began in Rome.

[28.4.91]     468. Zerobabel.

[28.4.92]     466. Pythagoras:Pindarus:
[28.4.93]     Democratus : Cre|sus :
[28.4.94]     Heraclitus : E|sop : So­
[28.4.95]     lon : Thales : 7. Wi|se
[28.4.96]     men : Pi{|si}{|st}ratus.

[28.4.97]     456. Darius and Cyrus his |son
[28.4.98]     wan Babylon from Baltha­
[28.4.99]     zar : began the Empire of
[28.4.100]     the Per{|si}ans, & gaue leaue
[28.4.101]     for the Iewes to returne and
[28.4.102]     build the temple.

[28.4.103]     454. Temple began to be built.
[28.4.104]     The hi{st}orie of Ezra.


[28.4.105]     Artah{|sh}a{|sh}te called of pro­
[28.4.106]     phane writers Cambyses,
[28.4.107]     reigned with Cyrus his fa­
[28.4.108]     ther.
[28.4.109]     The hi{st}orie of E{|st}er.
[28.4.110]     Aha{|sh}uero{|sh} called Darius
[28.4.111]     Hi{|st}a|spis, diuorced Va{|st}ie,

[28.4.112]     440. maried E{|st}er : hanged Ha­
[28.4.113]     mon, and aduanced Mor­
[28.4.114]     decai.

[28.4.115]     438. Tribuni Militum.

[28.4.116]     425. Darius of Per{|si}a called al|so
[28.4.117]     Artax{|sh}a{|st},and of prophane
[28.4.118]     writers Darius Longima­
[28.4.119]     nus reigned 36.y.
[28.4.120]     Haggai prophe{|si}eth.
[28.4.121]     Zachariah prophe{|si}eth.

[28.4.122]     423. Malachi the la{|st} Prophet.

[28.4.123]     405. Nehemiah his {|st}orie, who
[28.4.124]     builded the wals of Ieru|salem.

[28.4.125]     397 Battell Peloponne{|si}ack
[28.4.126]     for 27 y. till ye Lacede­
[28.4.127]     monians ouercam Athens.

[28.4.128]     386. Rome taken by Gallus a
[28.4.129]     Britaine.

[28.4.130]     382. Themi{|st}ocles. Ari{|st}ides
[28.4.131]     Ae|schilus. Sophocles.
[28.4.132]     Pericles. Empedocles
[28.4.133]     Hippocrates. Parmeni­
[28.4.134]     des. Ari{|st}archus. Euri­
[28.4.135]     pides. Herodotus. Ari­
[28.4.136]     {|st}obulus. Socrates. Al­
[28.4.137]     cibiades. Diogenes. Pla­
[28.4.138]     to. Xenophon. Age{|st}laus.

[28.4.139]     363. Philip of Macedonia con­
[28.4.140]     quered all Grecia, after


[28.4.141]     the Thebanes had |sub­
[28.4.142]     dued ye Lacedemonians.

[28.4.143]     351. Marcus Curtius. Manli­
[28.4.144]     us Torquatus.

[28.4.145]     350. Ari{|st}oteles. Demo{|st}he­
[28.4.146]     nes. Epicurus. Epima­
[28.4.147]     nondas. Theophra{|st}us.
[28.4.148]     Menander. Zenocrates.

[28.4.149]     344. Battell with the Sam­
[28.4.150]     nites at Rome continued
[28.4.151]     49. y.

[28.4.152]     332. Alexander the great con|-
[28.4.153]     quered Per{|si}a, he entreated
[28.4.154]     the Iewes honorably , and
[28.4.155]     reigned 12.yeeres.
[28.4.156]     Now was the Empire of the
[28.4.157]     Grecians great, which after
[28.4.158]     the death of Alexander was
[28.4.159]     deuided vnto his.4 Captains
[28.4.160]     whereof Syria & Egypt con­
[28.4.161]     tinued vntill the Empire of
[28.4.162]     the Romaines, and alwayes
[28.4.163]     vexed the Iewes.
[28.4.164]     Now beginneth the Storie of
[28.4.165]     the Maccabees.

[28.4.166]     301. Two Decii in Rome.

[28.4.167]     300. Zeno authour of the Sto­
[28.4.168]     ickes. Acatus. Demetri­
[28.4.169]     us. Phalerius.

[28.4.170]     288. Ptolemy Philadelphus cau­
[28.4.171]     |sed 70.interpreters to tran­
[28.4.172]     {|sl}ate the Law into Greeke.

[28.4.173]     283. Hetruria yeelded to
[28.4.174]     Rome wholly.

[28.4.175]     272. Regulus. Polybius. Cle­
[28.4.176]     anthes.


[28.4.177]     267. Battell of Carthage and
[28.4.178]     Rome. 22.y.

[28.4.179]     241. Battell A{ff}rican with
[28.4.180]     Numidia.

[28.4.181]     237. Ie|sus Sirach.

[28.4.182]     236. Neuius. Plautus

[28.4.183]     224. Antiochus magnus.

[28.4.184]     219. Second Battell of Car­
[28.4.185]     thage, becau|se that Ha­
[28.4.186]     nibal had recouered
[28.4.187]     Spaine from Rome.

[28.4.188]     131. The thirde Battell of
[28.4.189]     Carthage : which was in
[28.4.190]     3.yeeres vtterly de{|st}roy­
[28.4.191]     ed by Scipio Iunior.

[28.4.192]     129. Phari|sees, Sadducees, and
[28.4.193]     E{|s|s}ees began their Se{ct}es.

[28.4.194]     89. Ciuill warre in Rome 8.
[28.4.195]     yeers betweene Marius
[28.4.196]     & Sylla, becau|se Sylla
[28.4.197]     being younger was cho­
[28.4.198]     |sen Captaine into A{|si}a to
[28.4.199]     the Battell Mithridatike

[28.4.200]     78. Tigranes King of Arme­
[28.4.201]     nia.

[28.4.202]     65. Cato Vticen{|si}s. Salu{|st}i­
[28.4.203]     us.

[28.4.204]     57. Cicero Con|sul.

[28.4.205]     52. Britaine entred vpon by
[28.4.206]     Iulius Ce|sar.

[28.4.207]     47. Iulius Ce|sar reigned
[28.4.208]     Emperour 5 .yeares.

[28.4.209]     45. Virgil. Horace.Liui.O­
[28.4.210]     uid. Cornelius Nepos.

[28.4.211]     42. O{ct}auius Augu{|st}us Empe­
[28.4.212]     rour 56.yeers.


[28.4.213]     34. Herod the great made
[28.4.214]     King of Iurie: after who|se
[28.4.215]     death, his 4. |sonnes were con­
[28.4.216]     {fi}rmed in his kingdome , and
[28.4.217]     called Tetrarches.
[28.4.218]     See Luke 3. 1.
[28.4.219]     Temple againe |sumptuou{|sl}y
[28.4.220]     builded by Herod.
[28.4.221]     Chri{|st} borne in the 42. yeer
[28.4.222]     of Augu{|st}us , from which
[28.4.223]     beginneth our v|suall ac­
[28.4.224]     compt.

CHAP. 5.
After the birth of Chri{|st}.

[28.5.1]     16. Tiberius Emperour after
[28.5.2]     the birth of Chri{|st} 16.yeer.

[28.5.3]     33. Chri{|st} cruci{fi}ed.

[28.5.4]     33. Steuen {|st}oned.

[28.5.5]     34. Paul conuerted.

[28.5.6]     42. Herod Agrippa Pre{|si}dent
[28.5.7]     in Iury,he beheaded Iames.

[28.5.8]     42. Matthew wrote his Go|spel.

[28.5.9]     44. Iames beheaded.

[28.5.10]     44. Marke preached in Egypt

[28.5.11]     46. Luke wrote.

[28.5.12]     50. Epi{|st}le to the Galathians
[28.5.13]     written from Antioch.

[28.5.14]     53. Epi{|st}le to the The{|s|s}al. from
[28.5.15]     Athens.

[28.5.16]     54. Philip martyred.

[28.5.17]     55. 1.Epi{|st}le to Corint.from
[28.5.18]     phe|sus.

[28.5.19]     55. 1. to Timothie from Troas.

[28.5.20]     55. To Titus from Troas.


[28.5.21]     55. 2. To Corint. from Philippie.

[28.5.22]     55. Peters 1.Epi{|st}le.

[28.5.23]     56. Peters 2.Epi{|st}le.

[28.5.24]     56. To the Rom. from Corinth.

[28.5.25]     57. Claudius Nero per|secutor.

[28.5.26]     59. Epi{|st}les to the Philip.Ephe|s.
[28.5.27]     Colo|s. Philemon. from
[28.5.28]     Rome.

[28.5.29]     61. A{ct}es by Luke nowe (as is
[28.5.30]     thought.)

[28.5.31]     63. Iames throwne downe from
[28.5.32]     a Pinacle.

[28.5.33]     69. 2. Epi{|st}le to Timothie.

[28.5.34]     69. Paul martyred at Rome.

[28.5.35]     73. Ieru|salem de{|st}royed by Ve|s­
[28.5.36]     pa{|si}an and Titus.

[28.5.37]     76. Ignatius Bi{|sh}op of Antioch.

[28.5.38]     83. Domitian Emperour.

[28.5.39]     85. Nicholaitan Hereticks.

[28.5.40]     90. Cornelius Tacitus. Sue­
[28.5.41]     ton. Aulus Gellius. Plu­
[28.5.42]     tarch. Quintillian. Iuue­
[28.5.43]     nal.Appian.Apuleius.

[28.5.44]     93. Iohn bani{|sh}ed to Pathmos,
[28.5.45]     where ( as is thought ) hee
[28.5.46]     wrote his Go|spel & the Re­
[28.5.47]     uelation.


[28.5.48]     97. Iohn returned from Path­
[28.5.49]     mos to Ephe|sus.

[28.5.50]     100. Iohn dyed.

[28.5.51]     114. Plinie writeth for the Chri­
[28.5.52]     {|st}ians.

[28.5.53]     133. Galene.

[28.5.54]     170. Iu{|st}inus dyed a martyr.

[28.5.55]     180. Ireneus of Lions.

[28.5.56]     187. England receiueth the Go|s­
[28.5.57]     pel.

[28.5.58]     202. Clemens Alexandrinus.

[28.5.59]     210. Tertullian.

[28.5.60]     216. Origen.

[28.5.61]     249. Cyprian.

[28.5.62]     289. Con{|st}antius raigned in
[28.5.63]     England.

[28.5.64]     307. Eu|sebius.

[28.5.65]     333. Athana{|si}us.

[28.5.66]     347. Hillarie.

[28.5.67]     347. Gregorie Nazianzene.

[28.5.68]     371. Ambro|se B.of Millaine.

[28.5.69]     375. Hieronimus.

[28.5.70]     409. Chry|so{|st}ome.

[28.5.71]     409. Augu{|st}ine.

[28.5.72]     414. Theodoret.

[28.5.73]     500. Gothes conquered Italy,
[28.5.74]     then increa|sed Barbari|sme
[28.5.75]     and Papi{|st}rie.

Dire{ct}ions for the

[29.1.1 ] IF thou ha{|st} not been acquainted with such a table as this follo­
[29.1.2 ] wing, and de{|si}re{|st} to make vse of it, thou mu{|st} get the Alphabet,
[29.1.3 ] that is, the order of the letters as they {|st}and, without Booke per­
[29.1.4 ] fe{ct}ly: to know where euery letter {|st}andeth, as (b) neere the be­

[29.1.5 ] ginning, (m) about the midde{|st},and (v) toward the end. There­
[29.1.6 ] fore if the word thou woulde{|st} {fi}nde, begin with (a) looke in the
[29.1.7 ] beginning of the Table,if with ( t ) looke toward the end : Againe,
[29.1.8 ] if thy worde beginne with (ba) looke in the beginning of the
[29.1.9 ] letter (b) but if with (bu) looke toward the end of that letter, and
[29.1.10] if thou ob|serue{|st} the |same for the third and fourth letters,thou {|sh}alt
[29.1.11] {fi}nde thy word pre|sently. Secondly, thou mu{|st} know the cau|se of
[29.1.12] the di{ff}erence of the letter,al written with the Romain, as in(abba)
[29.1.13] are words taken from the Latine or other learned languages,the|se
[29.1.14] with the Italike letter as (abandon) are French words made Eng­
[29.1.15] li{|sh} : tho|se with the Engli{|sh} letter, are meerely Engli{|sh}, or from
[29.1.16] |some other vulgar tongue. The word adioyned vnto it is euer in
[29.1.17] Engli{|sh}, and is the interpreter of it in a more familiar Engli{|sh}
[29.1.18] word. But tho|se that haue no word expounding them , are |set
[29.1.19] down to let thee |see their true writing,where I thought thou migh­
[29.1.20] te{|st} otherwi|se erre. And vnder{|st}and further, that all words , that
[29.1.21] haue in them ( y ), or ( ph ) together,or begin with(chr)(where
[29.1.22] (h)is neuer pronounced ) or end in ( i|sme )are all Greeke words,
[29.1.23] as hypocrite. philo|sophie.Chri{|st}.Bapti|sme. But where I |say they are
[29.1.24] Greeke, I meane, with some di{ff}erence of termination , for they
[29.1.25] were brought from Greece vnto vs through Rome,there they were
[29.1.26] newly {|st}amped,and when they came vnto vs, we coyned them af­
[29.1.27] ter our fa{|sh}ion,as Chri{|st} is in Latine Chri{|st}us, in Greeke Chri{|st}os .
[29.1.28] So Bapti|sme is in Latine Bapti|smus, in Greeke Bapti|smos. The like
[29.1.29] you mu{|st} ob|serue for the Latine words, as tho|se that we haue en­
[29.1.30] ding in (ion) the Latine haue in (io) Creation remission,in Latine is
[29.1.31] Creatio, remi{ssi}on. But touching the French, we haue |some of them
[29.1.32] with di{ff}erence, and |some without , and thus thou {|sh}alt di|scerne
[29.1.33] them. Tho|se with di{ff}erence are marked with this {|st}arre (*) as
[29.1.34] accompli{|sh} in French is (accomplir) and therefore you {|sh}all {fi}nde
[29.1.35] by it this marke('):the other haue none. Sometime I referre thee
[29.1.36] from one word to another, as thus at this word ( brigantine ) |see
[29.1.37] barke, then tho|se two be of one {|si}gni{fi}cation and |so {|sh}alt thou al­
[29.1.38] |so learne varietie of words. When a word hath two {|si}gni{fi}cations,
[29.1.39] if one be well knowne, I omit that, as to barke as a dogge is well
[29.1.40] knowne, but a barke that is a little Shippe,is not |so familiar,there­
[29.1.41] fore I put downe that. If I {|sh}oulde put downe all deriuatiues, it

[29.1.42] would be ouer long : therefore I hope the diligent Scholer will
[29.1.43] |soone learne by pra{ct}i|se from the primitiue or originall, I haue
[29.1.44] therefore |set downe |some fewe of the harde{|st} , yet |some rules for
[29.1.45] them thou {|sh}alt {fi}nd in the end. There are many moe from Latine
[29.1.46] and French, but being well knowne, I omit them.


Abandon ca{|st} away.

[29.2.2] abba father.

[29.2.3] abbe{|s|s}e abbate{|s|s}e, mi{|st}re{|s|s}e of a
[29.2.4] Nunnerie.

[29.2.5] abbreuiat {|sh}orten.

[29.2.6] abbridge |see abbreuiat.

[29.2.7] abbut. to lie vnto.

[29.2.8] abecedarie the order of the let­
[29.2.9] ters, or he that v|seth them.

[29.2.10] abet. to mainteine.

[29.2.11] abhominable.

[29.2.12] abhorre.

[29.2.13] abie{ct} ba|se.

[29.2.14] abiure renounce.

[29.2.15] aboli{|sh} make void.

k. {|st}andeth
for a kind of.


[29.2.16] abricot. k. fruit.

[29.2.17] abroad.

[29.2.18] abrogate |see aboli{|sh}.

[29.2.19] ab|solue {fi}ni{|sh}.

[29.2.20] ab|solute perfe{ct}.

[29.2.21] ab|solution forgiuene{|s|s}e.

[29.2.22] ab{|st}inence refraining.

[29.2.23] ab{|st}ra{ct} |see abbreuiat.

[29.2.24] ab|surd fooli{|sh}.

[29.2.25] accent tune.

[29.2.26] accept take liking.

[29.2.27] acce{|s|s}e free comming to

[29.2.28] acce{|s|s}arie partaker.

[29.2.29] accident befall.

[29.2.30] accommodate to {fi}tte to.

[29.2.31] accompli{|sh}* {fi}ni{|sh}.

[29.2.32] accompt* to recken.

[29.2.33] accord agreement.

[29.2.34] accurate cunning.

[29.2.35] accrew grow.

[29.2.36] acertaine * make |sure.

[29.2.37] achieue |see accompli{|sh}.

[29.2.38] acorne.

[29.2.39] a{ct}iue nimble.

[29.2.40] a{ct}uall in a{ct}.

[29.2.41] acute wittie.

[29.2.42] addi{ct} giuen to

[29.2.43] adiew farewell.

[29.2.44] addre{|s|s}e prepare or dire{ct}.

[29.2.45] adiacent lying to

[29.2.46] adiourn * deferre.

[29.2.47] adjure make to |sweare.

[29.2.48] admini{|st}er gouerne or |serue

[29.2.49] admire maruaile at.

[29.2.50] admiral chiefe by Sea.

[29.2.51] admi{|s|si}on receiuing.

[29.2.52] adopt take for his child.

[29.2.53] adore wor{|sh}ippe.

[29.2.54] adorne beauti{fi}e.

[29.2.55] aduer|se contrarie.

[29.2.56] aduerti|se giue knowledge.

[29.2.57] adulation {fl}atterie.

[29.2.58] adulterate counterfait.

[29.2.59] aduocate attournie.

[29.2.60] aduou|son patronage.

[29.2.61] adu{|st}ion burning.

[29.2.62] a{ff}able readie and courteou|s

[29.2.63] in |speach.

[29.2.64] a{ff}e{ct} earne{|st} de{|si}re.

[29.2.65] a{ffi}nitie kinne by marriage,

[29.2.66] a{ffi}rmatiue auouching.

[29.2.67] a{ffi}ance tru{|st}

[29.2.68] a{ffi}anced betrothed.

[29.2.69] agent doer.

[29.2.70] aggrauat make grieuous.

[29.2.71] agilitie nimblenes.

[29.2.72] agonie g. heauie pa{|s|si}on.

[29.2.73] alacritie cheerefulnes.

[29.2.74] alarum a |sound to ye Battell.

[29.2.75] alien a {|st}ranger.

[29.2.76] alienation e{|st}ranging.

[29.2.77] alight.

[29.2.78] alledge * bring proofe.

[29.2.79] alliance kindred or league.

[29.2.80] allu{|si}on pointing to.

[29.2.81] allude to poynt to.

[29.2.82] aliment nouri{|sh}ment.

[29.2.83] almes.

[29.2.84] almightie.

[29.2.85] alphabet g. order of letters.

[29.2.86] altercation debate.

[29.2.87] allegorie g. {|si}militude.

[29.2.88] allegiance obedience.

[29.2.89] altitude height.

[29.2.90] allegation alledging.

[29.2.91] amba{|ss}adour me{|s|s}enger.

[29.2.92] ambiguous doubtfull.

[29.2.93] ambition de{|si}re of honour.

[29.2.94] ambu{|sh}ment priuie traine.

[29.2.95] amorous full of loue.

[29.2.96] ampli{fi}e enlarge.

[29.2.97] anatomie g. cutting vp.

[29.2.98] anathema g. accur|sed.

[29.2.99] andiron.

[29.2.100] angui{|sh} griefe.

[29.2.101] anchor.

[29.2.102] animate encourage.

[29.2.103] annuall yeerely.

[29.2.104] animaduer{|si}on noting.

[29.2.105] antichri{|st} again{|st} Chri{|st}.

[29.2.106] antidate a fore-date.

[29.2.107] anticipation preuenting.

[29.2.108] angle corner.

[29.2.109] anticke di|sgui|sed.

g. or gr. {|st}an­
deth for


[29.2.110] annihilate make void.

[29.2.111] ance{|st}our.

[29.2.112] annullitie |see annihilate.

[29.2.113] aphori|sme generall rule.

[29.2.114] apo{|st}ate g. a backe{|sl}ider.

[29.2.115] apo{|st}ocie falling away.

[29.2.116] amen |so be it.

[29.2.117] apo{|st}le g. |see amba{|s|s}adour.

[29.2.118] apologie g. defence.

[29.2.119] apocalyp|se reuelation.

[29.2.120] alpha g. ye {fi}r{|st} Gr{'ee}ke letter.

[29.2.121] apothecarie.*

[29.2.122] apocrypha not of authoritie.

[29.2.123] apparant in {|si}ght.

[29.2.124] appeach accur|se.

[29.2.125] appeale to |seeke to a higher
[29.2.126] Iudge.

[29.2.127] appertaine belong.

[29.2.128] appertinent } belonging.

[29.2.129] appurtenance } [belonging.]

[29.2.130] appetite de{|si}re to eate

[29.2.131] application applying to.

[29.2.132] appo|se aske que{|st}ion.

[29.2.133] appo{|si}tion appo{|si}ng.

[29.2.134] approbation allowance.

[29.2.135] approue allow.

[29.2.136] approch * come nigh.

[29.2.137] appropriat make his owne.

[29.2.138] apt {fi}tte.

[29.2.139] arbiter. { Vmpier.

[29.2.140] arbitratour. { [Vmpier.]

[29.2.141] arbitrement iudgement.

[29.2.142] arch. gr.chiefe.

[29.2.143] arch-angell gr. chiefe angell.

[29.2.144] arch-bi{|sh}op chiefe Bi{|sh}op.

[29.2.145] archite{ct} chiefe builder.

[29.2.146] argent {|si}luer.

[29.2.147] argue to rea|son.

[29.2.148] Arithmeticke gr. Arte of nom­
[29.2.149] bring.

[29.2.150] arke Shippe.

[29.2.151] armorie hou|se of armour.

[29.2.152] arraigne

[29.2.153] arriue* come to land.

[29.2.154] arrerages debt vnpaid.

[29.2.155] arti{fi}cer handicrafts man.

[29.2.156] arti{fi}ciall workmanlike.

[29.2.157] articulate iointed.

[29.2.158] a|scend goe vp.

[29.2.159] a|scertaine* a{|s|s}ure.

[29.2.160] a{|s|s}ent agr{'ee}ment.

[29.2.161] a|scent a going vp.

[29.2.162] a|scribe giue to

[29.2.163] askew a-{|si}de.

[29.2.164] a|spe{ct} looking vpon.

[29.2.165] a|spire climbe vp.

[29.2.166] a|sperat rough.

[29.2.167] a|spiration breathing.

[29.2.168] a{|s|s}aie proue.

[29.2.169] a{|s|s}aile* |set vpon.

[29.2.170] a{|s|s}ault* |see a{|s|s}aile.

[29.2.171] a{|s|s}entation {fl}atterie.

[29.2.172] a{|s|s}ertion a{ffi}rming.

[29.2.173] a{|s|si}duitie continuance.

[29.2.174] a{|s|s}eueration earne{|st} a{ffi}rming

[29.2.175] a{|s|si}gne appoint.

[29.2.176] a{|s|si}gnation appointment.

[29.2.177] a{|s|s}i}|ses.

[29.2.178] a{|s|si}{|st}ance helpe.

[29.2.179] a{|s|s}ociat accompanie.

[29.2.180] a{|st}ri{ct}iue } binding.

[29.2.181] a{|st}ringent } [binding.]

[29.2.182] a{|st}ronomie. gr. } knowledg

[29.2.183] of the {|st}ars astrologie. } [knowledg
of the{|st}ars]

[29.2.184] athei{|st} g. without god.

[29.2.185] athei|sme the opinion of the
[29.2.186] Athei{|st}.

[29.2.187] attach |sea|se vpon.

[29.2.188] attaint conui{ct} of crime.

[29.2.189] attainder a conui{ct}ion.

[29.2.190] attempt * |set vpon.

[29.2.191] attentiue heedy.

[29.2.192] attribute giue to.

[29.2.193] auarice coueteou|snes.

[29.2.194] audacious bould.

[29.2.195] audience hearing.

[29.2.196] auditor hearer or o{ffi}cer of
[29.2.197] accompts.

[29.2.198] audible ea{|si}e to be heard.

[29.2.199] auerre* auouch.

[29.2.200] augment to increa|se.

[29.2.201] auouch a{ffi}rme with earne{|st}­
[29.2.202] nes.

[29.2.203] authenticall gr. of authoritie.

[29.2.204] axiome certaine principle.

[29.2.205] autumne the harue{|st}.

[29.2.206] ballance a payer of skales.

[29.2.207] baili{ff}e

[29.2.208] bankerupt bankerout.

[29.2.209] banquet

[29.2.210] bapti{|st} a bapti|ser.

[29.2.211] bapti|sme.

[29.2.212] barbarian a rude per|son.

[29.2.213] barbari|sme barbarou|snes.

[29.2.214] barke* |small {|sh}ippe.

[29.2.215] barretter a contentious per|son.

[29.2.216] barre{|st}er allowed to giue
[29.2.217] coun|sell

[29.2.218] barter* to bargaine.

[29.2.219] battrie beating.

[29.2.220] baulme

[29.2.221] beatitude ble{|s|s}ednes.

[29.2.222] beguile.

[29.2.223] bene{fi}ciall pro{fi}table.

[29.2.224] beneuolence good will.

[29.2.225] benigne fauorable.

[29.2.226] benignitie bountie.

[29.2.227] bereft depriued.

[29.2.228] be{|si}ege.

[29.2.229] biere to carry a dead corps.

[29.2.230] bi{|sh}ope ouer|s{'ee}r.

[29.2.231] blanch* to make white.

[29.2.232] bla|spheme g. |speake ill of
[29.2.233] God.

[29.2.234] bloud.

[29.2.235] boare.

[29.2.236] bea{|st}.

[29.2.237] boat.

[29.2.238] bough.

[29.2.239] bought.

[29.2.240] bonnet cap.

[29.2.241] bracelet.

[29.2.242] bracer.

[29.2.243] breefe.

[29.2.244] brigandine coate of defence.

[29.2.245] brigantine |see barke.

[29.2.246] brandi{|sh}* to {|sh}ake a |sword.

[29.2.247] broad.

[29.2.248] broath.

[29.2.249] brothel, keeper of ahou|se of
[29.2.250] baudery.

[29.2.251] brui|se.

[29.2.252] bruit.

[29.2.253] buggerie coniun{ct}ion with
[29.2.254] one of the |same kind.

[29.2.255] burge{|s|s}e a head man of a
[29.2.256] towne

[29.2.257] build.

[29.2.258] calliditie craftines.

[29.2.259] capacitie conceipt or receipt.

[29.2.260] cancell to vndoe.

[29.2.261] canon g. law.

[29.2.262] canoni|se make a |saint.

[29.2.263] capitall deedly or great.

[29.2.264] capable containing.

[29.2.265] capitulat.

[29.2.266] captious catching.

[29.2.267] captiue pri|soner.

[29.2.268] captiuate make |subie{ct}.

[29.2.269] carbuncle k. di|sea|se or {|st}one.

[29.2.270] carnalitie {fl}e{|sh}ines.

[29.2.271] ca|sualitie chaunce.

[29.2.272] ca{|st}igation cha{|st}i|sment.

[29.2.273] cathedrall gr. church:chiefe in
[29.2.274] the dioce{|s|s}e.

[29.2.275] catholike g. vniuer|sall.

[29.2.276] cauldron.

[29.2.277] caution warning.

[29.2.278] celebrate make famous.

[29.2.279] cele{|st}iall heauenly.

[29.2.280] catalogue gr. bedroule.

[29.2.281] celeritie |swiftnes.

[29.2.282] cen|sor corre{ct}or.

[29.2.283] cen|sure corre{ct}ion.

[29.2.284] centurion captaine.

[29.2.285] cea|se

[29.2.286] cement

[29.2.287] centre midde{|st}.

[29.2.288] ceremonie.

[29.2.289] certaine.

[29.2.290] certi{fi}e.

[29.2.291] ceru|se. white leade.

[29.2.292] ce{|st}ern.

[29.2.293] chara{ct}er g. the fa{|sh}ion of a
[29.2.294] letter.

[29.2.295] chaunt* {|si}ng.

[29.2.296] champion wild {fi}eld.

[29.2.297] chambering lightnes.

[29.2.298] charter a graunt con{fi}rmed.

[29.2.299] chamberlaine,

[29.2.300] chariot Princes coach.

[29.2.301] chauncerie.

[29.2.302] cheualrie knighthoode.

[29.2.303] chiefe.

[29.2.304] cherubin order of Angels.

[29.2.305] chirograph gr. hand-writing.

[29.2.306] chri{|st} gr. annointed.

[29.2.307] chirurgeon gr. |surgeon.

[29.2.308] choller gr. a humor cau{|si}ng
[29.2.309] anger.

[29.2.310] chronicler gr. } hi{|st}orie
[29.2.311] writer.

chronographer gr. } [hi{|st}orie]

[29.2.312] chronologie. gr {|st}ory of times.

[29.2.313] church, faithfull people.

[29.2.314] chry{|st}all gr. k. gla{|s|s}e.

[29.2.315] cider, drinke made of apples.

[29.2.316] cinamon.

[29.2.317] circle.

[29.2.318] circuit.

[29.2.319] cittren.

[29.2.320] citie.

[29.2.321] citizen.

[29.2.322] circumci|se to cut the priuie
[29.2.323] skin.

[29.2.324] circumference round circuit.

[29.2.325] circum|spe{ct} heedie.

[29.2.326] circumlocution circum{|st}ance
[29.2.327] of |sp{'ee}ch.

[29.2.328] circumuent preuent.

[29.2.329] ciuet.

[29.2.330] ciuil.

[29.2.331] clamorous ready to |speake ill.

[29.2.332] clemencie gentlenes.

[29.2.333] client he that is defended.

[29.2.334] cocatrice k. bea{|st}.

[29.2.335] colle{ct} gather.

[29.2.336] colleague companion.

[29.2.337] collation recitall.

[29.2.338] coadiutor helper.

[29.2.339] cogitation thought.

[29.2.340] collu{|si}on deceite.

[29.2.341] colume one {|si}de of a page de­
[29.2.342] uided.

[29.2.343] comedy k. {|st}age playe.

[29.2.344] commencement a beginning.

[29.2.345] comet gr. a bla{|si}ng {|st}ar.

[29.2.346] commentarie expo{|si}tion.

[29.2.347] commodious pro{fi}table.

[29.2.348] commotion rebellion.

[29.2.349] communicate made partaker.

[29.2.350] communion felow{|sh}ip.

[29.2.351] compa{ct} ioyned together.

[29.2.352] compendious {|sh}ort.

[29.2.353] competitor h{'ee} that {|st}andeth
[29.2.354] with me for an o{ffi}ce.

[29.2.355] compile gather and make.

[29.2.356] complexion.

[29.2.357] complices colleagues.

[29.2.358] compo|se make.

[29.2.359] compo{|si}tion agr{'ee}ment.

[29.2.360] comprehend conteine.

[29.2.361] compri|se |s{'ee} comprehend.

[29.2.362] conco{ct} to dige{|st} meate.

[29.2.363] concord agr{'ee}.

[29.2.364] concordance ag{'ee}ment.

[29.2.365] competent conuenient.

[29.2.366] comprimit,to make agr{'ee}.

[29.2.367] concauitie hollownes.

[29.2.368] compul{|si}on force.

[29.2.369] conceale.

[29.2.370] conception conceiuing in the
[29.2.371] wombe.

[29.2.372] concupi|sence de{|si}re.

[29.2.373] concurre agr{'ee} together.

[29.2.374] condi|scend agr{'ee} vnto.

[29.2.375] condigne worthie.

[29.2.376] condu{ct} guiding.

[29.2.377] confe{ct}ion compounding.

[29.2.378] confederate |s{'ee} compa{ct}.

[29.2.379] conferre talke together.

[29.2.380] conferrence communication.

[29.2.381] con{fi}dence tru{|st}.

[29.2.382] con{fi}rme e{|st}abli{|sh}.

[29.2.383] con{fi}|scate for{fi}ture of g{oo}ds.

[29.2.384] con{fl}i{ct} battaile.

[29.2.385] confound ouerthrow.

[29.2.386] congeale harden.

[29.2.387] conge{|st}ion a heaping vp.

[29.2.388] congregate gather together.

[29.2.389] congruitie |s{'ee} concord.

[29.2.390] coniun{ct}ion ioyning together

[29.2.391] conie{ct}ure ge{|s|s}e.

[29.2.392] con|sent agr{'ee}ment.

[29.2.393] con|scent harmonie.

[29.2.394] con|sequence following.

[29.2.395] con|serue k{'ee}pe.

[29.2.396] con|secrate make holy.

[29.2.397] con|sequent following.

[29.2.398] con{|si}{|st} {|st}and.

[29.2.399] con|solation comfort.

[29.2.400] con{|si}{|st}orie place of ciuil iudge­
[29.2.401] ment.

[29.2.402] con|sort |s{'ee} con|sent.

[29.2.403] con|spire agr{'ee} together for il.

[29.2.404] con{|st}rue expound.

[29.2.405] con|sult take coun|saile.

[29.2.406] contagious that corrupteth.

[29.2.407] contemplation meditation.

[29.2.408] continent mode{|st} ab{|st}ei­
[29.2.409] ning.

[29.2.410] contra{ct} make {|sh}ort.

[29.2.411] contradi{ct}ion gaine|saying.

[29.2.412] contribute be{|st}ow.

[29.2.413] contrite |sorrowfull.

[29.2.414] contrition |sorrow.

[29.2.415] conuert tourne.

[29.2.416] conui{ct} proued guiltie.

[29.2.417] conuent bring before.

[29.2.418] conuer|se companie with.

[29.2.419] conuocation calling together.

[29.2.420] conuul{|si}on a {|sh}rinking vp.

[29.2.421] copartener fellow.

[29.2.422] copious plentifull.

[29.2.423] corps dead bodie.

[29.2.424] corporall bodilie.

[29.2.425] corra{|si}ue. fretting

[29.2.426] corre|spondent an|swerable.

[29.2.427] corrigible ea{|si}lie corre{ct}ed.

[29.2.428] coroborate {|st}rengthen.

[29.2.429] couert hidden place.

[29.2.430] co{|st}iue, bound in the bodie.

[29.2.431] co|smographie gr. de|scription
[29.2.432] of the world.

[29.2.433] counterpoi|se make leuell.

[29.2.434] countermand command
[29.2.435] contrarie.

[29.2.436] compun{ct}ion pricking.

[29.2.437] cophin g. ba|sket or corp|s
[29.2.438] che{|st}.

[29.2.439] creede the beleefe.

[29.2.440] credence beleefe.

[29.2.441] credulous ea{|si}e to beleeue.

[29.2.442] criminous faultie.

[29.2.443] cruci{fi}e fa{|st}en to a cro{|s|s}e.

[29.2.444] crocodile k. bea{|st}.

[29.2.445] culpable blame worthie.

[29.2.446] cubite a foote and a halfe.

[29.2.447] cupboard.

[29.2.448] cur|sorilie running fa{|st} ouer

[29.2.449] cymball an in{|st}rument.

[29.2.450] cly{|st}er or gly{|st}er.

[29.2.451] cypre{|s|s}e

[29.2.452] Deacon g. prouider for the
[29.2.453] poore.

[29.2.454] debilitie weaknes.

[29.2.455] deafe that cannot heare.

[29.2.456] domage* lo{|s|s}e.

[29.2.457] decent comlie.

[29.2.458] decline fall away.

[29.2.459] deci{|si}on cutting away.

[29.2.460] decorum comlines.

[29.2.461] decipher de|scribe.

[29.2.462] dedication a deuoting.

[29.2.463] dedu{ct} take out.

[29.2.464] defe{ct} want.

[29.2.465] de{fl}ower di{|sh}one{|st}.

[29.2.466] defraude deceiue.

[29.2.467] deformed ill {|sh}apen.

[29.2.468] de{fi}ne {|sh}ew what it is.

[29.2.469] degenerate be vnlike his an­
[29.2.470] ce{|st}ors.

[29.2.471] dehort moue from.

[29.2.472] deitie godhead.

[29.2.473] dei{fi}e make like god.

[29.2.474] dele{ct}ation delight.

[29.2.475] delicate daintie.

[29.2.476] delude deceiue.

[29.2.477] deluge great {fl}ood.

[29.2.478] delu{|si}on mockerie.

[29.2.479] demon{|st}rate {|sh}ew plainely.

[29.2.480] deni|son free man.

[29.2.481] denounce declare |sentence a­
[29.2.482] gain{|st}

[29.2.483] depend hang vpon.

[29.2.484] deportation carying away.

[29.2.485] depo|se put from.

[29.2.486] depriue |see depo|se

[29.2.487] depute accompte.

[29.2.488] deride mocke.

[29.2.489] deriue fetch from.

[29.2.490] deriuation taken from ano­
[29.2.491] ther.

[29.2.492] derogate |see detra{ct}.

[29.2.493] de|scribe |set forth.

[29.2.494] de|scend go downe.

[29.2.495] de|sert wildernes.

[29.2.496] de{|si}{|st} leaue of.

[29.2.497] dete{|st} hate greatlie.

[29.2.498] dete{ct} bewray.

[29.2.499] detra{ct} take from.

[29.2.500] detriment lo{|s|s}e.

[29.2.501] detrude thru{|st} from.

[29.2.502] deuote giuen vnto.

[29.2.503] dexterity aptnes.

[29.2.504] diabolicall deuelli{|sh}.

[29.2.505] diademe crowne.

[29.2.506] diet manner of foode.

[29.2.507] dialogue g. conference.

[29.2.508] defame.

[29.2.509] di{ffi}cult hard,

[29.2.510] dioce{|s|s}e g. iuri|sdi{ct}ion.

[29.2.511] dioce|san that hath iuri|sdi{ct}ion

[29.2.512] dige{|st} bring in order, |see
[29.2.513] conco{ct}.

[29.2.514] dignitie worthine{|s|s}e.

[29.2.515] digre{|s|s}e turne from.

[29.2.516] dilate enlarge.

[29.2.517] dire{ct} guide.

[29.2.518] diminution le{|s|s}ening.

[29.2.519] di|sbur|se* lay out money.

[29.2.520] di|scend |see de|scend.

[29.2.521] di|sciple |scholer.

[29.2.522] di|scipline in{|st}ru{ct}ion.

[29.2.523] di{|s|s}ent di|sagr{'ee}.

[29.2.524] di|scerne |see.

[29.2.525] di|sclo|se, di|scouerie.

[29.2.526] di|scord di|sagr{'ee}ment.

[29.2.527] di|scu{|s|s}e |see dilate.

[29.2.528] di|sioyne vnioyne.

[29.2.529] di|sfranchis take away freedom.

[29.2.530] di|smi{|s|s}e let pa{|s|s}e.

[29.2.531] di{|sl}oiall di|sobedient.

[29.2.532] di|sparagement inequalitie of
[29.2.533] birth.

[29.2.534] di|spen|se |set fr{'ee}.

[29.2.535] di|sper|se |spread abroad.

[29.2.536] di|speople to vnpeople a
[29.2.537] place.

[29.2.538] di|scent from our ance{|st}ours.

[29.2.539] di{|s|si}militude vnlikelines.

[29.2.540] di{|s|s}olue vnl{oo}|se

[29.2.541] di{|s|s}olute careles.

[29.2.542] di{|s|s}onant di|sagreeing.

[29.2.543] di{|st}ingui{|sh} put di{ff}erence.

[29.2.544] dice.

[29.2.545] di|sable. make vnable.

[29.2.546] di|sabilitie vnablenes.

[29.2.547] di|sanul, make void.

[29.2.548] di|sputable que{|st}ionable or
[29.2.549] doubtfull.

[29.2.550] di{ffi}ne.

[29.2.551] di|scom{fi}t put to {fl}ight.

[29.2.552] di|scom{fi}ture a putting to
[29.2.553] {fl}ight.

[29.2.554] di|scipher lay open.

[29.2.555] di|sge{|st}ion bringing into
[29.2.556] order.

[29.2.557] digre{|s|si}on departing from
[29.2.558] the matter.

[29.2.559] di{ffi}cultie hardnes.

[29.2.560] di{ff}amation a {|sl}aundering.

[29.2.561] dire{ct}ion ordering.

[29.2.562] di{|s|si}mulation di{|s|s}embling.

[29.2.563] dimen{|si}on mea|suring.

[29.2.564] di|scour|se.

[29.2.565] di|smember part one p{'ee}ce
[29.2.566] from another.

[29.2.567] di|spo{|si}tion naturall incli­
[29.2.568] nation, or |setting in or­
[29.2.569] der.

[29.2.570] di{|s|si}pation |scattering.

[29.2.571] di{|s|s}olution breaking.

[29.2.572] di{|st}illation di{|st}illing or drop­
[29.2.573] ping downe.

[29.2.574] di{|st}in{ct} di{ff}ering.

[29.2.575] di{|st}in{ct}ion a making of di{ff}e­
[29.2.576] rence

[29.2.577] diuulgate make common.

[29.2.578] di|spoyle take away by vio­
[29.2.579] lence.

[29.2.580] di|splay |spread abroad.

[29.2.581] di{|st}ra{ct}ed troubled in minde.

[29.2.582] di{|st}ribution diui{|si}on.

[29.2.583] di{|st}urbe di|squiet.

[29.2.584] di{|s|s}wade |see dehort.

[29.2.585] dittie the matter of a |song.

[29.2.586] diuerte turne from.

[29.2.587] diuine heauenly.

[29.2.588] diuinitie heavenly do{ct}rine.

[29.2.589] diuturnitie dailine{|s|s}e.

[29.2.590] do{ct}rine learning.

[29.2.591] dolor griefe.

[29.2.592] dolorous grieuous.

[29.2.593] docilitie ea{|si}nes to be taught.

[29.2.594] dolphine k. of {fi}{|sh}.

[29.2.595] dome{|st}icall at home.

[29.2.596] dominion } rule.

[29.2.597] domination } [rule.]

[29.2.598] Eclip|se g. failing.

[29.2.599] eccle{|si}a{|st}icall belonging to
[29.2.600] the Church.

[29.2.601] edi{ct} commande ment.

[29.2.602] edi{fi}ce building.

[29.2.603] education bringing vp.

[29.2.604] edition putting forth.

[29.2.605] e{ff}e{ct} a thing done.

[29.2.606] e{ff}e{ct}uall forcible.

[29.2.607] e{ff}eminate womani{|sh}.

[29.2.608] e{ffi}cacie force.

[29.2.609] e{ff}u{|si}on pouring forth.

[29.2.610] egre{|s|s}e forth going.

[29.2.611] enhaunce, make greater.

[29.2.612] ele{ct}ion choi|se.

[29.2.613] ele{ct} cho|sen.

[29.2.614] elegancie {fi}ne |speech.

[29.2.615] elephant k. bea{|st}.

[29.2.616] emerods k. di|sea|se.

[29.2.617] eleuate lift vp.

[29.2.618] emblem g. pi{ct}ure.

[29.2.619] emmot or pi|smire.

[29.2.620] empire gouernment.

[29.2.621] encroach.

[29.2.622] enarration declaration.

[29.2.623] encounter, |set again{|st}.

[29.2.624] enduce moue.

[29.2.625] enimitie } hatred betwixt.

[29.2.626] enmitie } [hatred betwixt.]

[29.2.627] enchaunt* bewitch.

[29.2.628] enfranchi|se* make free.

[29.2.629] en{fl}ame burne.

[29.2.630] engrate, pre{|s|s}e vpon.

[29.2.631] en{|si}gne {fl}agge for warre.

[29.2.632] enormious out of |square.

[29.2.633] enterre laie in the earth.

[29.2.634] enterlace put betw{'ee}ne.

[29.2.635] enuiron compa{|s|s}e about.

[29.2.636] epha k. mea|sure.

[29.2.637] epitaph the writing on a
[29.2.638] tombe.

[29.2.639] epitome g. the briefe of a
[29.2.640] booke.

[29.2.641] epitomi|se g. to make an
[29.2.642] epitomie.

[29.2.643] epi{|st}le g. a letter |sent.

[29.2.644] epi|scopall bi{|sh}oppelike.

[29.2.645] epicure giuen to plea|sure.

[29.2.646] epilogue conclu{|si}on.

[29.2.647] equino{ct}iall when the daye|s
[29.2.648] and nightes are equall.

[29.2.649] ere{ct} |set vp.

[29.2.650] erronious full of errour.

[29.2.651] e|scheat, forfeit.

[29.2.652] e{|s|s}ence |sub{|st}ance.

[29.2.653] e{|st}imate e{|st}{'ee}me.

[29.2.654] eternall euerla{|st}ing.

[29.2.655] euangeli{|st} bringer of glad
[29.2.656] tidings.

[29.2.657] eui{ct} ouercome.

[29.2.658] eunoch g. gelded or great of­
[29.2.659] {fi}cer.

[29.2.660] euocation calling forth.

[29.2.661] exa|sperat whet on.

[29.2.662] exa{ct} perfe{ct} or require
[29.2.663] with extremitie.

[29.2.664] exaggerate heape vpon.

[29.2.665] exaltation aduancing.

[29.2.666] except.

[29.2.667] excur{|si}on running out.

[29.2.668] exceed

[29.2.669] excell.

[29.2.670] exchequer o{ffi}ce of receipts.

[29.2.671] exclaime crie out.

[29.2.672] execrable cur|sed.

[29.2.673] execute performe.

[29.2.674] excrement doung.

[29.2.675] exempt free.

[29.2.676] exempli{fi}e enlarge.

[29.2.677] exhibite put vp.

[29.2.678] exile bani{|sh}.

[29.2.679] exorci{|st} g. coniurer

[29.2.680] expedient {fi}t.

[29.2.681] expell put out.

[29.2.682] expend con{|si}der

[29.2.683] expedition, ha{|st}.

[29.2.684] expe{ct} looke for.

[29.2.685] expire end

[29.2.686] explicate declare.

[29.2.687] exploit enterpri|se

[29.2.688] expul{|si}on driuing out

[29.2.689] exqui{|si}te perfe{ct}.

[29.2.690] extend |spread forth.

[29.2.691] extenuate le{|s|s}en.

[29.2.692] extoll aduance.

[29.2.693] extort wring out.

[29.2.694] extra{ct} drawne out.

[29.2.695] extemporall } |sodaine.

[29.2.696] extemporarie } [|sodaine.]

[29.2.697] Fabulous, feigned.

[29.2.698] fa{ct} deed.

[29.2.699] fa{ct}ion deui{|si}on

[29.2.700] fa{ct}ious that maketh deui{|si}on.

[29.2.701] facilitie ea{|si}nes.

[29.2.702] falconer.

[29.2.703] fallacie deceipt.

[29.2.704] fanta{|si}e imagine.

[29.2.705] fatall, by de{|st}inie.

[29.2.706] fe{|st}iuall fer{|st} day.

[29.2.707] fe{|st}iuitie mirth.

[29.2.708] female } the {|sh}e.

[29.2.709] feminine } [the {|sh}e.]

[29.2.710] fertile fruitfull.

[29.2.711] {fi}ruent hot.

[29.2.712] feuer ague.

[29.2.713] {fi}guratiue by {fi}gures.

[29.2.714] {fi}nally la{|st}ly.

[29.2.715] fermament sky.

[29.2.716] {fl}agon great wine cup.

[29.2.717] {fl}exible ea{|si}ly bent.

[29.2.718 {fl}eugme one of the humors.

[29.2.719] {fl}ux di|sea|se of |scouring.

[29.2.720] fornication vncleannes be­
[29.2.721] tweene {|si}ngle persons.

[29.2.722] forti{fi}cation {|st}rengthing.

[29.2.723] fountaine head |spring.

[29.2.724] fortitude valiantnes.

[29.2.725] fragments reliques.

[29.2.726] fragilitie brittlenes.

[29.2.727] fragrant |sweete |smelling.

[29.2.728] fraternitie brotherhood

[29.2.729] fraudulent deceiptfull.

[29.2.730] frequent often.

[29.2.731] friuolous vaine.

[29.2.732] frontlet k. head attier.

[29.2.733] fru{ct}i{fi}e make fruitfull.

[29.2.734] fru{|st}rate make void.

[29.2.735] frugale thriftie.

[29.2.736] fugitiue runnagate.

[29.2.737] fun{ct}ion calling.

[29.2.738] funerall buriall.

[29.2.739] furbu{|sh}er, dre{|s|s}er.

[29.2.740] furious raging.

[29.2.741] future time to come.

[29.2.742] Garboile hurly burly.

[29.2.743] garner. corne chamber.

[29.2.744] gem precious {|st}one.

[29.2.745] gentilitie } gentrie.

[29.2.746] genero{|si}tie } [gentrie.]

[29.2.747] gentile a heathen.

[29.2.748] generation of|spring.

[29.2.749] gender.

[29.2.750] genealogie g. generation.

[29.2.751] genitor father.

[29.2.752] ge{|st}ure.

[29.2.753] giue|s fetters.

[29.2.754] ginger.

[29.2.755] gourd k. plant.

[29.2.756] gorget.

[29.2.757] gorgious.

[29.2.758] go|spell, glad tidings.

[29.2.759] geometrie g. Art of mea|su­
[29.2.760] ring.

[29.2.761] gradation by {|st}eppes.

[29.2.762] graduate that hath taken
[29.2.763] degree.

[29.2.764] grati{fi}e to plea|sure.

[29.2.765] gratis freelie.

[29.2.766] guerdaine* keeper.

[29.2.767] gulfe deepe p{oo}le.

[29.2.768] Habilitie or } ablenes.

[29.2.769] abilitie } [ablenes.]

[29.2.770] habitable able to be dwelt
[29.2.771] in.

[29.2.772] habite apparell.

[29.2.773] harmonie g.mu{|si}cke.

[29.2.774] haleluiah prai|se the Lord.

[29.2.775] herault kings me{|s|s}enger.

[29.2.776] hautie loftie.

[29.2.777] hebrew from Hebers {|st}ocke.

[29.2.778] heathen, |see gentile.

[29.2.779] helmet, headpiece.

[29.2.780] herbinger, |sent before to pre­
[29.2.781] pare.

[29.2.782] hereticall } that holde here{|si}e

[29.2.783] hereticke } [that holde here{|si}e]

[29.2.784] homage, wor{|sh}ip.

[29.2.785] ho|san-na |saue I pray thee.

[29.2.786] horror fearefull |sorrow

[29.2.787] ho{|st}age pleadge.

[29.2.788] ho{|st} armie.

[29.2.789] ho{|st}ilitie hatred.

[29.2.790] hymne k. |song.

[29.2.791] humaine gentle.

[29.2.792] humiditie moi{|st}ure.

[29.2.793] hipocrite g.

[29.2.794] hy{|s|s}ope.

[29.2.795] Idiot g. vnlearned.

[29.2.796] idolatrie g.fal|se wor{|sh}ip.

[29.2.797] ielous.

[29.2.798] Ie|sus Sauiour.

[29.2.799] ignominie reproach.

[29.2.800] illegitimate vnlawefully
[29.2.801] borne.

[29.2.802] illu{|si}on mockerie.

[29.2.803] imbecilitie weakenes.

[29.2.804] imbark.

[29.2.805] immediate next to.

[29.2.806] imitation following.

[29.2.807] immoderate without mea:
[29.2.808] |sure.

[29.2.809] immortall euerla{|st}ing.

[29.2.810] impeach, accu|se.

[29.2.811] immunitie freedome.

[29.2.812] impediment let.

[29.2.813] imperiall belonging to the
[29.2.814] crowne.

[29.2.815] imperfe{ct}ion vnperfe{ct}nes.

[29.2.816] impenitent vnrepentant.

[29.2.817] impietie vngodlines.

[29.2.818] impo|se lay vpon.

[29.2.819] impre{|s|si}on printing.

[29.2.820] impudent {|sh}ameles.

[29.2.821] impugne di|sproue.

[29.2.822] impute reckon.

[29.2.823] impunitie without puni{|sh}­
[29.2.824] ment.

[29.2.825] impropriation making proper.

[29.2.826] immanity bea{|st}ly crueltie.

[29.2.827] importune to be earne{|st}
[29.2.828] with.

[29.2.829] imperious de{|si}ring to rule.

[29.2.830] ince{|s|s}antly earne{|st}ly.

[29.2.831] inqui{|si}tion |searching.

[29.2.832] incen|se k. o{ff}ring.

[29.2.833] to incen|se to {|st}irre vp.

[29.2.834] incident happening.

[29.2.835] inchant * bewitch.

[29.2.836] incitation mouing.

[29.2.837] incline leane vnto.

[29.2.838] incumber trouble.

[29.2.839] incommodious hurtfull.

[29.2.840] incompatible. in|su{ff}erable.

[29.2.841] incongruitie without agree­
[29.2.842] ment.

[29.2.843] incontinent pre|sently,or vn­[cha{|st}]

[29.2.844] incurre runne into.

[29.2.845] indemnitie without lo{|s|s}e.

[29.2.846] indignitie vnworthine{|s|s}e.

[29.2.847] indignation hatred.

[29.2.848] induce moue.

[29.2.849] indu{ct}ion bringing in.

[29.2.850] indurate harden.

[29.2.851] infamous ill reported.

[29.2.852] infe{ct}ion corrupting.

[29.2.853] inferre bring in.

[29.2.854] infernall belonging to hell.

[29.2.855] in{fi}rmitie weakenes.

[29.2.856] in{fl}amation in{fl}aming.

[29.2.857] in{fi}nit without nomber.

[29.2.858] in{fl}uence a {fl}owing in.

[29.2.859] informe giue notice.

[29.2.860] ingraue carue.

[29.2.861] ingredience entrance.

[29.2.862] inhabite dwell in.

[29.2.863] inhibite, forbidde.

[29.2.864] inhibition forbidding.

[29.2.865] iniun{ct}ion commaunding.

[29.2.866] iniurious wrongfull or hurtful.

[29.2.867] innouate make new

[29.2.868] innouation making new.

[29.2.869] inordinate out of order.

[29.2.870] inqui{|si}tion |searching.

[29.2.871] in{|si}nuate cr{'ee}pe in.

[29.2.872] in|spire breath into.

[29.2.873] in|solent proud.

[29.2.874] in{|st}igation prouoking.

[29.2.875] in{|st}itute appoint.

[29.2.876] intercept preuent.

[29.2.877] interce{|s|si}on going betw{'ee}ne.
[29.2.878] or make intreatie.

[29.2.879] interchange, exchaunge.

[29.2.880] intercour|se mutuall acce{|s|s}e.

[29.2.881] intere{|st}, loane.

[29.2.882] interline draw a line betwixt

[29.2.883] intermeddle, deale with.

[29.2.884] intermingle, mingle with.

[29.2.885] intermi{|s|si}on fore{|sl}owing.

[29.2.886] interpretor expounder.

[29.2.887] interrogation a que{|st}ion
[29.2.888] asking.

[29.2.889] interrupt breake o{ff}.

[29.2.890] intricate inwrapped.

[29.2.891] introdu{ct}ion entrance.

[29.2.892] intrude, to thru{|st} in violently

[29.2.893] inuincible not to be wonne.

[29.2.894] irruption breaking in.

[29.2.895] irreuocable not to be recalled.

[29.2.896] irreprehen{|si}ble wtout repr{oo}fe.

[29.2.897] I|sralite gr. of I|srael.

[29.2.898] iudiciall belonging to iudge­
[29.2.899] ment.

[29.2.900] iubilee y{'ee}re of ioy.

[29.2.901] iurors |sworne men.

[29.2.902] iuice.

[29.2.903] iu{|st}i{fi}e, appr{oo}ue.

[29.2.904] Lapidarie skilfull in {|st}ones.

[29.2.905] large{|s|s}e or largis liberalitie.

[29.2.906] la|sciuious wanton.

[29.2.907] laud prai|se.

[29.2.908] laurell bay-tree.

[29.2.909] laxitiue loo|se.

[29.2.910] legacie gift by will or am­
[29.2.911] ba{|s|s}age.

[29.2.912] legion ho{|st}

[29.2.913] legate amba{|s|s}ador.

[29.2.914] legerdemaine light handed.

[29.2.915] lepro{|si}e k. di|sea|se.

[29.2.916] libertine loo|se in Religion.

[29.2.917] lethergie gr. k. drow{|si}e di|sea|se

[29.2.918] licentious taking libertie.

[29.2.919] liuetenant deputie.

[29.2.920] limitation appointment.

[29.2.921] literature learning.

[29.2.922] lingell {|sh}oemakers thr{'ee}d.

[29.2.923] lingui{|st} skilfull in tongues.

[29.2.924] litigious quarrellous.

[29.2.925] lore, law.

[29.2.926] lotarie* ca{|st}ing of lots.

[29.2.927] loyall obedient.

[29.2.928] lunatick wanting his wits.

[29.2.929] Magitian v{|si}ng witchcraft.

[29.2.930] magi{|st}rate gouernour.

[29.2.931] magnanimitie valiantnes.

[29.2.932] magni{fi}cence |sumptuou|snes.

[29.2.933] maladie di|sea|se.

[29.2.934] malicious.

[29.2.935] malecontent di|scontented

[29.2.936] maligne hate.

[29.2.937] manicle fetter.

[29.2.938] manger.

[29.2.939] maranatha accur|sed.

[29.2.940] manumi{|s|s}e |set free.

[29.2.941] march. goe in aray

[29.2.942] marte, faier.

[29.2.943] martiall warlike.

[29.2.944] marches borders.

[29.2.945] margent edge of a booke.

[29.2.946] marow.

[29.2.947] martyr witnes.

[29.2.948] matron ancient woman.

[29.2.949] matrice wombe.

[29.2.950] mature ripe.

[29.2.951] mechanicall g. handicraftes.

[29.2.952] mediocritie mea|sure.

[29.2.953] medicine.

[29.2.954] mercement

[29.2.955] mediatour aduocate.

[29.2.956] mercer.

[29.2.957] mercie.

[29.2.958] meditate mu|se.

[29.2.959] men{|st}ruous de{fi}led.

[29.2.960] melancholie g. humor of |so­
[29.2.961] litarines.

[29.2.962] melodious g. |sw{'ee}t |sounding.

[29.2.963] meritorius that de|serueth.

[29.2.964] method g. order.

[29.2.965] metaphor g. {|si}militude.

[29.2.966] mini{|st}ration mini{|st}ring.

[29.2.967] militant warring.

[29.2.968] minoritie vnder age.

[29.2.969] mona{|st}erie colledge of monks

[29.2.970] miraculous maruelous.

[29.2.971] mirror * a looking gla{|s|s}e.

[29.2.972] mittigate a|swage.

[29.2.973] mixtion { mingling.

[29.2.974] mixture { [mingling.]

[29.2.975] mobilitie mouing.

[29.2.976] mode{|st} |sober.

[29.2.977] moderate temperate.

[29.2.978] moderne of our time.

[29.2.979] moitie. halfe

[29.2.980] moment weight or |sodaine.

[29.2.981] momentanie |sodaine.

[29.2.982] monarch g. one ruling all.

[29.2.983] moote argue.

[29.2.984] monument antiquitie.

[29.2.985] moralitie ciuill behauiour.

[29.2.986] mortall that endeth.

[29.2.987] mortuarie due for the deade.

[29.2.988] motiue cau|se mouing.

[29.2.989] morti{fi}e kill.

[29.2.990] mountaine great hill.

[29.2.991] munition defence.

[29.2.992] mutable changable.

[29.2.993] mu{|st}aches vpper lip haire.

[29.2.994] malme|sey.

[29.2.995] mu|ses. godde{|s|s}es of larning.

[29.2.996] mutation chaunge.

[29.2.997] myrrhe k. of |sweete gume.

[29.2.998] my{|st}icall that hath a my{|st}erie
[29.2.999] in it.

[29.2.1000] my{|st}erie hidden |secret.

[29.2.1001] Natiue borne.

[29.2.1002] narration declaration.

[29.2.1003] n{'ee}ce

[29.2.1004] nece{|s|si}tie.

[29.2.1005] nauigation |sailing.

[29.2.1006] nephew.

[29.2.1007] nerue {|si}new

[29.2.1008] negligence.

[29.2.1009] neuter of neither {|si}de.

[29.2.1010] Nicholitan g. an heretick from
[29.2.1011] Nicholas.

[29.2.1012] necromancie g. blacke art.

[29.2.1013] nonage vnder age.

[29.2.1014] non|suit not following.

[29.2.1015] nouice.

[29.2.1016] noti{fi}e giue knowledge.

[29.2.1017] numeration numbring.

[29.2.1018] nutriment nouri{|sh}ment.

[29.2.1019] obei{|s|s}ance obedience.

[29.2.1020] oblation o{ff}ring.

[29.2.1021] oblique croked.

[29.2.1022] obliuious forgetfull.

[29.2.1023] ob{|st}inate froward

[29.2.1024] ob|scure darke.

[29.2.1025] ob{|st}ru{ct}ion {|st}opping.

[29.2.1026] obtu|se dull.

[29.2.1027] occidentall belonging to the
[29.2.1028] We{|st}.

[29.2.1029] odious hatefull.

[29.2.1030] odor |smell.

[29.2.1031] odoriferous |sw{'ee}t |smelling.

[29.2.1032] o{ffi}cious duetifull.

[29.2.1033] oliuet place of oliues.

[29.2.1034] omnipotent almightie.

[29.2.1035] operation working.

[29.2.1036] opportunitie {fi}tnes.

[29.2.1037] oppo|se |set again{|st}.

[29.2.1038] opprobrious reproachfull.

[29.2.1039] ordure doung.

[29.2.1040] originall beginning.

[29.2.1041] oracle a |sp{'ee}ch from God.

[29.2.1042] ordination ordeining.

[29.2.1043] orphant g.without parents.

[29.2.1044] orthographie g. true writing.

[29.2.1045] o{|st}entation boa{|st}ing.

[29.2.1046] ouerplus more then n{'ee}deth

[29.2.1047] Paci{fi}e quiet.

[29.2.1048] pamphlet a |small treati|se.

[29.2.1049] panto{fl}e {|sl}ipper.

[29.2.1050] paradi|se g. place of plea|sure.

[29.2.1051] paraphrase g. expo{|si}tion.

[29.2.1052] paramour an amorous louer.

[29.2.1053] parable {|si}militude.

[29.2.1054] parcell.

[29.2.1055] parget.

[29.2.1056] partiall.

[29.2.1057] partition deui{|si}on.

[29.2.1058] pa{|s|si}on |su{ff}ering.

[29.2.1059] Pa{|s|s}eouer, one of the Jewes
[29.2.1060] fea{|st}es.

[29.2.1061] patheticall g. vehement.

[29.2.1062] Patriarke g. chiefe father.

[29.2.1063] patrimonie fathers gift.

[29.2.1064] patronage defence.

[29.2.1065] patroni|se defend.

[29.2.1066] pauillion * tent.

[29.2.1067] paucitie fewnes.

[29.2.1068] pauement.

[29.2.1069] peccaui I haue o{ff}ended.

[29.2.1070] peculiar proper.

[29.2.1071] pen{|si}ue |sorrowfull

[29.2.1072] penteco{|st}. g. White|sontide.

[29.2.1073] perceiue.

[29.2.1074] peregrination iourneing in a
[29.2.1075] {|st}range land.

[29.2.1076] peremptorie re|solute.

[29.2.1077] perfe{ct}.

[29.2.1078] period g. end.

[29.2.1079] perilous * dangerous.

[29.2.1080] permit |su{ff}er.

[29.2.1081] permutable changeable.

[29.2.1082] perpetuitie continewance.

[29.2.1083] perplexitie troubled griefe.

[29.2.1084] per|secute

[29.2.1085] per{|si}{|st} } continue.

[29.2.1086] per|seuere } [continue.]

[29.2.1087] per|spicuous euident.

[29.2.1088] participate partake.

[29.2.1089] peruert ouerthrow.

[29.2.1090] perruke haire laie forth.

[29.2.1091] peruer|se froward

[29.2.1092] pettigree {|st}ocke.

[29.2.1093] petition praier.

[29.2.1094] phanta{|si}e: imagination.

[29.2.1095] phe|sant

[29.2.1096] phari|see one of that |se{ct}.

[29.2.1097] phy{|si}ognomie knowledge by
[29.2.1098] the vi|sage.

[29.2.1099] phy{|si}ck.

[29.2.1100] phra|se forme of |speach.

[29.2.1101] phren{|si}e g. madnes.

[29.2.1102] philo|sophie {|st}udie of wi|se­
[29.2.1103] dome.

[29.2.1104] pigeon.

[29.2.1105] pirate |sea robber.

[29.2.1106] piety godlines.

[29.2.1107] pillage |spoyle in warre.

[29.2.1108] pilot * mai{|st}er, guider of a
[29.2.1109] {|sh}ippe.

[29.2.1110] plaintife the complaynant.

[29.2.1111] planet gr. wandring {|st}arre.

[29.2.1112] plau{|si}ble plea{|si}ng.

[29.2.1113] plenitude fulnes.

[29.2.1114] plume feather.

[29.2.1115] pluralitie moe then one.

[29.2.1116] policie.

[29.2.1117] poitrell ornament for a hor|se
[29.2.1118] brea{|st}.

[29.2.1119 poet gr. a ver|se maker.

[29.2.1120] poetre{|s|s}e gr. a woman Poet.

[29.2.1121] poli{|sh} deck.

[29.2.1122] pollute de{fi}le.

[29.2.1123] pomgranate* k. fruit.

[29.2.1124] ponderous waightie.

[29.2.1125] populous full of people.

[29.2.1126] po{|st}|script written after.

[29.2.1127] protra{ct} deferre.

[29.2.1128] popularitie plea{|si}ng the
[29.2.1129] people.

[29.2.1130] preamble fore|speech.

[29.2.1131] precept.

[29.2.1132] predece{|s|s}or

[29.2.1133] prede{|st}inate appoint before.

[29.2.1134] precious.

[29.2.1135] precin{ct} compa{|s|s}e.

[29.2.1136] predominante ruling.

[29.2.1137] preface |see preamble.

[29.2.1138] preiudice hurt.

[29.2.1139] preiudicate fore{|st}alled.

[29.2.1140] premunire forfeiture of
[29.2.1141] g{oo}ds.

[29.2.1142] preparatiue preparation.

[29.2.1143] prepo{|st}erous di|sordered.

[29.2.1144] prerogatiue priuiledge.

[29.2.1145] pre|sbyterie g. Elder{|sh}ip.

[29.2.1146] pre|script decree.

[29.2.1147] pre|scription limitation.

[29.2.1148] pre{|st} ready.

[29.2.1149] primitiue {fi}r{|st}.

[29.2.1150] prioritie.

[29.2.1151] pri{|st}ine old.

[29.2.1152] probation allowance.

[29.2.1153] prodigious mon{|st}rous.

[29.2.1154] proceed.

[29.2.1155] profound deepe.

[29.2.1156] profane vngodlie.

[29.2.1157] progno{|st}icate foretell.

[29.2.1158] progenie of|spring.

[29.2.1159] prohibit forbid.

[29.2.1160] prologue g. |see preface.

[29.2.1161] prolixe tedious.

[29.2.1162] prompt readie.

[29.2.1163] promulgation |see publication.

[29.2.1164] propitiation |sacri{fi}ce to
[29.2.1165]   paci{fi}e.

[29.2.1166] propo|se propound.

[29.2.1167] propriety propertie.

[29.2.1168] proroge put o{ff}.

[29.2.1169] pro{|st}itute |set open for vn­
[29.2.1170] cleannes.

[29.2.1171] prophe{|si}e g. foretell or ex­
[29.2.1172] pound.

[29.2.1173] prophet gr. he that prophe­
[29.2.1174] {|si}eth.

[29.2.1175] pro|spe{ct} a {|si}ght farre o{ff}.

[29.2.1176] prowe{|s|s}e valiantnes.

[29.2.1177] pro|se that writing which is
[29.2.1178] not ver|se.

[29.2.1179] pro|selyte gr. {|st}ranger con­
[29.2.1180] uerted.

[29.2.1181] pro{|st}rate fall downe.

[29.2.1182] prote{ct} defend.

[29.2.1183] prouocation prouoking.

[29.2.1184] prouident fore|seeing.

[29.2.1185] prudence wi|sedome.

[29.2.1186] p|salme heauenlie |song.

[29.2.1187] p|salmographe } writer of
[29.2.1188] p|salmes.

p|salmi{|st} } [writer of]

[29.2.1189] p|salter booke of p|salmes.

[29.2.1190] publi{|sh} |set abroad.

[29.2.1191] publike open.

[29.2.1192] publican towle gatherer.

[29.2.1193] publication publi{|sh}ing.

[29.2.1194] purgatorie place of purging.

[29.2.1195] pur|suit * following.

[29.2.1196] pui{|s|s}aunce powerfulnes.

[29.2.1197] putri{fi}e corrupt.

[29.2.1198] Quadrangle foure cornered.

[29.2.1199] quadrant foure |square.

[29.2.1200] queach, thicke heape.

[29.2.1201] qinte{|s|s}ence chiefe vertue.

[29.2.1202] quotidian dayly.

[29.2.1203] Rapacitie } violent
[29.2.1204] catching.

rapine } [violent]

[29.2.1205] rati{fi}e e{|st}abli{|sh}.

[29.2.1206] reall.

[29.2.1207] receipt.

[29.2.1208] recite.

[29.2.1209] recogni{|s|s}ance acknowledge.

[29.2.1210] recoile * goe backe.

[29.2.1211] reconcile bring into fauour.

[29.2.1212] recreate refre{|sh}.

[29.2.1213] redeeme buy againe.

[29.2.1214] redemption buying againe.

[29.2.1215] refe{ct}ion refre{|sh}ing.

[29.2.1216] re{fl}exion ca{|st}ing backe.

[29.2.1217] referre put ouer.

[29.2.1218] refuge |succour.

[29.2.1219] regenerate borne againe.

[29.2.1220] regiment gouernement.

[29.2.1221] regi{|st}er kalender.

[29.2.1222] reie{ct} ca{|st} away.

[29.2.1223] reioynder.

[29.2.1224] reiterate repeat.

[29.2.1225] relate report.

[29.2.1226] relation reporting.

[29.2.1227] relap|se backe{|sl}iding.

[29.2.1228] relaxation refre{|sh}ing.

[29.2.1229] relinqui{|sh} for|sake.

[29.2.1230] remitte forgiue.

[29.2.1231] remi{|s|s}e loo|se.

[29.2.1232] remor|se pricke of con|science.

[29.2.1233] renouate renew.

[29.2.1234] renounce* for|sake.

[29.2.1235] repa{|st}e food.

[29.2.1236] repell put backe.

[29.2.1237] repeale call backe.

[29.2.1238] repo|se put.

[29.2.1239] repre{|s|s}e put downe.

[29.2.1240] repul|se puting back.

[29.2.1241] repugnancie contrarietie.

[29.2.1242] repugnant contrarie.

[29.2.1243] repute accompt.

[29.2.1244] re{|si}gne giue ouer.

[29.2.1245] re{|st}auration re{|st}oring.

[29.2.1246] re|sume take againe.

[29.2.1247] reuoke call back.

[29.2.1248] rhetoricke g. art of eloquence.

[29.2.1249] rhetorician g. skilfull in rheto­
[29.2.1250] rick.

[29.2.1251] rheume. gr.

[29.2.1252] rogue.

[29.2.1253] ruinous readie to fall.

[29.2.1254] rudiment {fi}r{|st} in{|st}ru{ct}ion.

[29.2.1255] rupture breach.

[29.2.1256] ru{|st}icall clouni{|sh}.

[29.2.1257] Sabbaoth re{|st}.

[29.2.1258] |sacriledge church robbing.

[29.2.1259] |sacrament holie {|si}gne or oath.

[29.2.1260] |sacri{fi}ce.

[29.2.1261] Sadducee k. |se{ct}arie.

[29.2.1262] |safeconduit |safe keeping.

[29.2.1263] |saint holie one.

[29.2.1264] |san{ct}i{fi}cation holines.

[29.2.1265] |salubritie hole|somnes.

[29.2.1266] |san{ct}itie } holines.

[29.2.1267] |san{ct}imonie } [holines.]

[29.2.1268] |san{ct}uarie holie place.

[29.2.1269] |sandals g. {|sl}ippers.

[29.2.1270] |sapience wi|sdome.

[29.2.1271] |satietie fulnes.

[29.2.1272] |satyre a nipping ver|se.

[29.2.1273] |saturitie fulnes.

[29.2.1274] |sauage wild.

[29.2.1275] |sauce.

[29.2.1276] |scalpe pate.

[29.2.1277] |scarri{fi}e launce a |sore.

[29.2.1278] |scepter {|si}gne of rule.

[29.2.1279] |schi|sme breach.

[29.2.1280] |schi|smatike that maketh a
[29.2.1281] |schi|sme.

[29.2.1282] |scripture writing.

[29.2.1283] |scruple doubte.

[29.2.1284] |scrupulous full of doubts.

[29.2.1285] |scourge.

[29.2.1286] |scurrilitie |sawcie |sco{ffi}ng.

[29.2.1287] |seclude {|sh}ut out.

[29.2.1288] |se{ct}arie |see |schi|smatick.

[29.2.1289] |secundarie the |second.

[29.2.1290] |seduce deceiue.

[29.2.1291] |sedulitie diligence.

[29.2.1292] |segniorie lord{|sh}ippe.

[29.2.1293] |seminarie a nourcerie.

[29.2.1294] |senator alderman.

[29.2.1295] |sen{|si}ble ea{|si}ly felt.

[29.2.1296] |sen|se.

[29.2.1297] |sen|suall bruti{|sh}.

[29.2.1298] |sepulcher graue.

[29.2.1299] |sequele fellowing.

[29.2.1300] |seque{|st}er put to an indi{ff}e­

[29.2.1301] rent man

[29.2.1302] |seruice.

[29.2.1303] |sergeant.

[29.2.1304] |seruitude bondage.

[29.2.1305] |seruile {|sl}aui{|sh}.

[29.2.1306] |seueritie {|sh}arpnes.

[29.2.1307] |sexe kinde.

[29.2.1308] {|si}gni{fi}cant plainly {|si}gni{fi}yng.

[29.2.1309] {|si}mplicitie plainenes.

[29.2.1310] {|si}ni{|st}er vnhappie.

[29.2.1311] {|si}tuation placing.

[29.2.1312] {|sl}aughter.

[29.2.1313] {|sl}ice.

[29.2.1314] {|sl}uce.

[29.2.1315] |soare, mount high.

[29.2.1316] |sociable felowlike.

[29.2.1317] |societie felow{|sh}ip.

[29.2.1318] |solace comfort.

[29.2.1319] |solution vnloo{|si}ng.

[29.2.1320] |solicit moue.

[29.2.1321] |summarie brief.

[29.2.1322] |sophi{|st}er cauiller.

[29.2.1323] |sorcerie.

[29.2.1324] |soueraigne chiefe.

[29.2.1325] |spatious large.

[29.2.1326] |speci{fi}e {|si}gni{fi}e.

[29.2.1327] |speciall.

[29.2.1328] |spicery.

[29.2.1329] |splen g. milt.

[29.2.1330] |spongeous like a |sponge.

[29.2.1331] |spruce.

[29.2.1332] |squinancie k. di|sea|se.

[29.2.1333] {|st}ation {|st}anding.

[29.2.1334] {|st}abilitie |surenes.

[29.2.1335] {|st}illatorie a di{|st}illing place.

[29.2.1336] {|st}ipendarie that |serueth for
[29.2.1337] wages.

[29.2.1338] {|st}udious diligent.

[29.2.1339] {|st}ile manner of |speech.

[29.2.1340] |submi{|s|s}e lowlie.

[29.2.1341] |suborne procure fal|se wit­
[29.2.1342] nes.

[29.2.1343] |sub|scribe write vnder.

[29.2.1344] |sub{|st}ra{ct} { take from.

[29.2.1345] |subtra{ct} { [take from.]

[29.2.1346] |sub{|st}itute deputie.

[29.2.1347] subtill craftie.

[29.2.1348] |subuer{|si}on ouerthrowing.

[29.2.1349] |succeed follow.

[29.2.1350] |sugge{|st} prompt.

[29.2.1351] |sulphure brim{|st}one.

[29.2.1352] |summarily brie{fl}y.

[29.2.1353] |super{fi}ces vpper {|si}de.

[29.2.1354] |super{fl}uous needles.

[29.2.1355] |super|scription writing aboue.

[29.2.1356] |supplant ouerthrowne.

[29.2.1357] |support beare vp.

[29.2.1358] |suppo{|si}tion |suppo{|si}ng.

[29.2.1359] |suppre{|s|s}e.

[29.2.1360] |supremacie chiefdome.

[29.2.1361] |superior higher.

[29.2.1362] |surcharge ouercharge,

[29.2.1363] |surmount exceed.

[29.2.1364] |surcingle.

[29.2.1365] |su|spen|se.

[29.2.1366] |surplu|s |see ouerplus.

[29.2.1367] |suruiue * ouerliue.

[29.2.1368] |synagogue place of a{|s|s}emblie.

[29.2.1369] |sycophant tale bearer.

[29.2.1370] |synode a generall a{|s|s}emblie.

[29.2.1371] Tabernacle tent.

[29.2.1372] temerarious ra{|sh}.

[29.2.1373] temeretie ra{|sh}nes.

[29.2.1374] temperature temperatenes.

[29.2.1375] temperate keepe a meane.

[29.2.1376] temperance |sobrietie.

[29.2.1377] temple a church.

[29.2.1378] tempe{|st}uous boi{|st}erous.

[29.2.1379] tempori|se to |serue the time.

[29.2.1380] temporarie for a time.

[29.2.1381] terre{|st}riall earthly.

[29.2.1382] tenuitie |smalnes.

[29.2.1383] tetrarch gr. gouernour of a
[29.2.1384] fourth parte.

[29.2.1385] tenure hold.

[29.2.1386] termination ending.

[29.2.1387] thwite {|sh}aue.

[29.2.1388] timorous fearefull.

[29.2.1389] tertian euery other day.

[29.2.1390] te{|st}i{fi}cation witne{|s|s}ing.

[29.2.1391] theologie gr. diuinitie.

[29.2.1392] thyme gr. k. hearbe.

[29.2.1393] tra{ct}able ea{|si}e to handle.

[29.2.1394] tra{ct}ate a treati|se.

[29.2.1395] tragedie a |solemne plaie.

[29.2.1396] tradition deliuering from one
[29.2.1397] to an other.

[29.2.1398] tra{ffi}que bargaining.

[29.2.1399] tran|s{fi}gure change.

[29.2.1400] tran{|si}torie |soone pa{|s|s}ing away

[29.2.1401] tranquilitie quietnes.

[29.2.1402] tran|sferre conuaye ouer.

[29.2.1403] tran|sforme tran|s{fi}gure.

[29.2.1404] tran|sgre{|s|s}e breake.

[29.2.1405] tran{|sl}ate turne.

[29.2.1406] tran|sport cary ouer.

[29.2.1407] tran|spo|se change.

[29.2.1408] triangle three cornered.

[29.2.1409] tribunall iudgment |seat.

[29.2.1410] tripartite threefold.

[29.2.1411] triuiall common.

[29.2.1412] tribe companie.

[29.2.1413] trompe deceiue.

[29.2.1414] triumph great ioy.

[29.2.1415] triumphant reioycing for the
[29.2.1416] conque{|st}.

[29.2.1417] tribute.

[29.2.1418] truce peace.

[29.2.1419] turbulent.

[29.2.1420] tympany gr. k. drop{|si}e.

[29.2.1421] Vacant voide.

[29.2.1422] valor value.

[29.2.1423] vanqui{|sh} ouercome.

[29.2.1424] vapor moi{|st}ure.

[29.2.1425] vendible |saleable.

[29.2.1426] venerable wor{|sh}ipfull.

[29.2.1427] ver{|si}{fi}e make ver|ses.

[29.2.1428] veneriall {fl}e{|sh}lie.

[29.2.1429] ve{|st}ure } garment.

[29.2.1430] ve{|st}iment } [garment.]

[29.2.1431] vice.

[29.2.1432] vicious.

[29.2.1433] view.

[29.2.1434] vincible.

[29.2.1435] vi{ct}orious that hath gotten
[29.2.1436] many vi{ct}ories.

[29.2.1437] vineyard orchard of grapes.

[29.2.1438] vigilant watchfull.

[29.2.1439] vi{|si}tation going to |see.

[29.2.1440] vi{|si}on {|si}ght.

[29.2.1441] vlcer bile.

[29.2.1442] vnion vnitie.

[29.2.1443] vnite ioyne.

[29.2.1444] vniuer|sall generall.

[29.2.1445] vrine {|st}ale.

[29.2.1446] vn|satiable that hath not
[29.2.1447] inough.

[29.2.1448] vocation calling.

[29.2.1449] volubilitie |swiftnes.

[29.2.1450] voluptuous giuen to plea|sure

[29.2.1451] vrbanitie courte{|si}e.

[29.2.1452] v|surpe take vnlawful autho­
[29.2.1453] ritie.

[29.2.1454] vtilitie pro{fi}t.

[29.2.1455] vulgar common.

[29.2.1456] wages.

[29.2.1457] wager.

[29.2.1458] weight.

[29.2.1459] wrought.


To the Reader.

[30.1] I purpo|sed (gentle reader)|somewhat heere to haue |spoken, tou­
[30.2] ching the true forming and {|si}gni{fi}cation of deriuatiues and com­
[30.3] pounds as tho|se that beginne with di|s.circum. tran|s. in.&c, and
[30.4] ende in ly.tie.on.ous.able.ible.&c. but |speciall occa|sion hath for
[30.5] the pre|sent altered my purpo|se : Al|so I craue pardon for many
[30.6] faults e|scaped, e|specially in the Table, many words being mi|spla­
[30.7] ced and the chara{ct}er mi{|st}aken. But I hope the learned will with
[30.8] fauour |see my purpo|se. And the vnskilfull reape the fruite, vntill
[30.9] oportunitie may serue to reforme it.

[30.10] If, notwith{|st}anding my former rea|sons, thou doubte{|st} that thy
[30.11] little child will haue |spoyled this booke before it be learned, thou
[30.12] maye{|st} {fi}tly deuide it at the ende of the |second booke, or thou
[30.13] maye{|st} re|serue fayre the written copies, vntill he can read.

[30.14] If thou thinke me either for hardnes of rule, or length of matter,
[30.15] vnfit for children : plentifull experience in very young ones, (be­
[30.16] leeue him that hath tryed)doth dayly confute thee. Therefore to
[30.17] di{|sl}ike before thou ha{|st} eyther tried or diligently read, were either
[30.18] to be ra{|sh} or vnkind.

[30.19]                     Farewell.

Faults e|scaped.

[31.1] Pag.3.li.2. read teacheth, pag. 5. li.29. in the margent for {fi}r{|st}
[31.2] read la{|st} pag.22.lin.10. a{|ss}e. pag.72.16. Con{|st}antius. pag.
[31.3] 78.lin.4. heedie.

Printed by the Widow Orwin, for
Ralph Iack|son, and Robert Dextar.

[28.3.30]     284. Iair iudged 22. y. whereof
[28.3.31]     the Ammonites and the
Phili{|st}ims oppre{|s|s}ed 18. y.
[28.3.33]     Amazones battel again{|st}
[28.3.34]     Thebes.