ISO Entity RET Char. Description Code space (word-separator) nbsp {} space (intentional); see TEI P3, pp. 554-55 . period, punctus (Oxford, Moxon) {.} raised dot (Oxford) , comma (Oxford, Moxon) apos ' possessive apostrophe (Oxford, Moxon) {'} eliding apostrophe lsquo {`} opening single quotation mark {`,} comma under opening single quotation mark, employed as a word-separator or caret (Hengwrt) ; semi-colon (Oxford) : colon (Oxford, Moxon) {:} colon employed as word-separator or caret (Hengwrt) {?} elevatus (like a question mark without a period) ? question mark, punctus elevatus (Oxford, Moxon) ! exclamation mark (Oxford) hyphen - compound hyphen (Oxford, Moxon) shy {\-} end-of-line hyphen {-} hyphen used for censorship purposes dash {--} dash sol / free virgule/solidus {/} virgule as suffix to word // double virgule lsqb [ opening square bracket (Oxford) rsqb ] closing square bracket ( opening parenthesis ) closing parenthesis (Oxford) lcub {{} opening brace rcub {}} closing brace lt @ opening angle bracket gt $ closing angle bracket {*} lowered asterisk/star (Oxford) ast * raised asterisk/star (Oxford, Moxon) deg {0} degree sign, tagged as zero sect {sm} section mark, `o' with lefthand hook at top and righthand hook at bottom (Oxford, Moxon) dagger {dg} dagger (Oxford, Moxon) ddagger {ddg} double dagger caret {^} caret equals = equals sign {',} alternate caret, an opening quotation mark above a comma (some mss) {C} capitulum (like a capital C with a vertical stroke through the centre) para {P} paragraphus (like reversed P) num {#} number sign (Moxon) plus {+} plus-sign {/V} V with slash through left ascender (Oxford) {R/} (Oxford, Moxon) percnt {%} percent sign bsol {\} backslash dtri {\~/} wedge (down triangle) {~~} otiose curled horizontal flourish, often at line-end {==} double hyphen like equals sign hellip {...} ellipsis (dotted)