6.5.1 SGML

The delimiters <!-- comment --> enclose non-text material in SGML-tagged texts. Here is an example from the Hengwrt manuscript of the Canterbury Tales.
Auerroys / Dama{s}cien / and Con{s}tantyn
Bernard / and Gate{s}den / and Gilbertyn
Of his diete / me<damage type="unknown" extent="7
  spaces"></damage>{s}urable was hee
<!-- this gap must have been here before the writing since nothing
  is missing -->
ffor it was / of no sup+fluytee
But of greet nori{ss}ynge / and dige{s}tible
His studye / was but litel on the Bible

6.5.2 COCOA

Comments may include notes of press variants or typos, etc. They should be enclosed in double square brackets [[ ... ]] or a combination of parenthesis and asterisk (* ... *), that is, comment- or ignore-delimiters. Here is an example from the Hengwrt MS "General Prologue" to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
Auerroys / Dama{s}cien / and Con{s}tantyn
Bernard / and Gate{s}den / and Gilbertyn
Of his diete / me[[7 blank spaces]]{s}urable was hee
ffor it was / of no sup+fluytee
But of greet nori{ss}ynge / and dige{s}tible
His studye / was but litel on the Bible