6.15 Font

6.15.1 SGML

Except for the type attribute, SGML uses the same tag as COCOA here. TEI P3 recommends that font be recorded only in the rendition attribute of a descriptive tag and that, where editors wish to tag font changes as such, they use tags such as <emph>, <hi>, and <soCalled> (see pp. 955-56, 1013-14, 1155). Applying these to early texts asks for interpretation of a kind an editor may be unable to make.
<f type="bl">C<f type="r">Onsidering how necessary it
is, that the word of G<f type="sc">OD,<f type="r">
which is the onely foode of
the soule, and that most excel{\-}
lent light that we must walke
by, in this our most dange{\-}
rous pilgrimage, should at all

6.15.2 COCOA

Consider using the <f> tag to shift from one kind of typeface to another. Note that scripts should be tagged with the <s> tag. Attribute values are given in any order, except for sc and SC.

<f prl>S<f scprl>HAKE-SPEARES<f pr>
Though in our liues a {s}eperable {s}pight,
Which though it alter not loues {s}ole e{ff}e{ct},
Yet doth it {{s}t}eale {s}weet houres from loues delight,