6.17 Language Shift
6.17.1 SGML
Consider using the <lang type=""> ... </lang> to signal a shift from the main language of the text into another language. TEI P3 recommends <foreign lang=""> (pp. 981-82). In the English Renaissance, writers might have been hard pressed to admit that non-English languages such as Latin were foreign.
<bkdv3 type="line" n="18536">wee must see vnto whom we ought to returne.<lang
type="l">Reuertimini vsque ad me,</lang>
<bkdv3 type="line" n="18537">saith the Lord: that is, Returne as
farre as vnto me. Wee must then re{\-}
6.17.2 COCOA
Consider using the <lang> tag to signal a change of language, and close the foreign-language passage with another such tag having a value signifying the main language of the text.
manity : And <f i> {s}ingle Men <f r> , though they be
many times more Charitable , becau{s}e
their Meanes are le{{s}{s}}e exhau{{s}t} ; yet , on the
other {s}ide , they are more cruell , and hard
hearted , ( good to make seuere Inqui{s}i\-
tors ) becau{s}e their Tenderne{{s}{s}}e , is not
{s}o oft called vpon . Graue Natures , led by
Cu{{s}t}ome , and therfore con{{s}t}ant , are com\-
monly louing <f i> Hu{s}bands <f r> ; As was {s}aid of
<f i> Vly{{s}{s}}es ; <lang l>Vetulam {s}uam pr'tulit Immortali\-
tati <f r> .<lang e> Cha{{s}t} Women are often Proud , and