6.18 Milestones
6.18.1 SGML
Milestone tags may be used to record a canonical reference scheme employed in another edition. Use <milestone ed="" unit="" n="">. TEI P3 (pp. 1095-96) also recommends the use of a page-break tag, <pb ed="" n="">, to indicate how a work is divided in a given modern edition.
<bkdv4 type="line" n="18"> <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line" n="3-2-16"> <sp who="Hamlet"> <speaker>Ham. </speaker> Be not too tame neyther: but let your owne
<bkdv4 type="line" n="19"> <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line" n="3-2-17">Discretion be your Tutor. Sute the Action to the Word,
<bkdv4 type="line" n="20"> <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line" n="3-2-18">the Word to the Action, with this speciall obseruance:
<bkdv4 type="line" n="21"> <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line" n="3-2-19">That you ore-stop not the modestie of Nature; for any
<bkdv4 type="line" n="22"> <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line" n="3-2-20">thing so ouer-done, is fr_o the purpose of Playing, <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line" n="3-2-21">whose
<bkdv4 type="line" n="23"> end both at the first and now, was and is, to <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line" n="3-2-22">hold as 'twer
<bkdv4 type="line" n="24"> the Mirrour vp to Nature; to shew Vertue <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line n="3-2-23">her owne
<bkdv4 type="line" n="25"> Feature, Scorne her owne Image, and the verie Age and
<bkdv4 type="line" n="26"> <milestone ed="Riv" unit="act-scene-line" n="3-2-24">Bodie of the Time, his forme and pressure. Now, this
6.18.2 COCOA
Milestone tags key the text to the reference scheme employed in a standard edition. Use the tag <milestone> with a value that indicates the edition and its reference number for the current place in the text. This tag is useful when the lineation of the original text differs markedly from that of the standard edition.
<milestone Riv3.2.16><speaker Hamlet><tt sppfx><f i>Ham.<f
r><tt speech> Be not too tame neyther: but let your owne
<milestone Riv3.2.17>Discretion be your Tutor. Sute the Action to the Word,
<milestone Riv3.2.18>the Word to the Action, with this speciall obseruance:
<milestone Riv3.2.19>That you ore-stop not the modestie of Nature; for any
<milestone Riv3.2.20>thing so ouer-done, is fr_o the purpose of Playing, <milestone Riv3.2.21>whose
end both at the first and now, was and is, to <milestone Riv3.2.22>hold as 'twer
the Mirrour vp to Nature; to shew Vertue <milestone Riv3.2.23>her owne
Feature, Scorne her owne Image, and the verie Age and
<milestone Riv3.2.24>Bodie of the Time, his forme and pressure. Now, this