6.23 Printer's Business

6.23.1 SGML

Consider using the TEI forme-work tag <fw type=""> ... </fw> to enclose the catchword, folio number, page number, running-title or header, and signature in the book.
<bkdv4 type="line" n="166">tongue and mouth: euen so is the sweetnesse of <f type="bll">GODS<f type="bl"> word bitter,
<bkdv4 type="line" n="167">not of it selfe, but onely vnto them that haue their mindes corrupted
<bkdv4 type="line" n="168"><fw type="sig">A</fw><fw type="catch">with</fw>
<bkdv2 type="page" n="2" sig="A1v" side="inner" forme="1">
<bkdv4 type="line" n="169"><f type="r"><fw type="page">2</fw> <fw type="header"><f type="r">The I. part of the Exhortation</fw>

6.23.2 COCOA

Encode catchwords, folio numbers, page numbers, runningtitles, bibliographical signatures, and any other printers' text in the work with <bkt> tags. Normally text-retrieval programs will not need to refer to words of author's text in terms of the pieces of printers' text that come before them, but if this is required, use individual feature tags -- such as <catch This> at the top of the page on which the catchword appears.
<pmdv3 12>Proouing his beautie by {s}ucce{{s}{s}i}on thine.
<mode p><bkt sig>B  <bkt catchw>This
<bkdv2 forme01>
<bkdv3 inner>
<bkdv4 sig[B1v]>
<page [6]>
<bkl 51><bkt rttop><f prl>S<f scprl>HAKE-SPEARES<f pr><bkt -><mode v>