6.25 Scribe's Business

6.25.1 SGML

Scribal additions, changes in script, and changes in scribe may be encoded with TEI tags as follows: <add> (for additions; pp. 850-52), <handShft> (for shifts in handwriting, pp. 1008-35), <del> (for deletions; pp. 922-24), and <restore> (for cancellation of a deletion; pp. 1134-35).
<bkdv3 type="line" n="406"><ttdv3 type="line" n="405">
  His <add place="inline">{^}herberwe</add> and his moone / his lodmenage

<bkdv3 type="line" n="648"><ttdv3 type="line" n="646">
  Ay / <lang type="l"><script type="af">Que{s}tio quid iuris<script
  type="a"><lang type="e"> / wolde he crye

<bkdv3 type="line" n="3506"><ttdv3 type="line" n="47">
  They sholde syngen <handShft new="D" old="A"><script type="s">if that
  they were hent{/}<script type="a"><handShft new="A" old="D">
Note the TEI P3 tag <gap extent=""> ... </gap>, which is very useful to indicate a deliberate blank in a text.

6.25.2 COCOA

Consider using double braces for scribal interlineations: see this example from the Hengwrt manuscript of The Canterbury Tales.
<bkdv3 401><ttdv3 400>Of nyce con{s}cience / took he no kee_p
<bkdv3 402><ttdv3 401>If {th}+t+ he faught{/} and hadde the hyer hond,
<bkdv3 403><ttdv3 402>By watre he sente hem hoom / to euery lond,
<bkdv3 404><ttdv3 403>But of his craft{/} to rekene wel his tydes
<bkdv3 405><ttdv3 404>His stremys / and his daungers hym bi{s}ydes
<bkdv3 406><ttdv3 405>His {^}{{herberwe}} and his moone / his lodmenage
<bkdv3 407><ttdv3 406>Ther was noon swich / from hu{ll} to Cartage
The <s xxx> tag indicates a change in script, here to Anglicana Formata and then back to Anglicana.
<bkdv3 646><ttdv3 644>But who {s}o koude / in oother thyng hym grope
<bkdv3 647><ttdv3 645>Thanne hadde he spent{/} al his philo{s}ophie
<bkdv3 648><ttdv3 646>Ay / <lang l><s af>Que{s}tio quid iuris<s a><lang e> / wolde he crye
<bkdv3 649><ttdv3 647>{P}He was a gentil harlot{/} and a kynde
A change in hand, here from scribe A to scribe D, is marked by the <handshift xxx> tag.
<bkdv3 3505><ttdv3 46>But c'tes / lecchours / dide he grette{s}t wo
<bkdv3 3506><ttdv3 47>They sholde syngen <handshift D><s s>if that they were hent{/}<s a><handshift A>
<bkdv3 3507><ttdv3 48>And smale tyth<handshift D><s s>eres were foule y{s}chent{/}<s a> <handshift A>
<bkdv3 3508><ttdv3 49>If any p+{s}o_u / <handshift D><s s>wold vp on hem pleyne<s a> <handshift A>
<bkdv3 3509><ttdv3 50>Ther myghte <handshift D><s s>a{s}terte hym no pecunial peyne<s a> <handshift A>
<bkdv3 3510><ttdv3 51>ffor smale <handshift D><s s>tithes & for smal offryng{/}<s a> <handshift A>
<bkdv3 3511><ttdv3 52>he made the <handshift D><s s>peple ful pitu{s}ly to {s}yng{/}<s a> <handshift A>
<bkdv3 3512><ttdv3 53>ffor er the <handshift D><s s>by{ss}chop cag{_h}t hem w+t+ hys hooc<s a> <handshift A>
<bkdv3 3513><ttdv3 54>They were <handshift D><s s>in the erc{_h}deknys book{/}<s a> <handshift A>
<bkdv3 3514><ttdv3 55>And thanne <handshift D><s s>had he thurg{_h} hys Iuri{s}diccion<s a> <handshift A>
<bkdv3 3515><ttdv3 56>Power / to <handshift D><s s>do on hem correccion<s a> <handshift A>
Finally, Consider using double angle brackets << ... >> to enclose cancellations in the manuscript. Enclose these with double braces {{<< ... >>}} to indicate that this cancellation itself is cancelled.