6.26 Speeches and Speech Prefixes
6.26.1 SGML
Consider using the <sp> tag in plays and both direct and indirect speech in prose works (note that TEI uses a special tag <q> for the latter).
<sp who="Claudius"><speaker>King.</speaker> Though yet of Hamlet our deere Brothers death
The memory be greene: and that it vs befitted
To beare our hearts in greefe, and our whole Kingdome
.... </sp>
<sp who="Pilate" type="spoken" direct="y">WHat is Truth</sp> ; {s}aid
ie{{s}t}ing Pilate ; And
would not {{s}t}ay for
an An{s}wer . Cer{\-}
6.26.2 COCOA
Speeches in plays and both direct and indirect speech in prose works are tagged identically, using the <speaker xxx> and <tt xxx> tags. For indirect speech, use the indspch value for the <tt> tag.
<speaker Claudius><tt sppfx>King.<tt speech>Though yet of Hamlet our deere Brothers death
The memory be greene: and that it vs befitted
To beare our hearts in greefe, and our whole Kingdome
<tt speech><speaker Pilate>WHat is Truth<speaker -><tt text> ; {s}aid
ie{{s}t}ing Pilate ; And
would not {{s}t}ay for
an An{s}wer . Cer\-