6.31 Variants, Press and Textual

6.31.1 SGML

Enclose the word for which a variant exists (e.g., "prophane" below) within the tag <app> ... </app>, and then nest the variant (e.g., "proface" below) within a <rdg resp=""> ... </rdg> tag that follows the text word and precedes the closing </app> tag. The value for the resp attribute should be the source or the sources of the variant.
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1419"><pmdv3 type="line" n="3">Speake of my lamene{{s}{s}}e, and I {{s}t}raight will halt:
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1420"><pmdv3 type="line" n="4>Again{{s}t} thy rea{s}ons making no defence.
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1421"><pmdv3 type="line" n="5">Thou can{{s}t} not<f pi>(<f pr>loue)di{s}grace me halfe {s}o ill,
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1422"><pmdv3 type="line" n="6">To {s}et a forme vpon de{{s}i}red change,
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1423"><pmdv3 type="line" n="7">As ile my {s}elfe di{s}grace,knowing thy wil,
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1424"><pmdv3 type="line" n="8">I will acquaintance {{s}t}rangle and looke {{s}t}range:
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1425"><pmdv3 type="line" n="9">Be ab{s}ent from thy walkes and in my tongue,
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1426"><pmdv3 type="line" n="10">Thy {s}weet beloued name no more {{s}h}all dwell,
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1427"><pmdv3 type="line" n="11">Lea{{s}t} I(too much <app>
   prophane<rdg resp="Folger-Mildmay, Elizabethan Club">proface</rdg>
   </app>) {{s}h}ould do it wronge:
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1428"><pmdv3 type="line" n="12">And haplie of our old acquaintance tell.
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1429"><pmdv3 type="line" n="13">For thee,again{{s}t} my {s}elfe ile vow debate,
<bkdv3 type="line" n="1430"><pmdv3 type="line" n="14">For I mu{{s}t} nere loue him whom thou do{{s}t} hate.

6.31.2 COCOA

Place all variants within double square-bracket delimiters for comments.
<bkdv3 1419><pmdv3 3>Speake of my lamene{{s}{s}}e, and I {{s}t}raight will halt:
<bkdv3 1420><pmdv3 4>Again{{s}t} thy rea{s}ons making no defence.
<bkdv3 1421><pmdv3 5>Thou can{{s}t} not<f pi>(<f pr>loue)di{s}grace me halfe {s}o ill,
<bkdv3 1422><pmdv3 6>To {s}et a forme vpon de{{s}i}red change,
<bkdv3 1423><pmdv3 7>As ile my {s}elfe di{s}grace,knowing thy wil,
<bkdv3 1424><pmdv3 8>I will acquaintance {{s}t}rangle and looke {{s}t}range:
<bkdv3 1425><pmdv3 9>Be ab{s}ent from thy walkes and in my tongue,
<bkdv3 1426><pmdv3 10>Thy {s}weet beloued name no more {{s}h}all dwell,
<bkdv3 1427><pmdv3 11>Lea{{s}t} I(too much prophane[[Folger-Mildmay, Elizabethan Club "proface"]] {{s}h}ould do it wronge:
<bkdv3 1428><pmdv3 12>And haplie of our old acquaintance tell.
<bkdv3 1429><pmdv3 13>For thee,again{{s}t} my {s}elfe ile vow debate,
<bkdv3 1430><pmdv3 14>For I mu{{s}t} nere loue him whom thou do{{s}t} hate.