To pa{ss}e from Theologicall , and <!-- Philo{\-} --> <fw type="sig"> B3 <fw type="catch"> sophicall <fw type="page"> 5 <fw type="rttop"> <f type="i">Of Truth<f type="r"> . <supplied reason="hung">Philo</supplied>sophicall <f type="i">Truth<f type="r"> , to the <f type="i">Truth<f type="r"> of ciuill Bu{\-}The same technique handles the so-called hung-word, that is, a word that, while occurring at the end of a line, is moved by the compositor to the end of the previous or following line because no room remains for it on its proper line.
Three other cases have already been discussed: (1) the end-of-line hyphen (represented by a special character code {\-}), (2) erroneously joined words (use <sic corr=""> ... </sic>), and (3) words that are elided (use tag <term type="elision" expansion="">).
To pa{ss}e from Theologicall , and [[Philo{\-}]] <bkt sig> B3 <bkt catchword> +sophicall <page 14> <bkt page> 5 <bkt rttop> <f i>Of Truth<f r> . <tt essay> Philo+sophicall <f i>Truth<f r> , to the <f i>Truth<f r> of ciuill Bu\-The same technique handles the hung-word: ignore-brackets [[ ... ]] surround it, and it is copied at the end of its correct line within double vertical bars || ||. Three other cases have already been discussed: (1) the end-of-line hyphen (represented by a special character code {\-}), (2) erroneously joined words (split with the diacritic %), and (3) words that are elided (split with the diacritic #).