6.35 X-References and Hypertext

6.35.1 SGML

Cross references from one part of a text to another, or from one text to another, can best be managed by the TEI P3 anchor tag (pp. 861-62), as modified for HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): <a type="" name="" href="">...</a>. The same tag performs both functions, (1) putting down an anchor (that is, delimiting the string to which a reference may be made) and (2) drawing to that anchor (that is, referring from one place in a text to that delimited string). The tag's attributes determine which function the tag performs. The name attribute pits down the anchor. The href attribute draws to the anchor.

The first example comes from John Dryden's elegiac poem about Anne Killigrew. The texts are from Representative Poetry, ed. F. E. L. P. Priestley and F. D. Hoeniger, 3rd edition (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1963), but it refers to a file that contains Killigrew's posthumous collection, a book published in 1686, which is the source of Dryden's poem. This cross-reference from the modern textbook to the original source is managed by putting <a href="17th/killigrew/killigrew.html#poem2"> in the textbook, and <a name="poem2"> in the source. The href attribute gives the "hypertext reference," a filename and the name reference in the Killigrew volume that anchors the reference. Note that a number sign # separates the filename and the name attribute value. Here is the modern textbook.

See <a href="17th/killigrew/killigrew.html#poem2">Anne
Killigrew (1686)</a>, the book in which this poem was originally published.


<pmdv2 type="subsection" n="1">

<pmdv3 n="6-1">{ }{ } Thou youngest virgin-daughter of the skies,</pmdv3>
<pmdv3 n="6-2">{ }{ } { }{ }  Made in the last promotion of the Blest;</pmdv3>
<pmdv3 n="6-3">{ }{ } Whose palms, new pluck'd from Paradise,</pmdv3>
<pmdv3 n="6-4">{ }{ } In spreading branches more sublimely rise,</pmdv3>
<pmdv3 n="6-5">{ }{ } Rich with immortal green above the rest:</pmdv3>
Here is the original source.
<pmdv2 type="poem" n="2" rhyem="abaabcdcdff">
<heading><a name="poem2">
To the Pious Memory
Of the Accompli{sh}t Young <f type="lr">LADY
<f type="r">Mrs Anne Killigrew ,
Excellent in the two Si{st}er-Arts of Po{"e}{si}e, and Painting.

An <f type="lr">ODE.</a>

<pmdv3 n="1"><f type="2bk">T<f type="r">Hou Younge{st} Virgin-Daughter of the Skies,</pmdv3>
<pmdv3 n="2">Made in the la{st} Promotion of the Ble{st};</pmdv3>
<pmdv3 n="3">Who{s}e Palmes, new pluckt from Paradi{s}e, </pmdv3>
<pmdv3 n="4">In {s}preading Branches more {s}ublimely ri{s}e, </pmdv3>
<pmdv3 n="5">Rich with Immortal Green above the re{st}:</pmdv3>
The name value poem2 must be unique in the file 17th/killigrew/killigrew.html. World-wide Web browsers will normally highlight any string found inside an anchor tag <a> ... </a> and enable one to move from the href string to the name string with an <Enter/Return>.

The second example comes from Edmond Coote's English Schoole-maister (1596).

<ttdv3 type="entry" lemma="abbrevate"><ttdv4 type="lemma"><form><a name="abbreviate"><f type="r">abbreuiat<f type="bl"></a> </form><explan>{{s}h}orten.</explan></ttdv4></ttdv3>

<ttdv3 type="entry" lemma="abridge"><ttdv4 type="lemma"><form><f type="i">abbridge <f type="bl"> </form><explan><a type="lemma" href="abbreviate">{s}ee <f type="r">abbreuiat.</a></explan></ttdv4></ttdv3>

<ttdv3 type="entry" lemma="abbut"><ttdv4 type="lemma"><form><f type="bl">abbut. </form><explan>to lie vnto.</explan></ttdv4></ttdv3>
Here the type attribute is used to classify the kind of cross-reference, here to a dictionary headword.

6.34.2 COCOA

Cross-references and hypertextual references are not possible in COCOA encoding.