from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto
concerning good Order, and obedience
to Rulers and Magistrates.
[I.10.1-1] ALmighty GOD hath created and ap
[I.10.1-2] pointed all things in heauen, earth, and
[I.10.1-3] waters, in a most excellent and perfect
[I.10.1-4] order. In Heauen, hee hath appointed
[I.10.1-5] distinct and seuerall orders and states of
[I.10.1-6] Archangels and Angels. In earth hee
[I.10.1-7] hath assigned and appointed Kings, Prin
[I.10.1-8] ces, with other gouernours vnder them,
[I.10.1-9] in all good and necessary order. The wa
[I.10.1-10] ter aboue is kept, and rayneth downe in
[I.10.1-11] due time and season. The Sun, Moone,
[I.10.1-12] Starres, Rainebow, Thunder, Light
[I.10.1-13] ning, Clouds, and all Birdes of the ayre,
[I.10.1-14] doe keepe their order. The Earth, Trees, Seedes, Plants, Hearbes,
[I.10.1-15] Corne, Grasse, and all maner of Beasts keepe themselues in order: all the
[I.10.1-16] parts of the whole yeare, as Winter, Summer, Moneths, Nights and
[I.10.1-17] Dayes, continue in their order: all kindes of Fishes in the Sea, Riuers,
[I.10.1-18] and Waters, with all Fountaines, Springs, yea, the Seas themselues
[I.10.1-19] keepe their comely course and order: and man himselfe also hath all his
[I.10.1-20] parts both within and without, as soule, heart, minde, memory, vnder
[I.10.1-21] standing, reason, speech, with all and singular corporall members of his
[I.10.1-22] body in a profitable, necessarie, and pleasant order: euery degree of people
[I.10.1-23] in their vocation, calling and office, hath appointed to them their duty and
[I.10.1-24] order: some are in high degree, some in low, some Kings and Princes,
[I.10.1-25] some inferiours and subiects, Priests, and lay men, masters and ser
[I.10.1-26] uants, fathers, and children, husbands and wiues, rich and poore,
[I.10.1-27] and euery one haue neede of other, so that in all things is to bee
[I.10.1-28] lauded and praised the goodly order of GOD, without the which no
[I.10.1-29] house, no Citie, no Commonwealth can continue and endure, or last.
[I.10.1-30] For where there is no right order, there reigneth all abuse, carnall
[I.10.1-31] liberty, enormitie, sinne, and Babylonicall confusion. Take away Kings
[I.10.1-32] Princes, Rulers, Magistrates, Iudges, and such estates of GODS
[I.10.1-33] order, no man shall ride or goe by the high way vnrobbed, no man shall
[I.10.1-34] sleepe in his owne house or bedde vnkilled, no man shall keepe his wife,
[I.10.1-35] children, and possession in quietnesse, all things shall bee common, and
[I.10.1-36] there must needes follow all mischiefe, and vtter destruction both of
[I.10.1-37] soules, bodies, goodes, and common wealthes. But blessed bee GOD,
[I.10.1-38] that wee in this Realme of England, feele not the horrible calamities,
[I.10.1-39] miseries, and wretchednesse, which all they vndoubtedly feele and suffer,
[I.10.1-40] that lacke this godly order: and praysed bee GOD, that wee know
[I.10.1-41] the great excellent benefit of GOD shewed towards vs in this behalfe,
[I.10.1-42] GOD hath sent vs his high gift, our most deare Soueraigne Lord
[I.10.1-43] King I A M E S, with a godly, wise, and honourable Counsell, with
[I.10.1-44] other superiours and inferiours, in a beautifull order, and godly.
[I.10.1-45] Wherefore, let vs subiectes doe our bounden dueties, giuing hearty
[I.10.1-46] thankes to GOD, and praying for the preseruation of this godly or
[I.10.1-47] der. Let vs all obey euen from the bottome of our heartes, all their
[I.10.1-48] godly proceedings, lawes, statutes, proclamations, and iniunctions,
[I.10.1-49] with all other godly orders. Let vs consider the Scriptures of the holy
[I.10.1-50] Ghost, which perswade and command vs all obediently to bee subiect,
[I.10.1-51] first and chiefely to the Kings Maiestie, supreme gouernour ouer all, and
[I.10.1-52] the next to his honourable counsell, and to all other noble men, Ma
[I.10.1-53] gistrates, and officers, which by GODS goodnesse, be placed and
[I.10.1-54] ordered. For Almighty GOD is the onely authour and prouider for
[I.10.1-55] this forenamed state and order, as it is written of GOD, in the booke
[I.10.1-56] of the Prouerbs: Thorow mee kings doe raigne, thorow mee counsel
[I.10.1-57] lers make iust lawes, thorow mee doe princes beare rule, and all iudges
[I.10.1-58] of the earth execute iudgement, I am louing to them that loue mee.
[I.10.1-59] Here let vs marke well, and remember that the high power and au
[I.10.1-60] thoritie of Kinges, with their making of lawes, iudgements and of
[I.10.1-61] fices, are the ordinances not of man, but of GOD: and therefore is
[I.10.1-62] this word (through mee) so many times repeated. Here is also well to
[I.10.1-63] bee considered and remembred, that this good order is appointed by
[I.10.1-64] GODS wisedome, fauour, and loue, especially for them that loue
[I.10.1-65] GOD, and therefore hee sayth, I loue them that loue mee. Also in
[I.10.1-66] the booke of wisedome wee may euidently learne, that a kinges power,
[I.10.1-67] authoritie, and strength, is a great benefite of GOD, giuen of his
[I.10.1-68] great mercie, to the comfort of our great miserie. For thus wee reade
[I.10.1-69] there spoken to kinges, Heare O yee Kinges, and vnderstand, learne yee
[I.10.1-70] that bee Iudges of the endes of the earth, giue eare yee that rule the
[I.10.1-71] multitudes: for the power giuen you of the Lord, and the strength, from
[I.10.1-72] the highest. Let vs learne also here by the infallible and vndeceiueable
[I.10.1-73] word of GOD, that kinges and other supreme and higher officers, are
[I.10.1-74] ordeined of GOD, who is most highest: and therefore they are here
[I.10.1-75] taught diligently to apply and giue themselues to knowledge and wise
[I.10.1-76] dome, necessary for the ordering of GODS people to their gouernance
[I.10.1-77] committed, or whom to gouerne they are charged of GOD. And they
[I.10.1-78] bee here also taught by Almighty GOD, that they should acknowledge
[I.10.1-79] themselues to haue all their power and strength not from Rome, but
[I.10.1-80] immediatly of GOD most Highest. Wee reade in the booke of Deute
[I.10.1-81] ronomie, that all punishment pertaineth to GOD, by this sentence,
[I.10.1-82] Vengeance is mine, and I will reward. But this sentence wee must
[I.10.1-83] vnderstand to pertaine also vnto the Magistrates which doe exercise
[I.10.1-84] GODS roome in iudgement, and punishing by good and godly lawes,
[I.10.1-85] here in earth. And the places of Scripture, which seeme to remooue from
[I.10.1-86] among all christian men, iudgement, punishment, or killing, ought to be
[I.10.1-87] vnderstood, that no man (of his owne priuate authority) may bee iudge
[I.10.1-88] ouer other, may punish, or may kill. But we must referre all iudgement
[I.10.1-89] to GOD, to Kings, and Rulers, Iudges vnder them, which be GODS
[I.10.1-90] officers to execute iustice, and by plaine wordes of Scripture, haue their
[I.10.1-91] authoritie and vse of the sword graunted from GOD, as we are taught
[I.10.1-92] by Saint Paul, that deare and chosen Apostle of our Sauiour Christ,
[I.10.1-93] whom wee ought diligently to obey, euen as we would obey our Saui
[I.10.1-94] our Christ if hee were present. Thus Saint Paul writeth to the Ro
[I.10.1-95] manes, Let euery soule submit himselfe vnto the authority of the high
[I.10.1-96] er powers, for there is no power but of GOD. The powers that bee,
[I.10.1-97] be ordained of GOD. Whosoeuer therefore withstandeth the power,
[I.10.1-98] withstandeth the ordinance of GOD: but they that resist, or are against
[I.10.1-99] it, shall receiue to themselues damnation. For rulers are not fearefull
[I.10.1-100] to them that doe good, but to them that doe euill. Wilt thou bee with
[I.10.1-101] out feare of that power? Doe well them, and so shalt thou bee praysed of
[I.10.1-102] the same, for he is the minister of GOD, for thy wealth. But and if
[I.10.1-103] thou doe that which is euil, then feare, for he beareth not the sword for
[I.10.1-104] nought, for he is the minister of GOD, to take vengeance on him that
[I.10.1-105] doeth euill. Wherefore ye must needes obey, not onely for feare of venge
[I.10.1-106] ance, but also, because of conscience, and euen for this cause pay yee
[I.10.1-107] tribute, for they are GODS ministers seruing for the same purpose.
[I.10.1-108] Here let vs learne of Saint Paul the chosen vessell of GOD, that all
[I.10.1-109] persons hauing soules (hee excepteth none, nor exempteth none, neither
[I.10.1-110] Priest, Apostle, nor Prophet, saith S. Chrysostome) do owe of bounden du
[I.10.1-111] ty, and euen in conscience, obedience, submission, and subiection to the
[I.10.1-112] high powers, which bee set in authority by GOD, for as much as
[I.10.1-113] they bee GODS Lieuetenants, GODS Presidentes, GODS
[I.10.1-114] Officers, GODS Commissioners, GODS Iudges, ordained
[I.10.1-115] of GOD himselfe, of whom onely they haue all their power, and all
[I.10.1-116] their authority. And the same Saint Paul threatneth no lesse paine, then
[I.10.1-117] euerlasting damnation to all disobedient persons, to all resi
[I.10.1-118] sters against this generall, and common authority,
[I.10.1-119] for as much as they resist not man, but GOD.
[I.10.1-120] not mans deuice and inuention, but
[I.10.1-121] GODS wisedome, GODS
[I.10.1-122] order, power, and
[I.10.1-123] authority.
The second part of the Sermon
of Obedience.
[I.10.2-124] FOr as much as GOD hath created and disposed all
[I.10.2-125] things in a comely order, we haue beene taught in
[I.10.2-126] the first part of the Sermon, concerning good order and
[I.10.2-127] obedience, that we also ought in all common weales, to
[I.10.2-128] obserue and keepe a due order, and to bee obedient to the
[I.10.2-129] powers, their ordinances, and lawes, and that all rulers
[I.10.2-130] are appointed of GOD, for a goodly order to bee kept in
[I.10.2-131] the world: and also how the Magistrates ought to learne how to rule
[I.10.2-132] and gouerne according to GODS Lawes: and that all Subiects are
[I.10.2-133] bound to obey them as GODS ministers, yea, although they be euill,