from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

whoredome and vncleannesse.

[I.11.1-1]  ALthough there want not (good Christi­
[I.11.1-2]  an people) great swarmes of vices wor­
[I.11.1-3]  thy to be rebuked (vnto such decay is true
[I.11.1-4]  Godlinesse and vertuous liuing now
[I.11.1-5]  come:) yet aboue other vices, the outra­
[I.11.1-6]  gious seas of adulterie (or breaking of
[I.11.1-7]  wedlocke) whoredome, fornication and
[I.11.1-8]  vncleannesse, haue not only burst in, but
[I.11.1-9]  also ouerflowed almost the whole world,
[I.11.1-10]  vnto the great dishonour of GOD, the
[I.11.1-11]  exceeding infamie of the name of Christ,
[I.11.1-12]  the notable decay of true Religion, and
[I.11.1-13]  the vtter destruction of the publike
[I.11.1-14]  wealth, and that so abundantly, that through the customable vse thereof,
[I.11.1-15]  this vice is growne into such an height, that in a manner among many,
[I.11.1-16]  it is counted no sinne at all, but rather a pastime, a dalliance, and but a
[I.11.1-17]  touch of youth: not rebuked, but winked at: not punished, but laughed


[I.11.1-18]  at. Wherefore it is necessary at this present, to intreat of the sinne of
[I.11.1-19]  whoredome and fornication, declaring vnto you the greatnesse of this
[I.11.1-20]  sinne, and how odious, hatefull, and abominable it is, and hath alway
[I.11.1-21]  beene reputed before GOD and all good men, and how grieuously it
[I.11.1-22]  hath beene punished both by the law of GOD, and the lawes of diuers
[I.11.1-23]  Princes. Againe, to shew you certaine remedies, whereby yee may
[I.11.1-24]  (through the grace of GOD) eschew this most detestable sin of whore­
[I.11.1-25]  dome and fornication, and lead your liues in all honesty and cleannesse,
[I.11.1-26]  and that yee may perceiue that fornication and whoredome are (in the
[I.11.1-27]  sight of GOD) most abominable sinnes, yee shall call to remembrance
[I.11.1-28]  this commandement of GOD, Thou shalt not commit adultery: by
[I.11.1-29]  the which word, adultery, although it bee properly vnderstood of the vn­
[I.11.1-30]  lawfull commixtion or ioyning together of a married man with any wo­
[I.11.1-31]  man beside his wife, or of a wife with any man beside her husband: yet
[I.11.1-32]  thereby is signified also all vnlawfull vse of those parts, which bee ordey­
[I.11.1-33]  ned for generation. And this one commandement (forbidding adultery)
[I.11.1-34]  doeth sufficiently paint and set out before our eyes the greatnesse of this
[I.11.1-35]  sinne of whoredome, and manifestly declareth how greatly it ought to be
[I.11.1-36]  abhorred of all honest and faythfull persons. And that none of vs all shall
[I.11.1-37]  thinke himselfe excepted from this commandement, whether wee bee old
[I.11.1-38]  or yong, married, or vnmarried, man or woman, heare what GOD the
[I.11.1-39]  Father sayth by his most excellent Prophet Moses: There shall bee no


[I.11.1-40]  whore among the daughters of Israel, nor no whoremonger among the
[I.11.1-41]  sonnes of Israel.

[I.11.1-42]  Heere is whoredome, fornication, and all other vncleannesse forbidden
[I.11.1-43]  to all kindes of people, all degrees, and all ages without exception. And
[I.11.1-44]  that wee shall not doubt, but that this precept or commandement per­
[I.11.1-45]  taineth to vs indeede, heare what Christ (the perfect teacher of all trueth)
[I.11.1-46]  sayth in the new Testament, Yee haue heard (sayth Christ) that it was


[I.11.1-47]  sayd to them of olde time, Thou shalt not commit adulterie: but I say
[I.11.1-48]  vnto you, Whosoeuer seeth a Woman, to haue his lust of her, hath com­
[I.11.1-49]  mitted adultery with her already in his heart. Heare our Sauiour
[I.11.1-50]  Christ doeth not onely confirme and stablish the law against adulterie,
[I.11.1-51]  giuen in the olde Testament of GOD the Father by his seruant Moses,
[I.11.1-52]  and make it of full strength, continually to remaine among the profes­
[I.11.1-53]  sours of his Name in the new law: but hee also (condemning the grosse
[I.11.1-54]  interpretation of the Scribes and Pharisees, which taught that the
[I.11.1-55]  foresaid commandement onely required to abstaine from the outward a­
[I.11.1-56]  dulterie, and not from the filthie desires and vnpure lustes,) teacheth
[I.11.1-57]  vs an exact and full perfection of puritie and cleannesse of life, both to
[I.11.1-58]  keepe our bodies vndefiled, and our heartes pure and free from all euill
[I.11.1-59]  thoughts, carnall desires, and fleshly consentes. How can we then be
[I.11.1-60]  free from this commandement, where so great charge is layd vpon vs?
[I.11.1-61]  May a seruant doe what hee will in any thing, hauing commandement
[I.11.1-62]  of his master to the contrary? Is not Christ our Master? Are not wee
[I.11.1-63]  his seruants? How then may wee neglect our Masters will and plea­
[I.11.1-64]  sure, and follow our owne will and phantasie? Yee are my friendes
[I.11.1-65]  (sayth Christ) if you keepe those things that I command you.

Iohn 15.

[I.11.1-66]  Now hath Christ our Master commanded vs that wee should forsake
[I.11.1-67]  all vncleannesse and filthinesse both in body and spirit: this therefore
[I.11.1-68]  must wee doe, if wee looke to please GOD. In the Gospel of Saint
[I.11.1-69]  Matthew wee reade, that the Scribes and Pharisees were grieuously of­
[I.11.1-70]  fended with Christ, because his disciples did not keepe the traditions of


[I.11.1-71]  the forefathers, for they washed not their handes when they went to din­
[I.11.1-72]  ner or supper: And among other things, Christ answered and said, Heare
[I.11.1-73]  and vnderstand; Not that thing which entreth into the mouth defileth the
[I.11.1-74]  man, but that which commeth out of the mouth defileth the man. For


[I.11.1-75]  those things which proceed out of the mouth, come forth from the heart,
[I.11.1-76]  and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceede euill thoughts,
[I.11.1-77]  murders, breaking of wedlocke, whoredome, theftes, false witnesse,
[I.11.1-78]  blasphemies: these are the things which defile a man. Here may we see,
[I.11.1-79]  that not onely murder, theft, false witnesse, and blasphemie, defile men,
[I.11.1-80]  but also euill thoughts, breaking of wedlocke, fornication, and whore­
[I.11.1-81]  dome. Who is now of so little witte, that hee will esteeme whoredome
[I.11.1-82]  and fornication to bee things of small importance, and of now waight be­

Marke 7.

[I.11.1-83]  fore GOD? Christ (who is the trueth, and can not lie) saith that euill
[I.11.1-84]  thoughtes, breaking of wedlocke, whoredome, and fornication defile a

Titus 1.

[I.11.1-85]  man, that is to say, corrupt both the body and soule of man, and make
[I.11.1-86]  them, of the temples of the holy Ghost, the filthie dunghill, or dun­
[I.11.1-87]  geon of all vncleane spirits, of the house of GOD, the dwelling place
[I.11.1-88]  of Satan.

Iohn 8.

[I.11.1-89]  Againe in the Gospel of Saint Iohn, when the woman taken in adul­
[I.11.1-90]  terie, was brought vnto Christ, said not hee vnto her, Goe thy way,


[I.11.1-91]  and sinne no more? Doth not he here call whoredome sinne? And what
[I.11.1-92]  is the reward of sinne, but euerlasting death? If whoredome be sinne,

1.Iohn 3.

[I.11.1-93]  then it is not lawfull for vs to commit it. For Saint Iohn sayth, He that
[I.11.1-94]  committeth sinne is of the deuill. And our Sauiour saith, Euery one
[I.11.1-95]  that committeth sinne, is the seruant of sinne. If whoredome had not

Iohn 8.

[I.11.1-96]  beene sinne, Surely Saint Iohn Baptist would neuer haue rebuked king
[I.11.1-97]  Herod for taking his brothers wife, but he told him plainely, that it
[I.11.1-98]  was not lawfull for him to take his brothers wife. Hee winked not at

Marke 6.

[I.11.1-99]  the whoredome of Herod, although hee were a king of power, but bold­
[I.11.1-100]  ly reprooued him for his wicked and abominable liuing, although for the
[I.11.1-101]  same hee lost his head. But he would rather suffer death (then see GOD
[I.11.1-102]  so dishonoured, by the breaking of his holy precept and commandement)
[I.11.1-103]  then to suffer whoredome to be vnrebuked, euen in a king. If whoredome
[I.11.1-104]  had beene but a pastime, a dalliance, |&| not to be passed off, (as many count
[I.11.1-105]  it now a dayes) truely Iohn had beene more then twise mad, if hee
[I.11.1-106]  would haue had the displeasure of a king, if hee would haue beene cast
[I.11.1-107]  in prison, and lost his head for a trifle. But Iohn knew right well how
[I.11.1-108]  filthy, and stinking, and abominable the sinne of whoredome is in the
[I.11.1-109]  sight of GOD, therefore would not hee leaue it vnrebuked, no not in
[I.11.1-110]  a king, If whoredome bee not lawfull in a king, neither is it lawfull
[I.11.1-111]  in a subiect. If whoredome bee not lawfull in a publique or common of­
[I.11.1-112]  ficer, neither is it lawfull in a priuate person. If it bee not lawfull nei­
[I.11.1-113]  ther in king, nor subiect, neither in common officer, nor priuate person,
[I.11.1-114]  truely then it is lawfull in no man nor woman of whatsoeuer degree or
[I.11.1-115]  age they be. Furthermore in the Actes of the Apostles wee reade that

Actes 15.

[I.11.1-116]  when the Apostles |&| Elders with the whole Congregation, were gathe­
[I.11.1-117]  red together to pacifie the hearts of the faithfull dwelling at Antioch,
[I.11.1-118]  (which were disquieted through the false doctrine of certaine Iewish
[I.11.1-119]  preachers) they sent word to the brethren, that it seemed good to the holy
[I.11.1-120]  Ghost, and to them, to charge them with no more then with necessary
[I.11.1-121]  things: among other, they willed them to abstaine from idolatry and for­
[I.11.1-122]  nication, from which (said they) if ye keepe your selues, ye shall do well.
[I.11.1-123]  Note heere, how these holy and blessed Fathers of Christs Church, would
[I.11.1-124]  charge the congregation with no moe things then were necessary. Mark
[I.11.1-125]  also how among those things, from the which they commanded the bre­
[I.11.1-126]  thren of Antioch to abstaine, fornication and whoredome is numbred. It
[I.11.1-127]  is therefore necessary, by the determination and consent of the holy Ghost,
[I.11.1-128]  and the Apostles and Elders, with the whole Congregation that as from
[I.11.1-129]  idolatrie and superstition, so likewise we must abstaine from fornication
[I.11.1-130]  and whoredome. It is necessary vnto saluation to abstaine from idola­
[I.11.1-131]  trie: So is it to abstaine from whoredome. Is there any nigher way to
[I.11.1-132]  leade vnto damnation, then to be an idolater? No. Euen so, neither is
[I.11.1-133]  there any neerer way to damnation, then to be a fornicator and a whore­
[I.11.1-134]  monger. Now where are those people, which so lightly esteeme brea­
[I.11.1-135]  king of wedlocke, whoredome, fornication and adulterie. It is necessa­
[I.11.1-136]  rie, saith the holy Ghost, the blessed Apostles, the Elders, with the whole
[I.11.1-137]  Congregation of Christ, it is necessary to saluation (say they) to abstaine
[I.11.1-138]  from whoredome. If it be necessary vnto saluation, then woe be to them
[I.11.1-139]  which neglecting their saluation, giue their minds to so filthy and stink­
[I.11.1-140]  ing sinne, to so wicked vice, and to such detestable abomination.

The second part of the Sermon against

[I.11.2-141]  YOU haue beene taught in the first part of this Sermon
[I.11.2-142]  against Adulterie, how that vice at this day raigneth
[I.11.2-143]  most aboue all other vices, and what is meant by this
[I.11.2-144]  word (Adulterie) and how holy Scripture disswadeth
[I.11.2-145]  or discounsaileth from doing that filthy sinne, and finally
[I.11.2-146]  what corruption commeth to mans soule through the
[I.11.2-147]  sinne of Adultery. Now to proceed further, let vs heare
[I.11.2-148]  what the blessed Apostle Saint Paul sayth to this matter, writing to the


[I.11.2-149]  Romanes hee hath these words. Let vs cast away the workes of darke­
[I.11.2-150]  nesse, and put on the armour of light. Let vs walke honestly as it were
[I.11.2-151]  in the day time, not in eating and drinking, neither in chambering and
[I.11.2-152]  wantonnesse, neither in strife and enuying, but put yee on the Lord Ie­
[I.11.2-153]  sus Christ, and make not prouision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of it. Here
[I.11.2-154]  the holy Apostle exhorteth vs to cast away the workes of darknesse, which
[I.11.2-155]  (among other) he calleth gluttonous eating, drinking, chambering, and
[I.11.2-156]  wantonnesse, which are all ministers vnto that vice, and preparations
[I.11.2-157]  to induce and bring in the filthy sinne of the flesh. Hee calleth them the
[I.11.2-158]  deedes and workes of darkenesse, not onely because they are customably
[I.11.2-159]  in darkenesse, or in the night time (for euery one that doeth euill, hateth

Iohn 3.

[I.11.2-160]  the light, neither commeth hee to the light, lest his workes should bee re­


[I.11.2-161]  prooued) but that they lead the right way vnto that vtter darkenesse,
[I.11.2-162]  where weeping and gnashing of teeth shall be. And hee saith in an other
[I.11.2-163]  place of the same Epistle, They that are in the flesh, cannot please GOD:
[I.11.2-164]  We are detters, not to the flesh, that we should liue after the flesh, for if yee


[I.11.2-165]  liue after the flesh, ye shall die. Againe hee saith, Flee from whoredome,


[I.11.2-166]  for euery sinne that a man committeth, is without his body: but whoso­
[I.11.2-167]  euer committeth whoredome, sinneth against his owne body. Doe ye not
[I.11.2-168]  know, that your members are the Temple of the holy Ghost which is in
[I.11.2-169]  you, whom also ye haue of GOD, and yee are not your owne? For yee
[I.11.2-170]  are dearely bought: glorifie God in your bodies, |&|c. And a little before he
[I.11.2-171]  saith, Doe yee not know that your bodies are the members of Christ:
[I.11.2-172]  Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members
[I.11.2-173]  of a whore? GOD forbid. Doe ye not know, that he which cleaueth
[I.11.2-174]  to a whore, is made one body with her? There shall be two in one flesh
[I.11.2-175]  (saith he) but he that cleaueth to the Lord, is one spirit. What godly
[I.11.2-176]  words doeth the blessed Apostle Saint Paul bring foorth here, to disswade
[I.11.2-177]  and discounsell vs from whoredome and all vncleannes? Your members
[I.11.2-178]  (saith he) are the Temple of the holy Ghost, which whosoeuer doeth de­
[I.11.2-179]  file, GOD will destroy him, as saith Saint Paul. If we be the Temple
[I.11.2-180]  of the holy Ghost, how vnfitting then is it, to driue that holy Spirit
[I.11.2-181]  from vs through whoredome, and in his place to set the wicked spirits of
[I.11.2-182]  vncleannesse and fornication, and to be ioyned, and doe seruice to them?


[I.11.2-183]  Ye are dearely bought (saith he) therefore glorifie GOD in your bodies.
[I.11.2-184]  Christ that innocent Lambe of GOD, hath bought vs from the seruitude
[I.11.2-185]  of the deuil, not with corruptible gold |&| silver, but with his most precious
[I.11.2-186]  and deare heart blood. To what intent? That we should fall againe into


[I.11.2-187]  our old vncleannesse and abominable liuing? Nay verily: but that wee

Luke 1.

[I.11.2-188]  should serue him all the dayes of our life, in holinesse and righteousnesse,
[I.11.2-189]  that we should glorifie him in our bodies, by puritie and cleannesse of life.
[I.11.2-190]  He declareth also that our bodies are the members of Christ: How vn­
[I.11.2-191]  seemely a thing is it then to cease to be incorporate or imbodyed and made
[I.11.2-192]  one with Christ, and through whoredome to bee enioyned and made all
[I.11.2-193]  one with a whore? What greater dishonour or iniury can wee doe to
[I.11.2-194]  Christ, then to take away from him the members of his body, and to
[I.11.2-195]  ioyne them to whores, deuils, and wicked spirits? And what more disho­
[I.11.2-196]  nour can we doe to our selues, then through vncleannesse, to loose so ex­
[I.11.2-197]  cellent a dignitie and freedome, and to become bondslaues, and miserable
[I.11.2-198]  captiues to the spirits of darkenesse? Let vs therefore consider, first the
[I.11.2-199]  glorie of Christ, then our estate, our dignitie, and freedome, wherein
[I.11.2-200]  GOD hath set vs, by giuing vs his holy Spirit, and let vs valiantly
[I.11.2-201]  defend the same against Satan, and al his craftie assaults, that Christ
[I.11.2-202]  may be honoured, and that we loose not our libertie or freedome, but still
[I.11.2-203]  remaine in one Spirit with him.

Eph. 5.

[I.11.2-204]  Moreouer, in his Epistle to the Ephesians, the blessed Apostle willeth
[I.11.2-205]  vs to be so pure and free from adultery, fornication, and all vncleannesse,
[I.11.2-206]  that we not once name them among vs (as it becommeth Saints) nor
[I.11.2-207]  filthinesse, nor foolish talking, nor iesting, which are not comely, but ra­
[I.11.2-208]  ther giuing of thankes: for this yee know (sayth hee) that no whoremon­
[I.11.2-209]  ger, neither vncleane person, or couetous person (which is an idolater)


[I.11.2-210]  hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Christ and of GOD. And that
[I.11.2-211]  we should remember to be holy, pure, and free from all vncleannesse, the
[I.11.2-212]  holy Apostle calleth vs Saints, because we are sanctified and made holy
[I.11.2-213]  by the bloud of Christ, through the holy ghost.

[I.11.2-214]  Now if we be Saints, what haue wee to doe with the ma|_n|ers of the


[I.11.2-215]  Heathen? Saint Peter sayth, as he which called you is holy, euen so bee


[I.11.2-216]  ye holy also in your conuersation, because it is written, Be ye holy, for I
[I.11.2-217]  am holy. Hitherto haue we heard how grieuous a sinne fornication
[I.11.2-218]  and whoredome is, and how greatly GOD doeth abhorre it throughout
[I.11.2-219]  the whole Scripture: How can it any otherwise be then a sin of most abo­
[I.11.2-220]  mination, seeing it may not once be named among the Christians, much
[I.11.2-221]  lesse it may in any point be committed. And surely if wee would weigh
[I.11.2-222]  the greatnesse of this sinne, and consider it in the right kinde, wee should
[I.11.2-223]  finde the sinne of whoredome, to be that most filthy lake, soule puddle, and
[I.11.2-224]  stinking sinke, whereunto all kindes of sinnes and euils flow, where also
[I.11.2-225]  they haue their resting place and abiding.

[I.11.2-226]  For hath not the adulterer a pride in his whoredome? As the Wise
[I.11.2-227]  man sayth, They are glad when they haue done euill, and reioyce in
[I.11.2-228]  things that are starke naught. Is not the adulterer also idle, and delight­
[I.11.2-229]  eth in no godly exercise, but only in that his most filthy and beastly plea­
[I.11.2-230]  sure? Is not his minde pluckt, and vtterly drawen away from all ver­
[I.11.2-231]  tuous studies, and fruitfull labours, and onely giuen to carnall and flesh­
[I.11.2-232]  ly imagination? Doeth not the whoremonger giue his minde to glutto­
[I.11.2-233]  nie, that he may be the more apt to serue his lusts and carnall pleasures?
[I.11.2-234]  Doeth not the adulterer giue his minde to couetousnesse, and to polling
[I.11.2-235]  and pilling of other, that hee may bee the more able to maintaine his
[I.11.2-236]  harlots and whores, and to continue in his filthy and vnlawfull loue?
[I.11.2-237]  Swelleth hee not also with enuy against other, fearing that his pray
[I.11.2-238]  should bee allured and taken away from him? Againe is hee not yrefull,
[I.11.2-239]  and replenished with wrath and displeasure, euen against his best belo­
[I.11.2-240]  ued, if at any time his beastly and deuilish request bee letted? What
[I.11.2-241]  sinne, or kind of sinne is it that is not ioyned with fornication and whore­
[I.11.2-242]  dome? It is a monster of many heads: it receiueth all kindes of vices,
[I.11.2-243]  and refuseth all kindes of vertues. If one seuerall sinne bringeth dam­
[I.11.2-244]  nation, what is to bee thought of that sinne, which is accompanied with
[I.11.2-245]  all euils, and hath waiting on it whatsoeuer is hatefull to GOD, dam­
[I.11.2-246]  nable to man, and pleasant to Satan.

[I.11.2-247]  Great is the damnation that hangeth ouer the heades of fornicators
[I.11.2-248]  and adulterers. What shall I speake of other incommodities, which
[I.11.2-249]  issue and flowe out of this stinking puddle of whoredome? is not that
[I.11.2-250]  treasure, which before all other is most regarded of honest persons, the
[I.11.2-251]  good fame and name of man and woman, lost through whoredome?
[I.11.2-252]  What patrimony or liuelode, what substance, what goods, what riches
[I.11.2-253]  doth whoredome shortly consume and bring to nought? What vali­
[I.11.2-254]  antnesse and strength is many times made weake, and destroyed with
[I.11.2-255]  whoredome? What wit is so fine, that is not besotted and defaced thorow
[I.11.2-256]  whoredome? What beauty (although it were neuer so excellent,) is not dis­
[I.11.2-257]  figured through whoredome? Is not whoredome an enemie to the plea­
[I.11.2-258]  sant floure of youth, |&| bringeth it not gray haires and old age before the
[I.11.2-259]  time? What gift of nature (although it were neuer so precious) is not
[I.11.2-260]  corrupted with whoredome? Com not many foule and most loathsome
[I.11.2-261]  diseases of whoredome? From whence come so many bastardes and mis­
[I.11.2-262]  begotten children, to the high displeasure of GOD, and dishonour of
[I.11.2-263]  holy wedlocke, but of whoredome? How many consume all their sub­
[I.11.2-264]  stance and goods, and at the last fall into such extreme pouerty, that af­
[I.11.2-265]  terward they steale, and so are hanged, through whoredome? What
[I.11.2-266]  contention and manslaughter commeth of whoredome? How many mai­
[I.11.2-267]  dens be defloured, how many wiues corrupted, how many widowes defi­
[I.11.2-268]  led through whoredome? How much is the publique and common weale
[I.11.2-269]  impouerished, and troubled through whoredome? How much is GODS
[I.11.2-270]  word contemned and depraued through whoredome |&| whoremongers?
[I.11.2-271]  Of this vice commeth a great part of the diuorces which (now adayes)
[I.11.2-272]  be so commonly accustomed and vsed by mens priuate authority, to the
[I.11.2-273]  great displeasure of GOD, and the breach of the most holy knotte and
[I.11.2-274]  bond of matrimonie. For when this most detestable sinne is once crept
[I.11.2-275]  into the breast of the adulterer, so that hee is intangled with vnlawfull
[I.11.2-276]  and vnchast loue, streightwayes his true and lawfull wife is despised, her
[I.11.2-277]  presence is abhorred, her company stinketh, and is loathsome, whatso­
[I.11.2-278]  euer shee doeth is dispraised: there is no quietnesse in the house, so long
[I.11.2-279]  as shee is in sight: therefore to make short worke, shee must away, for her
[I.11.2-280]  husband canne brooke her no longer. Thus through whoredome, is the
[I.11.2-281]  honest and harmelesse wife put away, and an harlot receiued in her steed:
[I.11.2-282]  and in like sort, it happeneth many times in the wife towards her hus­
[I.11.2-283]  band. O abomination! Christ our Sauiour, very GOD and man,
[I.11.2-284]  comming to restore the Law of his heauenly Father, vnto the right sense,
[I.11.2-285]  vnderstanding, and meaning (among other things) reformed the abuse
[I.11.2-286]  of this Law of GOD. For where as the Iewes vsed a long sufferance,
[I.11.2-287]  by custome, to put away their wiues, at their pleasure, for euery cause,


[I.11.2-288]  Christ correcting that euill custome, did teach, that if any man put a­
[I.11.2-289]  way his wife, and marieth another, for any cause, except onely for adul­
[I.11.2-290]  tery, (which then was death by the law) hee was an adulterer, and for­
[I.11.2-291]  ced also his wife so diuorced, to commit adultery, if shee were ioyned to
[I.11.2-292]  any other man, and the man also so ioyned with her, to committe
[I.11.2-293]  adultery.

[I.11.2-294]  In what case then are these adulterers, which for the loue of an whore
[I.11.2-295]  put away their true and lawfull wife, against all law, right, reason
[I.11.2-296]  and conscience? O how damnable is the estate wherein they stand!
[I.11.2-297]  Swift destruction shall fall on them, if they repent not, and amend not:
[I.11.2-298]  For GOD will not suffer holy wedlock thus to bee dishonoured, hated
[I.11.2-299]  and despised. Hee will once punish this fleshly and licentious maner of li­
[I.11.2-300]  uing, and cause that this holy ordinance shall bee had in reuerence and
[I.11.2-301]  honour. For surely wedlocke (as the Apostle sayth) is honourable a­


[I.11.2-302]  among all men, and the bedde vndefiled: But whoremongers and
[I.11.2-303]  fornicators God will iudge, that is to say, punish and condemne. But
[I.11.2-304]  to what purpose is this labour taken, to describe and set foorth the great­
[I.11.2-305]  nesse of the sinne of whoredome, and the discommodities that issue |&| flowe
[I.11.2-306]  out of it, seeing that breath and tongue shall sooner faile any man, then
[I.11.2-307]  hee shall or may bee able to set it out according to the abomination and
[I.11.2-308]  heinousnesse thereof? Notwithstanding this is spoken to
[I.11.2-309]  the intent that all men should flee whoredome, and
[I.11.2-310]  liue in the feare of GOD: GOD
[I.11.2-311]  grant that it may not be
[I.11.2-312]  spoken in vaine.

¶The third part of the Sermon against

[I.11.3-313]  IN the second part of this Sermon against adultery that
[I.11.3-314]  was last read, you haue learned how earnestly the Scrip­
[I.11.3-315]  ture warneth vs to auoyde the sinne of adulterie, and to
[I.11.3-316]  imbrace cleannesse of life: and that through adultery, we
[I.11.3-317]  fall into all kindes of sinne, and are made bond-slaues to
[I.11.3-318]  the deuill: through cleannesse of life wee are made mem­
[I.11.3-319]  bers of Christ: and finally, how farre adultery bring­
[I.11.3-320]  eth a man from all goodnesse, and driueth him headlong into all vices,
[I.11.3-321]  mischiefe, and misery. Now will I declare vnto you in order, with
[I.11.3-322]  what grieuous punishments GOD in times past plagued adultery, and
[I.11.3-323]  how certaine worldly Princes also did punish it, that yee may perceiue
[I.11.3-324]  that whoredome and fornication bee sinnes no lesse detestable in the sight
[I.11.3-325]  of GOD, to all good men, then I haue hitherto vttered. In the first
[I.11.3-326]  booke of Moses, wee reade that when mankind beganne to bee multipli­
[I.11.3-327]  ed vpon the earth, the men and women gaue their mindes so greatly to
[I.11.3-328]  fleshly delight, and filthie pleasure, that they liued without all feare of
[I.11.3-329]  GOD. GOD seeing this their beastly and abominable liuing and
[I.11.3-330]  perceiuing that they amended not, but rather increased dayly more and
[I.11.3-331]  more in their sinfull and vncleane manners, repented that euer hee had
[I.11.3-332]  made man: and to shew how greatly hee abhorreth adultery, whordome,
[I.11.3-333]  fornication, and all vncleannesse, he made all the fountaines of the deepe
[I.11.3-334]  earth to burst out, and the sluces of heauen to bee opened, so that the
[I.11.3-335]  raine came downe vpon the earth by the space of fourty dayes and fourty
[I.11.3-336]  nights, and by this meanes destroyed the whole world, and all man­
[I.11.3-337]  kinde, eight persons onely excepted, that is to say, Noe the preacher of
[I.11.3-338]  righteousnesse, (as S. Peter calleth him) and his wife, his three sonnes
[I.11.3-339]  and their wiues. O what a grieuous plague did GOD cast here vpon
[I.11.3-340]  all liuing creatures for the sin of whoredom! For the which GOD, tooke
[I.11.3-341]  vengeance, not onely of man, but of all beastes, foules, and all liuing
[I.11.3-342]  creatures. Manslaughter was committed before, yet was not the world


[I.11.3-343]  destroyed for that: but for whoredome all the world (few onely except)
[I.11.3-344]  was ouerflowed with waters, and so perished. An example worthy to be
[I.11.3-345]  remembred, that ye may learne to feare GOD.

[I.11.3-346]  We reade againe, that for the filthy sinne of vncleannesse, Sodome and


[I.11.3-347]  Gomorrhe, and the other Cities nigh vnto them, were destroyed by fire
[I.11.3-348]  and brimstone from heauen, so that there was neither man, woman,
[I.11.3-349]  childe, nor beast, nor yet any thing that grew vpon the earth there left vn­
[I.11.3-350]  destroyed. Whose heart trembleth not at the hearing of this historie?
[I.11.3-351]  Who is so drowned in whoredome and vncleannesse, that will not now for
[I.11.3-352]  euer after leaue this abominable liuing, seeing that GOD so grieuous­
[I.11.3-353]  ly punisheth vncleannesse, to raine fire and brimstone from heauen, to de­
[I.11.3-354]  stroy whole Cities, to kill man, woman, and childe, and all other liuing
[I.11.3-355]  creatures there abiding, to consume with fire all that euer grew? What
[I.11.3-356]  can be more manifest tokens of GODS wrath and vengeance against
[I.11.3-357]  vncleannesse and impuritie of life? Marke this history (good people) and


[I.11.3-358]  feare the vengeance of GOD. Doe you not reade also, that GOD did
[I.11.3-359]  smite Pharao and his house with great plagues, because that he vngodly


[I.11.3-360]  desired Sara the wife of Abraham? Likewise reade wee of Abimelech
[I.11.3-361]  king of Gerar, although he touched her not by carnall knowledge. These
[I.11.3-362]  plagues and punishments did GOD cast on vpon filthy and vncleane
[I.11.3-363]  persons, before the Law was giuen (the law of nature onely reigning in
[I.11.3-364]  the hearts of men) to declare how great loue hee had to Matrimony and
[I.11.3-365]  wedlocke, and againe, how much he abhorred adulterie, fornication, and
[I.11.3-366]  all vncleannesse. And when the Law that forbade whoredome was gi­


[I.11.3-367]  uen by Moses to the Iewes, did not GOD command that the breakers
[I.11.3-368]  thereof should be put to death? The wordes of the law be these: Who
[I.11.3-369]  so committeth adultery with any mans wife, shall die the death, both the
[I.11.3-370]  man and the woman, because he hath broken wedlocke with his neigh­
[I.11.3-371]  bours wife. In the Law also it was commanded, that a damosell and a
[I.11.3-372]  man taken together in whoredome should bee both stoned to death. In


[I.11.3-373]  another place we also reade, that GOD commanded Moses to take all
[I.11.3-374]  the head Rulers, and Princes of the people, and to hang them vpon gib­
[I.11.3-375]  bets openly, that euery man might see them, because they either commit­
[I.11.3-376]  ted, or did not punish whoredome. Againe, did not GOD send such a
[I.11.3-377]  plague among the people for fornication, and vncleannesse, that they dyed
[I.11.3-378]  in one day three and twenty thousand? I passe ouer for lacke of time ma­
[I.11.3-379]  ny other histories of the holy Bible, which declare the grieuous venge­
[I.11.3-380]  ance, and heauy displeasure of GOD against whoremongers and adul­
[I.11.3-381]  terers. Certes this extreme punishment appointed of GOD, sheweth
[I.11.3-382]  euidently how greatly GOD hateth whoredome. And let vs not doubt,
[I.11.3-383]  but that GOD at this present abhorreth all maner of vncleannesse, no
[I.11.3-384]  lesse then he did in the olde law, and will vndoubtedly punish it, both in


[I.11.3-385]  this world, and in the world to come. For he is a GOD that can abide
[I.11.3-386]  no wickednesse: therefore ought it to bee eschewed of all that tender the
[I.11.3-387]  glory of GOD, and the saluation of their owne soules.


[I.11.3-388]  Saint Paul saith, All these things are written for our example, and to
[I.11.3-389]  teach vs the feare of GOD, and the obedience to his holy Law. For if
[I.11.3-390]  GOD spared not the naturall branches, neither will hee spare vs that
[I.11.3-391]  be but grafts, if we commit like offence. If GOD destroyed many thou­
[I.11.3-392]  sands of people, many cities, yea the whole, world for whoredome, let vs
[I.11.3-393]  not flatter our selues, and thinke we shall escape free, and without punish­
[I.11.3-394]  ment. For hee hath promised in his holy Law, to sende most grieuous
[I.11.3-395]  plagues vpon them that transgresse, or breake his holy commandements.
[I.11.3-396]  Thus haue we heard, how GOD punisheth the sinne of adultery: let vs
[I.11.3-397]  now heare certaine lawes, which the Ciuill Magistrates deuised in their
[I.11.3-398]  countreyes, for the punishment thereof, that wee may learne how vn­
[I.11.3-399]  cleannesse hath euer beene detested in all well ordered cities and common­
[I.11.3-400]  wealths, and among all honest persons. The law among the Lepreians

Lawes deui­
sed for the
of whore­

[I.11.3-401]  was this, that when any were taken in adultery, they were bound and
[I.11.3-402]  caried three dayes thorow the Citie, and afterward as long as they liued,
[I.11.3-403]  were they despised, and with shame and confusion counted as persons
[I.11.3-404]  voyde of all honestie. Among the Locrensians the adulterers haue both
[I.11.3-405]  their eyes thrust out. The Romanes in times past, punished whoredome,
[I.11.3-406]  sometime by fire, sometime by sword. If any man among the Egyptians
[I.11.3-407]  had bene taken in adultery, the law was, that he should openly in the pre­
[I.11.3-408]  sence of all the people be scourged naked with whippes, vnto the number
[I.11.3-409]  of a thousand stripes, the woman was then taken with him, had her nose
[I.11.3-410]  cut off, whereby shee was knowen euer after, to be a whore, and therefore
[I.11.3-411]  to be abhorred of all men. Among the Arabians, they that were taken in
[I.11.3-412]  adultery, had their heads striken from their bodyes. The Athenians pu­
[I.11.3-413]  nished whoredome by death in like maner. So likewise, did the barba­
[I.11.3-414]  rous Tartarians. Among the Turkes euen at this day, they that be taken
[I.11.3-415]  in adultery, both man and woman are stoned straightway to death, with­
[I.11.3-416]  out mercy. Thus we see what godly actes were deuised in times past of
[I.11.3-417]  the high powers, for the putting away of whoredome, and for the main­
[I.11.3-418]  teining of holy Matrimony, or wedlocke, and pure conuersation. And
[I.11.3-419]  the authours of these actes were no Christians, but the Heathen: yet
[I.11.3-420]  were they so inflamed with the loue of honestie and purenesse of life, that
[I.11.3-421]  for the maintenance and conseruation or keeping vp of that, they made
[I.11.3-422]  godly Statutes, suffering neither fornication or adultery to reigne in
[I.11.3-423]  their Realmes vnpunished. Christ sayd to the people, The Nineuites
[I.11.3-424]  shall rise at the iudgement with this Nation (meaning the vnfaithfull
[I.11.3-425]  Iewes) and shall condemne them: for they repented at the preaching of
[I.11.3-426]  Ionas, but behold (saith he) a greater then Ionas is heere, (meaning him­


[I.11.3-427]  selfe) and yet they repent not. Shall not (thinke you) likewise the Lo­
[I.11.3-428]  crensians, Arabians, Athenians,
with such other, rise vp in the iudgement,
[I.11.3-429]  and condemne vs, for as much as they ceased from the whoredome at the
[I.11.3-430]  commandement of man, and wee haue the Law, and manifest precepts
[I.11.3-431]  and commandements of GOD, and yet forsake wee not our filthy con­
[I.11.3-432]  uersation? truely, truely, it shalbe easier at the day of iudgement, to these
[I.11.3-433]  Heathen, then to vs, except we repent and amend. For though death of
[I.11.3-434]  body seemeth to vs a grieuous punishment in this world for woredome:
[I.11.3-435]  yet is that paine nothing in comparison of the grieuous torments which
[I.11.3-436]  adulterers, fornicators, and all vncleane persons shall suffer after this life.
[I.11.3-437]  For all such shall be excluded and shut out of the Kingdome of heauen, as
[I.11.3-438]  S. Paul saith, Bee not deceiued, for neither whoremongers, nor worship­


[I.11.3-439]  pers of Images, nor adulterers, nor effeminate persons, nor Sodomites,
[I.11.3-440]  nor theeues, nor couetous persons, nor drunkards, nor cursed speakers,
[I.11.3-441]  nor pillers, shall inherite the Kingdome of GOD. And S. Iohn in his


[I.11.3-442]  Reuelation saith, That whoremongers shall haue their part with mur­
[I.11.3-443]  derers, sorcerers, enchaunters, lyers, idolaters, and such other, in the lake
[I.11.3-444]  which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. The
[I.11.3-445]  punishment of the body, although it be death, hath an ende: but the pu­
[I.11.3-446]  nishment of the soule, which S. Iohn calleth the second death, is euerla­
[I.11.3-447]  sting, there shall be fire and brimstone, there shalbe weeping and gnashing
[I.11.3-448]  of teeth, the worme that there shall gnaw the conscience of the damned,

Marke 9.

[I.11.3-449]  shall neuer die. O whose heart distilleth not euen drops of blood, to heare
[I.11.3-450]  and consider these things? If wee tremble and shake at the hearing and
[I.11.3-451]  naming of these paines, oh what shall they doe that shall feele them, that
[I.11.3-452]  shall suffer them, yea, and euer shall suffer, worlds without end: GOD
[I.11.3-453]  haue mercy vpon vs. Who is now so drowned in sinne, and past all god­
[I.11.3-454]  linesse, that he will set more by filthy and stinking pleasure, (which soone
[I.11.3-455]  passeth away) then by the losse of euerlasting glory? Againe, who will so
[I.11.3-456]  giue himselfe to the lustes of the flesh, that hee feareth nothing at all the
[I.11.3-457]  paine of hell fire? But let vs heare how wee may eschew the sinne of
[I.11.3-458]  whoredome, and adultery, that wee may walke in the feare of GOD,
[I.11.3-459]  and bee free from those most grieuous and intolerable torments, which

whereby to
auoide for­
nication and

[I.11.3-460]  abide all vncleane persons. Now to auoide fornication, adultery,
[I.11.3-461]  and all vncleannesse, let vs prouide that aboue all things, we may
[I.11.3-462]  keepe our heartes pure and cleane, from all euill thoughtes and
[I.11.3-463]  carnall lustes: for if that bee once infected and corrupt, wee fall
[I.11.3-464]  headlong into all kinde of vngodlinesse. This shall wee easily doe,
[I.11.3-465]  if when wee feele inwardly, that Satan our olde enemie tempteth
[I.11.3-466]  vs vnto whoredome, we by no meanes consent to his craftie suggestions,
[I.11.3-467]  but valiantly resist and withstand him by strong faith in the word of
[I.11.3-468]  GOD, alleadging against him alwayes in our heart, this commande­
[I.11.3-469]  ment of GOD: Scriptum est, non m{oe}chaberis. It is written, Thou shalt
[I.11.3-470]  not commit whoredome. It shall bee good also for vs, euer to liue in the
[I.11.3-471]  feare of GOD, and to set before our eyes the grieuous threatnings of
[I.11.3-472]  GOD against all vngodly sinners, and to consider in our minde, how fil­
[I.11.3-473]  thy, beastly, and short that pleasure is, whereunto Satan continuallie
[I.11.3-474]  stirreth and mooueth vs: And againe, how the paine appointed for that
[I.11.3-475]  sinne is intolerable and euerlasting. Moreouer, to vse a temperance
[I.11.3-476]  and sobrietie in eating and drinking, to eschew vncleane communicati­
[I.11.3-477]  tion, to auoide all filthie company, to flee idlenesse, to delight in reading
[I.11.3-478]  the holy Scriptures, to watch in godly prayers and vertuous meditati­
[I.11.3-479]  on, and at all times, to exercise some godly trauailes, shall help greatlie
[I.11.3-480]  vnto the eschewing of whoredome.

[I.11.3-481]  And heere are all degrees to bee monished, whether they be married or
[I.11.3-482]  vnmarried, to loue chastitie and cleannesse of life. For the married are
[I.11.3-483]  bound by the law of GOD so purely to loue one another, that neither of
[I.11.3-484]  them seeke any strange loue. The man must onely cleaue to his wife,
[I.11.3-485]  and the wife againe onely to her husband: they must so delight one in a­
[I.11.3-486]  nothers company, that none of them couet any other. And as they are
[I.11.3-487]  bound thus to liue together in all godlinesse and honesty, so likewise it is
[I.11.3-488]  their duty, vertuously to bring vp their children, and prouide, that they
[I.11.3-489]  fall not into Satans snare, nor into any vncleannesse, but that they
[I.11.3-490]  come pure and honest vnto holy wedlocke, when time requireth. So
[I.11.3-491]  likewise ought all masters, and rulers to prouide that no whoredome,
[I.11.3-492]  nor any point of vncleannesse be vsed among their seruants. And againe,
[I.11.3-493]  they that are single, and feele in themselues that they cannot liue with­
[I.11.3-494]  out the company of a woman, let them get wiues of their owne, and so
[I.11.3-495]  liue godly together: For it is better to marry then to burne.


[I.11.3-496]  And to auoyde fornication, saith the Apostle, let euery man haue his
[I.11.3-497]  owne wife, and euery woman her owne husband. Finally, all such as
[I.11.3-498]  feele in themselues a sufficiencie and habilitie (through the working of
[I.11.3-499]  GODS Spirit) to leade a sole and continent life, let them prayse
[I.11.3-500]  GOD for his gift, and seeke all meanes possible to maintaine the same:
[I.11.3-501]  as by reading of holy Scriptures, by godly meditations, by continuall
[I.11.3-502]  prayers, and such other vertuous exercises. If we all on this wise will
[I.11.3-503]  endeauour our selues to eschew fornication, adultery, and all vnclean­
[I.11.3-504]  nes, and lead our liues in all godlinesse and honestie, seruing GOD with
[I.11.3-505]  a pure and cleane heart, and glorifying him in our bodyes by the leading
[I.11.3-506]  an innocent and harmelesse life, we may be sure to be in the number of
[I.11.3-507]  those, of whom our Sauiour Christ speaketh in the Gospel on this maner,


[I.11.3-508]  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see GOD: to whom alone be
[I.11.3-509]  all glory, honour, rule, and power, worldes without end. Amen.