from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto
saluation of mankinde, by only Christ our Sauiour
from sinne and death euerlasting.
[I.3.1-1] BEcause all men bee sinners and offenders
[I.3.1-2] against GOD, and breakers of his law
[I.3.1-3] and commandements, therefore can no
[I.3.1-4] man by his owne acts, workes, & deeds
[I.3.1-5] (seeme they neuer so good) bee iustified,
[I.3.1-6] and made righteous before GOD: but
[I.3.1-7] euery man of necessity is constrayned to
[I.3.1-8] seeke for another righteousnesse or iusti
[I.3.1-9] fication, to be receiued at GODS owne
[I.3.1-10] hands, that is to say, the forgiuenesse of
[I.3.1-11] his sinnes and trespasses, in such things
[I.3.1-12] as he hath offended. And this iustificati
[I.3.1-13] on or righteousnesse, which we so receiue
[I.3.1-14] of GODS mercy and Christs merits. embraced by fayth, is taken, ac
[I.3.1-15] cepted and allowed of GOD, for our perfect and full iustification. For
[I.3.1-16] the more full vnderstanding heereof, it is our parts and duties euer to re
[I.3.1-17] member the great mercy of GOD, how that (all the world being wrap
[I.3.1-18] ped in sinne by breaking of the Law) GOD sent his onely sonne our
[I.3.1-19] Sauiour Christ into this world, to fulfill the Law for vs, and by shed
[I.3.1-20] ding of his most precious blood, to make a sacrifice and satisfaction, or (as
[I.3.1-21] it may be called) amends to his Father for our sinnes, to asswage his
[I.3.1-22] wrath and indignation conceiued against vs for the same.
[I.3.1-23] In so much that infants, being baptized and dying in their infancy,
The effi
cacy of
passion &
[I.3.1-24] are by this sacrifice washed from their sinnes, brought to GODS fa
[I.3.1-25] uour, and made his children, and inheritors of his kingdome of heauen.
[I.3.1-26] And they which in act or deed do sinne after their baptisme, when they
[I.3.1-27] turne againe to GOD vnfaynedly, they are likewise washed by this sa
[I.3.1-28] crifice from their sinnes, in such sort, that there remayneth not any spot
[I.3.1-29] of sin, that shall be imputed to their damnation. This is that iustificati
[I.3.1-30] on or righteousnesse which S. Paul speaketh of, when hee sayth, No man
[I.3.1-31] is iustified by the workes of the Law, but freely by fayth in Iesus Christ.
[I.3.1-32] And againe he sayth, We beleeue in Iesu Christ, that we be iustified freely
Gala. 2.
[I.3.1-33] by the fayth of Christ, and not by the workes of the Law, because that no
[I.3.1-34] man shalbe iustified by the workes of the Law. And although this iusti
[I.3.1-35] fication be free vnto vs, yet it commeth not so freely vnto vs, that there is
[I.3.1-36] no ransome paid therefore at all. But here may mans reason be astonied,
[I.3.1-37] reasoning after this fashion. If a ransome be paid for our redemption,
[I.3.1-38] then is it not giuen vs freely. For a prisoner that paied his ransome, is
[I.3.1-39] not let go freely, for if he go freely, then he goeth without ransome: for
[I.3.1-40] what is it els to go freely, then to be set at libertie without paying of
[I.3.1-41] ransome? This reason is satisfied by the great wisedome of GOD in
[I.3.1-42] this mysterie of our redemption, who hath so tempered his iustice & mer
[I.3.1-43] cie together, that he would neither by his iustice condemne vs vnto the e
[I.3.1-44] uerlasting captiuitie of the deuill, & his prison of Hell, remedilesse for euer
[I.3.1-45] without mercie, nor by his mercie deliuer vs clearely, without iustice or
[I.3.1-46] paiment of a iust ransome: but with his endlesse mercie he ioyned his
[I.3.1-47] most vpright and equall iustice. His great mercy he shewed vnto vs in de
[I.3.1-48] liuering vs from our former captiuitie, without requiring of any ran
[I.3.1-49] some to be paid, or amends to be made vpon our parts, which thing by
[I.3.1-50] vs had bin impossible to be done. And where as it lay not in vs that to
[I.3.1-51] do, he prouided a ransome for vs, that was, the most pretious body and
[I.3.1-52] blood of his owne most deare and best beloued Sonne Iesu Christ, who
[I.3.1-53] besides this ransome, fulfilled the law for vs perfectly. And so the iustice
[I.3.1-54] of GOD & his mercy did imbrace together, & fulfilled the mystery of our
[I.3.1-55] redemption. And of this iustice and mercy of GOD knit together, spea
Rom. 3.
[I.3.1-56] keth S. Paul in the third Chap. to the Romans, All haue offended, & haue
[I.3.1-57] need of the glory of GOD, but are iustified freely by his grace, by redemp
[I.3.1-58] tion which is in Iesu Christ, whom GOD hath sent forth to vs for a re
[I.3.1-59] conciler & peace maker, through faith in his blood, to shew his righteous
Rom. 10.
[I.3.1-60] nes. And in the tenth Chap. Christ is the end of the law vnto righteous
Rom. 8.
[I.3.1-61] nes, to euery man that beleeueth. And in the 8. Chap. That which was
[I.3.1-62] impossible by the law, in as much as it was weake by the flesh, GOD
[I.3.1-63] sending his owne Sonne, in the similitude of sinfull flesh, by sin damned
[I.3.1-64] sin in the flesh, that the righteousnesse of the law might be fulfilled in vs,
[I.3.1-65] which walke not after the flesh, but after the spirit. In these foresaid pla
Three things
must goe
together in
our iustifica
[I.3.1-66] ces, the Apostle toucheth specially three things, which must go together in
[I.3.1-67] our iustification. Vpon GODS part, his great mercie and grace: vpon
[I.3.1-68] Christs part, iustice, that is, the satisfaction of GODS iustice, or the price
[I.3.1-69] of our redemption, by the offering of his body, and shedding of his blood,
[I.3.1-70] with fulfilling of the law perfectly & throughly; and vpon our part true &
[I.3.1-71] liuely faith in the merits of Iesus Christ, which yet is not ours, but by
[I.3.1-72] GODS working in vs: so that in our iustification, is not onely Gods
[I.3.1-73] mercy & grace, but also his iustice, which the Apostle calleth the iustice of
[I.3.1-74] GOD, & it consisteth in paying our ransome, & fulfilling of the law: & so
[I.3.1-75] the grace of God doth not shut out the iustice of God in our iustification, but
[I.3.1-76] only shutteth out the iustice of man, that is to say, the iustice of our works,
[I.3.1-77] as to be merits of deseruing our iustification. And therfore S. Paul decla
[I.3.1-78] reth here nothing vpon the behalfe of man, concerning his iustification,
[I.3.1-79] but onely a true & liuely faith, which neuerthelesse is the gift of GOD,
[I.3.1-80] and not mans onely worke, without GOD: And yet that faith doth
[I.3.1-81] not shut out repentance, hope, loue, dread, & the feare of God, to be ioyned
[I.3.1-82] with faith in euery man that is iustified, but it shutteth them out fro the
[I.3.1-83] office of iustifying. So that although they be all present together in him
How it is to
be vnder
stood, iustifieth
[I.3.1-84] that is iustified, yet they iustifie not all together: Nor the faith also doeth
[I.3.1-85] not shut out the iustice of our good workes, necessarily to bee done after
[I.3.1-86] wardes of duty towardes GOD (for wee are most bounden to serue
[I.3.1-87] GOD, in doing good deeds, commanded by him in his holy Scripture,
[I.3.1-88] all the dayes of our life:) But it excludeth them, so that wee may not doe
[I.3.1-89] them to this intent, to be made good by doing of them. For all the good
[I.3.1-90] workes that we can doe, bee vnperfect, and therefore not able to deserue
[I.3.1-91] our iustification: but our iustification doth come freely by the meere mer
[I.3.1-92] cy of GOD, and of so great and free mercy, that whereas all the world
[I.3.1-93] was not able of their selues to pay any part towards their ransome, it
[I.3.1-94] pleased our heauenly Father of his infinit mercy, without any our desert
[I.3.1-95] or deseruing, to prepare for vs the most precious iewels of Christs body
[I.3.1-96] and blood, whereby our ransome might be fully payd, the law fulfilled,
[I.3.1-97] and his iustice fully satisfied. So that Christ is now the righteousnesse
[I.3.1-98] of all them that truely doe beleeue in him. Hee for them payd their ran
[I.3.1-99] some by his death. Hee for them fulfilled the Law in his life. So that
[I.3.1-100] now in him, and by him, euery true Christian man may be called a fulfil
[I.3.1-101] ler of the Law, forasmuch as that which their infirmity lacked, Christs
[I.3.1-102] iustice hath supplied.
¶ The second part of the Sermon of
[I.3.2-103] YE haue heard of whom all me ought to seeke their iusti
[I.3.2-104] fication and righteousnesse, and how also this righteous
[I.3.2-105] nesse commeth vnto men by Christs death and merits: ye
[I.3.2-106] heard also how that three things are required to the ob
[I.3.2-107] tayning of our righteousnesse, that is, GODS mercy,
[I.3.2-108] Christs iustice, and a true and a liuely fayth, out of the
[I.3.2-109] which fayth springeth good workes. Also before was de
[I.3.2-110] clared at large, that no man can bee iustified by his owne good workes,
[I.3.2-111] that no man fulfilleth the Law, according to the full request of the
[I.3.2-112] Law.
[I.3.2-113] And S. Paul in his Episttdv4e to the Galathians prooueth the same, say
Gal. 2.
[I.3.2-114] ing thus, If there had beene any law giuen which could haue iustified,
[I.3.2-115] verily righteousnesse should haue beene by the law. And againe he sayth,
[I.3.2-116] If righteousnesse be by the Law, then Christ died in vaine. And again he
[I.3.2-117] sayth, You that are iustified by the law, are fallen away from grace. And
[I.3.2-118] furthermore he writeth to the Ephesians on this wise, By grace are ye sa
Ephes. 3.
[I.3.2-119] ued through fayth, and that not of your selues, for it is the gift of GOD,
[I.3.2-120] and not of works, lest any man should glory. And to be short, the summe of
[I.3.2-121] all Pauls disputation is this: that if iustice come of workes, then it com
[I.3.2-122] meth not of grace: and if it come of grace, then it commeth not of works.
[I.3.2-123] And to this ende tendeth all the Prophets, as Saint Peter sayth
Act. 10.
[I.3.2-124] in the tenth of the Acts. Of Christ al the Prophets (faith S. Peter) do wit
[I.3.2-125] nesse that through his name, all they that beleeue in him, shall receiue
[I.3.2-126] the remission of sins. And after this wise to be iustified onely by this true
Faith only iu
stifieth, is the
doctrine of
old Doctours.
[I.3.2-127] and liuely faith in Christ, speaketh all the old and ancient Authors, both
[I.3.2-128] Greekes and Latines. Of whom I will specially rehearse three, Hilary,
[I.3.2-129] Basil, and Ambrose. Saint Hilary saith these wordes plainely in the ix.
[I.3.2-130] Canon vpon Matthew, Faith onely iustifieth. And Saint Basil a Greek
[I.3.2-131] authour writeth thus, This is a perfect and whole reioycing in GOD
[I.3.2-132] when a man aduanceth not himselfe for his owne righteousnesse, but
[I.3.2-133] knowledgeth himselfe to lacke true iustice and righteousnesse, and to be
Philip 3.
[I.3.2-134] iustified by the onely faith in Christ. And Paul (saith hee) doth glorie in
[I.3.2-135] the contempt of his owne righteousnesse, and that he looketh for the righ
[I.3.2-136] teousnesse of GOD, by faith.
[I.3.2-137] These bee the verie wordes of Saint Basil. And Saint Ambrose, a
[I.3.2-138] Latine Authour, saith these wordes, This is the ordinance of GOD,
[I.3.2-139] that they which beleeue in Christ, should bee saued without workes, by
[I.3.2-140] faith onely, freely receiuing remission of their sinnes. Consider diligent
[I.3.2-141] ly these wordes, Without workes by faith onely, freely wee receiue
[I.3.2-142] remission of our sins. What can be spoken more plainely, then to say, That
[I.3.2-143] freely without workes, by faith onely wee obtaine remission of our sins?
[I.3.2-144] These and other like sentences, that wee bee iustified by faith onely, free
[I.3.2-145] ly, and without workes, wee doe read oft times in the most best and an
[I.3.2-146] cient writers. As beside Hilarie, Basil, and Saint Ambrose before rehear
[I.3.2-147] sed, wee read the same in Origen, Saint Chrisostome, Saint Cyprian,
[I.3.2-148] Saint Augustine, Prosper, Oecumenius, Phocius, Bernardus, Anselme, and
[I.3.2-149] many other Authours, Greeke, and Latine. Neuerthelesse, this sen
[I.3.2-150] tence, that wee bee iustified by faith onely, is not so meant of them, that
[I.3.2-151] the sayd iustifying faith is alone in man, without true repentance, hope,
Faith alone,
how it is to be
[I.3.2-152] charitie, dreade, and the feare of GOD, at any time and season. Nor
[I.3.2-153] when they say, That wee bee iustified freely, they meane not that wee
[I.3.2-154] should or might afterward bee idle, and that nothing should bee required
[I.3.2-155] on our parts afterward: Neither they meane not so to bee iustified with
[I.3.2-156] out good workes, that wee should doe no good workes at all, like as
[I.3.2-157] shall bee more expressed at large heereafter. But this saying, That wee
[I.3.2-158] bee iustified by faith onely, freely and without workes, is spoken for to
[I.3.2-159] take away cleerely all merite of our workes, as being vnable to deserue
[I.3.2-160] our iustification at GODS hands, and therby most plainely to expresse
[I.3.2-161] the weaknesse of man, and the goodnesse of GOD, the great infirmi
[I.3.2-162] tie of our selues, and the might and power of GOD, the imperfectnesse
[I.3.2-163] of our own works, and the most abundant grace of our Sauiour Christ,
[I.3.2-164] and therfore wholly to ascribe the merite and deseruing of our iustificati
The profit of
the doctrine
of faith onely
[I.3.2-165] on vnto Christ onely, and his most precious bloodshedding. This faith
[I.3.2-166] the holy Scripture teacheth vs, this is the strong Rocke and founda
[I.3.2-167] tion of Christian Religion, this doctrine all olde and ancient Authours
[I.3.2-168] of Christs Church doe approoue, this doctrine aduanceth and setteth
[I.3.2-169] foorth the true glory of Christ, and beateth downe the vaine glory of man,
[I.3.2-170] this whosoeuer denyeth, is not bee accounted for a christian man, nor
[I.3.2-171] for a setter foorth of Christs glorie, but for an aduersarie to Christ and his
[I.3.2-172] Gospell, and for a setter foorth of mens vaine glory. And although this
What they be
that impugne
the doctrine
of Faith only
[I.3.2-173] doctrine be neuer so true (as it is most true indeede) that wee bee iustified
[I.3.2-174] freely without all merite of our owne good workes (as Saint Paul doth
[I.3.2-175] expresse it) and freely by this liuely and perfect faith in Christ onely (as
[I.3.2-176] the ancient authors vse to speak it) yet this true doctrine must be also tru
[I.3.2-177] ly vnderstood and most plainely declared, lest carnall men should take vn
[I.3.2-178] iustly occasion thereby to liue carnally, after the appetite and will of the
A declarati
on of this do
ctrine of faith
without works
[I.3.2-179] world, the flesh and the deuill. And because no man should erre by mis
[I.3.2-180] taking of this doctrine, I shall plainely and shortly so declare the right
[I.3.2-181] vnderstanding of the same, that no man shall iustly thinke that hee may
[I.3.2-182] thereby take any occasion of carnall libertie, to follow the desires of the
[I.3.2-183] flesh, or that thereby any kinde of sinne shall be committed, or any vngod
[I.3.2-184] ly liuing the more vsed.
[I.3.2-185] First, you shall vnderstand, that in our iustification by Christ, it is not
[I.3.2-186] all one thing, the office of GOD vnto man, and the office of man vnto
[I.3.2-187] GOD. Iustification is not the office of man, but of GOD, or man
[I.3.2-188] cannot make himselfe righteous by his owne workes, neither in part,
[I.3.2-189] nor in the whole, for that were the greatest arrogancy and presumption
[I.3.2-190] of man, that Antichrist could set vp against GOD, to affirme that a man
[I.3.2-191] might by his owne workes, take away and purge his owne sinnes, and
[I.3.2-192] so iustifie himselfe. But iustification is the office of GOD only, and is not
is the office of
God only.
[I.3.2-193] a thing which wee render vnto him, but which wee receiue of him: not
[I.3.2-194] which we giue to him, but which we take of him, by his free mercy, and
[I.3.2-195] by the onely merits of his most dearely beloued Sonne, our onely Redee-
[I.3.2-196] mer, Sauiour, and Iustifier Iesus Christ: so that the true vnderstanding
[I.3.2-197] of this doctrine, We be iustified freely by faith without works, or that we
[I.3.2-198] be iustified by faith in Christ onely, is not, that this our owne act, to be
[I.3.2-199] leeue in Christ, or this our faith in Christ, which is within vs, doth iusti
[I.3.2-200] fie vs, and deserue our iustification vnto vs (for that were to count our
[I.3.2-201] selues to be iustified by some act or vertue that is within our selues) but
[I.3.2-202] the true vnderstanding and meaning thereof is, that although wee heare
[I.3.2-203] GODS word, and beleeue it, although we haue faith, hope, charity, re
[I.3.2-204] pentance, dread, and feare of GOD within vs, and doe neuer so many
[I.3.2-205] workes therunto: yet we must renounce the merit of all our said vertues,
[I.3.2-206] of faith, hope, charity, and all other vertues and good deeds, which we ei
[I.3.2-207] ther haue done, shall doe, or can doe, as things that be farre too weake and
[I.3.2-208] insufficient, and vnperfect, to deserue remission of our sinnes, and our
[I.3.2-209] iustification, and therefore wee must trust only in GODS mercy, and
[I.3.2-210] that sacrifice which our high Priest and Sauiour Christ Iesus the son of
[I.3.2-211] GOD once offered for vs vpon the Crosse, to obtaine thereby GODS
[I.3.2-212] grace, and remission, aswell of our originall sinne in Baptisme, as of all
[I.3.2-213] actuall sinne committed by vs after our Baptisme, if we truly repent, and
[I.3.2-214] turne vnfeynedly to him againe. So that as S. Iohn Baptist, although
[I.3.2-215] he were neuer so vertuous and godly a man, yet in this matter of forgi
[I.3.2-216] uing of sin, he did put the people from him, & appointed them vnto Christ,
[I.3.2-217] saying thus vnto them, Behold, yonder is the lambe of GOD, which
[I.3.2-218] taketh away the sinnes of the world: euen so, as great and as godly a ver
[I.3.2-219] tue as the liuely fayth is, yet it putteth vs from it selfe, and remitteth or
[I.3.2-220] appointeth vs vnto Christ, for to haue only by him remission of our sins,
Iohn 1
[I.3.2-221] or iustification. So that our faith in Christ (as it were) sayth vnto vs
[I.3.2-222] thus, It is not I that take away your sinnes, but it is Christ onely, and
[I.3.2-223] to him onely I send your for that purpose, forsaking therein all your good
[I.3.2-224] vertues, words, thoughts, and workes, and onely putting your trust in
[I.3.2-225] Christ.
¶ The third part of the Sermon of
[I.3.3-226] IT hath beene manifestly declared vnto you, that no man
[I.3.3-227] can fulfill the Law of GOD, and therefore by the law
[I.3.3-228] all men are condemned: whereupon it followeth necessa
[I.3.3-229] rily, that some other thing should bee required for our sal
[I.3.3-230] uation then the law: and that is, a true and a liuely faith
[I.3.3-231] in Christ: bringing foorth good workes, and a life accor
[I.3.3-232] ding to GODS commandements. And also you heard
[I.3.3-233] the ancient authours mindes of this saying, Faith in Christ onely iustifi
[I.3.3-234] eth man, so plainely declared, that you see, that the very true meaning
[I.3.3-235] of this proposition or saying, Wee be iustified by faith in Christ onely, (ac
[I.3.3-236] cording to the meaning of the old ancient authours) is this: Wee put our
[I.3.3-237] faith in Christ, that wee bee iustified by him onely, that wee be iustified by
[I.3.3-238] GODS free mercy, and the merits of our Sauiour Christ onely, and
[I.3.3-239] by no vertue or good workes of our owne, that is in vs, or that wee can
[I.3.3-240] bee able to haue or to doe, for to deserue the same: Christ himselfe only
[I.3.3-241] being the cause meritorious thereof.
[I.3.3-242] Heere you perceiue many words to bee vsed to auoyde contention in
[I.3.3-243] words with them that delight to brawle about words, and also to shewe
[I.3.3-244] the true meaning to auoyd euill taking and misunderstanding, and yet
[I.3.3-245] peraduenture all will not serue with them that be contentious: but con
[I.3.3-246] tenders will euer forge matters of contention, euen when they haue none
[I.3.3-247] occasion thereto. Not withstanding, such be the lesse to be passed vpon, so
[I.3.3-248] that the rest may profit, which will be the most desirous to know the truth,
[I.3.3-249] then (when it is plaine enough) to contend about it, and with contenti
[I.3.3-250] ous and captious cauillation, to obscure and darken it. Trueth it is,
[I.3.3-251] that our owne workes doe not iustifie vs, to speake properly of our iustifi
[I.3.3-252] cation, (that is to say) our workes doe not merit or deserue remission of
[I.3.3-253] our sinnes, and make vs of vniust, iust before GOD: but GOD of his
[I.3.3-254] owne mercy, through the onely merits and deseruings of his sonne Ie
[I.3.3-255] sus Christ, doeth iustifie vs. Neuerthelesse, because fayth doeth directly
[I.3.3-256] send vs to Christ for remission of our sinnes, and that by fayth giuen vs
[I.3.3-257] of GOD, we embrace the promise of GODS mercy, and of the re
[I.3.3-258] mission of our sinnes, (which thing none other of our vertues or workes
[I.3.3-259] properly doeth) therefore Scripture vseth to say, that fayth without
[I.3.3-260] workes doth iustifie. And forasmuch that it is all one sentence in effect, to
[I.3.3-261] say, faith without workes, and onely faith doth iustifie vs, therefore the
[I.3.3-262] old ancient Fathers of the Church from time to time, haue vttered our
[I.3.3-263] iustification with this speech, Onely faith iustifieth vs: meaning none o
[I.3.3-264] ther thing then Saint Paul meant, when he sayd, Fayth without works
[I.3.3-265] iustifieth vs. And because all this brought to passe through the onely me
[I.3.3-266] rits and deseruings of our Sauiour Christ, and not through our merits,
[I.3.3-267] or through the merit of any vertue that wee haue within vs, or of any
[I.3.3-268] worke that commeth from vs: therefore in that respect of merit and de
[I.3.3-269] seruing, wee forsake (as it were) altogether againe, fayth, workes, and
[I.3.3-270] all other vertues. For our owne imperfection is so great, through the
[I.3.3-271] corruption of originall sinne, that all is vnperfect that is within vs,
[I.3.3-272] faith, charity, hope, dread, thoughts, words, and workes, and therefore
[I.3.3-273] not apt to merit and discerne any part of our instification for vs. And this
[I.3.3-274] forme of speaking vse wee, in the humbling of our selues to GOD,
[I.3.3-275] and to giue all the glory to our Sauiour Christ, which is best worthy to
[I.3.3-276] haue it.
[I.3.3-277] Here you haue heard the office of GOD in our iustification, and how
[I.3.3-278] we receiue it of him freely, by his mercie, without our deserts, through
[I.3.3-279] true and liuely faith. Now you shall heare the office and duety of a Chri
They that
preach faith
only iustifi
eth, doe not
teach carnall
libertie, or
that wee
should do
no good
[I.3.3-280] stian man vnto GOD, what wee ought on our part to render vnto
[I.3.3-281] GOD againe, for his great mercy and goodnes. Our office is, not to
[I.3.3-282] passe the time of this present life vnfruitfully, and idlely, after that wee
[I.3.3-283] are baptised or iustified, not caring how few good workes wee doe, to the
[I.3.3-284] glorie of GOD, and profit of our neighbours: Much lesse is it our office,
[I.3.3-285] after that wee bee once made Christs members, to liue contrarie to the
[I.3.3-286] same, making our selues members of the diuell, walking after his intice
[I.3.3-287] ments, and after the suggestions of the world and the flesh, whereby wee
[I.3.3-288] know that wee doe serue the world and the diuell, and not GOD. For
[I.3.3-289] that faith which bringeth foorth (without repentance) either euill
The diuels
haue faith,
but not the
true faith.
[I.3.3-290] workes, or no good workes, is not a right, pure, and liuely faith, but a
[I.3.3-291] dead, diuelish, counterfaite and feigned faith, as Saint Paul and Saint
[I.3.3-292] Iames call it. For euen the diuels know and beleeue that Christ was borne
[I.3.3-293] of a virgin, that he fasted forty dayes and forty nights without meat and
[I.3.3-294] drinke, that he wrought all kinde of myracles, declaring himselfe verie
[I.3.3-295] GOD: They beleeue also, that Christ for our sakes suffered most paine
[I.3.3-296] full death, to redeeme from euerlasting death, and that hee rose againe
[I.3.3-297] from death the third day: They beleeue that hee ascended into heauen,
[I.3.3-298] and that he sitteth on the right hand of the Father, and at the last end of
[I.3.3-299] this world shall come againe, and iudge both the quicke and the dead.
[I.3.3-300] These articles of our faith the Diuells beleeue, and so they beleeue all
[I.3.3-301] things that be written in the new and old Testament to be true: and yet
[I.3.3-302] for all this faith, they bee but Diuells, remaining still in their damnable
[I.3.3-303] estate, lacking the verie true Christian faith. For the right and true
What is the
true and iu
stifying faith.
[I.3.3-304] Christian faith is, not onely to beleeue that holy Scripture, and all the
[I.3.3-305] foresayd articles of our faith are true, but also to haue a sure trust and
[I.3.3-306] confidence in GODS mercifull promises, to be saued from euerlasting
[I.3.3-307] damnation by Christ: whereof doth follow a louing heart to obey his
[I.3.3-308] commandements. And this true Christian faith neither any diuell hath,
[I.3.3-309] nor yet any man, which in the outward profession of his mouth, and in
[I.3.3-310] his outward receyuing of the Sacraments, in comming to the Church,
[I.3.3-311] and in all other outward appearances, seemeth to be a Christian man,
[I.3.3-312] and yet in his liuing and deedes sheweth the contrary. For how can a
[I.3.3-313] man haue this true faith, this sure trust and confidence in GOD, that
They that
continue in
euill liuing,
haue not
true faith.
[I.3.3-314] by the merits of Christ, his sinnes be forgiuen, and be reconciled to the fa
[I.3.3-315] uour of GOD, and to be partaker of the kingdome of heauen by Christ,
[I.3.3-316] when he liueth vngodly, and denieth Christ in his deedes? Surely no
[I.3.3-317] such vngodly man can haue this faith and trust in GOD. For as they
[I.3.3-318] know Christ to be the onely sauiour of the world: so they know also that
[I.3.3-319] wicked men shall not enioy the kingdome of GOD. They know that
Psal. 25.
[I.3.3-320] GOD hateth vnrighteousnes, that he will destroy all those that speake
[I.3.3-321] vntruely, that those which haue done good works (which cannot be done
[I.3.3-322] without a liuely faith in Christ) shall come foorth into the resurrection of
[I.3.3-323] life, and those that haue done euill, shall come vnto the resurrection of
[I.3.3-324] iudgement: very well they know also, that to them that be contentious,
[I.3.3-325] and to them that will not be obedient vnto the trueth, but will obey vn
[I.3.3-326] righteousnes, shall come indignation, wrath, and affliction, &c. Therefore
[I.3.3-327] to conclude, considering the infinite benifites of GOD, shewed and giuen
[I.3.3-328] vnto vs, mercifully without our deserts, who hath not onely created vs
[I.3.3-329] of nothing; and from a peece of vile clay, of his infinite goodnes, hath ex
[I.3.3-330] alted vs (as touching our soule) vnto his owne similitude and likenes:
[I.3.3-331] but also whereas wee were condemned to hell, and death euerlasting,
[I.3.3-332] hath giuen his owne naturall Sonne, being GOD eternall, immor
[I.3.3-333] tall, and equall vnto himselfe, in power and glorie, to be incarnated, and
[I.3.3-334] to take our mortall nature vpon him, with the infirmities of the same,
[I.3.3-335] and in the same nature to suffer most shamefull and painefull death for
[I.3.3-336] our offences, to the intent to iustifie vs, and to restore vs to life euerla
[I.3.3-337] sting: so making vs also his deare children, brethren vnto his onely sonne
[I.3.3-338] our Sauiour Christ, and inheritours for euer with him of his eternall
[I.3.3-339] kingdome of heauen.
[I.3.3-340] These great and mercifull benefites of GOD (if they be well conside
[I.3.3-341] red) doe neither minister vnto vs occasion to be idle, and to liue without
[I.3.3-342] doing any good works, neither yet stirreth vs vp by any meanes to doe
[I.3.3-343] euill things: but contrariwise, if we be not desperate persons, and our
[I.3.3-344] hearts harder then stones, they mooue vs to render our selues vnto
[I.3.3-345] GOD wholly with all our will, hearts, might, and power, to serue him
[I.3.3-346] in all good deeds, obeying his commandements during our liues, to seeke
[I.3.3-347] in all things his glorie and honour, not our sensuall pleasures and vaine
[I.3.3-348] glory, euermore dreading willingly to offend such a mercifull GOD, and
[I.3.3-349] louing redeemer, in word, thought, or deede. And the said benefites of
[I.3.3-350] GOD deepely considered, mooue vs for his sake also to be euer readie to
[I.3.3-351] giue our selues to our neighbours, and as much as lieth in vs, to studie
[I.3.3-352] with all our indeuour, to doe good to euery man. These be the fruites of
[I.3.3-353] true faith, to doe good as much as lieth in vs to euery man, and aboue all
[I.3.3-354] things, and in all things to aduance the glory of GOD, of whom onely
[I.3.3-355] we haue our sanctification, iustification, saluation, and redemption: to
[I.3.3-356] whom be euer glory, prayse, and honour, world without end. Amen.