from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

of the true, liuely, and Christian Faith.

[I.4.1-1]  THE first comming vnto GOD (good


[I.4.1-2]  Christian people) is through Faith,
[I.4.1-3]  whereby (as it is declared in the last
[I.4.1-4]  Sermon) we be iustified before GOD.
[I.4.1-5]  And lest any man should be deceiued, for
[I.4.1-6]  lacke of right vnderstanding thereof, it
[I.4.1-7]  is diligently to bee noted, that Faith is
[I.4.1-8]  taken in the Scripture two manner of
[I.4.1-9]  wayes. There is one fayth, which in

A dead

[I.4.1-10]  Scripture is called a dead fayth, which
[I.4.1-11]  bringeth foorth no good workes, but is
[I.4.1-12]  idle, barren, and vnfruitfull. And this
[I.4.1-13]  faith, by the holy Apostle Saint Iames,
[I.4.1-14]  is compared to the fayth of Diuels, which beleeue GOD to bee true

Iames 2.

[I.4.1-15]  and iust, and tremble for feare, yet they doe nothing well, but all euill.
[I.4.1-16]  And such a manner of fayth haue the wicked and naughty Christian
[I.4.1-17]  people, which confesse GOD, (as S. Paul sayth) in their mouth, but de­

Titus 6. 6.

[I.4.1-18]  nie him in their deeds, being abominable, and without the right fayth,
[I.4.1-19]  and to all good workes reproouable. And this faith is a perswasion and
[I.4.1-20]  beleefe in mans heart, whereby hee knoweth that there is a GOD, and
[I.4.1-21]  agreeth vnto all trueth of GODS most holy word, conteyned in the
[I.4.1-22]  holy Scripture. So that it consisteth onely in beleeuing in the word of
[I.4.1-23]  GOD, that it is true. And this is not properly called faith. But as hee
[I.4.1-24]  that readeth Cæsars Commentaries, beleeuing the same to bee true, hath
[I.4.1-25]  thereby a knowledge of Cæsars life, and notable acts, because hee belee­
[I.4.1-26]  ueth the history of Cæsar: yet it is not properly sayd that hee beleeueth in
[I.4.1-27]  Cæsar, of whom he looketh for no helpe nor benefit. Euen so, he that be­
[I.4.1-28]  leeueth that all that is spoken of GOD in the Bible is true, and yet li­
[I.4.1-29]  ueth so vngodly, that he cannot looke to enioy the promises and benefits
[I.4.1-30]  of GOD: although it may be sayd, that such a man hath a fayth and
[I.4.1-31]  beleefe to the words of GOD, yet it is not properly sayd that hee belee­
[I.4.1-32]  ueth in GOD, or hath such a fayth and trust in GOD, whereby hee
[I.4.1-33]  may surely looke for grace, mercy, and euerlasting life at GODS hand,
[I.4.1-34]  but rather for indignation and punishment, according to the merits of
[I.4.1-35]  his wicked life. For as it is written in a booke, intituled to be of Didymus
[I.4.1-36]  Alexandrinus, Forasmuch as faith without workes is dead, it is not now
[I.4.1-37]  faith, as a dead man, is not a man. This dead faith therefore is not the
[I.4.1-38]  sure and substantiall faith, which saueth sinners. Another faith there
[I.4.1-39]  is in Scripture, which is not (as the foresaid faith) idle, vnfruitfull, and
[I.4.1-40]  dead, but worketh by charity (as S. Paul declareth, ) Which as the
[I.4.1-41]  other vaine faith is called a dead faith, so may this be called a quick or

A liuely

[I.4.1-42]  liuely faith. And this is not onely the common beleefe of the Articles of
[I.4.1-43]  our faith, but it is also a true trust and confidence of the mercy of GOD
[I.4.1-44]  through or Lord Iesus Christ, and a stedfast hope of all good things to
[I.4.1-45]  be receiued at GODS hand: and that although wee, through infirmi­
[I.4.1-46]  tie or temptation of our ghostly enimie, doe fall from him by sin, yet if we
[I.4.1-47]  returne againe vnto him by true repentance, that he will forgiue, and
[I.4.1-48]  forget our offences for his Sonnes sake our Sauiour Iesus Christ, and
[I.4.1-49]  will make vs inheritours with him of his euerlasting Kingdome, and
[I.4.1-50]  that in the meane time vntill that kingdome come, he will be our protec­
[I.4.1-51]  tour and defendour in all perils and dangers, whatsoeuer do chance: and
[I.4.1-52]  that though sometime he doeth send vs sharp aduersitie, yet that euermore
[I.4.1-53]  hee will be a louing Father vnto vs, correcting vs for our sinne, but not
[I.4.1-54]  withdrawing his mercie finally from vs, if we trust in him, and commit
[I.4.1-55]  our selues wholy vnto him, hang onely vpon him, and call vpon him,
[I.4.1-56]  ready to obey and serue him. This is the true, liuely, and vnfeigned
[I.4.1-57]  Christian faith, and is not in the mouth and outward profession onely:
[I.4.1-58]  but it liueth, and stirreth inwardly, in the heart. And this faith is not
[I.4.1-59]  without hope and trust in GOD, nor without the loue of GOD and
[I.4.1-60]  of our neighbours, nor without the feare of GOD, nor without the de­
[I.4.1-61]  sire to heare GODS word, and to follow the same in eschewing euill,
[I.4.1-62]  and doing gladly all good workes.

Hebr. 12.

[I.4.1-63]  This faith (as Saint Paul describeth it) is the sure ground and foun­
[I.4.1-64]  dation of the benefites which wee ought to looke for, and trust to receiue
[I.4.1-65]  of GOD, a certificate and sure looking for them, although they yet sen­
[I.4.1-66]  sibly appeare not vnto vs. And after hee saith, Hee that commeth to
[I.4.1-67]  GOD, must beleeue, both that he is, and that he is a mercifull rewarder
[I.4.1-68]  of well doers. And nothing commendeth good men vnto GOD, so much
[I.4.1-69]  as this assured faith and trust in him. Of this faith, three things are
[I.4.1-70]  specially to be noted.

Three things
are to be no­
ted of faith.

[I.4.1-71]  First, that this faith doth not lie dead in the heart, but is liuely and
[I.4.1-72]  fruitefull in bringing forth good workes. Second, that without it, can
[I.4.1-73]  no good workes be done, that shall be acceptable and pleasant to GOD.
[I.4.1-74]  Third, what maner of good workes they be, that this faith doth bring
[I.4.1-75]  forth.

Faith is full
of good

[I.4.1-76]  For the first, that the light can not be hid, but will shew forth it selfe
[I.4.1-77]  at one place or other: So a true faith can not be kept secret, but when oc­
[I.4.1-78]  casion is offered, it will breake out, and shew it selfe by good workes. And
[I.4.1-79]  as the liuing bodie of a man euer exerciseth such things as belong to
[I.4.1-80]  a naturall and liuing bodie, for nourishment and preseruation of the
[I.4.1-81]  same, as it hath need, opportunity, and occasion: euen so the soule that
[I.4.1-82]  hath a liuely fayth in it, will bee doing alway some good worke, which
[I.4.1-83]  shall declare that it is liuing, and will not be vnoccupied. Therfore when
[I.4.1-84]  men heare in the Scriptures so high commendations of fayth, that it
[I.4.1-85]  maketh vs to please GOD, to liue with GOD, and to be the children
[I.4.1-86]  of GOD: if then they phantasie that they bee set at liberty from doing
[I.4.1-87]  all good workes, and may liue as they lust, they trifle with GOD and
[I.4.1-88]  deceiue themselues. And it is a manifest token; that they bee farre from
[I.4.1-89]  hauing the true and liuely fayth, and also farre from knowledge, what
[I.4.1-90]  true fayth meaneth. For the very sure and liuely Christian fayth is, not
[I.4.1-91]  onely to beleeue all things of GOD, which are contayned in holy
[I.4.1-92]  Scripture, but also is an earnest trust, and confidence in GOD, that he
[I.4.1-93]  doeth regard vs, and that he is carefull ouer vs, as the father is ouer the
[I.4.1-94]  Childe whom hee doth loue, and that hee will bee mercifull vnto vs for
[I.4.1-95]  his onely sonnes sake, and that wee haue our Sauiour Christ our per­
[I.4.1-96]  petuall aduocate, and Priest, in whose onely merits, oblation, and
[I.4.1-97]  suffering, wee doe trust that our offences bee continually washed and pur­
[I.4.1-98]  ged, whensoeuer wee (repenting truely) doe returne to him, with our
[I.4.1-99]  whole heart, stedfastly determining with our selues, through his grace,
[I.4.1-100]  to obey and serue him in keeping his commandements, and neuer to
[I.4.1-101]  turne backe againe to sinne. Such is the true faith, that the Scrip­
[I.4.1-102]  ture doeth so much commend, the which when it seeth and considereth
[I.4.1-103]  what GOD hath done for vs, is also mooued through continuall assi­
[I.4.1-104]  stance of the Spirit of GOD, to serue and please him, to keepe his fa­
[I.4.1-105]  uour, to feare his displeasure, to continue his obedient children, shewing
[I.4.1-106]  thankefulnesse againe by obseruing or keeping his commandements, and
[I.4.1-107]  that freely, for true loue chiefly, and not for dread of punishment, or loue
[I.4.1-108]  of temporall reward, considering how cleerely, without deseruings wee
[I.4.1-109]  haue receiued his mercy and pardon freely.

[I.4.1-110]  This true faith will shew foorth it selfe, and cannot long bee idle: For

Abac. 2.

[I.4.1-111]  as it is written, The iust man doeth liue by his faith. Hee neuer sleepeth
[I.4.1-112]  nor is idle, when hee would wake, and be well occupied. And GOD
[I.4.1-113]  by his Prophet Ieremie saith, that hee is a happy and blessed man, which

Iere 17.

[I.4.1-114]  hath faith and confidence in GOD. For he is like a tree set by the water
[I.4.1-115]  side, and spreadeth his roots abroad toward the moysture, and feareth not
[I.4.1-116]  heate when it commeth, his leafe will bee greene, and will not cease to
[I.4.1-117]  bring foorth his fruit: euen so, faithfull men (putting away all feare of
[I.4.1-118]  aduersitie) will shew foorth the fruit of their good workes, as occasion
[I.4.1-119]  is offered to doe them.

The second part of the Sermon
of Faith.

[I.4.2-120]  YE haue heard in the first part of this Sermon, that there
[I.4.2-121]  be two kindes of fayth, a dead and an vnfruitfull fayth,
[I.4.2-122]  and a fayth liuely that worketh by charity. The first to
[I.4.2-123]  be vnprofitable, the second, necessary for the obtayning of
[I.4.2-124]  our saluation: the which faith hath charity alwaies ioy­
[I.4.2-125]  ned vnto it, and is fruitfull, and bringeth foorth all good
[I.4.2-126]  workes. Now as concerning the same matter, you shall
[I.4.2-127]  heare what followeth. The wise man sayth, He that beleeueth in GOD,

Eccl. 31.

[I.4.2-128]  will hearken vnto his commandements. For if wee doe not shew our
[I.4.2-129]  selues faythfull in our conuersation, the fayth which we pretend to haue,
[I.4.2-130]  is but a fayned faith: because the true Christian faith is manifestly shew­
[I.4.2-131]  ed by good liuing, and not by words onely, as S. Augustine saith, Good li­
[I.4.2-132]  uing cannot be separated from true faith, which worketh by loue. And

Heb. 11.
Gen. 4.
Gen. 6.
Eccle. 44.
Gen. 11.

[I.4.2-133]  S. Chrysostome sayth, Faith of it selfe is full of good works: as soone as
[I.4.2-134]  a man doth beleeue, he shall be garnished with them. How plentifull this
[I.4.2-135]  fayth is of good workes, and how it maketh the worke of one man more
[I.4.2-136]  acceptable to GOD, then of another, S. Paul teacheth at large in the xi.
[I.4.2-137]  Chapter to the Heb. saying, That fayth made the oblation of Abel, better
[I.4.2-138]  then the oblation of Cain. This made Noah to build the Arke. This made
[I.4.2-139]  Abraham to forsake his Country, and all his friends, and to goe into a far
[I.4.2-140]  Country, there to dwell among strangers. So did also Isaac and Iacob,
[I.4.2-141]  depending or hanging onely of the helpe and trust that they had in GOD.
[I.4.2-142]  And when they came to the country which GOD promised them, they
[I.4.2-143]  would build no Cities, Townes, nor Houses, but liued like strangers in
[I.4.2-144]  Tents, that might euery day be remooued. Their trust was so much in
[I.4.2-145]  GOD, that they set but little by any worldly thing, for that GOD had
[I.4.2-146]  prepared for them better dwelling places in heauen of his owne founda­

Gen. 22.

[I.4.2-147]  tion and building. This faith made Abraham ready at GODS com­

Eccle. 13.

[I.4.2-148]  mandement, to offer his owne sonne and heire Isaac, whom hee loued so
[I.4.2-149]  well, and by whom he was promised to haue innumerable issue, among
[I.4.2-150]  the which, one should bee borne, in whom all nations should bee blessed,
[I.4.2-151]  trusting so much in GOD, that though he were slaine, yet that GOD
[I.4.2-152]  was able by his omnipotent power to rayse him from death, and per­
[I.4.2-153]  forme his promise. He mistrusted not the promise of GOD, although vn­
[I.4.2-154]  to his reason euery thing seemed contrary. He beleeued verily that GOD
[I.4.2-155]  would not forsake him in death and famine that was in the country. And
[I.4.2-156]  in all other dangers that hee was brought vnto, hee trusted euer that
[I.4.2-157]  GOD should be his GOD, and his protectour and defender, what­
[I.4.2-158]  soeuer he saw to the contrary. This faith wrought so in the heart of Mo­

Exod. 2.

[I.4.2-159]  ses, that he refused to be taken for King Pharao his daughters sonne, and
[I.4.2-160]  to haue great inheritance in Egypt, thinking it better with the people
[I.4.2-161]  of God to haue affliction and sorrow, then with naughty men, in sinne to
[I.4.2-162]  liue pleasantly for a time. By faith hee cared not for the threatning of
[I.4.2-163]  king Pharao: for his trust was so in GOD, that hee passed not of the
[I.4.2-164]  felicitie of this world, but looked for the reward to come in heauen, set­
[I.4.2-165]  ting his heart vpon the inuisible GOD, as if he had seene him euer pre­
[I.4.2-166]  sent before his eyes. By faith, the children of Israel passed through the

Exod. 14.

[I.4.2-167]  red sea. By faith, the walles of Hierico fell downe without stroke, and

Iosu. 6.

[I.4.2-168]  many other wonderfull miracles haue beene wrought. In all good men
[I.4.2-169]  that heretofore haue beene, faith hath brought forth their good workes,
[I.4.2-170]  and obteined the promises of GOD. Faith hath stopped the Lions

Dani. 6.

[I.4.2-171]  mouthes: faith hath quenched the force of fire: faith hath escaped the

Dani. 3.

[I.4.2-172]  swords edges: faith hath giuen weake men strength, victorie in battaile,
[I.4.2-173]  ouerthrowen the armies of Infidels, raysed the dead to life: faith hath

Heb. 11.

[I.4.2-174]  made good men to take aduersitie in good part, some haue beene mocked
[I.4.2-175]  and whipped, bound, and cast in prison, some haue lost all their goods, and
[I.4.2-176]  liued in great pouertie, some haue wandered in mountaines, hilles, and
[I.4.2-177]  wildernesse, some haue bene racked, some slaine, some stoned, some sawen,
[I.4.2-178]  some rent in pieces, some beheaded, some brent without mercy, and would
[I.4.2-179]  not be deliuered, because they looked to rise againe to a better state.

[I.4.2-180]  All these Fathers, Martyrs, and other holy men, (whom Saint Paul
[I.4.2-181]  spake of) had their faith surely fixed on GOD, when all the world was
[I.4.2-182]  against them. They did not onely know GOD to bee the Lord, maker,
[I.4.2-183]  and gouernour of all men in the world: but also they had a speciall con­
[I.4.2-184]  fidence and trust, that he was and would bee their GOD, their comfor­
[I.4.2-185]  ter, ayder, helper, maintainer, and defender. This is the Christian faith
[I.4.2-186]  which these holy men had, and wee also ought to haue. And although
[I.4.2-187]  they were not named Christian men, yet was it a Christian faith that
[I.4.2-188]  they had, for they looked for all benefites of GOD the Father, through
[I.4.2-189]  the merites of his Sonne Iesu Christ, as wee now doe. This difference
[I.4.2-190]  is betweene them and vs, that they looked when Christ should come, and
[I.4.2-191]  we bee in the time when hee is come. Therefore faith S. Augustine, The

In Iohn,
tract. 45.


[I.4.2-192]  time is altered and changed, but not the faith. For wee haue both one
[I.4.2-193]  faith in one Christ. The same holy ghost also that wee haue, had they,
[I.4.2-194]  faith S. Paul. For as the holy Ghost doeth teach vs to trust in GOD,

1. Cor. 4.

[I.4.2-195]  and to call vpon him as our Father: so did he teach them to say, as it is
[I.4.2-196]  written, Thou Lord art our Father and Redeemer, and they Name is

Esai. 43.

[I.4.2-197]  without beginning and euerlasting. GOD gaue them then grace to
[I.4.2-198]  bee his children, as hee doth vs now. But now by the comming of our
[I.4.2-199]  Sauiour Christ, we haue receiued more aboundantly the spirit of GOD
[I.4.2-200]  in our hearts, whereby we may conceiue a greater faith, and a surer trust
[I.4.2-201]  then many of them had. But in effect they and we be all one: we haue
[I.4.2-202]  the same faith that they had in GOD, and they the same that wee haue
[I.4.2-203]  And Saint Paul so much extolleth their faith, because we should no lesse,
[I.4.2-204]  but rather more, giue our selues wholy vnto Christ, both in profession
[I.4.2-205]  and liuing, now when Christ is come, then the olde fathers did before his
[I.4.2-206]  comming. And by all the declaration of S. Paul, it is euident, that the
[I.4.2-207]  true, liuely, and Christian faith, is no dead, vaine, or vnfruitfull thing,
[I.4.2-208]  but a thing of perfect vertue, of wonderfull operation or working, and
[I.4.2-209]  strength, bringing foorth all good motions, and good workes.

[I.4.2-210]  All holy Scripture agreeably beareth witnesse, that a true liuely faith
[I.4.2-211]  in Christ, doeth bring foorth good workes: and therefore euery man must
[I.4.2-212]  examine and trye himselfe diligently, to know whether hee haue the
[I.4.2-213]  same true liuely faith in his heart vnfeignedly, or not, which hee shall
[I.4.2-214]  know by the fruits thereof. Many that professed the faith of Christ, were
[I.4.2-215]  in this errour, that they thought they knew GOD, and beleeued in
[I.4.2-216]  him, when in their life they declared the contrary: Which errour Saint

1. Iohn 2.

[I.4.2-217]  Iohn in his first Epistle confuting, writeth in this wise, Hereby wee are
[I.4.2-218]  certified that we know GOD, if we obserue his commandements. He
[I.4.2-219]  that sayth, he knoweth GOD, and obserueth not his commandements,
[I.4.2-220]  is a lyar, and the trueth is not in him. And againe hee sayth, Whoso­

1. Iohn 3.

[I.4.2-221]  euer sinneth, doeth not see GOD, nor know him: let no man deceiue

1. Iohn 3.

[I.4.2-222]  you, welbeloued children. And moreouer hee sayeth, Hereby we know
[I.4.2-223]  that we be of the trueth, and so we shall perswade our hearts, before him.

1. Iohn 3.

[I.4.2-224]  For if our owne hearts reproue vs, GOD is aboue our hearts, & know­
[I.4.2-225]  eth all things. Welbeloued, if our hearts reproue vs not, then haue wee
[I.4.2-226]  confidence in GOD, and shall haue of him whatsoeuer we aske, because
[I.4.2-227]  wee keepe his Commandements, and doe those things that please him.

1. Iohn 5.

[I.4.2-228]  And yet further hee sayeth, Euery man that beleeueth that Iesus is
[I.4.2-229]  Christ, is borne of GOD, and wee know that whosoeuer is borne of
[I.4.2-230]  GOD, doeth not sinne: but hee that is begotten of God, purgeth him­
[I.4.2-231]  selfe, and the deuill doeth not touch him. And finally he concludeth, and

1. Iohn 5.

[I.4.2-232]  sheweth the cause why he wrote this Epistle, saying, For this cause haue
[I.4.2-233]  I thus written vnto you, that you may know that you haue euerlasting
[I.4.2-234]  life, which doe beleeue in the Sonne of GOD. And in his iii. Epistle he
[I.4.2-235]  confirmeth the whole matter of faith and workes, in few wordes, saying,

3. Iohn.

[I.4.2-236]  Hee that doeth well, is of GOD, and hee that doeth euill, knoweth not
[I.4.2-237]  God. And as S. Iohn saith, That as the liuely knowledge and faith of
[I.4.2-238]  GOD bringeth foorth good workes: so sayth he likewise of hope and cha­
[I.4.2-239]  ritie, that they cannot stand with euill liuing. Of hope he writeth thus,

1. Iohn 3.

[I.4.2-240]  We know that when GOD shall appeare, we shall be like vnto him, for
[I.4.2-241]  we shall see him, euen as hee is: and whosoeuer hath this hope in him,
[I.4.2-242]  doeth purifie himselfe, like as GOD is pure. And of charitie hee sayth
[I.4.2-243]  these wordes, Hee that doeth keepe Gods word and commandement, in

1. Iohn 2.
1 Iohn 5.

[I.4.2-244]  him is truely the perfect loue of GOD. And againe hee sayth, This is
[I.4.2-245]  the loue of GOD, that wee should keepe his Commandements. And
[I.4.2-246]  S. Iohn wrote not this, as a subtill saying, deuised of his owne fantasie,
[I.4.2-247]  but as a most certaine and necessary trueth, taught vnto him by Christ
[I.4.2-248]  himselfe, the eternall and infallible veritie, who in many places doth most
[I.4.2-249]  clearely affirme, that faith, hope and charitie, can not consist or stand
[I.4.2-250]  without good and godly workes. Of faith, he saith, He that beleeueth

1. Iohn 5.

[I.4.2-251]  in the Sonne, hath euerlasting life: but hee that beleeueth not in the

Iohn 3.

[I.4.2-252]  Sonne, shall not see that life, but the wrath of GOD remaineth vpon
[I.4.2-253]  him. And the same hee confirmeth with a double othe, saying, Verily,

Iohn 6.

[I.4.2-254]  verily I say vnto you, Hee that beleeueth in mee, hath euerlasting life.
[I.4.2-255]  Now forasmuch as he that beleeueth in Christ, hath euerlasting life: it
[I.4.2-256]  must needes consequently follow, that he that hath this faith, must haue
[I.4.2-257]  also good workes, and be studious to obserue Gods commandements obe­
[I.4.2-258]  diently. For to them that haue euill workes, and leade their life in diso­
[I.4.2-259]  bedience, and transgression or breaking of Gods commandements, with­
[I.4.2-260]  out repentance, perteineth not euerlasting life but euerlasting death, as
[I.4.2-261]  Christ himselfe saith, They that doe well, shall goe into life eternall, but

Matth. 25.

[I.4.2-262]  they that doe euill, shall goe into euerlasting fire. And againe he sayth,
[I.4.2-263]  I am the first letter, and the last, the beginning and the ending: to him

Apoc. 21.

[I.4.2-264]  that is athirst, I will giue of the well of the water of life freely: he that
[I.4.2-265]  hath the victorie, shall haue all things, and I will be his GOD, and he
[I.4.2-266]  shall be my sonne: but they that be fearefull, mistrusting GOD, and
[I.4.2-267]  lacking faith, they that be cursed people, and murtherers, and fornica­
[I.4.2-268]  tors and sorcerers, and all lyers, shall haue their portion in the lake that
[I.4.2-269]  burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. And as
[I.4.2-270]  Christ vndoubtedly affirmeth, that true faith bringeth forth good works,
[I.4.2-271]  so doeth hee say likewise of Charitie. Whosoeuer hath my commande­

foorth good
Iohn 14.
Ecclus. I.
Ecclus. 15.

[I.4.2-272]  ments and keepeth them, that is he that loueth me. And after he sayth,
[I.4.2-273]  He that loueth me, will keepe my word, and hee that loueth me not, kee­
[I.4.2-274]  peth not my wordes. And as the loue of GOD is tryed by good workes,
[I.4.2-275]  so is the feare of GOD also, as the wise man saith, The dread of GOD
[I.4.2-276]  putteth away sinne. And also he saith, Hee that feareth GOD, will
[I.4.2-277]  doe good workes.

&leaf; The third part of the Sermon
of Faith.

[I.4.3-278]  YOu haue heard in the second part of this Sermon, that
[I.4.3-279]  no man should thinke that hee hath that liuely faith
[I.4.3-280]  which Scripture commandeth, when he liueth not obe­
[I.4.3-281]  diently to Gods lawes, for all good workes spring out of
[I.4.3-282]  that faith: And also it hath beene declared vnto you by
[I.4.3-283]  examples, that faith maketh men stedfast, quiet, and pati­
[I.4.3-284]  ent in all affliction. Now as concerning the same mat­
[I.4.3-285]  ter, you shall heare what followeth. A man may soone deceiue himselfe,
[I.4.3-286]  and thinke in his owne phantasie that he by faith knoweth GOD, loueth
[I.4.3-287]  him, feareth him, and belongeth to him, when in very deede he doeth no­
[I.4.3-288]  thing lesse. For the triall of all these things is a very godly and Christian
[I.4.3-289]  life. He that feeleth his heart set to seeke Gods honour, and studieth to
[I.4.3-290]  know the will & commandements of GOD, and to frame himselfe there­
[I.4.3-291]  unto, and leadeth not his life after the desire of his owne flesh, to serue the
[I.4.3-292]  deuill by sinne, but setteth his mind to serue GOD for his owne sake, and
[I.4.3-293]  for his sake also to loue all his neighbours, whether they be friends or ad­
[I.4.3-294]  uersaries, doing good to euery man (as opportunitie serueth) and wil­
[I.4.3-295]  lingly hurting no man: such a man may well reioice in GOD, perceiuing
[I.4.3-296]  by the trade of his life, that hee vnfeignedly hath the right knowledge of
[I.4.3-297]  GOD, a liuely faith, a stedfast hope, a true and vnfeigned loue, and feare
[I.4.3-298]  of GOD. But he that casteth away the yoke of GODS commande­
[I.4.3-299]  ments from his necke, and giueth himselfe to liue without true repen­
[I.4.3-300]  tance, after his owne sensuall minde and pleasure, not regarding to know
[I.4.3-301]  GODS word, and much lesse to liue according thereunto: such a man
[I.4.3-302]  clearely deceiueth himselfe, and seeth not his owne heart, if hee thinketh
[I.4.3-303]  that hee either knoweth GOD, loueth him, feareth him, or trusteth in
[I.4.3-304]  him. Some peraduenture fantasie in themselues, that they belong to
[I.4.3-305]  GOD, although they liue in sinne, and so they come to the Church, and
[I.4.3-306]  shew themselues as GODS deare children. But S. Iohn saith plaine­

1.Iohn 1.

[I.4.3-307]  ly, If wee say that wee haue any company with GOD, and walke in
[I.4.3-308]  darkenesse, we doe lie. Other doe vainely thinke that they know and loue
[I.4.3-309]  GOD, although they passe not of the commandements. But S. Iohn

1.Iohn 2.

[I.4.3-310]  saith clearely, Hee that saith I know GOD, and keepeth not his com­
[I.4.3-311]  mandements, he is a lyer. Some falsely perswade themselues, that they
[I.4.3-312]  loue GOD, when they hate their neighbours. But S. Iohn saith ma­

1.Iohn 4.

[I.4.3-313]  nifestly, If any man say I loue GOD, and yet hateth his brother, he is

1.Iohn 2.

[I.4.3-314]  a lyer. He that sayth that he is in the light, and hateth his brother, he is
[I.4.3-315]  still in darkenesse. He that loueth his brother, dwelleth in the light, but
[I.4.3-316]  he that hateth his brother, is in darknesse, and walketh in darkenesse, and
[I.4.3-317]  knoweth not whither hee goeth: For darkenesse hat blinded his eyes.
[I.4.3-318]  And moreouer hee sayeth, Hereby wee manifestly know the children of

1.Iohn 3.

[I.4.3-319]  GOD from the children of the deuill. Hee that doeth not righteously,
[I.4.3-320]  is not the childe of GOD, nor he that hateth his brother. Deceiue not
[I.4.3-321]  your selues therefore, thinking that you haue faith in GOD, or that you
[I.4.3-322]  loue GOD, or doe trust in him, or doe feare him, when you liue in sinne:
[I.4.3-323]  for then your vngodly and sinfull life declareth the contrary, whatsoeuer
[I.4.3-324]  you say or thinke. It perteineth to a Christian man to haue this true
[I.4.3-325]  Christian faith, and to trie himselfe whether he hath it or no, and to know
[I.4.3-326]  what belongeth to it, and how it doth worke in him. It is not the world
[I.4.3-327]  that wee can trust to, the world and all that is therein, is but vanitie.
[I.4.3-328]  It is GOD that must bee our defence, and protection against all temp­
[I.4.3-329]  tation of wickednesse and sinne, errours, superstition, idolatrie, and all
[I.4.3-330]  euill. If all the world were on our side, and GOD against vs, what
[I.4.3-331]  could the world auaile vs? Therefore let vs set our whole faith and trust
[I.4.3-332]  in GOD, and neither the world, the deuill, nor all the power of them
[I.4.3-333]  shall preuaile against vs. Let vs therefore (good Christian people) trie
[I.4.3-334]  and examine our faith, what it is: let vs not flatter our selues, but looke
[I.4.3-335]  vpon our works, and so iudge of our faith what it is. Christ himselfe spea­
[I.4.3-336]  keth of this matter, and saith, The tree is knowen by the fruit. Therefore

Luke 6.

[I.4.3-337]  let vs doe good workes, and thereby declare our faith to bee the liuely
[I.4.3-338]  Christian faith. Let vs by such vertues as ought to spring out of faith,
[I.4.3-339]  shew our election to bee sure and stable, as S. Peter teacheth, Endeuour

2.Peter 1.

[I.4.3-340]  your selues to make your calling & election certaine by good works. And
[I.4.3-341]  also hee saith, Minister or declare in your faith vertue, in vertue know­
[I.4.3-342]  ledge, in knowledge temperance, in temperance patience, in patience godlines,
[I.4.3-343]  in godlinesse brotherly charity, in brotherly charity loue: so shall we shew
[I.4.3-344]  in deed that we haue the very liuely Christian fayth, and may so both cer­
[I.4.3-345]  tifie our conscience the better that we be in the right fayth, and also by
[I.4.3-346]  these meanes confirme other men. If these fruites doe not follow, we do
[I.4.3-347]  but mocke with GOD, deceiue our selues, and also other men. Well
[I.4.3-348]  may wee beare the name of Christian men, but wee doe lacke the true
[I.4.3-349]  fayth that doeth belong thereunto: for true fayth doeth euer bring foorth
[I.4.3-350]  good workes, as S. Iames sayth: Shew me thy fayth by thy deeds. Thy

Iames 2.

[I.4.3-351]  deeds and workes must be an open testimoniall of thy fayth: otherwise
[I.4.3-352]  thy fayth (being without good works) is but the Diuels fayth, the faith
[I.4.3-353]  of the wicked, a fantasie of fayth, and not a true Christian fayth. And
[I.4.3-354]  like as the Diuels and euill people bee nothing the better for their coun­
[I.4.3-355]  terfait fayth, but it is vnto them the more cause of damnation: so they
[I.4.3-356]  that be Christians and haue receiued knowledge of GOD and of Christs
[I.4.3-357]  merits, and yet of a set purpose doe liue idlely, without good workes,
[I.4.3-358]  thinking the name of a naked fayth to bee either sufficient for them, or
[I.4.3-359]  else setting their mindes vpon vaine pleasures of this world, doe liue in
[I.4.3-360]  sinne without repentance, not vttering the fruites that doe belong to
[I.4.3-361]  such an high profession, vpon such presumptuous persons, and wilfull
[I.4.3-362]  sinners, must needs remayne the great vengeance of GOD, and eter­
[I.4.3-363]  nall punishment in hell, prepared for the vniust and wicked liuers. Ther­
[I.4.3-364]  fore as you professe the name of Christ (good Christian people) let no such
[I.4.3-365]  phantasie and imagination of fayth at any time beguile you: but be sure
[I.4.3-366]  of your fayth, trie it by your liuing, looke vpon the fruites that commeth
[I.4.3-367]  of it, marke the increase of loue and charity by it towards GOD and
[I.4.3-368]  your neighbour, and so shall you perceiue it to bee a true liuely fayth. If
[I.4.3-369]  you feele and perceiue such a fayth in you, reioyce in it: and be diligent to
[I.4.3-370]  maintaine it, and keepe it still in you, let it be dayly increasing, and more
[I.4.3-371]  and more by well working, and so shall you bee sure that you shall please
[I.4.3-372]  GOD by this fayth, and at the length (as other faithfull men haue
[I.4.3-373]  done before) so shall you (when his will is) come to him, and receiue the
[I.4.3-374]  end and finall reward of your fayth (as S. Peter nameth it) the sal­


[I.4.3-375]  uation of your soules: the which GOD grant vs, that
[I.4.3-376]  hath promised the same vnto his faithfull, to whom
[I.4.3-377]  be all honour and glory, world without
[I.4.3-378]  end. Amen.