Eccl. 10.
[I.8.1-1] OF our going from GOD, the wise man
[I.8.1-2] saith, that pride was the first beginning:
[I.8.1-3] for by it mans heart was turned from
[I.8.1-4] GOD his maker. For pride (saith hee)
[I.8.1-5] is the fountaine of all sinne: he that hath
[I.8.1-6] it, shall be full of cursings, and at the end
[I.8.1-7] it shall ouerthrow him. And as by pride
[I.8.1-8] and sinne wee goe from GOD, so shall
[I.8.1-9] GOD and all goodnesse with him goe
[I.8.1-10] from vs. And the Prophet Osee doth
[I.8.1-11] plainely affirme, that they which goe a
[I.8.1-12] way still from GOD by vicious liuing,
[I.8.1-13] and yet would goe about to pacifie him
[I.8.1-14] otherwise by sacrifice, and entertaine him thereby, they labour in vaine.
[I.8.1-15] For, notwithstanding all their sacrifice, yet hee goeth still away from
[I.8.1-16] them. For so much (saith the Prophet) as they doe not apply their minds
[I.8.1-17] to returne to GOD, although they goe about with whole flockes and
[I.8.1-18] heards to seeke the Lord, yet they shall not find him: for he is gone away
[I.8.1-19] from them. But as touching our turning to GOD, or from GOD,
[I.8.1-20] you shall vnderstand, that it may bee done diuers wayes. Sometimes
[I.8.1-21] directly by Idolatry, as Israel and Iuda then did: sometimes men goe
[I.8.1-22] from GOD by lacke of Fayth, and mistrusting of GOD, whereof Esay
[I.8.1-23] speaketh in this wise, Woe to them that goe downe into Egypt to seeke
[I.8.1-24] for helpe, trusting in horses, |&| hauing confidence in the number of chari
[I.8.1-25] ots, and puisance or power of horsemen. They haue no confidence in the
[I.8.1-26] holy GOD of Israel, nor seeke for the Lord. But what followeth?
[I.8.1-27] The Lord shall let his hand fall vpon them, and downe shall come both
[I.8.1-28] the helper, and hee that is holpen: they shall bee destroyed altogether.
[I.8.1-29] Sometime men goe from GOD by the neglecting of his Commande
[I.8.1-30] ments concerning their neighbours, which commandeth them to ex
[I.8.1-31] presse hearty loue towards euery man, as Zacharie said vnto the people
[I.8.1-32] in GODS behalfe. Giue true iudgement, shew mercy and compassi
[I.8.1-33] on euery one to his brother, imagine no deceit towards widowes, or chil
[I.8.1-34] dren fatherlesse and motherlesse, toward strangers, or the poore, let no
[I.8.1-35] man forge euill in his heart against his brother. But these things they
[I.8.1-36] passed not off, they turned their backes, and went their way, they stop
[I.8.1-37] ped their eares that they might not heare, they hardened their hearts as
[I.8.1-38] an Adamant stone, that they might not listen to the Law, and the wordes
[I.8.1-39] that the Lord had sent through his holy Spirit, by his ancient Pro
[I.8.1-40] phets. Wherefore the Lord shewed his great indignation vpon them.
[I.8.1-41] It came to passe (saith the Prophet) euen as I told them: as they would
Iere. 7.
[I.8.1-42] not heare, so when they cryed, they were not heard, but were scattered
[I.8.1-43] into all kingdomes which they neuer knew, and their land was made de
[I.8.1-44] solate. And to be short, all they that may not abide the word of GOD,
[I.8.1-45] but following the perswasions and stubbornnesse of their owne hearts,
[I.8.1-46] goe backeward and not forward (as it is said in Ieremie) They goe and
[I.8.1-47] turne a way from GOD. Insomuch that Origen saith, Hee that with
[I.8.1-48] mind, with study, with deedes, with thought, and care applyeth and gi
[I.8.1-49] ueth himselfe to GODS word, and thinketh vpon his Lawes day and
[I.8.1-50] night, giueth himselfe wholly to GOD, and in his precepts and Com
[I.8.1-51] mandements is exercised: this is hee that is turned to GOD. And on
[I.8.1-52] the other part hee sayth, Whosoeuer is occupied with Fables and
[I.8.1-53] Tales, when the worde of GOD is rehearsed, hee is turned from
[I.8.1-54] GOD. Whosoeuer in time of reading GODS word, is carefull
[I.8.1-55] in his minde of worldly businesse, of money, or of lucre, hee is tur
[I.8.1-56] ned from GOD: whosoeuer is intangled with the cares of posses
[I.8.1-57] sions, filled with couetousnesse of riches, whosoeuer studieth for the
[I.8.1-58] glory and honour of this world, hee is turned from GOD. So that af
[I.8.1-59] ter his minde, whosoeuer hath not a speciall minde to that thing that is
[I.8.1-60] commanded or taught of GOD, hee that doeth not listen vnto it, em
[I.8.1-61] brace, and print it in his heart, to the intent that hee may duely fashi
[I.8.1-62] on his life thereafter, hee is plainely turned from GOD, although
[I.8.1-63] hee doe other things of his owne deuotion and mind, which to him seeme
[I.8.1-64] better, and more to GODS honour. Which thing to be true, wee bee
[I.8.1-65] taught and admonished in the holy Scripture by the example of king
[I.8.1-66] Saul, who being commanded of GOD by Samuel, that he should kill
[I.8.1-67] all the Amalekites, and destroy them clearely with their goods and cattel:
[I.8.1-68] yet hee, being mooued partly with pitie, and partly (as he thought) with
[I.8.1-69] deuotion vnto GOD, saued Agag the King, and all the chiefe of their cat
[I.8.1-70] tell, therewith to make sacrifice vnto GOD. Wherewithall GOD be
[I.8.1-71] ing displeased highly, sayd vnto the Prophet Samuel, I repent that e
[I.8.1-72] uer I made Saul King, for hee hath forsaken me, and not followed my
[I.8.1-73] words, and so he commanded Samuel to shew him, and when Samu­
[I.8.1-74] el asked wherefore (contrary to GODS word) he had saued the cattel,
[I.8.1-75] he excused the matter, partly, by feare, saying, hee durst doe none other,
[I.8.1-76] for that the people would haue it so, partly, for that they were goodly
[I.8.1-77] beastes, hee thought GOD would bee content, seeing it was done of a
[I.8.1-78] good intent and deuotion, to honour GOD with the sacrifice of them.
[I.8.1-79] But Samuel reproouing all such intents and deuotions (seeme they
[I.8.1-80] neuer so much to GODS honour, if they stand not with his word,
[I.8.1-81] whereby wee may be assured of his pleasure) said in this wise, Would
[I.8.1-82] GOD haue sacrifices and offerings? Or rather that his word should
[I.8.1-83] be obeyed? To obey him, is better then offerings, and to listen to him is
[I.8.1-84] better then to offer the fat of Rammes: yea, to repugne against his voyce
[I.8.1-85] is as euill as the sinne of soothsaying: and not to agree to it is like abo
[I.8.1-86] minable Idolatrie. And now forasmuch as thou hast cast away the word
[I.8.1-87] of the Lord, he hath cast away thee, that thou shouldest not be king.
The turning
of God from
[I.8.1-88] By all these examples of holy Scripture, we may know, that as wee
[I.8.1-89] forsake GOD, so shall hee euer forsake vs. And what miserable state
[I.8.1-90] doeth consequently and necessarily follow thereupon, a man may easily
[I.8.1-91] consider by the terrible threatnings of GOD. And although hee consi
[I.8.1-92] der not all the sayd miserie to the vttermost, being so great that it passeth
[I.8.1-93] any mans capacitie in this life sufficiently to consider the same: yet hee
[I.8.1-94] shall soone perceiue so much thereof, that if his heart bee not more then
[I.8.1-95] stonie, or harder then the Adamant, he shall feare, tremble, and quake, to
[I.8.1-96] call the same to his remembrance. First the displeasure of GOD to
[I.8.1-97] wards vs is commonly expressed in the Scripture by these two things:
[I.8.1-98] by shewing his fearefull countenance vpon vs, and by turning his face,
[I.8.1-99] or hiding it from vs. By shewing his dreadfull countenance, is signifi
[I.8.1-100] ed his great wrath: but by turning his face or hiding thereof is many
[I.8.1-101] times more signified, that is to say, that he clearely forsaketh vs, and gi
[I.8.1-102] ueth vs ouer. The which significations bee taken of the properties of
[I.8.1-103] mens manners. For men towards them whom they fauour, commonly
[I.8.1-104] beare a good, a chearefull, and a louing countenance: so that by the face
[I.8.1-105] or countenance of a man, it doeth commonly appeare what will or minde
[I.8.1-106] hee beareth towards other. So when GOD doeth shew his dreadfull
[I.8.1-107] countenance towards vs, that is to say, doeth send dreadfull plagues
[I.8.1-108] of Sword, famine, or pestilence vpon vs, it appeareth that hee is greatly
[I.8.1-109] wroth with vs. But when he withdraweth from vs his Word, the right
[I.8.1-110] doctrine of Christ
, his gracious assistance and ayde (which is euer ioyned
[I.8.1-111] to his word) and leaueth vs to our own wit, our owne will and strength:
[I.8.1-112] he declareth then, that he beginneth to forsake vs. For whereas GOD
[I.8.1-113] hath shewed to all them that truely beleeue his Gospel, his face of mercie
[I.8.1-114] in Iesus Christ, which doeth so lighten their hearts, that they (if they
[I.8.1-115] behold it as they ought to doe) be transformed to his Image, be made par
[I.8.1-116] takers of the heauenly light, and of his holy Spirit, and bee fashioned to
[I.8.1-117] him in all goodnesse requisite to the children of GOD: so, if they after
[I.8.1-118] doe neglect the same, if they bee vnthankefull vnto him, if they order not
[I.8.1-119] their liues according to his example and doctrine, and to the setting forth
[I.8.1-120] of his glory, he will take away from them his Kingdome, his holy word,
[I.8.1-121] whereby hee should reigne in them, because they bring not foorth the
[I.8.1-122] fruit thereof that he looketh for. Neuerthelesse, his is so mercifull, and of so
[I.8.1-123] long sufferance, that he doeth not shew vpon vs that great wrath sudden
[I.8.1-124] ly. But when we begin to shrinke from his word, not beleeuing it, or not
[I.8.1-125] expressing it in our liuings: first hee doeth send his messengers, the true
[I.8.1-126] preachers of his word, to admonish and warne vs of our duetie: that as
[I.8.1-127] hee for his part, for the great loue hee bare vnto vs, deliuered his owne
[I.8.1-128] Sonne to suffer death, that wee by his death might be deliuered from
[I.8.1-129] death, and be restored to the life euerlasting, euermore to dwell with him,
[I.8.1-130] and to bee partakers and inheritours with him, of his euerlasting glory
[I.8.1-131] and kingdome of heauen: so againe, that we for our parts should walke
[I.8.1-132] in a godly life, as becommeth his children to doe. And if this will not
[I.8.1-133] serue, but still we remaine disobedient to his word and wil, not knowing
[I.8.1-134] him, nor louing him, not fearing him, not putting our whole trust and
[I.8.1-135] confidence in him: and on the other side, to our neighbours behauing
[I.8.1-136] our selues vncharitably, by disdaine, enuie, malice, or by committing
[I.8.1-137] murder, robbery, adultery, gluttony, deceit, lying, swearing, or other like
[I.8.1-138] detestable workes, and vngodly behauiour, then he threatneth vs by ter
[I.8.1-139] rible comminations, swearing in great anger, that whosoeuer doth these
[I.8.1-140] workes, shall neuer enter into his rest, which is the kingdome of heauen.
The second part of the Sermon
of falling from God.
[I.8.2-141] IN the former part of this sermon, yee haue learned how
[I.8.2-142] many manner of wayes men fall from GOD: some by
[I.8.2-143] idolatrie, some for lacke of faith, some by neglecting of
[I.8.2-144] their neighbors, some by not hearing of GODS word,
[I.8.2-145] some by the pleasure they take in the vanities of worldly
[I.8.2-146] things. Yee haue also learned in what misery that man
[I.8.2-147] is, which is gone from GOD: and how that GOD yet of
[I.8.2-148] his infinite goodnesse to call againe man from that his miserie vseth first
[I.8.2-149] gentle admonitions by his Preachers, after he layeth on terrible threat
[I.8.2-150] nings. Now if this gentle monition and threatning together doe not
[I.8.2-151] serue, then GOD will shew his terrible countenance vpon vs, hee will
[I.8.2-152] powre intolerable plagues vpon our heads, and after he will take away
[I.8.2-153] from vs all his ayde and assistance, wherewith before hee did defend vs
[I.8.2-154] from all such manner of calamitie. As the Euangelicall prophet Esay a
Esay 5.
[I.8.2-155] greeing with Christs parable doeth teach vs, saying, That GOD had
[I.8.2-156] made a goodly vineyard for his beloued children, hee hedged it, he walled
[I.8.2-157] it round about, he planted it with chosen vines, and made a Turret in
[I.8.2-158] the middest thereof, and therein also a vine-presse. And when he looked
[I.8.2-159] that it should bring him foorth good grapes, it brought forth wild graps:
[I.8.2-160] and after it followeth, Now shall I shew you (saith GOD) what I wil
[I.8.2-161] doe with my vineyard: I will plucke downe the hedges, that it may
[I.8.2-162] perish: I will breake downe the walles that it may bee troden vnder
[I.8.2-163] foot: I will let it lie wast, it shall not be cut, it shall not bee digged, but
[I.8.2-164] briers and thornes shall ouergrowe it, and I shall command the cloudes
[I.8.2-165] that they shall no more raine vpon it.
[I.8.2-166] By these threatnings we are monished and warned, that if we which
[I.8.2-167] are the chosen vineyard of GOD, bring not foorth good grapes, that is
[I.8.2-168] to say, good workes that may bee delectable and pleasant in his sight,
[I.8.2-169] when hee looketh for them, when he sendeth his messengers to call vpon
[I.8.2-170] vs for them, but rather bring foorth wild grapes, that is to say, sowre
[I.8.2-171] workes, vnsauery, and vnfruitfull: then will hee plucke away all de
[I.8.2-172] sence, and suffer grieuous plagues of famine, battell, dearth, and death,
[I.8.2-173] to light vpon vs. Finally, if these serue not, he will let vs lie waste, he
[I.8.2-174] will giue vs ouer, he will turne away from vs, he will dig and delue no
[I.8.2-175] more about vs, hee will let vs alone, and suffer vs to bring foorth euen
[I.8.2-176] such fruite as wee will, to bring foorth brambles, bryers, and thornes,
[I.8.2-177] all naughtinesse, all vice, and that so abundantly, that they shall cleane
[I.8.2-178] ouergrow vs, choke, strangle, and vtterly destroy vs. But they that in
[I.8.2-179] this world liue not after GOD, but after their owne carnall libertie,
[I.8.2-180] perceiue not this great wrath of GOD towards them, that he will not
[I.8.2-181] digge, nor delue any more about them, that hee doeth let them alone e
[I.8.2-182] uen to themselues. But they take this for a great benefit of GOD, to
[I.8.2-183] haue all their owne libertie: and so they liue, as if carnall libertie were
[I.8.2-184] the true libertie of the Gospel. But GOD forbid (good people) that e
[I.8.2-185] uer we should desire such libertie. For although GOD suffer sometimes
[I.8.2-186] the wicked to haue their pleasure in this world, yet the ende of vngodly
[I.8.2-187] liuing is at length endlesse destruction. The murmuring Israelites had
[I.8.2-188] that they longed for, they had Quailes ynough, yea, till they were wea
[I.8.2-189] ry of them. But what was the end thereof? Their sweete meate had
[I.8.2-190] sowre sauce: euen whiles the meate was in their mouthes, the plague
[I.8.2-191] of GOD lighted vpon them, and suddenly they died. So, if wee liue
[I.8.2-192] vngodly, and GOD suffereth vs to follow our owne willes, to haue
[I.8.2-193] our owne delightes and pleasures, and correcteth vs not with some
[I.8.2-194] plague: it is no doubt but hee is almost vtterly displeased with vs. And
[I.8.2-195] although hee be long ere he strike, yet many times when he striketh such
[I.8.2-196] persons, hee striketh them at once for euer. So that when he doeth not
[I.8.2-197] strike vs, when he ceaseth to afflict vs, to punish or beat vs, and suffereth
[I.8.2-198] vs to runne headlong into all vngodlinesse, and pleasures of this world
[I.8.2-199] that wee delight in, without punishment and aduersity, it is a dreadfull
[I.8.2-200] token that hee loueth vs no longer, that he careth no longer for vs, but
[I.8.2-201] hath giuen vs ouer to our owne selues. As long as a man doeth prune
[I.8.2-202] his vines, doeth dig at the rootes, and doeth lay fresh earth to them, hee
[I.8.2-203] hath a mind to them, he perceiueth some token of fruitfulnes that may
[I.8.2-204] be recouered in them, but when hee will bestow no more such cost and la
[I.8.2-205] bour about them, then it is a signe that hee thinketh they will neuer bee
[I.8.2-206] good. And the father, as long as he loueth his childe, he loketh angerly, he
[I.8.2-207] correcteth him when hee doeth amisse: but when that serueth not, and
[I.8.2-208] vpon that he ceaseth from correction of him, and suffereth him to do what
[I.8.2-209] he list himselfe, it is a signe that he intendeth to disinherit him and to cast
[I.8.2-210] him away for euer. So surely nothing should pearce our heart so sore,
[I.8.2-211] and put vs in such horrible feare, as when wee know in our conscience,
[I.8.2-212] that we haue greeuously offended GOD, and doe so continue, and that yet
[I.8.2-213] he striketh not, but quietly suffereth vs in the naughtines that wee haue
[I.8.2-214] delight in. Then specially it is time to cry, and to cry againe, as Dauid
[I.8.2-215] did: Cast mee not away from thy face, and take not away thy holy spi
[I.8.2-216] rit from mee. Lord turne not away thy face from mee, cast not thy ser
[I.8.2-217] uant away in displeasure. Hide not thy face from mee, least I bee like
[I.8.2-218] vnto them that goe downe to hell. The which lamentable prayers of
[I.8.2-219] him, as they doe certifie vs what horrible danger they be in, from whom
[I.8.2-220] GOD turneth his face (for the time, and as long as he so doth:) so should
[I.8.2-221] they mooue and stirre vs to cry vpon GOD with all our heart, that wee
[I.8.2-222] may not bee brought into that state, which doubtlesse is so sorrowfull,
[I.8.2-223] so miserable, and so dreadfull, as no tongue canne sufficiently expresse,
[I.8.2-224] nor any heart canne thinke. For what deadly greefe may a man suppose
[I.8.2-225] it is to bee vnder the wrath of GOD, to bee forsaken of him, to haue
[I.8.2-226] his holy spirit the authour of all goodnesse to bee taken from him, to bee
[I.8.2-227] brought to so vile a condition, that hee shall bee left meete for no better
[I.8.2-228] purpose, then to bee for euer condemned in hell? For not onely such pla
[I.8.2-229] ces of Dauid doe shew, that vpon the turning of GODS face from
[I.8.2-230] any persons, they shall bee left bare from all goodnesse, and farre from
[I.8.2-231] hope of remedie: but also the place rehearsed last before of Esay, doeth
[I.8.2-232] meane the same, which sheweth, that GOD at length doeth so for
[I.8.2-233] sake his vnfruitfull vineyard, that hee will not onely suffer it to bring
[I.8.2-234] foorth weedes, bryers, and thornes, but also further to punish the
[I.8.2-235] vnfruitfulnesse of it. Hee saith hee will not cut it, hee will not delue it,
[I.8.2-236] and hee will commaund the cloudes that they shall not raine vpon it:
[I.8.2-237] whereby is signified the teaching of his holy word, which Saint Paul,
[I.8.2-238] after a like manner, expressed by planting and watering, meaning that
[I.8.2-239] hee will take that away from them, so that they shall bee no longer of
[I.8.2-240] his kingdome, they shall bee no longer gouerned by his holy Spirit, they
[I.8.2-241] shall bee put from the grace and benefits that they had, and euer
[I.8.2-242] might haue enioyed through Christ, they shall bee depriued of the hea
[I.8.2-243] uenly light, and life which they had in Christ, whiles they abode in
[I.8.2-244] him: they shall bee (as they were once) as men without GOD in this
[I.8.2-245] world, or rather in worse taking. And to be short, they shall bee giuen in
[I.8.2-246] to the power of the deuill, which beareth the rule in all them that be cast
[I.8.2-247] away from GOD, as hee did in Saul and Iudas, and generally in
[I.8.2-248] all such, as worke after their owne willes, the children of mistrust and
[I.8.2-249] vnbeliefe. Let vs beware therefore (good Christian people) least that wee
[I.8.2-250] reiecting or casting away GODS word (by the which we obtaine and
[I.8.2-251] retaine true faith in GOD) bee not at length cast of so farre, that wee
[I.8.2-252] become as the children of vnbeleefe, which bee of two sortes, farre di
[I.8.2-253] uerse, yea, almost cleane contrarie, |&| yet both be very farre from retur
[I.8.2-254] ning to GOD; the one sort, onely weighing their sinfull and detestable
[I.8.2-255] liuing, with the right iudgement and straightnesse of GODS righte
[I.8.2-256] ousnesse, bee so without counsaile, and bee so comfortlesse (as they all
[I.8.2-257] must needes bee from whom the spirit of counsell and comfort is gone)
[I.8.2-258] that they will not bee perswaded in their heartes, but |&|that; either GOD can
[I.8.2-259] not, or else that hee will not take them againe to his fauour and mercie.
[I.8.2-260] The other, hearing the louing and large promises of GODS mercie,
[I.8.2-261] and so not conceiuing a right faith thereof, make those promises larger
[I.8.2-262] then euer GOD did, trusting, that although they continue in their sin
[I.8.2-263] full and detestable lyuing neuer so long, yet that GOD at the end of their
[I.8.2-264] life, will shew his mercie vpon them, and that then they will re
[I.8.2-265] turne. And both these two sortes of men be in a damnable state, and
[I.8.2-266] yet neuerthelesse, GOD (who willeth not the death of the wicked) hath
and 33.
[I.8.2-267] shewed meanes, whereby both the same (if they take heede in season)
[I.8.2-268] may escape. The first, as they doe dread GODS rightfull iustice in punish
Against de
[I.8.2-269] ing sinners (whereby they should bee dismayed, and should despaire in
[I.8.2-270] deede, as touching any hope that may be in themselues) so if thy would
[I.8.2-271] constantly or stedfastly beleeue, that GODS mercy is the remedy appoin
[I.8.2-272] ted against such despaire and distrust, not onely for them, but generally
[I.8.2-273] for all that bee sorry |&| truely repentant, and will therewithall sticke to
[I.8.2-274] GODS mercie, they may be sure they shall obtaine mercie, and enter into
[I.8.2-275] the port or hauen of safegard, into the which whosoeuer doth come, bee
[I.8.2-276] they before time neuer so wicked, they shall be out of danger of euerlasting
[I.8.2-277] damnation, as GOD by Ezechiel saith, what time soeuer a sinner doth
[I.8.2-278] returne, and take earnest and true repentance, I will forget all his wick
[I.8.2-279] ednesse. The other, as they be ready to beleeue GODS promises, so they
[I.8.2-280] should bee as ready to beleeue the threatnings of GOD: as well they
[I.8.2-281] should beleeue the law, as the Gospel: as well that there is an hell |&| euer
[I.8.2-282] lasting fire, as that there is an heauen, and euerlasting ioy: as well they
[I.8.2-283] should beleeue damnation to be threatned to the wicked and euill doers,
[I.8.2-284] as saluation to be promised to the faithfull in word and workes, aswell
[I.8.2-285] they should beleeue GOD to be true in the one, as in the other. And
[I.8.2-286] the sinners that continue in their wicked liuing, ought to thinke, that
[I.8.2-287] the promises of GODS mercy, and the Gospell, pertaine not vnto
[I.8.2-288] them being in that state, but only the law, and those Scriptures which
[I.8.2-289] contayne the wrath and indignation of GOD, and his threatnings,
[I.8.2-290] which should certifie them, that as they doe ouer boldly presume of Gods
[I.8.2-291] mercy, and liue dissolutely: so doth GOD still more and more withdraw
[I.8.2-292] his mercy from them, and he is so prouoked thereby to wrath at length,
[I.8.2-293] that he destroyeth such presumers many times suddenly. For of such S.
[I.8.2-294] Paul sayd thus, When they shall say it is peace, there is no danger, then
[I.8.2-295] shall sudden destruction come vpon them. Let vs beware therefore of
[I.8.2-296] such naughty boldnesse to sinne. For GOD, which hath promised his
[I.8.2-297] mercie to them that bee truely repentant (although it bee at the latter
[I.8.2-298] ende) hath not promised to the presumptuous sinner, either that he shall