from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto
against the feare of Death.
[I.9.1-1] IT is not to bee maruelled that worldly
[I.9.1-2] men doe feare to die. For death depri
[I.9.1-3] ueth them of all worldly honors, riches,
[I.9.1-4] and possessions, in the fruition whereof,
[I.9.1-5] the worldly man counteth himselfe hap
[I.9.1-6] py, so long as hee may enioy them as his
[I.9.1-7] owne pleasure: and otherwise, if he bee
[I.9.1-8] dispossessed of the same, without hope
[I.9.1-9] of recouery, then he can none otherwise
[I.9.1-10] thinke of himselfe, but that hee is vn
[I.9.1-11] happy, because he hath lost his worldly
[I.9.1-12] ioy and pleasure. Alas thinketh this
[I.9.1-13] carnall man, shall I now depart for e
[I.9.1-14] uer from all my honours, all my treasure, from my countrie, friends,
[I.9.1-15] riches, possessions, and worldly pleasures, which are my ioy and heartes
[I.9.1-16] delight? Alas that euer that day shall come, when all these I must bid
[I.9.1-17] farewell at once, and neuer to enioy any of them after. Wherefore it is
[I.9.1-18] not without great cause spoken of the Wise man, O death, how bitter
[I.9.1-19] and sowre is the remembrance of thee to a man that liueth in peace and
[I.9.1-20] prosperitie in his substance, to a man liuing at ease, leading his life af
[I.9.1-21] ter his owne minde without trouble, and is therewithall well pampered
[I.9.1-22] and fedde? There bee other men, whom this world doeth not so greatly
[I.9.1-23] laugh vpon, but rather vexe and oppresse with pouertie, sickenesse, or
[I.9.1-24] some other aduersitie, yet they doe feare death, partly because the flesh
[I.9.1-25] abhorreth naturally his owne sorrowfull dissolution, which death doeth
[I.9.1-26] threaten vnto them, and partly by reason of sickenesses and painefull
[I.9.1-27] diseases, which be most strong pangues and agonies in the flesh, and
[I.9.1-28] vse commonly to come to sicke men before death, or at the least accompanie
[I.9.1-29] death, whensoeuer it commeth.
[I.9.1-30] Although these two causes seeme great and weightie to a worldly
[I.9.1-31] man, whereupon hee is mooued to feare death, yet there is an other
[I.9.1-32] cause much greater then any of these afore rehearsed, for which indeede
[I.9.1-33] he hath iust cause to feare death, and that is the state and condition where
[I.9.1-34] vnto at the last end death bringeth all them that haue their hearts fix
[I.9.1-35] ed vpon this world, without repentance and amendment. This state
[I.9.1-36] and condition is called the second death, which vnto all such shall ensue
[I.9.1-37] after this bodily death. And this is that death, which indeed ought to
[I.9.1-38] be dread and feared: for it is an euerlasting losse without remedy of the
[I.9.1-39] grace and fauour of GOD, and of euerlasting ioy, pleasure, and felici
[I.9.1-40] tie. And it is not onely the losse for euer of all these eternall pleasures,
[I.9.1-41] but also it is the condemnation both of body and soule (without either
[I.9.1-42] appellation, or hope of redemption) vnto euerlasting paines in hell. Vnto
Luke 16.
[I.9.1-43] this state death sent the vnmercifull and the vngodly rich man (that Luke
[I.9.1-44] speaketh of in his Gospel) who liuing in all wealth and pleasure in this
[I.9.1-45] world, and cherishing himselfe dayly with dainty fare, and gorgious ap
[I.9.1-46] parell, despised poore Lazarus that lay pitifull at his gate, miserably pla
[I.9.1-47] gued and full of sores, and also grieuously pined with hunger. Both
[I.9.1-48] these two were arrested of death, which sent Lazarus the poore miserable
[I.9.1-49] man by Angels anon vnto Abrahams bosome, a place of rest, pleasure,
[I.9.1-50] and consolation: but the vnmercifull rich man descended downe into
[I.9.1-51] hell, and being in torments, he cryed for comfort, complaining of the in
[I.9.1-52] tolerable paine that he suffered in that flame of fire, but it was too late.
[I.9.1-53] So vnto this place bodily death sendeth all them that in this world haue
[I.9.1-54] their ioy and felicity, all them that in this world be vnfaithfull vnto
[I.9.1-55] GOD, and vncharitable vnto their neighbours, so dying without re
[I.9.1-56] pentance and hope of GODS mercy. Wherefore it is no maruaile, that
[I.9.1-57] the worldly man feareth death, for hee hath much more cause so to doe,
[I.9.1-58] then he himselfe doeth consider. Thus wee see three causes why worldly
The first.
[I.9.1-59] men feare death. One, because they shall loose thereby their worldly ho
[I.9.1-60] nours, riches, possessions, and all their hearts desires: Another, because
[I.9.1-61] of the painefull diseases, and bitter pangs, which commonly men suffer,
[I.9.1-62] either before, or at the time of death: but the chiefe cause aboue all other,
[I.9.1-63] is the dread of the miserable state of eternall damnation both of body and
[I.9.1-64] soule, which they feare shall follow, after their departing from the world
[I.9.1-65] ly pleasures of this present life.
[I.9.1-66] For these causes be all mortall men, (which be giuen to the loue of this
[I.9.1-67] world) both in feare, and state of death, through sin (as the holy Apostle
[I.9.1-68] saith) so long as they liue here in this world: But (euerlasting thankes
[I.9.1-69] be to Almightie GOD for euer) there is neuer a one of all these causes,
[I.9.1-70] no nor yet them altogether, that can make a true Christian man afraid to
[I.9.1-71] die (who is the very member of Christ, the Temple of the holy Ghost, the
[I.9.1-72] sonne of God, and the very inheritour of the euerlasting kingdome of hea
[I.9.1-73] uen:) but plainely contrary, hee conceiueth great and many causes vn
[I.9.1-74] doubtedly grounded vpon the infallible and euerlasting trueth of the
[I.9.1-75] word of GOD, which mooueth him not onely to put away the feare of
[I.9.1-76] bodily death, but also for the manifold benefits and singular commodities
[I.9.1-77] which ensue vnto euery faithfull person by reason of the same, to wish,
[I.9.1-78] desire, and long heartily for it. For death shall bee to him no death at all,
[I.9.1-79] but a very deliuerance from death, from all paines, cares, and sorrowes,
[I.9.1-80] miseries, and wretchednesse of this world, and the very entry into rest,
[I.9.1-81] and a beginning of euerlasting ioy, a tasting of heauenly pleasures,
[I.9.1-82] so great, that neither tongue is able to expresse, neither eye to see, nor eare
[I.9.1-83] to heare them: nor any earthly mans heart to conceiue them. So
[I.9.1-84] exceeding great benefits they be, which GOD our heauenly Father by
[I.9.1-85] his meere mercy, and for the loue of his Sonne Iesus Christ, hath laid
[I.9.1-86] vp in store, and prepared for them that humbly submit themselues to
[I.9.1-87] GODS will, and euermore vnfainedly loue him from the bottome of
[I.9.1-88] their hearts. And wee ought to beleeue that death being slaine by Christ,
[I.9.1-89] cannot keepe any man that stedfastly trusteth in Christ, vnder his perpe
[I.9.1-90] tuall tyrranie and subiection: but that hee shall rise from death againe
[I.9.1-91] vnto glory at the last day, appointed by Almightie GOD, like as Christ
[I.9.1-92] our head did rise againe, according to GODS appointment, the thirde
[I.9.1-93] day. For S. Augustine saith, The head going before, the members trust
[I.9.1-94] to follow and come after. And S. Paul sayth, If Christ be risen from the
[I.9.1-95] dead, we shall rise also from the same. And to comfort all Christian per
[I.9.1-96] sons herein, holy Scripture calleth this bodily death a sleepe, wherein
[I.9.1-97] mannes senses be (as it were) taken from him for a season, and yet when hee
[I.9.1-98] awaketh, he is more fresh then he was when he went to bed. So al
[I.9.1-99] though we haue our soules separated from our bodies for a season, yet at
[I.9.1-100] the generall Resurrection we shall be more fresh, beautifull, and perfect
[I.9.1-101] then we be now. For now we be mortall, then shall we be immortall: now
[I.9.1-102] infected with diuers infirmities, then clearely void of all mortall infir
[I.9.1-103] mities: now we be subiect to all carnall desires, then we shall be all Spi
[I.9.1-104] rituall, desiring nothing but GODS glory, and things eternall. Thus
[I.9.1-105] is this bodily death a doore or entring vnto life, and therefore not so much
[I.9.1-106] dreadfull (if it be rightly considered) as it is comfortable, not a mischiefe,
[I.9.1-107] but a remedy for all mischiefe, no enemy, but a friend, not a cruell tyrant,
[I.9.1-108] but a gentle guide leading vs not to mortality, but to immortality, not to
[I.9.1-109] sorrow and paine, but to ioy and pleasure, and that to endure for euer, if
[I.9.1-110] it be thankefully taken and accepted as GODS messenger, and patient
[I.9.1-111] ly borne of vs for Christs loue, that suffered most painefull death for our
[I.9.1-112] loue, to redeeme vs from death eternall. According hereunto S. Paul saith,
[I.9.1-113] our life is hid with Christ in GOD: but when our life shall appeare, then
[I.9.1-114] shall we also appeare with him in glory. Why then shall we feare to die,
[I.9.1-115] considering the manifold and comfortable promises of the Gospel, and of
[I.9.1-116] holy Scriptures? GOD the Father hath giuen vs euerlasting life (saith
1.Iohn 5.
[I.9.1-117] S. Iohn) to you that beleeue in the Name of the Sonne of GOD, that
1. Iohn.5.
[I.9.1-118] you may know that you haue euerlasting life, and that you doe beleeue
[I.9.1-119] vpon the Name of the Sonne of GOD. And our Sauiour Christ saith,
[I.9.1-120] He that beleeueth in me hath life euerlasting, and I will raise him from
[I.9.1-121] death to life at the last day: S. Paul also saith, that Christ is ordained and
[I.9.1-122] made of GOD our righteousnesse, or holinesse and redemption, to the in
[I.9.1-123] tent that he which will glory should glory in the Lord. S. Paul did con
[I.9.1-124] temne and set little by all other things, esteeming them as doung which
[I.9.1-125] before he had in very great price, that he might be found in Christ, to haue
[I.9.1-126] euerlasting life, true holinesse, righteousnesse, and redemption. Finally,
[I.9.1-127] S. Paul maketh a plaine argument in this wise. If our heauenly Fa
[I.9.1-128] ther would not spare his owne naturall Sonne, but did giue him to
[I.9.1-129] death for vs: how can it bee, that with him hee should not giue vs all
[I.9.1-130] things? Therefore if we haue Christ, then haue we with him, and by
[I.9.1-131] him, all good things whatsoeuer wee can in our hearts wish or de
[I.9.1-132] sire, as victorie ouer death, sinne, and hell: wee haue the fauour of
[I.9.1-133] GOD, peace with him, holinesse, wisedome, iustice, power, life, and
[I.9.1-134] redemption, wee haue by him perpetuall health, wealth, ioy, and blisse
[I.9.1-135] euerlasting.
&leaf; The second part of the Sermon against
the feare of Death.
[I.9.2-136] IT hath beene heretofore shewed you, that there be three
[I.9.2-137] causes wherefore men doe commonly feare death. First,
[I.9.2-138] the sorrowfull departing from worldly goods and plea
[I.9.2-139] sures. The second, the feare of the pangs and paines that
[I.9.2-140] come with death. Last and principall cause is, the hor
[I.9.2-141] rible feare of extreame misery, and perpetuall damnation
[I.9.2-142] in time to come. And yet none of these three causes troubleth good men,
[I.9.2-143] because they stay themselues by true Faith, perfect Charitie, and sure
[I.9.2-144] Hope of the endlesse ioy and blisse euerlasting.
[I.9.2-145] All those therefore haue great cause to be full of ioy that be ioyned to
[I.9.2-146] Christ with true Faith, stedfast Hope, and perfect Charitie, and not to
[I.9.2-147] feare death nor euerlasting damnation. For death cannot depriue them
[I.9.2-148] of Iesu Christ, nor any sin can condemne them that are graffed surely in
[I.9.2-149] him, which is their onely ioy, treasure, and life. Let vs repent our sinnes,
[I.9.2-150] amend our liues, trust in his mercy and satisfaction, and death can nei
[I.9.2-151] ther take him from vs, nor vs from him. For then (as Saint Paul saith)
[I.9.2-152] whether we liue or die, we be the Lords own. And againe he saith, Christ
[I.9.2-153] did die, and rose againe, because hee should be Lord both of the dead and
[I.9.2-154] quicke. Then if we be the Lords owne when we be dead, it must needs
[I.9.2-155] follow that such temporall death, not onely cannot harme vs, but also
[I.9.2-156] that it shall be much to our profite, and ioyne vs vnto GOD more per
[I.9.2-157] fectly. And thereof the Christian heart may surely be certified by the in
[I.9.2-158] fallible or vndeceiuable trueth of holy Scripture. It is GOD (saith
[I.9.2-159] S. Paul) which hath prepared vs vnto immortalitie, and the same is hee
[I.9.2-160] which hath giuen vs an earnest of the Spirit. Therefore let vs be al
[I.9.2-161] wayes of good comfort, for we know that so long as we be in the body, we
[I.9.2-162] be (as it were) far from GOD in a strange countrey, subiect to many pe
[I.9.2-163] rils, walking without perfect sight and knowledge of Almightie GOD,
[I.9.2-164] only seeing him by Faith in holy Scriptures. But we haue a courage and
[I.9.2-165] desire rather to be at home with GOD and our Sauiour Christ, farre
[I.9.2-166] from the body, where we may behold his Godhead as he is, face to face,
[I.9.2-167] to our euerlasting comfort. These be S. Pauls words in effect, whereby
[I.9.2-168] we may perceiue, that the life in this world, is resembled and likened to a
[I.9.2-169] Pilgrimage in a strange countrey, farre from GOD, and that death, de
[I.9.2-170] liuering vs from our bodies, doth send vs straight home into our owne
[I.9.2-171] countrey, and maketh vs to dwell presently with GOD for euer, in euer
[I.9.2-172] lasting rest and quietnesse: So that to die, is no losse, but profit and win
[I.9.2-173] ning to all true Christian people. What lost the theefe that hanged on
[I.9.2-174] the Crosse with Christ, by his bodily death? yea, how much did he gaine
[I.9.2-175] by it? Did not our Sauiour say vnto him, This day thou shalt be with
[I.9.2-176] me in Paradise? And Lazarus that pitifull person, that lay before the
Luke 16.
[I.9.2-177] rich mans gate, pained with sores, and pined with hunger, did not death
[I.9.2-178] highly profit and promote him, which by the ministery of Angels sent him
[I.9.2-179] vnto Abrahams bosome, a place of rest, ioy, and heauenly consolation?
[I.9.2-180] Let vs thinke none other (good Christian people) but Christ hath prepa
[I.9.2-181] red and made ready before, the same ioy and felicitie for vs, that he prepa
[I.9.2-182] red for Lazarus and the theefe. Wherefore, let vs sticke vnto his saluation,
[I.9.2-183] and gracious redemption, and beleeue his word, serue him from our
[I.9.2-184] hearts, loue and obey him, and whatsoeuer we haue done heretofore con
[I.9.2-185] trary to his most holy will, now let vs repent in time, and heereafter study
[I.9.2-186] to correct our life: and doubt not, but we shall find him as mercifull vnto
[I.9.2-187] vs, as he was either to Lazarus, or to the theefe, whose examples are writ
[I.9.2-188] ten in holy Scripture for the comfort of them that be sinners, and subiect
[I.9.2-189] to sorrowes, miseries, and calamities in this world, that they should not
[I.9.2-190] despaire in GODS mercy, but euer trust thereby to haue forgiuenesse
[I.9.2-191] of their sinnes, and life euerlasting, as Lazarus and the thiefe had.
[I.9.2-192] Thus I trust euery Christian man perceiueth by the infallible or vnde
[I.9.2-193] ceiueable word of GOD, that bodily death cannot harme nor hinder
[I.9.2-194] them that truely beleeue in Christ, but contrarily shall profit and promote
[I.9.2-195] the Christian soules, which being truely penitent for their offences depart
[I.9.2-196] hence in perfect Charitie, and in sure trust, that GOD is mercifull to
[I.9.2-197] them, forgiuing their sinnes, for the merits of Iesus Christ his onely na
[I.9.2-198] turall Sonne.
[I.9.2-199] The second cause why some doe feare death, is sore sickenesse and grie
The second
cause why
some doe
feare death.
[I.9.2-200] uous paines, which partly come before death, and partly accompanie
[I.9.2-201] or come with death, whensoeuer it commeth. This feare is the feare
[I.9.2-202] of the fraile flesh, and a naturall passion belonging vnto the nature of a
[I.9.2-203] mortall man. But true faith in GODS promises, and regard of the
[I.9.2-204] paines and pangs which Christ vpon the crosse suffered for vs miserable
[I.9.2-205] sinners, with consideration of the ioy and euerlasting life to come in hea
[I.9.2-206] uen, will mitigate and asswage lesse those paines, and moderate or bring
[I.9.2-207] into a meane this feare, that it shall neuer bee able to ouerthrow the
[I.9.2-208] hearty desire and gladnesse, that the Christian soule hath to be separated
[I.9.2-209] from this corrupt body, that it may come to the gracious presence of our
[I.9.2-210] Sauiour Iesus Christ. If we beleeue stedfastly the word of GOD, we
[I.9.2-211] shall perceiue that such bodily sickenesse, pangs of death, or whatsoeuer
[I.9.2-212] dolorous pangs we suffer, either before or with death bee nothing else in
[I.9.2-213] Christian men, but the rod of our heauenly and louing Father, where
[I.9.2-214] with hee mercifully correcteth vs, either to trye and declare the faith of
[I.9.2-215] his patient children, that they may bee found laudable, glorious, and
[I.9.2-216] honourable in his sight, when Iesus Christ shall be openly shewed to bee
[I.9.2-217] the Iudge of all the world, or else to chastice and amend in them whatso
[I.9.2-218] euer offendeth his Fatherly and gracious goodnesse, lest they should perish
[I.9.2-219] euerlastingly. And this his correcting rodde is common to all men that
[I.9.2-220] bee truely his. Therefore let vs cast away the burden of sinne that lieth
[I.9.2-221] too heauie in our neckes, and returne vnto GOD by true penance
[I.9.2-222] and amendment of our liues, let vs with patience runne this course
[I.9.2-223] that is appoynted, suffering (for his sake that dyed for our saluation) all
[I.9.2-224] sorrowes and pangs of death, and death it selfe ioyfully, when GOD
[I.9.2-225] sendeth it to vs, hauing our eyes fixed and set fast euer vpon the head and
[I.9.2-226] Captaine of our faith, Iesus Christ: who (considering the ioy that hee
[I.9.2-227] should come vnto) cared neither for the shame nor paine of death, but wil
[I.9.2-228] lingly conforming and framing his will to his Fathers will, most patient
[I.9.2-229] ly suffered the most shamefull and painefull death of the crosse, being inno
[I.9.2-230] cent and harmelesse. And now therefore hee is exalted in heauen, and e
[I.9.2-231] uerlastingly sitteth on the right hand of the throne of GOD the Father.
[I.9.2-232] Let vs call to our remembrance therefore the life and ioyes of heauen,
[I.9.2-233] that are kept for all them that patiently doe suffer here with Christ, and
[I.9.2-234] consider that Christ suffered all his painefull passion by sinners, and for
[I.9.2-235] sinners: and then wee shall with patience, and the more easily suffer such
[I.9.2-236] sorrowes and paines, when they come. Let vs not set at light the chasti
[I.9.2-237] sing of the Lord, nor grudge at him, nor fall from him, when of him wee
[I.9.2-238] bee corrected: for the Lord loueth them whom he doeth correct, and bea
[I.9.2-239] teth euery one whom he taketh to his childe. What childe is that (sayth
[I.9.2-240] S. Paul) whom the Father loueth, and doeth not chastice? If ye be with
[I.9.2-241] out GODS correction (which all his welbeloued and true children
[I.9.2-242] haue) then bee you but bastards, smally regarded of GOD, and not his
[I.9.2-243] true children.
[I.9.2-244] Therefore seeing that when we haue in earth our carnall fathers to be
[I.9.2-245] our correctours, we doe feare them, and reuerently take their correction:
[I.9.2-246] shall we not much more be in subiection to GOD our spirituall Father,
[I.9.2-247] by whom we shall haue euerlasting life? And our carnall fathers some
[I.9.2-248] time correct vs euen as it pleaseth them, without cause: but this Father
[I.9.2-249] iustly correcteth vs, either for our sinne, to the intent wee should amend,
[I.9.2-250] or for our commoditie and wealth, to make vs thereby partakers of his
[I.9.2-251] holinesse. Furthermore, all correction which GOD sendeth vs in this
[I.9.2-252] present time, seemeth to haue no ioy and comfort, but sorrow and paine,
[I.9.2-253] yet it bringeth with it a taste of GODS mercy and goodnesse, towards
[I.9.2-254] them that be so corrected, and a sure hope of GODS euerlasting conso
[I.9.2-255] lation in heauen. If then these sorrowes, diseases, and sickenesses, and
[I.9.2-256] also death it selfe bee nothing els but our heauenly Fathers rod, whereby
[I.9.2-257] hee certifieth vs of his loue and gracious fauour, whereby hee trieth and
[I.9.2-258] purifieth vs, whereby hee giueth vnto vs holinesse, and certifieth vs that
[I.9.2-259] we be his children, and he our mercifull Father: shall not wee then with
[I.9.2-260] all humilitie, as obedient and louing children, ioyfully kisse our heauenly
[I.9.2-261] Fathers rod, and euer say in our heart, with our Sauiour Iesus Christ,
[I.9.2-262] Father, if this anguish and sorrow which I feele, and death which I see
[I.9.2-263] approch may not passe, but that thy will is that I must suffer them, thy
[I.9.2-264] will bee done.
¶ The third part of the Sermon of
the feare of Death.
[I.9.3-265] IN this Sermon against the feare of death, two causes
[I.9.3-266] were declared, which commonly mooue worldly men to
[I.9.3-267] be in much feare to die, and yet the same do nothing trou
[I.9.3-268] ble the faithfull and good liuers when death commeth,
[I.9.3-269] but rather giueth them occasion greatly to reioyce, consi
[I.9.3-270] dering that they shalbe deliuered from the sorrow and mi
[I.9.3-271] serie of this world, and be brought to the great ioy and fe
[I.9.3-272] licitie of the life to come. Now the third and speciall cause why death in
The third
cause why
death is to
be feared.
[I.9.3-273] deede is to bee feared, is the miserable state of the worldly and vngodly
[I.9.3-274] people after their death: but this is no cause at all, why the godly and
[I.9.3-275] faithfull people should feare death, but rather contrariwise, their godly
[I.9.3-276] conuersation in this life, and beliefe in Christ, cleauing continually to his
[I.9.3-277] mercies, should make them to long sore after that life, that remaineth for
[I.9.3-278] them vndoubtedly after this bodily death. Of this immortall state,
[I.9.3-279] (after this transitory life) where wee shall liue euermore in the presence
[I.9.3-280] of GOD, in ioy, and rest, after victorie ouer all sicknesse, sorrowes,
[I.9.3-281] sinne, and death: there be many plaine places of holy Scripture, which
[I.9.3-282] confirme the weake conscience against the feare of all such dolours, sicke
[I.9.3-283] nesses, sinne, and bodily death, to asswage such trembling and vngodly
[I.9.3-284] feare, and to encourage vs with comfort and hope of a blessed state after
[I.9.3-285] this life. S. Paul wisheth vnto the Ephesians, that GOD the Father
[I.9.3-286] of glory would giue vnto them the Spirit of wisedome and reuelation,
[I.9.3-287] that the eyes of their hearts might giue life to know him, and to perceiue
[I.9.3-288] how great things he had called them vnto, and how rich inheritance hee
[I.9.3-289] hath prepared after this life, for them that pertaine vnto him. And S.
[I.9.3-290] Paul himselfe declareth the desire of his heart, which was to bee dissolued
[I.9.3-291] and loosed from his body, and to be with Christ, which (as hee said, was
[I.9.3-292] much better for him, although to them it was more necessary that hee
[I.9.3-293] should liue, which he refused not, for their sakes. Euen like as S. Martin
[I.9.3-294] said, Good Lord, if I be necessary for thy people to doe good vnto them, I
[I.9.3-295] will refuse no labour: but els for mine owne selfe, I beseech thee to take
[I.9.3-296] my soule.
[I.9.3-297] Now the holy Fathers of the olde law, and all faithfull and righte
[I.9.3-298] ous men which departed before our Sauiour Christes ascension into
[I.9.3-299] heauen, did by death depart from troubles vnto rest, from the handes
[I.9.3-300] of their enemies, into the handes of GOD, from sorrowes and sick
[I.9.3-301] nesses, vnto ioyfull refreshing in Abrahams bosome, a place of all com
[I.9.3-302] fort and consolation, as the Scriptures doe plainely by manifest words
[I.9.3-303] testifie. The booke of wisedome saith, that the righteous mens soules
[I.9.3-304] bee in the hand of GOD, and no torment shall touch them. They see
[I.9.3-305] med to the eyes of foolish men to die, and their death was counted mise
[I.9.3-306] rable, and their departing out of this world wretched, but they be in rest.
[I.9.3-307] And an other place sayth, That the righteous shall liue for euer, and
[I.9.3-308] their reward is with the Lord, and their mindes bee with GOD, who
[I.9.3-309] is aboue all: therefore they shall receiue a glorious Kingdome, and a
[I.9.3-310] beautifull crowne at the Lords hand. And in another place the same
[I.9.3-311] booke sayth, The righteous, though hee bee preuented with sodaine
[I.9.3-312] death, neuerthelesse hee shall bee there where hee shall bee refreshed. Of
[I.9.3-313] Abrahams bosome, Christs wordes bee so plaine, that a Christian man
[I.9.3-314] needeth no more proofe of it. Now then, if this were the state of the ho
[I.9.3-315] ly Fathers and righteous men, before the comming of our Sauiour,
[I.9.3-316] and before hee was glorified: how much more then ought all we to haue
[I.9.3-317] a stedfast faith, and a sure hope of this blessed state |&| condition, after our
[I.9.3-318] death? seeing that our Sauiour now hath performed the whole worke
[I.9.3-319] of our redemption, and is gloriously ascended into heauen, to prepare
Iohn 17.
[I.9.3-320] our dwelling places with him, and said vnto his Father, Father, I will
[I.9.3-321] that where I am, my seruants shall bee with mee. And we know, that
[I.9.3-322] whatsoeuer Christ will, his Father will the same, wherefore it cannot
[I.9.3-323] bee, but if wee bee his faithfull seruants, our soules shall be with him,
[I.9.3-324] after our departure out of this present life. Saint Steuen when he was
[I.9.3-325] stoned to death, euen in the middest of his torments, what was his
[I.9.3-326] minde most vpon? when hee was full of the holy Ghost (sayth holy
Acts. 7.
[I.9.3-327] Scripture) hauing his eyes lifted vp into heauen, hee saw the glory of
[I.9.3-328] GOD, and Iesus standing on the right hand of GOD. The which
[I.9.3-329] trueth, after hee had confessed boldly before the enemies of Christ, they
[I.9.3-330] drew him out of the Citie, and there they stoned him, who cryed vnto
[I.9.3-331] GOD, saying, Lord Iesu Christ, take my spirit. And doeth not our
Iohn 6.
[I.9.3-332] Sauiour say plainely in Saint Iohns Gospell, Verily, verily I say
[I.9.3-333] vnto you, Hee that heareth my word, and beleeueth on him that sent
[I.9.3-334] mee, hath euerlasting life, and commeth not into iudgement, but shall
[I.9.3-335] passe from death to life? Shall wee not then thinke that death to bee
[I.9.3-336] precious, by the which we passe vnto life?
Psal. 116.
[I.9.3-337] Therefore it is a true saying of the Prophet, The death of the holy
[I.9.3-338] and righteous men, is precious in the Lords sight. Holy Simeon, after
[I.9.3-339] that he had his hearts desire in seeing our Sauiour, that he euer long
[I.9.3-340] ed for in his life, hee imbraced, and tooke him in his armes, and sayd,
Luke 2.
[I.9.3-341] Now Lord, let mee depart in peace, for mine eyes haue beholden that
[I.9.3-342] Sauiour, which thou hast prepared for all Nations.
[I.9.3-343] It is trueth therefore, that the death of the righteous is called peace,
[I.9.3-344] and the benefite of the Lord, as the Church sayth, in the name of the
[I.9.3-345] righteous departed out of this world: My soule turne thee to thy rest,
[I.9.3-346] for the Lord hath beene good to thee, and rewarded thee. And wee see
[I.9.3-347] by holy Scripture, and other ancient hystories of Martyrs, that the
[I.9.3-348] holy, faithfull, and righteous, euer since Christes ascension, or going vp,
[I.9.3-349] in their death did not doubt, but that they went to Christ in Spirit,
[I.9.3-350] which is our life, health, wealth, and saluation. Iohn in his holy Re
[I.9.3-351] uelation, saw an hundred forty and foure thousand virgins and inno
[I.9.3-352] centes, of whom he sayd, These follow the Lambe Iesu Christ where
[I.9.3-353] soeuer hee goeth. And shortly after in the same place hee sayth, I heard
[I.9.3-354] a voyce from heauen, saying vnto mee, Write, happy and blessed are the
[I.9.3-355] dead, which die in the Lord: from henceforth (surely sayth the spirit) they
[I.9.3-356] shall rest from their paines and labours, for their works doe follow them:
[I.9.3-357] so that then they shall reape with ioy and comfort, that which they so
[I.9.3-358] wed with labours and paines.
[I.9.3-359] They that sowe in the spirit, of the spirit shall reape euerlasting life.
[I.9.3-360] Let vs therefore neuer bee weary of well doing, for when the time of
[I.9.3-361] reaping or reward commeth, wee shall reape without any wearinesse
[I.9.3-362] euerlasting ioy. Therefore while wee haue time (as Saint Paul exhor
Iames 5.
[I.9.3-363] teth vs) let vs doe good to all men, and not lay vp our treasures in earth,
[I.9.3-364] where rust and mothes corrupt it, which rust (as Saint Iames saith)
[I.9.3-365] shall beare witnesse against vs at the great day, condemne vs, and shall
[I.9.3-366] (like most burning fire) torment our flesh. Let vs beware therefore (as
[I.9.3-367] wee tender our owne wealth) that wee bee not in the number of those
[I.9.3-368] miserable, couetous, and wretched men, which Saint Iames biddeth
[I.9.3-369] mourne and lament for their greedy gathering, and vngodly keeping of
[I.9.3-370] goods. Let vs bee wise in time, and learne to follow the wise example of
[I.9.3-371] the wicked Steward. Let vs so wisely order our goods and possessions,
[I.9.3-372] committed vnto vs here by GOD for a season, that wee may truely
[I.9.3-373] heare and obey this commandement of our Sauiour Christ: I say vnto
[I.9.3-374] you (saith hee) make you friendes of the wicked Mammon, that they
Luke 16.
[I.9.3-375] may receiue you into euerlasting tabernacles, or dwellings. Riches bee
[I.9.3-376] called wicked, because the world abuseth them vnto all wickednesse,
[I.9.3-377] which are otherwise the good gifts of GOD, and the instruments wher
[I.9.3-378] by GODS seruants doe truely serue him in vsing of the same. Hee
[I.9.3-379] commanded them not to make them rich friends, to get high dignities
[I.9.3-380] and worldly promotions, to giue great gifts to rich men that haue no
[I.9.3-381] neede thereof, but to make them friends of poore and miserable men, vn
[I.9.3-382] to whom, whatsoeuer they giue, Christ taketh it as giuen to himselfe.
[I.9.3-383] And to these friends Christ in the Gospel giueth so great honour and pre
[I.9.3-384] heminence, that he sayth, They shall receiue them that doe good vnto
[I.9.3-385] them into euerlasting houses: not that men shall bee our rewarders for
[I.9.3-386] our well doing, but that Christ will reward vs, and take it to bee done
[I.9.3-387] vnto himselfe, whatsoeuer is done to such friends.
[I.9.3-388] Thus making poore wretches our friends, wee make our Sauiour
[I.9.3-389] Christ our friend, whose members they are: whose misery as hee taketh
[I.9.3-390] for his owne misery, so their releefe, succour, and helpe, he taketh for his
[I.9.3-391] succour, releefe, and helpe, and will as much thanke vs and reward vs
[I.9.3-392] for our goodnesse shewed to them, as if he himselfe had receiued like bene
[I.9.3-393] fit at our hands, as he witnesseth in the Gospell, saying, Whatsoeuer yee
Matth. 25.
[I.9.3-394] haue done to any of these simple persons, which doe beleeue in mee, that
[I.9.3-395] haue ye done to my selfe. Therefore let vs diligently foresee, that our
[I.9.3-396] fayth and hope which we haue conceiued in Almighty GOD, and in our
[I.9.3-397] Sauior Christ waxe not faint, nor that the loue which we beare in hand
[I.9.3-398] to beare to him, waxe not cold: but let vs study dayly and diligently to
[I.9.3-399] shew our selues to be the true honourers and louers of GOD, by keeping
[I.9.3-400] of his commandements, by doing of good deedes vnto our needy neigh
[I.9.3-401] bours, releeuing by all meanes that wee can their pouerty with our a
[I.9.3-402] bundance and plenty, their ignorance with our wisedome and learning,
[I.9.3-403] and comfort their weakenesse with our strength and authority, calling
[I.9.3-404] all men backe from euill doing by godly counsaile and good example, per
[I.9.3-405] seuering still in well doing, so long as we liue: so shall wee not neede to
[I.9.3-406] feare death for any of those three causes afore mentioned, nor yet for any o
[I.9.3-407] ther cause that can be imagined: but contrarily, considering the manifold
[I.9.3-408] sicknesses, troubles, and sorrowes of this present life, the dangers of this
[I.9.3-409] perillous pilgrimage, and the great encumbrance which our Spirit hath
[I.9.3-410] by this sinfull flesh and frayle body subiect to death: considering also the
[I.9.3-411] manifold sorrowes and dangerous deceits of this world on euery side, the
[I.9.3-412] intolerable pride, couetousnesse, and lechery, in time of prosperity, the
[I.9.3-413] impatient murmuring of them that bee worldly, in time of aduersity,
[I.9.3-414] which cease not to withdraw and plucke vs from GOD, our Sauiour
[I.9.3-415] Christ, from our life, wealth, or euerlasting ioy and saluation: considering
[I.9.3-416] also the innumerable assaults of our Ghostly enemy the Diuell, with all
[I.9.3-417] his fierie darts of ambition, pride, lechery, vaine glory, enuie, malice, de
[I.9.3-418] traction, or backbiting, with other his innumerable deceits, engines,
[I.9.3-419] and snares, whereby he goeth busily about to catch all men vnder his
[I.9.3-420] dominion, euer like a roaring Lion, by all meanes searching whom hee
[I.9.3-421] may deuour. The faythfull Christian man which considereth all these
[I.9.3-422] miseries, perils, and incommodities (whereunto he is subiect so long as
[I.9.3-423] he heere liueth vpon earth) and on the other part considereth that blessed
[I.9.3-424] and comfortable state of the heauenly life to come, and the sweet conditi
[I.9.3-425] on of them that depart in the Lord, how they are deliuered from the con
[I.9.3-426] tinuall encumbrances of their mortall and sinnefull body, from all the
[I.9.3-427] malice, crafts, and deceits of this world, from all the assaults of their
[I.9.3-428] Ghostly enemy the Diuell, to liue in peace, rest, and endlesse quietnesse,
[I.9.3-429] to liue in the fellowship of innumerable Angels, and with the congrega
[I.9.3-430] tion of perfect iust men, as Patriarches, Prophets, Martyrs, and Con
[I.9.3-431] fessours, and finally vnto the presence of Almighty GOD, and our Sa
[I.9.3-432] uiour Iesus Christ. Hee that doeth consider all these things, and belee
[I.9.3-433] ueth them assuredly, as they are to be beleeued, euen from the bottome of
[I.9.3-434] his heart, being established in GOD in this true fayth, hauing a quiet
[I.9.3-435] conscience in Christ, a firme hope, and assured trust in GODS mercy,