from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto
the Church or Temple of GOD, and of the reue
rence due vnto the same.
The first Chapter.
[II.1.1-1] WHERE there appeareth at these dayes
[II.1.1-2] great slackenesse and negligence of a
[II.1.1-3] great sort of people, in resorting to the
[II.1.1-4] Church, there to serue GOD their
[II.1.1-5] heauenly Father, according to their
[II.1.1-6] most bounden duety, as also much vn
[II.1.1-7] comely and vnreuerent behauiour of
[II.1.1-8] many persons in the same when they
[II.1.1-9] be there assembled, and therby may iust
[II.1.1-10] feare arise of the wrath of GOD, and
[II.1.1-11] his dreadful plagues hanging ouer our
[II.1.1-12] heads for our grieuous offences in this
[II.1.1-13] behalfe, amongst other many and great
[II.1.1-14] sinnes which wee dayly and hourely
[II.1.1-15] commit before the Lord. Therefore for the discharge of all our conscien
[II.1.1-16] ces, and for the auoyding of the common perill and plague hanging ouer
[II.1.1-17] vs, let vs consider what may be sayd out of GODS holy booke concer
[II.1.1-18] ning this matter, whereunto I pray you giue good audience, for that it
[II.1.1-19] is of great weight, and concerneth you all. Although the eternall and
[II.1.1-20] incomprehensible Maiestie of GOD, the Lord of heauen and earth,
[II.1.1-21] whose feat is heauen, and the earth his footstoole, cannot bee inclosed
[II.1.1-22] in temples or houses made with mans hand, as in dwelling places able
[II.1.1-23] to receiue or conteyne his Maiestie, according as is euidently declared by
Esai. 66.
[II.1.1-24] the Prophet Esaias, and by the doctrine of S. Steuen, and S. Paul in the
Acts 7.17.
3.Reg. 8.
[II.1.1-25] Actes of the Apostles. And where King Solomon (who builded vnto the
2.Par. 2.
and 6.
[II.1.1-26] Lord, the most glorious Temple that euer was made) saith, Who shalbe
[II.1.1-27] able to build a meet or worthy house for him? if heauen, and the heauen
[II.1.1-28] aboue all heauens cannot conteine him: how much lesse can that which
[II.1.1-29] I haue builded? And further confesseth: What am I, that I should bee
[II.1.1-30] able to build thee an house, O Lord? But yet for this purpose onely it is
[II.1.1-31] made, that thou mayest regard the prayer of thy seruant, and his humble
[II.1.1-32] supplication. Much lesse then be our Churches meet dwelling places to
[II.1.1-33] receiue the incomprehensible Maiestie of GOD. And indeed, the chiefe
[II.1.1-34] and speciall Temples of GOD, wherein hee hath greatest pleasure,
[II.1.1-35] and most delighteth to dwell and continue in are the bodies and minds of
[II.1.1-36] true Christians, and the chosen people of GOD, according to the doc
[II.1.1-37] trine of the holy Scripture, declared in the first Epistle to the Corinthi
[II.1.1-38] ans. Know yee not (saith Saint Paul) that ye be the Temple of GOD,
[II.1.1-39] and that the spirit of GOD dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple
[II.1.1-40] of GOD, him wil GOD destroy. For the temple of GOD is holy, which
[II.1.1-41] ye are. And againe in the same Epistle: Know yee not that your body is
[II.1.1-42] the Temple of the holy Ghost dwelling in you, whom yee haue giuen
[II.1.1-44] you of GOD, and that yee be not your owne? For yee are dearely
[II.1.1-45] bought. Glorifie yee now therefore GOD in your body, and in your
[II.1.1-46] Spirit, which are GODS. And therefore as our Sauiour Christ
[II.1.1-47] teacheth in the Gospel of Saint Iohn, they that worship GOD the
[II.1.1-48] Father in spirit and trueth, in what place soeuer they doe it, worship
Iohn 4.
[II.1.1-49] him a right: for such worshippers doth GOD the Father looke for. For
[II.1.1-50] GOD is a Spirit, and those that worship him, must worship him in
[II.1.1-51] spirit and trueth, saith our Sauiour Christ. Yet all this notwithstan
[II.1.1-52] ding, the materiall Church or Temple is a place appointed aswell by
[II.1.1-53] the vsage and continuall examples expressed in the olde Testament,
[II.1.1-54] as in the New, for the people of GOD to resort together vnto, there
[II.1.1-55] to heare GODS holy Word, to call vpon his holy Name, to giue
[II.1.1-56] him thankes for his innumerable and vnspeakeable benefits bestowed
[II.1.1-57] vpon vs, and duely and truely to celebrate his holy Sacraments:
[II.1.1-58] (In the vnfained doing and accomplishing of the which, standeth
[II.1.1-59] that true and right worshipping of GOD afore mentioned) and the
[II.1.1-60] same Church or Temple, is by the holy Scriptures both of the Olde
[II.1.1-61] Testament and New, called the House and Temple of the Lord, for
[II.1.1-62] the peculiar seruice there done to his Maiestie by his people, and for
[II.1.1-63] the effectuous presence of his heauenly Grace, wherewith hee by his
[II.1.1-64] sayd holy Word endueth his people so there assembled. And to the said
[II.1.1-65] house or Temple of GOD, at all times, by common order appoin
[II.1.1-66] ted, are all people that be godly indeed, bound with all diligence in
[II.1.1-67] resort, vnlesse by sickenesse, or other most vrgent causes they bee let
[II.1.1-68] ted therefro. And all the same so resorting thither, ought with all
[II.1.1-69] quietnesse and reuerence there to behaue themselues, in doing their
[II.1.1-70] bounden duetie and seruice to AlmightieGOD, in the Congregati
[II.1.1-71] on of his Saints. All which things are euident to bee prooued by
[II.1.1-72] GODS holy word, as hereafter shall plainely appeare.
[II.1.1-73] And first of all, I will declare by the Scriptures, that it is called (as
Iohn 2.
[II.1.1-74] it is in deede) the house of GOD, and Temple of the Lord. Hee that
[II.1.1-75] sweareth by the Temple (saith our Sauiour Christ) sweareth by it, and
[II.1.1-76] him that dwelleth therein, meaning GOD the father, which hee also ex
[II.1.1-77] presseth plainely in the Gospel of Saint Iohn, saying: Do not make the
Iohn 2.
[II.1.1-78] house of my father, the house of merchandize. And in the booke of the
[II.1.1-79] Psalmes, the Prophet Dauid saith, I will enter into thine house, I will
Psalme 5.
[II.1.1-80] worship in thy holy Temple, in thy feare. And it is almost in infinite
[II.1.1-81] places of the Scripture, specially in the Prophets and booke of Psalmes,
[II.1.1-82] called the house of GOD, or house of the Lord. Sometime it is na
[II.1.1-83] med the Tabernacle of the Lord, and sometime the Sanctuary, that is
[II.1.1-84] to say, the holy place or house of the Lord. And it is likewise called the
[II.1.1-85] house of prayer, as Solomon, who builded the Temple of the Lord at Ie
[II.1.1-86] rusalem, doth oft call it the house of the Lord, in the which the Lords
[II.1.1-87] Name should be called vpon. And Esaias in the 56. Chapter, My house
[II.1.1-88] shall be called the house of prayer amongst all nations. Which text our
[II.1.1-89] Sauiour Christ alleadgeth in the new Testament, as doth appeare in
[II.1.1-90] three of the Euangelists, and in the parable of the Pharisee and the
[II.1.1-91] Publicane which went to pray, in which parable our Sauiour Christ
Marke 11.
[II.1.1-92] saith, They went vp into the Temple to pray. And Anna the holy wi
Luke 19.
Luke 18.
Luke 2.37
[II.1.1-93] dow and prophetisse, serued the Lord in fasting and prayer in the Tem
[II.1.1-94] ple, night and day. And in the story of the Acts it is mentioned, how that
Actes 3.
Actes 3.
[II.1.1-95] Peter and Iohn went vp into the Temple at the houre of prayer. And S.
[II.1.1-96] Paul praying in the Temple at Ierusalem, was rapt in the Spirit, and did
[II.1.1-97] see IesusIesus speaking vnto him. And as in all conuenient places, prayer may
[II.1.1-98] be vsed of the godly priuately: so it is most certaine, that the Church or
[II.1.1-99] Temple is the due and appointed place for common and publike prayer.
[II.1.1-100] Now that it is likewise the place of thankesgiuing vnto the Lord for his
[II.1.1-101] innumerable and vnspeakeable benefits bestowed vpon vs, appeareth
[II.1.1-102] notably in the latter end of the Gospel of S. Luke, and the beginning
[II.1.1-103] of the story of the Acts, where it is written that the Apostles & Disciples
Luke 24.
[II.1.1-104] after the ascension of the Lord, continued with one accord dayly in the
Actes 12.
[II.1.1-105] Temple, alwaies praising, and blessing GOD. And it is likewise declared
[II.1.1-106] in the first Epistle to the Corinthians, that the Church is the due place ap
[II.1.1-107] pointed for the vse of the Sacraments. It remaineth now to be declared,
[II.1.1-108] that the Church or Temple is the place where the liuely word of GOD
[II.1.1-109] (and not mans inuentions) ought to be read and taught, & that the peo
[II.1.1-110] ple are bound thither with all diligence to resort: and this proofe like
[II.1.1-111] wise to be made by the Scriptures, as hereafter shall appeare.
[II.1.1-112] In the story of the Acts of the Apostles, we read that Paul and Barnabas
Actes 13.
[II.1.1-113] preached the word of GOD in the Temples of the Iewes at Salamine.
[II.1.1-114] And when they came to Antiochia, they entered on the Sabbath day into
[II.1.1-115] the Synagogue or Church, and sate downe, & after the Lesson or reading
[II.1.1-116] of the Law and the Prophets, the ruler of the temple sent vnto them, saying:
[II.1.1-117] Ye men & brethren, if any of you haue any exhortation to make vnto the
[II.1.1-118] people, say it. And so Paul standing vp, and making silence with his hand,
[II.1.1-119] said: Ye me that be Israelites, & ye that feare God, giue eare, &c. preaching
[II.1.1-120] to them a sermon out of the Scriptures, as there at large appeareth. And
[II.1.1-121] in the same Storie of the Acts, the seuenteenth Chapter is testified, how
Acts 15.
[II.1.1-122] Paul preached Christ out of the Scriptures at Thessalonica. And in the
[II.1.1-123] fifteenth Chapter, Iames the Apostle in that holy Counsell and Assembly
[II.1.1-124] of his fellow Apostles saith, Moses of old time hath in euery city certaine
[II.1.1-125] that preach him in the Synagogues or Temples, where he is read euery
[II.1.1-126] Sabboth day. By these places ye may see the vsage of reading the Scrip
[II.1.1-127] tures of the old Testament among the Iewes in their Synagogues eue
[II.1.1-128] ry Sabboth day, and Sermons vsually made vpon the same. How much
[II.1.1-129] more then is it conuenient that the Scriptures of GOD, and specially
[II.1.1-130] the Gospel of our Sauiour Christ should bee read and expounded to vs
[II.1.1-131] that be Christians in our Churches, specially our Sauiour Christ and
[II.1.1-132] his Apostles allowing this most godly and necessary vsage, and by their
[II.1.1-133] examples confirme the same?
[II.1.1-134] It is written in the Stories of the Gospels in diuers places, that Iesus
Marke 1.
[II.1.1-135] went round about all Galile, teaching in their Synagogues, and prea
Luke 4.