from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

the Church or Temple of GOD, and of the reue­
rence due vnto the same.

The first Chapter.

[II.1.1-1]  WHERE there appeareth at these dayes
[II.1.1-2]  great slackenesse and negligence of a
[II.1.1-3]  great sort of people, in resorting to the
[II.1.1-4]  Church, there to serue GOD their
[II.1.1-5]  heauenly Father, according to their
[II.1.1-6]  most bounden duety, as also much vn­
[II.1.1-7]  comely and vnreuerent behauiour of
[II.1.1-8]  many persons in the same when they
[II.1.1-9]  be there assembled, and therby may iust
[II.1.1-10]  feare arise of the wrath of GOD, and
[II.1.1-11]  his dreadful plagues hanging ouer our
[II.1.1-12]  heads for our grieuous offences in this
[II.1.1-13]  behalfe, amongst other many and great
[II.1.1-14]  sinnes which wee dayly and hourely
[II.1.1-15]  commit before the Lord. Therefore for the discharge of all our conscien­
[II.1.1-16]  ces, and for the auoyding of the common perill and plague hanging ouer
[II.1.1-17]  vs, let vs consider what may be sayd out of GODS holy booke concer­
[II.1.1-18]  ning this matter, whereunto I pray you giue good audience, for that it
[II.1.1-19]  is of great weight, and concerneth you all. Although the eternall and
[II.1.1-20]  incomprehensible Maiestie of GOD, the Lord of heauen and earth,
[II.1.1-21]  whose feat is heauen, and the earth his footstoole, cannot bee inclosed
[II.1.1-22]  in temples or houses made with mans hand, as in dwelling places able
[II.1.1-23]  to receiue or conteyne his Maiestie, according as is euidently declared by

Esai. 66.

[II.1.1-24]  the Prophet Esaias, and by the doctrine of S. Steuen, and S. Paul in the

Acts 7.17.

3.Reg. 8.

[II.1.1-25]  Actes of the Apostles. And where King Solomon (who builded vnto the

2.Par. 2.
and 6.

[II.1.1-26]  Lord, the most glorious Temple that euer was made) saith, Who shalbe
[II.1.1-27]  able to build a meet or worthy house for him? if heauen, and the heauen
[II.1.1-28]  aboue all heauens cannot conteine him: how much lesse can that which
[II.1.1-29]  I haue builded? And further confesseth: What am I, that I should bee
[II.1.1-30]  able to build thee an house, O Lord? But yet for this purpose onely it is
[II.1.1-31]  made, that thou mayest regard the prayer of thy seruant, and his humble
[II.1.1-32]  supplication. Much lesse then be our Churches meet dwelling places to
[II.1.1-33]  receiue the incomprehensible Maiestie of GOD. And indeed, the chiefe
[II.1.1-34]  and speciall Temples of GOD, wherein hee hath greatest pleasure,
[II.1.1-35]  and most delighteth to dwell and continue in are the bodies and minds of
[II.1.1-36]  true Christians, and the chosen people of GOD, according to the doc­
[II.1.1-37]  trine of the holy Scripture, declared in the first Epistle to the Corinthi­


[II.1.1-38]  ans. Know yee not (saith Saint Paul) that ye be the Temple of GOD,
[II.1.1-39]  and that the spirit of GOD dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple
[II.1.1-40]  of GOD, him wil GOD destroy. For the temple of GOD is holy, which
[II.1.1-41]  ye are. And againe in the same Epistle: Know yee not that your body is
[II.1.1-42]  the Temple of the holy Ghost dwelling in you, whom yee haue giuen


[II.1.1-44]  you of GOD, and that yee be not your owne? For yee are dearely
[II.1.1-45]  bought. Glorifie yee now therefore GOD in your body, and in your
[II.1.1-46]  Spirit, which are GODS. And therefore as our Sauiour Christ
[II.1.1-47]  teacheth in the Gospel of Saint Iohn, they that worship GOD the
[II.1.1-48]  Father in spirit and trueth, in what place soeuer they doe it, worship

Iohn 4.

[II.1.1-49]  him a right: for such worshippers doth GOD the Father looke for. For
[II.1.1-50]  GOD is a Spirit, and those that worship him, must worship him in
[II.1.1-51]  spirit and trueth, saith our Sauiour Christ. Yet all this notwithstan­
[II.1.1-52]  ding, the materiall Church or Temple is a place appointed aswell by
[II.1.1-53]  the vsage and continuall examples expressed in the olde Testament,
[II.1.1-54]  as in the New, for the people of GOD to resort together vnto, there
[II.1.1-55]  to heare GODS holy Word, to call vpon his holy Name, to giue
[II.1.1-56]  him thankes for his innumerable and vnspeakeable benefits bestowed
[II.1.1-57]  vpon vs, and duely and truely to celebrate his holy Sacraments:
[II.1.1-58]  (In the vnfained doing and accomplishing of the which, standeth
[II.1.1-59]  that true and right worshipping of GOD afore mentioned) and the
[II.1.1-60]  same Church or Temple, is by the holy Scriptures both of the Olde
[II.1.1-61]  Testament and New, called the House and Temple of the Lord, for
[II.1.1-62]  the peculiar seruice there done to his Maiestie by his people, and for
[II.1.1-63]  the effectuous presence of his heauenly Grace, wherewith hee by his
[II.1.1-64]  sayd holy Word endueth his people so there assembled. And to the said
[II.1.1-65]  house or Temple of GOD, at all times, by common order appoin­
[II.1.1-66]  ted, are all people that be godly indeed, bound with all diligence in
[II.1.1-67]  resort, vnlesse by sickenesse, or other most vrgent causes they bee let­
[II.1.1-68]  ted therefro. And all the same so resorting thither, ought with all
[II.1.1-69]  quietnesse and reuerence there to behaue themselues, in doing their
[II.1.1-70]  bounden duetie and seruice to AlmightieGOD, in the Congregati­
[II.1.1-71]  on of his Saints. All which things are euident to bee prooued by
[II.1.1-72]  GODS holy word, as hereafter shall plainely appeare.

[II.1.1-73]  And first of all, I will declare by the Scriptures, that it is called (as

Iohn 2.

[II.1.1-74]  it is in deede) the house of GOD, and Temple of the Lord. Hee that
[II.1.1-75]  sweareth by the Temple (saith our Sauiour Christ) sweareth by it, and


[II.1.1-76]  him that dwelleth therein, meaning GOD the father, which hee also ex­
[II.1.1-77]  presseth plainely in the Gospel of Saint Iohn, saying: Do not make the

Iohn 2.

[II.1.1-78]  house of my father, the house of merchandize. And in the booke of the
[II.1.1-79]  Psalmes, the Prophet Dauid saith, I will enter into thine house, I will

Psalme 5.

[II.1.1-80]  worship in thy holy Temple, in thy feare. And it is almost in infinite
[II.1.1-81]  places of the Scripture, specially in the Prophets and booke of Psalmes,
[II.1.1-82]  called the house of GOD, or house of the Lord. Sometime it is na­
[II.1.1-83]  med the Tabernacle of the Lord, and sometime the Sanctuary, that is


[II.1.1-84]  to say, the holy place or house of the Lord. And it is likewise called the
[II.1.1-85]  house of prayer, as Solomon, who builded the Temple of the Lord at Ie­


[II.1.1-86]  rusalem, doth oft call it the house of the Lord, in the which the Lords


[II.1.1-87]  Name should be called vpon. And Esaias in the 56. Chapter, My house


[II.1.1-88]  shall be called the house of prayer amongst all nations. Which text our


[II.1.1-89]  Sauiour Christ alleadgeth in the new Testament, as doth appeare in


[II.1.1-90]  three of the Euangelists, and in the parable of the Pharisee and the


[II.1.1-91]  Publicane which went to pray, in which parable our Sauiour Christ

Marke 11.

[II.1.1-92]  saith, They went vp into the Temple to pray. And Anna the holy wi­

Luke 19.
Luke 18.
Luke 2.37

[II.1.1-93]  dow and prophetisse, serued the Lord in fasting and prayer in the Tem­
[II.1.1-94]  ple, night and day. And in the story of the Acts it is mentioned, how that

Actes 3.
Actes 3.

[II.1.1-95]  Peter and Iohn went vp into the Temple at the houre of prayer. And S.
[II.1.1-96]  Paul praying in the Temple at Ierusalem, was rapt in the Spirit, and did
[II.1.1-97]  see IesusIesus speaking vnto him. And as in all conuenient places, prayer may
[II.1.1-98]  be vsed of the godly priuately: so it is most certaine, that the Church or
[II.1.1-99]  Temple is the due and appointed place for common and publike prayer.
[II.1.1-100]  Now that it is likewise the place of thankesgiuing vnto the Lord for his
[II.1.1-101]  innumerable and vnspeakeable benefits bestowed vpon vs, appeareth
[II.1.1-102]  notably in the latter end of the Gospel of S. Luke, and the beginning
[II.1.1-103]  of the story of the Acts, where it is written that the Apostles & Disciples

Luke 24.

[II.1.1-104]  after the ascension of the Lord, continued with one accord dayly in the

Actes 12.

[II.1.1-105]  Temple, alwaies praising, and blessing GOD. And it is likewise declared
[II.1.1-106]  in the first Epistle to the Corinthians, that the Church is the due place ap­


[II.1.1-107]  pointed for the vse of the Sacraments. It remaineth now to be declared,
[II.1.1-108]  that the Church or Temple is the place where the liuely word of GOD
[II.1.1-109]  (and not mans inuentions) ought to be read and taught, & that the peo­
[II.1.1-110]  ple are bound thither with all diligence to resort: and this proofe like­
[II.1.1-111]  wise to be made by the Scriptures, as hereafter shall appeare.

[II.1.1-112]  In the story of the Acts of the Apostles, we read that Paul and Barnabas

Actes 13.

[II.1.1-113]  preached the word of GOD in the Temples of the Iewes at Salamine.
[II.1.1-114]  And when they came to Antiochia, they entered on the Sabbath day into
[II.1.1-115]  the Synagogue or Church, and sate downe, & after the Lesson or reading
[II.1.1-116]  of the Law and the Prophets, the ruler of the temple sent vnto them, saying:
[II.1.1-117]  Ye men & brethren, if any of you haue any exhortation to make vnto the
[II.1.1-118]  people, say it. And so Paul standing vp, and making silence with his hand,
[II.1.1-119]  said: Ye me that be Israelites, & ye that feare God, giue eare, &c. preaching
[II.1.1-120]  to them a sermon out of the Scriptures, as there at large appeareth. And
[II.1.1-121]  in the same Storie of the Acts, the seuenteenth Chapter is testified, how

Acts 15.

[II.1.1-122]  Paul preached Christ out of the Scriptures at Thessalonica. And in the
[II.1.1-123]  fifteenth Chapter, Iames the Apostle in that holy Counsell and Assembly
[II.1.1-124]  of his fellow Apostles saith, Moses of old time hath in euery city certaine
[II.1.1-125]  that preach him in the Synagogues or Temples, where he is read euery
[II.1.1-126]  Sabboth day. By these places ye may see the vsage of reading the Scrip­
[II.1.1-127]  tures of the old Testament among the Iewes in their Synagogues eue­
[II.1.1-128]  ry Sabboth day, and Sermons vsually made vpon the same. How much
[II.1.1-129]  more then is it conuenient that the Scriptures of GOD, and specially
[II.1.1-130]  the Gospel of our Sauiour Christ should bee read and expounded to vs
[II.1.1-131]  that be Christians in our Churches, specially our Sauiour Christ and
[II.1.1-132]  his Apostles allowing this most godly and necessary vsage, and by their
[II.1.1-133]  examples confirme the same?


[II.1.1-134]  It is written in the Stories of the Gospels in diuers places, that Iesus

Marke 1.

[II.1.1-135]  went round about all Galile, teaching in their Synagogues, and prea­

Luke 4.

[II.1.1-136]  ching the Gospel of the kingdome: In which places is his great diligence
[II.1.1-137]  in continual preaching and teaching of the people most euidently set forth.

Luke 4.

[II.1.1-138]  In Luke ye read, how Iesus according to his accustomed vse came into
[II.1.1-139]  the Temple, and how the booke of Esaias the Prophet was deliuered him,
[II.1.1-140]  how he read a text therein, and made a Sermon vpon the same.

Luke 19.

[II.1.1-141]  And in the xix. is expressed how hee taught dayly in the Temple. And

Iohn 8.

[II.1.1-142]  it is thus written in the viii. of Iohn: Iesus came againe early in the
[II.1.1-143]  morning into the Temple, and all the people came vnto him, and he sate
[II.1.1-144]  downe and taught them. And in the xviii. of Iohn, our Sauiour testi­

Iohn 18.

[II.1.1-145]  fieth before Pilate, that he spake openly vnto the world, and that hee al­
[II.1.1-146]  wayes taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple, whither all the
[II.1.1-147]  Iewes resorted, and that secretly hee spake nothing. And in Saint Luke
[II.1.1-148]  Iesus taught in the Temple, and all the people came early in the mor­

Luke 21.

[II.1.1-149]  ning vnto him, that they might heare him in the Temple.

[II.1.1-150]  Here ye see aswell the diligence of our Sauiour in teaching the word
[II.1.1-151]  of GOD in the Temple daily, and specially on the Sabboth dayes, as
[II.1.1-152]  also the readinesse of the people resorting altogether, and that earely in
[II.1.1-153]  the morning, into the Temple to heare him.

[II.1.1-154]  The same example of diligence in preaching the word of GOD in the
[II.1.1-155]  Temple, shall ye find in the Apostles, and the people resorting vnto them.
[II.1.1-156]   the fift. Where the Apostles, although they had beene whipped and
[II.1.1-157]  scourged the day before, and by the high Priest commanded that they
[II.1.1-158]  should preach no more in the Name of Iesus, yet the day following they
[II.1.1-159]  entred earely in the morning into the Temple, and did not cease to teach



[II.1.1-160]  and declare Iesus Christ. And in sundry other places of the storie of the
, ye shall finde like diligence both in the Apostles in teaching, and in
[II.1.1-162]  the people in comming to the Temple to heare GODS word. And it

Luke 1.

[II.1.1-163]  is testified in the first of Luke, that when Zacharie the holy Priest, and fa­
[II.1.1-164]  ther to Iohn Baptist, did sacrifice within the Temple, all the people stoode
[II.1.1-165]  without a long time praying, such was their zeale and feruencie at that

Luke 2.

[II.1.1-166]  time. And in the second of Luke appeareth what great iourneyes men,
[II.1.1-168]  women, yea and children tooke, to come to the Temple on the Feast day,
[II.1.1-169]  there to serue the Lord, and specially the example of Ioseph, the blessed
[II.1.1-170]  virgin Marie, mother to our Sauiour Iesus Christ, and of our Sauiour
[II.1.1-171]  Christ himselfe, being yet but a child, whose examples are worthy for vs
[II.1.1-172]  to follow. So that if wee would compare our negligence in resorting to
[II.1.1-173]  the house of the Lord there to serue him, with the diligence of the Iewes
[II.1.1-174]  in comming daily very early, sometime by great iourneys to their Tem­
[II.1.1-175]  ple, and when the multitude could not be receiued within the Temple, the
[II.1.1-176]  feruent zeale that they had, declared in standing long without and pray­
[II.1.1-177]  ing: we may iustly in this comparison condemne our slouthfulnesse and
[II.1.1-178]  negligence, yea plaine contempt, in comming to the Lords house, stan­
[II.1.1-179]  ding so neere vnto vs, so seldome, and scarcely at any time. So farre is
[II.1.1-180]  it from a great many of vs to come early in the morning, or giue atten­
[II.1.1-181]  dance without, who disdain to come into the Temple: and yet we abhorre
[II.1.1-182]  the very name of the Iewes when wee heare it, as of a most wicked and
[II.1.1-183]  vngodly people. But it is to bee feared, that in this point wee be farre
[II.1.1-184]  worse then the Iewes, and that they shall rise at the day of Iudgement,
[II.1.1-185]  to our condemnation, who in comparison to them, shew such slackenesse
[II.1.1-186]  and contempt in resorting to the house of the Lord, there to serue him, ac­
[II.1.1-187]  cording as we are of duety most bound. And besides this most horrible
[II.1.1-188]  dread of GODS iust Iudgement in the great day, wee shall not in this
[II.1.1-189]  life escape his heauy hand and vengeance for this contempt of the house
[II.1.1-190]  of the Lord, and his due seruice in the same, according as the Lord him­
[II.1.1-191]  selfe threatneth in the first Chapter of the Prophet Aggeus, after this sort:


[II.1.1-192]  Because you haue left my House desert and without company (saith the
[II.1.1-193]  Lord) and ye haue made hast euery man to his owne house, for this cause
[II.1.1-194]  are the heauens stayed ouer you, that they should giue no deaw, and the
[II.1.1-195]  earth is forbidden that it shall bring foorth her fruit, and I haue called
[II.1.1-196]  drought vpon the earth, and vpon the mountaines, and vpon corne, and
[II.1.1-197]  vpon wine, and vpon oyle, and vpon all things that the earth bringeth
[II.1.1-198]  foorth, and vpon men, and vpon beasts, and vpon all things that mens
[II.1.1-199]  hands labour for. Behold, if wee bee such worldlings that wee care
[II.1.1-200]  not for the eternall Iudgements of GOD (which yet of all other are
[II.1.1-201]  most dreadfull, and horrible) we shall not escape the punishment of GOD
[II.1.1-202]  in this world by drought and famine, and the taking away of all worldly
[II.1.1-203]  commodities, which we as worldlings seeme onely to regarde and care
[II.1.1-204]  for. Whereas on the contrary part, if we would amend this fault, or neg­
[II.1.1-205]  ligence, slouthfulnesse and contempt of the house of the Lord, and his due
[II.1.1-206]  Seruice there, and with diligence resort thither together, to serue the
[II.1.1-207]  Lord with one accord and consent, in all holinesse and righteousnesse be­
[II.1.1-208]  fore him, wee haue promises of benefits both heauenly and worldly.
[II.1.1-209]  Wheresoeuer two or three bee gathered in my Name (sayth our Sauiour
[II.1.1-210]  Christ) there am I in the middest of them. And what can be more blessed,


[II.1.1-211]  then to haue our Sauiour Christ among vs? Or what againe can bee
[II.1.1-212]  more vnhappy or mischieuous then to driue our Sauiour Christ from
[II.1.1-213]  amongst vs, to leaue a place for his and our most ancient and mortall
[II.1.1-214]  enemy the old Dragon and serpent Satan the diuel in the middest of vs?

Luke 2.

[II.1.1-215]  In the second of Luke it is written, how that the mother of Christ and
[II.1.1-216]  Ioseph, when they had long sought Christ, whom they had lost, and could
[II.1.1-217]  find him no where, that at the last they found him in the Temple, sitting
[II.1.1-218]  in the middest of the Doctors. So if wee lacke Iesus Christ, that is to
[II.1.1-219]  say, the Sauiour of our soules and bodies, wee shall not find him in the
[II.1.1-220]  Market-place, or in the Guild-hall, much lesse in the Ale-house or Ta­
[II.1.1-221]  uerne, amongst good fellowes (as they call them) so soone as wee shall
[II.1.1-222]  find him in the Temple, the Lords house, amongst the Teachers & Prea­
[II.1.1-223]  chers of his Word, where indeed hee is to be found. And as concerning
[II.1.1-224]  worldly commodities, wee haue a sure promise of our Sauiour Christ:
[II.1.1-225]  Seeke ye first the kingdome of GOD, and the righteousnesse thereof,
[II.1.1-226]  and all these things shall withall be giuen vnto you. And thus we haue
[II.1.1-227]  in the first part of this Homily declared by GODS word, that the Tem­
[II.1.1-228]  ple or Church is the house of the Lord, for that the Seruice of the Lord
[II.1.1-229]  (as teaching and hearing of his holy Word, calling vpon his holy Name,
[II.1.1-230]  giuing thankes to him for his great and innumerable benefits, and due
[II.1.1-231]  ministring of his Sacraments) is there vsed. And it is likewise decla­
[II.1.1-232]  red by the Scriptures, how all godly and Christian men and women
[II.1.1-233]  ought at times appointed, with diligence to resort vnto the house of
[II.1.1-234]  the Lord, there to serue him, and to glorifie him, as he is most worthy, and
[II.1.1-235]  wee most bound, to whom bee all glorie and honour world without
[II.1.1-236]  end. Amen.

¶ The second part of the Homily of the
right vse of the Church.

[II.1.2-237]  IT was declared in the first part of this Homily, by
[II.1.2-238]  GODS word, that the Temple or Church is the house
[II.1.2-239]  of the Lord, for that the Seruice of the Lord (as tea­
[II.1.2-240]  ching and hearing of his holy Word, calling vpon his
[II.1.2-241]  holy Name, giuing thankes to him, for his great and in­
[II.1.2-242]  numerable benefits, and due ministring of the Sacra­
[II.1.2-243]  ments) is there vsed. And it is likewise already declared by the Scrip­
[II.1.2-244]  tures, how all godly and Christian men and women, ought at times ap­
[II.1.2-245]  pointed, with diligence to resort vnto the house of the Lord, there to serue
[II.1.2-246]  him, and to glorifie him, as he is most worthy, and we most bounden.

[II.1.2-247]  Now it remaineth in this second part of the Homilie concerning the
[II.1.2-248]  right vse of the Temple of GOD, to be likewise declared by GODS
[II.1.2-249]  word, with what quietnesse, silence, and reuerence, those that resort to
[II.1.2-250]  the house of the Lord, ought there to vse and behaue themselues.

[II.1.2-251]  It may teach vs sufficiently how well it doeth become vs Christian
[II.1.2-252]  men reuerently to vse the Church and holy house of our prayers, by consi­
[II.1.2-253]  dering in how great reuerence and veneration in the Iewes in the olde law
[II.1.2-254]  had their Temple, which appeareth by sundry places, whereof I will
[II.1.2-255]  note vnto you certaine. In the xxvi. of Matthew, it is laid to our Saui­
[II.1.2-256]  our Christs charge before a Temporall Iudge, as a matter worthy death,
[II.1.2-257]  by the two false witnesses, that he had said, hee could destroy the Temple
[II.1.2-258]  of GOD, and in three dayes build it againe, not doubting but if they
[II.1.2-259]  might make men to beleeue that hee had sayde any thing against the ho­
[II.1.2-260]  nour and maiestie of the Temple, he should seeme to all men most worthy
[II.1.2-261]  of death. And in the xxi. of the , when the Iewes found
Paul in the

Actes 21.

[II.1.2-262]  Temple, they layd hands vpon him, crying, Yee men Israelites helpe,
[II.1.2-263]  this is that man who teacheth all men euery where against the people
[II.1.2-264]  and the law, and against this place: besides that, hee hath brought the
[II.1.2-265]  Gentiles into the Temple, and hath prophaned this holy place. Behold
[II.1.2-266]  how they tooke it for a like offence to speake against the Temple of GOD,
[II.1.2-267]  as to speake against the Law of GOD, and how they iudged it conue­
[II.1.2-268]  nient, that none but godly persons and the true worshippers of GOD,
[II.1.2-269]  should enter into the Temple of GOD. And the same fault is layd to
[II.1.2-270]  Pauls charge by Tertullus an eloquent man, and by the Iewes in the xxiiii.

Actes 24.

[II.1.2-271]  of the Actes, before a temporall Iudge, as a matter worthy of death, that
[II.1.2-272]  hee went about to pollute the Temple of GOD. And in the xxvii. of

Matt. 27.

[II.1.2-273]  Matthew, when the chiefe Priests had receiued againe the pieces of siluer
[II.1.2-274]  as Iudas hand, they said, It is not lawfull to put them into Corban (which
[II.1.2-275]  was the treasure house of the Temple) because it is the price of blood.
[II.1.2-276]  So that they could not abide that not onely any vncleane person, but al­
[II.1.2-277]  so any other dead thing that was iudged vncleane, should once come into
[II.1.2-278]  the Temple, or any place thereto belonging. And to this end is S. Pauls
[II.1.2-279]  saying in the second Epistle to the Corinthians the vi. Chapter to bee ap­


[II.1.2-280]  plied: What fellowship is there betwixt righteousnesse, and vnrighte­
[II.1.2-281]  ousnesse? or what communion betweene light and darkenesse? or what
[II.1.2-282]  concorde betweene Christ, and Belial? or what part can the faithfull
[II.1.2-283]  haue with the vnfaithfull? or what agreement can there be betweene the
[II.1.2-284]  Temple of GOD and images? Which sentence, although it be chiefely
[II.1.2-285]  referred to the temple of the minde of the godly: yet seeing that the simi­
[II.1.2-286]  litude and pith of the argument is taken from the materiall Temple, it
[II.1.2-287]  enforceth that no vngodlinesse, specially of images or idols, may be suffe­
[II.1.2-288]  red in the Temple of GOD, which is the place of worshipping GOD:
[II.1.2-289]  and therefore can no more bee suffered to stand there, then light can agree
[II.1.2-290]  with darkenesse, or Christ with Belial: for that the true worshipping of
[II.1.2-291]  GOD, and the worshipping of images, are most contrary. And the set­
[II.1.2-292]  ting of them vp in the place of worshipping, may giue great occasion to the
[II.1.2-293]  worshipping of them. But to turne to the reuerence that the Iewes had
[II.1.2-294]  to their Temple. You will say that they honoured it superstitiously, and
[II.1.2-295]  a great deale too much, crying out, The Temple of the Lord, the Temple


[II.1.2-296]  of the Lord, being notwithstanding most wicked in life, and be therefore
[II.1.2-297]  most iustly reproued of Ieremie the Prophet of the Lord. Trueth it is that
[II.1.2-298]  they were superstitiously giuen to the honouring of their Temple. But
[II.1.2-299]  I would wee were not as farre too short from the due reuerence of the
[II.1.2-300]  Lords house, as they ouershot themselues therein. And if the Prophet
[II.1.2-301]  iustly reprehended them, hearken also what the Lord requireth at our
[II.1.2-302]  hands, that we may know whether we be blame-worthy or no.


[II.1.2-303]  It is written in the fourth Chapter: When thou doest en­
[II.1.2-304]  ter into the house of GOD (saith he) take heede to thy feete, draw neere
[II.1.2-305]  that thou mayest heare: for obedience is much more worth then the sa­
[II.1.2-306]  crifice of fooles, which know not what euill they doe. Speake nothing
[II.1.2-307]  rashly there, neither let thine heart be swift to vtter words before GOD.
[II.1.2-308]  For GOD is in heauen, and thou art vpon the earth, therefore let thy
[II.1.2-309]  wordes be few. Note (welbeloued) what quietnesse in gesture and be­
[II.1.2-310]  hauiour, what silence in talke and wordes, is required in the house of
[II.1.2-311]  GOD; for so he calleth it, See whether they take heede to their feete, as
[II.1.2-312]  they be here warned, which neuer cease from vncomely walking and iet­
[II.1.2-313]  ting vp and downe, and ouerthwart the Church, shewing an euident
[II.1.2-314]  signification of notable contempt, both of GOD, and all good men there
[II.1.2-315]  present: and what heede they take to their tongues, and speech, which
[II.1.2-316]  doe not onely speake wordes swiftly and rashly before the Lord (which
[II.1.2-317]  they be here forbidden) but also oftentimes speake filthily, couetously, and
[II.1.2-318]  vngodly, talking of matters scarce honest or fitte for the Ale-house or Ta­
[II.1.2-319]  uerne, in the house of the Lord, little considering that they speake before
[II.1.2-320]  GOD, who dwelleth in heauen, (as is here declared) when they be but
[II.1.2-321]  vermins here creeping vpon the earth, in comparison to his eternall Ma­


[II.1.2-322]  iestie, and lesse regarding that they must giue an account at the great day,
[II.1.2-323]  of euery idle worde wheresoeuer it bee spoken, much more of filthy, vn­
[II.1.2-324]  cleane, or wicked wordes spoken in the Lords house, to the great disho­
[II.1.2-325]  nour of his Maiestie, and offence of all that heare them. And indeede
[II.1.2-326]  concerning the people and multitude, the Temple is prepared for them to
[II.1.2-327]  bee hearers, rather then speakers, considering that aswell the word of
[II.1.2-328]  GOD is there read or taught, whereunto they are bound to giue dili­
[II.1.2-329]  gent eare, with all reuerence and silence, as also that common prayer and
[II.1.2-330]  thankesgiuing are rehearsed and sayd by the publique Minister in the
[II.1.2-331]  name of the people and the whole multitude present, whereunto they gi­
[II.1.2-332]  uing their ready audience, should assent and say, Amen, as S. Paul tea­


[II.1.2-333]  cheth in the GOD with one spirit and mouth: which cannot bee when euery
[II.1.2-335]  man and woman in seuerall pretence of deuotion prayeth priuately, one
[II.1.2-336]  asking, another giuing thankes, another reading doctrine, and not regar­
[II.1.2-337]  ding to heare the common prayer of the Minister. And peculiarly, what
[II.1.2-338]  due reuerence is to bee vsed in the ministring of the Sacraments in the
[II.1.2-339]  Temple, the same S. Paul teacheth to the Corinthians, rebuking such as


[II.1.2-340]  did vnreuerently vse themselues in that behalfe. Haue ye not houses to
[II.1.2-341]  eate and drinke in (sayth he?) Doe ye despise the Church or congregati­
[II.1.2-342]  on of GOD? What shall I say to you? Shall I prayse you? In this
[II.1.2-343]  I prayse you not. And GOD requireth not onely this outward reue­
[II.1.2-344]  rence of behauiour and silence in his house, but all inward reuerence in
[II.1.2-345]  cleansing of the thoughts of our hearts, threatning by his Prophet Osee


[II.1.2-346]  in the ix. Chapter, that for the malice of the inuentions and deuices of the
[II.1.2-347]  people, he will cast them out of his house: whereby is also signified the
[II.1.2-348]  eternall casting of them out of his heauenly house and kingdome, which


[II.1.2-349]  is most horrible. And therefore in the xix. of LeuiticusGOD saith, Feare
[II.1.2-350]  you with reuerence my Sanctuary, for I am the Lord. And according
[II.1.2-351]  to the same the Prophet Dauid sayth, I will enter into thine house. I


[II.1.2-352]  will worship in thy holy Temple in thy feare: shewing what inward re­
[II.1.2-353]  uerence and humblenesse of minde the godly men ought to haue in the
[II.1.2-354]  house of the Lord. And to alleadge somewhat concerning this matter
[II.1.2-355]  out of the new Testament, in what honour GOD would haue his
[II.1.2-356]  house or Temple kept, and that by the example of our Sauiour Christ.
[II.1.2-357]  whose authoritie ought of good reason with all true Christians to bee of
[II.1.2-358]  most weight and estimation. It is written of all the foure Euangelists.

Luke 19.
Iohn 11.

[II.1.2-359]  as a notable act, and worthy to be testified by many holy witnesses, how
[II.1.2-360]  that our Sauiour Iesus Christ, that mercifull and milde Lord, compa­
[II.1.2-361]  red for his meekenesse to a sheepe, suffering with silence his fleece to bee
[II.1.2-362]  shorne from him, and to a Lambe led without resistance to the slaughter,

Actes 8.

[II.1.2-363]  which gaue his body to them that did smite him, answered not him that
[II.1.2-364]  reuiled, nor turned away his face from them that did reproch him and
[II.1.2-365]  spit vpon him, and according to his owne example, gaue precepts of mild­
[II.1.2-366]  nesse and sufferance to his disciples: Yet when hee seeth the Temple and
[II.1.2-367]  holy house of his heauenly Father misordered, polluted, and prophaned,
[II.1.2-368]  vseth great seuerity and sharpenesse, ouerturneth the tables of the ex­
[II.1.2-369]  changes, subuerteth the feates of them that sold doues, maketh a whip
[II.1.2-370]  of cordes, and scourgeth out those wicked abusers and prophaners of the
[II.1.2-371]  Temple of GOD, saying, My house shalbe called the house of prayer,
[II.1.2-372]  but yee haue made it a denne of theeues, And in the second of Iohn, Doe

Iohn 2.

[II.1.2-373]  not ye make the house of my Father, the house of merchandize. For as it
[II.1.2-374]  is the house of GOD, when GODS seruice is duely done in it: So
[II.1.2-375]  when wee wickedly abuse it with wicked talke or couetous bargaining,
[II.1.2-376]  wee make it a denne of theeues, or an house of merchandize. Yea, and
[II.1.2-377]  such reuerence would Christ should bee therein, that hee would not suffer

Mark 11.

[II.1.2-378]  any vessell to bee caryed through the Temple. And whereas our Saui­
[II.1.2-379]  our Christ (as is before mentioned Luke) could bee found no
[II.1.2-380]  where (when he was sought) but only in &the; Temple amongst the doctors,
[II.1.2-381]  and now againe hee exerciseth his authoritie and iurisdiction, not in ca­
[II.1.2-382]  stles and princely palaces amongst souldiers, but in the Temple: Ye may
[II.1.2-383]  hereby vnderstand in what place his spirituall Kingdome (which he de­
[II.1.2-384]  nyeth to be of this world) is soonest to be found, and best to be knowen of

a The peoples
fault was most
grieuous: the
sentence exe­
cuted other­
wise and more
cruell then it
b He was on­
ly dehorted
from recei­
uing the Sa­
crament, vntil
by Repentance
he might be
better pre­

[II.1.2-385]  all places in this world. And according to this example of our Sauiour
[II.1.2-386]  Christ in the primitiue Church, which was most holy and godly, and in
[II.1.2-387]  the which due discipline with seueritie was vsed against the wicked,
[II.1.2-388]  open offenders were not suffered once to enter into the house of the Lord,
[II.1.2-389]  nor admitted to common prayer, and the vse of the holy Sacraments
[II.1.2-390]  with other true Christians, vntill they had done open penance before the
[II.1.2-391]  whole Church. And this was practised, not onely vpon meane persons,
[II.1.2-392]  but also vpon the rich, noble, and mighty persons, yea, vpon Theodosius
[II.1.2-393]  that puissant and mighty Emperour, whom for committing a a grieuous
[II.1.2-394]  and wilfull murder, S. Ambrose Bishop of Millaine reprooued sharpely,
[II.1.2-395]  and b did also excommunicate the sayd Emperour, and brought him to
[II.1.2-396]  open penance. And they that were so iustly exempted and banished (as
[II.1.2-397]  it were) from the house of the Lord, were taken (as they be indeede)
[II.1.2-398]  for men deuided & separated from Christes Church, and in most dangerous


[II.1.2-399]  estate, yea as S. Paul saith, euen giuen vnto Satan the deuill for a time,
[II.1.2-400]  and their company was shunned & auoyded of all godly men and women,
[II.1.2-401]  vntill such time as they by repentance & publike penance were reconciled.
[II.1.2-402]  Such was the honour of the Lords house in mens hearts, and outward
[II.1.2-403]  reuerence also at that time, and so horrible a thing was it to bee shut out
[II.1.2-404]  of the Church and house of the Lord in those dayes, when religion was
[II.1.2-405]  most pure, and nothing so corrupt as it hath beene of late dayes. And
[II.1.2-406]  yet wee willingly, either by absenting our selues from the house of the
[II.1.2-407]  Lord, doe (as it were) excommunicate our selues from the Church and
[II.1.2-408]  fellowship of the Saintes of GOD, or else comming thither, by vn­
[II.1.2-409]  comely and vnreuerent behauiour there, by hastie, rash, yea vncleane and
[II.1.2-410]  wicked thoughts and wordes before the Lord our GOD, horribly dis­
[II.1.2-411]  honour his holy house the Church of GOD, and his holy Name and
[II.1.2-412]  Maiestie, to the great danger of our soules, yea and certaine damna­
[II.1.2-413]  tion also, if we do not speedily and earnestly repent vs of this wickednesse.

[II.1.2-414]  Thus ye haue heard (dearely beloued) out of GODS word, what
[II.1.2-415]  reuerence is due to the holy house of the Lord, how all godly persons
[II.1.2-416]  ought with diligence at times appointed thither to repayre, how they
[II.1.2-417]  ought to behaue themselues there, with reuerence and dread before
[II.1.2-418]  the Lord, what plagues and punishments, aswell temporall, as
[II.1.2-419]  eternall, the Lord in his holy word threatneth, as well to such as neg­
[II.1.2-420]  lect to come to his holy house, as also to such, who comming thither, doe
[II.1.2-421]  vnreuerently by gesture or talke there behaue themselues. Wherefore
[II.1.2-422]  if wee desire to haue seasonable weather, and thereby to enioy the good
[II.1.2-423]  fruites of the earth, if wee will auoyd drought and barrennesse, thirste
[II.1.2-424]  and hunger, which are plagues threatned vnto such as make haste to goe
[II.1.2-425]  to their owne houses, to alehouses and tauerns, and leaue the house of
[II.1.2-426]  the Lord empty and desolate, if wee abhorre to bee scourged, not with
[II.1.2-427]  whips made of cordes, out of the materiall Temple onely (as our
[II.1.2-428]  Sauiour Christ serued the defilers of the house of GOD in Hierusalem)
[II.1.2-429]  but also to bee beaten and driuen out of the eternall temple and house of
[II.1.2-430]  the Lord (which is his heauenly kingdome) with the yron rodde of euer
[II.1.2-431]  lasting damnation, and cast into vtter darkenesse, where is weeping and


[II.1.2-432]  gnashing of teeth, if we feare, dread and abhorre this (I say) as wee
[II.1.2-433]  haue most iust cause to doe: then let vs amend this our negligence and
[II.1.2-434]  contempt in comming to the house of the Lord, this our vnreuerent be­
[II.1.2-435]  hauiour in the house of the Lord, and resorting thither diligently toge­
[II.1.2-436]  ther, let vs there with reuerent hearing of the Lords holy word, calling
[II.1.2-437]  on the Lords holy Name, giuing of hearty thankes vnto the Lord for
[II.1.2-438]  his manifold and inestimable benefits dayly and hourely bestowed vpon
[II.1.2-439]  vs, celebrating also reuerently the Lords holy Sacraments, serue the
[II.1.2-440]  Lord in his holy house, as becommeth the seruants of the Lord, in holi­
[II.1.2-441]  nesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our life, and then we
[II.1.2-442]  shall bee assured, after this life, to rest in his holy hill, and to dwell in
[II.1.2-443]  his Tabernacle, there to prayse and magnifie his holy Name in the con­
[II.1.2-444]  gregation of his Saints, in the holy house of his eternall kingdome of
[II.1.2-445]  heauen, which hee hath purchased for vs, by the death and shedding of
[II.1.2-446]  the precious blood of his Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ, to whom
[II.1.2-447]  with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one immortall GOD, bee all ho­
[II.1.2-448]  nour, glory, praise, and thankesgiuing, world without end. Amen.