from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire (ed.)
University of Toronto

good Friday,concerning the death and passion
of our Sauiour Iesus Christ.

[II.13.1-1]  IT should not become vs (welbeloued in
[II.13.1-2]  Christ) being that people which he redee­
[II.13.1-3]  med from the Diuell, from sin and death,
[II.13.1-4]  and from euerlasting damnation, by
[II.13.1-5]  Christ, to suffer this time to passe foorth
[II.13.1-6]  without any meditation, and remem­
[II.13.1-7]  brance of that excellent worke of our re­
[II.13.1-8]  demption, wrought as about this time,
[II.13.1-9]  through the great mercy and charity of
[II.13.1-10]  our Sauiour Iesus Christ, for vs wret­
[II.13.1-11]  ched sinners, and his mortall enemies.
[II.13.1-12]  For if a mortall mans deed, done to the
[II.13.1-13]  behoofe of the common wealth, bee had
[II.13.1-14]  in remembrance of vs, with thankes for the benefit and profit which we
[II.13.1-15]  receiue thereby: how much more readily should wee haue in memory this
[II.13.1-16]  excellent act and benefite of Christs death? whereby hee hath purchased
[II.13.1-17]  for vs the vndoubted pardon and forgiuenesse of our sinnes, whereby hee
[II.13.1-18]  made at one the Father of heauen with vs, in such wise, that he taketh vs
[II.13.1-19]  now for his louing children, and for the true inheritours, with Christ his
[II.13.1-20]  naturall sonne, of the kingdome of heauen? And verily so much more
[II.13.1-21]  doeth Christs kindnesse appeare vnto vs, in that it pleased him to deliuer
[II.13.1-22]  himselfe of all his goodly honour, which hee was equally in with his Fa­
[II.13.1-23]  ther in heauen, and to come downe into this vale of misery, to bee made
[II.13.1-24]  mortall man, and to be in the state of a most low seruant, seruing vs for
[II.13.1-25]  our wealth and profit, vs, I say, which were his sworne enemies, which
[II.13.1-26]  had renounced his holy Law and Commandements, and followed the
[II.13.1-27]  lustes and sinfull pleasures of our corrupt nature. And yet, I say, did
[II.13.1-28]  Christ put himselfe betweene GODS deserued wrath, and our sinne,

[margin] Coloss. 2.

[II.13.1-29]  and rent that obligation wherein we were in danger to GOD, and payd
[II.13.1-30]  our debt. Our debt was a great deale too great for vs to haue payd. And
[II.13.1-31]  without payment, GOD the Father could neuer bee at one with
[II.13.1-32]  vs. Neither was it possible to bee losed from this debt by our owne a­
[II.13.1-33]  bility. It pleased him therefore to be the payer thereof, and to discharge
[II.13.1-34]  vs quite.

[II.13.1-35]  Who can now consider the grieuous debt of sinne, which could none
[II.13.1-36]  otherwise be payd but by the death of an innocent, and will not hate sinne
[II.13.1-37]  in his heart? If GOD hateth sinne so much, that hee would allow
[II.13.1-38]  neither man nor Angel for the redemption thereof, but onely the death of
[II.13.1-39]  his onely and welbeloued Sonne: who will not stand in feare thereof?
[II.13.1-40]  If we (my friends) consider this, that for our sinnes this most innocent
[II.13.1-41]  Lambe was driuen to death, we shall haue much more cause to bewaile
[II.13.1-42]  our selues that we were the cause of his death, then to cry out of the ma­
[II.13.1-43]  lice and cruelty of the Iewes, which pursued him to his death. We did
[II.13.1-44]  the deedes wherefore he was thus stricken and wounded, they were onely
[II.13.1-45]  the ministers of our wickednesse. It is meete then wee should steppe low
[II.13.1-46]  downe into our hearts, and bewaile our owne wretchednesse and sinfull
[II.13.1-47]  liuing. Let vs know for a certaintie, that if the most dearely beloued
[II.13.1-48]  Sonne of GOD was thus punished and stricken for the sinne which
[II.13.1-49]  he had not done himselfe: how much more ought wee sore to be stricken
[II.13.1-50]  for our dayly and manifold sinnes which wee commit against GOD, if
[II.13.1-51]  wee earnestly repent vs not, and be not sorie for them? No man can loue
[II.13.1-52]  sinne, which GOD hateth so much, and be in his fauour. No man can
[II.13.1-53]  say that hee loueth Christ truely, and haue his great enemie (sinne I
[II.13.1-54]  meane, the authour of his death) familiar and in friendship with him.
[II.13.1-55]  So much doe we loue GOD and Christ, as we hate sinne. Wee ought
[II.13.1-56]  therefore to take great heede, that we be not fauourers thereof, lest we be
[II.13.1-57]  found enemies to GOD, and traytours to Christ. For not onely they
[II.13.1-58]  which nayled Christ vpon the crosse, are his tormentours and crucifiers:

Heb. 6.

[II.13.1-59]  but all they (sayth Saint Paul ) crucifie againe the Sonne of GOD, as
[II.13.1-60]  much as is in them, who doe commit vice and sinne, which brought him

Rom 6.

[II.13.1-61]  to his death. If the wages of sinne be death, and death euerlasting: sure­
[II.13.1-62]  ly it is no small danger to be in seruice thereof. If we liue after the flesh,
[II.13.1-63]  and after the sinfull lustes thereof, Saint Paul threatneth, yea Almighty


[II.13.1-64]  GOD in Saint Paul threatneth, that we shall surely die. We can none


[II.13.1-65]  otherwise liue to GOD, but by dying to sinne. If Christ be in vs, then
[II.13.1-66]  is sinne dead in vs: and if the spirit of GOD bee in vs, which raysed
[II.13.1-67]  Christ from death to life, so shall the same spirit raise vs to the resurrection


[II.13.1-68]  of euerlasting life. But if sinne rule and reigne in vs, then is GOD,
[II.13.1-69]  which is the fountaine of all grace and vertue, departed from vs: then
[II.13.1-70]  hath the Deuill, and his vngracious spirite, rule and dominion in vs.
[II.13.1-71]  And surely if in such miserable state wee die, we shall not rise to life, but

Christ hath
not redee­
med vs from
sinne, that
we should
liue in sinne.

[II.13.1-72]  fall downe to death and damnation, and that without ende. For Christ
[II.13.1-73]  hath not so redeemed vs from sinne, that wee may safely returne thereto
[II.13.1-74]  againe: but hee hath redeemed vs, that wee should forsake the motions
[II.13.1-75]  thereof, and liue to righteousnesse. Yea, wee bee therefore washed in our
[II.13.1-76]  Baptisme from the filthinesse of sinne, that we should liue afterward in
[II.13.1-77]  the purenesse of life. In Baptisme we promised to renounce the deuill
[II.13.1-78]  and his suggestions, we promised to bee (as obedient children) alwayes
[II.13.1-79]  following GODS will and pleasure. Then if he be our Father in­
[II.13.1-80]  deede, let vs giue him his due honour. If we be his children, let vs shew
[II.13.1-81]  him our obedience, like as Christ openly declared his obedience to his Fa­
[II.13.1-82]  ther, which (as Saint Paul writeth) was obedient euen to the very death,


[II.13.1-83]  the death of the Crosse. And this he did for vs all that beleeue in him. For
[II.13.1-84]  himselfe he was not punished, for he was pure, and vndefiled of all maner
[II.13.1-85]  of sinne. He was wounded (sayth Esay ) for our wickednesse, and stripped

Esay 4.

[II.13.1-86]  for our sinnes: he suffered the penalty of them himselfe, to deliuer vs from
[II.13.1-87]  danger: he bare (sayth Esay ) all our sores and infirmities vpon his owne
[II.13.1-88]  backe. No paine did he refuse to suffer in his owne body, that he might
[II.13.1-89]  deliuer vs from paine euerlasting. His pleasure it was thus to doe for
[II.13.1-90]  vs, we deserued it not. Wherefore the more we see our selues bound vnto
[II.13.1-91]  him, the more he ought to be thanked of vs, yea, and the more hope may
[II.13.1-92]  we take, that we shall receiue all other good things of his hand, in that we
[II.13.1-93]  haue receiued the gift of his onely Sonne, through his liberality. For if
[II.13.1-94]  GOD (sayth Saint Paul ) hath not spared his owne Sonne from paine


[II.13.1-95]  and punishment, but deliuered him for vs all vnto the death: how should
[II.13.1-96]  he not giue vs all other things with him? If we want any thing, either

Iohn 1.

[II.13.1-97]  for body or soule, we may lawfully and boldly approch to GOD, as to
[II.13.1-98]  our mercifull Father, to aske that we desire, and we shall obteine it. For
[II.13.1-99]  such power is giuen to vs, to be the children of GOD, so many as be­
[II.13.1-100]  leeue in Christes Name. In his Name whatsoeuer wee aske, wee shall


[II.13.1-101]  haue it granted vs. For so well pleased is the Father almighty GOD,
[II.13.1-102]  with Christ his Sonne, that for his sake he fauoureth vs, and will denie
[II.13.1-103]  vs nothing. So pleasant was this sacrifice and oblation of his Sonnes
[II.13.1-104]  death, which hee so obediently and innocently suffered, that wee should
[II.13.1-105]  take it for the onely and full amendes for all the sinnes of the world. And
[II.13.1-106]  such fauour did he purchase by his death, of his heauenly Father for vs,
[II.13.1-107]  that for the merite thereof (if we be true Christians indeede, and not in
[II.13.1-108]  word onely) we be now fully in GODS grace againe, and clearely dis­
[II.13.1-109]  charged from our sinne. No tongue surely is able to expresse the worthi­
[II.13.1-110]  nesse of this so precious a death. For in this standeth the continuall par­
[II.13.1-111]  don of our dayly offences, in this resteth our iustification, in this we be
[II.13.1-112]  allowed, in this is purchased the euerlasting health of all our soules.
[II.13.1-113]  Yea, there is none other thing that can be named vnder heauen to saue

Actes 4.

[II.13.1-114]  our soules, but this onely worke of Christs precious offering of his body
[II.13.1-115]  vpon the altar of the crosse. Certes there can be no worke of any mor­
[II.13.1-116]  tall man (bee hee neuer so holy) that shall bee coupled in merites with
[II.13.1-117]  Christes most holy act. For no doubt, all our thoughts and deedes were
[II.13.1-118]  of no value, if they were not allowed in the merites of Christs death.
[II.13.1-119]  All our righteousnesse is farre vnperfect, if it be compared with Christs
[II.13.1-120]  righteousnesse. For in his acts and deedes, there was no spot of sinne, or
[II.13.1-121]  of any vnperfectnesse. And for this cause they were the more able to bee
[II.13.1-122]  the true amends of our righteousnesse, where our acts and deedes be full

Our deedes
be full of im­

[II.13.1-123]  of imperfection, and infirmities, and therefore nothing worthy of them­
[II.13.1-124]  selues to stirre GOD to any fauour, much lesse to challenge that glory
[II.13.1-125]  that is due to Christs act and merit. For not to vs (saith Dauid ) not to


[II.13.1-126]  vs, but to thy Name giue the glory, O Lord. Let vs therefore (good
[II.13.1-127]  friends) with all reuerence glorifie his Name, let vs magnifie and prayse
[II.13.1-128]  him for euer. For he hath dealt with vs according to his great mercy, by
[II.13.1-129]  himselfe hath he purchased our redemption. Hee thought it not ynough

Heb 1.

[II.13.1-130]  to spare himselfe, and to send his Angel to doe this deede, but he would
[II.13.1-131]  doe it himselfe, that hee might doe it the better, and make it the more per­
[II.13.1-132]  fect redemption. He was nothing moued with the intolerable paines that
[II.13.1-133]  he suffered in the whole course of his long passion, to repent him thus to
[II.13.1-134]  doe good to his enemies: but he opened his hart for vs, and bestowed him­
[II.13.1-135]  selfe wholly for the ransomming of vs. Let vs therefore now open our
[II.13.1-136]  heartes againe to him, and studie in our liues to bee thankefull to such a
[II.13.1-137]  Lord, and euermore to bee mindfull of so great a benefice, yea let vs take
[II.13.1-138]  vp our crosse with Christ, and follow him. His passion is not onely the
[II.13.1-139]  ransome and whole amendes for our sinne, but it is also a most perfect ex­

Actes 17.

[II.13.1-140]  ample of all patience and sufferance. For if it behoued Christ thus to suf­
[II.13.1-141]  fer, and to enter into the glory of his Father: why should it not become vs
[II.13.1-142]  to beare patiently our small crosses of aduersitie, and the troubles of this


[II.13.1-143]  world? For surely (as saith S. Peter ) Christ therefore suffered, to leaue


[II.13.1-144]  vs an example to follow his steps. And if wee suffer with him, wee
[II.13.1-145]  shall be sure also to raigne with him in heauen. Not that the sufferance


[II.13.1-146]  of this transitorie life should bee worthie of that glorie to come, but glad­
[II.13.1-147]  ly should wee be contented to suffer, to bee like Christ in our life, that so
[II.13.1-148]  by our workes we may glorifie our Father which is in heauen. And as
[II.13.1-149]  it is painefull and grieuous to beare the Crosse of Christ in the griefes
[II.13.1-150]  and displeasures of this life: so it bringeth foorth the ioyfull fruit of hope,


[II.13.1-151]  in all them that bee exercised therewith. Let vs not so much behold the
[II.13.1-152]  paine, as the reward that shall follow that labour. Nay, let vs rather
[II.13.1-153]  endeuour our selues in our sufferance, to endure innocently and guiltles,

1.Pet. 2.

[II.13.1-155]  as our Sauiour Christ did. For if we suffer for our deseruings, then hath
[II.13.1-156]  not patience his perfect worke in vs: but if vndeseruedly we suffer losse of
[II.13.1-157]  goods and life, if we suffer to be euill spoken of for the loue of Christ, this
[II.13.1-158]  is thankefull afore GOD, for so did Christ suffer. Hee neuer did sinne,

The pati­
ence of

[II.13.1-159]  neither was any guile found in his mouth. Yea when hee was reuiled
[II.13.1-160]  with taunts, hee reuiled not againe. When hee was wrongfully dealt
[II.13.1-161]  with, he threatned not againe, nor reuenged his quarrell, but deliuered
[II.13.1-162]  his cause to him that iudgeth rightly.

Perfect pa­

[II.13.1-163]  Perfect patience careth not what nor how much it suffereth, nor of
[II.13.1-164]  whom it suffereth, whether of friend or foe: but studieth to suffer in­
[II.13.1-165]  nocently, and without deseruing. Yea, he in whom perfect charity is,

Matth. 5.

[II.13.1-166]  careth so little to reuenge, that he rather studieth to doe good for euill, to
[II.13.1-167]  blesse and say well of them that curse him, to pray for them that pursue
[II.13.1-168]  him, according to the example of our Sauiour Christ, who is the most

The meek­
nesse of

[II.13.1-169]  perfect example & paterne of all meeknes and sufferance, which hanging
[II.13.1-170]  vpon his Crosse, in most feruent anguish bleeding in euery part of his
[II.13.1-171]  blessed Body, being set in the middest of his enemies and crucifiers:
[II.13.1-172]  and hee, notwithstanding the intolerable paines which they sawe him
[II.13.1-173]  in, being of them mocked and scorned dispitefully without all fauour and
[II.13.1-174]  compassion, had yet towards them such compassion in heart, that hee

Luke 15.

[II.13.1-175]  prayed to his Father of heauen for them, and sayd, O Father, forgiue
[II.13.1-176]  them, for they wote not what they doe. What patience was it also
[II.13.1-177]  which he shewed, when one of his owne Apostles and Seruants which
[II.13.1-178]  was put in trust of him, came to betray him vnto his enemies to the


[II.13.1-179]  death? Hee sayde nothing worse to him, but, Friend, wherefore art
[II.13.1-180]  thou come? Thus (good people) should we call to minde the great exam­
[II.13.1-181]  ples of charitie which Christ shewed in his passion, if wee will fruitful­
[II.13.1-182]  ly remember his passion. Such charity and loue should wee beare one


[II.13.1-183]  to an other, if wee will be the true seruants of Christ. For if we loue
[II.13.1-184]  but them, which loue and say well by vs, what great thing is it that we
[II.13.1-185]  doe saith Christ? Doe not the Panims and open sinners so? Wee must
[II.13.1-186]  bee more perfect in our charitie then thus, euen as our Father in hea­
[II.13.1-187]  uen is perfect, which maketh the light of his Sunne to rise vpon the
[II.13.1-188]  good and the bad, and sendeth his raine vpon the kinde and vnkinde. Af­
[II.13.1-189]  ter this maner should we shew our charity indifferently, aswell to one as
[II.13.1-190]  to another aswell to friend, as foe, like obedient children, after the exam­
[II.13.1-191]  ple of our Father in heauen. For if Christ was obedient to his Father euen
[II.13.1-192]  to the death, and that the most shamefull death (as the Iewes esteemed
[II.13.1-193]  it) the death of the Crosse: Why should wee not bee obedient to GOD
[II.13.1-194]  in lower poyntes of charitie and patience? Let vs forgiue then our

Eccle 28.

[II.13.1-195]  neighbors their small faultes, as GOD for Christes sake hath forgiuen
[II.13.1-196]  vs our great.

[II.13.1-197]  It is not meete that wee should craue forgiuenesse of our great of­


[II.13.1-198]  fences at GODS handes, and yet will not forgiue the small trespasses
[II.13.1-199]  of our neighbours against vs. We doe call for mercy in vaine, if wee will
[II.13.1-200]  not shew mercy to our neighbours. For if we will not put wrath and dis­
[II.13.1-201]  pleasure foorth of our hearts to our Christian brother, no more will
[II.13.1-202]  GOD forgiue the displeasure and wrath that our sinnes haue deser­
[II.13.1-203]  ued afore him. For vnder this condition doeth GOD forgiue vs, if we
[II.13.1-204]  forgiue other. It becommeth not Christian men to bee hard one to a­
[II.13.1-205]  nother, nor yet to thinke their neighbour vnworthy to bee forgiuen. For
[II.13.1-206]  howsoeuer vnworthie he is, yet is Christ worthie to haue thee doe thus
[II.13.1-207]  much for his sack, hee hath deserued it of thee, that thou shouldest forgiue
[II.13.1-208]  thy neighbour. And GOD is also to bee obeyed, which commandeth
[II.13.1-209]  vs to forgiue, if wee will haue any part of the pardon which our Sa­
[II.13.1-210]  uiour Christ purchased once of GOD the Father, by shedding of his
[II.13.1-211]  precious blood. Nothing becommeth Christes seruantes so much, as


[II.13.1-212]  mercie and compassion. Let vs then bee fauourable one to another,
[II.13.1-213]  and pray we one for another, that wee may bee healed from all frailties
[II.13.1-214]  of our life, the lesse to offend one the other, and that wee may bee of one
[II.13.1-215]  minde and one spirit, agreeing together in brotherly loue and concord,


[II.13.1-216]  euen like the deare children of GOD. By these meanes shall wee
[II.13.1-217]  mooue GOD to bee mercifull vnto our sinnes, yea, & we shall be hereby
[II.13.1-218]  the more ready to receiue our Sauiour and maker in his blessed Sa­
[II.13.1-219]  crament, to our euerlasting comfort, and health of soule. Christ delighteth
[II.13.1-220]  to enter and dwell in that soule where loue and charitie ruleth, and

1.Iohn 4.

[II.13.1-221]  where peace & concord is seene. For thus writeth S. Iohn , GOD is cha­
[II.13.1-222]  rity, hee that abideth in charitie, abideth in GOD, and GOD in him.
[II.13.1-223]  And by this (saith he) we shall know that we be of GOD, if we loue our

1.Iohn 2.

[II.13.1-225]  brethren. Yea, & by this shall we know, that we bee deliuered from death

1.Iohn 2.

[II.13.1-226]  to life, if we loue one another. But hee which hateth his brother (sayth
[II.13.1-227]  the same Apostle) abideth in death, euen in the danger of euerlasting
[II.13.1-228]  death, and is moreouer the childe of damnation and of the Diuel, cursed
[II.13.1-229]  of GOD, and hated (so long as he so remayneth) of GOD and all his
[II.13.1-230]  heauenly company. For as peace and charity make vs the blessed children
[II.13.1-231]  of Almighty GOD: so doth hatred and enuie make vs the cursed chil­
[II.13.1-232]  dren of the Diuel. GOD giue vs all grace to follow Christs examples
[II.13.1-233]  in peace and in charity, in patience and sufferance, that wee now may


[II.13.1-234]  haue him our ghest to enter and dwell within vs, so as we may be in full
[II.13.1-235]  surety, hauing such a pledge of our saluation. If we haue him and his
[II.13.1-236]  fauour, we may be sure that we haue the fauour of GOD by his means.
[II.13.1-237]  For he sitteth on the right hand of GOD his Father, as our proctour and
[II.13.1-238]  atturney, pleading and suing for vs in all our needes and necessities.
[II.13.1-239]  Wherefore, if wee want any gift of godly wisedome, wee may aske it of
[II.13.1-240]  GOD for Christs sake, and we shall haue it. Let vs consider and exa­
[II.13.1-241]  mine our selues, in what want we be concerning this vertue of charity
[II.13.1-242]  and patience. If we see that our hearts bee nothing inclined thereunto,
[II.13.1-243]  in forgiuing them that haue offended against vs, then let vs knowledge
[II.13.1-244]  our want, and wish to GOD to haue it. But if we want it, and see in
[II.13.1-245]  our selues no desire thereunto, verily wee bee in a dangerous case before
[II.13.1-246]  GOD, and haue neede to make much earnest prayer to GOD, that we
[II.13.1-247]  may haue such an heart changed, to the grafting in of a new. For vnlesse
[II.13.1-248]  we forgiue other, we shall neuer be forgiuen of GOD. No, not all the
[II.13.1-249]  prayers and good workes of other, can pacifie GOD vnto vs, vnlesse we
[II.13.1-250]  be at peace, and at one with our neighbour. Nor all our deedes and good
[II.13.1-251]  workes can mooue GOD to forgiue vs our debts to him, except wee
[II.13.1-252]  forgiue to other. He setteth more by mercy, then by sacrifice. Mercy mo­
[II.13.1-253]  ued our Sauiour Christ to suffer for his enemies: it becommeth vs then
[II.13.1-254]  to follow his example. For it shall little auayle vs to haue in meditation
[II.13.1-255]  the fruites and price of his passion, to magnifie them, and to delight or
[II.13.1-256]  trust in them, except we haue in minde his examples in passion to follow
[II.13.1-257]  them. If we thus therefore consider Christs death, and will sticke there­
[II.13.1-258]  to with fast fayth for the merit and deseruing thereof, and will also frame
[II.13.1-259]  our selues in such wise to bestow our selues, and all that we haue by cha­
[II.13.1-260]  rity, to the behoofe of our neighbour, as Christ spent himselfe wholly for
[II.13.1-261]  our profit, then doe we truely remember Christs death: and being
[II.13.1-262]  thus followers of Christs steps, we shall be sure to follow
[II.13.1-263]  him thither where he sitteth now with the Father
[II.13.1-264]  and the holy Ghost, to whom bee all
[II.13.1-265]  honour and glory, Amen.

concerning the death and Passion of our
Sauiour Christ.

[II.13.2-266]  THAT wee may the better conceiue the
[II.13.2-267]  great mercy and goodnesse of our Saui­
[II.13.2-268]  our Christ, in suffering death vniuersal­
[II.13.2-269]  ly for all men, it behoueth vs to descend
[II.13.2-270]  into the bottome of our conscience, and
[II.13.2-271]  deepely to consider the first and principall
[II.13.2-272]  cause wherefore he was compelled so to
[II.13.2-273]  doe. When our great grandfather Adam
[II.13.2-274]  had broken GODS commandement,

Gen. 5.

[II.13.2-275]  in eating the apple forbidden him in Pa­
[II.13.2-276]  radise, at the motion and suggestion of
[II.13.2-277]  his wife, he purchased thereby, not only
[II.13.2-278]  to himselfe, but also to his posterity for
[II.13.2-279]  euer, the iust wrath and indignation of GOD, who according to his
[II.13.2-280]  former sentence pronounced at the giuing of the commandement, condem­
[II.13.2-281]  ned both him and all his to euerlasting death, both of body and soule.
[II.13.2-282]  For it was sayd vnto him, Thou shalt eat freely of euery tree in the Gar­
[II.13.2-283]  den: but as touching the tree of knowledge of good and ill, thou shalt in
[II.13.2-284]  no wise eat of it: For in what houre soeuer thou eatest thereof, thou shalt

Gen. 2.

[II.13.2-285]  die the death. Now as the Lord had spoken, so it came to passe. Adam
[II.13.2-286]  tooke vpon him to eat thereof, and in so doing he died the death, that is to
[II.13.2-287]  say, he became mortall, he lost the fauour of GOD, hee was cast out of
[II.13.2-288]  Paradise, he was no longer a citizen of heauen: but a firebrand of hell,
[II.13.2-289]  and a bondslaue to the Diuell. To this doth our Sauiour beare witnesse
[II.13.2-290]  in the Gospel, calling vs lost sheepe, which haue gone astray, and wande­

Luke 15.
Rom. 5.

[II.13.2-291]  red from the true shepheard of our soules. To this also doth Saint Paul
[II.13.2-292]  beare witnesse, saying, That by the offence of onely Adam , death came
[II.13.2-293]  vpon all men to condemnation. So that now neither hee, or any of his,
[II.13.2-294]  had any right or interest at all in the kingdome of heauen, but were be­
[II.13.2-295]  come plaine reprobates and castawayes, being perpetually damned to
[II.13.2-296]  the euerlasting paynes of hell fire. In this so great misery and wretched­
[II.13.2-297]  nesse, if mankinde could haue recouered himselfe againe, and obtayned
[II.13.2-298]  forgiuenesse at GODS handes, then had his case beene somewhat
[II.13.2-299]  tolerable, because hee might haue attempted some way how to deliuer
[II.13.2-300]  himselfe from eternall death. But there was no way left vnto him, hee
[II.13.2-301]  could doe nothing that might pacifie GODS wrath, he was altogether
[II.13.2-302]  vnprofitable in that behalfe. There was not one that did good, no not
[II.13.2-303]  one. And how then could he worke his owne saluation? Should he goe
[II.13.2-304]  about to pacifie GODS heauy displeasure by offering vp burnt sacrifi­
[II.13.2-305]  ces, according as it was ordained in the olde Lawe? by offering vp the


[II.13.2-307]  blood of oxen, the blood of calues, the blood of goats, the blood of lambes,
[II.13.2-308]  and so foorth? O these things were of no force nor strength to take away
[II.13.2-309]  sinnes, they could not put away the anger of GOD, they coulde not
[II.13.2-310]  coole the heate of his wrath, nor yet bring mankind into fauour againe,
[II.13.2-311]  they were but onely figures and shadowes of things to come, and nothing


[II.13.2-312]  else. Read the Epistle to the Hebrewes, there shall you finde this matter
[II.13.2-313]  largely discussed, there shall you learne in most plaine wordes, that
[II.13.2-314]  the bloodie sacrifice of the olde Law was vnperfect, and not able to
[II.13.2-315]  deliuer man from the state of damnation by any meanes: so that man­
[II.13.2-316]  kinde in trusting thereunto, should trust to a broken staffe, and in the end
[II.13.2-317]  deceiue himselfe. What should he then doe? Should he goe about to serue
[II.13.2-318]  and keepe the Law of GOD diuided into two tables, and so purchase to
[II.13.2-319]  himselfe eternall life? In deede, if Adam and his posterity had beene able
[II.13.2-320]  to satisfie and fulfill the Law perfectly, in louing GOD aboue all things
[II.13.2-321]  and their neighbour as themselues: then should they haue easily quenched
[II.13.2-322]  the Lordes wrath, and escaped the terrible sentence of eternall death
[II.13.2-323]  pronounced against them by the mouth of Almighty GOD. For it is
[II.13.2-324]  written, Doe thus, and thou shalt liue; that is to say, fulfill my comman­

Luke 10.

[II.13.2-325]  dements, keepe thy selfe vpright and perfect in them according to my
[II.13.2-326]  will, then shalt thou liue, and not die. Here is eternall life promised
[II.13.2-327]  with this condition, and so that they keepe and obserue the Law. But
[II.13.2-328]  such was the frailty of mankind after his fall, such was his weakenesse &
[II.13.2-329]  imbecility, that hee could not walke vprightly in GODS commande­
[II.13.2-330]  ments though he would neuer so faine, but dayly & hourely fell from his
[II.13.2-331]  bounden duety, offending the Lord his GOD diuers wayes, to the great
[II.13.2-332]  increase of his condemnation, insomuch that the Prophet Dauid crieth

Psal. 5.

[II.13.2-333]  out on this wise: All haue gone astray, all are become vnprofitable, there
[II.13.2-334]  is none that doeth good, no not one. In this case what profit could hee
[II.13.2-335]  haue by the Law? None at all. For as S. Iames saith, Hee that shall

Iames 2.

[II.13.2-336]  obserue the whole Law, and yet fayleth in one poynt, is become guiltie
[II.13.2-337]  of all. And in the booke of Deuteronomy it is written, Cursed bee hee


[II.13.2-338]  (saith GOD) which abideth not in all things that are written in the
[II.13.2-339]  booke of the Law, to doe them.

[II.13.2-340]  Behold, the Law bringeth a curse with it, and maketh it guiltie, not
[II.13.2-341]  because it is of it selfe naught or vnholy, (GOD forbid wee should so
[II.13.2-342]  thinke) but because the frailty of our sinfull flesh is such, that wee canne
[II.13.2-343]  neuer fulfill it, according to the perfection that the Lord requireth.
[II.13.2-344]  Coulde Adam then (thinke you) hope or trust to bee saued by the Law?
[II.13.2-345]  No hee could not. But the more hee looked on the Law, the more hee
[II.13.2-346]  sawe his owne damnation set before his eyes, as it were in a cleare
[II.13.2-347]  glasse. So that now of himselfe hee was most wretched and miserable,
[II.13.2-348]  destitute of all hope, and neuer able to pacifie GODS heauie displea­
[II.13.2-349]  sure, nor yet to escape the terrible iudgement of GOD, whereunto hee
[II.13.2-350]  and all his posteritie were fallen, by disobeying the strait commandement
[II.13.2-351]  of the Lord their GOD. But O the abundant riches of GODS


[II.13.2-352]  great mercie. O the vnspeakeable goodnesse of his heauenly wisedome.
[II.13.2-353]  When all hope of righteousnesse was past on our part, when wee had
[II.13.2-354]  nothing in our selues, whereby wee might quench his burning wrath,
[II.13.2-355]  and worke the saluation of our owne soules, and rise out of the miserable
[II.13.2-356]  estate wherein we lay: Then, euen then did Christ the Sonne of GOD,
[II.13.2-357]  by the appoyntment of his Father, come downe from heauen, to bee
[II.13.2-358]  wounded for our sakes, to bee reputed with the wicked, to be condemned
[II.13.2-359]  vnto death, to take vpon him the reward of our sinnes, and to giue his
[II.13.2-360]  Body to bee broken on the Crosse for our offences. Hee (sayth the Pro­
[II.13.2-361]  phet Esay , meaning Christ ) hath borne our infirmities, and hath cari­

Esay 55.

[II.13.2-362]  ed our sorrowes, the chastisement of our peace was vpon him, and by his
[II.13.2-363]  stripes we were made whole. Saint Paul likewise saith, GOD made him


[II.13.2-364]  a sacrifice for our sinnes, which knew not sinne, that wee should bee
[II.13.2-365]  made the righteousnesse of GOD by him. And Saint Peter most a­
[II.13.2-366]  greeably writing in this behalfe, saith, Christ hath once died and suffe­
[II.13.2-367]  red for our sinnes, the iust for the vniust. &c. To these might bee added an
[II.13.2-368]  infinite number of other places to the same effect: but these fewe shall bee
[II.13.2-369]  sufficient for this time.

[II.13.2-370]  Now then (as it was sayd at the beginning) let vs ponder and weigh
[II.13.2-371]  the cause of his death, that thereby we may bee the more mooued to glo­
[II.13.2-372]  rifie him in our whole life. Which if you will haue comprehended brief­
[II.13.2-373]  ly in one word, it was nothing else on our part, but onely the trans­
[II.13.2-374]  gression and sinne of mankinde. When the Angel came to warne Ioseph ,
[II.13.2-375]  that hee should not feare to take Marie to his wife: Did hee not therefore
[II.13.2-376]  will the childes name to bee called Iesus , because hee should saue his
[II.13.2-377]  people from their sinnes? When Iohn the Baptist preached Christ , and
[II.13.2-378]  shewed him to the people with his finger: Did hee not plainely say vnto
[II.13.2-379]  them, Beholde the Lambe of GOD which taketh away the sinnes

Iohn 1.

[II.13.2-380]  of the worlde? when the Woman of Canaan besought Christ to helpe
[II.13.2-381]  her daughter which was possest with a Deuill: did hee not openly con­


[II.13.2-382]  fesse that hee was sent to saue the lost sheepe of the house of Israel, by
[II.13.2-383]  giuing his life for their sinnes? It was sinne then, O man, euen thy sinne
[II.13.2-384]  that caused Christ the onely Sonne of GOD to bee crucified in the flesh,
[II.13.2-385]  and to suffer the most vile and slaunderous death of the Crosse. If thou
[II.13.2-386]  haddest kept thy selfe vpright, if thou haddest obserued the commande­
[II.13.2-387]  ments, if thou haddest not presumed to transgresse the will of GOD
[II.13.2-388]  in thy first father Adam : then Christ , being in forme of GOD, needed


[II.13.2-389]  not to haue taken vpon him the shape of a seruant: being immortall in
[II.13.2-390]  heauen, he needed not to become mortall on earth: being the true bread
[II.13.2-391]  of the soule, hee needed not to hunger: being the healthfull water of life
[II.13.2-392]  hee needed not to thirst: being life it selfe, he needed not to haue suffered
[II.13.2-393]  death. But to these and many other such extremities, was hee driuen
[II.13.2-394]  by thy sinne, which was so manifolde and great, that GOD could
[II.13.2-395]  bee onely pleased in him, and none other. Canst thou thinke of this
[II.13.2-396]  O sinfull man, and not tremble within thy selfe? Canst thou heare it qui­
[II.13.2-397]  etly without remorse of conscience, and sorrow of heart? Did Christ suf­
[II.13.2-398]  fer his passion for thee, and wilt thou shew no compassion towards him?
[II.13.2-399]  While Christ was yet hanging on the Crosse, and yeelding vp the Ghost,


[II.13.2-400]  the Scripture witnesseth that the vayle of the Temple did rent in twaine
[II.13.2-401]  and the earth did quake, that the stones claue asunder, that the graues
[II.13.2-402]  did open, and the dead bodies rise. And shall the heart of man be nothing
[II.13.2-403]  mooued to remember how grieuously and cruelly he was handled of the
[II.13.2-404]  Iewes for our sinnes? Shall man shew himselfe to bee more hard har­
[II.13.2-405]  ted then stones, to haue lesse compassion then dead bodies? Call to mind,
[II.13.2-406]  O sinfull creature, and set before thine eyes Christ crucified. Thinke
[II.13.2-407]  thou seest his Body stretched out in length vpon the Crosse, his head
[II.13.2-408]  crowned with sharpe thornes, and his handes and his feete pearced with
[II.13.2-409]  nayles, his heart opened with a long speare, his flesh rent and torne
[II.13.2-410]  with whippes, his browes sweating water and blood. Thinke thou
[II.13.2-411]  hearest him now crying in an intolerable agony to his Father and say­
[II.13.2-412]  ing, My GOD, my GOD, why hast thou forsaken mee? Couldest
[II.13.2-413]  thou beholde this wofull sight, or heare this mournefull voyce, without
[II.13.2-414]  teares, considering that hee suffered all this, not for any desert of
[II.13.2-415]  his owne, but onely for the grieuousnesse of thy sinnes? O that man­
[II.13.2-416]  kinde should put the euerlasting Sonne of GOD to such paines. O
[II.13.2-417]  that wee should bee the occasion of his death, and the onely cause of
[II.13.2-418]  his condemnation. May wee not iustly cry, woe worth the time that
[II.13.2-419]  euer wee sinned? O my brethren, let this Image of Christ crucified,
[II.13.2-420]  bee alwayes printed in our heartes, let it stirre vs vp to the hatred of
[II.13.2-421]  sinne, and prouoke our mindes to the earnest loue of Almighty GOD.
[II.13.2-422]  For why? Is not sinne, thinke you, a greeuous thing in his sight, see­
[II.13.2-423]  ing for the transgressing of GODS precept in eating of one apple, he con­
[II.13.2-424]  demned all the world to perpetuall death, & would not be pacified, but on­
[II.13.2-425]  ly with the blood of his owne Sonne? True, yea most true is that saying


[II.13.2-426]  of Dauid : Thou, O Lord, hatest all them that worke iniquitie, neither
[II.13.2-427]  shall the wicked and euill man dwell with thee. By the mouth of his ho­
[II.13.2-428]  ly Prophet Esay , he cryed mainely out against sinners, & saith: Wo be vnto

Esay 5.

[II.13.2-429]  you &that; draw iniquity with cords of vanity, & sin as it were with cartropes.


[II.13.2-430]  Did not he giue a plaine token how greatly he hated and abhorred sin,
[II.13.2-431]  when he drowned all the world saue only eight persons, when he destroy­


[II.13.2-432]  Sodome and Gomorrhe with fire and brimstone, when in three dayes

1.King. 26.

[II.13.2-433]  space hee killed with pestilence threescore and tenne thousand for Dauids


[II.13.2-434]  offence, when hee drowned Pharao and all his hoste in the red sea, when

Daniel 14.

[II.13.2-435]  hee turned Nabuchodonosor the king into the forme of a bruit beast, cree­
[II.13.2-436]  ping vpon all foure, when he suffered Achitophel and Iudas to hang them­

2 King 27.

[II.13.2-437]  selues vpon the remorse of sinne, which was so terrible to their eyes? A

Actes 1.

[II.13.2-438]  thousand such examples are to bee found in Scripture, if a man would
[II.13.2-439]  stand to seeke them out. But what neede we? This one example which
[II.13.2-440]  wee haue now in hande, is of more force, and ought more to mooue
[II.13.2-441]  vs, then all the rest. Christ being the Sonne of GOD, and perfect GOD
[II.13.2-442]  himselfe, who neuer committed sinne, was compelled to come downe from
[II.13.2-443]  heauen, to giue his body to bee bruised and broken on the crosse for ouer
[II.13.2-444]  sinnes. Was not this a manifest token of GODS great wrath and dis­
[II.13.2-445]  pleasure towards sinne, that he could be pacified by no other meanes, but
[II.13.2-446]  onely by the sweete and precious blood of his deare Sonne? O sinne,
[II.13.2-447]  sinne, that euer thou shouldest driue Christ to such extremity! Woe worth
[II.13.2-448]  the time that euer thou camest into the world. But what booteth it now
[II.13.2-449]  to bewaile? Sinne is come, and so come that it cannot be auoyded. There
[II.13.2-450]  is no man liuing, no not the iustest man on the earth, but he falleth seuen


[II.13.2-451]  times a day, as Salomon sayth. And our Sauiour Christ , although he
[II.13.2-452]  hath deliuered vs from sinne: yet not so that we shalbe free from commit­
[II.13.2-453]  ting sinne: But so that it shall not be imputed to our condemnation. He
[II.13.2-454]  hath taken vpon him the iust reward of sinne, which was death, and by


[II.13.2-456]  death hath ouerthrowen death, that wee beleeuing in him, might liue
[II.13.2-457]  for euer and not dye. Ought not this to engender extreme hatred of
[II.13.2-458]  sinne in vs, to consider that it did violently, as it were, plucke GOD out
[II.13.2-459]  of heauen, to make him feele the horrours and paines of death? O that
[II.13.2-460]  we would sometimes consider this in the middest of our pompes and plea­
[II.13.2-461]  sures, it would bridle the outragiousnesse of the flesh, it would abate and
[II.13.2-462]  asswage our carnall affections, it would restraine our fleshly appetites,
[II.13.2-463]  that wee should not run at random as wee commonly doe. To commit
[II.13.2-464]  sinne wilfully and desperately without feare of GOD, is nothing els but
[II.13.2-465]  to crucifie Christ anew, as we are expresly taught in the Epistle to the He­


[II.13.2-466]  brewes. Which thing if it were deepely printed in all mens hearts, then
[II.13.2-467]  should not sinne reigne euery where so much as it doth, to the great griefe
[II.13.2-468]  and torment of Christ now sitting in heauen.

[II.13.2-469]  Let vs therefore remember, and alwayes beare in minde Christ crucifi­
[II.13.2-470]  ed, that thereby wee may bee inwardly mooued both to abhorre sinne
[II.13.2-471]  throughly, and also with an earnest and zealous heart to loue GOD.
[II.13.2-472]  For this is another fruit which the memoriall of Christes death ought
[II.13.2-473]  to worke in vs, an earnest and vnfained loue towardes GOD. So
[II.13.2-474]  GOD loued the world (sayth Saint Iohn ) that hee gaue his onely

Iohn 3.

[II.13.2-475]  begotten Sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish,
[II.13.2-476]  but haue life euerlasting. If GOD declared so great loue towards vs
[II.13.2-477]  his seely creatures: how can wee of right but loue him againe? Was
[II.13.2-478]  not this a sure pledge of his loue, to giue vs his owne Sonne from hea­
[II.13.2-479]  uen? Hee might haue giuen vs an Angel if he would, or some other crea­
[II.13.2-480]  ture, and yet should his loue haue beene farre aboue our deserts. Now
[II.13.2-481]  hee gaue vs not an Angel, but his Sonne. And what Sonne? His
[II.13.2-482]  onely Sonne, his naturall Sonne, his welbeloued Sonne, euen that
[II.13.2-483]  Sonne whom he had made Lord and ruler of all things. Was not this a
[II.13.2-484]  singular token of great loue? But to whom did he giue him? Hee gaue
[II.13.2-485]  him to the whole world, that is to say, to Adam , and all that should come
[II.13.2-486]  after him. O Lord, what had Adam , or any other man deserued at GODS
[II.13.2-487]  handes, that he should giue vs his owne Sonne? Wee are all miserable
[II.13.2-488]  persons, sinfull persons, damnable persons, iustly driuen out of Paradise,
[II.13.2-489]  iustly excluded from heauen, iustly condemned to hell fire: And yet (see
[II.13.2-490]  a wonderful token of GODS loue) he gaue vs his only begotten Sonne,
[II.13.2-491]  vs I say, that were his extreme and deadly enemies, that we by vertue of
[II.13.2-492]  his blood shedde vpon the Crosse, might be cleane purged from our sinnes,
[II.13.2-493]  and made righteous againe in his sight. Who can chuse but maruell, to
[II.13.2-494]  heare that GOD should shew such vnspeakable loue towardes vs,
[II.13.2-495]  that were his deadly enemies? Indeede, O mortall man, thou ough­
[II.13.2-496]  test of right to maruell at it, and to acknowledge therein GODS
[II.13.2-497]  great goodnesse and mercy towards mankinde, which is so wonderfull,
[II.13.2-498]  that no flesh, bee it neuer so worldly wise, may well conceiue it, or ex­


[II.13.2-499]  presse it. For as Saint Paul testifieth, GOD greatly commendeth and
[II.13.2-500]  setteth out his loue towards vs, in that he sent his Sonne Christ to die
[II.13.2-501]  for vs, when we were yet sinners, and open enemies of his Name. If we
[II.13.2-502]  had in any manner of wise deserued it at his handes, then had it beene
[II.13.2-503]  no maruell at all, but there was no desert on our part wherefore hee
[II.13.2-504]  should doe it. Therefore thou sinnefull creature, when thou hearest that
[II.13.2-505]  GOD gaue his Sonne to die for the sinnes of the world, thinke not he
[II.13.2-506]  did it for any desert or goodnesse that was in thee, for thou wast then the
[II.13.2-507]  bondslaue of the Deuill: But fall downe vpon thy knees, and cry with


[II.13.2-508]  the Prophet Dauid , O Lord, what is man, that thou art so minde­
[II.13.2-509]  full of him? or the sonne of man, that thou so regardest him? And see­
[II.13.2-510]  ing he hath so greatly loued thee, endeuour thy selfe to loue him againe,
[II.13.2-511]  with all thy heart, with all thy soule, and with all thy strength, that
[II.13.2-512]  therein thou mayest appeare not to be vnworthy of his loue. I report me
[II.13.2-513]  to thine owne conscience, whether thou wouldest not thinke thy loue ill
[II.13.2-514]  bestowed vpon him, that could not finde in his heart to loue thee againe?
[II.13.2-515]  If this be true, (as it is most true) then thinke how greatly it behoueth
[II.13.2-516]  thee in duetie to loue GOD, which hath so greatly loued thee, that he hath
[II.13.2-517]  not spared his owne onely Sonne from so cruell and shamefull a death
[II.13.2-518]  for thy sake. And hitherto concerning the cause of Christs death and pas­
[II.13.2-519]  sion, which as it was on our part most horrible and grieuous sinne, so on
[II.13.2-520]  the other side it was the free gift of GOD, proceeding of his meere and
[II.13.2-521]  tender loue towards mankinde, without any merite or desert of our part.
[II.13.2-522]  The Lord for his mercies sake graunt that we neuer forget this great be­
[II.13.2-523]  nefite of our saluation in Christ Iesu , but that wee alwayes shew our
[II.13.2-524]  selues thankefull for it, abhorring all kinde of wickednesse and sinne, and
[II.13.2-525]  applying our mindes wholy to the seruice of GOD, and the diligent kee­
[II.13.2-526]  ping of his commandements.

[II.13.2-527]  Now it remayneth that I shew vnto you, how to apply Christs death
[II.13.2-528]  and passion to our comfort, as a medicine to our woundes, so that it may
[II.13.2-529]  worke the same effect in vs wherefore it was giuen, namely, the health
[II.13.2-530]  and saluation of our soules. For as it profiteth a man nothing to haue
[II.13.2-531]  salue, vnlesse it be wel applyed to the part infected: So the death of Christ
[II.13.2-532]  shall stand vs in nor force, vnlesse wee apply it to our selues in such sort as
[II.13.2-533]  GOD hath appoynted. Almighty GOD commonly worketh by
[II.13.2-534]  meanes, and in this thing he hath also ordained a certaine meane, where­
[II.13.2-535]  by we may take fruit and profite to our soules health.

[II.13.2-536]  What meane is that? forsooth it is faith. Not an vnconstant or waue­
[II.13.2-537]  ring faith: but a sure, stedfast, grounded, and vnfained faith. GOD sent
[II.13.2-538]  his sonne into the world (sayth Saint Iohn ) To what end? That whoso­
[II.13.2-539]  euer beleeueth in him should not perish, but haue life euerlasting. Marke

Iohn 3.

[II.13.2-540]  these words: that whosoeuer beleeueth in him. Heere is the mean where­
[II.13.2-541]  by we must apply the fruites of Christs death vnto our deadly wound.
[II.13.2-542]  Heere is the meane whereby we must obtaine eternall life, namely fayth.
[II.13.2-543]  For (as Saint Paul teacheth in his Epistle to the Romanes) With the


[II.13.2-544]  heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse, and with the mouth confession
[II.13.2-545]  is made vnto saluation. Paul being demanded of the keeper of the prison,
[II.13.2-546]  what he should doe to be saued? made this answer: Beleeue in the Lord
[II.13.2-547]  Iesus , so shalt thou and thine house both be saued. After the Euangelist

Acts 16.

[II.13.2-548]  had described and set foorth vnto vs at large, the life and the death of the
[II.13.2-549]  Lord Iesus , in the end he concludeth with these words: These things

Iohn 20.

[II.13.2-550]  are written, that we may beleeue Iesus Christ to be the sonne of GOD,
[II.13.2-551]  and through fayth obtayne eternall life. To conclude with the wordes of
[II.13.2-552]  Saint Paul , which are these: Christ is the end of the Law vnto saluati­

Rom. 10.

[II.13.2-553]  on, for euery one that doeth beleeue. By this then, you may well per­
[II.13.2-554]  ceiue, that the onely meane and instrument of saluation required of our
[II.13.2-555]  parts, is fayth, that is to say, a sure trust and confidence in the mercies
[II.13.2-556]  of GOD: whereby we perswade our selues, that GOD, both hath, and
[II.13.2-557]  will forgiue our sinnes, that he hath accepted vs againe into his fauour,
[II.13.2-558]  that he hath released vs from the bonds of damnation, and receiued vs
[II.13.2-559]  againe into the number of his elect people, not for our merits or deserts,
[II.13.2-560]  but onely and solely for the merits of Christs death and passion, who be­
[II.13.2-561]  came man for our sakes, and humbled himselfe to sustaine the reproach of
[II.13.2-562]  the Crosse, that we thereby might be saued, and made inheritours of the
[II.13.2-563]  kingdome of heauen. This fayth is required at our hands. And this if
[II.13.2-564]  we keepe stedfastly at our hearts, there is no doubt, but we shall obtayne
[II.13.2-565]  saluation at GODS hands, as did Abraham , Isaac , and Iacob , of whom
[II.13.2-566]  the Scripture sayth, that they beleeued, and it was imputed vnto them


[II.13.2-567]  for righteousnesse. Was it imputed vnto them onely? and shall it not bee


[II.13.2-568]  imputed vnto vs also? Yes, if wee haue the same fayth as they had, it
[II.13.2-569]  shall be as truely imputed vnto vs for righteousnes, as it was vnto them.
[II.13.2-570]  For it is one fayth that must saue both vs and them, euen a sure and sted­
[II.13.2-571]  fast fayth in Christ Iesus , who as ye haue heard, came into the world for

Iohn 3.

[II.13.2-572]  this end, that whosoeuer beleeue in him, should not perish, but haue life
[II.13.2-573]  euerlasting. But heere wee must take heed, that wee doe not halt with
[II.13.2-574]  GOD through an vnconstant and wauering fayth, but that it bee
[II.13.2-575]  strong and stedfast to our liues end. Hee that wauereth (sayth Saint
[II.13.2-576]  Iames ) is like a waue of the sea, neither let that man thinke that he shall

Iames 1.

[II.13.2-577]  obtayne any thing at GODS hands. Peter comming to Christ vpon


[II.13.2-578]  the water, because he fainted in fayth, was in danger of drowning. So
[II.13.2-579]  we, if we beginne to wauer or doubt, it is to be feared lest wee shall sinke
[II.13.2-580]  as Peter did, not into the water, but into the bottomlesse pit of hell fire.
[II.13.2-581]  Therefore I say vnto you, that we must apprehend the merits of Christes
[II.13.2-582]  death and passion by fayth, and that with a strong and stedfast fayth, no­
[II.13.2-583]  thing doubting, but that Christ by his owne oblation, and once offering
[II.13.2-584]  of himselfe vpon the Crosse, hath taken away our sinnes, and hath resto­
[II.13.2-585]  red vs againe into GODS fauour, so fully and perfectly, that no other
[II.13.2-586]  sacrifice for sinne, shall heereafter be requisite or needfull in all the world.

[II.13.2-587]  Thus haue you heard in few words, the meane whereby wee must ap­
[II.13.2-588]  ply the fruites and merits of Christs death vnto vs, so that it may worke
[II.13.2-589]  the saluation of our soules, namely a sure, stedfast, perfect, and grounded


[II.13.2-590]  fayth. For as all they which beheld stedfastly the brasen serpent, were

Iohn 3.

[II.13.2-591]  healed and deliuered at the very sight thereof, from their corporall disea­
[II.13.2-592]  ses, and bodily stings: euen so all they which behold Christ crucified with
[II.13.2-593]  a true and liuely fayth, shall vndoubtedly be deliuered from the grieuous
[II.13.2-594]  wound of the soule, be they neuer so deadly or many in number. There­
[II.13.2-595]  fore (dearely beloued) if we chance at any time through frailty of the flesh,
[II.13.2-596]  to fall into sinne (as it cannot be chosen, but wee must needes fall often)
[II.13.2-597]  and if we feele the heauy burden thereof to presse our soules, tormenting
[II.13.2-598]  vs with the feare of death, hell, and damnation, let vs then vse that mean
[II.13.2-599]  which GOD hath appoynted in his word, to wit, the meane of fayth,
[II.13.2-600]  which is the onely instrument of saluation now left vnto vs. Let vs sted­
[II.13.2-601]  fastly behold Christ crucified, with the eyes of our heart Let vs only trust
[II.13.2-602]  to be saued by his death and passion, and to haue our sinnes cleane washed
[II.13.2-603]  away through his most pretious bloud, that in the end of the world, when
[II.13.2-604]  he shall come againe to iudge both the quicke and the dead, he may receiue
[II.13.2-605]  vs into his heauenly kingdome, and place vs in the number of his
[II.13.2-606]  elect and chosen people, there to be partakers of that immortall
[II.13.2-607]  and euerlasting life, which he hath purchased vnto vs
[II.13.2-608]  by vertue of his bloudy woundes: To him
[II.13.2-609]  therefore, with the Father, and the
[II.13.2-610]  holy Ghost, be all honour and
[II.13.2-611]  glory, world without
[II.13.2-612]  end,Amen.