from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire (ed.)
University of Toronto

Resurrection of our Sauiour Iesus
For Easter Day.

[II.14.1-2]  IF euer at any time the greatnesse or
[II.14.1-3]  excellency of any matter spirituall or
[II.14.1-4]  temporall hath stirred vp your mindes
[II.14.1-5]  to giue diligent care (good Christian
[II.14.1-6]  people, and welbeloued in our Lord
[II.14.1-7]  and Sauiour Iesus Christ) I doubt
[II.14.1-8]  not but that I shall haue you now at
[II.14.1-9]  this present season most diligent and
[II.14.1-10]  ready hearers, of the matter which I
[II.14.1-11]  haue at this time to open vnto you. For
[II.14.1-12]  I come to declare that great and most
[II.14.1-13]  comfortable Article of our Christian
[II.14.1-14]  Religion and fayth, the Resurrection of
[II.14.1-15]  our Lord Iesus. So great surely is the matter of this Article, and of so
[II.14.1-16]  great wayght and importance, that it was thought worthy to keepe our
[II.14.1-17]  sayd Sauiour still on earth forty dayes after hee was risen from death
[II.14.1-18]  to life, to the confirmation and establishment thereof in the hearts of his
[II.14.1-19]  Disciples. So that (as Luke clearely testifieth in the first Chapter
[II.14.1-20]  Actes of the Apostles) he was conuersant with his Disciples by the space
[II.14.1-21]  of fortydayes continually together, to the intent he would in his person,
[II.14.1-22]  being now glorified, teach and instruct them, which should bee the teach­
[II.14.1-23]  ers of other, fully and in most absolute and perfect wise, the trueth of this
[II.14.1-24]  most Christian Article, which is the ground and foundation of our whole
[II.14.1-25]  Religion, before he would ascend vp to his father into the heauens, there
[II.14.1-26]  to receiue the glory of his most triumphant conquest and victory. Assu­
[II.14.1-27]  redly, so highly comfortable is this Article to our consciences, that it is
[II.14.1-28]  euen the very locke and key of all our Christian Religion and fayth. If it


[II.14.1-29]  were not true (sayth the holy Apostle Paul) that Christ rose againe: then
[II.14.1-30]  our preaching were in vaine, your fayth which you haue receiued were
[II.14.1-31]  but voyd, ye were yet in the danger of your sinnes. If Christ be not risen
[II.14.1-32]  againe (sayth the Apostle) then are they in very euill case, and vtterly pe­
[II.14.1-33]  rished, that be entred their sleepe in Christ, then are wee the most misera­
[II.14.1-34]  ble of all men, which haue our hope fixed in Christ, if he be yet vnder the
[II.14.1-35]  power of death, and as yet not restored to his blisse againe. But now hee
[II.14.1-36]  is risen againe from death (sayth the Apostle Paul) to be the first fruites of
[II.14.1-37]  them that be asleepe, to the intent to rayse them to euerlasting life again:
[II.14.1-38]  Yea if it were not true that Christ is risen againe, then were it neither
[II.14.1-39]  true that he is ascended vp to heauen, nor that hee sent downe from hea­
[II.14.1-40]  uen vnto vs the holy Ghost, nor that hee sitteth on the right hand of his
[II.14.1-41]  heauenly Father, hauing the rule of heauen and earth, raigning (as the


[II.14.1-42]  Prophet sayth) from sea to sea, nor that he should after this world, be the
[II.14.1-43]  Iudge aswell of the liuing as of the dead, to giue reward to the good, and
[II.14.1-44]  iudgement to the euill. That these linkes therefore of our fayth should all
[II.14.1-45]  hang together in stedfast establishment and confirmation, it pleased our
[II.14.1-46]  Sauiour not straightway to withdraw himselfe from the bodily presence
[II.14.1-47]  and sight of his Disciples, but he chose out forty dayes, wherein he would
[II.14.1-48]  declare vnto them, by manifold and most strong arguments and tokens,
[II.14.1-49]  that he had conquered death, and that he was also truly risen again to life.

Luke 24.

[II.14.1-50]  He began (sayth Luke) at Moses & all the Prophets, and expounded vnto
[II.14.1-51]  them the Prophesies that were written in all the Scriptures of him, to
[II.14.1-52]  the intent to confirme the trueth of his resurrection, long before spoken
[II.14.1-53]  of: which he verified indeed, as it is declared very apparantly and mani­
[II.14.1-54]  festly, by his oft appearance to sundry persons at sundry times. First, he

Matth. 28.

[II.14.1-55]  sent his Angels to the Sepulchre, who did shew vnto certaine women
[II.14.1-56]  the empty graue, sauing that the buriall linnen remayned therein. And
[II.14.1-57]  by these signes were these women fully instructed, that hee was risen a­
[II.14.1-58]  gaine, and so did they testifie it openly. After this, Iesus himselfe appea­

Iohn 20.

[II.14.1-59]  red to Mary Magdalene, and after that to certaine other women, & straight
[II.14.1-60]  afterward he appeared to Peter, then to the two Disciples, which were
[II.14.1-61]  going to Emaus. He appeared to the Disciples also, as they were gathe­

Luke 24.

[II.14.1-62]  red together, for feare of the Iewes, the doore shut. At another time hee
[II.14.1-63]  was seene at the sea of Tiberias of Peter and Thomas, and of other Disci­

Iohn 21.

[II.14.1-64]  ples, when they were fishing. Hee was seene of more then fiue hundred
[II.14.1-65]  brethren in the mount of Galile, where Iesus appoynted them to bee by
[II.14.1-66]  his Angel, when he sayd, Behold, he shall go before you into Galile, there
[II.14.1-67]  shall ye see him as he hath sayd vnto you. After this hee appeared vnto

Acts 1.

[II.14.1-68]  Iames, and last of all he was visiblie seene of all the Apostles, at such time
[II.14.1-69]  as he was taken vp into heauen. Thus at sundry times he shewed him­
[II.14.1-70]  selfe after he was risen againe, to confirme and stablish this Article. And
[II.14.1-71]  in these reuelations sometime he shewed them his hands, his feet, and his
[II.14.1-72]  side, and bade them touch him, that they should not take him for a ghost
[II.14.1-73]  or a spirit. Sometime he also did eat with them, but euer hee was tal­
[II.14.1-74]  king with them of the euerlasting kingdome of GOD, to assure the

Luke 24.

[II.14.1-75]  trueth of his resurrection. For then he opened their vnderstanding, that
[II.14.1-76]  they might perceiue the Scriptures, and sayd vnto them: Thus it is
[II.14.1-77]  written, and thus it behooued Christ to suffer, and to rise from death the
[II.14.1-78]  third day, and that there should be preached openly in his name pardon
[II.14.1-80]  and remission of sinnes to all the Nations of the world. Yee see (good
[II.14.1-81]  Christian people) how necessary this Article of our faith is, seeing it
[II.14.1-82]  was prooued of Christ himselfe by such euident reasons and tokens, by
[II.14.1-83]  so long time and space. Now therefore as our Sauiour was dili­
[II.14.1-84]  gent for our comfort and instruction to declare it: so let vs be as ready
[II.14.1-85]  in our beliefe to receiue it to our comfort and instruction. As he died not
[II.14.1-86]  for himselfe, no more did he rise againe for himselfe. He was dead (sayth


[II.14.1-87]  Saint Paul) for our sinnes, and rose againe for our iustification. O most
[II.14.1-88]  comfortable word, euermore to be borne in remembrance. He died (saith
[II.14.1-89]  he) to put away sinne, hee rose againe to endow vs with righteousnesse.
[II.14.1-90]  His death tooke away sinne and malediction, his death was the ransome
[II.14.1-91]  of them both, his death destroyed death, and ouercame the deuill, which
[II.14.1-92]  had the power of death in his subiection, his death destroyed hell, with all
[II.14.1-93]  the damnation thereof. Thus is death swallowed vp by Christs victory,
[II.14.1-94]  thus is hell spoyled for euer. If any man doubt of this victory, let
[II.14.1-95]  Christs glorious resurrection declare him the thing. If death could not
[II.14.1-96]  keepe Christ vnder his dominion and power, but that he arose againe, it
[II.14.1-97]  is manifest that his power was ouercome. If death bee conquered, then
[II.14.1-98]  must it follow that sinne, wherefore death was appoynted as the wages,
[II.14.1-99]  must bee also destroyed. If death and sinne be vanished away, then is the
[II.14.1-100]  deuils tyranny vanished, which had the power of death, and was the au­
[II.14.1-101]  thor and brewer of sinne, and the ruler of hell. If Christ had the victory
[II.14.1-102]  of them all by the power of his death, and openly prooued it byhis most
[II.14.1-103]  victorious and valiant resurrection (as it was not possible for his great
[II.14.1-104]  might to bee subdued of them) and it is true, that Christ dyed for our
[II.14.1-105]  sinnes, and rose againe for our iustification: Why may not wee, that bee
[II.14.1-106]  his members by true faith, reioyce and boldly say with the Prophet Osee,
[II.14.1-107]  and the Apostle Paul, Where is thy dart, O death? Where is thy victory,
[II.14.1-108]  O hell? Thankes be vnto GOD, say they, which hath giuen vs the
[II.14.1-109]  victory by our Lord Christ Iesus.

[II.14.1-110]  This mighty conquest of his resurrection, was not onely signified be­
[II.14.1-111]  fore by diuers figures of the olde Testament, as by Sampson when hee


[II.14.1-112]  slew the Lion, out of whose mouth came sweetenesse and hony, and as
[II.14.1-113]  Dauid bare his figure when hee deliuered the lambe out of the Lyons
[II.14.1-114]  mouth, and when he ouercame and slew the great Gyant Goliah, and as
[II.14.1-115]  when Ionas was swallowed vp in the Whales mouth, and cast vp againe

Ionas 1.

[II.14.1-116]  on land aliue: but was also most clearely prophesied by the Prophets of
[II.14.1-117]  the old Testament, and in the new also confirmed by the Apostles. He hath


[II.14.1-118]  spoyled, saith Saint Paul, rule and power, and all the dominion of our
[II.14.1-119]  spirituall enemies. Hee hath made a shew of them openly, and hath
[II.14.1-120]  triumphed ouer them in his owne person. This is the mighty power of
[II.14.1-121]  the Lord, whom we beleeue on. By his death, hath hee wrought for vs
[II.14.1-122]  this victory, and by his resurrection, hath hee purchased euerlasting life
[II.14.1-123]  and righteousnes for vs. It had not beene enough to bee deliuered by his
[II.14.1-124]  death from sinne, except by his resurrection wee had beene endowed with
[II.14.1-125]  righteousnesse. And it should not auaile vs to be deliuered from death, ex­
[II.14.1-126]  cept he had risen againe, to open for vs the gates of heauen, to enter into


[II.14.1-127]  life euerlasting. And therefore Saint Peter thanketh GOD the Fa­
[II.14.1-128]  ther of our Lord Iesus Christ for his aboundant mercy, because hee hath
[II.14.1-129]  begotten vs (sayth hee) vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Ie­
[II.14.1-130]  sus Christ
from death, to enioy an inheritance immortall, that neuer
[II.14.1-131]  shall perish, which is layd vp in heauen for them that bee kept by the
[II.14.1-132]  power of GOD through faith. Thus hath his resurrection wrought
[II.14.1-133]  for vs life and righteousnes. He passed through death & hell, to the intent
[II.14.1-134]  to put vs in good hope, that by his strength we shall doe the same. He payd
[II.14.1-135]  the ransome of sinne, that it should not be laid to our charge. He destroyed
[II.14.1-136]  the deuill and all his tyranny, and openly triumphed ouer him, and tooke
[II.14.1-137]  away from him all his captiues, and hath raised and set them with him­


[II.14.1-138]  selfe among the heauenly Citizens aboue. He dyed, to destroy the rule of
[II.14.1-139]  the deuill in vs: and he rose againe, to send downe his holy Spirit to rule
[II.14.1-140]  in our hearts, to endow vs with perfect righteousnesse. Thus it is true


[II.14.1-141]  that Dauid sung, Veritas de terra orta est, & iustitia de c&oe;lo prospexit. The
[II.14.1-142]  trueth of GODS promise is in earth to man declared, or from the earth


[II.14.1-143]  is the euerlasting veritie GODS Sonne risen to life, and the true righte­

duxit capti­

[II.14.1-144]  ousnesse of the holy Ghost looking out of heauen, and in most liberall lar­
[II.14.1-145]  ges dealt vpon all the world. Thus is glory and prayse rebounded vp­
[II.14.1-146]  wards to GOD aboue, for his mercy & trueth. And thus is peace come
[II.14.1-147]  downe from heauen to men of good and faithfull hearts. Thus is mercy

Luke 2.

[II.14.1-148]  and trueth as Dauid writeth, together mette, thus is peace and righteous­


[II.14.1-149]  nesse imbracing and kissing ech other. If thou doubtest of so great wealth

dia & veri­
tas obuiaue­
runt sibi.

[II.14.1-151]  and felicity that is wrought for thee, O man, call to thy minde that there­
[II.14.1-152]  fore hast thou receiued into thine owne possession the euerlasting veritie
[II.14.1-153]  our Sauiour Iesus Christ, to confirme to thy conscience the trueth of all
[II.14.1-154]  this matter. Thou hast receiued him, if in true faith and repentance of
[II.14.1-155]  heart thou hast receiued him: If in purpose of amendment, thou hast re­
[II.14.1-156]  ceiued him for an euerlasting gage or pledge of thy saluation. Thou hast
[II.14.1-157]  receiued his body which was once broken, and his blood which was
[II.14.1-158]  shedde for the remission of thy sinne. Thou hast receiued his body, to
[II.14.1-159]  haue within thee the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, for to dwell
[II.14.1-160]  with thee, to endow thee with grace, to strength thee against thine
[II.14.1-161]  enemies, and to comfort thee with their presence. Thou hast receiued
[II.14.1-162]  his body to endow thee with euerlasting righteousnesse, to assure thee of
[II.14.1-163]  euerlasting blisse, and life of thy soule. For with Christ by true faith art


[II.14.1-164]  thou quickened againe (saith Saint Paul) from death of sinne, to life of
[II.14.1-165]  grace, and in hope translated from corporall and euerlasting death, to the
[II.14.1-166]  euerlasting life of glory in heauen, where now thy conuersation should
[II.14.1-167]  bee, and thy heart and desire set. Doubt not of the trueth of this matter,
[II.14.1-168]  how great and high soeuer these things be. It becommeth GOD to doe
[II.14.1-169]  no small deedes, how impossible soeuer they seeme to thee. Pray to GOD
[II.14.1-170]  that thou mayest haue faith to perceiue this great mysterie of Christs re­
[II.14.1-171]  surrection: that by faith thou mayest certainely beleeue nothing to bee

Luke 18.

[II.14.1-172]  impossible with GOD. Onely bring thou faith to Christs holy word
[II.14.1-173]  and Sacrament. Let thy repentance shew thy faith, let thy purpose of a­
[II.14.1-174]  mendment & obedience of thy heart to GODS law, hereafter declare thy
[II.14.1-175]  true beleefe. Endeuour thy selfe to say with Saint Paul, From hence­
[II.14.1-176]  foorth our conuersation is in heauen, from whence wee looke for a Sa­
[II.14.1-177]  uiour, euen the Lord Iesus Christ, which shall change our vile bodies,
[II.14.1-178]  that they may be fashioned like his glorious body, which hee shall
[II.14.1-179]  doe by the same power whereby he rose from death, and whereby he shall


[II.14.1-180]  bee able to subdue all things vnto himselfe. Thus (good Christian peo­
[II.14.1-181]  ple) forasmuch as yee haue heard these so great and excellent benefites of
[II.14.1-182]  Christes mighty and glorious resurrection, as how that hee hath ranso-­
[II.14.1-183]  med sinne, ouercome the diuell, death, and hell, and hath victoriously
[II.14.1-184]  gotten the better hand of them all, to make vs free and safe from them,
[II.14.1-185]  and knowing that we bee by this benefite of his resurrection risen with
[II.14.1-186]  him by our faith, vnto life euerlasting, being in full surety of our hope,
[II.14.1-187]  that wee shall haue our bodies likewise raised againe from death, to haue
[II.14.1-188]  them glorified in immortalitie, and ioyned to his glorious body, hauing
[II.14.1-189]  in the meane while this holy spirit within our heartes as a seale and
[II.14.1-190]  pledge of our euerlasting inheritance. By whose assistance we be reple­
[II.14.1-191]  nished with all righteousnesse, by whose power we shall bee able to sub­
[II.14.1-192]  due all our euill affections, rising against the pleasure of GOD. These
[II.14.1-193]  things, I say, well considered, let vs now in the rest of our life de­
[II.14.1-194]  clare our faith that we haue in this most fruitfull article, by framing our
[II.14.1-195]  selues thereunto, in rising dayly from sinne, to righteousnesse and holi­
[II.14.1-196]  nesse of life. For what shall it auaile vs (saith Saint Peter) to bee esca­


[II.14.1-197]  ped and deliuered from the filthinesse of the world, through the know­
[II.14.1-198]  ledge of the Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, if wee be intangled againe
[II.14.1-199]  therewith, and bee ouercome againe? Certainely it had beene better
[II.14.1-200]  (saith hee) neuer to haue knowne the way of righteousnesse, then after
[II.14.1-201]  it is knowne and receiued, to turne backe againe from the holy Com­
[II.14.1-202]  mandement of GOD giuen vnto vs. For so shall the prouerbe haue
[II.14.1-203]  place in vs, where it is said: The dogge is returned to his vomit againe,
[II.14.1-204]  and the Sowe that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire againe.
[II.14.1-205]  What a shame were it for vs, being thus so clearely and freely wa­
[II.14.1-206]  shed from our sinne, to returne to the filthinesse thereof againe? What
[II.14.1-207]  a follie were it, thus endowed with righteousnesse, to loose it againe?
[II.14.1-208]  What madnesse were it to loose the inheritance that wee bee now set in,
[II.14.1-209]  for the vile and transitorie pleasure of sinne? And what an vnkindnesse
[II.14.1-210]  should it bee, where our Sauiour Christ of his mercie is come to vs, to
[II.14.1-211]  dwell with vs as our ghest, to driue him from vs, and to banish him vi­
[II.14.1-212]  olently out of our soules, and in stead of him in whom is all grace and
[II.14.1-213]  vertue, to receiue the vngracious spirit of the diuell, the founder of all
[II.14.1-214]  naughtinesse and mischiefe. How can wee finde in our heartes to shew
[II.14.1-215]  such extreme vnkindnesse to Christ, which hath now entred within vs?
[II.14.1-216]  yea, how dare wee be so bold to renounce the presence of the Father, the
[II.14.1-217]  Sonne and the holy Ghost? (For where one is, there is GOD all whole
[II.14.1-218]  in Maiestie, together with all his power, wisedome, and goodnesse) and
[II.14.1-219]  feare not I say the danger and perill of so traiterous a defiance and de­
[II.14.1-220]  parture? Good Christian brethren and sisters, aduise your selues, con­
[II.14.1-221]  sider the dignity that yee bee now set in, let no folly loose the thing that
[II.14.1-222]  grace hath so preciously offered and purchased, let not wilfulnesse and


[II.14.1-223]  blindnesse put out so great light that is now shewed vnto you. Onely
[II.14.1-224]  take good heartes vnto you, and put vpon you all the armour of GOD,
[II.14.1-225]  that yee may stand against your enemies, which would againe subdue


[II.14.1-226]  you, and bring you into their thraldome. Remember ye bee bought from
[II.14.1-227]  your vaine conuersation, and that your freedome is purchased neither
[II.14.1-228]  with gold nor siluer, but with the price of the precious Blood of that
[II.14.1-229]  innocent Lambe Iesus Christ, which was ordained to the same purpose
[II.14.1-230]  before the world was made. But hee was so declared in the latter time
[II.14.1-231]  of grace, for your sakes which by him haue your faith in GOD, who
[II.14.1-232]  hath raised him from death, and hath giuen him glory, that you should
[II.14.1-233]  haue your faith and hope towards GOD. Therefore as you haue hither­
[II.14.1-234]  to followed the vaine lustes of your mindes, and so displeased GOD, to
[II.14.1-235]  the danger of our soules: So now, like obedient children thus purified
[II.14.1-236]  by faith, giue your selues to walke that way which GOD mooueth
[II.14.1-237]  you to, that ye may receiue the end of your faith, the saluation of your
[II.14.1-238]  soules. And as yee haue giuen your bodies to vnrighteousnesse, to sinne


[II.14.1-239]  after sinne: so now giue your selues to righteousnesse, to bee sanctified


[II.14.1-240]  therein. If yee delight in this Article of our faith, that Christ is risen a­
[II.14.1-241]  gaine from the death to life: then follow you the example of his resurrec­


[II.14.1-242]  tion, as Saint Paul exhorteth vs, saying: As we be buried with Christ
[II.14.1-243]  by our Baptisme into death, so let vs dayly die to sinne, mortifying and
[II.14.1-244]  killing the euill desires and motions thereof. And as Christ was raysed
[II.14.1-245]  vp from death by the glory of the Father, so let vs rise to a new life, and
[II.14.1-246]  walke continually therein, that wee may likewise as naturall children
[II.14.1-247]  liue a conuersation to mooue men to glorifie our Father which is in hea­
[II.14.1-248]  uen. If wee then be risen with Christ by our faith to the hope of euerla­


[II.14.1-249]  sting life: let vs rise also with Christ, after his example, to a new life,
[II.14.1-250]  & leaue our olde. We shall then be truely risen, if we seeke for things that
[II.14.1-251]  be heauenly, if we haue our affection on things that be aboue, and not on
[II.14.1-252]  things that bee on the earth. If yee desire to know what these earthly
[II.14.1-253]  things bee which yee should put off, and what bee the heauenly thinges
[II.14.1-254]  aboue, that yee should seeke and ensue, Saint Paul in the Epistle to the


[II.14.1-255]  Colossians declareth, when he exhorteth vs thus. Mortifie your earthly
[II.14.1-256]  members and old affection of sinne, as fornication, vncleannesse, vnna­
[II.14.1-257]  turall lust, euill concupiscence, and couetousnes, which is worshipping
[II.14.1-258]  of idolles, for the which thinges, the wrath of GOD is wont to fall
[II.14.1-259]  on the children of vnbeliefe, in which things once yee walked, when yee
[II.14.1-260]  liued in them. But now put yee also away from you, wrath fiercenesse,
[II.14.1-261]  maliciousnesse, cursed speaking, filthy speaking, out of your mouthes. Lye
[II.14.1-262]  not one to another, that the olde man with his workes be put off, and
[II.14.1-263]  the new bee put on. These bee the earthly thinges which Saint Paul
[II.14.1-264]  mooued you to cast from you, and to plucke your heartes from them. For
[II.14.1-265]  in following these, yee declare your selues earthly and worldly. These
[II.14.1-266]  bee the fruites of the earthly Adam. These should you dayly kill, by good
[II.14.1-267]  diligence, in withstanding the desires of them, that yee might rise to
[II.14.1-268]  righteousnesse. Let your affection from hencefoorth bee set on heauenly
[II.14.1-269]  things, sue and search for mercie, kindenesse, meekenesse, patience, for­
[II.14.1-270]  bearing one another, and forgiuing one another. If any man haue a
[II.14.1-271]  quarell to another, as Christ forgaue you, euen so doe yee. If these
[II.14.1-272]  and such other heauenly vertues ye ensue in the residue of your life, ye shal
[II.14.1-273]  shew plainely that yee bee risen with Christ, and that ye bee the heauenly
[II.14.1-274]  children of your Father in heauen, from whom, as from the giuer, com­
[II.14.1-275]  meth these graces and giftes. Yee shall prooue by this maner, that your
[II.14.1-276]  conuersation is in heauen, where your hope is: and not on earth, follow­
[II.14.1-277]  ing the beastly appetites of the flesh. Yee must consider that yee be there­

Iames 1.

[II.14.1-278]  fore cleansed and renued, that ye should from hencefoorth serue GOD


[II.14.1-279]  in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of your liues, that yee may
[II.14.1-280]  raigne with them in euerlasting life. If ye refuse so great grace, where­

Luke 1.

[II.14.1-281]  to ye bee called, what other thing doe ye, then heape to you damnation
[II.14.1-282]  more and more, and so prouoke GOD to cast his displeasure vnto you,
[II.14.1-283]  and to reuenge this mockage of his holy Sacraments in so great abu­
[II.14.1-284]  sing of them? Apply your selues (good friendes) to liue in Christ, that
[II.14.1-285]  Christ may still liue in you, whose fauour and assistance if ye haue, then
[II.14.1-286]  haue yee euerlasting life already within you, then can nothing hurt you.
[II.14.1-287]  Whatsoeuer is hitherto done and committed, Christ yee see hath offered
[II.14.1-288]  you pardon, and clearely receiued you to his fauour againe, in full sure­


[II.14.1-289]  tie whereof, yee haue him now inhabiting and dwelling within you.
[II.14.1-290]  Onely shew your selues thankeful in your liues, determine with your
[II.14.1-291]  selues to refuse and auoyde all such thinges in your conuersations as
[II.14.1-292]  should offend his eyes of mercy. Endeuour your selues that way to rise


[II.14.1-293]  vp againe, which way ye fell into the well or pitte of sinne. If by your
[II.14.1-294]  tongue you haue offended, now thereby rise againe, and glorifie GOD
[II.14.1-295]  therewith, accustome it to laude and prayse the Name of GOD, as ye
[II.14.1-296]  haue therewith dishonoured it. And as yee haue hurt the name of your
[II.14.1-297]  neighbour, or otherwise hindered him, so now intend to restore it to


[II.14.1-298]  him againe. For without restitution, GOD accepteth not your con­
[II.14.1-299]  fession, nor yet your repentance. It is not enough to forsake euill, ex­
[II.14.1-300]  cept you set your courage to doe good. By what occasion soeuer you haue
[II.14.1-301]  offended, turne now the occasion to the honouring of GOD, and pro­
[II.14.1-302]  fite of your neighbour. Trueth it is that sinne is strong, and affections


[II.14.1-303]  vnruly. Hard it is to subdue and resist our nature, so corrupt and leaue­
[II.14.1-304]  ned with the sower bitternesse of the poyson which we receiued by the in­
[II.14.1-305]  heritance of our old father Adam. But yet take good courage, saith our


[II.14.1-306]  Sauiour Christ, for I haue ouercome the world, and all other enemies
[II.14.1-307]  for you. Sinne shall not haue power ouer you, for yee bee now vnder
[II.14.1-308]  grace, saith Saint Paul. Though your power bee weake, yet Christ
[II.14.1-309]  is risen againe to strengthen you in your battaile, his holy Spirit shall


[II.14.1-310]  helpe your infirmities. In trust of his mercy, take you in hand to purge

1.Cor. 5.

[II.14.1-311]  this olde leauen of sinne, that corrupteth and sowreth the sweetenesse of
[II.14.1-312]  our life before GOD, that yee may bee as newe and fresh dow, voyde
[II.14.1-313]  of all sower leauen of wickednesse, so shall yee shew your selues to bee
[II.14.1-314]  sweete bread to GOD, that hee may haue his delight in you. I say
[II.14.1-315]  kill & offer you vp the worldly and earthly affections of your bodies. For
[II.14.1-316]  Christ our Easter Lambe is offered vp for vs, to slay the power of sinne,
[II.14.1-317]  to deliuer vs from the danger thereof, and to giue vs example to die to
[II.14.1-318]  sinne in our liues. As the Iewes did eate their Easter Lambe, and keepe
[II.14.1-319]  their feast in remembrance of their deliuerance out of Egypt: Euen so let
[II.14.1-320]  vs keepe our Easter feast in the thankefull remembrance of Christes bene­
[II.14.1-321]  fites, which he hath plentifully wrought for vs by his resurrection and
[II.14.1-322]  passing to his Father, whereby we are deliuered from the captiuity and
[II.14.1-323]  thraldome of all our enemies. Let vs in like maner passe ouer the affecti­
[II.14.1-324]  ons of our olde conuersation, that we may be deliuered from the bondage


[II.14.1-325]  thereof, and rise with Christ. The Iewes kept their feast in abstaining
[II.14.1-326]  from leauened bread, by the space of seuen dayes. Let vs Christian folke
[II.14.1-327]  keepe our holy day in spirituall maner, that is, in absteining, not from
[II.14.1-328]  materiall leauened bread, but from the olde leauen of sinne, the leauen
[II.14.1-329]  of malitiousnesse and wickednesse. Let vs cast from vs the leauen of
[II.14.1-330]  corrupt doctrine, that will infect our soules. Let vs kepe our feast the
[II.14.1-331]  whole terme of our life, with eating the bread of purenesse of godly life,
[II.14.1-332]  and trueth of Christes doctrine. Thus shall wee declare that Christes
[II.14.1-333]  giftes and graces haue their effect in vs, and that wee haue the right be­
[II.14.1-334]  liefe and knowledge of his holy resurrection: where truely if wee apply
[II.14.1-335]  our faith to the vertue thereof in our life, and conforme vs to the example
[II.14.1-336]  and signification meant thereby, wee shall be sure to rise hereafter
[II.14.1-337]  to euerlasting glory, by the goodnesse and mercy of our Lord
[II.14.1-338]  Iesus Christ, to whom with the Father and the
[II.14.1-339]  holy Ghost bee all glorie, thankesgiuing,
[II.14.1-340]  and prayse, in infinita seculorum
[II.14.1-341]  secula, Amen.