from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire (ed.)
University of Toronto
Repentance, and of true reconciliation
vnto GOD.
[II.20.1-1] THere is nothing that the holy Ghost doth
[II.20.1-2] so much labour in all the Scriptures to
[II.20.1-3] beat into mens heads, as repentance, a
[II.20.1-4] mendment of life, and speedy returning
[II.20.1-5] vnto the Lord GOD of hostes. And no
[II.20.1-6] maruell why. For wee doe dayly and
[II.20.1-7] hourely by our wickednesse and stub
[II.20.1-8] borne disobedience, horribly fall away
[II.20.1-9] from GOD, thereby purchasing vnto
[II.20.1-10] our selues (if hee should deale with vs
[II.20.1-11] according to his iustice) eternall damna
[II.20.1-12] tion. So that no doctrine is so necessa
The do
ctrine of re
pentance is
most neces
[II.20.1-13] ry in the Church of GOD, as is the
[II.20.1-14] doctrine of repentance and amendment of life. And verily the true
[II.20.1-15] preachers of the Gospel of the kingdome of heauen, and of the glad and
[II.20.1-16] ioyfull tidings of saluation, haue alwayes in their godly Sermons and
[II.20.1-17] Preachings vnto the people, ioyned these two together, I meane repen
[II.20.1-18] tance and forgiuenesse of sinnes, euen as our Sauiour Iesus Christ did
[II.20.1-19] appoint himselfe, saying, So it behoued Christ to suffer, and to rise againe
[II.20.1-20] the third day, and that repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes should bee
[II.20.1-21] preached in his Name among all Nations. And therefore the holy Apo
[II.20.1-22] stle doeth in the Actes speake after this manner: I haue witnessed both
[II.20.1-23] to the Iewes and to the Gentiles, the repentance towards GOD, and
[II.20.1-24] fayth towardes our Lord Iesus Christ. Did notIohn Baptist, Zachari
[II.20.1-25] as sonne, begin his ministery with the doctrine of repentance, saying, Re
[II.20.1-26] pent, for the kingdome of GOD is at hand? The like doctrine did our
[II.20.1-27] Sauiour Iesus Christ preach himselfe, and commanded his Apostles to
[II.20.1-28] preach the same.
[II.20.1-29] I might heere alledge very many places out of the Prophets, in the
[II.20.1-30] which this most wholesome doctrine of repentance is very earnestly vr
[II.20.1-31] ged, as most needfull for all degrees and orders of men, but one shall bee
[II.20.1-32] sufficient at this present time.
[II.20.1-33] These are the wordes of Ioel the Prophet. Therefore also now the
[II.20.1-34] Lord sayth, Returne vnto mee with all your heart, with fasting, wee
Ioel 2.
[II.20.1-35] ping, and mourning, rent your hearts and not your clothes, and returne
[II.20.1-36] vnto the Lord your GOD, for hee is gracious and mercifull, slow to
[II.20.1-37] anger, and of great compassion, and ready to pardon wickednesse. Where
[II.20.1-38] by it is giuen vs to vnderstand, that wee haue here a perpetuall rule ap
A perpetu
all rule
which all
must follow.
[II.20.1-39] pointed vnto vs, which ought to bee obserued and kept at all times, and
[II.20.1-40] that there is none other way whereby the wrath of GOD may be paci
[II.20.1-41] fied, and his anger asswaged, that the fiercenesse of his furie, and the
[II.20.1-42] plagues of destruction, which by his righteous iudgement hee had de
[II.20.1-43] termined to bring vpon vs, may depart, be remooued and taken away.
[II.20.1-44] Where hee saith, But now therefore, saith the Lord, returne vnto mee:
[II.20.1-45] It is not without great importance, that the Prophet speaketh so. For
[II.20.1-46] hee had afore set foorth at large vnto them, the horrible vengeance of
[II.20.1-47] GOD, which no man was able to abide, and therefore he doeth mooue
[II.20.1-48] them to repentance, to obtaine mercie, as if hee should say, I will not
[II.20.1-49] haue these things to be so taken, as though there were no hope of grace
[II.20.1-50] left. For although yee doe by your sinnes deserue to be vtterly destroyed,
[II.20.1-51] & GOD by his righteous iudgements hath determined to bring no small
[II.20.1-52] destruction vpon you, yet know that yee are in a maner on the very edge
[II.20.1-53] of the sword, if yee will speedily returne vnto him, he will most gently
[II.20.1-54] and most mercifully receiue you into fauour againe. Whereby wee are
[II.20.1-55] admonished, that repentance is neuer too late, so that it be true and ear
[II.20.1-56] nest. For sith that GOD in the Scriptures will bee called our Fa
[II.20.1-57] ther, doubtlesse hee doeth follow the nature and property of gentle and
[II.20.1-58] mercifull fathers, which seeke nothing so much, as the returning againe,
[II.20.1-59] and amendment of their children, as Christ doeth aboundantly teach in
Luke 15.
[II.20.1-60] the parable of the prodigall sonne. Doeth not the Lord himselfe say by
[II.20.1-61] the Prophet, I will not the death of the wicked, but that he turne from
[II.20.1-62] his wicked wayes and liue? And in another place, If wee confesse our
1.Iohn 2.
[II.20.1-63] sinne, GOD is faithfull and righteous to forgiue vs our sinnes, and
[II.20.1-64] to make vs cleane from all wickednesse. Which most comfortable promi
[II.20.1-65] ses are confirmed by many examples of the Scriptures. When the
[II.20.1-66] Iewes did willingly receiue and imbrace the wholesome counsell of the
[II.20.1-67] Prophet Esay,GOD by and by did reach his helping hand vnto them,
Esay 37.
[II.20.1-68] and by his Angel, did in one night slay the most worthy and valiant soul
[II.20.1-69] diers of Sennacheribs campe. Whereunto may King Manastes be added,
[II.20.1-70] who after all manner of damnable wickednesse, returned vnto the Lord,
[II.20.1-71] and therefore was heard of him, and restored againe into his kingdome.
[II.20.1-72] The same grace and fauour did the sinfull woman Magdalene,Zacheus, the
[II.20.1-73] poore thiefe, and many other feele. All which things ought to serue for
Luke 7.16.
[II.20.1-74] our comfort against the temptations of our consciences, whereby the de
[II.20.1-75] uill goeth about to shake, or rather to ouerthrow our faith. For euery
[II.20.1-76] one of vs ought to apply the same vnto himselfe, and say, Yet now re
[II.20.1-77] turne vnto the Lord: neither let the remembrance of thy former life dis
[II.20.1-78] courage thee, yea the more wicked that it hath beene, the more feruent
[II.20.1-79] and earnest let thy repentance or returning be, and foorthwith thou shalt
[II.20.1-80] feele the eares of the Lord wide open vnto thy prayers. But let vs more
[II.20.1-81] narrowly looke vpon the commandement of the Lord touching this
[II.20.1-82] matter. Turne vnto mee (saith hee by the holy Prophet Ioel) with all
[II.20.1-83] your hearts, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Rent your hearts,
[II.20.1-84] and not your garments &c. In which wordes, hee comprehendeth all
[II.20.1-85] manner of things that can bee spoken of repentance, which is a retur
[II.20.1-86] ning againe of the whole man vnto GOD, from whom wee be fallen
[II.20.1-87] away by sinne. But that the whole discourse thereof may the better bee
[II.20.1-88] borne away, we shall first consider in order foure principall points, that
[II.20.1-89] is, from what wee must returne, to whom wee must returne, by
[II.20.1-90] whom wee may bee able to conuert, and the maner how to turne to
[II.20.1-91] GOD.
[II.20.1-92] First, from whence, or from what things wee must returne. True
From whence
we must
[II.20.1-93] ly wee must returne from those things, whereby wee haue beene with
[II.20.1-94] drawen, pluckt, and led away from GOD. And these generally are
[II.20.1-95] our sinnes, which as the holy Prophet Esay doeth testifie, doe separate
[II.20.1-96] GOD and vs, and hide his face, that hee will not heare vs. But vn
[II.20.1-97] der the name of sinne, not onely those grosse wordes and deedes, which
[II.20.1-98] by the common iudgement of men, are counted to bee filthy and vnlaw
[II.20.1-99] full, and so consequently abominable sinnes: but also the filthie lustes
[II.20.1-100] and inward concupiscences of the flesh, which (as S. Paul testifieth) doe
[II.20.1-101] resist the will and Spirit of GOD, and therefore ought earnestly to bee
[II.20.1-102] bridled and kept vnder. We must repent of the false and erronious opini
[II.20.1-103] ons that wee haue had of GOD, and the wicked superstition that doth
[II.20.1-104] breede of the same, the vnlawfull worshipping and seruice of GOD, and
[II.20.1-105] other like. All these things must they forsake, that will truely turne vnto
[II.20.1-106] the Lord and repent aright. For sith that for such things the wrath of
Ephes 5.
[II.20.1-107] GOD commeth vpon the children of disobedience, no end of punishment
[II.20.1-108] ought to bee looked for, as long as wee continue in such things. There
[II.20.1-109] fore they be here condemned, which will seeme to bee repentant sinners,
[II.20.1-110] and yet will not forsake their Idolatrie and superstition. Secondly,
Vnto whom
wee ought to
[II.20.1-111] wee must see vnto whom we ought to returne.Reuertimini vsque ad me,
[II.20.1-112] saith the Lord: that is, Returne as farre as vnto me. Wee must then re
[II.20.1-113] turne vnto the Lord, yea we must returne vnto him alone: For he alone
[II.20.1-114] is the trueth, and the fountaine of all goodnesse: But wee must labour
[II.20.1-115] that wee doe returne as farre as vnto him, and that wee doe neuer cease
[II.20.1-116] nor rest till wee haue apprehended and taken hold vpon him.
[II.20.1-117] But this must bee done by faith. For sith that GOD is a Spirit,
[II.20.1-118] he can by no other meanes be apprehended and taken hold vpon. Where
[II.20.1-119] fore, first they doe greatly erre, which doe not turne vnto GOD, but
[II.20.1-120] vnto the creatures, or vnto the inuentions of men, or vnto their owne
By whom
we must re
turne vnto
[II.20.1-121] merites. Secondly, they that doe beginne to returne vnto the Lord, and
[II.20.1-122] doe faint in the mid way, before they come to the marke that is appoin
[II.20.1-123] ted vnto them. Thirdly, because wee haue of our owne selues nothing
[II.20.1-124] to present vs to GOD, and doe no lesse flee from him, after our fall,
[II.20.1-125] then our first parent Adam did, who when hee had sinned, did seeke to
[II.20.1-126] hide himselfe from the sight of GOD, wee haue neede of a mediatour for
[II.20.1-127] to bring and reconcile vs vnto him, who for our sinnes is angry with
[II.20.1-128] vs. The same is Iesus Christ, who being true and naturall GOD,
[II.20.1-129] equall and of one substance with the Father, did at the time appointed
[II.20.1-130] take vpon him our fraile nature, in the blessed Virgins wombe, and
[II.20.1-131] that of her vndefiled substance, that so he might be a mediatour betweene
[II.20.1-132] GOD and vs, and pacifie his wrath. Of him doeth the Father him
[II.20.1-133] selfe speake from heauen, saying, This is my welbeloued Son, in whom
[II.20.1-134] I am well pleased. And hee himselfe in his Gospel doeth cry out and
[II.20.1-135] say, I am the way, the trueth, and the life, no man commeth vnto the
[II.20.1-136] Father but by mee. For hee alone did with the sacrifice of his Body
Iohn 1
[II.20.1-137] and Blood, make satisfaction vnto the Iustice of GOD for our sinnes.
[II.20.1-138] The Apostles doe testifie, that hee was exalted, for to giue repentance
Actes 5.
[II.20.1-139] and remission of sinnes vnto Israel. Both which things hee himselfe
Luke 24.
[II.20.1-140] did commaund to be preached in his Name. Therefore they are greatly
[II.20.1-141] deceiued that preach repentance without Christ, and teach the simple
[II.20.1-142] and ignorant that it consisteth onely in the workes of men. They may
Iohn 15.
[II.20.1-143] indeede speake many things of good workes, and of amendment of life
[II.20.1-144] and manners: but without Christ they bee all vaine and vnprofitable.
[II.20.1-145] They that thinke that they haue done much of themselues towards
[II.20.1-146] repentance, are so much more the farther from GOD, because they doe
[II.20.1-147] seeke those things in their owne workes and merites, which ought
[II.20.1-148] onely to bee sought in our Sauiour Iesus Christ, and in the merites
[II.20.1-149] of his death, and passion, and bloodshedding. Fourthly, this holy
[II.20.1-150] Prophet Ioel doeth liuely expresse the manner of this our returning or
The manner
of our tur
[II.20.1-151] repentance, comprehending all the inward and outward things that
[II.20.1-152] may bee here obserued. First hee will haue vs to returne vnto GOD
[II.20.1-153] with our whole heart, whereby he doeth remooue and put away all hy
[II.20.1-154] pocrisie, lest the same might iustly be said vnto vs: This people draweth
Esay 29.
Matth. 15.
[II.20.1-155] neere vnto me with their mouth, and worshippe mee with their lippes,
[II.20.1-156] but their heart is farre from me.
[II.20.1-157] Secondly, hee requireth a sincere and pure loue of godlinesse, and of
[II.20.1-158] the true worshipping and seruice of GOD, that is to say, that forsa