from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire (ed.)
University of Toronto

Repentance, and of true reconciliation
vnto GOD.

[II.20.1-1]  THere is nothing that the holy Ghost doth
[II.20.1-2]  so much labour in all the Scriptures to
[II.20.1-3]  beat into mens heads, as repentance, a­
[II.20.1-4]  mendment of life, and speedy returning
[II.20.1-5]  vnto the Lord GOD of hostes. And no
[II.20.1-6]  maruell why. For wee doe dayly and
[II.20.1-7]  hourely by our wickednesse and stub­
[II.20.1-8]  borne disobedience, horribly fall away
[II.20.1-9]  from GOD, thereby purchasing vnto
[II.20.1-10]  our selues (if hee should deale with vs
[II.20.1-11]  according to his iustice) eternall damna­
[II.20.1-12]  tion. So that no doctrine is so necessa­

The do­
ctrine of re­
pentance is
most neces­

[II.20.1-13]  ry in the Church of GOD, as is the
[II.20.1-14]  doctrine of repentance and amendment of life. And verily the true
[II.20.1-15]  preachers of the Gospel of the kingdome of heauen, and of the glad and
[II.20.1-16]  ioyfull tidings of saluation, haue alwayes in their godly Sermons and
[II.20.1-17]  Preachings vnto the people, ioyned these two together, I meane repen­
[II.20.1-18]  tance and forgiuenesse of sinnes, euen as our Sauiour Iesus Christ did
[II.20.1-19]  appoint himselfe, saying, So it behoued Christ to suffer, and to rise againe
[II.20.1-20]  the third day, and that repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes should bee
[II.20.1-21]  preached in his Name among all Nations. And therefore the holy Apo­
[II.20.1-22]  stle doeth in the Actes speake after this manner: I haue witnessed both
[II.20.1-23]  to the Iewes and to the Gentiles, the repentance towards GOD, and
[II.20.1-24]  fayth towardes our Lord Iesus Christ. Did notIohn Baptist, Zachari­
[II.20.1-25]  as
sonne, begin his ministery with the doctrine of repentance, saying, Re­
[II.20.1-26]  pent, for the kingdome of GOD is at hand? The like doctrine did our
[II.20.1-27]  Sauiour Iesus Christ preach himselfe, and commanded his Apostles to
[II.20.1-28]  preach the same.

[II.20.1-29]  I might heere alledge very many places out of the Prophets, in the
[II.20.1-30]  which this most wholesome doctrine of repentance is very earnestly vr­
[II.20.1-31]  ged, as most needfull for all degrees and orders of men, but one shall bee
[II.20.1-32]  sufficient at this present time.

[II.20.1-33]  These are the wordes of Ioel the Prophet. Therefore also now the
[II.20.1-34]  Lord sayth, Returne vnto mee with all your heart, with fasting, wee­

Ioel 2.

[II.20.1-35]  ping, and mourning, rent your hearts and not your clothes, and returne
[II.20.1-36]  vnto the Lord your GOD, for hee is gracious and mercifull, slow to
[II.20.1-37]  anger, and of great compassion, and ready to pardon wickednesse. Where­
[II.20.1-38]  by it is giuen vs to vnderstand, that wee haue here a perpetuall rule ap­

A perpetu­
all rule
which all
must follow.

[II.20.1-39]  pointed vnto vs, which ought to bee obserued and kept at all times, and
[II.20.1-40]  that there is none other way whereby the wrath of GOD may be paci­
[II.20.1-41]  fied, and his anger asswaged, that the fiercenesse of his furie, and the
[II.20.1-42]  plagues of destruction, which by his righteous iudgement hee had de­
[II.20.1-43]  termined to bring vpon vs, may depart, be remooued and taken away.
[II.20.1-44]  Where hee saith, But now therefore, saith the Lord, returne vnto mee:
[II.20.1-45]  It is not without great importance, that the Prophet speaketh so. For
[II.20.1-46]  hee had afore set foorth at large vnto them, the horrible vengeance of
[II.20.1-47]  GOD, which no man was able to abide, and therefore he doeth mooue
[II.20.1-48]  them to repentance, to obtaine mercie, as if hee should say, I will not
[II.20.1-49]  haue these things to be so taken, as though there were no hope of grace
[II.20.1-50]  left. For although yee doe by your sinnes deserue to be vtterly destroyed,
[II.20.1-51]  & GOD by his righteous iudgements hath determined to bring no small
[II.20.1-52]  destruction vpon you, yet know that yee are in a maner on the very edge
[II.20.1-53]  of the sword, if yee will speedily returne vnto him, he will most gently
[II.20.1-54]  and most mercifully receiue you into fauour againe. Whereby wee are
[II.20.1-55]  admonished, that repentance is neuer too late, so that it be true and ear­
[II.20.1-56]  nest. For sith that GOD in the Scriptures will bee called our Fa­
[II.20.1-57]  ther, doubtlesse hee doeth follow the nature and property of gentle and
[II.20.1-58]  mercifull fathers, which seeke nothing so much, as the returning againe,
[II.20.1-59]  and amendment of their children, as Christ doeth aboundantly teach in

Luke 15.

[II.20.1-60]  the parable of the prodigall sonne. Doeth not the Lord himselfe say by


[II.20.1-61]  the Prophet, I will not the death of the wicked, but that he turne from
[II.20.1-62]  his wicked wayes and liue? And in another place, If wee confesse our

1.Iohn 2.

[II.20.1-63]  sinne, GOD is faithfull and righteous to forgiue vs our sinnes, and
[II.20.1-64]  to make vs cleane from all wickednesse. Which most comfortable promi­
[II.20.1-65]  ses are confirmed by many examples of the Scriptures. When the
[II.20.1-66]  Iewes did willingly receiue and imbrace the wholesome counsell of the
[II.20.1-67]  Prophet Esay,GOD by and by did reach his helping hand vnto them,

Esay 37.

[II.20.1-68]  and by his Angel, did in one night slay the most worthy and valiant soul­
[II.20.1-69]  diers of Sennacheribs campe. Whereunto may King Manastes be added,


[II.20.1-70]  who after all manner of damnable wickednesse, returned vnto the Lord,
[II.20.1-71]  and therefore was heard of him, and restored againe into his kingdome.
[II.20.1-72]  The same grace and fauour did the sinfull woman Magdalene,Zacheus, the
[II.20.1-73]  poore thiefe, and many other feele. All which things ought to serue for

Luke 7.16.

[II.20.1-74]  our comfort against the temptations of our consciences, whereby the de­
[II.20.1-75]  uill goeth about to shake, or rather to ouerthrow our faith. For euery
[II.20.1-76]  one of vs ought to apply the same vnto himselfe, and say, Yet now re­
[II.20.1-77]  turne vnto the Lord: neither let the remembrance of thy former life dis­
[II.20.1-78]  courage thee, yea the more wicked that it hath beene, the more feruent
[II.20.1-79]  and earnest let thy repentance or returning be, and foorthwith thou shalt
[II.20.1-80]  feele the eares of the Lord wide open vnto thy prayers. But let vs more
[II.20.1-81]  narrowly looke vpon the commandement of the Lord touching this
[II.20.1-82]  matter. Turne vnto mee (saith hee by the holy Prophet Ioel) with all
[II.20.1-83]  your hearts, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Rent your hearts,
[II.20.1-84]  and not your garments &c. In which wordes, hee comprehendeth all
[II.20.1-85]  manner of things that can bee spoken of repentance, which is a retur­
[II.20.1-86]  ning againe of the whole man vnto GOD, from whom wee be fallen
[II.20.1-87]  away by sinne. But that the whole discourse thereof may the better bee
[II.20.1-88]  borne away, we shall first consider in order foure principall points, that
[II.20.1-89]  is, from what wee must returne, to whom wee must returne, by
[II.20.1-90]  whom wee may bee able to conuert, and the maner how to turne to
[II.20.1-91]  GOD.

[II.20.1-92]  First, from whence, or from what things wee must returne. True­

From whence
we must

[II.20.1-93]  ly wee must returne from those things, whereby wee haue beene with­
[II.20.1-94]  drawen, pluckt, and led away from GOD. And these generally are
[II.20.1-95]  our sinnes, which as the holy Prophet Esay doeth testifie, doe separate
[II.20.1-96]  GOD and vs, and hide his face, that hee will not heare vs. But vn­
[II.20.1-97]  der the name of sinne, not onely those grosse wordes and deedes, which
[II.20.1-98]  by the common iudgement of men, are counted to bee filthy and vnlaw­
[II.20.1-99]  full, and so consequently abominable sinnes: but also the filthie lustes


[II.20.1-100]  and inward concupiscences of the flesh, which (as S. Paul testifieth) doe
[II.20.1-101]  resist the will and Spirit of GOD, and therefore ought earnestly to bee
[II.20.1-102]  bridled and kept vnder. We must repent of the false and erronious opini­
[II.20.1-103]  ons that wee haue had of GOD, and the wicked superstition that doth
[II.20.1-104]  breede of the same, the vnlawfull worshipping and seruice of GOD, and
[II.20.1-105]  other like. All these things must they forsake, that will truely turne vnto
[II.20.1-106]  the Lord and repent aright. For sith that for such things the wrath of

Ephes 5.

[II.20.1-107]  GOD commeth vpon the children of disobedience, no end of punishment
[II.20.1-108]  ought to bee looked for, as long as wee continue in such things. There­
[II.20.1-109]  fore they be here condemned, which will seeme to bee repentant sinners,
[II.20.1-110]  and yet will not forsake their Idolatrie and superstition. Secondly,

Vnto whom
wee ought to

[II.20.1-111]  wee must see vnto whom we ought to returne.Reuertimini vsque ad me,
[II.20.1-112]  saith the Lord: that is, Returne as farre as vnto me. Wee must then re­
[II.20.1-113]  turne vnto the Lord, yea we must returne vnto him alone: For he alone
[II.20.1-114]  is the trueth, and the fountaine of all goodnesse: But wee must labour
[II.20.1-115]  that wee doe returne as farre as vnto him, and that wee doe neuer cease
[II.20.1-116]  nor rest till wee haue apprehended and taken hold vpon him.

[II.20.1-117]  But this must bee done by faith. For sith that GOD is a Spirit,
[II.20.1-118]  he can by no other meanes be apprehended and taken hold vpon. Where­
[II.20.1-119]  fore, first they doe greatly erre, which doe not turne vnto GOD, but
[II.20.1-120]  vnto the creatures, or vnto the inuentions of men, or vnto their owne

By whom
we must re­
turne vnto

[II.20.1-121]  merites. Secondly, they that doe beginne to returne vnto the Lord, and
[II.20.1-122]  doe faint in the mid way, before they come to the marke that is appoin­
[II.20.1-123]  ted vnto them. Thirdly, because wee haue of our owne selues nothing
[II.20.1-124]  to present vs to GOD, and doe no lesse flee from him, after our fall,
[II.20.1-125]  then our first parent Adam did, who when hee had sinned, did seeke to
[II.20.1-126]  hide himselfe from the sight of GOD, wee haue neede of a mediatour for
[II.20.1-127]  to bring and reconcile vs vnto him, who for our sinnes is angry with
[II.20.1-128]  vs. The same is Iesus Christ, who being true and naturall GOD,
[II.20.1-129]  equall and of one substance with the Father, did at the time appointed
[II.20.1-130]  take vpon him our fraile nature, in the blessed Virgins wombe, and
[II.20.1-131]  that of her vndefiled substance, that so he might be a mediatour betweene
[II.20.1-132]  GOD and vs, and pacifie his wrath. Of him doeth the Father him­
[II.20.1-133]  selfe speake from heauen, saying, This is my welbeloued Son, in whom
[II.20.1-134]  I am well pleased. And hee himselfe in his Gospel doeth cry out and


[II.20.1-135]  say, I am the way, the trueth, and the life, no man commeth vnto the


[II.20.1-136]  Father but by mee. For hee alone did with the sacrifice of his Body

Iohn 1

[II.20.1-137]  and Blood, make satisfaction vnto the Iustice of GOD for our sinnes.


[II.20.1-138]  The Apostles doe testifie, that hee was exalted, for to giue repentance

Actes 5.

[II.20.1-139]  and remission of sinnes vnto Israel. Both which things hee himselfe

Luke 24.

[II.20.1-140]  did commaund to be preached in his Name. Therefore they are greatly
[II.20.1-141]  deceiued that preach repentance without Christ, and teach the simple
[II.20.1-142]  and ignorant that it consisteth onely in the workes of men. They may

Iohn 15.

[II.20.1-143]  indeede speake many things of good workes, and of amendment of life
[II.20.1-144]  and manners: but without Christ they bee all vaine and vnprofitable.
[II.20.1-145]  They that thinke that they haue done much of themselues towards
[II.20.1-146]  repentance, are so much more the farther from GOD, because they doe
[II.20.1-147]  seeke those things in their owne workes and merites, which ought
[II.20.1-148]  onely to bee sought in our Sauiour Iesus Christ, and in the merites
[II.20.1-149]  of his death, and passion, and bloodshedding. Fourthly, this holy
[II.20.1-150]  Prophet Ioel doeth liuely expresse the manner of this our returning or

The manner
of our tur­

[II.20.1-151]  repentance, comprehending all the inward and outward things that
[II.20.1-152]  may bee here obserued. First hee will haue vs to returne vnto GOD
[II.20.1-153]  with our whole heart, whereby he doeth remooue and put away all hy­
[II.20.1-154]  pocrisie, lest the same might iustly be said vnto vs: This people draweth

Esay 29.
Matth. 15.

[II.20.1-155]  neere vnto me with their mouth, and worshippe mee with their lippes,
[II.20.1-156]  but their heart is farre from me.

[II.20.1-157]  Secondly, hee requireth a sincere and pure loue of godlinesse, and of
[II.20.1-158]  the true worshipping and seruice of GOD, that is to say, that forsa­
[II.20.1-159]  king all maner of things that are repugnant and contrary vnto GODS
[II.20.1-160]  will, wee doe giue our heartes vnto him, and the whole strength of
[II.20.1-161]  our bodies and soules, according to that which is written in the Law:
[II.20.1-162]  Thou shalt loue the Lord thy GOD with all thy heart, with all thy

Deut 6.

[II.20.1-163]  soule, and with all thy strength. Here therefore nothing is left vnto
[II.20.1-164]  vs, that wee may giue vnto the worlde, and vnto the lustes of the
[II.20.1-165]  flesh. For sith that the heart is the fountaine of all our workes, as ma­
[II.20.1-166]  nie as doe with whole heart turne vnto the Lord, doe liue vnto
[II.20.1-167]  him onely. Neyther doe they yet repent truely, that halting on both

Halting on
both sides.

[II.20.1-168]  sides, doe otherwhiles obey GOD, but by and by doe thinke, that lay­
[II.20.1-169]  ing him aside, it is lawfull for them to serue the world and the flesh.
[II.20.1-170]  And because that wee are letted by the naturall corruption of our owne
[II.20.1-171]  flesh, and the wicked affections of the same, hee doeth bidde vs also
[II.20.1-172]  to returne with fasting: not thereby vnderstanding a superstitious ab­
[II.20.1-173]  stinence and choosing of meates but a true discipline or taming of the
[II.20.1-174]  flesh, whereby the nourishments of filthie lustes, and of stubborne contu­
[II.20.1-175]  macie and pride, may be withdrawen and pluckt away from it. Where­
[II.20.1-176]  unto hee doeth adde weeping and mourning, which doe conteine an out­
[II.20.1-177]  ward profession of repentance, which is very needefull and necessary,
[II.20.1-178]  that so wee may partly set foorth the righteousnesse of GOD, when
[II.20.1-179]  by such meanes wee doe testifie that wee deserued punishments at his
[II.20.1-180]  hands, and partly stoppe the offence that was openly giuen vnto the
[II.20.1-181]  weake.


[II.20.1-182]  This did Dauid see, who being not content to haue bewept and beway­
[II.20.1-183]  led his sinnes priuately, would publikely in his Psalmes declare and
[II.20.1-184]  set foorth the righteousnesse of GOD, in punishing sinne, and also
[II.20.1-185]  stay them that might haue abused his example to sinne the more boldly.
[II.20.1-186]  Therefore they are farthest from true repentance, that will not con­
[II.20.1-187]  fesse and acknowledge their sinnes, nor yet bewayle them, but ra­
[II.20.1-188]  ther doe most vngodly glorie and reioyce in them. Now lest any man
[II.20.1-189]  should thinke that repentance doeth consist in outwarde weeping and
[II.20.1-190]  mourning onely, hee doeth rehearse that wherein the chiefe of the


[II.20.1-191]  whole matter doeth lye, when hee sayth: Rent your hearts, and not
[II.20.1-192]  your garments, and turne vnto the Lord your GOD. For the peo­
[II.20.1-193]  ple of the East part of the world were woont to rent their garments,

doe counter­
fait all man­
ner of things.

[II.20.1-194]  if any thing happened vnto them that seemed intolerable. This thing
[II.20.1-195]  did hypocrites sometime counterfaite and follow, as though the whole
[II.20.1-196]  repentance did stand in such outward gesture. Hee teacheth then,
[II.20.1-197]  that another manner of thing is required, that is, that they must be
[II.20.1-198]  contrite in their heartes, that they must vtterly detest and abhorre
[II.20.1-199]  sinnes, and being at defiance with them, returne vnto the Lord their
[II.20.1-200]  GOD, from whome they went away before. For GOD hath no
[II.20.1-201]  pleasure in the outward ceremonie, but requireth a contrite and hum­

Psalm 52.

[II.20.1-202]  ble heart, which he will neuer despise, as Dauid doeth testifie. There is
[II.20.1-203]  therefore none other vse to these outward ceremonies, but as farre forth
[II.20.1-204]  as we are stirred vp by them, and doe serue to the glory of GOD, and to
[II.20.1-205]  the edifying of other.

How repen­
tance is not

[II.20.1-206]  Now doeth hee adde vnto this doctrine or exhortation, certaine god­
[II.20.1-207]  ly reasons, which hee doeth ground vpon the nature and propertie of
[II.20.1-208]  GOD, and whereby hee doeth teach, that true repentance can neuer
[II.20.1-209]  be vnprofitable or vnfruitfull. For as in all other things mens hearts doe
[II.20.1-210]  quaile and faint, if they once perceiue that they trauell in vaine: Euen
[II.20.1-211]  so most specially in this matter, must we take heede and beware that we
[II.20.1-212]  suffer not our selues to bee perswaded that all that wee doe is but la­
[II.20.1-213]  bour lost: For thereof either sudden desperation doeth arise, or a li­
[II.20.1-214]  cencious boldnesse to sinne, which at length bringeth vnto desperati­
[II.20.1-215]  on. Lest any such thing then should happen vnto them, he doeth certifie
[II.20.1-216]  them of the grace and goodnesse of GOD, who is alwayes most ready to
[II.20.1-217]  receiue them into fauour againe, that turne speedily vnto him. Which
[II.20.1-218]  thing hee doeth prooue with the same titles wherewith GOD doeth


[II.20.1-219]  describe and set foorth himselfe vnto Moyses, speaking on this maner:
[II.20.1-220]  For hee is gracious and mercifull, slowe to anger, of great kindenesse,
[II.20.1-221]  and repenteth him of the euill, that is, such a one as is sorie for your afflic­
[II.20.1-222]  tions. First he calleth him gentle and gracious, as hee who of his owne
[II.20.1-223]  nature is more prompt and ready to doe good, then to punish. Whereunto
[II.20.1-224]  this saying of Esaias the Prophet seemeth to pertaine, where he saith, Let
[II.20.1-225]  the wicked forsake his way, and the vnrighteous his owne imaginati­

Esaias 55.

[II.20.1-226]  ons, and returne vnto the Lord, and hee will haue pittie on him, and to
[II.20.1-227]  our GOD, for he is very ready to forgiue. Secondly, he doth attribute
[II.20.1-228]  vnto him mercy, or rather (according to the Hebrew word) the bowels of
[II.20.1-229]  mercies: Whereby hee signified the naturall affections of Parents to­
[II.20.1-230]  wards their children. Which thing Dauid doeth set foorth goodly, saying,
[II.20.1-231]  As a father hath compassion on his children, so hath the Lord compassion


[II.20.1-232]  on them that feare him, for he knoweth whereof we be made, he remem­
[II.20.1-233]  breth that we are but dust. Thirdly, hee saith, that hee is slow to anger,
[II.20.1-234]  that is to say, long suffering, and which is not lightly prouoked to wrath.
[II.20.1-235]  Fourthly, that he is of much kindnesse, for hee is that bottomlesse well of
[II.20.1-236]  all goodnesse, who reioyceth to doe good vnto vs: therefore did he create
[II.20.1-237]  and make men, that he might haue whom hee should doe good vnto, and
[II.20.1-238]  make partakers of his heauenly riches. Fiftly, he repenteth of the euill,
[II.20.1-239]  that is to say, hee doth call backe againe, and reuoke the punishment
[II.20.1-240]  which he had threatned, when he seeth men repent, turne, and amend.
[II.20.1-241]  Whereupon we doe not without a iust cause detest and abhorre the dam­

Against the

[II.20.1-242]  nable opinion of them which doe most wickedly goe about to perswade
[II.20.1-243]  the simple and ignorant people, that if wee chance after wee be once come
[II.20.1-244]  to GOD, and grafted in his Sonne Iesus Christ, to fall into some hor­
[II.20.1-245]  rible sinne, shall be vnprofitable vnto &vhook;s, there is no more hope of recon­
[II.20.1-246]  ciliation, or to be receiued againe into the fauour and mercy of GOD.
[II.20.1-247]  And that they may giue the better colour vnto their pestilent and pernici­
[II.20.1-248]  ous errour, they doe commonly bring in the sixth and tenth Chapters of
[II.20.1-249]  the Epistle to the Hebrewes, and the second Chapter, of the second Epistle
[II.20.1-250]  of Peter, not considering that in those places the holy Apostles doe not
[II.20.1-251]  speake of the daily falles, that we (as long as wee carrie about this bodie


[II.20.1-252]  of sinne, are subiect vnto: but of the finall falling away from Christ and

Marke 3.

[II.20.1-253]  his Gospell, which is a sinne against the holy Ghost that shall neuer bee

The sinne
against the
holy Ghost.

[II.20.1-254]  forgiuen, because that they doe vtterly forsake the knowen trueth, doe
[II.20.1-255]  hate Christ and his word, they doe crucifie and mocke him (but to
[II.20.1-256]  their vtter destruction) and therefore fall into desperation, and cannot re­
[II.20.1-257]  pent. And that this is the true meaning of the holy Spirit of GOD, it
[II.20.1-258]  appeareth by many other places of the Scriptures, which promiseth vn­
[II.20.1-259]  to all true repentant sinners, and to them that with their whole heart
[II.20.1-260]  doe turne vnto the Lord their GOD, free pardon and remission of their
[II.20.1-261]  sinnes. For the probation hereof, we read this: O Israel (saith the holy
[II.20.1-262]  Prophet Hieremie) if thou returne, returne vnto me saith the Lord, and


[II.20.1-263]  if thou put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not
[II.20.1-264]  be remooued. Againe, these are Esaias words: Let the wicked forsake his


[II.20.1-265]  owne wayes, and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations, and turne
[II.20.1-266]  againe vnto the Lord, and hee will haue mercie vpon him, and to our
[II.20.1-267]  GOD, for hee is ready to forgiue. And the Prophet Osee, the godly


[II.20.1-268]  doe exhort one another after this maner, Come and let vs turne againe
[II.20.1-269]  vnto the Lord, for hee hath smitten vs, and hee will heale vs, hee hath


[II.20.1-270]  wounded vs, and hee will binde vs vp againe. It is most euident and
[II.20.1-271]  plaine, that these things ought to be vnderstood of them that were with
[II.20.1-272]  the Lord afore, and by their sinnes and wickednesses were gone away
[II.20.1-273]  from him.

[II.20.1-274]  For wee doe not turne againe vnto him with whom wee were neuer
[II.20.1-275]  before, but we come vnto him. Now, vnto all them that will returne vn­


[II.20.1-276]  fainedly vnto the Lord their GOD, the fauour and mercy of GOD

1.Iohn 1.

[II.20.1-277]  vnto forgiuenesse of sinnes is liberally offered. Whereby it followeth
[II.20.1-278]  necessarily, that although wee doe, after wee bee once come to GOD
[II.20.1-279]  and grafted in his Sonne Iesus Christ, fall into great sinnes (for
[II.20.1-280]  there is no righteous man vpon the earth that sinneth not, and if
[II.20.1-281]  wee say wee haue no sinne, wee deceiue our selues, and the trueth is
[II.20.1-282]  not in vs) yet if wee rise againe by repentance, and with a full pur­
[II.20.1-283]  pose of amendment of life doe flee vnto the mercie of GOD, taking sure
[II.20.1-284]  holde thereupon, through faith in his Sonne Iesu Christ, there is an
[II.20.1-285]  assured and infallible hope of pardon and remission of the same, and
[II.20.1-286]  that wee shall bee receiued againe into the fauour of our heauenly
[II.20.1-287]  Father. It is written of Dauid: I haue found a man according to

Actes 13.

[II.20.1-288]  mine owne heart, or, I haue found Dauid the sonne of Iesse, a man ac­

2 Sam.7.

[II.20.1-289]  cording to mine owne heart, who will doe all things that I will. This
[II.20.1-290]  is a great commendation of Dauid. It is also most certaine, that hee did
[II.20.1-291]  stedfastly beleeue the promise that was made him touching the Mes­
[II.20.1-292]  sias; who should come of him touching the flesh, and that by the same
[II.20.1-293]  faith hee was iustified, and grafted in our Sauiour Iesu Christ to
[II.20.1-294]  come, and yet afterwardes hee fell horribly, committing most dete­
[II.20.1-295]  stable adulterie and damnable murder, and yet assoone as hee cryed


[II.20.1-296]  Peccaui, I haue sinned, vnto the Lord, his sinne being forgiuen, he was


[II.20.1-297]  receiued into fauour againe. Now will wee come vnto Peter, of whom
[II.20.1-298]  no man can doubt but that hee was grafted in our Sauiour Iesus
[II.20.1-299]  Christ, long afore his denyall. Which thing may easily bee prooued
[II.20.1-300]  by the answere which hee did in his name, and in the name of his
[II.20.1-301]  fellow Apostles make vnto our Sauiour Iesu Christ, when he sayd
[II.20.1-302]  vnto them, Will yee also goe away? Master (sayth he) to whom shall

Iohn 6.

[II.20.1-303]  wee goe? Thou hast the wordes of eternall life, and wee beleeue and
[II.20.1-304]  knowe that thou art that Christ the Sonne of the liuing GOD.
[II.20.1-305]  Whereunto may bee added the like confession of Peter, where Christ doeth
[II.20.1-306]  giue vs most infallible testimonie: Thou art blessed Simon the sonne of
[II.20.1-307]  Ionas, for neyther flesh nor blood hath reueyled this vnto thee, but
[II.20.1-308]  my Father which is in heauen. These wordes are sufficient to prooue
[II.20.1-309]  that Peter was already iustified, through this his liuely faith in the one­
[II.20.1-310]  ly begotten Sonne of GOD, whereof he made so notable and so solemne
[II.20.1-311]  a confession. But did not hee afterwards most cowardly denie his Ma­


[II.20.1-312]  ster, although he had heard of him, Whosoeuer denieth me before men, I


[II.20.1-313]  wil denie him before my Father? Neuerthelesse, assoone as with weeping
[II.20.1-314]  eyes, and with a sobbing heart he did acknowledge his offence, and with
[II.20.1-315]  an earnest repentance did flee vnto the mercy of GOD, taking sure hold
[II.20.1-316]  thereupon, through faith in him whom he had so shamefully denyed, his
[II.20.1-317]  sinne was forgiuen him, and for a certificate and assurance thereof, the
[II.20.1-318]  roome of his Apostleship was not denyed vnto him. But now marke

Actes 2.

[II.20.1-319]  what doth follow. After the same holy Apostle had on Whitsunday with
[II.20.1-320]  the rest of the Disciples receiued the gift of the holy Ghost most abundant­


[II.20.1-321]  ly, he committed no small offence in Antiochia, by bringing &the; consciences
[II.20.1-322]  of the faithfull into doubt by his example, so &that; Paul was faine to rebuke
[II.20.1-323]  him to his face, because that hee walked not vprightly, or went not the
[II.20.1-324]  right way in the Gospel. Shall we now say, that after this grieuous of­
[II.20.1-325]  fence, hee was vtterly excluded and shut out from the grace and mercy of
[II.20.1-326]  GOD, & that this his trespasse, whereby he was a stumbling blocke vnto
[II.20.1-327]  many, was vnpardonable? GOD defend we should say so. But as these
[II.20.1-328]  examples are not brought in, to the ende that wee should thereby take a
[II.20.1-329]  boldnesse to sinne, presuming on the mercy and goodnesse of GOD, but
[II.20.1-330]  to the ende that if through the frailenesse of our owne flesh, and the temp­
[II.20.1-331]  tation of the Deuill, we fall into like sinnes, we should in no wise despaire
[II.20.1-332]  of the mercy and goodnesse of GOD: Euen so must wee beware and

What we
must be­
ware of.

[II.20.1-333]  take heede, that wee doe in no wise thinke in our hearts, imagine, or be­
[II.20.1-334]  leeue that we are able to repent aright, or to turne effectually vnto the
[II.20.1-335]  Lord by our owne might and strength. For this must bee verified in all
[II.20.1-336]  men, Without me ye can doe nothing. Againe, Of our selues wee are

Iohn 15.

[II.20.1-337]  not able as much as to thinke a good thought. And in another place,


[II.20.1-338]  It is GOD that worketh in vs both the will and the deede. For this


[II.20.1-339]  cause, although Hieremie had sayd before, If thou returne, O Israel, re­


[II.20.1-340]  turne vnto me, saith the Lord: Yet afterwards he saith, Turne thou me,
[II.20.1-341]  O Lord, and I shall bee turned, for thou art the Lord my GOD. And
[II.20.1-342]  therefore that holy writer and ancient father Ambrose doeth plainely af­

Ambros de
vocat gent.


[II.20.1-343]  firme, that the turning of the heart vnto GOD, is of GOD, as the
[II.20.1-344]  Lord himselfe doeth testifie by his Prophet, saying, And I will giue thee
[II.20.1-345]  an heart to know mee, that I am the Lord, and they shall bee my people,
[II.20.1-346]  and I will bee their GOD, for they shall returne vnto mee with their
[II.20.1-347]  whole heart. These things being considered, let vs earnestly pray vnto
[II.20.1-348]  the liuing GOD our heauenly Father, that hee will vouchsafe by
[II.20.1-349]  his holy Spirit, to worke a true and vnfained repentance in vs,
[II.20.1-350]  that after the painefull labours and trauels of this life,
[II.20.1-351]  may liue eternally with his Sonne Iesus Christ,
[II.20.1-352]  to whom bee all prayse and glory for
[II.20.1-353]  euer and euer. Amen.
[II.20.1-354]  (* * *)

{P} The second part of the Homily of

[II.20.2-355]  HItherto haue ye heard (welbeloued) how needfull and ne­
[II.20.2-356]  cessary the doctrine of repentance is, and how earnestly
[II.20.2-357]  it is thorowout all the Scriptures of GOD vrged and
[II.20.2-358]  set foorth, both by the ancient Prophets, by our Sauiour
[II.20.2-359]  Iesus Christ, and his Apostles, and that forasmuch as it
[II.20.2-360]  is the conuersion or turning againe of the whole man vn­
[II.20.2-361]  to GOD, from whom we go away by sinne: these foure
[II.20.2-362]  points ought to be obserued, that is, from whence or from what things
[II.20.2-363]  we must returne, vnto whom this our returning must be made, by whose
[II.20.2-364]  meanes it ought to be done, that it may be effectuall, and last of all, after
[II.20.2-365]  what sort we ought to behaue our selues in the same, that it may be profi­
[II.20.2-366]  table vnto vs, and atteine vnto the thing that we doe seeke by it. Ye haue
[II.20.2-367]  also learned, that as the opinion of them that denie the benefit of repen­
[II.20.2-368]  tance, vnto those that after they bee come to GOD and grafted in our
[II.20.2-369]  Sauiour Iesus Christ, doe through the frailenesse of their flesh, and the
[II.20.2-370]  temptation of the diuell fall into some grieuous and detestable sinne, is
[II.20.2-371]  most pestilent and pernicious: So wee must beware, that wee doe in no
[II.20.2-372]  wise thinke that we are able of our owne selues, and of our own strength,
[II.20.2-373]  to returne vnto the Lord our GOD, from whom we are gone away by
[II.20.2-374]  our wickednesse and sinne. Now it shall be declared vnto you, what bee
[II.20.2-375]  the true parts of repentance, and what things ought to mooue vs to re­
[II.20.2-376]  pent, and to returne vnto the Lord our GOD with all speed. Repen­
[II.20.2-377]  tance (as it is sayd before) is a true returning vnto GOD, whereby men
[II.20.2-378]  forsaking vtterly their idolatrie and wickednesse, doe with a liuely fayth
[II.20.2-379]  embrace, loue, and worship the true liuing GOD onely, and giue them­
[II.20.2-380]  selues to all manner of good workes, which by GODS word they know

There bee
foure parts
of repen­

[II.20.2-381]  to be acceptable vnto him. Now there bee foure parts of repentance,
[II.20.2-382]  which being set together, may bee likened to an easie and short ladder,
[II.20.2-383]  whereby we may climbe from the bottomlesse pit of perdition, that wee
[II.20.2-384]  cast our selues into by our dayly offences and greeuous sinnes, vp into the
[II.20.2-385]  castle or towre of eternall and endlesse saluation.

[II.20.2-386]  The first, is the contrition of the heart. For we must be earnestly sorry
[II.20.2-387]  for our sinnes, and vnfeignedly lament and bewayle that wee haue by
[II.20.2-388]  them so greeuously offended our most bounteous and mercifull GOD,
[II.20.2-389]  who so tenderly loued vs, that he gaue his onely begotten sonne to die a
[II.20.2-390]  most bitter death, and to shedde his deare heart blood for our redemption
[II.20.2-391]  and deliuerance. And verily this inward sorrow and griefe being concei­
[II.20.2-392]  ued in the heart for the heynousnesse of sin, if it be earnest and vnfeigned,


[II.20.2-393]  is as a sacrifice to GOD, as the holy Prophet Dauid doth testifie, say­
[II.20.2-394]  ing, A sacrifice to GOD is a troubled spirit, a contrite and broken heart,
[II.20.2-395]  O Lord, thou wilt not despise.

[II.20.2-396]  But that this may take place in vs, we must bee diligent to reade and
[II.20.2-397]  heare the Scriptures and the worde of GOD, which most liuely doe
[II.20.2-398]  paint out before our eyes our naturall vncleannesse, and the enormitie
[II.20.2-399]  of our sinfull life. For vnlesse wee haue a thorow feeling of our sinnes,
[II.20.2-400]  how can it bee that wee should earnestly bee sorie for them? Afore
[II.20.2-401]  Dauid did heare the worde of the Lord by the mouth of the Prophet


[II.20.2-402]  Nathan, what heauinesse I pray you was in him for the adulterie
[II.20.2-403]  and the murder that hee had committed? So that it might bee sayd
[II.20.2-404]  right well, that hee slept in his owne sinne. Wee reade in the Actes

Actes 4.

[II.20.2-405]  of the Apostles, that when the people had heard the Sermon of Peter,
[II.20.2-406]  they were compunct and pricked in their hearts. Which thing would
[II.20.2-407]  neuer haue beene, if they had not heard that wholesome Sermon
[II.20.2-408]  of Peter. They therefore that haue no minde at all neyther to reade,
[II.20.2-409]  nor yet to heare GODS word, there is but small hope of them that
[II.20.2-410]  they will as much as once set their feete, or take hold vpon the first staffe
[II.20.2-411]  or step of this ladder: but rather wil sinke deeper and deeper into the bot­
[II.20.2-412]  tomlesse pit of perdition. For if at any time through the remorse of their
[II.20.2-413]  conscience, which accuseth them, they feele any inward griefe, sorrow, or
[II.20.2-414]  heauinesse for their sinnes, forasmuch as they want the salue and com­
[II.20.2-415]  fort of GODS word, which they doe despise, it will be vnto them ra­
[II.20.2-416]  ther a meane to bring them to vtter desperation, then otherwise. The
[II.20.2-417]  second is, an vnfained confession and acknowledging of our sinnes vnto
[II.20.2-418]  GOD, whom by them we haue so grieuously offended, that if he should
[II.20.2-419]  deale with vs according to his iustice, wee doe deserue a thousand helles,
[II.20.2-420]  if there could bee so many. Yet if wee will with a sorrowfull and con­
[II.20.2-421]  trite heart make an vnfained confession of them vnto GOD, hee will
[II.20.2-422]  freely and frankely forgiue them, and so put all our wickednesse out


[II.20.2-423]  of remembrance before the sight of his Maiestie, that they shall no
[II.20.2-424]  more bee thought vpon. Hereunto doeth pertaine the golden saying of
[II.20.2-425]  the holy Prophet Dauid, where he saith on this maner: Then I acknow­


[II.20.2-426]  ledged my sinne vnto thee, neither did I hide mine iniquitie: I sayd, I
[II.20.2-427]  will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lorde, and thou
[II.20.2-428]  forgauest the vngodlinesse of my sinne. These are also the wordes of
[II.20.2-429]  Iohn the Euangelist: If we confesse our sinnes, GOD is faithfull and


[II.20.2-430]  righteous, to forgiue vs our sinnes, and to make vs cleane from all our
[II.20.2-431]  wickednes. Which ought to be vnderstood of the confession that is made
[II.20.2-432]  vnto GOD. For these are Saint Augustines wordes: That confession

In Epist ad


[II.20.2-433]  which is made vnto GOD, is required by GODS Law, whereof Iohn
[II.20.2-434]  the Apostle speaketh, saying, If we confesse our sinnes, GOD is faith­
[II.20.2-435]  full and righteous to forgiue vs our sinnes, and to make vs cleane from
[II.20.2-436]  all our wickednesse. For without this confession, sinne is not forgiuen.
[II.20.2-437]  This is then the chiefest and most principall confession that in the Scrip­
[II.20.2-438]  tures and worde of GOD wee are bidden to make, and without the
[II.20.2-439]  which wee shall neuer obtaine pardon and forgiuenesse of our sinnes.
[II.20.2-440]  Indeede, besides this there is another kinde of confession, which is
[II.20.2-441]  needefull and necessary.

[II.20.2-442]  And of the same doeth Saint Iames speake, after this maner, say­
[II.20.2-443]  ing: Acknowledge your faults one to another, and pray one for ano­
[II.20.2-444]  ther, that yee may bee saued. As if hee should say: Open that which
[II.20.2-445]  grieueth you, that a remedie maye be found. And this is commanded
[II.20.2-446]  both for him that complayneth, and for him that heareth, that the one
[II.20.2-447]  should shew his griefe to the other. The true meaning of it is, that the
[II.20.2-448]  faithfull ought to acknowledge their offences, whereby some hatred,
[II.20.2-449]  rancour, ground, or malice, hauing risen or growen among them one to
[II.20.2-450]  another, that a brotherly reconciliation may be had, without the which
[II.20.2-451]  nothing that wee doe can bee acceptable vnto GOD, as our Sauiour


[II.20.2-452]  Iesus Christ doeth witnesse himselfe, saying, When thou offerest thine
[II.20.2-453]  offering at the altar, if thou remembrest that thy brother hath ought a­
[II.20.2-454]  gainst thee, leaue there thine offering, and goe and bee reconciled, and
[II.20.2-455]  when thou art reconciled, come and offer thine offering. It may also be
[II.20.2-456]  thus taken, that we ought to confesse our weaknesse and infirmities one
[II.20.2-457]  to another, to the end that knowing each others frailenesse, wee may the
[II.20.2-458]  more earnestly pray together vnto Almighty GOD our heauenly Fa­
[II.20.2-459]  ther, that he will vouchsafe to pardon vs our infirmities, for his Sonne
[II.20.2-460]  Iesus Christs sake, and not to impute them vnto vs, when he shall ren­

Answere to
the aduer­
saries which

[II.20.2-461]  der to euery man according to his workes. And whereas the aduersa­
[II.20.2-462]  ries goe about to wrest this place, for to maintaine their auricular con­
[II.20.2-463]  fession withall, they are greatly deceiued themselues, and doe shame­
[II.20.2-464]  fully deceiue others: For if this text ought to bee vnderstood of au­
[II.20.2-465]  ricular confession: then the Priestes are as much bound to confesse
[II.20.2-466]  themselues vnto the lay people, as the lay people are bound to con­
[II.20.2-467]  fesse themselues to them. And if to pray, is to absolue: then the lay­
[II.20.2-468]  tie by this place hath as great authoritie to absolue the Priestes, as

Scotus lib.4.
senten. di­
>stinct. 17.


[II.20.2-470]  the Priestes haue to absolue the laytie. This did Iohannes Scotus, o­
[II.20.2-471]  therwise called Duns well perceiue, who vpon this place writeth on
[II.20.2-472]  this maner.

[II.20.2-473]  Neither doeth it seeme vnto mee that Iames did giue this command­
[II.20.2-474]  ment, or that he did set it foorth as being receiued of Christ. For first and
[II.20.2-475]  foremost, whence had he authoritie to binde the whole Church, sith that
[II.20.2-476]  hee was onely Bishop of the Church of Ierusalem? except thou wilt
[II.20.2-477]  say, that the same Church was at the beginning the head Church,
[II.20.2-478]  and consequently that hee was the head Bishop, which thing the Sea
[II.20.2-479]  of Rome will neuer graunt. The vnderstanding of it then, is as in
[II.20.2-480]  these wordes: Confesse your sinnes one to another. A perswasion to
[II.20.2-481]  humilitie, whereby he willeth vs to confesse our selues generally vnto
[II.20.2-482]  our neighbours, that wee are sinners, according to this saying: if wee
[II.20.2-483]  say wee haue no sinne, wee deceiue our selues, and the trueth is not in vs.
[II.20.2-484]  And where that they do alledge this saying of our Sauiour Iesus Christ
[II.20.2-485]  vnto the Leper, to prooue auricular confession to stand on GODS word


[II.20.2-486]  Goe thy way and shew thy selfe vnto the Priest: Doe they not see that the
[II.20.2-487]  Leper was cleansed from his leprosie, afore he was by Christ sent vnto the
[II.20.2-488]  Priest for to shew himselfe vnto him? By the same reason wee must bee
[II.20.2-489]  cleansed from our spirituall leprosie, I meane, our sinnes must be forgiuen
[II.20.2-490]  vs afore that wee come to confession. What neede wee then to tell forth
[II.20.2-491]  our sinnes into the eare of the Priest, sith that they bee already taken a­
[II.20.2-492]  way? Therefore holy Ambrose in his second Sermon vpon the hundred
[II.20.2-493]  and ninetienth Psalme, doth say full well, Goe shew thy selfe vnto the
[II.20.2-494]  Priest. Who is the true Priest, but he which is the Priest for euer, after
[II.20.2-495]  the order of Melchisedech? Whereby this holy Father doeth vnderstand,
[II.20.2-496]  that both the Priesthoode and the Law being changed we ought to acknow­
[II.20.2-497]  ledge none other Priest for deliuerance from our sinnes, but our Sauiour
[II.20.2-498]  Iesus Christ, who being soueraigne Byshoppe, doeth with the Sa­
[II.20.2-499]  crifice of his Body and Blood, offered once for euer vpon the Altar of
[II.20.2-500]  the Crosse most effectually cleanse the spirituall leprosie, and wash a­
[II.20.2-501]  way the sinnes of all those that with true confession of the same doe
[II.20.2-502]  flee vnto him. It is most euident and playne, that this auricular
[II.20.2-503]  confession hath not his warrant of GODS word, els it had not
[II.20.2-504]  beene lawfull for Nectarius Bishoppe of Constantinople, vpon a iust oc­

Sozomen ec­

Lib 10.con­


[II.20.2-505]  casion to haue put it downe. For when any thing ordayned of GOD,
[II.20.2-506]  is by the lewdnesse of men abused, the abuse ought to be taken away, and
[II.20.2-507]  the thing it selfe suffered to remaine. Moreouer, these are S. Augustines
[II.20.2-508]  wordes, What haue I to doe with men, that they should heare my con­
[II.20.2-509]  fession, as though they were able to heale my diseases? A curious sort
[II.20.2-510]  of men to know another mans life, & slothfully to correct & amend their
[II.20.2-511]  owne. Why do they seeke to heare of me what I am, which will not heare
[II.20.2-512]  of thee what they are? And how can they tell when they heare by me of
[II.20.2-513]  my selfe, whether I tell the trueth or not, sith no mortall man know­
[II.20.2-514]  eth what is in man, but the spirit of man which is in him? Augustine
[II.20.2-515]  would not haue written thus, if auricular confession had beene vsed
[II.20.2-516]  in his time. Being therefore not ledde with the conscience thereof,
[II.20.2-517]  let vs with feare and trembling, and with a true contrite heart, vse
[II.20.2-518]  that kinde of confession, that GOD doeth commaund in his worde,
[II.20.2-519]  and then doubtlesse, as hee is faithfull and righteous, hee will forgiue vs
[II.20.2-520]  our sinnes, and make vs cleane from all wickednesse. I doe not say, but
[II.20.2-521]  that if any doe finde themselues troubled in conscience, they may repayre
[II.20.2-522]  to their learned Curate or Pastour, or to some other godly learned man,
[II.20.2-523]  and shew the trouble and doubt of their conscience to them, that they may
[II.20.2-524]  receiue at their hand the comfortable salue of GODS word: but it is
[II.20.2-525]  against the true Christian libertie, that any man should bee bound to the
[II.20.2-526]  numbring of his sinnes, as it hath beene vsed heretofore in the time of
[II.20.2-527]  blindnesse and ignorance.

[II.20.2-528]  The third part of repentance, is fayth, whereby wee doe apprehend
[II.20.2-529]  and take hold vpon the promises of GOD, touching the free pardon
[II.20.2-530]  and forgiuenesse of our sinnes. Which promises are sealed vp vnto vs,
[II.20.2-531]  with the death and blood-shedding of his Sonne Iesu Christ. For
[II.20.2-532]  what should auayle and profite vs to bee sorrie for our sinnes, to la­
[II.20.2-533]  ment and bewayle that wee haue offended our most bounteous and mer­
[II.20.2-534]  cifull Father, or to confesse and acknowledge our offences and trespasses,
[II.20.2-535]  though it be done neuer so earnestly, vnlesse we doe stedfastly beleeue, and
[II.20.2-536]  bee fully perswaded, that GOD for his Sonne Iesus Christs sake,
[II.20.2-537]  will forgiue vs all our sinnes, and put them out of remembrance, and

The repen­
tance of the

[II.20.2-538]  from his sight? Therefore they that teach repentance without a liuely
[II.20.2-539]  faith in our Sauiour Iesus Christ, doe teach none other but Iudas repen­
[II.20.2-540]  tance as all the Schoole-men doe, which doe only allow these three parts
[II.20.2-541]  of repentance: the contrition of the heart, the confession of the mouth,
[II.20.2-542]  and the satisfaction of the worke. But all these things we finde in Iu­

Iudas & his

[II.20.2-543]  das repentance: which in outward appearance did farre exceede and
[II.20.2-544]  passe the repentance of Peter. For first and foremost wee reade in the Gos­


[II.20.2-545]  pel, that Iudas was so sorrowfull and heauy, yea, that hee was filled
[II.20.2-546]  with such anguish and vexation of minde, for that which hee had done,
[II.20.2-547]  that hee could not abide to liue any longer. Did not hee also afore hee
[II.20.2-548]  hanged himselfe make an open confession of his fault, when hee sayde,
[II.20.2-549]  I haue sinned, betraying the innocent blood? And verely this was
[II.20.2-550]  a very bold confession, which might haue brought him to great trouble.
[II.20.2-551]  For by it he did lay to the high Priests and Elders charge, the shedding
[II.20.2-552]  of innocent blood, and that they were most abominable murderers.
[II.20.2-553]  Hee did also make a certaine kinde of satisfaction, when hee did cast their

Peter and
his repen­
De peniten­
tia distin.


[II.20.2-554]  money vnto them againe. No such thing doe wee read of Peter although
[II.20.2-555]  hee had committed a very heinous sinne, and most grieuous offence, in de­
[II.20.2-556]  nying of his Master. We find that he went out and wept bitterly, where­
[II.20.2-557]  of Ambrose speaketh on this manner: Peter was sory and wept, because he
[II.20.2-558]  erred as a man. I doe not finde what hee said, I know that hee wept.
[II.20.2-559]  I read of his teares, but not of his satisfaction. But how chaunce
[II.20.2-560]  that the one was receiued into fauour againe with GOD, and the other
[II.20.2-561]  cast away, but because that the one did by a liuely Faith in him whom
[II.20.2-562]  he had denyed take holde vpon the mercy of GOD, and the other wan­
[II.20.2-563]  ted Faith, whereby hee did dispayre of the goodnesse and mercie of GOD?
[II.20.2-564]  It is euident and plaine then, that although wee be neuer so earnestly
[II.20.2-565]  sorie for our sinnes, acknowledge and confesse them: yet all these things
[II.20.2-566]  shall bee but meanes to bring vs to vtter desperation, except wee doe sted­
[II.20.2-567]  fastly beleeue, that GOD our heauenly Father will for his Sonne Ie­
[II.20.2-568]  sus Christs sake, pardon and forgiue vs our offences and trespasses, and
[II.20.2-569]  vtterly put them out of remembrance in his sight. Therefore, as wee
[II.20.2-570]  sayd before, they that teach repentance without Christ, and a liuely
[II.20.2-571]  Faith in the mercy of GOD, doe onely teach Caines orIudas repen­
[II.20.2-572]  tance. The fourth is, an amendment of life, or a new life, in bringing
[II.20.2-573]  foorth fruits worthy of repentance. For they that doe truely repent,
[II.20.2-574]  must bee cleane altered and changed, they must become new creatures,
[II.20.2-575]  they must be no more the same that they were before. And therefore thus


[II.20.2-576]  said Iohn Baptist vnto the Pharisees and Sadduces that came vnto his
[II.20.2-577]  Baptisme: O generation of vipers, who hath forewarned you to flee
[II.20.2-578]  from the anger to come? bring foorth therefore fruits worthy of repen­
[II.20.2-579]  tance. Whereby wee doe learne, that if wee will haue the wrath of
[II.20.2-580]  GOD to bee pacified, wee must in no wise dissemble, but turne vnto
[II.20.2-581]  him againe with a true and sound repentance, which may bee knowen
[II.20.2-582]  and declared by good fruits, as by most sure and fallible signes thereof.

[II.20.2-583]  They that doe from the bottome of their hearts acknowledge their
[II.20.2-584]  sinnes, and are vnfaignedly sory for their offences, will cast off all hy­
[II.20.2-585]  pocrisie, and put on true humility, and lowlinesse of heart. They will
[II.20.2-586]  not only receiue the Physition of the soule, but also with a most feruent
[II.20.2-587]  desire long for him. They will not onely absteine from the sinnes of
[II.20.2-588]  their former life, and from all other filthy vices, but also flee, eschew,
[II.20.2-589]  and abhorre all the occasions of them. And as they did before giue them­
[II.20.2-590]  selues to vncleannesse of life, so will they from henceforwardes with
[II.20.2-591]  all diligence giue themselues to innocency, purenesse of life, and true
[II.20.2-592]  godlinesse. Wee haue the Nineuites for an example, which at the prea­
[II.20.2-593]  ching of Ionas did not onely proclaime a generall fast, and that they

Ionas 3.

[II.20.2-594]  should euery one put on sackecloth: but they all did turne from their euill
[II.20.2-595]  wayes, and from the wickednesse that was in their hands. But aboue
[II.20.2-596]  all other, the historie of Zacheus is most notable: For being come vnto

Luke 19.

[II.20.2-597]  our Sauiour Iesu Christ, hee did say, Behold Lord, the halfe of my
[II.20.2-598]  goods I giue to the poore, and if I haue defrauded any man, or
[II.20.2-599]  taken ought away be extortion or fraude, I doe restore him foure
[II.20.2-600]  fold.

[II.20.2-601]  Here we see that after his repentance, hee was no more the man that
[II.20.2-602]  hee was before, but was cleane chaunged and altered. It was so farre
[II.20.2-603]  of, that hee would continue and bide still in his vnsatiable couetousnes,
[II.20.2-604]  or take ought away fraudulently from any man, that rather hee was
[II.20.2-605]  most willing and ready to giue away his owne, and to make satisfaction
[II.20.2-606]  vnto all them that hee had done iniury and wrong vnto. Here may wee
[II.20.2-607]  right well adde the sinfull woman, which when shee came to our Saui­
[II.20.2-608]  our Iesus Christ did powre downe such abundance of teares out of those

Luke 7.

[II.20.2-609]  wanton eyes of hers, wherewith she had allured many vnto folly, that
[II.20.2-610]  shee did with them wash his feete, wiping them with the haires of her
[II.20.2-611]  head, which she was wont most gloriously to set out, making of them a
[II.20.2-612]  nette of the deuill. Hereby we doe learne, what is the satisfaction that
[II.20.2-613]  GOD doeth require of vs, which is, that we cease from euill, and doe good,

Iohn 5.

[II.20.2-614]  and if wee haue done any man wrong, to endeuour our selues to make
[II.20.2-615]  him true amends to the vttermost of our power, following in this the ex­
[II.20.2-616]  ample of Zacheus, and of this sinfull woman, and also that goodly les­
[II.20.2-617]  son that Iohn BaptistZacharies sonne did giue vnto them that came to
[II.20.2-618]  aske counsayle of him. This was commonly the penaunce that Christ

Iohn 15.

[II.20.2-619]  enioyned sinners: Goe thy way, and sinne no more. Which penance wee
[II.20.2-620]  shall neuer be able to fulfill, without the speciall grace of him that doeth
[II.20.2-621]  say, Without me ye can doe nothing. It is therefore our parts, if at least
[II.20.2-622]  we be desirous of the health and saluation of our owne selues, most ear­
[II.20.2-623]  nestly to pray vnto our heauenly Father, to assiste vs with his Holy spirit,
[II.20.2-624]  that we may be able to hearken vnto the voyce of the true shepheard, and
[II.20.2-625]  with due obedience to follow the same.

[II.20.2-626]  Let vs hearken to the voyce of Almighty GOD, when he calleth vs to
[II.20.2-627]  repentance, let vs not harden our hearts, as such Infidels doe, who abuse
[II.20.2-628]  the time giuen them of GOD to repent, and turne it to continue their
[II.20.2-629]  pride and contempt against GOD and man, which know not how
[II.20.2-630]  much they heape GODS wrath vpon themselues, for the hardnesse of
[II.20.2-631]  their hearts, which cannot repent at the day of vengeance. Where wee
[II.20.2-632]  haue offended the Law of GOD, let vs repent vs of our straying from
[II.20.2-633]  so good a Lord. Let vs confesse our vnworthynesse before him, but yet
[II.20.2-634]  let vs trust in GODS free mercy, for Christs sake, for the pardon of
[II.20.2-635]  the same. And from hencefoorth let vs endeuour our selues to walke
[II.20.2-636]  in a new life, as new borne babes, whereby we may glorifie our Fa­
[II.20.2-637]  ther which is heauen, and thereby to beare in our consciences
[II.20.2-638]  a good testimony of our fayth. So that at the last, to
[II.20.2-639]  obtaine the fruition of euerlasting life, through
[II.20.2-640]  the merites of our Sauiour, to whom be
[II.20.2-641]  all prayse and honour for euer,
[II.20.2-642]  AMEN.

The third part of the Homilie
of Repentance.

[II.20.3-643]  IN the Homilie last spoken vnto you (right welbeloued
[II.20.3-644]  people in our Sauiour Christ) ye heard of the true parts
[II.20.3-645]  and tokens of Repentance, that is, heartie contrition
[II.20.3-646]  and sorrowfulnesse of our hearts, vnfained confession in
[II.20.3-647]  word of mouth for our vnworthy liuing before GOD,
[II.20.3-648]  a stedfast faith to the merites of our Sauiour Christ for
[II.20.3-649]  pardon, and a purpose of our selues by GODS grace to
[II.20.3-650]  renounce our former wicked life, and a full conuersion to GOD in a
[II.20.3-651]  new life to glorifie his Name, and to liue orderly and charitably, to the
[II.20.3-652]  comfort of our neighbour, in all righteousnesse, and to liue soberly and
[II.20.3-653]  modestly to our selues, by vsing abstinence, and temperance in word and
[II.20.3-654]  in deede, in mortifying our earthly members heere vpon earth: Now
[II.20.3-655]  for a further perswasion to mooue you to those partes of repentance,
[II.20.3-656]  I will declare vnto you some causes, which should the rather mooue you
[II.20.3-657]  to repentance.

[II.20.3-658]  First, the commandement of GOD, who in so many places of

The causes
that should
mooue vs to

[II.20.3-659]  the holy and sacred Scriptures, doeth bid vs returne vnto him. O yee
[II.20.3-660]  children of Israel (sayth he) turne againe from your infidelitie, wherein
[II.20.3-661]  ye drowned your selues. Againe, Turne you, turne you from your euill
[II.20.3-662]  wayes: For why will ye die, O ye house of Israel? And in another place,


[II.20.3-663]  thus doth he speake by his holy Prophet Osee: O Israel, returne vnto the
[II.20.3-664]  Lord thy GOD: For thou hast taken a great fall by thine iniquitie.
[II.20.3-665]  Take vnto you these wordes with you, when you turne vnto the Lord
[II.20.3-666]  and say vnto him, Take away all iniquitie, and receiue vs graciously,
[II.20.3-667]  so will we offer the calues of our lippes vnto thee. In all these places
[II.20.3-668]  wee haue an expresse commandement giuen vnto vs of GOD for to re­
[II.20.3-669]  turne vnto him. Therefore we must take good heede vnto ourselues,
[II.20.3-670]  lest whereas wee haue already by our manifold sinnes and transgres­
[II.20.3-671]  sions, prouoked and kindled the wrath of GOD against vs, wee doe
[II.20.3-672]  by breaking this his commandement, double our offences, and so heape
[II.20.3-673]  still damnation vpon our owne heads by our dayly offences and trespas­
[II.20.3-674]  ses, whereby we prouoke the eyes of his Maiestie, wee doe well deserue
[II.20.3-675]  (if hee should deale with vs according to his iustice) to be put away for
[II.20.3-676]  euer from the fruition of his glory. How much more then are wee
[II.20.3-677]  worthy of the endlesse torments of hell, if when wee bee so gently called
[II.20.3-678]  againe after our rebellion, and commanded to returne, wee will in no
[II.20.3-679]  wise hearken vnto the voyce of our heauenly Father, but walke still af­
[II.20.3-680]  ter the stubbornnesse of our owne hearts

[II.20.3-681]  Secondly, the most comfortable and sweet promise, that the Lord our
[II.20.3-682]  GOD did of his meere mercy and goodnesse ioyne vnto his commande­


[II.20.3-683]  ment. For he doeth not onely say, Returne vnto me, O Israel: but also,
[II.20.3-684]  If thou wilt returne, and put away all thine abominations out of my
[II.20.3-685]  sight, thou shalt neuer bee mooued. These words also haue wee in the


[II.20.3-686]  Prophet Ezechiel: At what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his
[II.20.3-687]  sinne, from the bottome of his heart, I will put all his wickednesse out of
[II.20.3-688]  my remembrance (saith the Lord) so that they shall bee no more thought
[II.20.3-689]  vpon. Thus are we sufficiently instructed, that GOD will according
[II.20.3-690]  to his promise, freely pardon, forgiue, and forget all our sinnes, so that
[II.20.3-691]  we shall neuer be cast in the teeth with them, if, obeying his commande­
[II.20.3-692]  ment, and allured by his sweet promises, wee will vnfainedly returne vn­
[II.20.3-693]  to him.

[II.20.3-694]  Thirdly, the filthinesse of sinne, which is such, that as long as wee
[II.20.3-695]  doe abide in it, GOD cannot but detest and abhorre vs, neither can there
[II.20.3-696]  be any hope, that we shall enter into the heauenly Ierusalem, except wee
[II.20.3-697]  be first made cleane and purged from it. But this will neuer be, vnlesse
[II.20.3-698]  forsaking our former life, wee doe with our whole heart returne vnto the
[II.20.3-699]  Lord our GOD, and with a full purpose of amendment of life, flee vnto
[II.20.3-700]  his mercy, taking sure hold thereupon through Faith in the blood of his


[II.20.3-701]  Sonne Iesus Christ. If we should suspect any vncleannesse to be in vs,
[II.20.3-702]  wherefore the earthly Prince should lothe and abhorre the sight of vs,
[II.20.3-703]  what paines would wee take to remooue and put it away? How much
[II.20.3-704]  more ought wee with all diligence and speed that may be, to put away
[II.20.3-705]  that vncleane filthinesse that doeth separate and make a diuision betwixt


[II.20.3-706]  vs and our GOD, and that hideth his face from vs, that hee will not
[II.20.3-707]  heare vs? And verily herein doth appeare how filthy a thing sinne is,
[II.20.3-708]  sith that it can by no other meanes be washed away, but by the blood of
[II.20.3-709]  the onely begotten Sonne of GOD. And shall wee not from the bot­
[II.20.3-710]  tome of our hearts detest and abhorre, and with all earnestnesse flee from
[II.20.3-711]  it, sith that it did cost the deare heart blood of the onely begotten Sonne
[II.20.3-712]  of GOD our Sauiour and Redeemer, to purge vs from it? Plato doeth
[II.20.3-713]  in a certaine place write, that if vertue could bee seene with bodily eyes,
[II.20.3-714]  all men would wonderfully be inflamed and kindled with the loue of it:
[II.20.3-715]  Euen so on the contrary, if we might with our bodily eyes behold the fil­
[II.20.3-716]  thinesse of sinne, and the vncleannesse thereof, wee could in no wise abide
[II.20.3-717]  it, but as most present and deadly poyson, hate and eschew it. Wee haue
[II.20.3-718]  a common experience of the same in them, which when they haue com­
[II.20.3-719]  mitted any heinous offence, or some filthy and abominable sinne, if it once
[II.20.3-720]  come to light, or if they chance to haue a through feeling of it, they bee so
[II.20.3-721]  ashamed (their owne conscience putting before their eyes the filthinesse
[II.20.3-722]  of their acte) that they dare looke no man in the face, much lesse that they
[II.20.3-723]  should be able to stand in the sight of GOD.

[II.20.3-724]  Fourthly, the vncertaintie and brittlenesse of our owne liues, which
[II.20.3-725]  is such, that we cannot assure our selues, that we shall liue one houre, or
[II.20.3-726]  one halfe quarter of it. Which by experience we doe find daily to be true,
[II.20.3-727]  in them that being now merrie and lustie, and sometimes feasting and
[II.20.3-728]  banquetting with their friends, doe fall suddainely dead in the streetes,
[II.20.3-729]  and other-whiles vnder the board when they are at meat. These daily
[II.20.3-730]  examples, as they are most terrible and dreadfull, so ought they to mooue
[II.20.3-731]  vs to seeke for to be at one with our heauenly iudge, that we may with a
[II.20.3-732]  good conscience appeare before him, whensoeuer it shall please him for to
[II.20.3-733]  call vs, whether it be suddenly or otherwise, for wee haue no more char­
[II.20.3-734]  ter of our life, then they haue. But as wee are most certaine that wee
[II.20.3-735]  shall die, so are wee most vncertaine when wee shall die. For our
[II.20.3-736]  life doeth lie in the hand of GOD, who will take it away when
[II.20.3-737]  it pleaseth him. And verily when the highest Summer of all, which

Death the
Lords Sum­

[II.20.3-738]  is death, shall come, hee will not bee said nay: but wee must foorth
[II.20.3-739]  with be packing, to be present before the iudgement seat of GOD, as hee
[II.20.3-740]  doth find vs, according as it is written: Whereas the tree falleth, whe­


[II.20.3-741]  ther it bee toward the South, or toward the North, there it shall lie.
[II.20.3-742]  Whereunto agreeth the saying of the holy Martyr of GOD Saint Cy­

Contra De­


[II.20.3-743]  prian, saying: As GOD doeth find thee when hee doth call, so doth hee
[II.20.3-744]  iudge thee. Let vs therefore follow the counsell of the wise man, where


[II.20.3-745]  he saith: Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lord, and put not off from
[II.20.3-746]  day to day. For suddainely shall the wrath of the Lord breake foorth, and
[II.20.3-747]  in thy securitie shalt thou be destroyed and shalt perish in the time of ven­
[II.20.3-748]  geance. Which words I desire you to marke diligently, because they doe
[II.20.3-749]  most liuely put before our eyes, the fondnesse of many men, who abusing
[II.20.3-750]  the long suffering and goodnesse of GOD, doe neuer thinke on repen­
[II.20.3-751]  tance or amendment of life. Follow not (saith he) thine owne mind, and
[II.20.3-752]  thy strength, to walke in the wayes of thy heart, neither say thou, who
[II.20.3-753]  will bring me vnder for my workes: For GOD the reuenger, will re­
[II.20.3-754]  uenge the wrong done by thee. And say not, I haue sinned, and what
[II.20.3-755]  euill hath come vnto me? For the Almightie is a patient rewarder, but
[II.20.3-756]  he will not leaue thee vnpunished. Because thy sinnes are forgiuen thee,
[II.20.3-757]  be not without feare to heape sinne vpon sinne. Say not neither, The
[II.20.3-758]  mercie of GOD is great, he will forgiue my manifold sinnes. For mer­
[II.20.3-759]  cie and wrath come from him and his indignation commeth vpon vnre­
[II.20.3-760]  pentant sinners. As if yee should say: Art thou strong and mightie? Art
[II.20.3-761]  thou lustie and young? Hast thou the wealth and riches of the world?
[II.20.3-762]  Or when thou hast sinned, hast thou receiued no punishment for it? Let
[II.20.3-763]  none of all these things make thee to be the slower to repent, and to re­
[II.20.3-764]  turne with speed vnto the Lord. For in the day of punishment and of
[II.20.3-765]  his suddaine vengeance, they shall not be able to helpe thee. And speci­
[II.20.3-766]  ally when thou art either by the preaching of GODS word, or by some
[II.20.3-767]  inward motion of his holy spirit, or els by some other meanes called vnto
[II.20.3-768]  repentance, neglect not the good occasion that is ministred vnto thee, lest
[II.20.3-769]  when thou wouldest repent, thou hast not the grace for to doe it. For to
[II.20.3-770]  repent, is a good gift, of GOD, which he will neuer grant vnto them,
[II.20.3-771]  who liuing in carnall securitie, doe make a mocke of his threatnings, or
[II.20.3-772]  seeke to rule his spirit as they list, as though his working and gifts were
[II.20.3-773]  tyed vnto their will. Fiftly, the auoyding of the plagues of GOD, and
[II.20.3-774]  the vtter destruction that by his righteous iudgement doth hang ouer
[II.20.3-775]  the heads of them all that will in no wise returne vnto the Lord: I will
[II.20.3-776]  (saith the Lord) giue them for a terrible plague to all the kingdomes of


[II.20.3-777]  the earth, and for a reproach, and for a prouerbe, and for a curse in all
[II.20.3-778]  places where I shall cast them, and will send the sword of famine, and
[II.20.3-779]  the pestilence among them, till they be consumed out of the land. And
[II.20.3-780]  wherefore is this? Because they hardened their hearts, and would in no
[II.20.3-781]  wise returne from their euill wayes, nor yet forsake the wickednesse that
[II.20.3-782]  was in their owne hands, that the fiercenesse of the Lords fury might de­

Rom. 2.

[II.20.3-783]  part from them. But yet this is nothing in comparison of the intolera­
[II.20.3-784]  ble and endlesse torments of hell fire, which they shall bee faine to suffer,
[II.20.3-785]  who after their hardnesse of heart that cannot repent, doe heape vnto
[II.20.3-786]  themselues wrath against the day of anger, and of the declaration of the
[II.20.3-787]  iust iudgement of GOD: Whereas if we will repent, and bee earnestly
[II.20.3-788]  sorry for our sinne, and with a full purpose and amendment of life flee
[II.20.3-789]  vnto the mercy of our GOD, and taking sure hold thereupon through
[II.20.3-790]  fayth in our Sauiour Iesus Christ doe bring foorth fruits worthy of re­
[II.20.3-791]  pentance: hee will not onely powre his manifold blessings vpon vs
[II.20.3-792]  heere in this world, but also at the last, after the painefull trauels
[II.20.3-793]  of this life, reward vs with the inheritance of his children,
[II.20.3-794]  which is the kingdome of heauen, purchased vnto vs with
[II.20.3-795]  the death of his sonne Iesu Christ our Lord, to whom
[II.20.3-796]  with the Father and the holy Ghost, be all praise,
[II.20.3-797]  glory, and honour, world without
[II.20.3-798]  end. Amen.