from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire (ed.)
University of Toronto

AN HOMILIE AGAINST Gluttony and Drunkennesse.

[II.5.1-1]  YE haue heard in the former Sermon,
[II.5.1-2]  welbeloued, the description and the ver­
[II.5.1-3]  tue of fasting, with the true vse of the
[II.5.1-4]  same. Now yee shall heare how foule a
[II.5.1-5]  thing gluttony and drunkennesse is be­
[II.5.1-6]  fore GOD, the rather to mooue you to
[II.5.1-7]  vse fasting the more diligently. Under­
[II.5.1-8]  stand yee therefore, that Almighty GOD
[II.5.1-9]  (to the end that we might keep our selues
[II.5.1-10]  vndefiled and serue him in holinesse and
[II.5.1-11]  righteousnesse, according to his word)

Titus 2.

[II.5.1-12]  hath charged in his Scriptures so many
[II.5.1-13]  as looke for the glorious appearing of our
[II.5.1-14]  Sauiour Christ , to lead their liues in all sobriety, modesty, and tempe­
[II.5.1-15]  rancie. Whereby we may learne how necessary it is for euery Christian
[II.5.1-16]  that will not be found vnready at the comming of our Sauiour Christ , to

Titus 2.

[II.5.1-17]  liue sober minded in this present world, forasmuch as otherwise being
[II.5.1-18]  vnready, he cannot enter with Christ into glory: And being vnarmed in
[II.5.1-19]  this behalfe, he must needes bee in continuall danger of that cruell ad­
[II.5.1-20]  uersary the roaring Lion, against whom the Apostle Peter warneth vs to


[II.5.1-21]  prepare our selues in continuall sobriety, that we may resist, being stedfast
[II.5.1-22]  in fayth. To the intent therefore that this sobernesse may bee vsed in all
[II.5.1-23]  our behauiour, it shall be expedient for vs to declare vnto you how much
[II.5.1-24]  all kinde of excesse offendeth the maiestie of almightie GOD, and howe
[II.5.1-25]  grieuously hee punisheth the immoderate abuse of those his creatures
[II.5.1-26]  which he ordeineth to the maintenance of this our needy life, as meates,
[II.5.1-27]  drinkes, and apparell. And againe, to shew the noysome diseases and
[II.5.1-28]  great mischiefes that commonly doe follow them that inordinatly giue
[II.5.1-29]  vp themselues to be caried headlong with such pleasures as are ioyned
[II.5.1-30]  eyther with daintie and ouerlarge fare, or else with costly and sumptu­
[II.5.1-31]  our apparell.

[II.5.1-32]  {P} And first, that ye may perceiue how detestable and hatefull all excesse
[II.5.1-33]  in eating and drinking is before the face of almighty GOD, ye shall call
[II.5.1-34]  to minde what is written by Saint Paul to the Galathians, where hee


[II.5.1-35]  numbreth gluttonie and drunkennesse among those horrible crimes, with
[II.5.1-36]  the which (as he saith) no man shall inherite the kingdome of heauen.
[II.5.1-37]  Hee reckoneth them among the deedes of the flesh, and coupleth them
[II.5.1-38]  with idolatrie, whoredome, and murder, which are the greatest offences
[II.5.1-39]  that can bee named among men. For the first spoyleth GOD of his ho­
[II.5.1-40]  nour, the second defileth his holy Temple, that is to wit, our owne
[II.5.1-41]  bodies, the third maketh vs companions of Cayne in the slaughter of
[II.5.1-42]  our brethren, and who so committeth them, as Saint Paul saith, can­
[II.5.1-43]  not inherite the kingdome of GOD. Certainely, that sinne is very odi­
[II.5.1-44]  ous and lothsome before the face of GOD, which causeth him to turne
[II.5.1-45]  his fauourable countenance so farre from vs, that hee should cleane
[II.5.1-46]  barre vs out of the doores, and disherite vs of his heauenly kingdome.
[II.5.1-47]  But hee so much abhorreth all beastly banquetting, that by his sonne
[II.5.1-48]  our Sauiour Christ in the Gospel, hee declareth his terrible indignation
[II.5.1-49]  against all belly gods, in that hee pronounceth them accursed, saying,

Luke 6.

[II.5.1-50]  Wo bee to you that are full, for yee shall hunger. And by the Prophet

Esay 5.

[II.5.1-51]  Esaias hee cryeth out, Wo be to you that rise vp early to giue your selues
[II.5.1-52]  to drunkennes, & set all your mindes so on drinking, that you sit swilling
[II.5.1-53]  thereat vntill it bee night. The Harpe, the Lute, the shalme, and plen­
[II.5.1-54]  tie of wine are at your feastes, but the workes of the Lord yee doe not be­
[II.5.1-55]  holde, neither consider the workes of his hands. Woe bee vnto you that
[II.5.1-56]  are strong to drinke wine, and are mighty to aduance drunkennesse. Heere
[II.5.1-57]  the Prophet plainely teacheth, that fasting and banquetting maketh men
[II.5.1-58]  forgetfull of their duty towards GOD, when they giue themselues to
[II.5.1-59]  all kindes of pleasures, not considering nor regarding the workes of the
[II.5.1-60]  Lord, who hath created meates and drinkes, as S. Paul sayth, to bee re­
[II.5.1-61]  ceiued thankefully of them that beleeue and know the trueth. So that
[II.5.1-62]  the very beholding of these creatures (being the handy worke of Almigh­
[II.5.1-63]  ty God) might teach vs to vse them thankefully as God hath ordeyned.


[II.5.1-64]  Therefore they are without excuse before God, which either filthily feede
[II.5.1-65]  themselues, not respecting the sanctification which is by the word of God
[II.5.1-66]  and prayer, or else vnthankefully abuse the good creatures of God by sur­
[II.5.1-67]  fetting & drunkennes, forasmuch as Gods ordinances in his creatures
[II.5.1-68]  plainely forbidde it. They that giue themselues therefore to bibbing
[II.5.1-69]  and banqueting, being without all consideration of Gods iudgements,
[II.5.1-70]  are suddenly oppressed in the day of vengeance. Therefore Christ saith to
[II.5.1-71]  his disciples, Take heede to your selues, least at any time your hearts bee

Luke 2.

[II.5.1-72]  ouercome with surfeting and drunkennesse, and cares of this world, and
[II.5.1-73]  so that day come on you vnwares. Whosoeuer then will take warning
[II.5.1-74]  at Christ , let him take heede to himselfe, least his heart being ouerwhel­

Luke 12.

[II.5.1-75]  med by surfeting and drowned in drunkennes, he be taken vnwares with
[II.5.1-76]  that vnthrifty seruant, which, thinking not on his masters comming, be­
[II.5.1-77]  gan to smite his fellow seruants, & to eate, & to drinke, & to bee drunken, &
[II.5.1-78]  being sudenly taken, hath his iust reward with vnbeleeuing hypocrites.
[II.5.1-79]  they that vse to drink deeply, & to feed at ful (wallowing themselues in all
[II.5.1-80]  kind of wickednes) are brought asleep in that slumbring forgetfulnesse of
[II.5.1-81]  Gods holy will & commandements. Therefore almighty God cryeth by

Ioel 1.

[II.5.1-82]  the Prophet Ioel : Awake ye drunkards, weepe and howle all ye drinkers
[II.5.1-83]  of wine, because the new wine shalbe pulled from your mouth. Here the
[II.5.1-84]  Lord terribly threatneth to withdraw his benefites from such as abuse
[II.5.1-85]  them, and to pull the cup from the mouth of drunkards. Here we may
[II.5.1-86]  learne, not to sleepe in drunkennesse and surfetting lest GOD depriue vs
[II.5.1-87]  of the vse of his creatures, when we vnkindly abuse them. For certainly
[II.5.1-88]  the Lord our GOD will not only take away his benefits when they are
[II.5.1-89]  vnthankefully abused: but also in his wrath and heauie displeasure take


[II.5.1-90]  vengeance on such as immoderately abuse them. If our first parents
[II.5.1-91]  Adam and Eve had not obeyed their greedy appetite in eating the forbid­
[II.5.1-92]  den fruit, neither had they lost the fruition of GODS benefites which
[II.5.1-93]  they then enioyed in paradise, neither had they brought so many mischiefs
[II.5.1-94]  both to themselues, and to all their posteritie. But when they passed the
[II.5.1-95]  bonds that GOD had appointed them, as vnworthy of GODS bene­
[II.5.1-96]  fits, they are expelled and driuen out of paradise, they may no longer eate
[II.5.1-97]  the fruites of that garden, which by excesse they had so much abused. As
[II.5.1-98]  transgressors of GODS commandement, they and their posterity are
[II.5.1-99]  brought to a perpetuall shame and confusion, and as accursed of GOD,
[II.5.1-100]  they must now sweate for their liuing, which before had abundance at
[II.5.1-101]  their pleasure. Euen so, if we in eating and drinking exceede, when God
[II.5.1-102]  of his large liberality sendeth plenty, he will soone change plenty into
[II.5.1-103]  scarcenesse. And whereas we gloried in fulnesse, he will make vs emptie,
[II.5.1-104]  and confound vs with penury, yea, we shalbe compelled to labour and tra­
[II.5.1-105]  uaile with paines, in seeking for that which we sometime enioyed at ease.
[II.5.1-106]  Thus the Lord will not leaue them vnpunished, who not regarding his
[II.5.1-107]  works, follow the lusts and appetites of their owne hearts. The Patri­


[II.5.1-108]  arch Noah , whom the Apostle calleth the preacher of righteousnes, a man
[II.5.1-109]  exceedingly in GODS fauour, is in holy Scripture made an example,
[II.5.1-110]  whereby we may learne to auoid drunkennesse. For when he had powred
[II.5.1-111]  in wine more then was conuenient, in filthy maner hee lay naked in his
[II.5.1-112]  tent, his priuities discouered. And whereas sometime hee was so much
[II.5.1-113]  esteemed, he is now become a laughing stocke to his wicked sonne Cham ,
[II.5.1-114]  no small griefe to Sem and Iapeth his other two sonnes, which were a­
[II.5.1-115]  shamed of their fathers beastly behauiour. Heere wee may note that
[II.5.1-116]  drunkennesse bringeth with it shame and derision, so that it neuer esca­


[II.5.1-117]  peth vnpunished. Lot in like maner, being ouercome with wine, com­
[II.5.1-118]  mitted abominable incest with his owne daughters. So will almighty
[II.5.1-119]  GOD giue ouer drunkards, to the shamefull lusts of their owne hearts.
[II.5.1-120]  Heere is Lot by drinking fallen so farre beside himselfe, that hee know­
[II.5.1-121]  eth not his owne daughters. Who would haue thought that an olde
[II.5.1-122]  man in that heauie case, hauing lost his wife and all that he had, which
[II.5.1-123]  had seene euen now GODS vengeance in fearefull maner declared
[II.5.1-124]  on the fiue Cities for their vicious liuing, should be so farre past the re­
[II.5.1-125]  membrance of his duety? But men ouercome with drinke, are altogether
[II.5.1-126]  madde as Seneca saith. He was deceiued by his daughters: but now ma­


[II.5.1-127]  ny deceiue themselues, neuer thinking that GOD by his terrible pu­
[II.5.1-128]  nishments will bee auenged on them that offend by excesse. It is no
[II.5.1-129]  small plague that Lot purchased by his drunkennesse. For he had copula­
[II.5.1-130]  tion most filthily with his owne daughters, which conceiued thereby, so
[II.5.1-131]  that the matter is brought to light, it can no longer bee hidde. Two in­
[II.5.1-132]  cestuous children are borne, Ammon and Moab , of whom came two na­
[II.5.1-133]  tions, the Ammonites and Moabites , abhorred of GOD, and cruell ad­
[II.5.1-134]  uersares to his people the Israelites. Loe Lot hath gotten to himselfe
[II.5.1-135]  by drinking, sorrow, and care, with perpetuall infamie and reproch vnto
[II.5.1-136]  the worldes ende. If GOD spared not his seruant Lot , being other­
[II.5.1-137]  wise a godly man, nephew vnto Abraham , one that entertained the An­
[II.5.1-138]  gels of GOD: What will he doe to these beastly belly slaues, which voide
[II.5.1-139]  of all godlinesse or vertuous behauiour, not once, but continually day
[II.5.1-140]  and night, giue themselues wholly to bibbing and banquetting? But let
[II.5.1-141]  vs yet further behold the terrible examples of GODS indignation a­

2 Sam 13.

[II.5.1-143]  gainst such as greedily follow their vnsatiable lusts. Amnon the sonne of
[II.5.1-144]  Dauid , feasting himselfe with his brother Absolom , is cruelly murdered of
[II.5.1-145]  his owne brother. Holophernes , a valiant and mighty captaine, being

Iudith 13.

[II.5.1-146]  ouerwhelmed with wine, had his head striken from his shoulders by
[II.5.1-147]  that seely woman Iudith . Simon the hie Priest, and his two sonnes Matta­
[II.5.1-148]  thias
and Iudas , being entertained of Ptolomie the sonne of Abobus , who
[II.5.1-149]  had before married Simons daughter, after much eating and drinking,
[II.5.1-150]  were traiterously murdered of their owne kinseman. If the Israelites


[II.5.1-151]  had not giuen themselues to belly cheare, they had neuer so often fallen to
[II.5.1-152]  idolatrie. Neither would wee at this day bee so addict to superstition,
[II.5.1-153]  were it not that wee so much esteemed the filling of our bellies. The
[II.5.1-154]  Israelites when they serued Idolles, sate downe to eate and drinke,


[II.5.1-155]  and rose againe to play, as the Scripture reporteth. Therefore see­
[II.5.1-156]  king to serue their bellies, they forsooke the seruice of the Lord their
[II.5.1-157]  GOD. So are wee drawen to consent vnto wickednesse, when our
[II.5.1-158]  hearts are ouerwhelmed by drunkennesse and feasting. So Herode set­


[II.5.1-159]  ting his minde on banquetting, was content to grant, that the holy man
[II.5.1-160]  of GODIohn Baptist, should bee beheaded at the request of his whores
[II.5.1-161]  daughter. Had not the rich glutton bene so greedily giuen to the pampe­

Luke 16.

[II.5.1-162]  ring of his belly, he would neuer haue beene so vnmercifull to the poore
[II.5.1-163]  Lazarus , neither had he felt the torments of the vnquenchable fire. What
[II.5.1-164]  was the cause that GOD so horribly punished Sodom and Gomorrha?


[II.5.1-165]  was it not their proud banquetting and continuall idlenesse, which cau­
[II.5.1-166]  sed them to bee so lewde of life, and so vnmercifull towards the poore?
[II.5.1-167]  What shall we now thinke of the horrible excesse, whereby so many haue
[II.5.1-168]  perished, and bene brought to destruction? The great Alexander after that


[II.5.1-169]  hee had conquered the whole world, was himselfe ouercome by drunken­
[II.5.1-170]  nesse, insomuch that being drunken, hee slew his faithfull friend Clitus ,
[II.5.1-171]  whereof when he was sober, he was so much ashamed, that for anguish
[II.5.1-172]  of heart he wished death. Yet notwithstanding, after this hee left not
[II.5.1-173]  his banquetting, but in one night swilled in so much wine, that hee fell
[II.5.1-174]  into a feuer, and when as by no meanes hee would abstaine from wine,
[II.5.1-175]  within few dayes after in miserable sort he ended his life. The conque­
[II.5.1-176]  rour of the whole world is made a slaue by excesse, and becommeth so
[II.5.1-177]  madde that he murdereth his deare friend, hee is plagued with sorrow,
[II.5.1-178]  shame, and griefe of heart for his intemperancie, yet can he not leaue it,
[II.5.1-179]  hee is kept in captiuitie, and hee which sometime had subdued many, is
[II.5.1-180]  become a subiect to the vile belly. So are drunkards and gluttons al­
[II.5.1-181]  together without power of themselues, and the more they drinke, the
[II.5.1-182]  dryer they waxe, one banquet prouoketh another, they studie to fill their
[II.5.1-183]  greedie stomackes. Therefore it is commonly sayd, A drunken man is
[II.5.1-184]  alwayes drie, and A gluttons gut is neuer filled. Insatiable truely are the
[II.5.1-185]  affections and lustes of mans heart, and therefore wee must learne to
[II.5.1-186]  bridle them with the feare of GOD, so that we yeeld not to our owne
[II.5.1-187]  lustes, lest we kindle GODS indignation against our selues, when


[II.5.1-188]  we seeke to satisfie our beastly appetite. Saint Paul teacheth vs, whe­
[II.5.1-189]  ther wee eate or drinke, or whatsoeuer wee doe, to doe all to the glory of
[II.5.1-190]  GOD. Where hee appointeth, as it were by a measure, how much a
[II.5.1-191]  man may eate and drinke: that is to wit, so much that the minde be not
[II.5.1-192]  made sluggish by cramming in meate, and powring in drinke, so that it
[II.5.1-193]  cannot lift vp it selfe to the glory and prayse of GOD. Whatsoeuer he be
[II.5.1-194]  then, that by eating and drinking maketh himselfe vnfit to serue GOD,
[II.5.1-195]  let him not thinke to escape vnpunished.

[II.5.1-196]  Yee haue heard how much almighty GOD detesteth the abuse of his
[II.5.1-197]  creatures, as he himselfe declareth, aswell by his holy word, as also by the
[II.5.1-198]  fearefull examples of his iust iudgement. Now if neither the word of
[II.5.1-199]  GOD can restraine our raging lustes and greedy appetites, neither the
[II.5.1-200]  manifest examples of GODS vengeance feare vs from riotous and
[II.5.1-201]  excessiue eating and drinking, let vs yet consider the manifold mis­
[II.5.1-202]  chiefes that proceede thereof, so shall wee know the tree by the fruits.
[II.5.1-203]  It hurteth the body, it infecteth the minde, it wasteth the substance, and
[II.5.1-204]  is noysome to the neighbours. But who is able to expresse the mani­
[II.5.1-205]  folde dangers and inconueniences that follow of intemperate diet?
[II.5.1-206]  Oft commeth sodaine death by banquetting, sometime the members
[II.5.1-207]  are dissolued, and so the whole body is brought into a miserable state.
[II.5.1-208]  Hee that eateth and drinketh vnmeasurably, kindleth oft times such an
[II.5.1-209]  vnnaturall heate in his body, that his appetite is prouoked thereby to
[II.5.1-210]  desire more then it should, or else it ouercommeth his stomacke, and fil­
[II.5.1-211]  leth all the body full of sluggishnesse, makes it vnable and vnfit to serue
[II.5.1-212]  either GOD or man, not nourishing the body, but hurting it: and last of
[II.5.1-213]  all, bringeth many kindes of incurable diseases, whereof ensueth some­
[II.5.1-214]  times desperate death. But what should I neede to say any more in
[II.5.1-215]  this behalfe? For except GOD blesse our meates, and giue them
[II.5.1-216]  strength to feede vs: againe, except GOD giue strength to nature to
[II.5.1-217]  digest, so that we may take profit by them, either shall we filthily vomite
[II.5.1-218]  them vp againe, or els shal they lie stinking in our bodies, as in a lothsome
[II.5.1-219]  sinke or chanell, and so diuersely infect the whole body. And surely the
[II.5.1-220]  blessing of GOD is so farre from such as vse riotous banquetting, that in
[II.5.1-221]  their faces be sometimes seene the expresse tokens of this intemperancy:
[II.5.1-222]  as Solomon noteth in his prouerbes. To whom is woe (sayth hee)


[II.5.1-223]  to whom is sorrow? to whom is strife? to whom is brawling, to whom
[II.5.1-224]  are wounds without cause? and for whom is the rednesse of eyes? euen
[II.5.1-225]  to them that tarrie long at the wine. Marke (I beseech you) the
[II.5.1-226]  terrible tokens of GODS indignation: Woe, and sorrow, strife, and
[II.5.1-227]  brawling, wounds without cause, disfigured face, and rednesse of eyes are
[II.5.1-228]  to bee looked for, when men set themselues to excesse and gurmandise, de­
[II.5.1-229]  uising all meanes to encrease their greedy appetites by tempering the
[II.5.1-230]  wine, and sawcing in it such sort, that it may bee more delectable and
[II.5.1-231]  pleasant vnto them. It were expedient, that such delicate persons should
[II.5.1-232]  bee ruled by Solomon , who in consideration of the aforesayde incon­
[II.5.1-233]  ueniences, forbiddeth the very sight of wine. Looke not vpon the wine
[II.5.1-234]  (sayth hee) when it is red, and when it sheweth his colour in the cup,
[II.5.1-235]  or goeth downe pleasantly: for in the ende thereof it will bite like a ser­
[II.5.1-236]  pent, and hurt like a cockatrice. Thine eyes shall looke vpon strange
[II.5.1-237]  women, and thine heart shall speake lewde things, and thou shalt
[II.5.1-238]  bee as one that sleepeth in the middes of the sea, and as he that sleepeth
[II.5.1-239]  in the toppe of the maste. They haue stricken mee (thou shalt say) but
[II.5.1-240]  I was not sicke, they haue beaten mee, but I felt it not, therefore will
[II.5.1-241]  I seeke it yet still. Certainely that must needes bee verie hurtfull which
[II.5.1-242]  biteth and infecteth like a poysoned Serpent, whereby men are brought


[II.5.1-243]  to filthy fornication, which causeth the heart to deuise mischiefe. Hee
[II.5.1-244]  doubtlesse is in great danger that sleepeth in the middest of the sea, for
[II.5.1-245]  soone hee is ouerwhelmed with waues. He is like to fall sodainely that
[II.5.1-246]  sleepeth in the toppe of the maste. And surely hee hath lost his senses,
[II.5.1-247]  that cannot feele when he is stricken, that knoweth not when he is bea­
[II.5.1-248]  ten. So, surfetting and drunkennesse bites by the belly, and causeth con­
[II.5.1-249]  tinuall gnawing in the stomack, bringes men to whoredome and lewde­
[II.5.1-250]  nesse of hearte, with dangers vnspeakable: so that men are bereaued and
[II.5.1-251]  robbed of their senses, and are altogether without power of themselues,
[II.5.1-252]  Who seeth not nowe the miserable estate whereinto men are brought, by
[II.5.1-253]  these foule filthie monsters, gluttonie and drunkennesse. The body is
[II.5.1-254]  so much disquieted by them, that as Iesus the sonne of Syrach affirmeth, the
[II.5.1-255]  vnsatiable feeder neuer sleepeth quietly, such an vnmeasurable heate is


[II.5.1-256]  kindled, whereof ensueth continuall ache and paine to the whole body.
[II.5.1-257]  And no lesse truely the minde is also annoyed by surfetting bankettes:
[II.5.1-258]  for sometimes men are stricken with frensie of minde, and are
[II.5.1-259]  brought in like manner to meere madnesse, some waxe so brutish and
[II.5.1-260]  blockish, that they become altogether voyde of vnderstanding. It is an
[II.5.1-261]  horrible thing that any man should maime himselfe in any member:
[II.5.1-262]  but for a man of his owne accord to bereaue himselfe of his wittes, is a
[II.5.1-263]  mischiefe intolerable. The Prophet Osee in the fourth Chapter, saith,


[II.5.1-264]  that wine and drunkennesse taketh away the heart,. Alas then, that any
[II.5.1-265]  man should yeelde vnto that, whereby hee might bereaue himselfe of the
[II.5.1-266]  possession of his owne heart. Wine and women leade wise men out of
[II.5.1-267]  the way, and bring men of vnderstanding to reproofe and shame, sayth


[II.5.1-268]  Iesus the sonne of Syrach . Yea hee asketh what is the life of man that is


[II.5.1-269]  ouercome with drunkennesse. Wine drunken with excesse, maketh bit­
[II.5.1-270]  ternesse of minde, and causeth brawling and strife. In Magistrates it cau­
[II.5.1-271]  seth cruelty in steade of iustice, as that wise Philosopher Plato perceiued
[II.5.1-272]  right well, when hee affirmed that a drunken man hath a tyrannous
[II.5.1-273]  heart, and therefore will rule at his pleasure, contrary to right and rea­
[II.5.1-274]  son. And certainely drunkennesse maketh men forget both law and equi­


[II.5.1-275]  tie, which caused King Solomon so straitly to charge that no wine
[II.5.1-276]  should bee giuen vnto rulers, lest peraduenture by drinking, they forget
[II.5.1-277]  what the law appointeth them, and so change the iudgement of all the
[II.5.1-278]  children of the poore. Therefore among all sortes of men, excessiue

De repub.


[II.5.1-279]  drinking is most intolerable in a Magistrate or man of authority, as
[II.5.1-280]  Plato sayth: For a drunkard knoweth not where hee is himselfe. If
[II.5.1-281]  then a man of authoritie should bee a drunkard, alasse, how might
[II.5.1-282]  hee bee a guide vnto other men, standing in neede of a gouernour him­
[II.5.1-283]  selfe (Besides this, a drunken man can keepe nothing secret: manie
[II.5.1-284]  fonde, foolish and filthie wordes are spoken when men are at their ban­
[II.5.1-285]  kets. Drunkennesse (as Seneca affirmeth) discouereth all wickednesse,
[II.5.1-286]  and bringeth it to light, it remooueth all shamefastnesse, and encreaseth
[II.5.1-287]  all mischiefe. The proud man being drunken, vttereth his pride, the
[II.5.1-288]  cruell man his crueltie, and the enuious man his enuie, so that no
[II.5.1-289]  vice canne lie hid in a drunkard. Moreouer, in that hee knoweth not
[II.5.1-290]  himselfe, hee fumbleth and stammereth in his speach, staggereth to and
[II.5.1-291]  fro in his going, beholding nothing stedfastly with his staring eyes, be­
[II.5.1-292]  leeueth that the house runneth round about him. It is euident that the
[II.5.1-293]  minde is brought cleane out of frame by excessiue drinking, so that


[II.5.1-294]  whosoeuer is deceiued by wine or strong drinke, becommeth as Solomon
[II.5.1-295]  saith, a mocker, or a madde man, so that hee can neuer be wise. If
[II.5.1-296]  his wittes, hee may aswell suppose, as Seneca saith, that when hee
[II.5.1-297]  hath drunken poyson, hee shall not die. For wheresoeuer excessiue
[II.5.1-298]  drinking is, there must needes followe perturbation of minde, and
[II.5.1-299]  where the belley is stuffed with daintie fare, there the minde is oppres­
[II.5.1-300]  sed with slothfull sluggishnesse. A full belly, maketh a grosse vnder­

Ad sororem


[II.5.1-301]  standing, saith Saint Bernard , and much meate maketh a weary minde.
[II.5.1-302]  But alasse, now a dayes men passe little either for body or minde: so
[II.5.1-303]  they haue worldly wealth and riches aboundant to satisfie their vn­
[II.5.1-304]  measurable lustes, they care not what they doe. They are not ashamed
[II.5.1-305]  to shew their drunken faces, and to play the madde man openly. They
[II.5.1-306]  thinke themselues in good case, and that all is well with them, if they
[II.5.1-307]  be not pinched by lacke and pouerty. Lest any of vs therefore might take
[II.5.1-308]  occasion to flatter himselfe in this beastly kinde of excesse, by the aboun­
[II.5.1-309]  dance of riches, let vs call to minde what Solomon writeth in the xxi. of


[II.5.1-310]  his Prouerbs, Hee that loueth wine and fatte fare, shall neuer bee rich,
[II.5.1-311]  saith he. And in the xxiii. Chapter, he maketh a vehement exhortation,


[II.5.1-312]  on this wise, Keepe not company with drunkards and gluttons, for the
[II.5.1-313]  glutton and drunkard shall come to pouerty.

[II.5.1-314]  He that draweth his patrimony through his throat, and eateth and
[II.5.1-315]  drinketh more in one houre or in one day, then hee is able to earne in a
[II.5.1-316]  whole weeke, must needes be an vnthrift, and come to beggerie. But
[II.5.1-317]  some will say, what need any to finde fault with this? He hurteth no man
[II.5.1-318]  but himselfe, hee is no mans foe but his owne. Indeed I know this is
[II.5.1-319]  commonly spoken in defence of these beastly belly gods but it is easie to see
[II.5.1-320]  how hurtfull they are, not only to themselues, but also to the common
[II.5.1-321]  wealth, by their example. Euery one that meeteth them is troubled with
[II.5.1-322]  brawling and contentious language, and oft times raging in beastly
[II.5.1-323]  lusts, like high fed horses, they ney on their neighbours wiues, as Ieremy
[II.5.1-324]  sayth, and defile their children and daughters. Their example is euill to
[II.5.1-325]  them among whom they dwell, they are an occasion of offence to many,
[II.5.1-326]  and whiles they waste their substance in banquetting, their owne house­
[II.5.1-327]  hold is not prouided of things necessary, their wiues and their children
[II.5.1-328]  are euill intreated, they haue not wherewith to releeue their poore neigh­
[II.5.1-329]  bours in time of necessity, as they might haue, if they liued soberly. They
[II.5.1-330]  are vnprofitable to the common wealth. For a drunkard is neither fit to
[II.5.1-331]  rule, nor to be ruled. They are a slander to the Church or congregation


[II.5.1-332]  of Christ , and therefore Saint Paul doeth excommunicate them among
[II.5.1-333]  whoremongers, idolaters, couetous persons, and extortioners, forbidding
[II.5.1-334]  Christians to eat with any such. Let vs therefore, good people, eschew e­
[II.5.1-335]  very one of vs, all intemperancy, let vs loue sobriety and moderate diet,
[II.5.1-336]  oft giue our selues to abstinency and fasting, whereby the minde of man
[II.5.1-337]  is more lift vp to GOD, more ready to all godly exercises, as prayer,
[II.5.1-338]  hearing and reading of GODS word, to his spirituall comfort. Finally,
[II.5.1-339]  whosoeuer regardeth the health and safety of his owne body, or wisheth
[II.5.1-340]  alwayes to be well in his wits, or desireth quietnesse of minde, and abhor­
[II.5.1-341]  reth fury and madnesse, he that would be rich, and escape pouerty, he that
[II.5.1-342]  is willing to liue without the hurt of his neighbour, a profitable member
[II.5.1-343]  of the common wealth, a Christian without slander of Christ and his
[II.5.1-344]  Church: let him auoyd all riotous and excessiue banquetting, let him
[II.5.1-345]  learne to keepe such measure as behoueth him that professeth true
[II.5.1-346]  godlinesse, let him follow S. Pauls rule, and so eat and drink,
[II.5.1-347]  to the glory and prayse of GOD, who hath created all
[II.5.1-348]  things to be soberly vsed with thanksgiuing, to
[II.5.1-349]  whom be all honour and glory for
[II.5.1-350]  euer. Amen.