from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire (ed.)
University of Toronto
Gluttony and Drunkennesse.
[II.5.1-1] YE haue heard in the former Sermon,
[II.5.1-2] welbeloued, the description and the ver
[II.5.1-3] tue of fasting, with the true vse of the
[II.5.1-4] same. Now yee shall heare how foule a
[II.5.1-5] thing gluttony and drunkennesse is be
[II.5.1-6] fore GOD, the rather to mooue you to
[II.5.1-7] vse fasting the more diligently. Under
[II.5.1-8] stand yee therefore, that Almighty GOD
[II.5.1-9] (to the end that we might keep our selues
[II.5.1-10] vndefiled and serue him in holinesse and
[II.5.1-11] righteousnesse, according to his word)
Titus 2.
[II.5.1-12] hath charged in his Scriptures so many
[II.5.1-13] as looke for the glorious appearing of our
[II.5.1-14] Sauiour Christ , to lead their liues in all sobriety, modesty, and tempe
[II.5.1-15] rancie. Whereby we may learne how necessary it is for euery Christian
[II.5.1-16] that will not be found vnready at the comming of our Sauiour Christ , to
Titus 2.
[II.5.1-17] liue sober minded in this present world, forasmuch as otherwise being
[II.5.1-18] vnready, he cannot enter with Christ into glory: And being vnarmed in
[II.5.1-19] this behalfe, he must needes bee in continuall danger of that cruell ad
[II.5.1-20] uersary the roaring Lion, against whom the Apostle Peter warneth vs to
[II.5.1-21] prepare our selues in continuall sobriety, that we may resist, being stedfast
[II.5.1-22] in fayth. To the intent therefore that this sobernesse may bee vsed in all
[II.5.1-23] our behauiour, it shall be expedient for vs to declare vnto you how much
[II.5.1-24] all kinde of excesse offendeth the maiestie of almightie GOD, and howe
[II.5.1-25] grieuously hee punisheth the immoderate abuse of those his creatures
[II.5.1-26] which he ordeineth to the maintenance of this our needy life, as meates,
[II.5.1-27] drinkes, and apparell. And againe, to shew the noysome diseases and
[II.5.1-28] great mischiefes that commonly doe follow them that inordinatly giue
[II.5.1-29] vp themselues to be caried headlong with such pleasures as are ioyned
[II.5.1-30] eyther with daintie and ouerlarge fare, or else with costly and sumptu
[II.5.1-31] our apparell.
[II.5.1-32] {P} And first, that ye may perceiue how detestable and hatefull all excesse
[II.5.1-33] in eating and drinking is before the face of almighty GOD, ye shall call
[II.5.1-34] to minde what is written by Saint Paul to the Galathians, where hee
[II.5.1-35] numbreth gluttonie and drunkennesse among those horrible crimes, with
[II.5.1-36] the which (as he saith) no man shall inherite the kingdome of heauen.
[II.5.1-37] Hee reckoneth them among the deedes of the flesh, and coupleth them
[II.5.1-38] with idolatrie, whoredome, and murder, which are the greatest offences
[II.5.1-39] that can bee named among men. For the first spoyleth GOD of his ho
[II.5.1-40] nour, the second defileth his holy Temple, that is to wit, our owne
[II.5.1-41] bodies, the third maketh vs companions of Cayne in the slaughter of
[II.5.1-42] our brethren, and who so committeth them, as Saint Paul saith, can
[II.5.1-43] not inherite the kingdome of GOD. Certainely, that sinne is very odi
[II.5.1-44] ous and lothsome before the face of GOD, which causeth him to turne
[II.5.1-45] his fauourable countenance so farre from vs, that hee should cleane
[II.5.1-46] barre vs out of the doores, and disherite vs of his heauenly kingdome.
[II.5.1-47] But hee so much abhorreth all beastly banquetting, that by his sonne
[II.5.1-48] our Sauiour Christ in the Gospel, hee declareth his terrible indignation
[II.5.1-49] against all belly gods, in that hee pronounceth them accursed, saying,
Luke 6.
[II.5.1-50] Wo bee to you that are full, for yee shall hunger. And by the Prophet
Esay 5.
[II.5.1-51] Esaias hee cryeth out, Wo be to you that rise vp early to giue your selues
[II.5.1-52] to drunkennes, & set all your mindes so on drinking, that you sit swilling
[II.5.1-53] thereat vntill it bee night. The Harpe, the Lute, the shalme, and plen
[II.5.1-54] tie of wine are at your feastes, but the workes of the Lord yee doe not be
[II.5.1-55] holde, neither consider the workes of his hands. Woe bee vnto you that
[II.5.1-56] are strong to drinke wine, and are mighty to aduance drunkennesse. Heere
[II.5.1-57] the Prophet plainely teacheth, that fasting and banquetting maketh men
[II.5.1-58] forgetfull of their duty towards GOD, when they giue themselues to
[II.5.1-59] all kindes of pleasures, not considering nor regarding the workes of the
[II.5.1-60] Lord, who hath created meates and drinkes, as S. Paul sayth, to bee re
[II.5.1-61] ceiued thankefully of them that beleeue and know the trueth. So that
[II.5.1-62] the very beholding of these creatures (being the handy worke of Almigh
[II.5.1-63] ty God) might teach vs to vse them thankefully as God hath ordeyned.
[II.5.1-64] Therefore they are without excuse before God, which either filthily feede
[II.5.1-65] themselues, not respecting the sanctification which is by the word of God
[II.5.1-66] and prayer, or else vnthankefully abuse the good creatures of God by sur
[II.5.1-67] fetting & drunkennes, forasmuch as Gods ordinances in his creatures
[II.5.1-68] plainely forbidde it. They that giue themselues therefore to bibbing
[II.5.1-69] and banqueting, being without all consideration of Gods iudgements,
[II.5.1-70] are suddenly oppressed in the day of vengeance. Therefore Christ saith to
[II.5.1-71] his disciples, Take heede to your selues, least at any time your hearts bee
Luke 2.
[II.5.1-72] ouercome with surfeting and drunkennesse, and cares of this world, and
[II.5.1-73] so that day come on you vnwares. Whosoeuer then will take warning
[II.5.1-74] at Christ , let him take heede to himselfe, least his heart being ouerwhel
Luke 12.
[II.5.1-75] med by surfeting and drowned in drunkennes, he be taken vnwares with
[II.5.1-76] that vnthrifty seruant, which, thinking not on his masters comming, be
[II.5.1-77] gan to smite his fellow seruants, & to eate, & to drinke, & to bee drunken, &
[II.5.1-78] being sudenly taken, hath his iust reward with vnbeleeuing hypocrites.
[II.5.1-79] they that vse to drink deeply, & to feed at ful (wallowing themselues in all
[II.5.1-80] kind of wickednes) are brought asleep in that slumbring forgetfulnesse of
[II.5.1-81] Gods holy will & commandements. Therefore almighty God cryeth by
Ioel 1.
[II.5.1-82] the Prophet Ioel : Awake ye drunkards, weepe and howle all ye drinkers
[II.5.1-83] of wine, because the new wine shalbe pulled from your mouth. Here the
[II.5.1-84] Lord terribly threatneth to withdraw his benefites from such as abuse
[II.5.1-85] them, and to pull the cup from the mouth of drunkards. Here we may
[II.5.1-86] learne, not to sleepe in drunkennesse and surfetting lest GOD depriue vs
[II.5.1-87] of the vse of his creatures, when we vnkindly abuse them. For certainly
[II.5.1-88] the Lord our GOD will not only take away his benefits when they are
[II.5.1-89] vnthankefully abused: but also in his wrath and heauie displeasure take
[II.5.1-90] vengeance on such as immoderately abuse them. If our first parents
[II.5.1-91] Adam and Eve had not obeyed their greedy appetite in eating the forbid
[II.5.1-92] den fruit, neither had they lost the fruition of GODS benefites which
[II.5.1-93] they then enioyed in paradise, neither had they brought so many mischiefs
[II.5.1-94] both to themselues, and to all their posteritie. But when they passed the
[II.5.1-95] bonds that GOD had appointed them, as vnworthy of GODS bene
[II.5.1-96] fits, they are expelled and driuen out of paradise, they may no longer eate
[II.5.1-97] the fruites of that garden, which by excesse they had so much abused. As
[II.5.1-98] transgressors of GODS commandement, they and their posterity are
[II.5.1-99] brought to a perpetuall shame and confusion, and as accursed of GOD,
[II.5.1-100] they must now sweate for their liuing, which before had abundance at
[II.5.1-101] their pleasure. Euen so, if we in eating and drinking exceede, when God
[II.5.1-102] of his large liberality sendeth plenty, he will soone change plenty into
[II.5.1-103] scarcenesse. And whereas we gloried in fulnesse, he will make vs emptie,
[II.5.1-104] and confound vs with penury, yea, we shalbe compelled to labour and tra
[II.5.1-105] uaile with paines, in seeking for that which we sometime enioyed at ease.
[II.5.1-106] Thus the Lord will not leaue them vnpunished, who not regarding his
[II.5.1-107] works, follow the lusts and appetites of their owne hearts. The Patri
[II.5.1-108] arch Noah , whom the Apostle calleth the preacher of righteousnes, a man
[II.5.1-109] exceedingly in GODS fauour, is in holy Scripture made an example,
[II.5.1-110] whereby we may learne to auoid drunkennesse. For when he had powred
[II.5.1-111] in wine more then was conuenient, in filthy maner hee lay naked in his
[II.5.1-112] tent, his priuities discouered. And whereas sometime hee was so much
[II.5.1-113] esteemed, he is now become a laughing stocke to his wicked sonne Cham ,
[II.5.1-114] no small griefe to Sem and Iapeth his other two sonnes, which were a
[II.5.1-115] shamed of their fathers beastly behauiour. Heere wee may note that
[II.5.1-116] drunkennesse bringeth with it shame and derision, so that it neuer esca
[II.5.1-117] peth vnpunished. Lot in like maner, being ouercome with wine, com
[II.5.1-118] mitted abominable incest with his owne daughters. So will almighty
[II.5.1-119] GOD giue ouer drunkards, to the shamefull lusts of their owne hearts.
[II.5.1-120] Heere is Lot by drinking fallen so farre beside himselfe, that hee know
[II.5.1-121] eth not his owne daughters. Who would haue thought that an olde
[II.5.1-122] man in that heauie case, hauing lost his wife and all that he had, which
[II.5.1-123] had seene euen now GODS vengeance in fearefull maner declared
[II.5.1-124] on the fiue Cities for their vicious liuing, should be so farre past the re
[II.5.1-125] membrance of his duety? But men ouercome with drinke, are altogether
[II.5.1-126] madde as Seneca saith. He was deceiued by his daughters: but now ma
[II.5.1-127] ny deceiue themselues, neuer thinking that GOD by his terrible pu
[II.5.1-128] nishments will bee auenged on them that offend by excesse. It is no
[II.5.1-129] small plague that Lot purchased by his drunkennesse. For he had copula
[II.5.1-130] tion most filthily with his owne daughters, which conceiued thereby, so
[II.5.1-131] that the matter is brought to light, it can no longer bee hidde. Two in
[II.5.1-132] cestuous children are borne, Ammon and Moab , of whom came two na
[II.5.1-133] tions, the Ammonites and Moabites , abhorred of GOD, and cruell ad
[II.5.1-134] uersares to his people the Israelites. Loe Lot hath gotten to himselfe
[II.5.1-135] by drinking, sorrow, and care, with perpetuall infamie and reproch vnto
[II.5.1-136] the worldes ende. If GOD spared not his seruant Lot , being other
[II.5.1-137] wise a godly man, nephew vnto Abraham , one that entertained the An
[II.5.1-138] gels of GOD: What will he doe to these beastly belly slaues, which voide
[II.5.1-139] of all godlinesse or vertuous behauiour, not once, but continually day
[II.5.1-140] and night, giue themselues wholly to bibbing and banquetting? But let
[II.5.1-141] vs yet further behold the terrible examples of GODS indignation a
2 Sam 13.