from Short-Title Catalogue 13675.
Renaissance Electronic Texts 1.2.
© 1994, 1997 Ian Lancashire (ed.)
University of Toronto

AN HOMILIE OF THE place and time of Prayer.

[II.8.1-1]  GOD through his Almighty power,
[II.8.1-2]  wisedome, and goodnesse, created in the
[II.8.1-3]  beginning, heauen and earth, the sun,
[II.8.1-4]  the moone, the starres, the foules of the
[II.8.1-5]  ayre, the beastes of the earth, the fishes
[II.8.1-6]  in the sea, and all other creatures, for
[II.8.1-7]  the vse and commodity of man, whom
[II.8.1-8]  also he had created to his owne image
[II.8.1-9]  and likenesse, and giuen him the vse and
[II.8.1-10]  gouernment ouer them all, to the end
[II.8.1-11]  he should vse them in such sort as he had
[II.8.1-12]  giuen him in charge and commande­
[II.8.1-13]  ment, and also that hee should declare
[II.8.1-14]  himselfe thankefull and kinde for all those benefits, so liberally and so
[II.8.1-15]  gratiously bestowed vpon him, vtterly without any deseruing on his be­
[II.8.1-16]  halfe. And although we ought at all times, and in all places, to haue in
[II.8.1-17]  remembrance, and to be thankefull to our gratious Lord, according as it


[II.8.1-18]  is written, I will magnifie the Lord at all times. And againe, Where­
[II.8.1-19]  soeuer the Lord beareth rule, O my soule prayse the Lord: Yet it appea­
[II.8.1-20]  reth to be GODS good will and pleasure, that wee should at speciall
[II.8.1-21]  times, and in speciall places, gather our selues together, to the intent his
[II.8.1-22]  name might bee renowned, and his glory set foorth in the congre­
[II.8.1-23]  gation and assemblie of his Saints. As concerning the time which
[II.8.1-24]  Almighty GOD hath appointed his people to assemble together so­
[II.8.1-25]  lemnely, it doeth appeare by the fourth commandement of GOD:
[II.8.1-26]  Remember, sayth GOD, that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day. Up­

Acts 13.

[II.8.1-27]  on the which day, as is plaine in the Actes of the Apostles, the people
[II.8.1-28]  accustomably resorted together, and heard diligently the Law and the
[II.8.1-29]  Prophets read among them. And albeit this commandement of GOD
[II.8.1-30]  doeth not binde Christian people so straitely to obserue and keepe the vt­
[II.8.1-31]  ter ceremonies of the Sabbath day, as it was giuen vnto the Iewes, as
[II.8.1-32]  touching the forbearing of worke and labour in time of great necessity,
[II.8.1-33]  and as touching the precise keeping of the seuenth day, after the manner
[II.8.1-34]  of the Iewes. For wee keepe now the first day, which is our Sunday,
[II.8.1-35]  and make that our Sabbath, that is our day of rest, in the honour of our
[II.8.1-36]  Sauiour Christ, who as vpon that day rose from death, conquering the
[II.8.1-37]  same most triumphantly: Yet notwithstanding, whatsoeuer is found
[II.8.1-38]  in the commandement appertaining to the law of nature, as a thing most
[II.8.1-39]  godly, most iust, and needefull for the setting foorth of GODS glory,
[II.8.1-40]  it ought to bee retained and kept of all good Christian people. And there­
[II.8.1-41]  fore by this commandement, wee ought to haue a time, as one day in the
[II.8.1-42]  weeke, wherein wee ought to rest, yea from our lawfull and needefull
[II.8.1-43]  workes. For like as it appeareth by this commandement, that no man
[II.8.1-44]  in the sixe dayes ought to bee slothfull or idle, but diligently to labour
[II.8.1-45]  in that state wherein GOD hath set him: Euen so, GOD hath
[II.8.1-46]  giuen expresse charge to all men, that vpon the Sabboth day, which
[II.8.1-47]  is now our Sunday, they should cease from all weekely and workeday
[II.8.1-48]  labour, to the intent, that like as GOD himselfe wrought sixe dayes,
[II.8.1-49]  and rested the seuenth, and blessed, and sanctified it, and consecrated it to
[II.8.1-50]  quietnesse and rest from labour: euen so GODS obedient people should
[II.8.1-51]  vse the Sunday holily, and rest from their common and dayly businesse,
[II.8.1-52]  and also giue themselues wholly to heauenly exercises of GODS true
[II.8.1-53]  religion and seruice. So that GOD doeth not onely command the ob­
[II.8.1-54]  seruation of this holy day, but also by his owne example doeth stirre and
[II.8.1-55]  prouoke vs to the diligent keeping of the same. Good naturall children
[II.8.1-56]  will not onely become obedient to the commandement of their parents,
[II.8.1-57]  but also haue a diligent eye to their doings, and gladly follow the same.
[II.8.1-58]  So if we will be the children of our heauenly Father, wee must be care­
[II.8.1-59]  full to keepe the Christian Sabboth day, which is the Sunday, not
[II.8.1-60]  onely for that it is GODS expresse commandement, but also to declare
[II.8.1-61]  ourselues to be louing children, in following the example of our gratious
[II.8.1-62]  Lord and Father.

[II.8.1-63]  Thus it may plainely appeare, that Gods will and commandement
[II.8.1-64]  was to haue a solemne time and standing day in the weeke, wherein the
[II.8.1-65]  people should come together, and haue in remembrance his wonderfull
[II.8.1-66]  benefits, and to render him thankes for them, as appertaineth to louing,
[II.8.1-67]  kinde, and obedient people. This example and commandement of GOD
[II.8.1-68]  the godly Christian people beganne to follow immediatly after the assen­
[II.8.1-69]  sion of our Lord Christ, and began to chuse them a standing day of the
[II.8.1-70]  weeke to come together in: Yet not the seuenth day, which the Iewes
[II.8.1-71]  kept: but the Lords day, the day of the Lords resurrection, the day af­
[II.8.1-72]  ter the seuenth day, which is the first day of the weeke. Of the which


[II.8.1-73]  day mention is made by Saint Paul on this wise, In the first day of the
[II.8.1-74]  Sabboth, let euery man lay vp what hee thinketh good: meaning for
[II.8.1-75]  the poore. By the first day of the Sabboth, is meant our Sunday,
[II.8.1-76]  which is the first day after the Iewes seuenth day. And in the Apocalyps


[II.8.1-77]  it is more plaine, where as Saint Iohn sayth, I was in the Spirit
[II.8.1-78]  vpon the Lords day. Sithence which time GODS people hath al­
[II.8.1-79]  wayes in all ages, without any gainesaying, vsed to come together vpon
[II.8.1-80]  the Sunday, to celebrate and honor the Lords blessed Name, and care­
[II.8.1-81]  fully to keepe that day in holy rest and quietnesse, both man, woman,
[II.8.1-82]  childe, seruant, and stranger. For the transgression and breach of which
[II.8.1-83]  day, GOD hath declared himselfe much to bee grieued, as it may ap­
[II.8.1-84]  peare by him, who for gathering of stickes on the Sabboth day was sto­


[II.8.1-85]  ned to death. But alasse, all these notwithstanding, it is lamentable to
[II.8.1-86]  see the wicked boldnesse of those that will bee counted GODS people,
[II.8.1-87]  who passe nothing at all of keeping and halowing the Sunday. And
[II.8.1-88]  these people are of two sorts. The one sort if they haue any businesse to
[II.8.1-89]  doe, though there bee no extreme neede, they must not spare for the Sun­
[II.8.1-90]  day, they must ride and iourney on the Sunday, they must driue and
[II.8.1-91]  carry on the Sunday, they must rowe and ferry on the Sunday, they
[II.8.1-92]  must buy and sell on the Sunday, they must keepe markets and fayres on
[II.8.1-93]  the Sunday: finally, they vse all dayes alike, workedayes and holy­
[II.8.1-94]  dayes all are one. The other sort is worse. For although they will not tra­
[II.8.1-95]  uell nor labour on the Sunday as they doe on the weeke day, yet they
[II.8.1-96]  will not rest in holinesse, as GOD commandeth: but they rest in vn­
[II.8.1-97]  godlinesse and filthinesse, prancing in their pride, pranking and pricking,
[II.8.1-98]  pointing and painting themselues to bee gorgious and gay: they rest in
[II.8.1-99]  excesse and superfluitie, in gluttony and drunkennesse, like rattes and
[II.8.1-100]  swine: they rest in brawling and rayling, in quarrelling and fighting:
[II.8.1-101]  they rest in wantonnesse, in toyish talking, in filthie fleshlinesse, so that it
[II.8.1-102]  it doeth too euidently appeare that God is more dishonoured, and the de­
[II.8.1-103]  uill better serued on the Sunday, then vpon all the dayes in the weeke
[II.8.1-104]  besides. And I assure you, the beasts which are commanded to rest on the
[II.8.1-105]  Sunday, honour GOD better then this kinde of people: For they offend
[II.8.1-106]  not GOD, they breake not their holy dayes. Wherefore, O yee people of
[II.8.1-107]  GOD, lay your hands vpon your hearts, repent and amend this grie­
[II.8.1-108]  uous and dangerous wickednesse, stand in awe of the Commandement
[II.8.1-109]  of GOD, gladly follow the example of GOD himselfe, be not disobedi­
[II.8.1-110]  ent to the godly order of Christs Church, vsed and kept from the Apostles
[II.8.1-111]  time, vntill this day. Feare the displeasure and iust plagues of Almigh­
[II.8.1-112]  tie GOD, if ye be negligent and forbeare not labouring and trauailing
[II.8.1-113]  on the Sabbath day or Sunday, and doe not resort together to celebrate
[II.8.1-114]  and magnifie GODS blessed Name, in quiet holinesse and godly re­
[II.8.1-115]  uerence.

[II.8.1-116]  Now concerning the place where the people of GOD ought to re­
[II.8.1-117]  sort together, and where especially they ought to celebrate and sanctifie
[II.8.1-118]  the Sabboth day, that is the Sunday, the day of holy rest: That place
[II.8.1-119]  is called GODS Temple or the Church, because the company and
[II.8.1-120]  congregation of GODS people (which is properly called the Church)
[II.8.1-121]  doeth there assemble themselues on the dayes appointed for such assem­
[II.8.1-122]  blies and meetings. And forasmuch as Almightie GOD hath appoin­
[II.8.1-123]  ted a speciall time to be honoured in, it is very meete, godly, and also ne­
[II.8.1-124]  cessarie, that there should be a place appointed where these people should
[II.8.1-125]  meete and resort, to serue their gracious GOD and mercifull Father.
[II.8.1-126]  Trueth it is, the holy Patriarchs for a great number of yeeres had nei­
[II.8.1-127]  ther Temple nor Church to resort vnto. The cause was, they were not
[II.8.1-128]  stayed in any place, but were in a continuall peregrination and wande­
[II.8.1-129]  ring, that they could not conueniently build any Church. But so soone
[II.8.1-130]  as GOD had deliuered his people from their enemies, and set them in
[II.8.1-131]  some libertie in the wildernesse, he set them vp a costly and curious Ta­
[II.8.1-132]  bernacle, which was as it were the Parish Church, a place to resort vn­
[II.8.1-133]  to of the whole multitude, a place to haue his sacrifices made in, and o­
[II.8.1-134]  ther obseruances and rites to be vsed in. Furthermore, after that GOD
[II.8.1-135]  according to the trueth of his promise, had placed and quietly setled his
[II.8.1-136]  people in the land of Canaan, now called Iurie, hee commanded a great
[II.8.1-137]  and magnificent Temple to be builded by King Solomon, as seldome the
[II.8.1-138]  like hath beene seene: a Temple so decked and adorned, so gorgeously
[II.8.1-139]  garnished, as was meete and expedient for people of that time, which
[II.8.1-140]  would be allured and stirred with nothing so much, as with such out­
[II.8.1-141]  ward goodly gay things. This was now the Temple of GOD, endued
[II.8.1-142]  also with many giftes and sundry promises. This was the publike
[II.8.1-143]  Church, and the mother Church of all Iurie. Here was God honoured
[II.8.1-144]  and serued. Hither was the whole Realme of all the Israelites bound
[II.8.1-145]  to come at three solemne feasts in the yeere, to serue their Lord GOD
[II.8.1-146]  heere. But let vs proceed further. In the time of Christ and his Apo­
[II.8.1-147]  stles, there were yet no Temples nor Churches for Christian men. For
[II.8.1-148]  why? they were alwayes for the most part in persecution, vexation and
[II.8.1-149]  trouble, so that there could be no liberty nor licence obtayned for that pur­
[II.8.1-150]  pose. Yet GOD delighted much that they should often resort together
[II.8.1-151]  in a place, and therefore after his ascension they remayned together in an
[II.8.1-152]  vpper chamber, sometime they entred into the Temple, sometime into
[II.8.1-153]  the Synagogues, sometimes they were in prison, sometimes in their hou­
[II.8.1-154]  ses, sometimes in the fields, &c. And this continued so long till the fayth
[II.8.1-155]  of Christ Iesus began to multiply in a great part of the world. Now
[II.8.1-156]  when diuers Realmes were established in GODS true Religion, and
[II.8.1-157]  GOD had giuen them peace and quietnesse: then began Kings, Noble
[II.8.1-158]  men, and the people also, stirred vp with a godly zeale and feruentnesse,
[II.8.1-159]  to build vp Temples and Churches, whither the people might resort, the
[II.8.1-160]  better to doe their dutie towards GOD, and to keepe holy their Sab­
[II.8.1-161]  both day, the day of rest. And to these Temples haue the Christians cu­
[II.8.1-162]  stomably vsed to resort from time to time, as vnto meet places where they
[II.8.1-163]  might with common consent prayse and magnifie GODS name, yeel­
[II.8.1-164]  ding him thankes for the benefits that he dayly powreth vpon them, both
[II.8.1-165]  mercifully and abundantly, where they might also heare his holy word
[II.8.1-166]  read, expounded, and preached syncerely, and receiue his holy Sacra­
[II.8.1-167]  ments ministred vnto them duely and purely. True it is that the chiefe
[II.8.1-168]  and speciall Temples of GOD, wherein he hath greatest pleasure, and
[II.8.1-169]  most delighteth to dwell, are the bodies and mindes of true Christians,
[II.8.1-170]  and the chosen people of GOD, according to the doctrine of holy Scrip­
[II.8.1-171]  tures, declared by Saint Paul. Know ye not (sayth hee) that yee bee the


[II.8.1-172]  temple of GOD, and that the spirit of GOD doeth dwell in you?
[II.8.1-173]  The Temple of GOD is holy, which ye are. And againe in the same
[II.8.1-174]  Epistle: Know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy Ghost dwel­
[II.8.1-175]  ling in you, whom you haue giuen you of GOD, and that yee bee not


[II.8.1-176]  your owne? Yet this notwithstanding, GOD doeth allow the materi­
[II.8.1-177]  all Temple made with lime and stone (so oft as his people come together
[II.8.1-178]  into it, to prayse his holy name) to be his house, and the place where hee
[II.8.1-179]  hath promised to be present, and where he will heare the prayers of them
[II.8.1-180]  that call vpon him. The which thing both Christ and his Apostles, with
[II.8.1-181]  all the rest of the holy Fathers, doe sufficiently declare by this: That albe­
[II.8.1-182]  it they certainely knew that their prayers were heard in what place soe­
[II.8.1-183]  uer they made them, though it were in caues, in woodes, and in deserts,
[II.8.1-184]  yet (so oft as they could conueniently) they resorted to the materiall Tem­
[II.8.1-185]  ples, there with the rest of the congregation, to ioyne in prayer and true
[II.8.1-186]  worship.

[II.8.1-187]  Wherefore (dearely beloued) you that professe your selues to be Christi­
[II.8.1-188]  ans, and glory in that name, disdaine not to follow the example of your
[II.8.1-189]  master Christ, whose schollers you say you bee, shew you to bee like them
[II.8.1-190]  whose schoolemates you take vpon you to bee, that is, the Apostles and
[II.8.1-191]  Disciples of Christ. Lift vp pure hands, with cleane hearts, in all pla­
[II.8.1-192]  ces and at all times. But doe the same in the Temples and Churches
[II.8.1-193]  vpon the Sabbath dayes also. Our godly predecessours, and the ancient
[II.8.1-194]  Fathers of the Primitiue Church, spared not their goods to build Chur­
[II.8.1-195]  ches, no they spared not their liues in time of persecution, and to hazard
[II.8.1-196]  their blood, that they might assemble themselues together in Churches.
[II.8.1-197]  And shall we spare a little labour to come to Churches? Shall neither
[II.8.1-198]  their example, nor our duety, nor the commodities (that thereby should
[II.8.1-199]  come vnto vs) moue vs? If wee will declare our selues to haue the feare
[II.8.1-200]  of GOD, if we will shew our selues true Christians, if wee will bee the
[II.8.1-201]  followers of Christ our master, and of those godly Fathers that haue li­
[II.8.1-202]  ued before vs, and now haue receiued the reward of true and faithfull
[II.8.1-203]  Christians, we must both willingly, earnestly, and reuerently come vn­
[II.8.1-204]  to the material Churches and Temples to pray, as vnto fit places appoin­
[II.8.1-205]  ted for that vse, and that vpon the Sabboth day, as at most conuenient
[II.8.1-206]  time for GODS people, to cease from bodily and worldly businesse, to
[II.8.1-207]  giue themselues to holy rest, and godly contemplation pertayning to the
[II.8.1-208]  seruice of Almighty GOD: Whereby wee may reconcile our selues to
[II.8.1-209]  GOD, be partakers of his holy Sacraments, and be deuout hearers of
[II.8.1-210]  his holy word, so to be established in faith to Godward, in hope against all
[II.8.1-211]  aduersity, and in charity toward our neighbours. And thus running
[II.8.1-212]  our course as good Christian people, wee may at the last attaine
[II.8.1-213]  the reward of euerlasting glory, through the merits of our
[II.8.1-214]  Sauiour Iesus Christ, to whom with the Father
[II.8.1-215]  and the holy Ghost, be all honour and
[II.8.1-216]  glory. Amen.

{P} The second part of the Homilie of the place
and time of Prayer.

[II.8.2-217]  IT hath beene declared vnto you (good Christian people)
[II.8.2-218]  in the former Sermon read vnto you, at what time and
[II.8.2-219]  into what place ye shall come together to prayse GOD.
[II.8.2-220]  Now I intend to set before your eyes, first how zealous
[II.8.2-221]  and desirous ye ought to be to come to your Church. Se­
[II.8.2-222]  condly, how sore GOD is grieued with them that doe
[II.8.2-223]  despise or little regard to come to the Church vpon the
[II.8.2-224]  holy restfull day. It may well appeare by the Scriptures, that many
[II.8.2-225]  of the godly Israelites, being now in captiuity for their sinnes among the
[II.8.2-226]  Babylonians, full often wished and desired to bee againe at Hierusalem.
[II.8.2-227]  And at their returne, through GODS goodnesse (though many of the
[II.8.2-228]  people were negligent) yet the fathers were maruellous deuout to build
[II.8.2-229]  vp the Temple, that GODS people might repayre thither, to honour
[II.8.2-230]  him. And king Dauid when he was a banished man out of his countrey,
[II.8.2-231]  out of Hierusalem the holy city, from the Sanctuary, from the holy place
[II.8.2-232]  and from the Tabernacle of GOD: What desire, what feruentnesse was
[II.8.2-233]  in him toward that holy place? what wishings and prayers made hee to
[II.8.2-234]  GOD to be a dweller in the house of the Lord? One thing (sayth hee)
[II.8.2-235]  haue I asked of the Lord, and this will I still craue, that I may resort
[II.8.2-236]  and haue my dwelling in the house of the Lord, so long as I liue. Again,
[II.8.2-237]  Oh how I ioyed when I heard these words, Wee shall goe into the Lords


[II.8.2-238]  house. And in other places of the Psalmes hee declareth for what intent
[II.8.2-239]  and purpose he hath such a feruent desire to enter into the Temple and
[II.8.2-240]  Church of the Lord: I will fall downe (sayth he) and worship in the ho­
[II.8.2-241]  ly Temple of the Lord. Againe, I haue appeared in thy holy place, that


[II.8.2-242]  I might behold thy might and power, that I might behold thy glory and
[II.8.2-243]  magnificence. Finally he sayth: I will shew foorth thy name to my bre­
[II.8.2-244]  thren, I will prayse thee in the middest of the congregation. Why then
[II.8.2-245]  had Dauid such an earnest desire to the house of GOD? First because
[II.8.2-246]  there he would worship and honour GOD. Secondly, there he would
[II.8.2-247]  haue a contemplation and a sight of the power and glory of GOD.
[II.8.2-248]  Thirdly, there he would prayse the name of GOD, with all the congre­
[II.8.2-249]  gation and company of the people. These considerations of this blessed
[II.8.2-250]  Prophet of GOD ought to stirre vp, and kindle in vs the like earnest
[II.8.2-251]  desire to resort to the Church, especially vpon the holy restfull dayes,
[II.8.2-252]  there to doe our duties, and to serue GOD, there to call to remembrance
[II.8.2-253]  how GOD euen of his meere mercy, and for the glory of his name sake,
[II.8.2-254]  worketh mightily to conserue vs in health, wealth and godlinesse, and
[II.8.2-255]  mightily preserueth vs from the assault and rages of our fierce and cruell
[II.8.2-256]  enemies, and there ioyfully in the number of his faithfull people to praise
[II.8.2-257]  and magnifie the Lords holy Name.

[II.8.2-258]  Set before your eyes also that ancient father Simeon, of whom the
[II.8.2-259]  Scripture speaketh thus, to his great commendation, and an encou­
[II.8.2-260]  ragement for vs to doe the like. There was a man at Hierusalem named

Luke 2.

[II.8.2-261]  Simeon, a iust man, fearing GOD: he came by the Spirit of GOD in­
[II.8.2-262]  to the Temple, and was told by the same Spirit that hee should not dye
[II.8.2-263]  before hee saw the Annointed of the Lord. In the Temple his promise
[II.8.2-264]  was fulfilled, in the Temple hee saw Christ, and tooke him in his armes,
[II.8.2-265]  in the Temple hee brake out into the mighty prayse of GOD his Lord.
[II.8.2-266]  Anna a prophetesse, an olde widdow departed out of the Temple, giuing
[II.8.2-267]  herselfe to prayer and fasting day and night: And she, comming about the
[II.8.2-268]  same time, was likewise inspired, and confessed, and spake of the Lord,
[II.8.2-269]  to all them that looked for the redemption of Israel. This blessed man,
[II.8.2-270]  and this blessed woman, were not disappointed of wonderfull fruit, com­
[II.8.2-271]  modity and comfort, which GOD sent them, by their diligent resor­
[II.8.2-272]  ting to GODS holy Temple. Now yee shall heare how grieuously
[II.8.2-273]  GOD hath beene offended with his people, for that they passed so little
[II.8.2-274]  vpon his holy Temple, and foulely either despised or abused the same.
[II.8.2-275]  Which thing may plainely appeare by the notable plagues and punish­
[II.8.2-276]  ments which GOD hath layd vpon his people, especially in this, that
[II.8.2-277]  he stirred vp their aduersaries horribly to beate downe, and vtterly to de­
[II.8.2-278]  stroy his holy Temple with a perpetuall desolation. Alasse, how many
[II.8.2-279]  Churches, Countreys, and Kingdomes of Christian people, haue of
[II.8.2-280]  late yeeres beene plucked downe, and ouerrunne, and left waste, with
[II.8.2-281]  grieuous and intolerable tyranny and cruelty of the enemie of our Lord
[II.8.2-282]  Christ the great Turke, who hath so vniuersally scourged the Christians,
[II.8.2-283]  that neuer the like was heard or read of? Aboue thirtie yeeres past, the
[II.8.2-284]  great Turke had ouerrunne, conquered, and brought into his dominion
[II.8.2-285]  and subiection, twenty Christian kingdomes, turning away the people
[II.8.2-286]  from the faith of Christ, poysoning them with the diuelish religion of
[II.8.2-287]  wicked Mahomet, and either destroying their Churches vtterly, or filthily
[II.8.2-288]  abusing them with their wicked & detestable errours. And now this great
[II.8.2-289]  Turke, this bitter and sharpe scourge of GODS vengeance, is euen
[II.8.2-290]  at hand in this part of Christendome, in Europe, at the borders of Italy,
[II.8.2-291]  at the borders of Germanie, greedily gaping to deuoure vs, to ouerrunne
[II.8.2-292]  our countrey, to destroy our Churches also, vnlesse wee repent our sinfull
[II.8.2-293]  life, and resort more diligently to the Church to honour GOD, to learne
[II.8.2-294]  his blessed will, and to fulfill the same. The Iewes in their time prouoked
[II.8.2-295]  iustly the vengeance of GOD, for that partly they abused his holy Tem­
[II.8.2-296]  ple with the detestable idolatry of the heathen, and superstitious vanities
[II.8.2-297]  of their own inuentions contrary to GODS commandement, partly
[II.8.2-298]  they resorted vnto it as hypocrites, spotted, imbrewed, and fouly defiled
[II.8.2-299]  with all kinde of wickednesse and sinfull life, partly many of them pas­
[II.8.2-300]  sed little vpon the holy Temple, and cared not whether they came thi­
[II.8.2-301]  ther, or no. And haue not the Christians of late dayes, and euen in
[II.8.2-302]  our dayes also, in like maner prouoked the displeasure and indignation
[II.8.2-303]  of Almighty GOD? partly because they haue prophaned and defiled
[II.8.2-304]  their Churches with heathenish and Iewish abuses, with images and
[II.8.2-305]  idoles, with numbers of Altars, too too superstitiously and intolerably
[II.8.2-306]  abused, with grosse abusing and filthy corrupting of the Lords holy sup­
[II.8.2-307]  per, the blessed Sacrament of his body and blood, with an infinite
[II.8.2-308]  number of toyes and trifles of their owne deuises, to make a goodly out­
[II.8.2-309]  ward shew, and to deface the plaine, simple, and sincere religion of Christ
[II.8.2-310]  Iesus, partly they resort to the Church like hypocrites, full of all ini­
[II.8.2-311]  quity and sinfull life, hauing a vaine and dangerous fansie and perswa­
[II.8.2-312]  sion, that if they come to the Church, besprinckle them with holy wa­
[II.8.2-313]  ter, heare a masse, and bee blessed with the chalice, though they vnder­
[II.8.2-314]  stand not one word of the whole seruice, nor feele one motion of repen­
[II.8.2-315]  tance in their hearts, all is well, all is sure. Fie vpon such mocking and
[II.8.2-316]  blaspheming of GODS holy ordinance. Churches were made for a­
[II.8.2-317]  nother purpose, that is, to resort thither, and to serue GOD truely,
[II.8.2-318]  there to learne his blessed will, there to call vpon his mighty Name,
[II.8.2-319]  there to vse the holy Sacraments, there to trauaile how to bee in chari­
[II.8.2-320]  tie with thy neighbour, there to haue thy poore and needy neighbour in
[II.8.2-321]  remembrance, from thence to depart better and more godly then thou
[II.8.2-322]  camest thither. Finally GODS vengeance hath beene, and is dayly
[II.8.2-323]  prouoked, because much wicked people passe nothing to resort to the
[II.8.2-324]  Church, either for that they are so sore blinded that they vnderstand no­
[II.8.2-325]  thing of GOD and godlinesse, and care not with diuilish example to
[II.8.2-326]  offend their neighbours, or else for that they see the Church altogether
[II.8.2-327]  scoured of such gay gazing sights, as their grosse phantasie was greatly
[II.8.2-328]  delighted with, because they see the false religion abandoned, and the
[II.8.2-329]  true restored, which seemeth an vnsauory thing to their vnsauory taste,
[II.8.2-330]  as may appeare by this that a woman said to her neighbour: Alas gos­
[II.8.2-331]  sip, what shall wee now doe at Church, since all the Saints are taken
[II.8.2-332]  away, since all the goodly sights wee were wont to haue, are gone, since
[II.8.2-333]  wee cannot heare the like piping, singing, chaunting, and playing vp­
[II.8.2-334]  on the organes that we could before. But (dearely beloued) we ought
[II.8.2-335]  greatly to reioyce and giue GOD thankes, that our Churches are
[II.8.2-336]  deliuered out of all those things which displeased GOD so sore, and
[II.8.2-337]  filthily defiled his holy house and his place of prayer, for the which hee
[II.8.2-338]  hath iustly destroyed many nations, according, to the saying of S. Paul:
[II.8.2-339]  If any man defile the Temple of GOD, GOD will him destroy. And
[II.8.2-340]  this ought we greatly to praise GOD for, that such superstitious & ido­
[II.8.2-341]  latrous maners as were vtterly nought and defaced GODS glory, are
[II.8.2-342]  vtterly abolished, as they most iustly deserued: and yet those things that
[II.8.2-343]  either GOD was honoured with, or his people edified, are decently
[II.8.2-344]  retained, and in our Churches comely practised. But nowe forasmuch

I Cor.3.

[II.8.2-345]  as yee perceiue it is GODS determinate pleasure ye should resort vn­
[II.8.2-346]  to your Churches vpon the day of holy rest, seeing yee heare what dis­
[II.8.2-347]  pleasure GOD conceiueth, what plagues hee powreth vpon his diso­
[II.8.2-348]  bedient people, seeing yee vnderstand what blessings GOD are gi­
[II.8.2-349]  uen, what heauenly commodities come to such people as desirously and
[II.8.2-350]  zealously vse to resort vnto their Churches, seeing also ye are now friend­
[II.8.2-351]  ly bidden and ioyntly called, beware that ye slacke not your duetie, take
[II.8.2-352]  haede that you suffer nothing to let you hereafter to come to the Church
[II.8.2-353]  at such times as you are ordinarily appoynted and commanded. Our
[II.8.2-354]  Sauiour Christ telleth in a parable, that a great supper was prepared,
[II.8.2-355]  gestes were bidden, many excused themselues and would not come: I
[II.8.2-356]  tell you (sayth Christ) none of them that were called shall tast of my sup­
[II.8.2-357]  per. This great Supper, is the true religion of Almighty GOD,
[II.8.2-358]  wherewith hee will bee worshipped in the due receiuing of his Sacra­
[II.8.2-359]  ments, and sincere preaching and hearing of his holy word, and practi­
[II.8.2-360]  sing the same by godly conuersation. This feast is now prepared in
[II.8.2-361]  GODS banqueting house the Church, you are thereunto called and
[II.8.2-362]  ioyntly bidden: if you refuse to come, and make your excuses, the same
[II.8.2-363]  will bee answered to you that was vnto them. Now come therefore
[II.8.2-364]  (dearely beloued) without delay, and chearefully enter into GODS
[II.8.2-365]  feasting house, and become pertakers of the Benefites prouided and pre­
[II.8.2-366]  pared for you. But see that yee come thither with your holyday gar­
[II.8.2-367]  ment, not like hypocrites, not of a custome and for manners sake, not
[II.8.2-368]  with lothsomenesse, as though ye had rather not come then come, if ye
[II.8.2-369]  were at your liberty. For GOD hateth and punisheth such counterfet
[II.8.2-370]  hypocrites, as appeareth by Christes former parable. My friend (saith
[II.8.2-371]  GOD) how camest thou in without a wedding garment? And there­
[II.8.2-372]  fore commanded his seruants to binde him hand and foote, and to cast
[II.8.2-373]  him into vtter darkenesse, where shall bee weeping, and wayling, and
[II.8.2-374]  gnashing of teeth. To the intent that yee may auoyd the like danger at
[II.8.2-375]  GODS hand, come to the Church on the holy day, and come in
[II.8.2-376]  your holy day garment, that is to say, come with a chearefull and a
[II.8.2-377]  godly minde, come to seeke GODS glory, and to bee thankefull vn­
[II.8.2-378]  to him, come to bee at one with thy neighbour, and to enter in frend­
[II.8.2-379]  ship and charity with him. Consider that all thy doings stincke before
[II.8.2-380]  the face of GOD, if thou bee not in charity with thy neighbour. Come
[II.8.2-381]  with an heart sifted and cleansed from worldely and carnall affections
[II.8.2-382]  and desires, shake off all vaine thoughtes which may hinder thee from
[II.8.2-383]  GODS true seruice. The bird when she will flee, shaketh her wings:
[II.8.2-384]  Shake and prepare thy selfe to flee higher then all the birdes in the ayre,
[II.8.2-385]  that after thy duety duelie done in this earthly Temple and
[II.8.2-386]  Church, thou mayest flee vp, and be receiued into the
[II.8.2-387]  glorious Temple of GOD in heauen through
[II.8.2-388]  Christ Iesus our Lord, to whom with the
[II.8.2-389]  Father and the holy Ghost bee all
[II.8.2-390]  glorie and honour.
[II.8.2-391]  Amen.