[page 1; signature A1r; gathering 1; outer
forme 1; compositor unknown]
[page 2; signature A1v; inner
forme 1; compositor unknown]
[page 3; signature A2r; inner
forme 1; compositor unknown]
[page 4; signature A2v; outer
forme 1; compositor unknown]
[page 5;signature B1r; gathering
2; outer forme 2; compositor A and/or B]
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] FRom faire{{s}t} creatures we de{{s}i}re
[2] That thereby beauties Ro{s}e might
neuer die,
[3] But as the riper {{s}h}ould by time decea{s}e,
[4] His tender heire might beare his memory:
[5] But thou contra{ct}ed to thine owne bright
[6] Feed'{{s}t} thy lights {fl}ame with {s}elfe
{s}ub{{s}t}antiall fewell,
[7] Making a famine where aboundance lies,
[8] Thy {s}elfe thy foe,to thy {s}weet {s}elfe
too cruell:
[9] Thou that art now the worlds fre{{s}h}
[10] And only herauld to the gaudy {s}pring,
[11] Within thine owne bud burie{{s}t} thy content,
[12] And tender chorle mak{{s}t} wa{{s}t} in niggarding:
[13] Pitty the world,or el{s}e this
glutton be,
[14] To eate the worlds due,by the
graue and thee.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hen fortie Winters {{s}h}all
be{s}eige thy brow,
[2] And digge deep trenches in thy beauties
[3] Thy youthes proud liuery {s}o gaz'd on
[4] Wil be a totter'd weed of {s}mal worth
[5] Then being a{s}kt,where all thy beautie
[6] Where all the trea{s}ure of thy lu{{s}t}y
[7] To {s}ay within thine owne deepe {s}unken
[8] Were an all-eating {{s}h}ame,and thriftle{{s}{s}}e
[9] How much more prai{s}e de{s}eru'd thy
beauties v{s}e,
[10] If thou could{{s}t} an{s}were this faire child
of mine
[11] Shall {s}um my count,and make my old excu{s}e
[12] Proouing his beautie by {s}ucce{{s}{s}i}on
[signature] B [catchword] This
[page 6; signature B1v; inner
forme 2; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[13] This were to be new made when
thou art ould,
[14] And {s}ee thy blood warme when
thou feel'{{s}t} it could,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LOoke in thy gla{{s}{s}}e and tell
the face thou vewe{{s}t},
[2] Now is the time that face {{s}h}ould
forme an other,
[3] Who{s}e fre{{s}h} repaire if now thou
not renewe{{s}t},
[4] Thou doo'{{s}t} beguile the world,vnble{{s}{s}}e
{s}ome mother.
[5] For where is {{s}h}e {s}o faire who{s}e
vn-eard wombe
[6] Di{s}daines the tillage of thy husbandry?
[7] Or who is he {s}o fond will be the tombe,
[8] Of his {s}elfe loue to {{s}t}op po{{s}t}erity?
[9] Thou art thy mothers gla{{s}{s}}e and
{{s}h}e in thee
[10] Calls backe the louely Aprill of her prime,
[11] So thou through windowes of thine age {{s}h}alt
[12] Di{s}pight of wrinkles this thy goulden time.
[13] But if thou liue remembred not
to be,
[14] Die {{s}i}ngle and thine Image
dies with thee.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] VNthrifty loueline{{s}{s}}e why do{{s}t}
thou {s}pend,
[2] Vpon thy {s}elfe thy beauties legacy?
[3] Natures beque{{s}t} giues nothing but
doth lend,
[4] And being franck {{s}h}e lends to tho{s}e
are free:
[5] Then beautious nigard why doo{{s}t} thou
[6] The bountious large{{s}{s}}e giuen thee
to giue?
[7] Pro{fi}tles v{s}erer why doo{{s}t} thou
[8] So great a {s}umme of {s}ummes yet can'{{s}t}
not liue?
[9] For hauing tra{ffi}ke with thy {s}elfe
[10] Thou of thy {s}elfe thy {s}weet {s}elfe do{{s}t}
[11] Then how when nature calls thee to be gone,
[12] What acceptable Audit can'{{s}t} thou
[13] Thy vnu{s}'d beauty mu{{s}t}
be tomb'd with thee,
[14] Which v{s}ed liues th'executor
to be.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THo{s}e howers that with gentle worke
did frame,
[2] The louely gaze where euery eye doth
[3] Will play the tirants to the very {s}ame,
[catchword] And
[page 7; signature B2r; inner
forme 2; compositor unknown]
[running title] SONNETS.
[4] And that vnfaire which fairely doth excell:
[5] For neuer re{{s}t}ing time leads Summer
[6] To hidious winter and confounds him there,
[7] Sap checkt with fro{{s}t} and lu{{s}t}ie
leau's quite gon.
[8] Beauty ore-{s}now'd and barenes euery
[9] Then were not {s}ummers di{{s}t}illation
[10] A liquid pri{s}oner pent in walls of gla{{s}{s}}e,
[11] Beauties e{ff}e{ct} with beauty were bereft,
[12] Nor it nor noe remembrance what it was.
[13] But {fl}owers di{{s}t}il'd though
they with winter meete,
[14] Lee{s}e but their {{s}h}ow,their
{s}ub{{s}t}ance {{s}t}ill liues {s}weet.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THen let not winters wragged hand
[2] In thee thy {s}ummer ere thou be di{{s}t}il'd:
[3] Make {s}weet {s}ome viall;trea{s}ure
thou {s}ome place,
[4] With beautits trea{s}ure ere it be {s}elfe
[5] That v{s}e is not forbidden v{s}ery,
[6] Which happies tho{s}e that pay the willing
[7] That's for thy {s}elfe to breed an other
[8] Or ten times happier be it ten for one,
[9] Ten times thy {s}elfe were happier then
thou art,
[10] If ten of thine ten times re{fi}gur'd thee,
[11] Then what could death doe if thou {{s}h}ould'{{s}t}
[12] Leauing thee liuing in po{{s}t}erity?
[13] Be not {s}elfe-wild for thou
art much too faire,
[14] To be deaths conque{{s}t} and
make wormes thine heire.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LOe in the Orient when the gracious
[2] Lifts vp his burning head,each vnder
[3] Doth homage to his new appearing {{s}i}ght,
[4] Seruing with lookes his {s}acred maie{{s}t}y,
[5] And hauing climb'd the {{s}t}eepe vp
heauenly hill,
[6] Re{s}embling {{s}t}rong youth in his
middle age,
[7] Yet mortall lookes adore his beauty {{s}t}ill,
[8] Attending on his goulden pilgrimage:
[9] But when from high-mo{{s}t} pich with
wery car,
[signature] B 2 [catchword] Like
[page 8; signature B2v; outer
forme 2; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[10] Like feeble age he reeleth from the day,
[11] The eyes(fore dutious)now conuerted are
[12] From his low tra{ct} and looke an other way:
[13] So thou,thy {s}elfe out-going
in thy noon:
[14] Vnlok'd on die{{s}t} vnle{{s}{s}}e
thou get a {s}onne.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] MV{{s}i}ck to heare,why hear'{{s}t}
thou mu{{s}i}ck {s}adly,
[2] Sweets with {s}weets warre not ,ioy delights
in ioy:
[3] Why lou'{{s}t} thou that which thou receau{{s}t}
not gladly,
[4] Or el{s}e receau'{{s}t} with plea{s}ure
thine annoy ?
[5] If the true concord of well tuned {s}ounds,
[6] By vnions married do o{ff}end thine eare,
[7] They do but {s}weetly chide thee , who
[8] In {{s}i}nglene{{s}{s}}e the parts that
thou {{s}h}ould'{{s}t} beare:
[9] Marke how one {{s}t}ring {s}weet husband
to an other,
[10] Strikes each in each by mutuall ordering;
[11] Re{s}embling {{s}i}er,and child,and happy mother,
[12] Who all in one,one plea{{s}i}ng note do {{s}i}ng:
[13] Who{s}e {s}peechle{{s}{s}}e {s}ong
being many,{s}eeming one,
[14] Sings this to thee thou {{s}i}ngle
wilt proue none.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] IS it for feare to wet a widdowes
[2] That thou con{s}um'{{s}t} thy {s}elfe
in {{s}i}ngle life?
[3] Ah;if thou i{{s}{s}}ule{{s}{s}}e {{s}h}alt
hap to die,
[4] The world will waile thee like a makele{{s}{s}}e
[5] The world wilbe thy widdow and {{s}t}ill
[6] That thou no forme of thee ha{{s}t} left
behind ,
[7] When euery priuat widdow well may keepe,
[8] By childrens eyes,her husbands {{s}h}ape
in minde:
[9] Looke what an vnthrift in the world doth
[10] Shifts but his place,for {{s}t}ill the world
inioyes it
[11] But beauties wa{{s}t}e hath in the world an
[12] And kept vnv{s}de the v{s}er {s}o de{{s}t}royes
[13] No loue toward others in that
bo{s}ome {{s}i}ts
[14] That on him{s}elfe {s}uch murdrous
{{s}h}ame commits.
[catchword] I0.
[page 9; signature B3r; outer
forme 2; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] FOr {{s}h}ame deny that thou bear'{{s}t}
loue to any
[2] Who for thy {s}elfe art {s}o vnprouident
[3] Graunt if thou wilt,thou art belou'd
of many,
[4] But that thou none lou'{{s}t} is mo{{s}t}
[5] For thou art {s}o po{{s}{s}}e{{s}t} with
murdrous hate,
[6] That gain{{s}t} thy {s}elfe thou {{s}t}ick{{s}t}
not to con{s}pire,
[7] Seeking that beautious roofe to ruinate
[8] Which to repaire {{s}h}ould be thy chiefe
de{{s}i}re :
[9] O change thy thought,that I may change
my minde,
[10] Shall hate be fairer log'd then gentle loue?
[11] Be as thy pre{s}ence is gracious and kind,
[12] Or to thy {s}elfe at lea{{s}t} kind harted
[13] Make thee an other {s}elfe for
loue of me,
[14] That beauty {{s}t}ill may liue
in thine or thee.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] AS fa{{s}t} as thou {{s}h}alt wane
{s}o fa{{s}t} thou grow'{{s}t},
[2] In one of thine,from that which thou
[3] And that fre{{s}h} bloud which yongly
thou be{{s}t}ow'{{s}t},
[4] Thou mai{{s}t} call thine,when thou from
youth conuerte{{s}t},
[5] Herein liues wi{s}dome,beauty,and increa{s}e,
[6] Without this follie,age,and could decay,
[7] If all were minded {s}o,the times {{s}h}ould
[8] And three{s}coore yeare would make the
world away:
[9] Let tho{s}e whom nature hath not made
for {{s}t}ore,
[10] Har{{s}h},featurele{{s}{s}}e,and rude , barrenly
[11] Looke whom {{s}h}e be{{s}t} indow'd,{{s}h}e
gaue the more;
[12] Which bountious guift thou {{s}h}ould{{s}t}
in bounty cherri{{s}h},
[13] She caru'd thee for her {s}eale,and
ment therby,
[14] Thou {{s}h}ould{{s}t} print more,not
let that coppy die.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hen I doe count the clock that tels the time,
[2] And {s}ee the braue day {s}unck in hidious
[3] When I behold the violet pa{{s}t} prime,
[4] And {s}able curls or {{s}i}luer'd ore
with white :
[5] When lofty trees I {s}ee barren of leaues,
[6] Which er{{s}t} from heat did canopie
the herd
[signature] B 3 [catchword] And
[page 10; signature B3v; inner
forme 2; compositor B-like]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[7] And Sommers greene all girded vp in {{s}h}eaues
[8] Borne on the beare with white and bri{{s}t}ly
[9] Then of thy beauty do I que{{s}t}ion
[10] That thou among the wa{{s}t}es of time mu{{s}t}
[11] Since {s}weets and beauties do them-{s}elues
[12] And die as fa{{s}t} as they {s}ee others
[13] And nothing gain{{s}t} Times
{{s}i}eth can make defence
[14] Saue breed to braue him,when
he takes thee hence.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] O That you were your {s}elfe,but
loue you are
[2] No longer yours,then you your {s}elfe
here liue,
[3] Again{{s}t} this cumming end you {{s}h}ould
[4] And your {s}weet {s}emblance to {s}ome
other giue.
[5] So {{s}h}ould that beauty which you hold
in lea{s}e
[6] Find no determination,then you were
[7] You {s}elfe again after your {s}elfes
[8] When your {s}weet i{{s}{s}}ue your {s}weet
forme {{s}h}ould beare.
[9] Who lets {s}o faire a hou{s}e fall to
[10] Which husbandry in honour might vphold,
[11] Again{{s}t} the {{s}t}ormy gu{{s}t}s of winters
[12] And barren rage of deaths eternall cold?
[13] O none but vnthrifts,deare my
loue you know,
[14] You had a Father,let your Son
{s}ay {s}o.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] NOt from the {{s}t}ars do I my iudgement
[2] And yet me thinkes I haue A{{s}t}ronomy,
[3] But not to tell of good,or euil lucke,
[4] Of plagues,of dearths,or {s}ea{s}ons
[5] Nor can I fortune to breefe mynuits tell;
[6] Pointing to each his thunder,raine and
[7] Or {s}ay with Princes if it {{s}h}al
go wel
[8] By oft predi{ct} that I in heauen {fi}nde.
[9] But from thine eies my knowledge I deriue,
[10] And con{{s}t}ant {{s}t}ars in them I read {s}uch
[11] As truth and beautie {{s}h}al together thriue
[12] If from thy {s}elfe,to {{s}t}ore thou would{{s}t}
[catchword] Or
[page 11; signature B4r; inner
forme 2; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[13] Or el{s}e of thee this I progno{{s}t}icate,
[14] Thy end is Truthes and Beauties doome
and date.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] WHen I con{{s}i}der euery thing that
[2] Holds in perfe{ct}ion but a little moment.
[3] That this huge {{s}t}age pre{s}enteth
nought but {{s}h}owes
[4] Whereon the Stars in {s}ecret in{fl}uence
[5] When I perceiue that men as plants increa{s}e,
[6] Cheared and checkt euen by the {s}elfe-{s}ame
[7] Vaunt in their youthfull {s}ap,at height
[8] And were their braue {{s}t}ate out of
[9] Then the conceit of this incon{{s}t}ant
[10] Sets you mo{{s}t} rich in youth before my {{s}i}ght,
[11] Where wa{{s}t}full time debateth with decay
[12] To change your day of youth to {s}ullied night,
[13] And all in war with Time for
loue of you
[14] As he takes from you,I ingraft
you new.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] BVt wherefore do not you a mightier
[2] Make warre vppon this bloudie tirant
[3] And forti{fi}e your {s}elfe in your decay
[4] With meanes more ble{{s}{s}}ed then my
barren rime?
[5] Now {{s}t}and you on the top of happie
[6] And many maiden gardens yet vn{s}et,
[7] With vertuous wi{{s}h} would beare your
liuing {fl}owers,
[8] Much liker then your painted counterfeit:
[9] So {{s}h}ould the lines of life that
life repaire
[10] Which this (Times pen{s}el or my pupill pen
[11] Neither in inward worth nor outward faire
[12] Can make you liue your {s}elfe in eies of men,
[13] To giue away your {s}elfe,keeps
your {s}elfe {{s}t}ill,
[14] And you mu{{s}t} liue drawne
by your owne {s}weet skill,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Ho will beleeue my ver{s}e in
time to come
[2] If it were {fi}ld with your mo{{s}t}
high de{s}erts?
[signature] B 4 [catchword] Though
[page 12; signature B4v; outer
forme 2; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[3] Though yet heauen knowes it is but as
a tombe
[4] Which hides your life , and {{s}h}ewes
not halfe your parts:
[5] If I could write the beauty of your eyes,
[6] And in fre{{s}h} numbers number all your
[7] The age to come would {s}ay this Poet
[8] Such heauenly touches nere toucht earthly
[9] So {{s}h}ould my papers (yellowed with
their age)
[10] Be {s}corn'd,like old men of le{{s}{s}}e truth
then tongue,
[11] And your true rights be termd a Poets rage,
[12] And {{s}t}retched miter of an Antique {s}ong.
[13] But were {s}ome childe of yours
aliue that time,
[14] You {{s}h}ould liue twi{s}e in
it,and in my rime.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SHall I compare thee to a Summers
[2] Thou art more louely and more temperate:
[3] Rough windes do {{s}h}ake the darling
buds of Maie,
[4] And Sommers lea{s}e hath all too {{s}h}ort
a date:
[5] Sometime too hot the eye of heauen {{s}h}ines,
[6] And often is his gold complexion dimm'd,
[7] And euery faire from faire {s}ome-time
[8] By chance,or natures changing cour{s}e
[9] But thy eternall Sommer {{s}h}all not
[10] Nor loo{s}e po{{s}{s}}e{{s}{s}i}on of that
faire thou ow'{{s}t},
[11] Nor {{s}h}all death brag thou wandr'{{s}t}
in his {{s}h}ade,
[12] When in eternall lines to time thou grow'{{s}t},
[13] So long as men can breath or
eyes can {s}ee,
[14] So long liues this,and this giues
life to thee,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] DEuouring time blunt thou the Lyons
[2] And make the earth deuoure her owne {s}weet
[3] Plucke the keene teeth from the {fi}erce
Tygers yawes,
[4] And burne the long liu'd Phænix
in her blood,
[5] Make glad and {s}orry {s}ea{s}ons as
thou {fl}eet'{{s}t},
[6] And do what ere thou wilt {s}wift-footed
[7] To the wide world and all her fading
[8] But I forbid thee one mo{{s}t} hainous
[catchword] O
[page 13; signature C1r; gathering
3; outer forme 3; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[9] O carue not with thy howers my loues
faire brow,
[10] Nor draw noe lines there with thine antique
[11] Him in thy cour{s}e vntainted doe allow,
[12] For beauties patterne to {s}ucceding men.
[13] Yet doe thy wor{{s}t} ould Time
di{s}pight thy wrong,
[14] My loue {{s}h}all in my ver{s}e
euer liue young.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] A Womans face with natures owne hand
[2] Ha{{s}t}e thou the Ma{{s}t}er Mi{{s}t}ris
of my pa{{s}{s}i}on,
[3] A womans gentle hart but not acquainted
[4] With {{s}h}ifting change as is fal{s}e
womens fa{{s}h}ion,
[5] An eye more bright then theirs,le{{s}{s}}e
fal{s}e in rowling:
[6] Gilding the obie{ct} where-vpon it gazeth,
[7] A man in hew all Hews in his controwling,
[8] Which {{s}t}eales mens eyes and womens
{s}oules ama{s}eth.
[9] And for a woman wert thou {fi}r{{s}t}
[10] Till nature as {{s}h}e wrought thee fell a
[11] And by addition me of thee defeated,
[12] By adding one thing to my purpo{s}e nothing.
[13] But {{s}i}nce {{s}h}e prickt
thee out for womens plea{s}ure,
[14] Mine be thy loue and thy loues
v{s}e their trea{s}ure.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SO is it not with me as with that
[2] Stird by a painted beauty to his ver{s}e,
[3] Who heauen it {s}elfe for ornament doth
[4] And euery faire with his faire doth reher{s}e,
[5] Making a coopelment of proud compare
[6] With Sunne and Moone,with earth and {s}eas
rich gems:
[7] With Aprills {fi}r{{s}t} borne {fl}owers
and all things rare,
[8] That heauens ayre in this huge rondure
[9] O let me true in loue but truly write,
[10] And then beleeue me,my loue is as faire,
[11] As any mothers childe,though not {s}o bright
[12] As tho{s}e gould candells {fi}xt in heauens
[13] Let them {s}ay more that
like of heare-{s}ay well,
[14] I will not pray{s}e that purpo{s}e
not to {s}ell.
[signature] C [catchword] 22
[page 14; signature C1v; inner
forme 3; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] MY gla{{s}{s}}e {{s}h}all not per{s}wade
me I am ould,
[2] So long as youth and thou are of one
[3] But when in thee times forrwes I behould,
[4] Then look I death my daies {{s}h}ould
[5] For all that beauty that doth couer thee,
[6] Is but the {s}eemely rayment of my heart,
[7] Which in thy bre{{s}t} doth liue,as thine
in me,
[8] How can I then be elder then thou art?
[9] O therefore loue be of thy {s}elfe {s}o
[10] As I not for my {s}elfe,but for thee will,
[11] Bearing thy heart which I will keepe {s}o chary
[12] As tender nur{s}e her babe from faring ill,
[13] Pre{s}ume not on thy heart when
mine is {{s}l}aine,
[14] Thou gau'{{s}t} me thine not
to giue backe againe.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] AS an vnperfe{ct} a{ct}or on the
[2] Who with his feare is put be{{s}i}des
his part,
[3] Or {s}ome {fi}erce thing repleat with
too much rage,
[4] Who{s}e {{s}t}rengths abondance weakens
his owne heart;
[5] So I for feare of tru{{s}t},forget to
[6] The perfe{ct} ceremony of loues right,
[7] And in mine owne loues {{s}t}rength {s}eeme
to decay,
[8] Ore-charg'd with burthen of mine owne
loues might:
[9] O let my books be then the eloquence,
[10] And domb pre{s}agers of my {s}peaking bre{{s}t},
[11] Who pleade for loue,and look for recompence,
[12] More then that tonge that more hath more expre{{s}t}.
[13] O learne to read what {{s}i}lent
loue hath writ,
[14] To heare wit eies belongs to
loues {fi}ne wiht.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] MIne eye hath play'd the painter
and hath {{s}t}eeld,
[2] Thy beauties forme in table of my heart,
[3] My body is the frame wherein ti's held,
[4] And per{s}pe{ct}iue it is be{{s}t} Painters
[5] For through the Painter mu{{s}t} you
{s}ee his skill,
[catchword] To
[page 15; signature C2r; inner
forme 3; compositor B-like]
[running title] SONNETS.
[6] To {fi}nde where your true Image pi{ct}ur'd
[7] Which in my bo{s}omes {{s}h}op is hanging
[8] That hath his windowes glazed with thine
[9] Now {s}ee what good-turnes eyes for eies
haue done,
[10] Mine eyes haue drawne thy {{s}h}ape,and thine
for me
[11] Are windowes to my bre{{s}t}, where-through
the Sun
[12] Delights to peepe,to gaze therein on thee
[13] Yet eyes this cunning want to
grace their art
[14] They draw but what they {s}ee,know
not the hart.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefgfhh]
[1] LEt tho{s}e who are in fauor with
their {{s}t}ars,
[2] Of publike honour and proud titles bo{{s}t},
[3] Whil{{s}t} I whome fortune of {s}uch
tryumph bars
[4] Vnlookt for ioy in that I honour mo{{s}t};
[5] Great Princes fauorites their faire leaues
[6] But as the Marygold at the {s}uns eye,
[7] And in them-{s}elues their pride lies
[8] For at a frowne they in their glory die.
[9] The painefull warrier famo{s}ed for worth,
[10] After a thou{s}and vi{ct}ories once foild,
[11] Is from the booke of honour ra{s}ed quite,
[12] And all the re{{s}t} forgot for which he toild:
[13] Then happy I that loue and am
[14] Where I may not remoue,nor be
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LOrd of my loue,to whome in va{{s}{s}}alage
[2] Thy merrit hath my dutie {{s}t}rongly
[3] To thee I {s}end this written amba{{s}{s}}age
[4] To witne{{s}{s}}e duty, not to {{s}h}ew
my wit.
[5] Duty {s}o great,which wit {s}o poore
as mine
[6] May make {s}eeme bare,in wanting words
to {{s}h}ew it;
[7] But that I hope {s}ome good conceipt
of thine
[8] In thy {s}oules thought (all naked)
willb{{s}t}ow it:
[9] Til what{s}oeuer {{s}t}ar that guides
my mouing,
[10] Points on me gratiou{{s}l}y with faire a{s}pe{ct},
[11] And puts apparrell on my tottered louing,
[signature] C 2 [catchword] To
[page 16; signature C2v; outer
forme 3; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES,
[12] To {{s}h}ow me worthy of their {s}weet re{s}pe{ct},
[13] Then may I dare to boa{{s}t}
how I doe loue thee,
[14] Til then,not {{s}h}ow my head
where thou mai{{s}t} proue me
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] WEary with toyle,I ha{{s}t} me to
my bed ,
[2] The deare repo{s}e for lims with trauaill
[3] But then begins a iourny in my head
[4] To worke my mind,when boddies work's
[5] For then my thoughts(from far where I
[6] Intend a zelous pilgrimage to thee,
[7] And keepe my drooping eye-lids open wide,
[8] Looking on darknes which the blind doe
[9] Saue that my {s}oules imaginary {{s}i}ght
[10] Pre{s}ents their {{s}h}addoe to my {{s}i}ghtles
[11] Which like a iewell (hunge in ga{{s}t}ly
[12] Makes blacke night beautious,and her old face
[13] Loe thus by day my lims,by night
my mind,
[14] For thee,and for my {s}elfe,noe
quiet {fi}nde.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] HOw can I then returne in happy plight
[2] That am debard the beni{fi}t of re{{s}t}?
[3] When daies oppre{{s}{s}i}on is not
eazd by night,
[4] But day by night and night by day opre{{s}t}.
[5] And each(though enimes to ethers raigne)
[6] Doe in con{s}ent {{s}h}ake hands
to torture me,
[7] The one by toyle,the other to complaine
[8] How far I toyle,{{s}t}ill farther o{ff}
from thee.
[9] I tell the Day to plea{s}e him thou art
[10] And do'{{s}t} him grace when clouds doe blot
the heauen:
[11] So {fl}atter I the {s}wart complexiond night,
[12] When {s}parkling {{s}t}ars twire not thou guil'{{s}t}
th' eauen.
[13] But day doth daily draw my {s}orrowes
[14] And night doth nightly make greefes
length {s}eeme {{s}t}ronger
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hen in di{s}grace with Fortune
and mens eyes,
[2] I all alone beweepe my out-ca{{s}t} {{s}t}ate,
[catchword] And
[page 17; signature C3r; outer
forme 3; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[3] And trouble deafe heauen with my bootle{{s}{s}}e
[4] And looke vpon my {s}elfe and cur{s}e
my fate.
[5] Wi{{s}h}ing me like to one more rich
in hope,
[6] Featur'd like him,like him with friends
[7] De{{s}i}ring this mans art,and that mans
[8] With what I mo{{s}t} inioy contented
[9] Yet in the{s}e thoughts my {s}elfe almo{{s}t}
[10] Haplye I thinke on thee, and then my {{s}t}ate,
[11] (Like to the Larke at breake of daye
[12] From {s}ullen earth {{s}i}ngs himns at
Heauens gate,
[13] For thy {s}weet loue remembred
{s}uch welth brings,
[14] That then I skorne to change
my {{s}t}ate with Kings.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hen to the Se{{s}{s}i}ons of
{s}weet {{s}i}lent thought,
[2] I {s}ommon vp remembrance of things pa{{s}t},
[3] I {{s}i}gh the lacke of many a thing
I {s}ought,
[4] And with old woes new waile my deare
times wa{{s}t}e:
[5] Then can I drowne an eye(vn-v{s}'d to
[6] For precious friends hid in deaths dateles
[7] And weepe a fre{{s}h} loues long {{s}i}nce
canceld woe,
[8] And mone th'expence of many a vanni{{s}h}t
[9] Then can I greeue at greeuances fore-gon,
[10] And heauily from woe to woe tell ore
[11] The {s}ad account of fore-bemoned mone,
[12] Which I new pay,as if not payd before.
[13] But if the while I thinke on
thee (deare friend)
[14] All lo{{s}{s}}es are re{{s}t}ord,and
{s}orrowes end.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] Thy bo{s}ome is indeared with all
[2] Which I by lacking haue {s}uppo{s}ed
[3] And there raignes Loue and all Loues
louing parts,
[4] And all tho{s}e friends which I thought
[5] How many a holy and ob{s}equious teare
[6] Hath deare religious loue {{s}t}olne
from mine eye,
[7] As intere{{s}t} of the dead,which now
[8] But things remou'd that hidden in there
[signature] C 3 [catchword] To
[page 18; signature C3v; inner
forme 3; compositor A-like]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[9] Thou art the graue where buried loue
doth liue,
[10] Hung with the tropheis of my louers gon,
[11] Who all their parts of me to thee did giue,
[12] That due of many,now is thine alone.
[13] Their images I lou'd, I view
in thee,
[14] And thou(all they)ha{{s}t} all
the all of me.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] IF thou {s}uruiue my well contented
[2] When that churle death my bones with
du{{s}t} {{s}h}all couer
[3] And {{s}h}alt by fortune once more re-{s}uruay:
[4] The{s}e poore rude lines of thy decea{s}ed
[5] Compare them with the bett'ring of the
[6] And though they be out-{{s}t}ript by
euery pen,
[7] Re{s}erue them for my loue,not for their
[8] Exceeded by the hight of happier men.
[9] Oh then vout{s}afe me but this louing
[10] Had my friends Mu{s}e growne with this growing
[11] A dearer birth then this his loue had brought
[12] To march in ranckes of better equipage:
[13] But {{s}i}nce he died and Poets
better proue,
[14] Theirs for their {{s}t}ile ile
read,his for his loue.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] FVll many a glorious morning haue
I {s}eene,
[2] Flatter the mountaine tops with {s}oueraine
[3] Ki{{s}{s}i}ng with golden face the meddowes
[4] Guilding pale {{s}t}reames with heauenly
[5] Anon permit the ba{s}e{{s}t} cloudes
to ride,
[6] With ougly rack on his cele{{s}t}iall
[7] And from the for-lorne world his vi{s}age
[8] Stealing vn{s}eene to we{{s}t} with this
[9] Euen {s}o my Sunne one early morne did
[10] With all triumphant {s}plendor on my brow,
[11] But out alack,he was but one houre mine,
[12] The region cloude hath mask'd him from me now.
[13] Yet him for this,my loue no whit
[14] Suns of the world may {{s}t}aine,wh|_e|
heauens {s}un {{s}t}ainteh.
[catchword] 34
[page 19; signature C4r; inner
forme 3; compositor A]
[running title] SONNETS.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hy did{{s}t} thou promi{s}e {s}uch
a beautious day,
[2] And make me trauaile forth without my
[3] To let bace cloudes ore-take me in my
[4] Hiding thy brau'ry in their rotten {s}moke.
[5] Tis not enough that through the cloude
thou breake,
[6] To dry the raine on my {{s}t}orme-beaten
[7] For no man well of {s}uch a {s}alue can
[8] That heales the wound, and cures not
the di{s}grace:
[9] Nor can thy {{s}h}ame giue phi{{s}i}cke
to my griefe,
[10] Though thou repent , yet I haue {{s}t}ill the
[11] Th'o{ff}enders {s}orrow lends but weake reliefe
[12] To him that beares the {{s}t}rong o{ff}en{s}es
[13] Ah but tho{s}e teares are pearle
which thy loue {{s}h}eeds,
[14] And they are ritch,and ran{s}ome
all ill deeds.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] NO more bee greeu'd at that which
thou ha{{s}t} done,
[2] Ro{s}es haue thornes,and {{s}i}luer fountaines
[3] Cloudes and eclip{s}es {{s}t}aine both
Moone and Sunne,
[4] And loath{s}ome canker liues in {s}weete{{s}t}
[5] All men make faults,and euen I in this,
[6] Authorizing thy tre{s}pas with compare,
[7] My {s}elfe corrupting {s}aluing thy ami{{s}{s}}e,
[8] Excu{{s}i}ng their {{s}i}ns more then
their {{s}i}ns are:
[9] For to thy {s}en{s}uall fault I bring
in {s}ence,
[10] Thy aduer{s}e party is thy Aduocate,
[11] And gain{{s}t} my {s}elfe a lawfull plea commence,
[12] Such ciuill war is in my loue and hate,
[13] That I an acce{{s}{s}}ary needs
mu{{s}t} be,
[14] To that {s}weet theefe which
{s}ourely robs from me,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LEt me confe{{s}{s}}e that we two
mu{{s}t} be twaine,
[2] Although our vndeuided loues are one:
[3] So {{s}h}all tho{s}e blots that do with
me remaine,
[4] Without thy helpe , by me be borne alone.
[5] In our two loues there is but one re{s}pe{ct},
[catchword] Though
[page 20; signature C4v; outer
forme 3; compositor A]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[6] Though in our liues a {s}eperable {s}pight,
[7] Which though it alter not loues {s}ole
[8] Yet doth it {{s}t}eale {s}weet houres
from loues delight,
[9] I may not euer-more acknowledge thee,
[10] Lea{{s}t} my bewailed guilt {{s}h}ould do thee
[11] Nor thou with publike kindne{{s}{s}}e honour
[12] Vnle{{s}{s}}e thou take that honour from thy
[13] But doe not {s}o,I loue thee
in {s}uch {s}ort,
[14] As thou being mine,mine is thy
good report.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] AS a decrepit father takes delight,
[2] To {s}ee his a{ct}iue childe do deeds
of youth,
[3] So I , made lame by Fortunes deare{{s}t}
[4] Take all my comfort of thy worth and
[5] For whether beauty,birth,or wealth,or
[6] Or any of the{s}e all,or all,or more
[7] Intitled in their parts,do crowned {{s}i}t,
[8] I make my loue ingrafted to this {{s}t}ore:
[9] So then I am not lame,poore, nor di{s}pi{s}'d,
[10] Whil{{s}t} that this {{s}h}adow doth {s}uch
{s}ub{{s}t}ance giue,
[11] That I in thy abundance am {s}u{ffi}c'd,
[12] And by a part of all thy glory liue:
[13] Looke what is be{{s}t},that be{{s}t}
I wi{{s}h} in thee,
[14] This wi{{s}h} I haue,then ten
times happy me.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] HOw can my Mu{s}e want {s}ubie{ct}
to inuent
[2] While thou do{{s}t} breath that poor'{{s}t}
into my ver{s}e,
[3] Thine owne {s}weet argument,to excellent,
[4] For euery vulgar paper to rehear{s}e:
[5] Oh giue thy {s}elfe the thankes if ought
in me,
[6] Worthy peru{s}al {{s}t}and again{{s}t}
thy {{s}i}ght,
[7] For who's {s}o dumbe that cannot write
to thee,
[8] When thou thy {s}elfe do{{s}t} giue inuention
[9] Be thou the tenth Mu{s}e,ten times more
in worth
[10] Then tho{s}e old nine which rimers inuocate,
[11] And he that calls on thee,let him bring forth
[catchword] Eternall
[page 21; signature D1r; gathering
4; outer forme 4; compositor A]
[running title] SONNETS.
[12] Eternal numbers to out-liue long date.
[13] If my {{s}l}ight Mu{s}e doe plea{s}e
the{s}e curious daies,
[14] The paine be mine,but thine {{s}h}al
be the prai{s}e.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] OH how thy worth with manners may
I {{s}i}nge,
[2] When thou art all the better part of
[3] What can mine owne prai{s}e to mine owne
{s}elfe bring;
[4] And what is't but mine owne when I prai{s}e
[5] Euen for this,let vs deuided liue,
[6] And our deare loue loo{s}e name of {{s}i}ngle
[7] That by this {s}eperation I may giue:
[8] That due to thee which thou de{s}eru'{{s}t}
[9] Oh ab{s}ence what a torment would{{s}t}
thou proue,
[10] Were it not thy {s}oure lei{s}ure gaue {s}weet
[11] To entertaine the time with thoughts of loue,
[12] {VV}hich time and thoughts {s}o {s}weetly do{{s}t}
[13] And that thou teache{{s}t} how
to make one twaine,
[14] By prai{{s}i}ng him here who
doth hence remaine.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] TAke all my loues,my loue,yea take
them all,
[2] What ha{{s}t} thou then more then thou
had{{s}t} before?
[3] No loue,my loue,that thou mai{{s}t} true
loue call,
[4] All mine was thine,before thou had{{s}t}
this more:
[5] Then if for my loue,thou my loue receiue{{s}t},
[6] I cannot blame thee,for my loue thou
[7] But yet be blam'd,if thou this {s}elfe
[8] B y wilfull ta{{s}t}e of what thy {s}elfe
[9] I doe forgiue thy robb'rie gentle theefe
[10] Although thou {{s}t}eale thee all my pouerty:
[11] And yet loue knowes it is a greater griefe
[12] To beare loues wrong,then hates knowne iniury.
[13] La{s}ciuious grace,in whom all
il wel {{s}h}owes,
[14] Kill me with {s}pights yet we
mu{{s}t} not be foes.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THo{s}e pretty wrongs that liberty
[2] When I am {s}ome-time ab{s}ent from thy
[signature] D [catchword] Thy
[page 22; signature D1v; inner
forme 4; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES.
[3] Thy beautie,and thy yeares full well
[4] For {{s}t}ill temptation followes where
thou art.
[5] Gentle thou art,and therefore to be wonne,
[6] Beautious thou art,therefore to be a{{s}{s}}ailed.
[7] And when a woman woes,what womans {s}onne,
[8] Will {s}ourely leaue her till he haue
[9] Aye me,but yet thou migh{{s}t} my {s}eate
[10] And chide thy beauty,and thy {{s}t}raying youth,
[11] Who lead thee in their ryot euen there
[12] Where thou art for{{s}t} to breake a two-fold
[13] Hers by thy beauty tempting her
to thee,
[14] Thine by thy beautie beeing fal{s}e
to me.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THat thou ha{{s}t} her it is not
all my griefe,
[2] And yet it may be {s}aid I lou'd her
[3] That {{s}h}e hath thee is of my wayling
[4] A lo{{s}{s}}e in loue that touches me
more neerely.
[5] Louing o{ff}endors thus I will excu{s}e
[6] Thou doo{{s}t} loue her,becau{s}e thou
know{{s}t} I loue her,
[7] And for my {s}ake euen {s}o doth {{s}h}e
abu{s}e me,
[8] Su{ff}ring my friend for my {s}ake to
approoue her,
[9] If I loo{s}e thee,my lo{{s}{s}}e is my
loues gaine,
[10] And loo{{s}i}ng her,my friend hath found that
[11] Both {fi}nde each other,and I loo{s}e both
[12] And both for my {s}ake lay on me this cro{{s}{s}}e,
[13] But here's the ioy,my friend
and I are one,
[14] Sweete {fl}attery,then {{s}h}e
loues but me alone.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] WHen mo{{s}t} I winke then doe mine
eyes be{{s}t} {s}ee,
[2] For all the day they view things vnre{s}pe{ct}ed,
[3] But when I {{s}l}eepe,in dreames they
looke on thee,
[4] And darkely bright,are bright in darke
[5] Then thou who{s}e {{s}h}addow {{s}h}addowes
doth make bright,
[6] How would thy {{s}h}adowes forme,forme
happy {{s}h}ow,
[7] To the cleere day with thy much cleerer
[8] When to vn-{s}eeing eyes thy {{s}h}ade
{{s}h}ines {s}o?
[catchword] How
[page 23; signature D2r; inner
forme 4; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[9] How would (I {s}ay) mine
eyes be ble{{s}{s}}ed made,
[10] By looking on thee in the liuing day ?
[11] When in dead night their faire imperfe{ct}
[12] Through heauy {{s}l}eepe on {{s}i}ghtle{{s}{s}}e
eyes doth {{s}t}ay?
[13] All dayes are nights to {s}ee
till I {s}ee thee,
[14] And nights bright daies when
dreams do {{s}h}ew thee me,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] IF the dull {s}ub{{s}t}ance of my
{fl}e{{s}h} were thought,
[2] Iniurious di{{s}t}ance {{s}h}ould not
{{s}t}op my way,
[3] For then di{s}pight of {s}pace I would
be brought,
[4] From limits farre remote,where thou doo{{s}t}
[5] No matter then although my foote did
[6] Vpon the farthe{{s}t} earth remoou'd
from thee,
[7] For nimble thought can iumpe both {s}ea
and land,
[8] As {s}oone as thinke the place where
he would be.
[9] But ah,thought kills me that I am not
[10] To leape large lengths of miles when thou art
[11] But that {s}o much of earth and water wrought,
[12] I mu{{s}t} attend,times lea{s}ure with my mone.
[13] Receiuing naughts by elements
{s}o {{s}l}oe,
[14] But heauie teares,badges of eithers
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THe other two,{{s}l}ight ayre,and
purging {fi}re,
[2] Are both with thee,where euer I abide,
[3] The {fi}r{{s}t} my thought,the other
my de{{s}i}re,
[4] The{s}e pre{s}ent ab{s}ent with {s}wift
motion {{s}l}ide.
[5] For when the{s}e quicker Elements are
[6] In tender Emba{{s}{s}i}e of loue to thee,
[7] My life being made of foure,with two
[8] Sinkes downe to death,oppre{{s}t} with
[9] Vntill liues compo{{s}i}tion be recured,
[10] By tho{s}e {s}wift me{{s}{s}}engers return'd
from thee,
[11] Who euen but now come back againe a{{s}{s}}ured,
[12] Of their faire health,recounting it to me.
[13] This told,I ioy,but then no longer
[14] I {s}end them back againe and
{{s}t}raight grow {s}ad.
[signature] D 2 [catchword] Mine
[page 24; signature D2v; outer
forme 4; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefff]
[1] MIne eye and heart are at a mortall
[2] How to deuide the conque{{s}t} of thy
[3] Mine eye,my heart their pi{ct}ures {{s}i}ght
would barre,
[4] My heart,mine eye the freeedome of that
[5] My heart doth plead that thou in him
doo{{s}t} lye,
[6] (A clo{s}et neuer pear{{s}t} with chri{{s}t}all
[7] But the defendant doth that plea
[8] And {s}ayes in him their faire appearance
[9] To {{s}i}de this title is impannelled
[10] A que{{s}t} of thoughts,all tennants to the
[11] And by their verdi{ct} is determined
[12] The cleere eyes moyitie,and the deare hearts
[13] As thus,mine eyes due is their
outward part,
[14] And my hearts right,their inward
loue of heart.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] BEtwixt mine eye and heart a league
is tooke,
[2] And each doth good turnes now vnto the
[3] When that mine eye is fami{{s}h}t for
a looke,
[4] Or heart in loue with {{s}i}ghes him{s}elfe
doth {s}mother;
[5] With my loues pi{ct}ure then my eye doth
[6] And to the painted banquet bids my heart:
[7] An other time mine eye is my hearts gue{{s}t},
[8] And in his thoughts of loue doth {{s}h}are
a part.
[9] So either by thy pi{ct}ure or my loue,
[10] Thy {s}eife away,are pre{s}ent {{s}t}ill with
[11] For thou nor farther then my thoughts can{{s}t}
[12] And I am {{s}t}ill with them,and they with
[13] Or if they {{s}l}eepe, thy pi{ct}ure
in my {{s}i}ght
[14] Awakes my heart,to hearts and
eyes delight.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] HOw carefull was I when I tooke my
[2] Each tri{fl}e vnder true{{s}t} barres
to thru{{s}t},
[3] That to my v{s}e it might vn-v{s}ed {{s}t}ay
[4] From hands of fal{s}ehood,in {s}ure wards
of tru{{s}t} ?
[5] But thou,to whom my iewels tri{fl}es
[catchword] Mo{{s}t}
[page 25; signature D3r; outer
forme 4; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[6] Mo{{s}t} worthy comfort,now my greate{{s}t}
[7] Thou be{{s}t} of deere{{s}t},and mine
onely care,
[8] Art left the prey of euery vulgar theefe.
[9] Thee haue I not lockt vp in any che{{s}t},
[10] Saue where thou art not,though I feele thou
[11] Within the gentle clo{s}ure of my bre{{s}t},
[12] From whence at plea{s}ure thou mai{{s}t} come
and part,
[13] And euen thence thou wilt be
{{s}t}olne I feare,
[14] For truth prooues theeui{{s}h}
for a prize {s}o deare.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] AGain{{s}t} that time ( if euer that
time come)
[2] When I {{s}h}all {s}ee thee frowne on
my defe{ct}s,
[3] When as thy loue hath ca{{s}t} his vtmo{{s}t}
[4] Cauld to that audite by adui{s}'d re{s}pe{ct}s,
[5] Again{{s}t} that time when thou {{s}h}alt
{{s}t}rangely pa{{s}{s}}e,
[6] And {s}carcely greete me with that {s}unne
thine eye,
[7] When loue conuerted from the thing it
[8] Shall rea{s}ons {fi}nde of {s}etled grauitie.
[9] Again{{s}t} that time do I in{s}conce
me here
[10] Within the knowledge of mine owne de{s}art,
[11] And this my hand,again{{s}t} my {s}elfe vpreare,
[12] To guard the lawfull rea{s}ons on thy part,
[13] To leaue poore me,thou ha{{s}t}
the {{s}t}rength of lawes,
[14] Since why to loue,I can alledge
no cau{s}e.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] HOw heauie doe I iourney on the way,
[2] When what I {s}eeke (my wearie trauels
[3] Doth teach that ea{s}e and that repo{s}e
to {s}ay
[4] Thus farre the miles are mea{s}urde from
thy friend.
[5] The bea{{s}t} that beares me,tired with
my woe,
[6] Plods duly on,to beare that waight in
[7] As if by {s}ome in{{s}t}in{ct} the wretch
did know
[8] His rider lou'd not {s}peed being made
from thee:
[9] The bloody {s}purre cannot prouoke him
[10] That {s}ome-times anger thru{{s}t}s into his
[11] Which heauily he an{s}wers with a grone,
[signature] D 3 [catchword] More
[page 26; signature D3v; inner
forme 4; compositor B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES.
[12] More {{s}h}arpe to me then {s}purring to his
[13] For that {s}ame grone doth put
this in my mind,
[14] My greefe lies onward and my
ioy behind.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THus can my loue excu{s}e the {{s}l}ow
[2] Of my dull bearer,when from thee I {s}peed,
[3] From where thou art,why {{s}h}oulld I
ha{{s}t} me thence,
[4] Till I returne of po{{s}t}ing is noe
[5] O what excu{s}e will my poore bea{{s}t}
then {fi}nd,
[6] When {s}wift extremity can {s}eeme but
[7] Then {{s}h}ould I {s}purre though mounted
on the wind,
[8] In winged {s}peed no motion {{s}h}all
I know,
[9] Then can no hor{s}e with my de{{s}i}re
keepe pace,
[10] Therefore de{{s}i}re (of perfe{ct}s
loue being made)
[11] Shall naigh noe dull {fl}e{{s}h} in his {fi}ery
[12] But loue,for loue,thus {{s}h}all excu{s}e my
[13] Since from thee going,he went
wilfull {{s}l}ow,
[14] Towards thee ile run,and giue
him leaue to goe.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SO am I as the rich who{s}e ble{{s}{s}}ed
[2] Can bring him to his {s}weet vp-locked
[3] The which he will not eu'ry hower {s}uruay,
[4] For blunting the {fi}ne point of {s}eldome
[5] Therefore are fea{{s}t}s {s}o {s}ollemne
and {s}o rare,
[6] Since {{s}i}ldom comming in the long
yeare {s}et,
[7] Like {{s}t}ones of worth they thinly
placed are,
[8] Or captaine Iewells in the carconet.
[9] So is the time that keepes you as my
[10] Or as the ward-robe which the robe doth hide,
[11] To make {s}ome {s}peciall in{{s}t}ant {s}peciall
[12] By new vnfoulding his impri{s}on'd pride.
[13] Ble{{s}{s}}ed are you who{s}e
worthine{{s}{s}}e giues skope,
[14] Being had to tryumph,being lackt
to hope.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hat is your {s}ub{{s}t}ance,whereof
are you made,
[2] That millions of {{s}t}range {{s}h}addowes
on you tend?
[catchword] Since
[page 27; signature D4r; inner
forme 4; compositor A]
[running title] SONNETS.
[3] Since euery one,hath euery one,one {{s}h}ade,
[4] And you but one,can euery {{s}h}addow
[5] De{s}cribe Adonis and the counterfet,
[6] Is poorely immitated after you,
[7] On Hellens cheeke all art of beautie
[8] And you in Grecian tires are painted
[9] Speake of the {s}pring,and foyzon of
the yeare,
[10] The one doth {{s}h}addow of your beautie {{s}h}ow,
[11] The other as your bountie doth appeare,
[12] And you in euery ble{{s}{s}}ed {{s}h}ape we
[13] In all externall grace you haue
{s}ome part,
[14] But you like none,none you for
con{{s}t}ant heart.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] OH how much more doth beautie beautious
[2] By that {s}weet ornament which truth
doth giue,
[3] The Ro{s}e lookes faire, but fairer we
it deeme
[4] For that {s}weet odor,which doth in it
[5] The Canker bloomes haue full as deepe
a die,
[6] As the perfumed tin{ct}ure of the Ro{s}es,
[7] Hang on {s}uch thornes,and play as wantonly,
[8] When {s}ommers breath their masked buds
[9] But for their virtue only is their {{s}h}ow,
[10] They liue vnwoo'd, and vnre{s}pe{ct}ed fade,
[11] Die to them{s}elues . Sweet Ro{s}es doe not
[12] Of their {s}weet deathes, are {s}weete{{s}t}
odors made:
[13] And {s}o of you,beautious and
louely youth,
[14] When that {{s}h}all vade,by ver{s}e
di{{s}t}ils your truth.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] NOt marble, nor the guilded monument,
[2] Of Princes {{s}h}all out-liue this powrefull
[3] But you {{s}h}all {{s}h}ine more bright
in the{s}e contents
[4] Then vn{s}wept {{s}t}one, be{s}meer'd
with {{s}l}utti{{s}h} time.
[5] When wa{{s}t}efull warre {{s}h}all Statues
[6] And broiles roote out the worke of ma{s}onry,
[7] Nor Mars is {s}word, nor warres
quick {fi}re {{s}h}all burne:
[8] The liuing record of your memory.
[catchword] Gain{{s}t}
[page 28; signature D4v; outer
forme 4; compositor unknown]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES.
[9] Gain{{s}t} death,and all obliuious emnity
[10] Shall you pace forth, your prai{s}e {{s}h}all
{{s}t}il {fi}nde roome,
[11] Euen in the eyes of all po{{s}t}erity
[12] That weare this world out to the ending doome.
[13] So til the iudgement that your
{s}elfe ari{s}e,
[14] You liue in this,and dwell in
louers eies.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] Sweet loue renew thy force , be it
not {s}aid
[2] Thy edge {{s}h}ould blunter be then apetite,
[3] Which but too daie by feeding is alaied,
[4] To morrow {{s}h}arpned in his former
[5] So loue be thou,although too daie thou
[6] Thy hungrie eies,euen till they winck
with fulne{{s}{s}}e,
[7] Too morrow {s}ee againe,and doe not kill
[8] The {s}pirit of Loue,with a perpetual
[9] Let this {s}ad Intrim like the
Ocean be
[10] Which parts the {{s}h}ore,where two contra{ct}ed
[11] Come daily to the banckes,that when they {s}ee:
[12] Returne of loue,more ble{{s}t} may be the view.
[13] As cal it Winter,which being
ful of care,
[14] Makes S|_o|mers welcome,thrice
more wi{{s}h}'d,more rare:
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] BEing your {{s}l}aue what {{s}h}ould
I doe but tend,
[2] Vpon the houres,and times of your de{{s}i}re?
[3] I haue no precious time at al to {s}pend;
[4] Nor {s}eruices to doe til you require.
[5] Nor dare I chide the world without end
[6] Whil{{s}t} I(my {s}oueraine)watch the
clock for you,
[7] Nor thinke the bitterne{{s}{s}}e of ab{s}ence
[8] {VV}hen you haue bid your {s}eruant once
[9] Nor dare I que{{s}t}ion with my iealious
[10] {VV}here you may be,or your a{ff}aires {s}uppo{s}e,
[11] But like a {s}ad {{s}l}aue {{s}t}ay and thinke
of nought
[12] Saue where you are , how happy you make tho{s}e.
[13] So true a foole is loue,that
in your Will,
[14] (Though you doe any thing)he
thinkes no ill.
[catchword] 58
[page 29; signature E1r; gathering
5; outer forme 5; compositor A]
[running title] SONNETS.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THat God forbid , that made me {fi}r{{s}t}
your {{s}l}aue,
[2] I {{s}h}ould in thought controule your
times of plea{s}ure,
[3] Or at your hand th' account of houres
to craue,
[4] Being your va{{s}{s}}ail bound to {{s}t}aie
your lei{s}ure.
[5] Oh let me {s}u{ff}er(being at your beck)
[6] Th' impri{s}on'd ab{s}ence of your libertie,
[7] And patience tame,to {s}u{ff}erance bide
each check,
[8] Without accu{{s}i}ng you of iniury.
[9] Be where you li{{s}t},your charter is
{s}o {{s}t}rong,
[10] That you your {s}elfe may priuiledge your time
[11] To what you will,to you it doth belong,
[12] Your {s}elfe to pardon of {s}elfe-doing crime.
[13] I am to waite,though waiting
{s}o be hell,
[14] Not blame your plea{s}ure be
it ill or well.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] IF their bee nothing new,but that
which is,
[2] Hath beene before , how are our braines
[3] Which laboring for inuention beare ami{{s}{s}}e
[4] The {s}econd burthen of a former child
[5] Oh that record could with a back-ward
[6] Euen of {fi}ue hundreth cour{s}es of
the Sunne,
[7] Show me your image in {s}ome antique
[8] Since minde at {fi}r{{s}t} in carre{ct}er
was done.
[9] That I might {s}ee what the old world
could {s}ay,
[10] To this compo{s}ed wonder of your frame,
[11] Whether we are mended,or where better they,
[12] Or whether reuolution be the {s}ame.
[13] Oh {s}ure I am the wits of former
[14] To {s}ubie{ct}s wor{s}e haue
giuen admiring prai{s}e.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LIke as the waues make towards the
pibled {{s}h}ore,
[2] So do our minuites ha{{s}t}en to their
[3] Each changing place with that which goes
[4] In {s}equent toile all forwards do contend.
[5] Natiuity once in the maine of light.
[signature] E [catchword] Crawls
[page 30; signature E1v; inner
forme 5; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[6] Crawles to maturity,wherewith being crown'd,
[7] Crooked eclip{s}es gain{{s}t} his glory
[8] And time that gaue,doth now his gift
[9] Time doth tran{s}{fi}xe the {fl}ori{{s}h}
{s}et on youth,
[10] And delues the paralels in beauties brow,
[11] Feedes on the rarities of natures truth,
[12] And nothing {{s}t}ands but for his {{s}i}eth
to mow.
[13] And yet to times in hope,my ver{s}e
{{s}h}all {{s}t}and
[14] Prai{{s}i}ng thy worth,di{s}pight
his cruell hand.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] IS it thy wil,thy Image {{s}h}ould
keepe open
[2] My heauy eielids to the weary night?
[3] Do{{s}t} thou de{{s}i}re my {{s}l}umbers
{{s}h}ould be broken,
[4] While {{s}h}adowes like to thee do mocke
my {{s}i}ght?
[5] Is it thy {s}pirit that thou {s}end'{{s}t}
from thee
[6] So farre from home into my deeds to prye,
[7] To {fi}nd out {{s}h}ames and idle houres
in me,
[8] The skope and tenure of thy Ielou{{s}i}e?
[9] O no,thy loue though much,is not
{s}o great,
[10] It is my loue that keepes mine eie awake,
[11] Mine owne true loue that doth my re{{s}t} defeat,
[12] To plaie the watch-man euer for thy {s}ake.
[13] For thee watch I,whil{{s}t} thou
do{{s}t} wake el{s}ewhere,
[14] From me farre of , with others
all to neere.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SInne of {s}elfe-loue po{{s}{s}}e{{s}{s}}eth
al mine eie,
[2] And all my {s}oule,and al my euery part;
[3] And for this {{s}i}nne there is no remedie,
[4] It is {s}o grounded inward in my heart.
[5] Me thinkes no face {s}o gratious is as
[6] No {{s}h}ape {s}o true,no truth of {s}uch
[7] And for my {s}elfe mine owne worth do
[8] As I all other in all worths {s}urmount.
[9] But when my gla{{s}{s}}e {{s}h}ewes me
my {s}elfe indeed
[10] Beated and chopt with tand antiquitie,
[11] Mine owne {s}elfe loue quite contrary I read
[catchword] Selfe
[page 31; signature E2r; inner
forme 5; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[12] Selfe,{s}o {s}elfe louing were iniquity,
[13] T'is thee(my {s}elfe)that for
my {s}elfe I prai{s}e,
[14] Painting my age with beauty of
thy daies,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] AGain{{s}t} my loue {{s}h}all be
as I am now
[2] With times iniurious hand chru{{s}h}t
and ore-worne,
[3] When houres haue dreind his blood and
{fi}ld his brow
[4] With lines and wrincles,when his youthfull
[5] Hath trauaild on to Ages {{s}t}eepie
[6] And all tho{s}e beauties whereof now
he's King
[7] Are vani{{s}h}ing,or vani{{s}h}t out
of {{s}i}ght,
[8] Stealing away the trea{s}ure of his Spring.
[9] For {s}uch a time do I now forti{fi}e
[10] Again{{s}t} confounding Ages cruell knife,
[11] That he {{s}h}all neuer cut from memory
[12] My {s}weet loues beauty,though my louers life.
[13] His beautie {{s}h}all in the{s}e
blacke lines be {s}eene,
[14] And they {{s}h}all liue , and
he in them {{s}t}ill greene.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hen I haue {s}eene by times fell
hand defaced
[2] The rich proud co{{s}t} of outworne buried
[3] When {s}ometime loftie towers I {s}ee
downe ra{s}ed,
[4] And bra{{s}{s}}e eternall {{s}l}aue to
mortall rage.
[5] When I haue {s}eene the hungry Ocean
[6] Aduantage on the Kingdome of the {{s}h}oare,
[7] And the {fi}rme {s}oile win of the watry
[8] Increa{{s}i}ng {{s}t}ore with lo{{s}{s}}e,and
lo{{s}{s}}e with {{s}t}ore.
[9] When I haue {s}eene {s}uch interchange
of {{s}t}ate,
[10] Or {{s}t}ate it {s}elfe confounded, to decay,
[11] Ruine hath taught me thus to ruminate
[12] That Time will come and take my loue away.
[13] This thought is as a death which
cannot choo{s}e
[14] But weepe to haue,that which
it feares to loo{s}e.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SInce bra{{s}{s}}e,nor {{s}t}one,nor
earth,nor boundle{{s}{s}}e {s}ea,
[2] But {s}ad mortallity ore-{s}waies their
[signature] E 2 [catchword] How
[page 32; signature E2v; outer
forme 5; compositor B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[3] How with this rage {{s}h}all beautie
hold a plea,
[4] Who{s}e a{ct}ion is no {{s}t}ronger then
a {fl}ower?
[5] O how {{s}h}all {s}ummers hunny breath
hold out,
[6] Again{{s}t} the wrackfull {{s}i}edge
of battring dayes,
[7] When rocks impregnable are not {s}o {{s}t}oute
[8] Nor gates of {{s}t}eele {s}o {{s}t}rong
but time decayes?
[9] O fearefull meditation, where alack,
[10] Shall times be{{s}t} Iewell from times che{{s}t}
lie hid?
[11] Or what {{s}t}rong hand can hold his {s}wift
foote back,
[12] Or who his {s}poile or beautie can forbid?
[13] O none,vnle{{s}{s}}e this miracle
haue might,
[14] That in black inck my loue may
{{s}t}ill {{s}h}ine bright.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] TYr'd with all the{s}e for re{{s}t}full
death I cry,
[2] As to behold de{s}ert a begger borne,
[3] And needie Nothing trimd in iollitie,
[4] And pure{{s}t} faith vnhappily for{s}worne,
[5] And gilded honor {{s}h}amefully mi{s}pla{{s}t},
[6] And maiden vertue rudely {{s}t}rumpeted,
[7] And right perfe{ct}ion wrongfully di{s}grac'd,
[8] And {{s}t}rength by limping {s}way di{s}abled
[9] And arte made tung-tide by authoritie,
[10] And Folly (Do{ct}or-like) controuling
[11] And {{s}i}mple-Truth mi{s}calde Simplicitie,
[12] And captiue-good attending Captaine ill.
[13] Tyr'd with all the{s}e,from the{s}e
would I be gone,
[14] Saue that to dye,I leaue my loue
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] AH wherefore with infe{ct}ion {{s}h}ould
he liue,
[2] And with his pre{s}ence grace impietie,
[3] That {{s}i}nne by him aduantage {{s}h}ould
[4] And lace it {s}elfe with his {s}ocietie
[5] Why {{s}h}ould fal{s}e painting immitate
his cheeke,
[6] And {{s}t}eale dead {s}eeing of his liuing
[7] Why {{s}h}ould poore beautie indire{ct}ly
[8] Ro{s}es of {{s}h}addow,{{s}i}nce his
Ro{s}e is true?
[catchword] Why
[page 33; signature E3r; outer
forme 5; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[9] Why {{s}h}ould he liue,now nature banckrout
[10] Beggerd of blood to blu{{s}h} through liuely
[11] For {{s}h}e hath no exchecker now but his,
[12] And proud of many,liues vpon his gaines?
[13] O him {{s}h}e {{s}t}ores,to {{s}h}ow
what welth {{s}h}e had,
[14] In daies long {{s}i}nce,before
the{s}e la{{s}t} {s}o bad.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THus is his cheeke the map of daies
[2] When beauty liu'd and dy'ed as {fl}owers
do now,
[3] Before the{s}e ba{{s}t}ard {{s}i}gnes
of faire were borne,
[4] Or dur{{s}t} inhabit on a liuing brow:
[5] Before the goulden tre{{s}{s}}es of the
[6] The right of {s}epulchers,were {{s}h}orne
[7] To liue a {s}cond life on {s}econd head,
[8] Ere beauties dead {fl}eece made another
[9] In him tho{s}e holy antique howers are
[10] Without all ornament,it {s}elfe and true,
[11] Making no {s}ummer of an others greene,
[12] Robbing no ould to dre{{s}{s}}e his beauty
[13] And him as for a map doth Nature
[14] To {{s}h}ew faul{s}e Art what
beauty was of yore.
[rhyme: abbbcdcdefefgg]
[1] THo{s}e parts of thee that the worlds
eye doth view,
[2] Want nothing that the thought of hearts
can mend:
[3] All toungs(the voice of {s}oules)giue
thee that end,
[4] Vttring bare truth,euen {s}o as foes
[5] Their outward thus with outward prai{s}e
is crownd,
[6] But tho{s}e {s}ame toungs that giue thee
{s}o thine owne,
[7] In other accents doe this prai{s}e confound
[8] By {s}eeing farther then the eye hath
[9] They looke into the beauty of thy mind,
[10] And that in gue{{s}{s}}e they mea{s}ure by
thy deeds,
[11] Then churls their thoughts(although their eies
were kind)
[12] To thy faire {fl}ower ad the rancke {s}mell
of weeds,
[13] But why thy odor matcheth not
thy {{s}h}ow,
[14] The {s}olye is this,that thou
doe{{s}t} common grow.
[signature] E 3 [catchword] That
[page 34; signature E3v; inner
forme 5; compositor B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THat thou are blam'd {{s}h}all not
be thy defe{ct},
[2] For {{s}l}anders marke was euer yet the
[3] The ornament of beauty is {s}u{s}pe{ct},
[4] A Crow that {fl}ies in heauens {s}weete{{s}t}
[5] So thou be good,{{s}l}ander doth but
[6] Their worth the greater beeing woo'd
of time,
[7] For Canker vice the {s}weete{{s}t} buds
doth loue,
[8] And thou pre{s}ent'{{s}t} a pure vn{{s}t}ayined
[9] Thou ha{{s}t} pa{{s}t} by the ambu{{s}h}
of young daies,
[10] Either not a{{s}{s}}ayld,or vi{ct}or beeing
[11] Yet this thy prai{s}e cannot be {s}oe thy prai{s}e,
[12] To tye vp enuy,euermore inlarged,
[13] If {s}ome {s}u{s}pe{ct} of ill
maskt not thy {{s}h}ow,
[14] Then thou alone kingdomes of
hearts {{s}h}ould{{s}t} owe.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] NOe Longer mourne for me when I am
[2] Then you {{s}h}all heare the {s}urly
{s}ullen bell
[3] Giue warning to the world that I am {fl}ed
[4] From this vile world with vilde{{s}t}
wormes to dwell:
[5] Nay if you read this line,remember not,
[6] The hand that writ it,for I loue you
[7] That I in your {s}weet thoughts would
be forgot,
[8] If thinking on me then {{s}h}ould make
you woe.
[9] O if (I {s}ay) you looke
vpon this ver{s}e,
[10] When I (perhaps) compounded am with clay,
[11] Do not {s}o much as my poore name reher{s}e;
[12] But let your loue euen with my life decay.
[13] Lea{{s}t} the wi{s}e world {{s}h}ould
looke into your mone,
[14] And mocke you with me after I
am gon.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] O Lea{{s}t} the world {{s}h}ould
taske you to recite,
[2] What merit liu'd in me that you {{s}h}ould
[3] After my death (deare loue)
for get me quite,
[4] For you in me can nothing worthy proue.
[5] Vnle{{s}{s}}e you would deui{s}e {s}ome
vertuous lye,
[catchword] To
[page 35; signature E4r; inner
forme 5; compositor B-like]
[running title] SONNETS.
[6] To doe more for me then mine owne de{s}ert,
[7] And hang more prai{s}e vpon decea{s}ed
[8] Then nigard truth would willingly impart:
[9] O lea{{s}t} your true loue may {s}eeme
falce in this,
[10] That you for loue {s}peake well of me vntrue,
[11] My name be buried where my body is,
[12] And liue no more to {{s}h}ame nor me,nor you.
[13] For I am {{s}h}amd by that which
I bring forth,
[14] And {s}o {{s}h}ould you,to loue
things nothing worth.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THat time of yeeare thou mai{{s}t}
in me behold,
[2] When yellow leaues,or none,or few doe
[3] Vpon tho{s}e boughes which {{s}h}ake
again{{s}t} the could,
[4] Bare rn'wd quiers,where late the {s}weet
birds {s}ang.
[5] In me thou {s}ee{{s}t} the twi-light
of {s}uch day,
[6] As after Sun-{s}et fadeth in the We{{s}t},
[7] Which by and by blacke night doth take
[8] Deaths {s}econd {s}elfe that {s}eals
vp all in re{{s}t}.
[9] In me thou {s}ee{{s}t} the glowing of
{s}uch {fi}re,
[10] That on the a{{s}h}es of his youth doth lye,
[11] As the death bed,whereon it mu{{s}t} expire,
[12] Con{s}um'd with that which it was nurri{{s}h}t
[13] This thou perceu'{{s}t},which
makes thy loue more {{s}t}rong,
[14] To loue that well,which thou
mu{{s}t} leaue ere long.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] BVt be contented when that fell are{{s}t},
[2] With out all bayle {{s}h}all carry me
[3] My life hath in this line {s}ome intere{{s}t},
[4] Which for memoriall {{s}t}ill with thee
{{s}h}all {{s}t}ay.
[5] When thou reuewe{{s}t} this,thou doe{{s}t}
[6] The very part was con{s}ecrate to thee,
[7] The earth can haue but earth,which is
his due,
[8] My {s}pirit is thine the better part
of me,
[9] So then thou ha{{s}t} but lo{{s}t} the
dregs of life,
[10] The pray of wormes,my body being dead,
[11] The coward conque{{s}t} of a wretches knife,
[catchword] To
[page 36; signature E4v; outer
forme 5; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[12] To ba{s}e of thee to be remembred,
[13] The worth of that,is that which
it containes,
[14] And that is this, and this with
thee remaines.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SO are you to my thoughts
as food to life,
[2] Or as {s}weet {s}ea{s}on'd {{s}h}ewers
are to the ground;
[3] And for the peace of you I hold {s}uch
[4] As twixt a mi{s}er and his wealth is
[5] Now proud as an inioyer,and anon
[6] Doubting the {fi}lching age will {{s}t}eale
his trea{s}ure,
[7] Now counting be{{s}t} to be with you
[8] Then betterd that the world may {s}ee
my plea{s}ure,
[9] Some-time all ful with fea{{s}t}ing on
your {{s}i}ght,
[10] And by and by cleane {{s}t}arued for a looke,
[11] Po{{s}{s}}e{{s}{s}i}ng or pur{s}uing no delight
[12] Saue what is had,or mu{{s}t} from you be tooke.
[13] Thus do I pine and {s}urfet day
by day,
[14] Or gluttoning on all,or all away,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hy is my ver{s}e {s}o barren
of new pride?
[2] So far from variation or quicke change?
[3] Why with the time do I not glance a{{s}i}de
[4] To new found methods,and to compounds
[5] Why write I {{s}t}ill all one,euer the
[6] And keepe inuention in a noted weed,
[7] That euery word doth almo{{s}t} fel my
[8] Shewing their birth,and where they did
[9] O know {s}weet loue I alwaies write of
[10] And you and loue are {{s}t}ill my argument:
[11] So all my be{{s}t} is dre{{s}{s}i}ng old words
[12] Spending againe what is already {s}pent:
[13] For as the Sun is daily new and
[14] So is my loue {{s}t}ill telling
what is told,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THy gla{{s}{s}}e will {{s}h}ew thee
how thy beauties were,
[2] Thy dyall how thy pretious mynuits wa{{s}t}e,
[catchword] The
[page 37; signature F1r; gathering
6; outer forme 6; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[3] The vacant leaues thy mindes imprint
will beare,
[4] And of this booke,this learning mai{{s}t}
thou ta{{s}t}e.
[5] The wrinckles which thy gla{{s}{s}}e
will truly {{s}h}ow,
[6] Of mouthed graues will giue thee memorie,
[7] Thou by thy dyals {{s}h}ady {{s}t}ealth
mai{{s}t} know,
[8] Times theeui{{s}h} progre{{s}{s}}e to
[9] Looke what thy memorie cannot containe,
[10] Commit to the{s}e wa{{s}t}e blacks,and thou
{{s}h}alt {fi}nde
[11] Tho{s}e children nur{{s}t},deliuerd from thy
[12] To take a new acquaintance of thy minde.
[13] The{s}e o{ffi}ces,{s}o oft as
thou wilt looke,
[14] Shall pro{fi}t thee,and much
inrich thy booke.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SO oft haue I inuok'd thee for my
[2] And found {s}uch faire a{{s}{s}i}{{s}t}ance
in my ver{s}e,
[3] As euery Alien pen hath got my
[4] And vnder thee their poe{{s}i}e di{s}per{s}e.
[5] Thine eyes,that taught the dumbe on high
to {{s}i}ng,
[6] And heauie ignorance aloft to {fl}ie,
[7] Haue added fethers to the learneds wing,
[8] And giuen grace a double Maie{{s}t}ie.
[9] Yet be mo{{s}t} proud of that which I
[10] Who{s}e in{fl}uence is thine,and borne of thee,
[11] In others workes thou doo{{s}t} but mend the
[12] And Arts with thy {s}weete graces graced be.
[13] But thou art all my art,and doo{{s}t}
[14] As high as learning,my rude ignorance.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] WHil{{s}t} I alone did call
vpon thy ayde,
[2] My ver{s}e alone had all thy gentle grace,
[3] But now my gracious numbers are decayde,
[4] And my {{s}i}ck Mu{s}e doth giue an other
[5] I grant ( {s}weet loue) thy louely
[6] De{s}erues the trauaile of a worthier
[7] Yet what of thee thy Poet doth inuent,
[8] He robs thee of,and payes it thee againe,
[signature] F [catchword] He
[page 38; signature F1v; inner
forme 6; compositor B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[9] He lends thee vertue,and he {{s}t}ole
that word,
[10] From thy behauiour,beautie doth he giue
[11] And found it in thy cheeke: he can a{ff}oord
[12] No prai{s}e to thee,but what in thee doth liue.
[13] Then thanke him not for that
which he doth {s}ay,
[14] Since what he owes thee,thou
thy {s}elfe doo{{s}t} pay,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] O How I faint when I of you do write,
[2] Knowing a better {s}pirit doth v{s}e
your name,
[3] And in the prai{s}e thereof {s}pends
all his might,
[4] To make me toung-tide {s}peaking of your
[5] But {{s}i}nce your worth (wide
as the Ocean is)
[6] The humble as the proude{{s}t} {s}aile
doth beare,
[7] My {s}aw{{s}i}e barke (inferior
farre to his)
[8] On your broad maine doth wilfully appeare.
[9] Your {{s}h}allowe{{s}t} helpe will hold
me vp a {fl}oate,
[10] Whil{{s}t} he vpon your {s}oundle{{s}{s}}e
deepe doth ride,
[11] Or ( being wrackt) I am a worthle{{s}{s}}e
[12] He of tall building,and of goodly pride.
[13] Then If he thriue and I be ca{{s}t}
[14] The wor{{s}t} was this,my loue
was my decay.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] OR I {{s}h}all liue your Epitaph
to make,
[2] Or you {s}uruiue when I in earth am rotten,
[3] From hence your memory death cannot take,
[4] Although in me each part will be forgotten.
[5] Your name from hence immortall life {{s}h}all
[6] Though I (once gone) to all the
world mu{{s}t} dye,
[7] The earth can yeeld me but a common graue,
[8] When you intombed in mens eyes {{s}h}all
[9] Your monument {{s}h}all be my gentle
[10] Which eyes not yet created {{s}h}all ore-read,
[11] And toungs to be,your beeing {{s}h}all rehear{s}e,
[12] When all the breathers of this world are dead,
[13] You {{s}t}ill {{s}h}all liue
({s}uch vertue hath my Pen)
[14] Where breath mo{{s}t} breaths,euen
in the mouths of men.
[catchword] I grant
[page 39; signature F2r; inner
forme 6; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] I Grant thou wert not married to
my Mu{s}e,
[2] And therefore maie{{s}t} without attaint
[3] The dedicated words which writers v{s}e
[4] Of their faire {s}ubie{ct},ble{{s}{s}i}ng
euery booke.
[5] Thou art as faire in knowledge as in
[6] Finding thy worth a limmit pa{{s}t} my
[7] And therefore art inforc'd to {s}eeke
[8] Some fre{{s}h}er {{s}t}ampe of the time
bettering dayes.
[9] And do {s}o loue,yet when they haue deui{s}de,
[10] What {{s}t}rained touches Rhethorick can lend,
[11] Thou truly faire,wert truly {{s}i}mpathizde,
[12] In true plaine words,by thy true telling friend.
[13] And their gro{{s}{s}}e painting
might be better v{s}'d,
[14] Where cheekes need blood,in thee
it is abu{s}'d.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] I Neuer {s}aw that you did painting
[2] And therefore to your faire no painting
[3] I found( or thought I found) you did
[4] The barren tender of a Poets debt:
[5] And therefore haue I {{s}l}ept in your
[6] That you your {s}elfe being extant well
might {{s}h}ow,
[7] How farre a moderne quill doth come to
[8] Speaking of worth,what worth in you doth
[9] This {{s}i}lence for my {{s}i}nne you
did impute,
[10] Which {{s}h}all be mo{{s}t} my glory being
[11] For I impaire not beautie being mute,
[12] When others would giue life,and bring a tombe.
[13] There liues more life in one
of your faire eyes,
[14] Then both your Poets can in prai{s}e
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] WHo is it that {s}ayes mo{{s}t},which
can {s}ay more,
[2] Then this rich prai{s}e,that you alone,are
[3] In who{s}e con{fi}ne immured is the {{s}t}ore,
[4] Which {{s}h}ould example where your equall
[5] Leane penurie within that Pen doth dwell,
[signature] F 2 [catchword] That
[page 40; signature F2v; outer
forme 6; compositor B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[6] That to his {s}ubie{ct} lends not {s}ome
{s}mall glory,
[7] But he that writes of you,if he can tell,
[8] That you are you,{s}o digni{fi}es his
[9] Let him but coppy what in you is writ,
[10] Not making wor{s}e what nature made {s}o cleere,
[11] And {s}uch a counter-part {{s}h}all fame his
[12] Making his {{s}t}ile admired euery where.
[13] You to your beautious ble{{s}{s}i}ngs
adde a cur{s}e,
[14] Being fond on prai{s}e,which
makes your prai{s}es wor{s}e.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] MY toung-tide Mu{s}e in manners holds
her {{s}t}ill,
[2] While comments of your prai{s}e richly
[3] Re{s}erue their Chara{ct}er with goulden
[4] And precious phra{s}e by all the Mu{s}es
[5] I thinke good thoughts,whil{{s}t} other
write good wordes,
[6] And like vnlettered clarke {{s}t}ill
crie Amen,
[7] To euery Himne that able {s}pirit a{ff}ords,
[8] In poli{{s}h}t forme of well re{fi}ned
[9] Hearing you prai{s}d,I {s}ay 'tis {s}o,
'tis true,
[10] And to the mo{{s}t} of prai{s}e adde {s}ome-thing
[11] But that is in my thought,who{s}e loue to you
[12] (Though words come hind-mo{{s}t})holds
his ranke before,
[13] Then others,for the breath of
words re{s}pe{ct},
[14] Me for my dombe thoughts,{s}peaking
in e{ff}e{ct}.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}As it the proud full {s}aile
of his great ver{s}e,
[2] Bound for the prize of (all to precious)
[3] That did my ripe thoughts in my braine
[4] Making their tombe the wombe wherein
they grew?
[5] Was it his {s}pirit,by {s}pirits taught
to write,
[6] Aboue a mortall pitch,that {{s}t}ruck
me dead ?
[7] No,neither he,nor his compiers by night
[8] Giuing him ayde,my ver{s}e a{{s}t}oni{{s}h}ed.
[9] He nor that a{ff}able familiar gho{{s}t}
[10] Which nightly gulls him with intelligence,
[11] As vi{ct}ors of my {{s}i}lence cannot boa{{s}t},
[catchword] I was
[page 41; signature F3r; outer
forme 6; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[12] I was not {{s}i}ck of any feare from thence.
[13] But when your countinance {fi}ld
vp his line,
[14] Then lackt I matter,that infeebled
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] FArewell thou art too deare for my
[2] And like enough thou know{{s}t} thy e{{s}t}imate,
[3] The Charter of thy worth giues thee relea{{s}i}ng:
[4] My bonds in thee are all determinate.
[5] For how do I hold thee but by thy granting,
[6] And for that ritches where is my de{s}eruing?
[7] The cau{s}e of this faire guift in me
is wanting,
[8] And {s}o my pattent back againe is {s}weruing.
[9] Thy {s}elfe thou gau'{{s}t},thy owne
worth then not knowing,
[10] Or mee to whom thou gau'{{s}t} it,el{s}e mi{{s}t}aking,
[11] So thy great guift vpon mi{s}pri{{s}i}on growing,
[12] Comes home againe,on better iudgement making.
[13] Thus haue I had thee as a dreame
doth {fl}atter,
[14] In {{s}l}eepe a King,but waking
no {s}uch matter.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hen thou {{s}h}alt be di{s}pode
to {s}et me light,
[2] And place my merrit in the eie of skorne,
[3] Vpon thy {{s}i}de,again{{s}t} my {s}elfe
ile {fi}ght,
[4] And proue thee virtuous,though thou art
[5] With mine owne weakene{{s}{s}}e being
be{{s}t} acquainted,
[6] Vpon thy part I can {s}et downe a {{s}t}ory
[7] Of faults conceald,wherein I am attainted:
[8] That thou in loo{{s}i}ng me {{s}h}all
win much glory:
[9] And I by this wil be a gainer too,
[10] For bending all my louing thoughts on thee,
[11] The iniuries that to my {s}elfe I doe,
[12] Doing thee vantage,duble vantage me.
[13] Such is my loue,to thee I {s}o
[14] That for thy right,my {s}elfe
will beare all wrong.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SAy that thou did{{s}t} for{s}ake
mee for {s}ome falt,
[2] And I will comment vpon that o{ff}ence,
[signature] F 3 [catchword] The
[page 42; signature F3v; inner
forme 6; compositor A]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[3] Speake of my lamene{{s}{s}}e, and I {{s}t}raight
will halt:
[4] Again{{s}t} thy rea{s}ons making no defence.
[5] Thou can{{s}t} not (loue)di{s}grace
me halfe {s}o ill,
[6] To {s}et a forme vpon de{{s}i}red change,
[7] As ile my {s}elfe di{s}grace,knowing
thy wil,
[8] I will acquaintance {{s}t}rangle and
looke {{s}t}range:
[9] Be ab{s}ent from thy walkes and in my
[10] Thy {s}weet beloued name no more {{s}h}all
[11] Lea{{s}t} I(too much prophane){{s}h}ould do
it wronge:
[12] And haplie of our old acquaintance tell.
[13] For thee,again{{s}t} my {s}elfe
ile vow debate,
[14] For I mu{{s}t} nere loue him
whom thou do{{s}t} hate.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THen hate me when thou wilt, if euer,now,
[2] Now while the world is bent my deeds
to cro{{s}{s}}e,
[3] Ioyne with the {s}pight of fortune,make
me bow,
[4] And doe not drop in for an after lo{{s}{s}}e:
[5] Ah doe not,when my heart hath {s}capte
this {s}orrow,
[6] Come in the rereward of a conquerd woe,
[7] Giue not a windy night a rainie morrow,
[8] To linger out a purpo{s}d ouer-throw.
[9] If thou wilt leaue me, do not leaue me
[10] When other pettie griefes haue done their {s}pight,
[11] But in the on{s}et come,{s}o {{s}t}all I ta{{s}t}e
[12] At {fi}r{{s}t} the very wor{{s}t} of fortunes
[13] And other {{s}t}raines of woe,
which now {s}eeme woe,
[14] Compar'd with lo{{s}{s}}e of
thee,will not {s}eeme {s}o.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SOme glory in their birth,{s}ome
in their skill,
[2] Some in their wealth, {s}ome in their
bodies force,
[3] Some in their garments though new-fangled
[4] Some in their Hawkes and Hounds,{s}ome
in their Hor{s}e.
[5] And euery humor hath his adiun{ct} plea{s}ure,
[6] Wherein it {fi}ndes a ioy aboue the re{{s}t},
[7] But the{s}e perticulers are not my mea{s}ure,
[8] All the{s}e I better in one generall
[catchword] Thy
[page 43; signature F4r; inner
forme 6; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[9] Thy loue is bitter then high birth to
[10] Richer then wealth,prouder then garments co{{s}t},
[11] Of more delight then Hawkes or Hor{s}es bee:
[12] And hauing thee,of all mens pride I boa{{s}t}.
[13] Wretched in this alone,that thou
mai{{s}t} take,
[14] All this away,and me mo{{s}t}
wretched make.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] BVt doe thy wor{{s}t} to {{s}t}eale
thy {s}elfe away,
[2] For tearme of life thou art a{{s}{s}}ured
[3] And life no longer then thy loue will
[4] For it depends vpon that loue of thine.
[5] Then need I not to feare the wor{{s}t}
of wrongs,
[6] When in the lea{{s}t} of them my life
hath end,
[7] I {s}ee,a better {{s}t}ate to me belongs
[8] Then that,which on thy humor doth depend.
[9] Thou can{{s}t} not vex me with incon{{s}t}ant
[10] Since that my life on thy reuolt doth lie,
[11] Oh what a happy title do I {fi}nde ,
[12] Happy to haue thy loue, happy to die!
[13] But whats {s}o ble{{s}{s}}ed
faire that feares no blot,
[14] Thou mai{{s}t} be falce, and
yet I know it not.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SO {{s}h}all I liue,{s}uppo{{s}i}ng
thou art true,
[2] Like a deceiued husband,{s}o loues face,
[3] May {{s}t}ill {s}eeme loue to me,though
alter'd new:
[4] Thy lookes with me,thy heart in other
[5] For their can liue no hatred in thine
[6] Therefore in that I cannot know thy change,
[7] In manies lookes,the falce hearts hi{{s}t}ory
[8] Is writ in moods and frounes and wrinckles
[9] But heauen in thy creation did decree,
[10] That in thy face {s}weet loue {{s}h}ould euer
[11] What ere thy thoughts, or thy hearts workings
[12] Thy lookes {{s}h}ould nothing thence, but {s}weetne{{s}{s}}e
[13] How like Eaues apple doth
thy beauty grow,
[14] If thy {s}weet vertue an{s}were
not thy {{s}h}ow.
[catchword] 94
[page 44; signature F4v; outer
forme 6; compositor A]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THey that haue powre to hurt,and
will doe none,
[2] That doe not do the thing,they mo{{s}t}
do {{s}h}owe,
[3] Who mouing others,are them{s}elues as
[4] Vnmooued,could,and to temptation {{s}l}ow:
[5] They rightly do inherrit heauens graces,
[6] And husband natures ritches from expence,
[7] They are the Lords and owners of their
[8] Others,but {{s}t}ewards of their excellence:
[9] The {s}ommers {fl}owre is to the {s}ommer
[10] Though to it {s}elfe,it onely liue and die,
[11] But if that {fl}owre with ba{s}e infe{ct}ion
[12] The ba{s}e{{s}t} weed out-braues his dignity:
[13] For {s}weete{{s}t} things turne
{s}owre{{s}t} by their deedes,
[14] Lillies that fe{{s}t}er, {s}mell
far wor{s}e then weeds.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] HOw {s}weet and louely do{{s}t} thou
make the {{s}h}ame,
[2] Which like a canker in the fragrant Ro{s}e,
[3] Doth {s}pot the beautie of thy budding
[4] Oh in what {s}weets doe{{s}t} thou thy
{{s}i}nnes inclo{s}e!
[5] That tongue that tells the {{s}t}ory
of thy daies,
[6] (Making la{s}ciuious comments on thy
[7] Cannot di{s}prai{s}e,but in a kinde of
[8] Naming thy name, ble{{s}{s}}es an ill
[9] Oh what a man{{s}i}on haue tho{s}e vices
[10] Which for their habitation cho{s}e out thee,
[11] Where beauties vaile doth couer euery blot,
[12] And all things turnes to faire,that eies can
[13] Take heed (deare heart)of
this large priuiledge,
[14] The harde{{s}t} knife ill v{s}'d
doth loo{s}e his edge.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SOme {s}ay thy fault is youth,{s}ome
[2] Some {s}ay thy grace is youth and gentle
[3] Both grace and faults are lou'd of more
and le{{s}{s}}e:
[4] Thou mak{{s}t} faults graces,that to
thee re{s}ort:
[5] As on the {fi}nger of a throned Queene,
[catchword] The
[page 45; signature G1r; gathering
7; outer forme 7; compositor A]
[running title] SONNETS.
[6] The ba{s}e{{s}t} Iewell wil be well e{{s}t}eem'd:
[7] So are tho{s}e errors that in thee are
[8] To truths tran{{s}l}ated,and for true
things deem'd.
[9] How many Lambs might the {{s}t}erne Wolfe
[10] If like a Lambe he could his lookes tran{{s}l}ate.
[11] How many gazers migh{{s}t} thou lead away,
[12] If thou would{{s}t} v{s}e the {{s}t}rength
of all thy {{s}t}ate?
[13] But doe not {s}o,I loue thee
in {s}uch {s}ort,
[14] As thou being mine,mine is thy
good report.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] HOw like a Winter hath my ab{s}ence
[2] From thee,the plea{s}ure of the {fl}eeting
[3] What freezings haue I felt,what darke
daies {s}eene?
[4] What old Decembers barene{{s}{s}}e euery
[5] And yet this time remou'd was {s}ommers
[6] The teeming Autumne big with ritch increa{s}e,
[7] Bearing the wanton burthen of the prime,
[8] Like widdowed wombes after their Lords
[9] Yet this aboundant i{{s}{s}}ue {s}eem'd
to me,
[10] But hope of Orphans,and vn-fathered fruite,
[11] For Sommer and his plea{s}ures waite on thee,
[12] And thou away,the very birds are mute.
[13] Or if they {{s}i}ng,tis with
{s}o dull a cheere,
[14] That leaues looke pale,dreading
the Winters neere.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] FRom you haue I beene ab{s}ent in
the {s}pring,
[2] When proud pide Aprill (dre{{s}t} in
all his trim)
[3] Hath put a {s}pirit of youth in euery
[4] That heauie Saturne laught and
leapt with him.
[5] Yet nor the laies of birds,nor the {s}weet
[6] Of di{ff}erent {fl}owers in odor and
in hew,
[7] Could make me any {s}ummers {{s}t}ory
[8] Or from their proud lap pluck them where
they grew:
[9] Nor did I wonder at the Lillies white,
[10] Nor prai{s}e the deepe vermillion in the Ro{s}e,
[11] They weare but {s}weet,but {fi}gures of delight:
[signature] G [catchword] Drawne
[page 46; signature G1v; inner
forme 7; compositor ]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES.
[12] Drawne after you, you patterne of all tho{s}e.
[13] Yet {s}eem'd it Winter {{s}t}ill,and
you away,
[14] As with your {{s}h}addow I with
the{s}e did play.
[rhyme: ababacdcdefefgg]
[1] THe forward violet thus did I chide,
[2] Sweet theefe whence did{{s}t} thou {{s}t}eale
thy {s}weet that {s}mels
[3] If not from my loues breath,the purple
[4] Which on thy {s}oft cheeke for complexion
[5] In my loues veines thou ha{{s}t} too
gro{s}ely died,
[6] The Lillie I condemned for thy hand,
[7] And buds of marierom had {{s}t}olne thy
[8] The Ro{s}es fearefully on thornes did
[9] Our blu{{s}h}ing {{s}h}ame,an other white
[10] A third nor red,nor white,had {{s}t}olne of
[11] And to his robbry had annext thy breath,
[12] But for his theft in pride of all his growth
[13] A vengfull canker eate him vp to death.
[14] More {fl}owers I noted,yet I
none could {s}ee,
[15] But {s}weet,or culler it had
{{s}t}olne from thee.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Here art thou Mu{s}e that thou
forget{{s}t} {s}o long,
[2] To {s}peake of that which giues thee
all thy might?
[3] Spend{{s}t} thou thy furie on {s}ome
worthle{{s}{s}}e {s}onge,
[4] Darkning thy powre to lend ba{s}e {s}ubie{ct}s
[5] Returne forgetfull Mu{s}e,and {{s}t}raight
[6] In gentle numbers time {s}o idely {s}pent,
[7] Sing to the eare that doth thy laies
[8] And giues thy pen both skill and argument.
[9] Ri{s}e re{{s}t}y Mu{s}e,my loues {s}weet
face {s}uruay,
[10] If time haue any wrincle grauen there,
[11] If any,be a Satire to decay,
[12] And make times {s}poiles di{s}pi{s}ed euery
[13] Giue my loue fame fa{{s}t}er
then time wa{{s}t}s life,
[14] So thou preuen{{s}t} his {{s}i}eth,and
crooked knife.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] OH truant Mu{s}e what {{s}h}albe
thy amends,
[catchword] For
[page 47; signature G2r; inner
forme 7; compositor A]
[running title] SONNETS.
[2] For thy negle{ct} of truth in beauty
[3] Both truth and beauty on my loue depends:
[4] So do{{s}t} thou too,and therein digni{fi}'d:
[5] Make an{s}were Mu{s}e,wilt thou not haply
[6] Truth needs no collour with his collour
[7] Beautie no pen{s}ell,beauties truth to
[8] But be{{s}t} is be{{s}t},if neuer intermixt.
[9] Becau{s}e he needs no prai{s}e,wilt thou
be dumb?
[10] Excu{s}e not {{s}i}lence {s}o,for't lies in
[11] To make him much out-liue a gilded tombe:
[12] And to be prai{s}d of ages yet to be.
[13] Then do thy o{ffi}ce Mu{s}e,I
teach thee how,
[14] To make him {s}eeme long hence,as
he {{s}h}owes now.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] MY loue is {{s}t}rengthned though
more weake in {s}ee-ming
[2] I loue not le{{s}{s}}e,thogh le{{s}{s}}e
the {{s}h}ow appeare,
[3] That loue is marchandiz'd,who{s}e ritch
[4] The owners tongue doth publi{{s}h} euery
[5] Our loue was new,and then but in the
[6] When I was wont to greet it with my laies,
[7] As Philomell in {s}ummers front
doth {{s}i}nge,
[8] And {{s}t}ops his pipe in growth of riper
[9] Not that the {s}ummer is le{{s}{s}}e
plea{s}ant now
[10] Then when her mournefull himns did hu{{s}h}
the night,
[11] But that wild mu{{s}i}ck burthens euery bow,
[12] And {s}weets growne common loo{s}e their deare
[13] Therefore like her,I {s}ome-time
hold my tongue:
[14] Becau{s}e I would not dull you
with my {s}onge.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] A Lack what pouerty my Mu{s}e brings
[2] That hauing {s}uch a skope to {{s}h}ow
her pride,
[3] The argument all bare is of more worth
[4] Then when it hath my added prai{s}e be{{s}i}de.
[5] Oh blame me not if I no more can write!
[6] Looke in your gla{{s}{s}}e and there
appeares a face,
[7] That ouer-goes my blunt inuention quite,
[8] Dulling my lines,and doing me di{s}grace.
[signature] G 2 [catchword] Were
[page 48; signature G2v; outer
forme 7; compositor A]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES.
[9] Were it not {{s}i}nfull then {{s}t}riuing
to mend,
[10] To marre the {s}ubie{ct} that before was well,
[11] For to no other pa{{s}{s}}e my ver{s}es tend,
[12] Then of your graces and your gifts to tell.
[13] And more,much more then in my
ver{s}e can {{s}i}t,
[14] Your owne gla{{s}{s}}e {{s}h}owes
you,when you looke in it.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] TO me faire friend you neuer can
be old,
[2] For as you were when {fi}r{{s}t} your
eye I eyde,
[3] Such {s}eemes your beautie {{s}t}ill:Three
Winters colde,
[4] Haue from the forre{{s}t}s {{s}h}ooke
three {s}ummers pride,
[5] Three beautious {s}prings to yellow Autumne
[6] In proce{{s}{s}}e of the {s}ea{s}ons
haue I {s}eene,
[7] Three Aprill perfumes in three hot Iunes
[8] Since {fi}r{{s}t} I {s}aw you fre{{s}h}
which yet are greene.
[9] Ah yet doth beauty like a Dyall hand,
[10] Steale from his {fi}gure,and no pace perceiu'd,
[11] So your {s}weete hew,which me thinkes {{s}t}ill
doth {{s}t}and
[12] Hath motion,and mine eye may be deceaued.
[13] For feare of which,heare this
thou age vnbred,
[14] Ere you were borne was beauties
{s}ummer dead.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LEt not my loue be cal'd Idolatrie,
[2] Nor my beloued as an Idoll {{s}h}ow,
[3] Since all alike my {s}ongs and prai{s}es
[4] To one,of one,{{s}t}ill {s}uch,and euer
[5] Kinde is my loue to day,to morrow kinde,
[6] Still con{{s}t}ant in a wondrous excellence,
[7] Therefore my ver{s}e to con{{s}t}ancie
[8] One thing expre{{s}{s}i}ng,leaues out
[9] Faire,kinde,and true,is all my argument,
[10] Faire,kinde and true,varrying to other words,
[11] And in this change is my inuention {s}pent,
[12] Three theams in one,which wondrous {s}cope
[13] Faire,kinde,and true,haue often
liu'd alone.
[14] Which three till now,neuer kept
{s}eate in one.
[catchword] When
[page 49; signature G3r; outer
forme 7; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] WHen in the Chronicle of wa{{s}t}ed
[2] I {s}ee di{s}criptions of the faire{{s}t}
[3] And beautie making beautifull old rime,
[4] In prai{s}e of Ladies dead,and louely
[5] Then in the blazon of {s}weet beauties
[6] Of hand,of foote,of lip,of eye,of brow,
[7] I {s}ee their antique Pen would haue
[8] Euen {s}uch a beauty as you mai{{s}t}er
[9] So all their prai{s}es are but prophe{{s}i}es
[10] Of this our time,all you pre{fi}guring,
[11] And for they look'd but with deuining eyes,
[12] They had not {{s}t}ill enough your worth to
{{s}i}ng :
[13] For we which now behold the{s}e
pre{s}ent dayes,
[14] Haue eyes to wonder,but lack
toungs to prai{s}e.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] NOt mine owne feares,nor the prophetick
[2] Of the wide world,dreaming on things
to come,
[3] Can yet the lea{s}e of my true loue controule,
[4] Suppo{s}de as forfeit to a con{fi}n'd
[5] The mortall Moone hath her eclip{s}e
[6] And the {s}ad Augurs mock their owne
[7] Incertenties now crowne them-{s}elues
[8] And peace proclaimes Oliues of endle{{s}{s}}e
[9] Now with the drops of this mo{{s}t} balmie
[10] My loue lookes fre{{s}h},and death to me {s}ub{s}cribes,
[11] Since {s}pight of him Ile liue in this poore
[12] While he in{s}ults ore dull and {s}peachle{{s}{s}}e
[13] And thou in this {{s}h}alt {fi}nde
thy monument,
[14] When tyrants cre{{s}t}s and tombs
of bra{{s}{s}}e are {s}pent.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Hat's in the braine that Inck
may chara{ct}er ,
[2] Which hath not {fi}gur'd to thee my true
[3] What's new to {s}peake,what now to regi{{s}t}er,
[4] That may expre{{s}{s}}e my loue,or thy
deare merit ?
[5] Nothing {s}weet boy,but yet like prayers
[signature] G 3 [catchword] I mu{{s}t}
[page 50; signature G3v; inner
forme 7; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES.
[6] I mu{{s}t} each day {s}ay ore the very
[7] Counting no old thing old,thou mine,I
[8] Euen as when {fi}r{{s}t} I hallowed thy
faire name.
[9] So that eternall loue in loues fre{{s}h}
[10] Waighes not the du{{s}t} and iniury of age,
[11] Nor giues to nece{{s}{s}}ary wrinckles place,
[12] But makes antiquitie for aye his page,
[13] Finding the {fi}r{{s}t} conceit
of loue there bred,
[14] Where time and outward forme
would {{s}h}ew it dead,
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] O Neuer {s}ay that I was fal{s}e
of heart,
[2] Though ab{s}ence {s}eem'd my {fl}ame
to qualli{fi}e,
[3] As ea{{s}i}e might I from my {s}elfe
[4] As from my {s}oule which in thy bre{{s}t}
doth lye :
[5] That is my home of loue,if I haue rang'd,
[6] Like him that trauels I returne againe,
[7] Iu{{s}t} to the time,not with the time
[8] So that my {s}elfe bring water for my
[9] Neuer beleeue though in my nature raign'd,
[10] All frailties that be{{s}i}ege all kindes of
[11] That it could {s}o prepo{{s}t}erou{{s}l}ie
be {{s}t}ain'd,
[12] To leaue for nothing all thy {s}umme of good
[13] For nothing this wide Vniuer{s}e
I call,
[14] Saue thou my Ro{s}e,in it thou
art my all.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] ALas 'tis true,I haue gone here and
[2] And made my {s}elfe a motley to the view,
[3] Gor'd mine own thoughts, {s}old cheap
what is mo{{s}t} deare,
[4] Made old o{ff}ences of a{ff}e{ct}ions
[5] Mo{{s}t} true it is,that I haue lookt
on truth
[6] A{s}conce and {{s}t}rangely: But by all
[7] The{s}e blenches gaue my heart an other
[8] And wor{s}e e{{s}{s}}aies prou'd thee
my be{{s}t} of loue,
[9] Now all is done,haue what {{s}h}all haue
no end,
[10] Mine appetite I neuer more will grin'de
[11] On newer proofe,to trie an older friend,
[12] A God in loue,to whom I am con{fi}n'd.
[catchword] Then
[page 51; signature G4r; inner
forme 7; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[13] Then giue me welcome,next my
heauen the be{{s}t},
[14] Euen to thy pure and mo{{s}t}
mo{{s}t} louing bre{{s}t}.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] O For my {s}ake doe you wi{{s}h}
fortune chide,
[2] The guiltie godde{{s}{s}}e of my harmfull
[3] That did not better for my life prouide,
[4] Then publick meanes which publick manners
[5] Thence comes it that my name receiues
a brand,
[6] And almo{{s}t} thence my nature is {s}ubdu'd
[7] To what it workes in,like the Dyers hand,
[8] Pitty me then,and wi{{s}h} I were renu'de,
[9] Whil{{s}t} like a willing pacient I will
[10] Potions of Ey{s}ell gain{{s}t} my {{s}t}rong
[11] No bitterne{{s}{s}}e that I will bitter thinke,
[12] Nor double pennance to corre{ct} corre{ct}ion.
[13] Pittie me then deare friend,and
I a{{s}{s}}ure yee,
[14] Euen that your pittie is enough
to cure mee.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] YOur loue and pittie doth th'impre{{s}{s}i}on
[2] Which vulgar {s}candall {{s}t}ampt vpon
my brow,
[3] For what care I who calles me well or
[4] So you ore-greene my bad,my good alow?
[5] You are my All the world,and I mu{{s}t}
[6] To know my {{s}h}ames and prai{s}es from
your tounge,
[7] None el{s}e to me,nor I to none aliue,
[8] That my {{s}t}eel'd {s}ence or changes
right or wrong,
[9] In {s}o profound Abi{s}me I throw
all care
[10] Of others voyces,that my Adders {s}ence,
[11] To cryttick and to {fl}atterer {{s}t}opped
[12] Marke how with my negle{ct} I doe di{s}pence.
[13] You are {s}o {{s}t}rongly in
my purpo{s}e bred,
[14] That all the world be{{s}i}des
me thinkes y'are dead.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SInce I left you,mine eye is in my
[2] And that which gouernes me to goe about,
[3] Doth part his fun{ct}ion,and is partly
[catchword] Seemes
[page 52; signature G4v; outer
forme 7; compositor A]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES.
[4] Seemes {s}eeing,but e{ff}e{ct}ually is
[5] For it no forme deliuers to the heart
[6] Of bird,of {fl}owre,or {{s}h}ape which
it doth lack,
[7] Of his quick obie{ct}s hath the minde
no part,
[8] Nor his owne vi{{s}i}on houlds what it
doth catch:
[9] For if it {s}ee the rud'{{s}t} or gentle{{s}t}
[10] The mo{{s}t} {s}weet-fauor or deformed{{s}t}
[11] The mountaine,or the {s}ea,the day,or night:
[12] The Croe,or Doue,it {{s}h}apes them to your
[13] Incapable of more repleat,with
[14] My mo{{s}t} true minde thus maketh
mine vntrue.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] OR whether doth my minde being crown'd
with you
[2] Drinke vp the monarks plague this {fl}attery
[3] Or whether {{s}h}all I {s}ay mine eie
{s}aith true,
[4] And that your loue taught it this Alcumie?
[5] To make of mon{{s}t}ers,and things indige{{s}t},
[6] Such cherubines as your {s}weet {s}elfe
[7] Creating euery bad a perfe{ct} be{{s}t}
[8] As fa{{s}t} as obie{ct}s to his beames
[9] Oh tis the {fi}r{{s}t},tis {fl}atry in
my {s}eeing,
[10] And my great minde mo{{s}t} kingly drinkes
it vp,
[11] Mine eie well knowes what with his gu{{s}t}
is greeing,
[12] And to his pallat doth prepare the cup.
[13] If it be poi{s}on'd,tis the le{{s}{s}}er
[14] That mine eye loues it and doth
{fi}r{{s}t} beginne.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THo{s}e lines that I before haue
writ doe lie,
[2] Euen tho{s}e that {s}aid I could not
loue you deerer,
[3] Yet then my iudgement knew no rea{s}on
[4] My mo{{s}t} full {fl}ame {{s}h}ould afterwards
burne cleerer.
[5] But reckening time,who{s}e milliond accidents
[6] Creepe in twixt vowes,and change decrees
of Kings,
[7] Tan {s}acred beautie,blunt the {{s}h}arp'{{s}t}
[8] Diuert {{s}t}rong mindes to th'cour{s}e
of altring things:
[9] Alas why fearing of times tiranie,
[catchword] Might
[page 53; signature H1r; gathering
8; outer forme 8; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[10] Might I not then {s}ay now I loue you be{{s}t},
[11] When I was certaine ore in-certainty,
[12] Crowning the pre{s}ent,doubting of the re{{s}t}:
[13] Loue is a Babe , then might I
not {s}ay {s}o
[14] To giue full growth to that which
{{s}t}ill doth grow.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LEt me not to the marriage of true
[2] Admit impediments,loue is not loue
[3] Which alters when it alteration {fi}ndes,
[4] Or bends with the remouer to remoue.
[5] O no,it is an euer {fi}xed marke
[6] That lookes on tempe{{s}t}s and is neuer
[7] It is the {{s}t}ar to euery wandring
[8] Who{s}e worths vnknowne,although his
higth be taken.
[9] Lou's not Times foole,though ro{{s}i}e
lips and cheeks
[10] Within his bending {{s}i}ckles compa{{s}{s}}e
[11] Loue alters not with his breefe houres and
[12] But beares it out euen to the edge of doome:
[13] If this be error and vpon me
[14] I neuer writ,nor no man euer
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] ACcu{s}e me thus,that I haue {s}canted
[2] Wherein I {{s}h}ould your great de{s}erts
[3] Forgot vpon your deare{{s}t} loue to
[4] Whereto al bonds do tie me day by day,
[5] That I haue frequent binne with vnknown
[6] And giuen to time your owne deare purcha{s}'d
[7] That I haue hoy{{s}t}ed {s}aile to al
the windes
[8] Which {{s}h}ould tran{s}port me farthe{{s}t}
from your {{s}i}ght.
[9] Booke both my wilfulne{{s}{s}}e and errors
[10] And on iu{{s}t} proofe {s}urmi{s}e,accumilate,
[11] Bring me within the leuel of your frowne,
[12] But {{s}h}oote not at me in your wakened hate:
[13] Since my appeale {s}aies I did
{{s}t}riue to prooue
[14] The con{{s}t}ancy and virtue
of your loue
[signature] H [catchword] II8
[page 54; signature H1v; inner
forme 8; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LIke as to make our appetites more
[2] With eager compounds we our pallat vrge,
[3] As to preuent our malladies vn{s}eene,
[4] We {{s}i}cken to {{s}h}un {{s}i}ckne{{s}{s}}e
when we purge.
[5] Euen {s}o being full of your nere cloying
[6] To bitter {s}awces did I frame my feeding;
[7] And {{s}i}cke of wel-fare found a kind
of meetne{{s}{s}}e,
[8] To be di{s}ea{s}'d ere that there was
true needing.
[9] Thus pollicie in loue t'anticipate
[10] The ills that were,not grew to faults a{{s}{s}}ured,
[11] And brought to medicine a healthfull {{s}t}ate
[12] Which rancke of goodne{{s}{s}}e would by ill
be cured.
[13] But thence I learne and {fi}nd
the le{{s}{s}}on true,
[14] Drugs poy{s}on him that {s}o
fell {{s}i}cke of you.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] WHat potions haue I drunke of Syren
[2] Di{{s}t}il'd from Lymbecks foule as hell
[3] Applying feares to hopes,and hopes to
[4] Still loo{{s}i}ng when I {s}aw my {s}elfe
to win?
[5] What wretched errors hath my heart committed,
[6] Whil{{s}t} it hath thought it {s}elfe
{s}o ble{{s}{s}}ed neuer?
[7] How haue mine eies out of their Spheares
bene {fi}tted
[8] In the di{{s}t}ra{ct}ion of this madding
[9] O bene{fi}t of ill, now I {fi}nd true
[10] That better is, by euil {{s}t}ill made better.
[11] And ruin'd loue when it is built anew
[12] Growes fairer then at {fi}r{{s}t},more {{s}t}rong,far
[13] So I returne rebukt to my content,
[14] And gaine by ills thri{s}e more
then I haue {s}pent.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THat you were once vnkind be-friends
mee now,
[2] And for that {s}orrow , which I then
didde feele,
[3] Needes mu{{s}t} I vnder my tran{s}gre{{s}{s}i}on
[4] Vnle{{s}{s}}e my Nerues were bra{{s}{s}}e
or hammered {{s}t}eele.
[5] For if you were by my vnkindne{{s}{s}}e
[page 55; signature H2r; inner
forme 8; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[6] As I by yours , y'haue pa{{s}t} a hell
of Time,
[7] And I a tyrant haue no lea{s}ure taken
[8] To waigh how once I {s}u{ff}ered in your
[9] O that our night of wo might haue remembred
[10] My deepe{{s}t} {s}ence,how hard true {s}orrow
[11] And {s}oone to you,as you to me then tendred
[12] The humble {s}alue,which wounded bo{s}omes
[13] But that your tre{s}pa{{s}{s}}e
now becomes a fee,
[14] Mine ran{s}oms yours,and yours
mu{{s}t} ran{s}ome mee.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] TIS better to be vile then vile e{{s}t}eemed,
[2] When not to be,receiues reproach of being,
[3] And the iu{{s}t} plea{s}ure lo{{s}t},which
is {s}o deemed,
[4] Not by our feeling,but by others {s}eeing.
[5] For why {{s}h}ould others fal{s}e adulterat
[6] Giue {s}alutation to my {s}portiue blood?
[7] Or on my frailties why are frailer {s}pies;
[8] Which in their wils count bad what I
think good?
[9] Noe,I am that I am,and they that leuell
[10] At my abu{s}es,reckon vp their owne,
[11] I may be {{s}t}raight though they them-{s}elues
be beuel
[12] By their rancke thoughtes,my deedes mu{{s}t}
not be {{s}h}own
[13] Vnle{{s}{s}}e this generall euill
they maintaine,
[14] All men are bad and in their
badne{{s}{s}}e raigne.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] TThy guift,,thy tables,are within
my braine
[2] Full chara{ct}erd with la{{s}t}ing memory,
[3] Which {{s}h}all aboue that idle rancke
[4] Beyond all date euen to eternity.
[5] Or at the lea{{s}t},{s}o long as braine
and heart
[6] Haue facultie by nature to {s}ub{{s}i}{{s}t},
[7] Til each to raz'd obliuion yeeld his
[8] Of thee,thy record neuer can be mi{{s}t}:
[9] That poore retention could not {s}o much
[10] Nor need I tallies thy deare loue to skore,
[11] Therefore to giue them from me was I bold,
[signature] H 2 [catchword] To
[page 56; signature H2v; outer
forme 8; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[12] To tru{{s}t} tho{s}e tables that receaue thee
[13] To keepe an adiunckt to remember
[14] Were to import forgetfulne{{s}{s}}e
in mee.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] NO! Time, thou {{s}h}alt not bo{{s}t}
that I doe change,
[2] Thy pyramyds buylt vp with newer might
[3] To me are nothing nouell,nothing {{s}t}range,
[4] They are but dre{{s}{s}i}ngs of a former
[5] Our dates are breefe,and therefor we
[6] What thou do{{s}t} foy{{s}t} vpon vs
that is ould,
[7] And rather make them borne to our de{{s}i}re,
[8] Then thinke that we before haue heard
them tould:
[9] Thy regi{{s}t}ers and thee I both de{fi}e,
[10] Not wondring at the pre{s}ent,nor the pa{{s}t},
[11] For thy records,and what we {s}ee doth lye,
[12] Made more or les by thy continuall ha{{s}t}:
[13] This I doe vow and this {{s}h}all
euer be,
[14] I will be true di{s}pight thy
{s}yeth and thee.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] YF my deare loue were but the childe
of {{s}t}ate,
[2] It might for fortunes ba{{s}t}erd be
[3] As {s}ubie{ct} to times loue,or to times
[4] Weeds among weeds,or {fl}owers with {fl}owers
[5] No it was buylded far from accident,
[6] It {s}u{ff}ers not in {s}milinge pomp,nor
[7] Vnder the blow of thralled di{s}content,
[8] Whereto th'inuiting time our fa{{s}h}ion
[9] It feares not policy that Heriticke,
[10] Which workes on lea{s}es of {{s}h}ort numbred
[11] But all alone {{s}t}ands hugely pollitick,
[12] That it nor growes with heat,nor drownes with
[13] To this I witnes call the foles
of time,
[14] Which die for goodnes,who haue
liu'd for crime.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] {VV}Er't ought to me I bore the canopy,
[2] With my extern the outward honoring,
[catchword] Or
[page 57; signature H3r; outer
forme 8; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[3] Or layd great ba{s}es for eternity,
[4] Which proues more {{s}h}ort then wa{{s}t}
or ruining?
[5] Haue I not {s}eene dwellers on forme
and fauor
[6] Lo{s}e all,and more by paying too much
[7] For compound {s}weet;Forgoing {{s}i}mple
[8] Pittifull thriuors in their gazing {s}pent.
[9] Noe,let me be ob{s}equious in thy heart,
[10] And take thou my oblacion,poore but free,
[11] Which is not mixt with {s}econds,knows no art,
[12] But mutuall render onely me for thee.
[13] Hence,thou {s}ubborndInformer,
a trew {s}oule
[14] When mo{{s}t} impeacht,{{s}t}ands
lea{{s}t} in thy controule.
[rhyme: aabbccddeeff]
[1] O Thou my louely Boy who in thy power,
[2] Doe{{s}t} hould times {fi}ckle gla{{s}{s}}e,his
[3] Who ha{{s}t} by wayning growne,and therein
[4] Thy louers withering,as thy {s}weet {s}elfe
[5] If Nature({s}oueraine mi{{s}t}eres ouer
[6] As thou goe{{s}t} onwards {{s}t}ill will
plucke thee backe,
[7] She keepes thee to this purpo{s}e,that
her skill.
[8] May time di{s}grace,and wretched mynuit
[9] Yet feare her O thou minnion of her plea{s}ure,
[10] She may detaine,but not {{s}t}ill keepe her
[11] Her Audite (though delayd) an{s}wer'd
mu{{s}t} be,
[12] And her Quietus is to render thee.
[13] (
[14] (
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] IN the ould age blacke was not counted
[2] Or if it weare it bore not beauties name:
[3] But now is blacke beauties {s}ucce{{s}{s}i}ue
[4] And Beautie {{s}l}anderd with a ba{{s}t}ard
[5] For {{s}i}nce each hand hath put on Natures
[6] Fairing the foule with Arts faul{s}e
borrow'd face,
[7] Sweet beauty hath no name no holy boure,
[8] But is prophan'd,if not liues in di{s}grace.
[signature] H 3 [catchword] Therefore
[page 58; signature H3v; inner
forme 8; compositor B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[9] Therefore my Mi{{s}t}er{{s}{s}}e eyes
are Rauen blacke,
[10] Her eyes {s}o {s}uted,and they mourners {s}eeme,
[11] At {s}uch who not borne faire no beauty lack,
[12] Slandring Creation with a fal{s}e e{{s}t}eeme,
[13] Yet {s}o they mourne becomming
of their woe,
[14] That euery toung {s}aies beauty
{{s}h}ould looke {s}o.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] HOw oft when thou my mu{{s}i}ke mu{{s}i}ke
[2] Vpon that ble{{s}{s}}ed wood who{s}e
motion {s}ounds
[3] With thy {s}weet {fi}ngers when thou
gently {s}way{{s}t},
[4] The wiry concord that mine eare confounds,
[5] Do I enuie tho{s}e Iackes that nimble
[6] To ki{{s}{s}}e the tender inward of thy
[7] Whil{{s}t} my poore lips which {{s}h}ould
that harue{{s}t} reape,
[8] At the woods bouldnes by thee blu{{s}h}ing
[9] To be {s}o tikled they would change their
[10] And {{s}i}tuation with tho{s}e dancing chips,
[11] Ore whome their {fi}ngers walke with gentle
[12] Making dead wood more ble{{s}t} then liuing
[13] Since {s}au{{s}i}e Iackes {s}o
happy are in this,
[14] Giue them their {fi}ngers,me
thy lips to ki{{s}{s}}e.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] TH'expence of Spirit in a wa{{s}t}e
of {{s}h}ame
[2] Is lu{{s}t} in a{ct}ion,and till a{ct}ion
, lu{{s}t}
[3] Is periurd,murdrous,blouddy full of blame,
[4] Sauage,extreame,rude,cruell,not to tru{{s}t},
[5] Inioyd no {s}ooner but di{s}pi{s}ed {{s}t}raight,
[6] Pa{{s}t} rea{s}on hunted, and no {s}ooner
[7] Pa{{s}t} rea{s}on hated as a {s}wollowed
[8] On purpo{s}e layd to make the taker mad.
[9] Made In pur{s}ut and in po{{s}{s}}e{{s}{s}i}on
[10] Had,hauing,and in que{{s}t},to haue extreame,
[11] A bli{{s}{s}}e in proofe and proud and very
[12] Before a ioy propo{s}d behind a dreame,
[13] All this the world well knowes
yet none knowes well,
[14] To {{s}h}un the heauen that leads
men to this hell.
[catchword] My
[page 59; signature H4r; inner
forme 8; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] MY Mi{{s}t}res eyes are nothing like
the Sunne,
[2] Currall is farre more red,then her lips
[3] If {s}now be white,why then her bre{{s}t}s
are dun:
[4] If haires be wiers,black wiers grow on
her head:
[5] I haue {s}eene Ro{s}es damaskt,red and
[6] But no {s}uch Ro{s}es {s}ee I in her
[7] And in {s}ome perfumes is there more
[8] Then in the breath that from my Mi{{s}t}res
[9] I loue to heare her {s}peake,yet well
I know,
[10] That Mu{{s}i}cke hath a farre more plea{{s}i}ng
[11] I graunt I neuer {s}aw a godde{{s}{s}}e goe,
[12] My Mi{{s}t}res when {{s}h}ee walkes treads
on the ground.
[13] And yet by heauen I thinke my
loue as rare,
[14] As any {{s}h}e beli'd with fal{s}e
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THou art as tiranous,{s}o as thou
[2] As tho{s}e who{s}e beauties proudly make
them cruell;
[3] For well thou know'{{s}t} to my deare
doting hart
[4] Thou art the faire{{s}t} and mo{{s}t}
precious Iewell.
[5] Yet in good faith {s}ome {s}ay that thee
[6] Thy face hath not the power to make loue
[7] To {s}ay they erre,I dare not be {s}o
[8] Although I {s}weare it to my {s}elfe
[9] And to be {s}ure that is not fal{s}e
I {s}weare
[10] A thou{s}and grones but thinking on thy face,
[11] One on anothers necke do witne{{s}{s}}e beare
[12] Thy blacke is faire{{s}t} in my iudgements
[13] In nothing art thou blacke {s}aue
in thy deeds,
[14] And thence this {{s}l}aunder as I thinke proceeds.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THine eies I loue,and they as pittying
[2] Knowing thy heart torment me with di{s}daine,
[3] Haue put on black,and louing mourners
[4] Looking with pretty ruth vpon my paine.
[catchword] And
[page 60; signature H4v; outer
forme 8; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[5] And truly not the morning Sun of Heauen
[6] Better becomes the gray cheeks of th'Ea{{s}t},
[7] Nor that full Starre that v{{s}h}ers
in the Eauen
[8] Doth halfe that glory to the {s}ober
[9] As tho{s}e two morning eyes become thy
[10] O let it then as well be{s}eeme thy heart
[11] To mourne for me {{s}i}nce mourning doth thee
[12] And {s}ute thy pitty like in euery part.
[13] Then will I {s}weare beauty her
{s}elfe is blacke,
[14] And all they foule that thy complexion
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] BE{{s}h}rew that heart that makes
my heart to groane
[2] For that deepe wound it giues my friend
and me;
[3] I'{{s}t} not ynough to torture me alone,
[4] But {{s}l}aue to {{s}l}auery my {s}weet'{{s}t}
friend mu{{s}t} be.
[5] Me from my {s}elfe thy cruell eye hath
[6] And my next {s}elfe thou harder ha{{s}t}
[7] Of him,my {s}elfe,and thee I am for{s}aken,
[8] A torment thrice three-fold thus to be
cro{{s}{s}}ed :
[9] Pri{s}on my heart in thy {{s}t}eele bo{s}omes
[10] But then my friends heart let my poore heart
[11] Who ere keepes me,let my heart be his garde,
[12] Thou can{{s}t} not then v{s}e rigor in my Iaile.
[13] And yet thou wilt,for I being
pent in thee,
[14] Perforce am thine and all that
is in me.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] SO now I haue confe{{s}t} that he
is thine,
[2] And I my {s}elfe am morgag'd to thy will,
[3] My {s}elfe Ile forfeit,{s}o that other
[4] Thou wilt re{{s}t}ore to be my comfort
[5] But thou wilt not,nor he will not be
[6] For thou art couetous,and he is kinde,
[7] He learnd but {s}uretie-like to write
for me,
[8] Vnder that bond that him as fa{{s}t}
doth binde.
[9] The {{s}t}atute of thy beauty thou wilt
[10] Thou v{s}urer that put'{{s}t} forth all to
[catchword] And
[page 61; signature I1r; gathering
9; outer forme 9; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[11] And {s}ue a friend,came debter for my {s}ake,
[12] So him I loo{s}e through my vnkinde abu{s}e.
[13] Him haue I lo{{s}t}, thou ha{{s}t}
both him and me,
[14] He paies the whole,and yet am
I not free.
[rhyme: ababbcbcadadaa]
[1] WHo euer hath her wi{{s}h},thou ha{{s}t}
thy Will,
[2] And Will too boote,and Will
in ouer-plus,
[3] More then enough am I that vexe thee
[4] To thy {s}weete will making addition
[5] Wilt thou who{s}e will is large and {s}patious,
[6] Not once vouch{s}afe to hide my will
in thine,
[7] Shall will in others {s}eeme right gracious,
[8] And in my will no faire acceptance {{s}h}ine:
[9] The {s}ea all water,yet receiues raine
[10] And in aboundance addeth to his {{s}t}ore,
[11] So thou beeing rich in Will adde to
thy Will,
[12] One will of mine to make thy large Will
[13] Let no vnkinde,no faire be{s}eechers
[14] Thinke all but one,and me in
that one Will.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefbb]
[1] IF thy {s}oule check thee that I
come {s}o neere,
[2] Sweare to thy blind {s}oule that I was
thy Will,
[3] And will thy {s}oule knowes is admitted
[4] Thus farre for loue, my loue-{s}ute {s}weet
[5] Will, will ful{fi}ll the trea{s}ure
of thy loue,
[6] I {fi}ll it full with wils,and my will
[7] In things of great receit with ea{s}e
we prooue.
[8] Among a number one is reckon'd none.
[9] Then in the number let me pa{{s}{s}}e
[10] Though in thy {{s}t}ores account I one mu{{s}t}
[11] For nothing hold me,{s}o it plea{s}e thee hold,
[12] That nothing me,a {s}ome-thing {s}weet to thee.
[13] Make but my name thy loue,and
loue that {{s}t}ill,
[14] And then thou loue{{s}t} me for
my name is Will.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THou blinde foole loue,what doo{{s}t}
thou to mine eyes,
[signature] I [catchword] That
[page 62; signature I1v; inner
forme 9; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[2] That they behold and {s}ee not what they
{s}ee :
[3] They know what beautie is,{s}ee where
it lyes,
[4] Yet what the be{{s}t} is,take the wor{{s}t}
to be.
[5] If eyes corrupt by ouer-partiall lookes,
[6] Be anchord in the baye where all men
[7] Why of eyes fal{s}ehood ha{{s}t} thou
forged hookes,
[8] Whereto the iudgement of my heart is
tide ?
[9] Why {{s}h}ould my heart thinke that a
{s}euerall plot,
[10] Which my heart knowes the wide worlds common
[11] Or mine eyes {s}eeing this,{s}ay this is not
[12] To put faire truth vpon {s}o foule a face,
[13] In things right true my heart
and eyes haue erred,
[14] And to this fal{s}e plague are
they now tran{s}ferred.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] WHen my loue {s}weares that
{{s}h}e is made of truth,
[2] I do beleeue her though I know {{s}h}e
[3] That {{s}h}e might thinke me {s}ome vntuterd
[4] Vnlearned in the worlds fal{s}e {s}ubtilties.
[5] Thus vainely thinking that {{s}h}e thinkes
me young,
[6] Although {{s}h}e knowes my dayes are
pa{{s}t} the be{{s}t},
[7] Simply I credit her fal{s}e {s}peaking
[8] On both {{s}i}des thus is {{s}i}mple
truth {s}uppre{{s}t} :
[9] But wherefore {s}ayes {{s}h}e not {{s}h}e
is vniu{{s}t} ?
[10] And wherefore {s}ay not I that I am old?
[11] O loues be{{s}t} habit is in {s}eeming tru{{s}t},
[12] And age in loue,loues not t'haue yeares told.
[13] Therefore I lye with her,and
{{s}h}e with me,
[14] And in our faults by lyes we
{fl}attered be.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] O Call not me to iu{{s}t}i{fi}e the
[2] That thy vnkindne{{s}{s}}e layes vpon
my heart,
[3] Wound me not with thine eye but with
thy toung,
[4] V{s}e power with power,and {{s}l}ay me
not by Art,
[5] Tell me thou lou'{{s}t} el{s}e-where;but
in my {{s}i}ght,
[6] Deare heart forbeare to glance thine
eye a{{s}i}de,
[7] What need{{s}t} thou wound with cunning
when thy might
[catchword] Is
[page 63; signature I2r; inner
forme 9; compositor B]
[running title] SONNETS.
[8] Is more then my ore-pre{{s}t} defence
can bide?
[9] Let me excu{s}e thee,ah my loue well
[10] Her prettie lookes haue beene mine enemies,
[11] And therefore from my face {{s}h}e turnes my
[12] That they el{s}e-where might dart their iniuries
[13] Yet do not {s}o,but {{s}i}nce
I am neere {{s}l}aine,
[14] Kill me out-right with lookes,and
rid my paine.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] BE wi{s}e as thou art cruell,do not
[2] My toung-tide patience with too much
di{s}daine :
[3] Lea{{s}t} {s}orrow lend me words and
words expre{{s}{s}}e,
[4] The manner of my pittie wanting paine.
[5] If I might teach thee witte better it
[6] Though not to loue,yet loue to tell me
[7] As te{{s}t}ie {{s}i}ck-men when their
deaths be neere,
[8] No newes but health from their Phi{{s}i}tions
[9] For if I {{s}h}ould di{s}paire I {{s}h}ould
grow madde,
[10] And in my madne{{s}{s}}e might {s}peake ill
of thee,
[11] Now this ill wre{{s}t}ing world is growne {s}o
[12] Madde {{s}l}anderers by madde eares beleeued
[13] That I may not be {s}o, nor thou
be lyde,
[14] Beare thine eyes {{s}t}raight
, though thy proud heart goe wide.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] IN faith I doe not loue thee with
mine eyes,
[2] For they in thee a thou{s}and errors
[3] But 'tis my heart that loues what they
[4] Who in di{s}pight of view is plea{s}d
to dote.
[5] Nor are mine eares with thy toungs tune
[6] Nor tender feeling to ba{s}e touches
[7] Nor ta{{s}t}e, nor {s}mell, de{{s}i}re
to be inuited
[8] To any {s}en{s}uall fea{{s}t} with thee
[9] But my {fi}ue wits,nor my {fi}ue {s}ences
[10] Di{s}wade one fooli{{s}h} heart from {s}eruing
[11] Who leaues vn{s}wai'd the likene{{s}{s}}e of
a man,
[12] Thy proud hearts {{s}l}aue and va{{s}{s}}all
wretch to be :
[13] Onely my plague thus farre I
count my gaine,
[14] That {{s}h}e that makes me {{s}i}nne,awards
me paine.
[signature] I 2 [catchword] Loue
[page 64; signature I2v; outer
forme 9; compositor B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LOue is my {{s}i}nne,and thy deare
vertue hate,
[2] Hate of my {{s}i}nne,grounded on {{s}i}nfull
[3] O but with mine, compare thou thine owne
{{s}t}ate ,
[4] And thou {{s}h}alt {fi}nde it merrits
not reproouing,
[5] Or if it do , not from tho{s}e lips of
[6] That haue prophan'd their {s}carlet ornaments,
[7] And {s}eald fal{s}e bonds of loue as
oft as mine,
[8] Robd others beds reuenues of their rents.
[9] Be it lawfull I loue thee as thou lou'{{s}t}
[10] Whome thine eyes wooe as mine importune thee,
[11] Roote pittie in thy heart that when it growes,
[12] Thy pitty may de{s}erue to pittied bee.
[13] If thou doo{{s}t} {s}eeke to
haue what thou doo{{s}t} hide,
[14] By {s}elfe example mai'{{s}t}
thou be denide.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LOe as a carefull hu{s}wife runnes
to catch,
[2] One of her fethered creatures broake
[3] Sets downe her babe and makes all {s}wift
[4] In pur{s}uit of the thing {{s}h}e would
haue {{s}t}ay:
[5] Whil{{s}t} her negle{ct}ed child holds
her in chace,
[6] Cries to catch her who{s}e bu{{s}i}e
care is bent,
[7] To follow that which {fl}ies before her
[8] Not prizing her poore infants di{s}content;
[9] So run{{s}t} thou after that which {fl}ies
from thee,
[10] Whil{{s}t} I thy babe chace thee a farre behind,
[11] But if thou catch thy hope turne back to me:
[12] And play the mothers part ki{{s}{s}}e me,be
[13] So will I pray that thou mai{{s}t}
haue thy Will,
[14] If thou turne back and my loude
crying {{s}t}ill.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] TWo loues I haue of comfort and di{s}paire,
[2] Which like two {s}pirits do {s}ugie{{s}t}
me {{s}t}ill,
[3] The better angell is a man right faire:
[4] The wor{s}er {s}pirit a woman collour'd
[5] To win me {s}oone to hell my femall euill,
[catchword] Tempteth
[page 65; signature I3r; outer
forme 9; compositor A]
[running title] SONNETS.
[6] Tempteth my better angel from my {{s}i}ght,
[7] And would corrupt my {s}aint to be a
[8] Wooing his purity with her fowle pride.
[9] And whether that my angel be turn'd {fi}nde,
[10] Su{s}pe{ct} I may,yet not dire{ct}ly tell,
[11] But being both from me both to each friend,
[12] I ge{{s}{s}}e one angel in an others hel.
[13] Yet this {{s}h}al I nere know
but liue in doubt,
[14] Till my bad angel {fi}re my good
one out.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THo{s}e lips that Loues owne hand
did make,
[2] Breath'd forth the {s}ound that {s}aid
I hate,
[3] To me that langui{{s}h}t for her {s}ake:
[4] But when {{s}h}e {s}aw my wofull {{s}t}ate,
[5] Straight in her heart did mercie come,
[6] Chiding that tongue that euer {s}weet,
[7] Was v{s}de in giuing gentle dome:
[8] And tought it thus a new to greete:
[9] I hate {{s}h}e alterd with an end,
[10] That follow'd it as gentle day,
[11] Doth follow night who like a {fi}end
[12] From heauen to hell is {fl}owne away.
[13] I hate,from hate away {{s}h}e
[14] And {s}au'd my life {s}aying
not you.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] POore {s}oule the center of my {{s}i}nfull
[2] My {{s}i}nfull earth the{s}e rebbell
powres that thee array,
[3] Why do{{s}t} thou pine within and {s}u{ff}er
[4] Painting thy outward walls {s}o co{{s}t}lie
[5] Why {s}o large co{{s}t} hauing {s}o {{s}h}ort
a lea{s}e,
[6] Do{{s}t} thou vpon thy fading man{{s}i}on
[7] Shall wormes inheritors of this exce{{s}{s}}e
[8] Eate vp thy charge? is this thy bodies
[9] Then {s}oule liue thou vpon thy {s}eruants
[10] And let that pine to aggrauat thy {{s}t}ore;
[11] Buy tearmes diuine in {s}elling houres of dro{{s}{s}}e:
[signature] I 3 [catchword] Within
[page 66; signature I3v; inner
forme 9; compositor B]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[12] Within be fed, without be rich no more,
[13] So {{s}h}alt thou feed on death,that
feeds on men,
[14] And death once dead,ther's no
more dying then.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] MY loue is as a feauer longing {{s}t}ill,
[2] For that which longer nur{s}eth the di{s}ea{s}e,
[3] Feeding on that which doth pre{s}erue
the ill,
[4] Th'vncertaine {{s}i}cklie appetite to
[5] My rea{s}on the Phi{{s}i}tion to my loue,
[6] Angry that his pre{s}criptions are not
[7] Hath left me,and I de{s}perate now approoue,
[8] De{{s}i}re is death,which Phi{{s}i}ck
did except.
[9] Pa{{s}t} cure I am,now Rea{s}on is pa{{s}t}
[10] And frantick madde with euer-more vnre{{s}t},
[11] My thoughts and my di{s}cour{s}e as mad mens
[12] At randon from the truth vainely expre{{s}t}.
[13] For I haue {s}worne thee faire,and
thought thee bright,
[14] Who art as black as hell,as darke
as night.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] O Me ! what eyes hath loue put in
my head,
[2] Which haue no corre{s}pondence with true
[3] Or if they haue,where is my iudgment
[4] That cen{s}ures fal{s}ely what they {s}ee
aright ?
[5] If that be faire whereon my fal{s}e eyes
[6] What meanes the world to {s}ay it is
not {s}o ?
[7] If it be not,then loue doth well denote,
[8] Loues eye is not {s}o true as all mens:no,
[9] How can it? O how can loues eye
be true,
[10] That is {s}o vext with watching and with teares?
[11] No maruaile then though I mi{{s}t}ake my view,
[12] The {s}unne it {s}elfe {s}ees not,till heauen
[13] O cunning loue,with teares thou
keep{{s}t} me blinde,
[14] Lea{{s}t} eyes well {s}eeing
thy foule faults {{s}h}ould {fi}nde.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] CAn{{s}t} thou O cruell,{s}ay I loue
thee not,
[2] When I again{{s}t} my {s}elfe with thee
pertake :
[catchword] Doe
[page 67; signature I4r; inner
forme 9; compositor A]
[running title] SONNETS.
[3] Doe I not thinke on thee when I forgot
[4] Am of my {s}elfe, all tirant for thy
[5] Who hateth thee that I doe call my friend,
[6] On whom froun'{{s}t} thou that I doe
faune vpon,
[7] Nay if thou lowr{{s}t} on me doe I not
[8] Reuenge vpon my {s}elfe with pre{s}ent
[9] What merrit do I in my {s}elfe re{s}pe{ct},
[10] That is {s}o proude thy {s}eruice to di{s}pi{s}e,
[11] When all my be{{s}t} doth wor{{s}h}ip thy defe{ct},
[12] Commanded by the motion of thine eyes.
[13] But loue hate on for now I know
thy minde,
[14] Tho{s}e that can {s}ee thou lou'{{s}t},and
I am blind.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] OH from what powre ha{{s}t} thou
this powrefull might,
[2] {VV}ith in{s}u{ffi}ciency my heart to
[3] To make me giue the lie to my true {{s}i}ght,
[4] And {s}were that brightne{{s}{s}}e doth
not grace the day?
[5] Whence ha{{s}t} thou this becomming of
things il,
[6] That in the very refu{s}e of thy deeds,
[7] There is {s}uch {{s}t}rength and warranti{s}e
of skill,
[8] That in my minde thy wor{{s}t} all be{{s}t}
[9] Who taught thee how to make me loue thee
[10] The more I heare and {s}ee iu{{s}t} cau{s}e
of hate,
[11] Oh though I loue what others doe abhor,
[12] {VV}ith others thou {{s}h}ould{{s}t} not abhor
my {{s}t}ate.
[13] If thy vnworthine{{s}{s}}e rai{s}d
loue in me,
[14] More worthy I to be belou'd of
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] LOue is too young to know what con{s}cience
[2] Yet who knowes not con{s}cience is borne
of loue,
[3] Then gentle cheater vrge not my ami{{s}{s}}e,
[4] Lea{{s}t} guilty of my faults thy {s}weet
{s}elfe proue.
[5] For thou betraying me, I doe betray
[6] My nobler part to my gro{s}e bodies trea{s}on,
[7] My {s}oule doth tell my body that he
[8] Triumph in loue,{fl}e{{s}h} {{s}t}aies
no farther rea{s}on.
[catchword] But
[page 68; signature I4v; outer
forme 9; compositor unknown]
[running title] SHAKE-SPEARES
[9] But ry{{s}i}ng at thy name doth point
out thee,
[10] As his triumphant prize,proud of this pride,
[11] He is contented thy poore drudge to be
[12] To {{s}t}and in thy a{ff}aires,fall by thy
[13] No want of con{s}cience hold
it that I call,
[14] Her loue,for who{s}e deare loue
I ri{s}e and fall.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] IN louing thee thou know'{{s}t} I
am for{s}worne,
[2] But thou art twice for{s}worne to me
loue {s}wearing,
[3] In a{ct} thy bed-vow broake and new faith
[4] In vowing new hate after new loue bearing:
[5] But why of two othes breach doe I accu{s}e
[6] When I breake twenty:I am periur'd mo{{s}t},
[7] For all my vowes are othes but to mi{s}u{s}e
[8] And all my hone{{s}t} faith in thee is
[9] For I haue {s}worne deepe othes of thy
deepe kindne{{s}{s}}e:
[10] Othes of thy loue,thy truth,thy con{{s}t}ancie,
[11] And to inlighten thee gaue eyes to blindne{{s}{s}}e,
[12] Or made them {s}were again{{s}t} the thing
they {s}ee.
[13] For I haue {s}worne thee faire:more
periurde eye,
[14] To {s}were again{{s}t} the truth
fo foule a lie.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] CVpid laid by his brand and
fell a {{s}l}eepe,
[2] A maide of Dyans this aduantage
[3] And his loue-kindling {fi}re did quickly
[4] In a could vallie-fountaine of that ground:
[5] Which borrowd from this holie {fi}re
of loue,
[6] A datele{{s}{s}}e liuely heat {{s}t}ill
to indure,
[7] And grew a {s}eething bath which yet
men proue,
[8] Again{{s}t} {{s}t}rang malladies a {s}oueraigne
[9] But at my mi{{s}t}res eie loues brand
new {fi}red,
[10] The boy for triall needes would touch my bre{{s}t},
[11] I {{s}i}ck withall the helpe of bath de{{s}i}red,
[12] And thether hied a {s}ad di{{s}t}emperd gue{{s}t}.
[13] But found no cure,the bath for
my helpe lies,
[14] Where Cupid got new {fi}re;my
mi{{s}t}res eye.
[catchword] I54
[page 69; signature K1r; gathering
10; outer forme 10; compositor unknown]
[running title] SONNETS.
[rhyme: ababcdcdefefgg]
[1] THe little Loue-God lying once a
[2] Laid by his {{s}i}de his heart in{fl}aming
[3] Whil{{s}t} many Nymphes that vou'd cha{{s}t}
life to keep,
[4] Came tripping by,but in her maiden hand,
[5] The fayre{{s}t} votary tooke vp that
[6] Which many Legions of true hearts had
[7] And {s}o the Generall of hot de{{s}i}re,
[8] Was {{s}l}eeping by a Virgin hand di{s}arm'd.
[9] This brand {{s}h}e quenched in a coole
Well by,
[10] Which from loues {fi}re tooke heat perpetuall,
[11] Growing a bath and healthfull remedy,
[12] For men di{s}ea{s}d,but I my Mi{{s}t}ri{{s}{s}}e
[13] Came there for cure and this
by that I proue,
[14] Loues {fi}re heates water,water
cooles not loue.
[signature] K [catchword] A
[page 70; signature K1v; inner
forme 10; compositor unknown]
[rhyme ababbcc]
[stanza 1]
[1] FRom o{ff} a hill who{s}e concaue
wombe reworded,
[2] A plaintfull {{s}t}ory from a {{s}i}{{s}t}ring
[3] My {s}pirrits t'attend this doble voyce
[4] And downe I laid to li{{s}t} the {s}ad
tun'd tale,
[5] Ere long e{s}pied a {fi}ckle maid full
[6] Tearing of papers breaking rings a twaine,
[7] Storming her world with {s}orrowes,wind
and raine.
[stanza 2]
[8] Vpon her head a plattid hiue of {{s}t}raw,
[9] Which forti{fi}ed her vi{s}age from the
[10] Whereon the thought might thinke {s}ometime
it {s}aw
[11] The carkas of a beauty {s}pent and donne,
[12] Time had not {{s}i}thed all that youth begun,
[13] Nor youth all quit,but {s}pight of heauens
fell rage,
[14] Some beauty peept,through lettice of {s}ear'd
[stanza 3]
[15] Oft did {{s}h}e heaue her Napkin
to her eyne,
[16] Which on it had conceited chare{ct}ers:
[17] Laundring the {{s}i}lken {fi}gures in
the brine,
[18] That {s}ea{s}oned woe had pelleted in
[19] And often reading what contents it beares:
[20] As often {{s}h}riking vndi{{s}t}ingui{{s}h}t
[21] In clamours of all {{s}i}ze both high
and low.
[stanza 4]
[22] Some-times her leueld eyes their
carriage ride,
[23] As they did battry to the {s}pheres
[24] Sometime diuerted their poore balls
are tide,
[25] To th'orbed earth ;{s}ometimes they
do extend,
[26] Their view right on, anon their ga{s}es
[catchword] To
[page 71; signature K2r; inner
forme 10; compositor B]
[running title] COMPLAINT
[27] To euery place at once and no where
[28] The mind and {{s}i}ght di{{s}t}ra{ct}edly
[stanza 5]
[29] Her haire nor loo{s}e nor ti'd in
formall plat,
[30] Proclaimd in her a carele{{s}{s}}e hand
of pride;
[31] For {s}ome vntuck'd de{s}cended her
{{s}h}eu'd hat,
[32] Hanging her pale and pined cheeke be{{s}i}de,
[33] Some in her threeden {fi}llet {{s}t}ill
did bide,
[34] And trew to bondage would not breake
from thence,
[35] Though {{s}l}ackly braided in loo{s}e
[stanza 6]
[36] A thou{s}and fauours from a maund
{{s}h}e drew,
[37] Of amber chri{{s}t}all and of bedded
[38] Which one by one {{s}h}e in a riuer
[39] Vpon who{s}e weeping margent {{s}h}e
was {s}et,
[40] Like v{s}ery applying wet to wet,
[41] Or Monarches hands that lets not bounty
[42] Where want cries {s}ome;but where exce{{s}{s}}e
begs all.
[stanza 7]
[43] Of folded {s}chedulls had {{s}h}e
many a one,
[44] Which {{s}h}e peru{s} d,{{s}i}ghd,tore
and gaue the {fl}ud,
[45] Crackt many a ring of Po{{s}i}ed gold
and bone,
[46] Bidding them {fi}nd their Sepulchers
in mud,
[47] Found yet mo letters {s}adly pend in
[48] With {{s}l}eided {{s}i}lke,feate and
[49] En{s}wath'd and {s}eald to curious {s}ecrecy.
[stanza 8]
[50] The{s}e often bath'd {{s}h}e in
her {fl}uxiue eies,
[51] And often ki{{s}t},and often gaue to
[52] Cried O fal{s}e blood thou regi{{s}t}er
of lies,
[53] What vnapproued witnes doo{{s}t} thou
[54] Inke would haue {s}eem'd more blacke
and damned heare!
[55] This {s}aid in top of rage the lines
{{s}h}e rents,
[56] Big di{s}content,{s}o breaking their
[stanza 9]
[57] A reuerend man that graz'd his cattell
[signature] K 2 [catchword] Some-
[page 72; signature K2v; outer
forme 10; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] A LOVERS
[58] Sometime a blu{{s}t}erer that the ruf{fl}e
[59] Of Court of Cittie,and had let go by
[60] The {s}wifte{{s}t} houres ob{s}erued
as they {fl}ew,
[61] Towards this a{ffl}i{ct}ed fancy fa{{s}t}ly
[62] And priuiledg'd by age de{{s}i}res to
[63] In breefe the grounds and motiues of
her wo.
[stanza 10]
[64] So {{s}l}ides he downe vppon his
greyned bat;
[65] And comely di{{s}t}ant {{s}i}ts he by
her {{s}i}de,
[66] When hee againe de{{s}i}res her,being
[67] Her greeuance with his hearing to deuide:
[68] If that from him there may be ought
[69] Which may her {s}u{ff}ering exta{{s}i}e
[70] Tis promi{{s}t} in the charitie of age
[stanza 11]
[71] Father {{s}h}e {s}aies,though in
mee you behold
[72] The iniury of many a bla{{s}t}ing houre;
[73] Let it not tell your Iudgement I am
[74] Not age,but {s}orrow,ouer me hath power;
[75] I might as yet haue bene a {s}preading
[76] Fre{{s}h} to my {s}elfe,if I had {s}elfe
[77] Loue to my {s}elfe,and to no Loue be{{s}i}de.
[stanza 12]
[78] But wo is mee,too early I atttended
[79] A youthfull {s}uit it was to gaine my
[80] O one by natures outwards {s}o commended,
[81] That maidens eyes {{s}t}ucke ouer all
his face,
[82] Loue lackt a dwelling and made him her
[83] And when in his faire parts {{s}h}ee
didde abide,
[84] Shee was new lodg'd and newly Dei{fi}ed.
[stanza 13]
[85] His browny locks did hang in crooked
[86] And euery light occa{{s}i}on of the
[87] Vpon his lippes their {{s}i}lken parcels
[88] Whats {s}weet to do,to do wil aptly
[89] Each eye that {s}aw him did inchaunt
the minde:
[catchword] For
[page 73; signature K3r; outer
forme 10; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] COMPLAINT
[90] For on his vi{s}age was in little drawne,
[91] What largene{{s}{s}}e thinkes in parradi{s}e
was {s}awne.
[stanza 14]
[92] Smal {{s}h}ew of man was yet vpon
his chinne,
[93] His phenix downe began but to appeare
[94] Like vn{{s}h}orne veluet,on that termle{{s}{s}}e
[95] Who{s}e bare out-brag'd the web it {s}eem'd
to were.
[96] Yet {{s}h}ewed his vi{s}age by that
co{{s}t} more deare,
[97] And nice a{ff}e{ct}ions wauering {{s}t}ood
in doubt
[98] If be{{s}t} were as it was,or be{{s}t}
[stanza 15]
[99] His qualities were beautious as
his forme,
[100] For maiden tongu'd he was and thereof
[101] Yet if men mou'd him,was he {s}uch
a {{s}t}orme
[102] As oft twixt May and Aprill is to {s}ee,
[103] When windes breath {s}weet,vnruly though
they bee.
[104] His rudene{{s}{s}}e {s}o with his authoriz'd
[105] Did liuery fal{s}ene{{s}{s}}e in a
pride of truth.
[stanza 16]
[106] Wel could hee ride, and often men
would {s}ay
[107] That hor{s}e his mettell from his rider
[108] Proud of {s}ubie{ct}ion,noble by the
[109] What rounds,what bounds,what cour{s}e
what {{s}t}op he makes
[110] And controuer{{s}i}e hence a que{{s}t}ion
[111] Whether the hor{s}e by him became his
[112] Or he his mannad'g,by'th wel doing
[stanza 17]
[113] But quickly on this {{s}i}de the
verdi{ct} went,
[114] His reall habitude gaue life and grace
[115] To appertainings and to ornament,
[116] Accompli{{s}h}t in him-{s}elfe not
in his ca{s}e:
[117] All ayds them-{s}elues made fairer
by their place,
[118] Can for addicions,yet their purpo{s}'d
[119] Peec'd not his grace but were al grac'd
by him.
[stanza 18]
[120] So on the tip of his {s}ubduing
[signature] K 3 [catchword] All
[page 74; signature K3v; inner
forme 10; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] A LOVERS
[121] All kinde of arguments and que{{s}t}ion
[122] Al replication prompt,and rea{s}on
[123] For his aduantage {{s}t}ill did wake
and {{s}l}eep,
[124] To make the weeper laugh,the laugher
[125] He hadthe diale{ct} and di{ff}erent
[126] Catching al pa{{s}{s}i}ons in his craft
of will.
[stanza 19]
[127] That hee didde in the general bo{s}ome
[128] Of young, of old,and {s}exes both inchanted,
[129] To dwel with him in thoughts,or to
[130] In per{s}onal duty,following where
he haunted,
[131] Con{s}ent's bewitcht , ere he de{{s}i}re
haue granted,
[132] And dialogu'd for him what he would
[133] Askt their own wils and made their
wils obey.
[stanza 20]
[134] Many there were that did his pi{ct}ure
[135] To {s}erue their eies,and in it put
their mind,
[136] Like fooles that in th' imagination
[137] The goodly obie{ct}s which abroad they
[138] Of lands and man{{s}i}ons,theirs in
thought a{{s}{s}i}gn'd,
[139] And labouring in moe plea{s}ures to
be{{s}t}ow them,
[140] Then the true gouty Land-lord which
doth owe them.
[stanza 21]
[141] So many haue that neuer toucht
his hand
[142] Sweetly {s}uppo{s}'d them mi{{s}t}re{{s}{s}}e
of his heart:
[143] My wofull {s}elfe that did in freedome
[144] And was my owne fee {{s}i}mple(not
in part)
[145] What with his art in youth and youth
in art
[146] Threw my a{ff}e{ct}ions in his charmed
[147] Re{s}eru'd the {{s}t}alke and gaue
him al my {fl}ower.
[stanza 22]
[148] Yet did I not as {s}ome my equals
[149] Demaund of him,nor being de{{s}i}red
[150] Finding my {s}elfe in honour {s}o forbidde,
[151] With {s}afe{{s}t} di{{s}t}ance I mine
honour {{s}h}eelded,
[152] Experience for me many bulwarkes builded
[catchword] Of
[page 75; signature K4r; inner
forme 10; compositor B-like]
[running title] COMPLAINT.
[153] Of proofs new bleeding which remaind
the foile
[154] Of this fal{s}e Iewell,and his amorous
[stanza 23]
[155] But ah who euer {{s}h}un'd by precedent,
[156] The de{{s}t}in'd ill {{s}h}e mu{{s}t}
her {s}elfe a{{s}{s}}ay,
[157] Or forc'd examples gain{{s}t} her owne
[158] To put the by-pa{{s}t} perrils in her
[159] Coun{s}aile may {{s}t}op a while what
will not {{s}t}ay:
[160] For when we rage,adui{s}e is often
[161] By blunting vs to make our wits more
[stanza 24]
[162] Nor giues it {s}atisfa{ct}ion to
our blood,
[163] That wee mu{{s}t} curbe it vppon others
[164] To be forbod the {s}weets that {s}eemes
{s}o good,
[165] For feare of harmes that preach in
our behoofe;
[166] O appetite from iudgement {{s}t}and
[167] The one a pallate hath that needs will
[168] Though rea{s}on weepe and cry it is
thy la{{s}t}.
[stanza 25]
[169] For further I could {s}ay this
mans vntrue,
[170] And knew the patternes of his foule
[171] Heard where his plants in others Orchards
[172] Saw how deceits were guilded in his
[173] Knew vowes,wer e euer brokers to de{fi}ling,
[174] Thought Chara{ct}ers and words meerly
but art,
[175] And ba{{s}t}ards of his foule adulterat
[stanza 26]
[176] And long vpon the{s}e termes I
held my Citty,
[177] Till thus hee gan be{{s}i}ege me :Gentle
[178] Haue of my {s}u{ff}ering youth {s}ome
feeling pitty
[179] And be not of my holy vowes a{ff}raid,
[180] Thats to ye {s}worne to none was euer
[181] For fea{{s}t}s of loue I haue bene
call'd vnto
[182] Till now did nere inuite nor neuer
[stanza 27]
[183] All my o{ff}ences that abroad you
[signature] K 4 [catchword] Are
[page 76; signature K4v; outer
forme 10; compositor B]
[running title] A LOVERS
[184] Are errors of the blood none of the
[185] Loue made them not,with a{ct}ure they
may be,
[186] Where neither Party is nor trew nor
[187] They {s}ought their {{s}h}ame that
{s}o their {{s}h}ame did {fi}nd,
[188] And {s}o much le{{s}{s}}e of {{s}h}ame
in me remaines,
[189] By how much of me their reproch containes,
[stanza 28]
[190] Among the many that mine eyes haue
[191] Not one who{s}e {fl}ame my hart {s}o
much as warmed,
[192] Or my a{ff}e{ct}ion put to th, {s}malle{{s}t}
[193] Or any of my lei{s}ures euer Charmed,
[194] Harme haue I done to them but nere
was harmed,
[195] Kept hearts in liueries,but mine owne
was free,
[196] And raignd commaunding in his monarchy.
[stanza 29]
[197] Looke heare what tributes wounded
fancies {s}ent me,
[198] Of palyd pearles and rubies red as
[199] Figuring that they their pa{{s}{s}i}ons
likewi{s}e lent me
[200] Of greefe and blu{{s}h}es, aptly vnder{{s}t}ood
[201] In bloodle{{s}{s}}e white,and the encrim{s}on'd
[202] E{ff}e{ct}s of terror and deare mode{{s}t}y,
[203] Encampt in hearts but {fi}ghting outwardly.
[stanza 30]
[204] And Lo behold the{s}e tallents
of their heir,
[205] With twi{{s}t}ed mettle amorou{{s}l}y
[206] I haue receau'd from many a {s}eueral
[207] Their kind acceptance, wepingly be{s}eecht,
[208] With th'annexions of faire gems inricht,
[209] And deepe brain'd {s}onnets that did
[210] Each {{s}t}ones deare Nature,worth
and quallity.
[stanza 31]
[211] The Diamond?why twas beautifull
and hard,
[212] Whereto his inui{s}'d properties did
[213] The deepe greene Emrald in who{s}e
fre{{s}h} regard,
[214] Weake {{s}i}ghts their {{s}i}ckly radience
do amend.
[215] The heauen hewd Saphir and the Opall
[catchword] With
[page 77; signature L1r; gathering
11; outer forme 11; compositor A]
[running title] COMPLAINT.
[216] With obie{ct}s manyfold ; each {s}euerall
[217] With wit well blazond {s}mil'd or made
{s}ome mone.
[stanza 32]
[218] Lo all the{s}e trophies of a{ff}e{ct}ions
[219] Of pen{{s}i}u'd and {s}ubdew'd de{{s}i}res
the tender,
[220] Nature hath chargd me that I hoord
them not,
[221] But yeeld them vp where I my {s}elfe
mu{{s}t} render:
[222] That is to you my origin and ender:
[223] For the{s}e of force mu{{s}t} your
oblations be,
[224] Since I their Aulter, you en patrone
[stanza 33]
[225] Oh then aduance(of yours)
that phra{s}eles hand,
[226] Who{s}e white weighes downe the airy
{s}cale of prai{s}e,
[227] Take all the{s}e {{s}i}milies to your
owne command,
[228] Hollowed with {{s}i}ghes that burning
lunges did rai{s}e:
[229] What me your mini{{s}t}er for you obaies
[230] Workes vnder you,and to your audit
[231] Their di{{s}t}ra{ct} parcells,in combined
[stanza 34]
[232] Lo this deuice was {s}ent me from
a Nun,
[231] Or Si{{s}t}er {s}an{ct}i{fi}ed of holie{{s}t}
[232] Which late her noble {s}uit in court
did {{s}h}un,
[233] Who{s}e rare{{s}t} hauings made the
blo{{s}{s}}oms dote,
[234] For {{s}h}e was {s}ought by {s}pirits
of ritche{{s}t} cote,
[235] But kept cold di{s}tance,and did thence
[236] To {s}pend her liuing in eternall loue.
[stanza 35]
[237] But oh my {s}weet what labour i{{s}t}
to leaue,
[238] The thing we haue not,ma{{s}t}ring
what not {{s}t}riues,
[239] Playing the Place which did no forme
receiue ,
[240] Playing patient {s}ports in vncon{{s}t}raind
[241] She that her fame {s}o to her {s}elfe
[242] The {s}carres of battaile {s}capeth
by the {fl}ight,
[243] And makes her ab{s}ence valiant,not
her might.
[stanza 36]
[244] Oh pardon me in that my boa{{s}t}
is true,
[signature] L [catchword] The
[page 78; signature L1v; inner
forme 11; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] A LOVERS
[245] The accident which brought me to her
[246] Vpon the moment did her force {s}ubdewe,
[247] And now {{s}h}e would the caged cloi{{s}t}er
[248] Religious loue put out religions eye:
[249] Not to be tempted would {{s}h}e be
[250] And now to tempt all liberty procure.
[stanza 37]
[251] How mightie then you are, Oh heare
me tell,
[252] The broken bo{s}oms that to me belong,
[253] Haue emptied all their fountaines in
my well:
[254] And mine I powre your Ocean all amonge:
[255] I {{s}t}rong ore them and you ore me
being {{s}t}rong,
[256] Mu{{s}t} for your vi{ct}orie vs all
[257] As compound loue to phi{{s}i}ck your
cold bre{{s}t}.
[stanza 38]
[258] My parts had powre to charme a
{s}acred Sunne,
[259] Who di{s}ciplin'd I dieted in grace,
[260] Beleeu'd her eies,when they t' a{{s}{s}}aile
[261] All vowes and con{s}ecrations giuing
[262] O mo{{s}t} potentiall loue,vowe, bond,nor
[263] In thee hath neither {{s}t}ing,knot,nor
[264] For thou art all and all things els
are thine.
[stanza 39]
[265] When thou impre{{s}{s}}e{{s}t}
what are precepts worth
[266] Of {{s}t}ale example?when thou wilt
[267] How coldly tho{s}e impediments {{s}t}and
[268] Of wealth of {fi}lliall feare,lawe,
kindred fame,
[269] Loues armes are peace , gain{{s}t}
rule , gain{{s}t} {s}ence , gain{{s}t} {{s}h}ame
[270] And {s}weetens in the {s}u{ff}ring
pangues it beares,
[271] The Alloes of all forces, {{s}h}ockes
and feares.
[stanza 40]
[272] Now all the{s}e hearts that doe
on mine depend,
[273] Feeling it breake,with bleeding groanes
they pine,
[274] And {s}upplicant their {{s}i}ghes to
you extend
[275] To leaue the battrie that you make
gain{{s}t} mine,
[276] Lending {s}oft audience, to my {s}weet
[catchword] And
[page 79; signature L2r; inner
forme 11; compositor A-like]
[running title] COMPLAINT.
[277] And credent {s}oule,to that {{s}t}rong
bonded oth,
[278] That {{s}h}all preferre and vndertake
my troth.
[stanza 41]
[279] This {s}aid,his watrie eies he
did di{s}mount,
[280] Who{s}e {{s}i}ghtes till then were
leaueld on my face,
[281] Each cheeke a riuer running from a
[282] With bryni{{s}h} currant downe-ward
{fl}owed a pace:
[283] Oh how the channell to the {{s}t}reame
gaue grace!
[284] Who glaz'd with Chri{{s}t}all gate
the glowing Ro{s}es,
[285] That {fl}ame through water which their
hew inclo{s}es,
[stanza 42]
[286] Oh father,what a hell of witch-craft
[287] In the {s}mall orb of one perticular
[288] But with the invndation of the eies:
[289] What rocky heart to water will not
[290] What bre{{s}t} {s}o cold that is not
warmed heare,
[291] Or cleft e{ff}e{ct},cold mode{{s}t}y
hot wrath:
[292] Both {fi}re from hence,and chill extin{ct}ure
[stanza 43]
[293] For loe his pa{{s}{s}i}on but an
art of craft,
[294] Euen there re{s}olu'd my rea{s}on into
[295] There my white {{s}t}ole of cha{{s}t}ity
I daft,
[296] Shooke o{ff} my {s}ober gardes,and
ciuill feares,
[297] Appeare to him as he to me appeares:
[298] All melting,though our drops this di{ff}rence
[299] His poi{s}on'd me, and mine did him
[stanza 44]
[300] In him a plenitude of {s}ubtle
[301] Applied to Cautills,all {{s}t}raing
formes receiues,
[302] Of burning blu{{s}h}es,or of weeping
[303] Or {s}ounding palene{{s}{s}}e : and
he takes and leaues,
[304] In eithers aptne{{s}{s}}e as it be{{s}t}
[305] To blu{{s}h} at {s}peeches ranck ,
to weepe at woes
[306] Or to turne white and {s}ound at tragick
[stanza 45]
[307] That not a heart which in his leuell
[signature] L 2 [catchword] Could
[page 80; signature L2v; outer
forme 11; compositor A and/or B]
[running title] The LOVERS
[308] Could {s}cape the haile of his all
hurting ayme,
[309] Shewing faire Nature is both kinde
and tame :
[310] And vaild in them did winne whom he
would maime,
[311] Again{{s}t} the thing he {s}ought,he
would exclaime,
[312] When he mo{{s}t} burnt in hart-wi{{s}h}t
[313] He preacht pure maide,and prai{s}d
cold cha{{s}t}itie.
[stanza 46]
[314] Thus meerely with the garment of
a grace,
[315] The naked and concealed feind he couerd,
[316] That th'vnexperient gaue the tempter
[317] Which like a Cherubin aboue them houerd,
[318] Who young and {{s}i}mple would not
be {s}o louerd.
[319] Aye me I fell,and yet do que{{s}t}ion
[320] What I {{s}h}ould doe againe for {s}uch
a {s}ake.
[stanza 47]
[321] O that infe{ct}ed moy{{s}t}ure
of his eye,
[322] O that fal{s}e {fi}re which in his
cheeke {s}o glowd :
[323] O that forc'd thunder from his heart
did {fl}ye,
[324] O that {s}ad breath his {s}pungie lungs
[325] O all that borrowed motion {s}eeming
[326] Would yet againe betray the fore-betrayed,
[327] And new peruert a reconciled Maide.