Appendix 6: TEI Header

<teiHeader type=text>
	|	 <titleStmt>
	|	|	<title>Shake-speares Sonnets< title>
	|	|	<author>William Shakespeare</author>
	|	|	<sponsor>Web Development Group, University of Toronto Library</sponsor>
	|	|	<principal>Hardy M. Cook and Ian Lancashire</principal> 
	|	|
	|	|	 <respStmt>
	|	|	|	<resp>Editor of text.</resp>
	|	|	|	<name>Hardy M. Cook</name>
				<resp>Editor of text.</resp>
				<name>Ian Lancashire</name>
	|	|	 </respStmt>
	|	|
	|	 <titleStmt>
	|	 <editionStmt>
	|	|	 <edition>RET 3, Version 1.0.
	|	|	|	<date>1997</date>
	|	|	 </edition>
	|	 </editionStmt>
	|	<extent>The size of the file in bytes.</extent>
	|	 <publicationStmt>
	|	|	<pubPlace>Toronto.</pubPlace>
	|	|	<publisher>Web Development Group, University of Toronto Library.</publisher>
	|	| 	<date>1997</date>
	|	|	<distributor>Web Development Group,
	|	|				University of Toronto Library.
	|	|	<address>	Robarts Library,
	|	|				University of Toronto,
	|	|				Toronto, ON M5S 1A5
	|	|				Canada
	|	|	</address>
	|	|	<idno type=ISBN>1-896016-00-6</idno>
	|	|	<availability status=free> 
		<p>Copyright 1997, Hardy M. Cook and Ian Lancashire.  
		This transcription and encoding are copyright to the 
		editors.  Commercial and non-commercial publishers 
		may use this text as long as they indicate in print that 
		it may be obtained on the Internet and in print from the 
		distributor named above.   All persons are hereby granted 
		unrestricted rights to copy these files for whatever purpose, 
		and to manipulate them afterwards howsoever, as long 
		as these persons acknowledge their debt to the copyright 
		holders of this edition, whether in research publications
		or in the course of preparing a different edition, and as 
		long as this header is not removed from this file at the 
		time that it is copied or transmitted from one person or 
		host to another.
	|	 </publicationStmt>
	|	 <seriesStmt>
	|	|	 <seriesTitle>Renaissance Electronic Texts.</seriesTitle>
	|	|	 <respStmt>
	|	|	|	<resp>General Editor.</resp>
	|	|	|	<name>Ian Lancashire.</name>
	|	|	|	<idno type="Vol.">3</idno>
	|	|	|	<idno type=ISBN>1-896016-00-6</idno>
	|	|	 </respStmt>
	|	 </seriesStmt>
	|	 <notesStmt>
	|	<note>
		There are five files in this edition:
		1.  Text File (TACT-encoded) 
			filename: WS.sonnets.1609.TACT.RET1
		2.  Text File (SGML-encoded)
			filename: WS.sonnets.1609.SGML.RET1
		3.  Introduction
			filename: WS.sonnets.1609.INTRO.RET1
		4.  .MKS file (for TACT-encoded text file)
			filename: WS.sonnets.1609.MKS.RET1
		5.  TEI Header (for SGML-encoded text file)
			filename: WS.sonnets.1609.TEIHeader.RET1
	|	 </noteStmt>
	|	 <sourceDesc>
	|	|
	|	|	 <biblStruct>
	|	|	|	<author>William Shakespeare</author>
	|	|	|	<title>Shake-speares Sonnets</title>
	|	|	|	 <imprint>
	|	|	|	|	<pubPlace>London</pubPlace>
					<printer>G. Eld</printer>
	|	|	|	|	<publisher>T. T.</publisher>
					<bookseller>William Aspley</bookseller>
	|	|	|	|	<date>1609</date>
	|	|	|	 </imprint>
	|	|	 </biblStruct>
	|	|
	|	|	 <notesStmt>
	|	|	|	<note>STC 22353, 22353a
	|	|	 </noteStmt>
	|	 </sourceDesc>

	|	 <projectDesc>Renaissance Electronic Texts consists of old-spelling electronic 
	|	|		editions of single manuscript or printed copies of early English works, 
	|	|		encoded in SGML and COCOA form for scholarly uses.
	|	 </projectDesc>
	|	<samplingDesc><p>This text is complete.</samplingDesc>
	|	 <editorialDecl>
	|	|	<correction status=low method=by tags>
	|	|		<p>The text has been proofread more than once against the original by
	|	|			someone other than the person who entered the text.
				<p>The only corrections appear in press or textual variants
					within double square brackets.
	|	|	<normalization>
		Old-style types, such as long-s, ligatures and contractions, have 
		been represented by special characters.  Spaces have not been inserted 
		to normalize word separation (e.g., after mid-line punctuation).  No 
		attempt has been made to identify damaged types or to distinguish 
		between the two dominant forms of Renaissance pica, S-face and Y-face.  
		No normalization has been done.
		In addition to the regular letters of the alphabet and entity references, the following 
		characters appear:
			{ae}		digraph
			{ct}		c/t ligature
			{ff}		f/f ligature
			{ffi}		f/f/i ligature
			{fi}		f/i ligature
			{fl}		f/l ligature
			{s}		long-s
			{{s}h}		long-s/h ligature
			{{s}i}		long-s/i ligature
			{{s}l}		long-s/l ligature
			{{s}{s}}		long-s/long-s ligature
			{{s}t}		long-s/t ligature
			{VV}		w made with two v's
			{ }		blank space
			|_e|		e-macron, abbreviation for "e+m/n"
			|_o|		e-macron, abbreviation for "e+m/n"
	|	|	<quotation marks=all form=data><p>
	|	|	<hyphenation eol=all>All end-of-line hyphens are represented by the string "\-"
	|	|	<stdValues><p>Dates and number values are not standardized.
	|	|	<interpretation><p>All tagging is descriptive rather than analytic.
	|	 </editorialDecl>
	|	 <tagsDecl>
	|	|	 <note>
	|	|	|	
	|	|	|	Title:		Shake-speare's Sonnets (1609)				
	|	|	| 	Series:		Renaissance Electronic Texts 3				
	|	|	|			Volume 3						

	|	|	|			There are nine files in this edition:				

	|	|	|			1.  HTML Text File (HTML-encoded)			
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.html			
	|	|	|			2.  SGML Text File (SGML-encoded)			
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.sgml			
	|	|	|			3.  TACT Text File (COCOA-encoded) 			
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.txt				
	|	|	|			4.  Introduction						
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.intro			
	|	|	|			5.  TACT .MKS file (mark-up file)				
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.mks			
	|	|	|			6.  TACT .TDB file (textual database file)			
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.tdb			
	|	|	|			7.  TACT .LST file (frequency and other lists)		
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.lst				
	|	|	|			8.  Database of Variant Spellings				
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.varspell			
	|	|	|			9. The Folger Shakespeare Library's Aspley copy		
	|	|	|				filename: sonnets.1609.aspley			

	|	|	|	Editors:		Hardy M. Cook, Department of English,			
	|	|	|			Bowie State University					
	|	|	|			Ian Lancashire, Department of English,			
	|	|	|			University of Toronto					

	|	|	|	Publisher:	Web Development Group					
	|	|	|			University of Toronto Library 1998				
	|	|	|			Toronto, Ont. Canada M5S 1A5				

	|	|	|	Copyright Notice:							
	|	|	|			(c)  Hardy M. Cook and Ian Lancashire			
	|	|	|			1998							
	|	|	|			ISBN 1-896016-00-6					

	|	|	|	Electronic Source:							
	|	|	|			Web site:	
	|	|	|			filename:	sonnets.1609.html			

	|	|	|	Copying Information:							
	|	|	|		This transcription and encoding are copyright to the 			
	|	|	|		editors.  Commercial and non-commercial publishers 		
	|	|	|		may use this text as long as they indicate in print that 		
	|	|	|		it may be obtained on the Internet and in print from the 		
	|	|	|		distributor named above.   All persons are hereby granted 		
	|	|	|		unrestricted rights to copy these files for whatever purpose, 		
	|	|	|		and to manipulate them afterwards howsoever, as long 		
	|	|	|		as these persons acknowledge their debt to the copyright 		
	|	|	|		holders of this edition, whether in research publications		
	|	|	|		or in the course of preparing a different edition, and as 		
	|	|	|		long as this header is not removed from this file at the 		
	|	|	|		time that it is copied or transmitted from one person or 		
	|	|	|		host to another.							

	|	|	|	Tag-set									

	|	|	|	1. Character Set								

	|	|	|		Old-style types, such as long-s, ligatures and contractions, 		
	|	|	|		have been represented by special characters.  Spaces have		
	|	|	|		not been inserted to normalize word separation (e.g., after		
	|	|	|		mid-line punctuation).  No attempt has been made to identify	 	
	|	|	|		damaged types or to distinguish between the two dominant 		
	|	|	|		forms of Renaissance pica, S-face and Y-face.  No 			
	|	|	|		normalization has been done.					

	|	|	|		In addition to the regular letters of the alphabet, the following 	
	|	|	|		characters appear:						

	|	|	|			æ or {ae}	digraph					
	|	|	|			{ct}		c/t ligature				
	|	|	|			{ff}		f/f ligature				
	|	|	|			{ffi}		f/f/i ligature				
	|	|	|			{fi}		f/i ligature				
	|	|	|			{fl}		f/l ligature				
	|	|	|			{s}		long-s					
	|	|	|			{{s}h}		long-s/h ligature				
	|	|	|			{{s}i}		long-s/i ligature				
	|	|	|			{{s}l}		long-s/l ligature				
	|	|	|			{{s}{s}}	long-s/long-s ligature			
	|	|	|			{{s}t}		long-s/t ligature				
	|	|	|			{w}		w made with two v's			
	|	|	|			  		blank space				

	|	|	|			|_e|		e-macron, abbreviation for "e+m/n"	
	|	|	|			|_o|		e-macron, abbreviation for "e+m/n"	

	|	|	|	2. Reserved Characters (all files)						

	|	|	|		less-than bracket, exclamation mark, and two hyphens		
	|	|	|				(invisible opening SGML comment delimiter)	
	|	|	|		two hyphens and greater-than bracket				
	|	|	|				(invisible closing SGML comment delimiter)	
	|	|	|		opening square bracket and closing square bracket			
	|	|	|				(visible HTML comment delimiters)		
	|	|	|		less-than and greater-than brackets					
				(COCOA tag delimiters)				
	|	|	|		double square brackets						
				(COCOA `ignore-comment' delimiters)		
	|	|	|		single brace brackets						
				(COCOA delimiters for special characters/ligatures)	
	|	|	|		double vertical bars						
				(COCOA: parts of hung-words moved to their 	
				proper line and position)				
	|	|	|		%		(separates two different words elided together)	

	|	|	|	3. Tags in HTML File							

	|	|	|	<b>...</b> [bold face, for comments]					
	|	|	|	<body>...</body>							
	|	|	|	<br> [line-break]								
	|	|	|	<center>...</center>							
	|	|	|	<f t="bk [block] |								
	|	|	|		c [capitals] | 							
	|	|	|		d [double] | 							
	|	|	|		i [italic] | 							
	|	|	|		l [lapidary] |							
	|	|	|		p [pica] | 							
	|	|	|		r [roman] | 							
	|	|	|		s [small] | 							
	|	|	|		SC [superscript] | 						
	|	|	|		t [titling] |							
	|	|	|		2 [2-line]">...</f> [omitted] 					
	|	|	|	<head>...</head>							
	|	|	|	<hr>									
	|	|	|	<html>...</html>							
	|	|	|	<i>...</i>								
	|	|	|	<p>									
	|	|	|	<sup>...</sup>								
	|	|	|	<variant source="..." |							

	|	|	|	4. Tags for SGML File							

	|	|	|	<app>...</app> [apparatus]						
	|	|	|	<back>...</back>								
	|	|	|	<bkdv1 gathering="1..11" 						
	|	|	|		t="quarto" 							
	|	|	|		in="4s">...</bkdv1> [book-division] 				
	|	|	|	<bkdv2 page="1..80" 							
	|	|	|		sig="A1r..L2v" 							
	|	|	|		side="inner | outer" 						
	|	|	|		forme="1..11">...</bkdv2>					
	|	|	|	<bkdv t="ln" 								
	|	|	|		n="1..2812">...</bkdv>						
	|	|	|	<body>...</body>							
	|	|	|	<bookseller>...</bookseller>						
	|	|	|	<closing>...</closing>							
	|	|	|	<compshift name="A | B | A-like |						
	|	|	|		B-like | A and/or B | 	[compositor-shift] 			
	|	|	|		unknown">...</compshift> [omitted] 				
	|	|	|	<docEdition>...</docEdition>						
	|	|	|	<docTitle>...</docTitle>							
	|	|	|	<f t="bk [block] |								
	|	|	|		c [capitals] | 							
	|	|	|		d [double] | 							
	|	|	|		i [italic] | 							
	|	|	|		l [lapidary] |							
	|	|	|		p [pica] | 							
	|	|	|		r [roman] | 							
	|	|	|		s [small] | 							
	|	|	|		SC [superscript] | 						
	|	|	|		t [titling] |							
	|	|	|		2 [2-line]">...</f> [omitted] 					
	|	|	|	<front>...</front>							
	|	|	|	<fw t="catch | rttop |							
	|	|	|		sig">...]</b> [forme-work] 					
	|	|	|	<gender t="m">...</gender> [omitted] 					
	|	|	|	<group>...</group>							
	|	|	|	<heading>...</heading>							
	|	|	|	<lang t="English">...</lang> [omitted] 					
	|	|	|	<mode t="p | v"> [prose or verse] 						
	|	|	|	<pmdv1 t="complaint |							
	|	|	|		sonnets" 							
	|	|	|		datecomp=	"">...</pmdv1> [poem-division]			
	|	|	|	<pmdv2 t="sonnet | stanza" 						
	|	|	|		n="1..154" 							
	|	|	|		rhyme="ababbcc | etc.">...</pmdv2>				
	|	|	|	<pmdv3 t="ln" 								
	|	|	|		n="1..327">...</pmdv3>						
	|	|	|	<printer>...</printer>							
	|	|	|	<publisher>...</publisher>						
	|	|	|	<pubPlace>...</pubPlace>							
	|	|	|	<rdg source=""								
	|	|	|		status="unclear">...</rdg> [reading] 				
	|	|	|	<RETbook author="" 							
	|	|	|		title="" 								
	|	|	|		date="">...</RETbook>						
	|	|	|	<signed>...</signed>							
	|	|	|	<text>...</text>								

	|	|	|	5. Tags for COCOA File							

	|	|	|	Variable		Type Of Tag		Value		Type Of Value	
	|	|	|			(Explanation)				(Explanation)	

	|	|	|	<author		author's name		Shakespeare>			
	|	|	|	<bkt		book type		addressee>			
	|	|	|						bookseller>			
	|	|	|						catch>		catchword	
	|	|	|						closing>				
	|	|	|						datepub>			
	|	|	|						dedication>			
	|	|	|						edition>				
	|	|	|						placepub>			
	|	|	|						printer>				
	|	|	|						publisher>			
	|	|	|						rttop>		running title	
	|	|	|						sig>		biblio. signature	
	|	|	|						signed> 		person's signature
	|	|	|						title> 		title of book	
	|	|	|						->		null		
	|	|	|	<bkdv		minor section		titlepage>			
	|	|	|						dedication>			
	|	|	|						->		null		
	|	|	|	<bkdv1		gathering		gathering1>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<bkdv2		forme			forme1>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<bkdv3		side of forme		inner>				
	|	|	|						outer>				
	|	|	|	<bkdv4		signature		sigA1r>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<bkl		line-no.			1>, etc.				
	|	|	|	<bookseller	bookseller's name	W. Aspley>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<compshift	compositor shift		A>, etc.				
	|	|	|	<datecomp	date of composition	1590-1609>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<datepub	date of publication	1609>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<edate		date of publication					
	|	|	|			of electronic text		1995>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<eeditor		editors of electronic 					
	|	|	|			text			>				
	|	|	|	<eplacepub	place of publication 					
	|	|	|			of electronic text		Toronto>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<f		font							
	|	|	|						bk>			block	
	|	|	|						c>			capitals	
	|	|	|						d>			double	
	|	|	|						i>			italic	
	|	|	|						l>			lapidary	
	|	|	|						p>			pica	
	|	|	|						r>			roman	
	|	|	|						s>			small	
	|	|	|						SC>			superscript
	|	|	|						t>			titling	
	|	|	|						2>			2-line	
	|	|	|	<forme		forme			inner>				
	|	|	|						outer>				
	|	|	|	<gender		author's gender		m>				
	|	|	|	<lang		language		lang>				
	|	|	|	<library		holder of source 						
	|	|	|			copy			Folger Shakespeare Library>	
	|	|	|	<mode		prose or verse		p>				
	|	|	|						v>				
	|	|	|	<page		page			1>, etc.				
	|	|	|	<period		era of source text		Renaissance>, etc.		
	|	|	|	<placepub	place of publication	London>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<pmdv1		poem			sonnets>			
	|	|	|						complaint>			
	|	|	|	<pmdv2		poem section 		sonnet1>, etc.			
	|	|	|						stanza1>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<pmdv3		poem line no.		1>, etc.				
	|	|	|	<printer		printer's name		W. Aspley>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<publisher	publisher's name		T. T.>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<rhyme		rhyme scheme  		ababcdcdefefgg>, etc.		
	|	|	|	<shelfmark	catalogue number 					
	|	|	|			for source copy		Folger STC 22353>, etc.		
	|	|	|	<sig		signature		A1r>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<STC		Short-Title 						
	|	|	|			Catalogue no.		22353>, etc.			
	|	|	|	<stitle		short-title		WS.Sonnets>, etc.		
	|	|	|	<tt		text-type			heading>			
	|	|	|						headingno>			
	|	|	|						text>				
	|	|	|						title>				
	|	|	 </note>
	|	 </tagsDecl>
	|	<refsDecl>
		<p> The standard citation for the poetry in the SGML/COCOA files 
		consists of the value of the <stitle> tag (the book name), the value of the 
		<pmdv1> 	tag (the name of the individual work, either the sonnets or the complaint), 
		the value of the <pmdv2> tag (the sonnet or stanza number), and the 
		value of the <pndv3> tag (the sonnet-stanza line-number).
		The standard citation for the physical book in the SGML/COCOA files 
		consists of the value of the <stitle> tag (the book name), the value of the 
		<bkdv1> tag (the gathering), the value of the <bkdv2> tag (the 
		forme), the value of the <bkdv3> tag (the inner or outer side of the 
		forme), the value of the <bkdv4> tag (the page), and the value of the
		<bkdv5> tag (the page line-number).
	|	|	 <classDecl>
	|	|	<taxonomy id="LCSH">
	|	|		<bibl>Library of Congress Subject Headings.</></>
	|	|	<taxonomy id="LC">
	|	|		<bibl>Library of Congress Classification</></>
	|	 <classDecl>
	|	 <variantEncoding method=double end-point attachment location=internal>
	|	|	<p>Only press variants are encoded in RET texts.
	|	 </variantEncoding>

	|	<creation><date>Unknown, ca.1590-1609</date></creation>
	|	 <langUsage>
	|	|	<language 	id=English 
	|	|	</language>
	|	 </langUsage>
	|	 <textClass>
	|	|	 <keywords scheme="LCSH">
	|	|	|	 <list>
	|	|	|	|	<item>Give first system keyword here.</item>
	|	|	|	 </list>
	|	|	|	 <list>
	|	|	|	|	<item>Give second system keyword, etc.</item>
	|	|	|	 </list>
	|	|	 </keywords>
	|	|	<classCode scheme="LC">No copy in Library of Congress.</classCode>
	|	 </textClass>

		<date>September 19, 1991 
		<name>Hardy M. Cook 
		<what>first release of sonnets 1-30 on SHAKSPER list-serve, 
		moderated by K. Steele 
		<date>February 1992 
		<name>Hardy M. Cook 
		<what>Two old-spelling versions of the Folger Aspley imprint 
		released on SHAKESPER fileserver (one tagged italic 
		fonts only; the other tagged sonnet numbers, line numbers, 
		and italics.
		<date>April 1992
		<name>Ian Lancashire
		<what>Proofreading, with corrections.
		<date>November 1992
		<name>Hardy M. Cook and Ian Lancashire
		<what>Cook produced the entire 1609 quarto, with "The Lover's Complaint," 
		with Lancashire's tagging.
		<date>December 1992
		<name>Ian Lancashire
		<what>MLA paper on electronic versions of Shakespeare's sonnets
		<date>January 1993
		<name>Hardy M. Cook
		<what>Second proofing of texts.
		<date>March 1993
		<name>Hardy M. Cook
		<what>First draft of Introduction; third proofing.
		<date>August 1993
		<name>Hardy M. Cook
		<what>Revised Introduction.
		<date>January 1994
		<name>Hardy M. Cook
		<what>Additional press variants.
		<date>July 1994
		<name>Ian Lancashire
		<what>Revised COCOA and SGML encoding of texts.
		<date>Nov. 1997
		<name>anonymous RET peer reviewer
		<what>Peer review of edition with recommendations for 
			revision before final publication.
		<date>Dec. 1997
		<name>Ian Lancashire
		<what>Created HTML edition of text; revised introduction;
			converted edition to World Wide Web.
