Exam support at the libraries

Looking for some support during the upcoming exam season? We’ve got you. Check out the exam support, services, and spaces to help you with the end of term available at the libraries, around and beyond campus, and online!

Extended library hours

Many of our libraries have extended study hours during the exam period. Check out Kelly Library, the D.G. Ivey Library, and the UTM library for 24-hour library access. Or, visit the full list of library hours to find the right library for you.

Online exam support

  • Take a look at the old exam repository to help you prepare for your exams (sorry, answers are not included!),
  • Connect with Ask Chat with a Librarian virtual chat service, which can help you with library-related questions and research right away,
  • Refer to this Exam Tips handout from Academic Success for more support.

"Unstudy" spaces & services  

  • Try out a light therapy lamp located in different areas around Robarts Library, if you're looking to brighten your days,  

  • Visit a Reflection Room, on the 8th floor of Robarts Library or Gerstein Science Information Centre (Floor 1 Below), with quiet space for meditation, yoga, and prayer,

  • Look for the “Unstudy Spots” at Gerstein (lobby), Robarts Common (1st and 4th floors), OISE Library, and Engineering & Computer Science Library for study tips, games, puzzles, and other activities to help you unwind,

  • Write a message on the Positivity Walls at Gerstein and Robarts Common where you can create a positive greeting for another student, or take one if you need some inspiration.

Social distractions 

Your mental health & wellness 

  • Connect with Navi, a virtual mental health resource wayfinder offered by U of T. This can be a stressful time in the term, so remember that there are services available that can support you,

  • Drop in to the Health & Wellness Peer Support and chat with a trained U of T student peer in real time.