Request items from other institutions (ILL)

If you've searched and are unable to find the items you need in the University of Toronto Libraries collection, you can request books, articles and more via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). We'll search institutions around the world and request a copy for you to view, borrow or download.


Eligibility  |  Place a request  |  Delivery time  |  Contact us


Current University of Toronto students, faculty and staff are eligible to submit requests free of charge. 

Research Readers, Alumni Research Readers and Associate Member organizations are also eligible to submit requests, but charges will apply to your library account upon arrival ($30 per item). 

Place a request

You can place an interlibrary loan request by signing into the LibrarySearch platform.  

If you already know what you need, place your request using the blank interlibrary loan request form.

Alternately, you can expand your LibrarySearch results to include items beyond the Library collection and place a request on any listed items not held by the Libraries

Looking to further uncover what isn't held by the University of Toronto Libraries? Try searching WorldCat, the world's largest library catalogue. 

Delivery times

It may take some time to find and obtain the item that is needed. Once found, electronic materials can typically be delivered to your inbox within the week, while physical materials may take longer depending on where the item is shipping from.

When logged into LibrarySearch, check My Requests for updates on the status of your request. You will receive an email when your requested material is available for pickup or download. 

If you need an item quicker than what can be provided, or if we're unable to locate the item for you, you may also try placing a Purchase Request instead. 

Contact us

Please see the Library FAQ for answers to the most frequently asked questions about Interlibrary Loan.

Resource Sharing Office, University of Toronto Libraries
Phone 416-978-2288 or email 

–Updated December 20, 2024