Why do I have to sign in to LibrarySearch?

LibrarySearch can customize your experience based on your interests and eligibility.  We recommend that you sign in every time you use LibrarySearch.

Signing in grants you access to the licensed e-resources that are only available to current U of T students, faculty, and staff.  

Current members of the U of T community can login with their UTORid and password. Alumni and other community borrowers* can login with the credentials provided to them. 

screen capture of a user account profile in the LibrarySearch interface

Logging in allows you to: 

  • Access full-text content, e.g., articles, books, if you are current student, faculty, or staff 
  • See which request and access options are available to you 
  • Check on your loans and requests 
  • Renew your materials  
  • Save items and searches to ‘My Favourites” so you can get to them later, and from other devices. 
  • View your search history 
  • Set up alerts for newly added materials 
  • Pay library fines online 

*Note that licensed e-content is not available to alumni and other community borrowers.  

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