Yes! Cut and paste the ISBN (for books) or ISSN (for serial publications such as journals) into the LibrarySearch search box.
If we have the book you're looking for, it will show up in the search results.
Notice that while this book is available in Robarts Library stacks, it is also available electronically via our current HathiTrust agreement. To see it electronically, click on the link and then login into HathiTrust with your UTORid and password.
If no book is found, check that you have the correct ISBN. If we don't have the item in our collection, you can borrow it from another library through interlibrary loan.
- ISSNs have a dash in the middle (e.g. 2210-6707), but ISBNs have no dashes.
- A book may have more than one ISBN (e.g. one each for hardcover and ebook versions)
- The library catalogue entry does not always contain the ISSN or ISBN number, so always try searching the title, too.