Shipping & Receiving, internal mail procedures

Campus Mail is picked up and dropped off every morning at approximately 6:45 to the University Campus Mail Room. If you follow the procedures below, you will be able to ensure that your mail is delivered properly.

Please sort your mail into one of three groups and group them together with an elastic band:

  • Robarts Library - includes all libraries in the Central Library System.
  • Campus Mail - includes all UofT campuses
  • External (Canada Post) Mail.

Campus Mail

Please note the following guidelines for Campus Mail:

  • Please ensure that you provide the department name.
  • When re-using envelopes please cross out the old address and do not use staples to close the envelope. Please use tape.
  • If items come to your deparment that do not belong to you, please mark address change clearly if you know what it should be. If not, please return to the Shipping & Receiving department with a note.
  • Letters may be sent without an envelope within the campus provided that they are folded as follows:
    • 8 1/2" x 11 in three
    • legal size in four
    • 4 or more pages in half

Please note that Campus Mail has a weight restriction of 30 lbs.

Inter University Transit System (IUTS)

This service is run by the Council of Ontario Universities at York University. It is used to send business mail and packages to other universities within Ontario and Quebec.

External (Canada Post) Mail