Instructor Information

Students applying for the University of Toronto Libraries' Patricia and Peter Shannon Wilson Undergraduate Research Prize require sponsorship from their course instructor.

Once a student fills out the online application, you will receive a notice to submit a letter of support. If you wish to submit a letter in advance of the notification, please answer the following questions:

1. How did the student's use of information sources (print and/or online resources) contribute to an exceptional assignment?

2. Did the student locate most of the key resources for this topic? Please explain.

3. How did the student use the sources within the assignment in an effective and innovative manner?

Please email your responses to by Friday, April 18, 2025, and include your student's name, your name, and course code.
This letter of support is required for your student to be considered for the prize.

Submissions will be judged based on how well students demonstrate:

1. Effective and innovative use of information sources, including the depth and breadth, as well as the types and formats of sources consulted.

2. Evidence of significant personal learning and the development of a habit of research and inquiry that shows the likelihood of persisting in the future.

In judging the prize, the primary focus will be on the evidence of the student’s research process, choice, use and application of sources, and personal learning, which will be summarized in the reflective statement. Consideration of the product of research, while significant, will be secondary.

A prize ceremony is scheduled for Friday, May 23, 2025, from 2-4 PM. If your student is a prize winner, you and your student are expected to attend and provide some remarks on your student’s research, except in cases of extenuating circumstances.