About DSS
Digital Scholarship Services at University of Toronto Libraries supports teaching and research using digital methods and tools. All UofT faculty, students, and staff can use our services.

Copyright & Licensing
- Fair Dealing
- Non-consumptive Use
- Collections & Licensing
- Consultations

Data Discovery & Cleaning
- Finding Data
- Cleaning Data
- Web Scraping
- Survey Tools

Data Visualization
- Visualization Software
- Consultations
- Workshops

Digital Collections & Exhibits
- Exhibits UofT
- Collections UofT
- Consultations

- Institutional Repository TSpace
- Open Journal Systems
- Open Access Compliance

Geographic Information Systems
- GIS Software
- Consultations
- Workshops
- Collections

Research Data Management
- Data Repositories
- Data Management Plans
- Consultations

Statistics & Data Analysis
- Statistical Software
- Consultations
- Workshops
- Collections

Text and Data Mining
- Access to Text Collections
- APIs
- Gale Scholars Lab
Hardware, Software, and Spaces
Digital research has specific hardware and software needs. The library supports these needs through the provision of computer labs, workstations, and a variety of software and equipment.
The library also has a number of specialty labs that provide computers with software installed that is not found on the general library public workstations. Consult the links for more details:
Discounted personal software licenses can also be obtained by U of T students, faculty and staff through the Licensed Software Office. Licenses include statistical software (SAS, Stata, SPSS), computational tools (MATLAB, Mathematica) and more. Individual academic departments may also have additional licenses available internally. For geospatial packages from Esri, contact the Map & Data Library directly through this form. More information about GIS software can be found here.
If there is a particular software package or piece of equipment you need for your research, feel free to contact us to discuss your request.
Robarts has several group study rooms that can be booked here.
Contact us
Contact us if you would like to book an appointment for consultation, schedule in-class instruction on software or methods, or ask a question about your research.