Undergraduate Research Prize Application Form

Contact Information
Academic status
Please check with your Registrar's office if unsure.                                             
Campus affiliation
Course Information
Project Information
Course Instructor Information
Must be a U of T email address.                                                         

Agreement & Signature

I agree if my work is selected for a prize or an honorable mention, to contribute materials to be displayed on the University of Toronto Libraries website following the prize reception and for deposit into TSpace, the University of Toronto’s research repository.

I will continue to retain copyright ownership of all materials submitted to the University of Toronto  Libraries in connection with this application, as outlined in the TSpace non-exclusive license and grant a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to University of Toronto Libraries to reproduce, distribute, and display the material in all forms of media in existence now or in the future. 

I agree
Submitting documents
Once you have completed this web form, you will receive an email prompting you to submit your reflective statement and assignment. Applications missing these materials will not be considered. If you have not received an email, please check your spam folder for a message from libprize@utoronto.ca.