How to Purchase Software

Software can be purchased online and downloaded from the web. If you have any questions see our Software Download FAQ. Most software packages are accompanied by license agreements specifying the conditions of use. Even with shareware or freeware, there may be some minimal conditions of use. Please see the Policies page for more information.    

Purchasing for Departments/U of T computers through uSOURCE   

uSOURCE is the University of Toronto's onine purchasing system.   

What you need: FIS numbers, a uSOURCE account.       
How you get the software: download (instructions on downloading your software)

If you are not currently set up on uSOURCE, please contact to get your user-role setup.

Purchasing for Individuals/Personal computers through    

What you need: credit card, access to a computer on the U of T network   
How you get the software: download after purchase